
时间:2019-05-15 06:44:19下载本文作者:会员上传



1.Some students earn some extra cash from part-time jobs.学生们可以通过兼职工作赚到一些零用钱。

核心结构:A earn some extra money from B


注:extra cash=pocket-money

2.Industrial particulates are mortally detrimental to one’s physique.工业悬浮颗粒对人的身体有致命伤害。

核心结:A be mortally detrimental to B


3.Some parents feel hemmed-in by their daily routines.很多父母感觉他们被工作束缚住了。

核心结构:A feel hemmed-in by B


4.Give-and-take is common in any relationship.付出与给予是人类社会中的一种普遍关系。

核心结构:A be common in any relationship


5.Youngsters are given to making mistakes.年轻人一定会犯错误。

核心结构:A be given to doing A一定会(做)。

6.Scientific developments have been fast and furious.科技发展业已一日千里。

核心结构:A be fast and furious A一日千里。

7.In the abstract, women are more easy-going.从理论上来说,女性更加和蔼。

核心结构:in the abstract 从理论上来说

8.A violent area is always the locus of poverty.一个充斥着暴力的地区总是贫困地区。

核心结构:locus 地点

9.It is too moralistic to condemn new lifestyles.谴责新的生活方式未免有些上纲上线。


1.it is moralistic to do(做某事)显得上纲上线。

2.condemn 谴责

10.The paranormal can be rarely explained.超自然现象很难得到解释。


1.A can be rarely explained A很难得到解释。

2.paranormal 超自然的/ 超自然事物

11.Retirees are always unprepared for the oncoming boredom.核心结构:退休者对于即将到来的枯燥生活总是毫无准备。

(1.A be unprepared for B A对于B毫无准备。

(2.oncoming 即将到来的

12.Massacres are often done by those unprepossessing loners.大屠杀的实行者总是那些不为人所注意的孤独者。

核心结构:unprepossessing 不为人所注意(关注)的

13.The suggestion is weighted against average students.这个建议不利于一般学生。

核心结构:A be weighted against B A不利于B

注:A be weighted against B


14.Conservative people are rather wedded to traditions.保守的人总是遵循传统。

核心结构:A be wedded to B A遵循B

“遵循”的其它表达方式:follow/ observe/ adhere to/ stick to/ abide by

15.The reason is not valid.这个理由站不住脚。

核心结构:valid 站得住脚的

16.The upshot would be win-win.结果将是双赢的。


1.upshot 结果

2.win-win 双赢的

17.The criticism is trenchant indeed.这个批评的确是一针见血.核心结构:trenchant 一针见血的

18.Trials and tribulations always lead us to success.历练与苦难总是会引导我们走向成功。

核心结构:trials and tribulations 历练与苦难

19.It is nothing but a piece of excuse.这不过是一个借口。

核心结构:A be nothing but B A不过是B而已。

20.Fairness is the keystone of legislation.公平是立法的基础。

核心结构:keystone 基础

21.Dying patients are not loath to end their lives.垂死的病人情愿结束他们的生命。

核心结构:A be not loath to do A情愿(做某事)

注:A be loath to do A勉强(做某事)

22.I obsess over those disabled children.我非常关注那些残疾儿童。

核心结构:A obsess over B A关注B

“关注”的其它结构:A be preoccupied with B/ A concentrate on B/ A be engrossed in B(通常指对于工作与学业的关注)/ A be dedicated to B(通常翻译为A致力于B)

23.We must bring perpetrators to justice.我们必须将违法者绳之以法。

核心结构:A bring B to justice A将B绳之以法。

24.I cannot tolerate the permissiveness in education.我无法容忍在教育当中出现的纵容行为。

核心结构:permissiveness 纵容行为

25.In the face of a plurality of cultures, I feel befuddled.面对各种各样的文化概念,我感觉头晕目眩。


1.in the face of 面对

2.a plurality of 各种各样的

3.befuddled 头晕目眩(文气用法,通常指对概念与观点的茫然、不知所措)

26.Torrents of youngsters flood into universities in frenzy.如潮水一般的年轻人疯狂的涌入大学。


1.A flood into B A涌入B

2.in frenzy 疯狂的(副词结构)

27.Teachers tend to be magisterial.教师们总会有些专横跋扈。


1.A tend to do A倾向于(做)

2.magisterial 专横跋扈的、权威的(反语或幽默说法)

28.When put in public eyes, the problem is magnified.在公众的眼中,问题总会被放大。


1.A put B in public eyes A将B置于公众视线当中。

2.magnify 放大(动词)

29.Offstage, celebrities do not behave differently from commoners.在日常生活中,名人与普通人的表现并无不同。

核心结构:offstage 在台下、在日常生活中(副词结构)



30.The rupture between two generations is caused by communication failure.两代人之间的隔阂是有沟通不畅造成的。

核心结构:rupture 隔阂


它最早被借用表示抽象关系还是在哲学专著《论道德的谱系》中。记得在4年前,北大的一些文学博士曾经拿周星驰的电影风格说事,讲他的电影是后现代主义风格。他们英文论文中曾有一个句子“His works mark the rupture between industrial and surrealistic works.”(他的作品标志着工业电影与超现实主义电影的断裂)。后来据星星自己讲“我就是想拍电影,没想成什么后现代主义大师。”

31.Much of pressure is self-inflicted.很多的压力都是自己强加的。


32.Many of trendsetters were not pioneers in their childhood.很多先驱者在他们的童年期并不是领袖。



33.Trepidation is usually caused by inferiority complex.恐慌感总是由自卑造成的。


1.trepidation 恐慌

2.inferiority complex 自卑感(情结)


34.It is hard for us to figure out the definition on an infant prodigy.我们很难得出天才儿童的定义。


1.figure out 得出

2.infant prodigy 天才儿童


35.No measures are infallible.方法没有绝对无误的。

核心结构:infallible 绝对无误的。

36.One’s childhood and adulthood are inextricable.一个人的童年期与成年期是不能分割的。

核心结构:inextricable 不能分割的

37.Some youngsters may commit crimes without rhyme or reason.一些年轻人会无缘无故的犯罪。

核心结构:without rhyme or reason无缘无故地(副词结构)

38.Human society develops invariably to a better state.人类社会总是向好的方向发展。



2.a better state 一个好的状态

注:大家看过The Day After Tomorrow吗?最近几年气候怪异,地球总发脾气。希望大家能够热爱地球,少用纸巾(facial tissue)、多用手绢(handkerchief)。注意环境保护(environmental protection)。否则说不定世界末日(Armageddon)很快就来了。

39.Rampant hackers are proud of attacking PCs skillfully.猖獗的黑客以能够娴熟的攻击个人电脑为骄傲。


1.rampant hacker猖獗的黑客

2.A be proud of B A以B为荣

注:很多的网络犯罪(cyber-crimes)不以为耻、反以为荣(see a crime as a pride)。不过,大家还是要小心被“烧香”。

40.In an extended family, sibling rivalry is rather obvious.在一个大家庭中,兄弟姐妹间的对立是很明显的。


1.extended family大家庭

2.sibling rivalry 兄弟姐妹间的对立

注:不知大家是生长在大家庭(extended families由三代或三代以上的人所组成的家庭。看过《我爱我家》没有?对!就是这种!太准确了!)还是小家庭(nuclear families由两代人组成的家庭)中?不过肯定不是丁克家庭(Dink,由两个冷酷的上班族所组成的无小孩家庭。)就对了。

41.Many of traditional beliefs are erased by new ones.很多的传统观念因新观念的出现而消失了。


42.While inveighing against the phenomenon, we must figure out solutions.在抱怨这种现象的时候,我们必须得出解决方法。

核心结构:inveigh against 抱怨、批评(有亵渎意味)

43.Some inveterate liars are born and brought up in violent families.很多有撒谎习惯的人都生长在暴力家庭中。

核心结构:inveterate liar习惯撒谎的人


44.Modern buildings are always pale in comparison to ancient ones.与传统建筑相比,现代建筑显得那么苍白。

核心结构:in comparison to A 与A相比

45.Large rambling buildings are piled in cities.高大的、杂乱的建筑被堆砌在城市当中。



46.A series of ramifications are bound to be found.核心结构:一系列的后果定会接踵而来。

1.a series of 一系列的 2.ramification 后果

3.be bound to do 一定会

47.One’s idiosyncrasies always developed from his childhood.一个人的嗜好总是从他的童年期发展而来的。

核心结构:idiosyncrasy 嗜好


48.One’s socialization may be encumbered by a multitude of factors.一个人融入社会的过程可能会受到很多因素的制约。


1.encumber 阻碍

2.a multitude of 很多的 “很多的”其它结构:

multifarious/ various/ a variety of / multifarious

49.Violent crimes are especially rambunctious in under-developed areas.在贫困地区,暴力犯罪尤其猖獗。

核心结构:rambunctious 猖獗的

注:美国有个纽约(又叫Big Apple),它由曼哈顿(Manhattan)、布鲁克林(Brooklyn)、皇后区(Queens)、布郎克斯(Bronx)和斯塔滕岛(Staten Island)五个区(Five Boroughs)组成。其中的布鲁克林就曾经是一个暴力犯罪rambunctious地区。

50.One’s savoir-faire is of vital importance to his success.对于一个人的成功而言,社会能力至关重要。


1.savoir-fair 社会能力

2.A be of vital importance to B A对B至关重要。






1.NO invention has received more praises and abuses than cars… Now there is a growing awareness over traffic safety.2.Although some people acclaim that… I am still prone to go along with the other side based on the following sound reasons.:

3.To embark on it, it comes as the first problem that...:

4.Should it remain unable to unfold my perspectives, it'll come as reinforcement that…

5.It is indisputable that nowhere in history has...been more visible.As far as I am


1.Recently the...has been brought into focus...Nowhere in history has the issue been more visible.In this essay, I aim to explore this complicated phenomenon from diverse perspectives, identify the relevant contributing factors and bring up some effective measures.2.As far as I am concerned, an array of integrated factors contributes to the...The first role that should be blamed is...Another equally important factor lies in… Last but not least...:

3.As a matter of fact,...gives rise to a host of problems, such as...Confronted with such a thorny issue, people come up with a variety of constructive countermeasures.Personally, the following are worth recommendation...:

4.When everyone is fully aware of the severity and take feasible measures, I firmly believe...以上雅思写作高分模板都是以句子为单位进行列举的,这样的话也便于考生们自由的组合,通顺的表达雅思文章的主题思想。




TASK 2: 高分范文一

Individuals can do nothing to improve the environment;only governments and large companies can make a difference.To what

do you agree or disagree?

Nowadays, an increasing number of people are concerned about environmental protection and regard it as one of the most important challenges.However, whether only governments and big firms have resources and powers to preserve our environment is a controversial issue.My view is that every single citizen could also make a huge difference.In the first place, it is clear that it is human activities that have the greatest impact throughout the history.Both environment contamination and conservation are the long-term process, and no single government or big company can meet this challenge alone.So whoever created the problem should be responsible for solving it;environment protection needs every one of us to continuously participate in.Moreover, the public’s wills and behaviors have critical influence on government’s policies and companies’ strategies.For example, if everyone says “no” to plastic shopping bags and paper cups, the companies that manufacture such products will switch to environmental-friendly substitutes in order to survive in the market.However, that is not to say that governments and large companies cannot positively contribute.Indeed, governments can enact laws and introduce programs to raise the public’s low-carbon awareness;companies can promote green products to change the public’s consuming habits.But they also need every citizen’s appreciation and support to bring good results.In sum, no effort is too small when we are protecting the environment.Meanwhile, local authorities and organizations must shoulder their responsibility to develop low-carbon economy at the macro level.Only by doing so can we assure that we could hand this beautiful planet to our next generation and the next generation after.TASK 2: 高分范文二-----Argumentation

The Internet has dramatically altered our lives over the past few decades.Although some of these changes have been negative, the overall effect of this technology has been positive.What are your opinions on this?

The Internet has brought significant changes to our lives in recent years.However, there remains some disagreement as to whether the overall effect of this technology has been positive or negative.While there are certainly valid arguments to the contrary, I personally believe that the benefits of the Internet far outweigh its drawbacks and these benefits are twofold.First of all, it is an indisputable fact that the Internet has revolutionized the way we communicate.Despite the risk of social isolation-a problem occasionally seen in people who spend too much time at their computer terminal rather than relating to people in the real world-most of us have benefited greatly from e-mails and Internet chat programs like MSN Messenger.These incredibly useful and powerful tools of communication facilitate both contact with loved ones in faraway places and global trade.Moreover, the Internet has placed the entire world(and all of the information in it)at our fingertips.In earlier times, conducting research entailed long hours searching library shelves.Now, however, the same information can be accessed at the click of a button.Admittedly, not all of the information available on the Internet is reliable or helpful-there is a vast amount of material online that some would consider offensive or dangerous, ranging from pornography to instructions on how to make bombs.Nonetheless, I would contend that this free flow of information has generally been a very positive development.By way of conclusion, I once again reaffirm my position that the Internet has had a positive impact on modern life because of its influences on communication and the flow of information.TASK 2: 高分范文三-----Report

With divorce rates and family breakdowns increasing globally, it is generally accepted that families today are not close as they used to be.Discuss the causes of this problem and offer some possible solutions to it.Divorce and family breakdown were virtually unheard of just 100 years ago.Now, however, almost half of all marriages fail.This phenomenon is symptomatic of the growing distance between family members in modern society.In this essay, I intend to explore the sources of this problem along with some possible solutions to it.Chief among the causes of this problem is the modern lifestyle.Today’s parents have to work harder than those of previous generations to support their families.Traditionally, one parent assumed the role of breadwinner, while the other-typically the mother-acted as the homemaker.Recently, though, double income families have become the norm.Consequently, an increasing number of children now grow up in a parentless environment.Little wonder, then, that they feel alienated.Another contributing factor is the passive and solitary nature of many modern forms of entertainment.In order to solve this sense of alienation within families, I believe we must first address its root causes.Perhaps the most effective method of doing this would be for governments to offer financial incentives to parents who choose to remain at home and take care of their families.Admittedly, such incentives would probably not fully compensate couples for lost income;however, they would at least soften the hardship of living on a single income and provide an alternative for parents who would rather remain at home but are unable to do so because of financial constraints.One further measure would be to promote more interactive leisure activities in the community through public education campaigns.In conclusion, I believe that this is clearly a problem of such complexity that no solution is likely in the short term.However, I believe that the measures outlined above would constitute a good first step.Successful sports professionals can earn a great deal more money than people in other important professions.Some people think this is fully justified while other think it is unfair.Discuss both these views and give your opinion.As a result of constant media attention, sports professionals in my country have become stars and celebrities, and those at the top are paid huge salaries.Just like movie stars, they live extravagant lifestyles with huge houses and cars.Many people find their rewards unfair, especially when comparing these super salaries with those of top surgeons or research scientists, or even leading politicians who have the responsibility of governing the country.However, sports salaries are not determined by considering the contribution to society a person makes, or the level of responsibility he or she holds.Instead, they reflect the public popularity of sport in general and the level of public support that successful stars can generate.So the notion of “fairness” is not the issue.While those who feel that sports stars’ salaries are justified might argue that the number of professionals with real talent are very few, and the money is a recognition of the skills and dedication a person needs to be successful.Competition is constant and a player is tested every time they perform in their relatively short career.The pressure from the media is intense and there is little privacy out of the spotlight.So all of these factors may justify the huge earnings.Personally, I think that the amount of money such sports stars make is more justified than the huge earnings of movie stars, but at the same time, it indicates that our society places more value on sport than on more essential professionals and achievements.In many countries, the proportion of older people is steadily increasing.Does this trend have more positive or negative effects on society?

In more and more developed countries we see the following trends: incomes rise, people get married later and have fewer kids.The result is the demographics change and the population ages.While having more old people sounds like a good thing(as they tend to be kind and warm-hearted), it can have a serious impact on economies and societies.Consider, for example, that in order for a country’s GDP to grow it needs to produce more goods and services each year.With an aging population and more people retiring, fewer are left to work, creating an economic hole.The result is that such countries have to rely on immigration to fill the gap and this is a less-than-desirable solution.Consider also, that as more people reach their twilight years they will face increasing health problems and this puts huge pressure on health care and other social programs.In most countries the government pays for at least some of the costs of health care, not to mention things like pensions, all of which means a big bill someone has to pay for.To be fair, however, we should be careful not to direct our anger towards old people themselves.Old people can still make contributions to society, whether it means helping look after grandchildren, working part time or even doing voluntary work.On an individual level, old people can be a real treasure.To sum up, governments should recognize the challenges of an aging society and take the appropriate action.But in addition to fixing the short-term impact of an older society, they should also look at the bigger picture and do their best so that in the future we have a better age balance.





例如:“竞争合作意识”应当被翻成“the sense of competition and cooperation”。

许多考生在情急之下,往往会翻成“competition and cooperation sense”





It’s 应该写成it is

What’s more应该写成what is more,Can’t应该写成cannot




1解决: Solve, deal with, cope with, handle, resolve, address, tackle

2损害: Damage, hurt, injure, harm, impair, undermine, jeopardize

3给与:Give, offer, render, impart, provide, supply, afford

4培养::Develop, cultivate, foster

5优势:Advantage, merit, virtue, benefit, upside, strength缺陷:Disadvantage, demerit, drawback, downside, weakness使迷惑:Puzzle, bewilder, perplex, baffle重要的:Key, crucial, critical, important, significant, vital, substantial, indispensable, imperative认为:Think, believe, insist, maintain, assert, conclude, deem, hold, argue, be convinced, be firmly convinced, be fully convinced保护:Protect, conserve, preserve

11确保:Assure, ensure, guarantee, pledge有害的: Bad, baneful evil, harmful, detrimental要求 :Request, demand, needs, requisition消除 :Eliminate, clear, remove, clear up, take away, smooth away导致: Lead to, bring about, result in, cause, spark off, conduce to, procure, induce, generate因此:So, therefore, thus, hence, consequently, as a consequence, accordingly, as a result, because of this, as a result of this增长至:Grow to,rise to,increase to,go up to,climb to,ascend to,jump to,shoot to

18降低至:Dip to,fall to,decline to,decrease to,drop to,go down to,reduce to,slump to,descend to,sink to,slide to

19保持稳定:Level out,do not change,remain stable,remain still,remain steady,be stable,maintain the same level,remain unchanged,be still,remain the same level,stay constant,keep at the same level,level off,stabilize,keep its stability,even out急剧地:Dramatically,drastically,sharply,hugely,enormously,steeply,substantially,considerably,significantly,markedly,surprisingly,strikingly,radically,remarkably,vastly,noticeably

21平稳地:Steadily,smoothly,slightly,slowly,marginally,gradually,moderately,mildly宣称:Allege, assert, declare, claim发生:Happen, occur, take place原因:Reason, factor, cause发展:Development, advance, progress有益的:Useful, helpful, beneficial, profitable, rewarding,advantageous影响:Influence, impact, effect

28明显的:Clear, obvious, evident, self-evident, manifest, apparent, crystal-clear

29占:Comprise, take up, account for, constitute, consist of, make up, occupy, hold, compose

30与…相比:Compared with,compared to,in comparison with,in comparison to,by comparison with,by comparison to

31对比而言:By contrast,in contrast,on the other hand,on the contrary=,conversely32展示:Show, reveal, illustrate, demonstrate, depict, present, represent, describe 33 大约:Approximately,almost,about,around,nearly,roughly

34波动:Fluctuate,go ups and downs,display a fluctuation,demonstrate a fluctuation 35事实上:Practically,in practice,essentially,in essence,in reality,in effect,in fact,as a matter of fact,it is a fact that

36换言之:Namely,that is to say,in other words,to put it like this,to put it differently,to put it from another way,to put it from another angle



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