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Unit5 Topic 3 Section B

The main activities are 1a and 2.本课重点活动是1a和2。

Ⅰ.Teaching aims and demands教学目标

1.Learn some useful words and expressions: question,Australia,easy,interesting,difficult,boring

2.Talk about likes and dislikes:Why do/don’t you like English? Because it’s easy and interesting./Because it’s difficult and boring.Ⅱ.Teaching aids:教具录音机/小黑板/卡片/图片/照片/投影仪

Ⅲ.Fivefinger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案

Step 1 :Review第一步复习(时间:15分钟)

1.(师生互动复习旧问候语。)T: Good morning,class.Ss: Good morning,Miss.../Mr....T: What day is it today? Ss: It is...T: What class are we having?

Ss: We’re having an English class.(提问全班男生。)

T: What time does the class begin? Boys: At...(提问全班女生。)

T: What time does it finish?

Girls: At...2.(分组讨论问题,复习有关科目、星期的特殊疑问句。)

T: OK,very good!Now take out your schedule,look at it and ask and answer in groups.取出一个小黑板,呈现以下问题:Questions:(1)How many lessons do you have every day?

(2)How many English/Chinese...lessons do you have every week?(3)What time is school over?

(4)What is your favorite subject?

(5)How often do you do outdoor activities? 3.(请一组同学到讲台上进行连锁问答,第一个人问,第二个人答,第二个人接着问,第三个人答。)

4.①(使用单词卡片教学生词question,Australia,easy, difficult,interesting,boring。)



T: Do you have any questions? Yes or no? Ss: No,we have no questions.(出示Australia单词卡。)

T: Australia.I come from Australia.(出示first单词卡,指着第一排的第一个同学。)

T: You are the first in row one.May I ask you the first question? What do you think of our school life?

S1: I like the school life.(出示last单词卡,指着这一排的最后一个同学。)T: Well done,you are the last one.May I ask you the last question? Do you like the school life?

S2: Yes,I like it,too.(出示easy和difficult的单词卡。)

T: Do you like math? Is it easy or difficult? S3: Yes,I do.It’s easy.S4: No,I don’t think so.I think it’s difficult.(出示interesting和boring的单词卡。)T: Do you like playing games? Why?

S5: Yes,I do.Because it’s interesting.T: Wonderful,then do you like learning about the past? S6: No,I don’t.It’s boring.③(用情景对话来复习巩固本课的生词。假设班上来了一个教师Mr.White,请一个同学扮演这个角色,大家来采访他,一个同学问一个问题,尽量用上新词。)


S1: Where do you come from? Mr.White: I come from Australia.S2: Are you a teacher? Mr.White: Yes,I am.S3: Do you like English? Mr.White: Yes,I do.S4: Why do you like English?

Mr.White: Because it’s easy and interesting.S5: Do you like Chinese? Mr.White: No,I don’t.S6: Why don’t you like it? Mr.White: Because it’s difficult and boring.Step 2 Presentation第二步呈现(时间:10分钟)

1.(设置并板书听力任务,让学生带着任务听录音。)T: Listen to the tape,make True(T)or False(F)for these sentences and correct them.(1)Ms.Jones comes from America.(2)She teaches English.(3)She teaches Grade 2.(4)She has twelve lessons every week.(5)She likes the school life.Step 3 Consolidation 第三步巩固(时间:10分钟)


T: Follow the tape and draw “up or down” with your pencil like this.2.(老师让学生擦去所标重读与语调,先自读,然后跟录音一起读,逐句核对语音语调。)

T: Rub them clean and read and check your pronunciation sentence by sentence.Let’s begin.3.(全班分成两组操练分别扮演新闻记者和琼斯女士,然后交换角色。)4.(全班跟读一遍,巩固一遍这个对话,为下一步表演作准备。)Step 4

Practice 第四步 练习(时间:5分钟)


T: One student acts as the news reporter and the other acts as Ms.Jones.Act it out.2.(把一张班上同学在看英语书的照片放在投影仪上。)

T: Look at the picture and answer my questions.What is he doing? Ss: He’s reading English.T: How often does he have an English class? Ss: Every day.T: Does he like English,do you know? S1: No,he doesn’t.T: Why don’t you like English?

Ss: Because it’s difficult and boring.T: What about you? S2: I like English.T: Why do you like English?

S3: Because it’s easy and interesting.(板书划线部分,以便学生复述。)


T: You are Maria,the tape is Zhou Yan,read the dialog loudly.4.(让学生做3。)

T: Listen and match the persons with the subjects and reasons.5.(全班活动,跟录音机有节奏地朗读这首诗。)

T: Math and biology are difficult.Step 5 Project 第五步综合探究活动(时间:5分钟)

1.(写一封信给你的笔友,介绍自己在学校喜欢的科目、学习的情况及原因。信里要涉及 以下问题:)

(1)How many lessons do you have every day/week?(2)What is your favorite subject? Why?(3)Who is your favorite teacher? Why?

(4)What do you think of your school?What about your school life?



UNIT 2 Keeping Healthy

TOPIC 1 You’d better go to see a doctor.Section A Section A needs 1 period.The main activity is la.Teaching aims and demands: l.Learn how to talk about illnesses.2.Learn how to give advice with should/ shouldnt.Teaching aims and demands: Step 1 Review

Play a game.1.I do, and you guess.The teacher does different actions or shows some pictures)Let students guess what illness she/he has.(They can use Chinese)Learn and master the words “ toothache”, “ cough, ”fever“, ” flu“.and ” headache〞.Understand the words “ backache” and “ stomachache”.Know about the word “ sore” 2.l say, and you do.The teacher says words of illnesses , according to which students do different actions to consolidate the new words.3.I do, and you say.The teacher does different actions.Students say them.in English.4.The teacher says, “I have a toothache.What about Kangkang?” Lead to the new lesson.Step 2 Presentation

1.Listen to la.Answer the following questions and check the answers.Learn and master “ dentist”.(1)Wha's wrong with Kangkang?

(2)What should he do?

2.Listen to la again.Ask students to follow it and do the actions.Master the following sentence patterns:

What’s wrong with you?(What's the matter with you?)

I have a toothache.l'm sorry to hear that.You should see a dentist.(You should go to see a dentist.)

3.Listen to 1a again.Ask students to follow it and imitate the pronunciation and intonation.4.Read1a.Act 1a out in pains.Finish la.5.The teacher and students find out the key words and sentences together.Ask studente to write them down on the blackboard.The teacher retells the dialog according to the key words and sentences first.Then ask students to retell it.(optional)For example:


B: What’s wrong with you?

K: toothache

B: I'm sorry to hear that should, dentist

K: think, will

B: hope.well Step 3 Consolidation

1.Using the pictures in lc and the following sentence patterns, the teacher and students make dialogs.For example:

Ss.What's wrong/the matter with you?

T: I have a cough.What should I do? Ss: You should see/go to see a doctor.Students repeat these sentences after the teacher and master how to express illness and give advice.2.Group work.Work in groups of three.One student pretends to be a patient and does the actions.The second one asks him/her what the matter is, then tells the third one.Consolidate the sentence patterns of expressing illnesses and giving advice.Learn and master the phrases “have a cold” and “take a rest”.Finish lb and lc.For example:

S1:(Do the action.)

S2: What’s wrong the matter with you?

S1: I have a cold.S2: You should see a doctor.S2: What’s wrong/the matter with him/her?

S2: He/She has a cold.Step4 Practice

1.Work alone.Ask students to read2 and match.Check the answers.Learn and master the new words and phrases “at night”.“coffee”.“tea”.plenty“.”plenty of and “lift”.Understand the meanings of “boil” and “boiled water”.Lead students to summarize and master the usage of “should” and “ shouldn't”.2.Let students practice dialogs in pairs according to2.Then act them out.Finish2.For example:

S1: What’s the matter with you?

S2: I can't sleep well at night.S1:You shouldn’t drink coffee or tea in the evening

S2:Thank you.I won’t.3.Work alone.Listen to 3.Let students number the pictures in 3 and write down the advice, using should/shouldn’t.Finish 3.S1:He/She should go to see a doctor.Step5 Project Make a survey in groups.Find out the causes of common ilesses in our daily life.Then think about what we should do or what we shouldn't do.Step 4 Homewok SB Page 28,Part 2.



Topic2 Would you like to cook with us ?

SectionA 一.Teaching aims: 1.Students learn some new words and sentences about the phone greeting.2.Students learn how to give suggestions in English.二.Moral aims: Students can use the new expressions to communicate with others in daily life.三.Teaching procedures: Step1.Guidelines New words:

free , up, West Hill, picnic, call , when , tomorrow , Useful expressions: 1.Hello, Jane.This is Kangkang.2.Are you free this Sunday? 3.What’s up? 4.Please tell Maria about it.5.I’ll call her.6.See you then.Step2.Lead-in

Step3.Listening 1.Listen to 1a and fill in the blanks(1b)2.Volunteers to present the results.





姜丽娜 Teaching topic : Unit



Teaching time :

日 一. 前提测评:(见学案)二. 教学目标:

⑴ Learn some new words and expressions ⑵ Learn key language points(难点)⑶

______________________________________________ ———————————————————————

三. 教学方法:自主学习()小组讨论()兵教兵()小组合作探究()四. 教具:多媒体.多媒体课件.英语电子教材光盘 五. 新课导入:

————————————————————————— ————————————————————————— ————————————————————————— ————————————————————————— 六. 自学思考题:(见学案)七. 教学过程:

⑴ ___________________________________ ⑵ ___________________________________ ⑶ ___________________________________ ⑷ __________________________________ ⑸ __________________________________ ⑹______________________________________



Homework: ⑴ Recite new words __________________ ⑵ Recite notebook __________________ ⑶ Do workbook _______________ ⑷ Do the paper______________ 十. 板书设计(知识点呈现):

around / all over / throughout the world 全世界 2 eating habits 饮食习惯 3 use sth to do sth 使用某物做某事

eg: Americans ____ knives and ___ ___ ___.4 two or more courses two or three 两三个 5 far away from..远离„ 6 at the same time 同时 in the northern part of „ 在„.的北南西东中部 southern western eastern central 8 pick up ⑴ 捡起.拾起

eg: She ____ ___ a stone and threw it at the window ⑵(车船)等搭载客人.驾车去接某人

eg: I will pick ___ you at your place at 8o’clock ⑶ 收到.接到 eg: My radio can pick up BBC English 9 other “其他的”+可数n复数:other students others the other 表示一定范围内,除去一部分,剩下的所有 ⑴ the other + 可数n复数= the others There are many students here, some are talking, some are eating.the other students / the others are singing.⑵ 一个„另一个„

十一. 课后反思:____________________________________


___________________ ____________________







一,引言...................................................................................................................................3 1.1目的.....................................................................................................................................3 1.2适应人群.............................................................................................................................3 1.3定义即‘联名卡’的属性......................................................................................................4

1.3.1 ‘联名卡’是储值卡...............................................................................................4 1.3.2 ‘联名卡’是积分卡...............................................................................................4

1.4 ‘联名卡‘的功能....................................................................................................................4

1.4.1 医疗功能.......................................................................................................................4

(1)“健康档案” 管理功能...........................................................................................4(3)免费体检.................................................................................................................5(4)免费理疗。.............................................................................................................5(5)免费门诊诊疗服务.................................................................................................5(6)免费培训。.............................................................................................................5(7)免费‘家庭医生’上门服务...................................................................................5(8)网上预约功能。.....................................................................................................6(9)20万元交通意外险................................................................................................6(10每日抽奖..................................................................................................................6 1.4.2 积分宝功能.......................................................................................................................6


2.1 参与人员............................................................................................................................6 2.2 办理....................................................................................................................................7 三,总结...........................................................................................................................................7






现仁爱医院针对这些人群,特推出‘积分宝仁爱医院联名卡’,开展各项优惠活动,主要是希望广大市民走在一起,共同关注身体健康,3 一起学习疾病健康知识,做到‘无病预防、保健,有病早发现、早治疗’。



1.3.1 ‘联名卡’是储值卡


1.3.2 ‘联名卡’是积分卡



1.4.1 医疗功能

(1)“健康档案” 管理功能。“健康档案”管理分为“基本信息管理、就诊情况管理、体检结果管理,治疗记录管理以及培训记录管理等等,“健康档案”管理系统应能直观的反映会员在我院的一切就诊 4 活动详情。使客户的每一次就诊,治疗,培训都记录在册,能使我院医生密切关注患者的健康状况,加强我院医生对患者病情的了解与掌控,更好的反应患者康复治疗的情况与进度。







(7)免费‘家庭医生’上门服务。在办理我院会员卡时,就已经为 5 您量身打造了一名‘家庭医生’,提供 24小时上门服务,随叫随到,随时为你解答和解决相应的疾病问题,做到‘送诊上门,送药上门,送服务上门’





1.4.2 积分宝功能



2.1 参与人员

仁爱医院会在驻马店市各街道、各社区、各乡镇派本医院的‘家庭医生’现身指导和讲解此联名卡的办理、开通、和使用等功能,以及在讲解的过程中宣传本医院的各项优惠活动,以及驻马店市中西医结合仁爱医院拥有先进的诊疗技术,获取广大会员的信赖。2.2 办理







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