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Prefix a=ab: from, away

• abnormal adj.反常的,变态的,畸形的 • abolish v.废除,终止(the law)• abstract adj.抽象的

• abuse v/n.滥用---alcohol/antibiotic

ad=ab • advance=from+before前进 • advantage

 ad=to, toward, • adapt v.= to + fit 使适应 • adept adj.熟练的

• addict v, 使沉溺于,使热衷于 • address v./n.地址,演讲;解决 • adhere v.粘着,附着=stick • adverse adj.逆反的

• adversity n.逆境,不幸,灾难 Adversity makes people wise.• advocate v./n.支持,拥护;提倡者,支持者/ advocator Sceptics and advocates alike do concur on one issue.1

anti-= against;opposite to

• antibiotic n./adj.• antibacterial adj.抗菌的 ;bacterium;bacteria • antibody n • anticancer adj.---drug • antiaging adj.---agent 抗衰老剂

• antipathy = against + feeling(反sympathy)• antiwar adj.• antisocial adj.不善社交的----behaviors • Antarctic adj./n.南极的,南极地区 • Antarctica n.南极洲

• antonym n.反义词/synonym同义词

• antivirus n.杀毒(软件)--software/computer viruses

auto=self, same

• automobile n./adj.汽车(的)• autobiography n.自传

• automatic adj.=self + thinking 自动的automatic door/transmission(自动变速器)

=instinctive(本能的),instinctive reaction • autonomy n.=self + government 自治区

• autocracy n.=self + rule;独裁,专制;democracy 民主

bene=bon=well, good与male反

• benefit n.• beneficial adj.• benefactor n.• benevolent adj.慈善的

bi =double;two

• bicycle • bilingual adj.双语的 • bilingualism n.• bilateral adj.双边的

circum-=around;round about=circu • circumspect adj.慎重的,谨慎的,小心的-(around + look)=cautious The banks should have been more circumspect in their dealings...那些银行在交易中本该更加谨慎的

She is very circumspect when dealing with strangers.• circumstance n.环境,情况,氛围,气氛=atmosphere/ surroundings/ climate/ environment/ situation She made it clear that under no circumstances would she cancel the trip.她明确表示,无论如何她都不会取消旅行

Under the circumstances, a crash was unavoidable...在那种情况下,撞车是难以避免的。

In the circumstances, Paisley's plans looked highly appropriate.佩斯利所拟定的计划在当时的情况下看来非常恰当 • circumnavigation n.环球旅游,周游世界navigate: to find the way • circuit n.一圈,一周,电路

There is an internal circuit breaker to protect the instrument from overload.内置有断路器,防止设备过载。

There's a closed-circuit television camera in the reception area.接待处有一个闭路电视摄像头。

The approach was intended to short-circuit normal complaints procedures.这种方法旨在避开正常的投诉程序。

The fire was started by an electrical short-circuit.火灾是由电线短路引发的。

• circulate v.流通,循环/circle/ blood circulation


• cooperate v.合作 • coexist v.共存

• coincide v.与-一致;符合 • cohabit v.cohabitation n.同居 • combine v.综合

• compose v.合成,component;decompose • commence v.开始.• commute v.通勤 • compile v.编纂,编辑 • collaborate v.合作=cooperate • collapse v./n.倒塌 • colleague n.=coworker • collide v.碰撞

• concentrate v.集中,专心 • conclude v.• concord n.和谐一致 • concur v.totally agree • confer v.赐予,颁给

 configuration n.=arrangement  confront v.v.(问题、任务或困难)降临,使面临 If you are confronted with a problem, task, or difficulty, you have to deal with it.She was confronted with severe money problems...Ministers underestimated the magnitude of the task confronting them.部长们低估了他们所面临的任务的艰巨性。

v.勇敢地面对;正视 If you confront a difficult situation or issue, you accept the fact that it exists and try to deal with it.We are learning how to confront death...NATO countries have been forced to confront fundamental moral questions.北约国家被迫正视基本的道德问题。(North Atlantic Treaty Organization)

v.使面对(有威胁性或困难的事)If you are confronted by something that you find threatening or difficult to deal with, it is there in front of you.I was confronted with an array of knobs, levers, and switches.我面对的是一大堆旋钮、控制杆和开关。

v.与…对峙;与…对抗 If you confront someone, you stand or sit in front of them, especially when you are going to fight, argue, or compete with them.She pushed her way through the mob and confronted him face to face...她挤过骚动的人群,与他当面对峙。

They don't hesitate to open fire when confronted by police...他们遭遇警察时毫不犹豫地开火。

The candidates confronted each other during a televised debate.候选人在电视辩论中当面交锋。

v.与…当面对证(或对质)If you confront someone with something, you present facts or evidence to them in order to accuse them of something.She had decided to confront Kathryn with what she had learnt...她决定拿自己了解的事实与凯瑟琳当面对证。I could not bring myself to confront him about it...我不忍心就这事和他对质。

His confronting me forced me to search for the answers.他对我的当面质询迫使我思索如何作答。 conjunction n.同时发生;连词

(事件的)同时发生,同地发生 A conjunction of two or more things is the occurrence of them at the same time or place....the conjunction of two events....a conjunction of religious and social factors.宗教因素和社会因素的并存  consume v.• correlate v.使相互关联 / correlation /correlate v./connect v.相互关联;极为相似 If one thing correlates with another, there is a close similarity or connection between them, often because one thing causes the other.You can also say that two things correlate.Obesity correlates with increased risk for hypertension and stroke...肥胖会增加高血压和中风发作的几率。

The loss of respect for British science is correlated to reduced funding...英国科学界不如以前受重视,资金也因此减少。

v.使显示联系;使相互关联 If you correlate things, you work out the way in which they are connected or the way they influence each other.Attempts to correlate specific language functions with particular parts of the brain have not advanced very far...人们试图把特定的语言功能与大脑的某些特定部位联系起来,这一努力目前还没有取得很大进展。

• correct v./ adj.contra-=contro-=counter=against contra-• contradict v.否认,辩驳contradict sb./yourself/ each other/

dict说/ dictation/ dictator独裁者


predict/ expect/ anticipate

contradiction n.•

contradictory adj.self-contradictory/ •

contrary adj.相反的 on/to the contrary • contrast 对比,比较,---difference/ compare similarities;/resemble/like/ as/

in(sharp/ marked/ stark)contrast to/ by contrast

contro-• controversy n.争论cause---over/about • controversial adj.有争议的=dispute对比argue/ refute(驳斥,驳倒)

a highly----topic • noncontroversial adj.counter-• counteract vt.:to do sth to reduce or prevent the bad effect of sth抵消;消除;---sth

E g.These exercises aim to counteract the effects of stress and tension.翻译:_____________________________________________________

• counteraction n./v.反作用,抵制 • counterbalance v./n 抗衡,抵消=offset • counterfeit n.造假;仿造品;假钞=fake 反genuine;artificial;/counterfeit money/ product

假冒伪劣产品中的假冒伪都是fake;劣是inferior反superior • counterpart n.职务相当的人,对应物

The Foreign Minister held talks with his Chinese counterpart.It is not a unique instance , but has its counterpart.无独有偶.It has no counterpart in the world.举世无双.de=down, down ward de=apart from, from • debate v.讨论,辩论,(打倒)(down +beat)• debris n.残骸,垃圾,碎片(down +break)• decay v./n.衰落,衰退,腐烂(down + fall)• decease.n./v.死了(走了)(away +go)the deceased • deceive v.欺骗(from, away + take)• decompose v.• decode v.• degenerated adj.• defrost v.去霜,去冰

• decline v./n.衰退,下降 / inclination =trend=tendency • deliberate adj.深思熟虑的(thoroughly + weigh)=intentional,/accidental • demolish v拆除,毁坏,推倒 • demonstrate v.证明,示范

• depict v.绘画,描写(down fully +paint)• defy v.不服从,公然反抗

• devoid adj.缺乏的,没空的,空的,缺的(from + empty)/avoid The face is entirely devoid of expression /feeling.The man's voice was devoid of inflection.那人的声音缺少抑扬变化 • devote v.专心从事,致力于,奉献(from +vow)Faculty members devote most of their time to scholarly research.全院教师大部分时间都用来从事学术研究。


• dialogue n.between speech;monologue • diagnosis n.诊断;between knowledge;ignorant • diagram n.图表,图样;through write • dialect n.方言

• diameter n.直径;through measure

dis=apart, away, not 变化形de-des-di-dif-s-• disabled adj.• disable v.(deprive of + capacity)• disagree v.• disapprove v.不赞成,反对

• disaster n./ disastrous adj./accident/ catastrophe /calamity • discard v.丢弃,抛弃=get rid of =eliminate Read the manufacturer's guidelines before discarding the box.在丢掉盒子前先看一下制造商的使用说明

Einstein had the courage to discard common sense and long-established theory.爱因斯坦敢于抛弃常识和长期公认的理论 • discontent n.不满,不平;adj.不满意的=dissatisfied;v.使不满

An independent opinion poll published today shows growing discontent with the government.今天发表的一项独立民意测验表明民众对政府的不满正与日俱增。

• • • • discontinue v.discourage v./encourage discord v./n.(apart + heart)=disagreement, argument, 不一致,不合 concord n.a state of peaceful agreement.和谐,协调;(语法,一致)

They expressed the hope that he would pursue a neutral and balanced policy for the sake of national concord.他们希望,为了国家的和谐,他会奉行中立、不偏不倚的政策。

• accord v.使和谐,n.和谐,本田

In many cases the disease will clear up of its own accord.这种病很多情况下会自愈。

• discredit v.(not + to believe)使不可置信,毁坏…的名声 The photos were deliberately taken to discredit the President.这些蓄意拍摄的照片旨在败坏总统的名声。

• discrepancy n.矛盾,不一致,不符noticeable differences the discrepancy between press and radio reports A greater cause for resentment is the discrepancy in pay.导致愤怒的更主要原因是报酬上的差异.• discriminate v.区分;辨别 recognize the difference between= distinguish

The device can discriminate between the cancerous and the normal cells.这台仪器可以辨别癌细胞和正常的细胞。

区别对待;歧视;偏袒 To discriminate against a group of people or in favour of a group of people means to unfairly treat them worse or better than other groups.11

They believe the law discriminates against women....legislation which would discriminate in favour of racial minorities...偏袒少数种族的立法 • disease n./easy/ease/facility • disguise v.(apart + manner, fashion)v/n.乔装,伪装,掩盖 You'll have to travel in disguise 造句:古代皇帝经常乔装出行。_______________________________________ She disguised herself as a man so she could fight on the battlefield.她女扮男装,这样就可以上战场了。

Their healthy image disguises the fact that they are highly processed foods...它们看上去有益健康,实则掩盖了其为精加工食品这一事实 • disgust n.(apart + taste)n./v.恶心,厌恶,使反感 • dishonest adj.• disillusion v.使幻想破灭;n幻灭/disillusioned adj.大失所望,幻觉破灭 • dismiss v.(away +send)解散,开除

The Prime Minister has the power to dismiss and appoint senior ministers.首相有权任免高级部长。• displace v.(deprived of + place)取代,替换;迫使…离开家园,• replace…with 把…放回原位,用…替换

Coal is to be displaced by natural gas and nuclear power.煤炭将让位于天然气和核能

These factories have displaced tourism as the country's largest source of foreign exchange...这些工厂已取代旅游业成为该国最大的外汇来源

...the task of resettling refugees and displaced persons.重新安置难民和无家可归者的任务 • display v./n展示,展览,陈列=show=exhibit The most pleasurable experience of the evening was the wonderful fireworks display.这个晚上最让人高兴的就是精彩的焰火表演。...gymnastic displays.体操表演

The cabinets display seventeenth-century blue-and-white porcelain.展柜中陈列着17世纪的青花瓷 • dispose v.(apart +place)处理,处置,安排;排列,布置/ deal with/ throw away They have no way to dispose of the hazardous waste they produce.他们没有办法处理掉自己产生的有害废料。造句:他不知道怎么处理自己的空闲时间。

______________________________________________________________________.• expose v.揭露,揭发;使暴露,使遭受 expose to =subject to A wise mother never exposes her children to the slightest possibility of danger.明智的母亲决不会让她的孩子置身于一丁点儿危险之中。

• disregard v.(not+ again +watch)v/n.忽视,不顾,不理=ignore disregard human rights 他对主管层的建议置若罔闻(executives/supervisors)______________________________ • disrupt v.(apart + break)使分裂,使中断

The drought has severely disrupted agricultural production 13

.The effect was to disrupt the food chain, starving many animals and those that preyed n on them.其结果就是破坏食物链,使很多动物和那些以捕食它们为生的动物饿死 • interrupt v.打断(某人),中断,暂停,妨碍

The birth of her two daughters failed to interrupt her career.• • • • • • dissolve v.溶解(apart + loosen)distract v.分心,转移/attract v./ extract v, distribute v.分配,分发,散布 dessert n.(apart, away + serve)甜点

digest v.消化,了解,领悟;文摘,摘要(读者)diminish v.减小,减弱

我们应尽力减少生产成本:_____________________________________________________ • differ v.scientists with differing attitudes… • diffuse v.传播散布

Over time, the technology is diffused and adopted by other countries.久而久之,这项技术传播到了其他国家并得到利用。• diffusion

...the development and diffusion of ideas.思想的发展和传播 • diverge v.分歧,差异

When the aims of the partners begin to diverge, there's trouble.当合作伙伴的目标开始出现分歧时,麻烦就产生了。•

diverse adj./diversity/ diversify

• divert v.转移注意力,divert one’s attention from;

转移资金,divert money/resources;使绕道,使转向,divert vehicles or travellers


• enclose v.=close in 围绕,包含 • encompass v.围绕,包含 • encounter v.对抗,遭遇 • engage v.雇佣;从事忙于,订婚

• engrave v.in +cut 雕刻,铭记=inscribe/ inscription • enhance v.=improve(生活水平)• enlighten v.开导,教化=give light to 放在名词或者形容词前/后,使其具有动词含义 • enlarge v.• enrich v.• enable v, • encourage • enroll • entitle 使有资格

• empower v.give power to授权给 • embrace v./n拥抱/bracelet 手镯 • shorten • sharpen

• lessen • lighten • strengthen • threaten

ex=fully;out of 变化型a-.e-,ec-,ef-,es-,iss-,s-• exacerbate v.=worsen 使 恶化,加剧 • exaggerate v.=overstate夸张,夸大

• exceed v.;excessive adj.;excess超过,超越 • excel v.优于,胜过,擅长

• except v.除外prep, conj.• excerpt n.摘录

• exchange v.=swap=share交换,互换 • exclude v.除去,排外;include • exhaust v.用尽,用竭 • exhibit v.=show=expose • exorbitant adj.过分的charge …rate • exotic adj.=foreign • expand v.=out +spread;expansion • expect v.=out + look • explicit adj.=out +folded;明确的; implicit 暗含的• expose v.out +place暴露,展览,陈列

• external adj.外部的interior access to top • extrude v逐出,挤出.intrude=invade , evade=escape • edit v.=give out =publish编辑 • eject v(out +throw)喷出,投出

• elaborate adj.精巧的,复杂的;v.用心经营,(e(fully)+labor + ate)• elapse v.(时间)溜走,流逝(e=ex(away)+lapse(glide))/collapse倒塌• elect v.(out + choose)/collect 收集 • eliminate v.除去,淘汰 • erupt v.(out + break)• evoke v.唤起,引起out+call • eccentric adj.古怪的,乖僻的

homo-=same • homosexual adj.同性恋的 • homogeneous adj.同类的,相似的

in-im-=in, into, on • invade v.入侵

• inborn adj.=innate adj.天生的;天赋的 • incentive adj./n.刺激的,刺激,诱因 • incident n./adj.事件

• incline v.=toward + lean = tend to 爱好,倾向于,inclination • individual adj.= in divide 个人的,个体的

• indoor adj./outdoor adj.• induce v.=toward+ lead 劝说,诱导;/persuade v.• inhibit v.抑制,/inhabit v./habit • inherit v./ heritage n 继承

• innovate v./ 改革,革新innovative / novel;innovation • inquire v.investigate调查 • inscribe v.=write +upon 题/铭刻 • insect n.=pest昆虫

cide =killer • insecticide • insert v.插入,潜入 ;insertion • insight n.the power of seeing into洞察力 • inspect v.in + look检查,检阅/respect/prospect • intuition n.直觉,洞察力/tuition • invest v.投资 • investigate v.• involve v.in +roll包括,影响,牵连 • illuminate v.=light up;enlighten • illustrate v.illustration n.举例 • illusion n.幻觉

• immigrate v.移民emigrate/migrate • impair v.=make worse 损害,伤害 • imply v.包含,暗示

• implement v.=carry out;n.=tools…agricultural /fishing…18

• impose v.强制实施 imposition(law/rule/tax)A new tax was imposed on fuel.• import v.进口,输入export • impoverish v.=make poor;impoverished/poverty-stricken • irrigate v.灌溉 over-irrigation n.;evaporate;salinate;salinity • inflame v.使愤怒,使激动;使发炎 • inflate v.inflation通货膨胀 • influence v./n.in/im/il/ir=not • inaccessible adj.不能进入的,不能接近的 • inaccurate 不精确的 • incorrect • inadequate=not enough • inappropriate not suitable • incapable= not able • inconsistent 不一致的lack of consistency • inconstant =not+ constant/(not change)多变的 • inconvenient 不方便的

• indigestion n.消化不良 digest/ digestive • ineffective 没有效果的 • inefficient无效的

• inequality n.不平等equal/equality • infamous=notorious=well known

• inflexible(timetable/person)• insecure 不安全的

• insignificant 不重要的,无意义的 • invaluable 无价的,非常珍贵的 • invisible 看不见的

• invulnerable 不会受伤的vulnerable / vulnerability • ignorant=not+ know • illegal:against the law • illegible :unable to read • illegitimate不合法的,私生的

• illiterate=

literature;literacy • immature未成熟的

• immeasurable(大到)不可测量的 • immodest 无礼的

• impartial 公平的unbiased=fair=equal • impractical 不切实际的 • immoral不道德的

• immortal不朽的,永世的,不朽人物,神immortality;mortal/ mortality • insoluble 不溶的/ dissolved(salt)• irrelative不相关的 • irrelevant无关的

• irresistible不可抵制的/resist/resistant/resistance • irresponsible

un=not • unalterable adj.alter • unattended adj.无人看管的

• unavailable adj.达不到的,不能利用的 • unaware adj.未觉察到的,不知道的 • unconscious adj.没意识到的 • unbiased adj.=fair • undeniable adj.不可否认的,无可争辩的deny • undesirable adj.不受欢迎的 • unfortunate(ly)=unlucky • unintentional adj.不是故意的 intend;intentional/deliberate • unreliable adj.rely=depend on;reliable • unyielding adj.坚定不移的,不屈不挠的;坚固的,坚硬的 yield=output His unyielding attitude on this subject was that since he had done it, so could everyone.在这件事上他态度很坚决:既然他做到了,别人也能做到

He sat on the edge of an unyielding armchair, a cup of tea in his hand.他坐在一张坚固的扶手椅的椅边上,手里端着一杯茶。un放到动词前面,意思是把这个动作倒回去 • unload v.• unlock v.• unfold v • unpack v.• unsettle v.使紊乱,使不安定 unsettled adj./settled down • unwrap v.mal=badly =ill • malfunction n/v.故障,出毛病 • maltreat v.虐待 • malaria n.疟疾

• malefactor 犯罪者,恶徒 /benefactor 恩人 • malnutrition.营养不良

• malnourished a.营养不良的,营养失调的/undernourished

mis-=badly =ill =wrong • mistake/mistaken view • misconception /concept • mislead v.• misinterpret v.= misunderstand • mistrust v/n.不信任,怀疑

non-=not • nonstop a.不停地,直达的 • nonsense n胡说,无意义的话

Most orthodox doctors however dismiss this as complete nonsense.但大多数传统的医生认为此说法完全是胡说八道 • nonverbal a.非语言表达的nonverbal behaviors

Nonverbal communication for classroom teaching also arouses the interest of scholars.22

inter=between=among 变化型:enter,intel • interchange v.交流(思想),交换(位置)

The interchange of ideas aids an understanding of family dynamics.思想的交流有助于理解家庭动态

She likes to interchange her furnishings at home with the stock in her shop.她想要把家里的家具与店里的存货调换一下 • exchange=swap • interrupt v.• intervene v.干涉,介入

The Government is doing nothing to intervene in the crisis.政府没有采取任何行动对这次危机进行干预。

The security forces had to intervene to prevent the situation worsening.安全部队不得不介入,以防止局势进一步恶化。• interfere v.干预,妨碍

Smoking and drinking interfere with your body's ability to process oxygen.The UN cannot interfere in the internal affairs of any country.联合国不能干涉任何国家的内政。• international adj.• intercontinental adj.• interstate adj.洲际的

• intercity express城市间的快速列车/EMS • interplay n.相互作用

• interlock v.• interact v.合作交流,沟通 • interaction n.• interview v/n.• interior a.内部的 interior access to top • interpret v.解释,口译

• enterprise n事业,企业,进取心 • entertain v.款待,使娱乐 • intelligence n./AI


• microbe=a small living thing微生物 • microcosm n.小宇宙,缩图 • microscope n.显微镜 • microwave n.• microphone n.mono=one=alone/single/sole • monocycle • monolingual adj./n只会一种语言的人/bilingual • monologue独白/dialogue • monopoly n.垄断 • monoculture n.• monk n.和尚,僧人

adj./n 24

mult(i)=many/much •

multicultural adj.多种文化的 • multiform adj.• multimedia adj.• multiply v.乘

• polycentric adj.多中心的

ob-=at;against;before;near;over;toward ob-=oc-=o-=of-=op-=os-• object v.反对,拒绝n.物体,目标;subject/ subjective/objective(object=toward, against+ throw)• obstacle n.障碍物=barrier(against, over +stand)Eg, The blind can use the echoes of their footsteps and of other sounds to sense the presence of obstacles.• obscure adj.unknown or known by a few people;difficult to understand 模糊的,不清楚的 • obstruct v.阻碍,遮蔽,妨碍=block(over/ against + build)/ structure/construct 造句:当你感冒时,你的嗅觉被堵塞,你的味觉会急剧下降。• opponent n..(名词)对手,反对者,敌手

adversary, opponent,competitor,enemy,foe,rival adversary意为“对手,反对者”,可指“反对的一方”,也可指敌人




foe: 语气较强,多用于书面文字和诗歌中,指不仅敌对,而且危险,怀有很深的敌意。

rival:指与某人目标一致而想赶上或超过他的人,匹敌者。• oppose v.反对,反抗,使对立

They opposed the government's new policies.• oppress v.使烦恼,使意气消沉,使气馁; =depressed压迫,压制;虐待,欺侮

He states uncompromisingly that he is opposed to any practices which oppress animals.他坚决声明反对任何虐待动物的行为 A good ruler will not oppress the poor.• oblige v.迫使,强制 be obliged to do sth.The storm got worse and worse.Finally, I was obliged to abandon the car and continue on foot...• obtain v.=get or achieve(near, close to + hold); exist Evans was trying to obtain a false passport and other documents...埃文斯正试图取得一本假护照和其他证件。

The perfect body has always been difficult to obtain.• • obvious adj.清楚地,明显的

obedient adj.服从的,顺从的(ob + edi(hear)+ent(adj))He was very respectful at home and obedient to his parents...他在家里对父母十分恭敬顺从。

.He was always obedient to his father's wishes.他一向顺从父亲的意愿。

Their early training programmes them to be obedient and submissive.他们早期受过的教育把他们训练得俯首帖耳、唯命是从 • omit v.=let go 略去,遗漏,疏忽;删掉

In writing telegrams, omit

superfluous /redundant words.写电报稿要省去不必要的文字 • • occasion n./ on one occasion有一次/on occasion偶尔,有时 /occasional adj.occupy v.占领; 使用,住在…; 使从事,使忙碌,担任…职务

occupation = profession=career=vocation / engage=hire Keep the brain occupied...保持大脑全神贯注。

I had forgotten all about it because I had been so occupied with other things.因为忙于其他事情,我把这件事忘得精光。

Social status is largely determined by the occupation of the main breadwinner.社会地位很大程度上是由家里经济支柱的职业决定的。Please state your name, age and occupation below.• occur v.=happen, exist,to think(toward + run)/ occurrence/ current n./adj水流,目前的current account/affair Unless you respect other people's religions, horrible mistakes and conflict will occur.It did not occur to me to check my insurance policy...我没有想到要核实我的保险单条款。

It occurred to me that I could have the book sent to me...我想到可以让人把书寄给我。•

offer v./n 提供,呈现offer to do(near + carry)

out=beyond/ out超越,胜过

• outdoor adj.户外的 • outline n.外形,• outside adj.adv.n.外面 • outstanding adj.• outweigh v.比…重

将动词短语..out 颠倒过来,构成一个单词,是原短语的名词形式。• break out 爆发

outbreak爆发 • come out(出现)

outcome结果 • cry out高声呼喊

outcry叫喊,抗议 • fit out装备

outfit n.全套服装 • lay out



支出,花费 • look out小心

outlook 展望,见解 • put out出产

output 产品,产量 • set out 出发,开始

outset 着手,最初

over =above=across=beyond • overbridge =overpass天桥 • overburden v.使负担过重 • overeat v./ overdrink v.• oversleep v.• overdo=overwork

• overcrowded adj.• overhang v./n The verb is pronounced /ˌəʊvə'hæŋ/.The noun is pronounced /'əʊvəhæŋ/ 悬于…之上;悬浮物

A sharp overhang of rock gave them cover.Part of the rock wall overhung the path at one point...石墙的一部分在某处悬于小路的上方。• overestimate v.高估/underestimate • overpay / overcharge • oversee v.监督,管理,指导

Judge Stacks was appointed to oversee the disposition of funds.斯塔克斯法官被指定监督资金的分配。

Call in an architect or surveyor to oversee the work.He has vowed to oversee the elections impartially.他已宣誓公平公正地监督竞选。• overtake v.超过超越,使突然遭遇

Pulling out to overtake, the car collided head-on with a van.越线超车时,轿车和一辆厢式货车迎面相撞 No one could overtake him.没有人能超过他.• overnight adv/adj.昼夜,通宵 • overload v,使超载

• overwhelm v淹没,压倒,覆盖

After my lecture, the students began to overwhelm me with questions.讲课之后, 学生们开始问一系列问题,使我不知所措.No difficulty can overwhelm us.• overwhelming adj.强烈的;数量巨大的

The task won't feel so overwhelming if you break it down into small, easy-to-accomplish steps...如果将这个任务细分为简单易行的若干步骤来做,便不会感到如此无所适从。The overwhelming majority of small businesses go broke within the first twenty-four months...绝大多数小企业在头两年内就破产了。

Women of his own middle class found him overwhelmingly attractive.同属中产阶级的女性觉得他的魅力令人难以抗拒。• overlook v.俯视,监视,看漏

under-=beneath,• underage adj.未成年的

Underage youths can obtain alcohol from their older friends.未到法定年龄的青少年可以从年龄较大的朋友那里弄到酒 • underdeveloped adj.低度开发的/undeveloped • undergo v.遭受,忍受,经历

Fans may undergo body searches by security guards.球迷可能要接受保安人员的搜身检查。to undergo minor surgery 做小手术 • underestimate v./ overestimate

• underground adj/n 地下的,私密的,地铁=subway • underpass n 地下通道,隧道/ overpass/ overbridge Each intersection point would have to be made into an overpass and underpass.在每一个交点处都有一条是地面通道,一条是地下通道.Take the zebra crossing, pedestrian overpass or underpass to cross the road.过马路要走斑马线、人行天桥或地下通道!• underlie v.位于……之下,为…之基础 • underline v.=emphasize / highlight • undertake v.着手做,从事,承担;承诺,保证

She undertook the arduous task of monitoring the elections.她承担了监督选举的艰巨任务 undertake to do something

• undernourished adj.营养不良的,营养不足的

People who are undernourished also lack reserves of energy when faced with physical or mental crises.营养不良的人在体力或脑力上出现紧急情况时还缺乏足够的能量储备 undernourished children.据说文盲的母亲的孩子严重的营养不良。______________________________________ • undernourishment n.up/down • uphold v.拥护;支持;维护 If you uphold something such as a law, a principle, or a

decision, you support and maintain it

• upholding the artist's right to creative freedom.We have a duty to uphold the law.维护法律是我们的责任 • uplift v.使振奋;上升,增长

an uplift in the stock market...股市上涨

Art was created to uplift the mind and the spirit.艺术创作旨在陶冶情操 • upland n./adj.basin • uphill /downhill • uproot v.连根拔起

• upright adj.正直的,垂直的...a very upright, trustworthy man.• upset v.• upstairs v.adj./ downstairs • update

v./n 更新,校正;最新信息.The verb is pronounced /ʌp'deɪt/.The noun is pronounced /'ʌpdeɪt/

an updated edition of the book.该书的新版 They decided to update the computer systems....a weather update.最新天气报告...football results update.最新足球战况 •

up-to-date adj 新进的,新式的

Germany's most up to date electric power station.德国最先进的发电站

• upgrade The verb is pronounced /ʌp'greɪd/.The noun is pronounced /'ʌpgreɪd/.改良,升级,更新;晋升promote

Medical facilities are being reorganized and upgraded.正在对医疗设施进行重组和升级。

...upgraded catering / leisure facilities.更新换代的餐饮/休闲设施

We need to upgrade the status of teachers.He was upgraded to security guard.para-=against, beside, beyond, contrary • paradox n.矛盾(beside +opinion)• parallel =side by side v/n/adj.平行的,平行线,• parachute n,(against +fall)降落伞

• paralyze v.(para()+lyze(loosen))使麻痹,使不活动 • paraphrase v.意译

per=away, thoroughly, through par-, pel-, pil-• perceive=sense=recognize=understand(thoroughly +take)v.• perception n.• perfect(thoroughly +make)a.• perfume(through +smoke)香水 • perish v.死亡,丧生,腐烂,老化

Buddhism had to adapt to the new world or perish.佛教必须适应新时代,否则将会消亡。Civilizations do eventually decline and perish.各种文明最后都会衰落、消亡。

Most of the butterflies perish in the first frosts of autumn.大多数蝴蝶会在秋天的第一场霜冻来临时纷纷死去

• permanent a.(through +remain + ent)永久的/contemporary暂时的

• permit v,(through +send)允许(通行无阻)• perpetual a.连续的,不断地

I thought her perpetual complaints were going to prove too much for me.我想我再也受不了她无休无止的抱怨了....a perpetually renewed miracle.../不断再现的奇迹 • persist v.坚持,继续存在

If the symptoms persist, it is important to go to your doctor.如果这些症状持续存在,一定要去看医生 Contact your doctor if the cough persists...Why does Britain persist in running down its defence forces?...为什么英国要坚持消减其军事防御力量? • insist v.insist on doing • perspire v.(through +breathe)流汗 • persuade v.• pardon v.• pilgrim n.朝圣者,香客Pilgrims are people who make a journey to a holy place for a religious reason.• perspective n/a.思考方法,态度,观点,角度;正确/不正确看待;透视法  It's the collision of disparate ideas that alters one's perspective.是迥然不同的观点之间的碰撞改变了人们的看法

 Most literature on the subject of immigrants in France has been written from the perspective of the French themselves.. It helps to put their personal problems into perspective...这有助于正确看待他们的个人问题。

post-=after=behind • postpone v.=delay=put off推迟,延期 • postgraduate n.研究生 • postwar n.• post Ph.D.博士后(doctor of philosophy • postproduct n.电影的后期制作/ preproduce • postscript—P.S.(after +write)附笔,后记

fore=before=for • forebear n.=ancestor祖先 • forefather n.祖先,祖宗 • forehead n.前额

• forecast v./n.weather forecast • foresee v =expect预知,预见 • foretell v..预言预示---the future • foresight n.先见之明

He was later criticized for his lack of foresight.他后来被指责缺少先见之明。• foreword n.前言,引言,序

pre=before • precede v.before + go在前;precedent;unprecedented • predecessor n.前任,祖先

• predict v.• prehistoric adj.• prejudice n.before +judgment 偏见

• prescribe v.before +write 规定,开处方;prescription • present adj.现在的;absent • prestige n.声望,影响力 • presume v.=assume假定,推测 • pretend v.假装,佯装 • prevail v.盛行,流行

• prevalent adj.common 流行的,盛行的,普遍普片存在的• prevent v.妨碍,阻碍 • preview n.预告片

• previous adj.以前的,先前的

• preserve adj.预留,保护/reserve/conserve

pro=for/forth/forward • proceed v.继续进行,开始; precede先行 • prolong v.延长

• prominent adj.突出的,显著的 • prohibit

v.禁止,阻止 • progress

n.make progress • progressive adj.进步的

• proportion n.比例;proportionate;disproportionate

• propose v.建议proposal • prospect n.future possibilities • protect v.保护

re=again=back 变化型red-,ren • rebound v/n.(back + jump)弹回,跳回,回响, 从…恢复过来

The verb is pronounced /rɪ'baʊnd/.The noun is pronounced /'riːbaʊnd/.The recent rebound in mortgage rates could snuff out the housing recovery.抵押贷款利率最近的回升可能会扼杀房地产的复苏。

It is a mass extinction, and whether we will rebound from the loss is difficult to know。• rebel v.(again +war)v.谋反,叛乱;叛徒 • rebellion n.A little adolescent rebellion is commonly believed to be healthy.大家一致认为,青少年有点叛逆是正常的。

He was prepared to suppress rebellion by shooting down protesters.他准备开枪射击抗议者以镇压叛乱

A rebellion by radicals failed to materialize.激进分子的叛乱没有得逞。

• recall v/n.召回,叫回,使想起 remember/the ability to …

The verb is pronounced /rɪ'kɔːl/.The noun is pronounced /'riːkɔːl/ 我记得我第一次见你的情形。__________________________________

• recede v.(back + go),move away;retreat The mountain peaks recede into the distance as one leaves the shore.人离岸时,山峰向后退去.If untreated, the gums recede, become swollen and bleed.如果不进行治疗,牙龈会开始萎缩、红肿和出血。• receive v.(back +take)/ wedding reception • recite v.背诵

• reclaim(again + cry out)v.动词要求归还(或恢复);收回,拿回;开垦(荒地);开拓(耕地或建筑用地)n.改造,感化

In 1986, they got the right to reclaim South African citizenship...1986年,他们取得了恢复南非公民身份的权利。

You'll have to go to the police station to reclaim your wallet.你得到警察局去认领你的钱包。

The Netherlands has been reclaiming farmland from water.荷兰人一直在围海造地。• recline v.(back + lean)v.靠,躺,斜倚recline on • recognize v.(again + know)v.• record v/n.• recreation n.(again +produce)消遣,娱乐

There are plans to enlarge the recreation area.the need to improve facilities for leisure and recreation


There are excellent facilities for sport and recreation.有完善的体育娱乐设施。

• recreational adj, improve recreational facilities

The town and its environs are inviting, with recreational attractions and art museums.那座小镇及其周边地区建有休闲胜地和艺术馆,很吸引人。• recruit v.(again +grow)/n 招募,征募;新兵,新学员 Firms are now keen to hold on to the people they recruit.各公司现在都急切地想要留住招聘来的员工。

This is a nationwide campaign to recruit women into trade unions.这是一次吸收妇女参加工会的全国性运动.• recur v.(back +run)再发生,复发,重现 Economic crises recur periodically The same old favorites recur year in year out with monotonous regularity.相同的决心以单调的规律年复一年地出现 • recycle v.回收,再利用 • redundant adj.多余的,累赘的.This word is redundant, it can be left out

• reflect v.(back +bend)/反射,反映,表达,思考,沉思 flexible / inflexible People who lead busy lives have no time to stop and reflect.忙忙碌碌的人们无暇停下来反思

The percentage of GNP spent on education generally reflects the level of attainment in math.39

• refraction n.(back +break)折射,折射作用 • refresh v.使精神振奋;使变新;使记起,刷新 The lotion cools and refreshes the skin...这种润肤液凉爽清新,能够焕发肌肤的活力。• He awoke feeling completely refreshed.他醒来感到彻底恢复了精力。

Many view these meetings as an occasion to share ideas and refresh friendship...许多人把这些会面看成是交流想法和保持友谊长青的机会。refresh a web page • refrigerator n.freezer • refuge v.(back +flee)/n 避难所,庇护者。给…庇护

We climbed up a winding track towards a mountain refuge.我们沿着一条蜿蜒的小道爬向山上的一处避难所。refugee camp • refund n/v.退款

Dissatisfied customers can return the product for a full refund.The insurance company will refund any amount due to you.保险公司将退还你应得的所有款项。• refuse v.• reject v.拒绝,抛弃

The verb is pronounced /rɪ'dʒekt/.The noun is pronounced /'riːdʒekt/ reject a proposal / suggestion /idea

Young people reject the established way of life in their community.40

• regard v./disregard • register v/n.(again +bear)名单,登记,注册;登记本 She calls the register for her class of thirty 12 year olds.她按照花名册上的名单对她班上30个12岁大的孩子进行点名

Many students register for these courses to widen skills for use in their current job...许多学生报名学习这些课程是为增加技能,以适应目前工作的需要。The house is registered in her name, not her husband's.房子登记在她而不是她丈夫的名下。

What I said sometimes didn't register in her brain...有时我说的话她根本没听进去。

• enroll /enrolment 登记,注册,入学,入会 You need to enroll before August.enroll on/in a course • rehearse v.预演,排练 • reinforce v.增强,加强,巩固

Eventually, they had to reinforce the walls with exterior beams.最终,他们不得不通过增加外梁来对墙体进行加固。• relax v.• relieve v.减轻,缓解/relief

Massage is used to relax muscles, relieve stress and improve the circulation.按摩可以使肌肉放松,缓解压力和促进血液循环

Drugs can relieve much of the pain...药物能够大大地缓解病痛 • reluctant a.=unwilling

• remain v.=stay • remedy n.(again +heal)/ treatment / cure • reminiscence n.(again +remember)n.回想,追忆,Old friends like to reminisce about the good old days.老朋友们总喜欢谈论那“美好的往昔”.reminiscence of sb.• Renainssance(re+ nainss(be born)+ance)文艺复兴 • renew v.更新,换新,恢复

He believes the peace talks will be renewed soon...他相信和平谈判不久将会重新开始。Cells are being constantly renewed.细胞不断再生

When the two men met again after the war they renewed their friendship...两个人在战争结束后再次见面时重归于好。• renewable adj.• replace v.• reply v./n • report n.• repute v/n..(again + think)名气,名誉,声望,把…认为 He was a writer of repute.他曾经是一位颇有名望的作者。

This college has a good academic reputation...这所大学有良好的学术声誉

• • • • • • • • 

rescue v.require v research resemble v.(re +semble(imitate))/ similar /like /as resist v.抵制 resistance/ chemical-resistant resist sth./ doing sth.respect v/n.respectable /respectful restore v.归还,交还,使恢复

We need to restore respect for the law-enforcement agencies.我们需要重塑执法机构的声望

restrain v.(again + draw tight)抑制,压抑; 限定,限制; 制止;

She was unable to restrain her desperate anger...她无法控制自己极度的愤怒。

In the 1970s, the government tried to restrain corruption.resume v.重新开始; 继续; 恢复职位/ [ˈrezjumeɪ] n.摘要;简历 / CV;curriculum vitae I was given the all clear by the doctor to resume playing.医生准许我重新开始训练。Officials from the two countries will meet again soon to resume negotiations.两国官员不久将再度会晤以重启谈判。

He bowed to the inevitable and announced that he was willing to resumediplomatic relations.迫于形势他只好宣称愿意恢复外交关系。They thought that he should resume his kingly duties.他们认为他应该继续履行君主的职责

• consume / assume/ presume • retard v.阻碍,妨碍

Continuing violence will retard negotiations over the country's future.持续不断的暴力活动会阻碍关系到国家未来的谈判的进行。• revise v./ revision of policy • retire v.• retrench v.(re +trench(cut))节约,缩减开支 • reveal v.泄露,显示 • revenue n.收入总额

• revive v.(re +vive(live))/vivid adj.苏醒,复原,重振

He is seeking advice on how to revive the stagnant economy.他正在就如何振兴低迷的经济征求意见。They failed to revive her sagging spirits.他们未能让她从萎靡消沉中振作起来。• reward v/n.• revoke v.(back +call)取消,废除,撤销

The government revoked her husband's license to operate migrant labor crews.政府撤销了她丈夫管理外来打工人群的许可证

吊销某人的驾驶证_______________________________________ • revolt n./n叛乱.造反,起义

The newly-occupied Italian colony of Libya rose in revolt in 1914.意大利新占领的殖民地利比亚于1914年发生叛乱。the Peasants' Revolt of 1381

se=apart/away.• separate v.分开

• secede v.退出,脱离(组织)=apart + go • secrete v.分泌;secretion n.• secret n.• secure adj.安全的=free from care • seduce v.诱骗,唆使seductive adj./ sexually attractive

sup-=under 变化型suc-,suf-, sug-,sum-, sup-,sur-, sus • subway n./underway • submarine n.潜水艇marine animals • subtitle n.副标题;字幕 • subhead n.副标题,小标题 • subhealth n.亚健康

Subhealth is a state between healthiness and disease.• subtropical adj.亚热带

……climate /subtropical zone • suspect v.怀疑,adj..令人怀疑的,被怀疑的人 • suspend v.动词暂缓;推迟;暂停;悬挂,吊 The union suspended strike action this week.• suppress v.镇压;压制,封锁

The publicity of the problem has been suppressed.• subdivide v.再分,细分

• subculture 次文化 • subgroup 小群,子群

• subsidy /津贴,补助,奖学金, A subsidy is money that is paid by a government or other authority in order to help an industry or business, or to pay for a public service  European farmers are planning a massive demonstration against farm subsidy

cuts...欧洲农场主正策划一场抗议削减农场补贴的大规模示威游行。• subsidize v.资助;给…发津贴

Around the world, governments have subsidized the housing of middle and upper-income groups...全世界各国政府都为中高收入群体提供过住房补贴。the subsidising of London's transport.对伦敦交通运输系统的补贴

...heavily subsidized prices for housing, bread, and meat.给予了优厚补贴的住房、面包和肉的价格 a government decision to subsidise coal mining.政府资助煤矿开采的决定 subconscious n潜意识;下意识

 Your subconscious is the part of your mind that can influence you or affect your behaviour even though you are not aware of it....the hidden power of the subconscious...adj.下意识的;潜意识的

...a subconscious cry for affection.潜意识里渴望得到关爱

• unconscious adj • subject n.主题,话题; 学科,科目;研究对象

adj.须服从…的; 服从于;v.易…遭受

All through lunch he had carefully avoided the subject of the house.整个午饭期间,他一直在小心翼翼地回避房子的话题。Subjects in the study were asked to follow a modified diet.要求研究对象按改进的食谱进食。Prices may be subject to alteration...价格可能会有所变动。

• submerge v.沉浸;淹没;埋头于(sub merge(dip))/ emerge He submerges himself in the world of his imagination.他沉浸在自己想象的世界中。

Breaking the dam could submerge downstream cities such as Wuhan.摧毁大坝可能会淹没下游城市,比如武汉。• submit v.顺从,屈服/surrender to;提交,递呈

They submitted their reports to the Chancellor yesterday...他们昨天向财政大臣递交了报告。

The students must submit themselves to the disciplines at school.学生在学校必须遵守纪律.• sub rosa adv./secretly • substance n.实质,物质

• substitute v/n 代替,取代;代替者 • suburb n./ suburban adj.47

• susceptible adj./ be prone to • sustain v.维持保持continue, maintain;蒙受suffer;支持支援support...a period of sustained economic growth Every aircraft in there has sustained some damage • sustainable adj. The creation of an efficient and sustainable transport system is critical to the long-term future of London...the management, conservation and sustainable development of forests...super-=above /over 变化型sop-, sove-,sur • superficial a.表面的,肤浅的 • superfluous a.= redundant 多余的 • superior a./n 优越的;上司inferior

• supernatural a.超自然的(事物),不可思议的(事物)• supersonic a.超声速的 • superstition n.迷信 • supervise v.监督

• sovereign =supreme =chief = principal 君主,最高统治者;至高的 • surface n.表面 • surname n.姓

• surrender v./n.屈服于,投降

• survey v/n.=investigate=study=research • survive v.48

syn-=with;together sym-, syl-, sy • sympathy n.同情/antipathy 反感 • symphony n.交响乐

• syndrome n.综合症,典型表现SARS(Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome)/AIDS(Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome)• symptom n.症状,征兆

A symptom of an illness / patients with flu symptoms

A symptom of a bad situation is something that happens which is considered to be a sign of this situation。• symbol n.象征,符号,标记

I frequently use sunflowers as symbols of strength.我经常用向日葵来作为力量的象征。• sign符号; 手势; 迹象; 指示牌 • synonym n.同义词/ antonym • synthesize v./ synthesise 合成

A vitamin is a chemical compound that cannot be synthesized by the human body.维生素是一种人体无法合成的化合物。• synthesis n.合成photo-synthesis • synthetic a.合成的

Boots made from synthetic materials can usually be washed in a machine.合成材料制成的靴子通常可以机洗 • syllable n.音节

tele-=far off • telecommunication n.电信学 • telegram n.电报(tele +writing)

• telegraph n.电报,电报机(tele +writing)• telepathy n.pathy=feeling心电感应 • telescope n.scope=look望远镜/microscope • television n.therm=heat •

thermal adj.热的,温泉的 • thermometer n.温度计,体温计

The nurse shook the thermometer and put it under my armpit.护士把体温计甩了甩,然后放到了我的腋下。

It is essential that you are able to read a thermometer.最基本的是要能看懂温度计。• thermodynamics n热力学

• thermos n.[ 'θɜ:məs ] 保温瓶,暖水瓶

trans-=beyond;across;over • transaction n.办理,处理,交易 • transfer v.(trans(across)+fer(carry))The verb is pronounced /træns'fɜː/.The noun is pronounced /'trænsfɜː/转移,调动(工作),换乘,转让(财产)






multilingual a.多种语言的(multi+lingual方向的)

multidirectional a.多方向的(multi+directional方向的)

multiple a.多样的;多功能的(multi+pile→多的→多功能的)

multiply a.乘;繁殖(multi+ply表动词→变多→乘)

multiform a.多种多样的(multi+form形式)

multicultural a.多种文化的(multi+cultural文化的)

multimedia a.多媒体的(multi+media媒介)

multitude a.多数;群众(multi+tude状态→多的状态→多数)



1조 [名] 1兆 3.1운동 [名] 3.1运动

[记] 反对日本殖民统治,争取民族独立的运动,由于发起日为1919年3月1日而得名,也被称为“独立万岁运动”。在韩国和朝鲜,三月一日都是纪念日。30억년전 [名] 30亿年前 CD 겉표지 [名] CD封面 PC방 [名] 网吧 [记] 来自“PC房”

가까스로 [副] 好不容易, 吃力地

가는 말이 고와야 오는 말이 곱다 [俗] 人心长在人心上

[记] 比喻“你要先对别人友善,别人才会对你友善” 가래떡 [名] 条糕,是一种白色的糕点 가마솥 [名] 釜, 锅 가맹점 [名] 加盟店 [记] 来自“加盟店” 가사부담 [名] 家庭负担 [记] 来自“家事负担” 가설 [名] 假说 [记] 来自“假说”

가시 방석에 앉은 듯한 [俗] 如坐针毡

가야금 [名] 伽倻琴,韩国传统乐器,形状类似古筝,但只有12根弦,用手指弹奏。器非常适合演绎哀伤的曲调,得到古代知识分子的钟爱。가전제품 [名] 家电产品 [记] 来自“家电制品” 가치관 [名] 价值观 [记] 来自“价值观”

가혹한 형벌 [名] 残酷的刑罚 간식 [名] 零食

[记] 来自“间食”,也就是在两顿饭之间吃的食物 간장 [名] 酱油 갈등 [名] 瓜葛 [记] 来自“葛藤”

갈피를 잡지 못하다 [俗] 找不着北 [记] 갈피(n.头绪,线索)감 [名] 柿子, 感觉 감독 [名] 监督 [记] 来自“监督”

该乐 감상 [名] 感想

감성적 광고 [名] 感性的广告 감옥 [名] 监狱 [记] 来自“监狱” 감정 [名] 感情 [记] 来自“感情” 감히 [副] 竟敢, 胆敢

갑부 [名] 首富,非常富有的人 [记] 来自“甲富”

강 건너 불 보듯 [俗] 隔岸观火 강도 [名] 抢劫,强盗 [记] 来自“强盗”

[例] 강도 사건(n.抢劫案件)강박적으로 [副] 强制性地 [记] 来自“强迫” 개념 [名] 概念 [记] 来自“概念” 개미 [名] 蚂蚁 개방 [名] 开放 [记] 来自“开放” 개성 [名] 个性 [记] 来自“个性” 개시하다 [动] 开始 [记] 来自“开始” 개조 [名] 改造 [记] 来自“改造” 개척 [名] 开拓 [记] 来自“开拓”

개탄하다 [动] 慨叹, 叹息 [记] 来自“慨叹”

갯벌 [名] 泥潭,指入海口的泥潭。也可以拼写为 개펄 거두절미 [成] 截头去尾 [记] 来自“去头截尾” 거리감 [名] 距离感

[记] 거리(n.距离,街道)+ 감(n.感、感觉)거문고 [名] 玄琴,韩国传统乐器,形状类似古筝,只有6根弦,用特殊的小棍子弹奏。状和伽倻琴相似。거부 [名] 拒绝

形 [记] 来自“巨否” 거창하다 [形] 宏伟的 [记] 来自“巨创”

거침없이 [副] 没有障碍地,流畅地 거품 [名] 泡沫

건강을 기원하다 [惯] 祈祷(您的)健康 건전한 사회 [名] 健康的社会,和谐的社会 걸림돌 [名] 绊脚石 걸음걸이 [名] 步子 검찰 [名] 检察官 검토하다 [动] 检讨

겉 다르고 속 다르다 [俗] 表里不一 겉치레 [名] 排场, 场面 게시판 [名] 公告板 [记] 来自“揭示板” 게으름 [名] 懒惰 격돌 [名] 猛撞, 冲击 [记] 来自“激突” 격변기 [名] 激变期

[记] 来自“激变期” 결론 [名] 结论 [记] 来自“结论” 결승전 [名] 决赛 [记] 来自“决胜战” 결재일 [名] 结算日 [记] 来自“决裁日” 결제 방법 [名] 结算方法 [记] 来自“决济方法” 결코 [副] 终究 겸손하다 [形] 谦虚的 [记] 来自“谦逊” 경감하다 [动] 减轻 [记] 来自“轻减” 경미한 [形] 轻微的 [记] 来自“轻微” 경비 [名] 经费 [记] 来自“经费” 경색 [名] 景色 [记] 来自“景色”

경이롭다 [形] 惊异的,诧异的 경쟁 사회 [名] 竞争社会 [记] 来自“竞争社会” 경쟁력 [名] 竞争力

경제 난국 [名] 经济穷国(穷国)[记] 来自“经济难国”

계란으로 바위 치기 [俗] 以卵击石 계층 [名] 阶层 [记] 来自“阶层” 고개 [名] 额头

고개가 수그러지다 [俗] 耷拉着头, 比喻认输或者承认错误

고구려 [名] 高句丽,韩国古代三国之一,东明王朱蒙在公元前37年建立,公元668年新罗和唐朝联合军灭了高句丽。고려(高丽)则是公元918年由왕건(王建)建立的国家,高丽定都开城并统一了后三国。1392年朝鲜太祖李成桂灭了高丽并建立朝鲜王朝。

고기는 씹어야 맛이고 말은 해야 맛이다 [俗] 好比不停地嚼肉才知道肉味一样, 比喻想说的话最好都痛快地说出来。意思是该说的话一定要说出来才行。고대사 [名] 古代史 [记] 来自“古代史”

고령화사회 [名] 高龄化社会 [记] 来自“高龄化社会” 고립하다 [形] 孤立的 [记] 来自“孤立” 고무 [名] 橡皮 고문 [名] 拷问 [记] 来自“拷问” 고물 [名] 艄(船尾)고스란히 [副] 原封不动地 [同] 그대로 고심 [名] 苦心 [记] 来自“苦心” 고욤 [名] 软枣 고음질 [名] 高音质 [记] 来自“高音质” 고작 [副] 充其量, 顶多 고전 [名] 古典

고전 음악회 [名] 古典音乐会 고정 관념 [名] 成见, 固有的观念 [记] 来自“固定观念” 고진감래 [成] 苦尽甘来 [记] 这是中文成语的直译 고추장 [名] 辣椒酱

[记] 고추(n.辣椒)+ 장(n.酱)고충 [名] 苦衷 고혈압 [名] 高血压 [记] 来自“高血压” 고화질 [名] 高画质 [记] 来自“高画质” 곤충 [名] 昆虫 [记] 来自“昆虫” 골동품 [名] 古董 [记] 来自“骨董品”

골머리를 썩인다 [俗] 费劲心血 [记] 字面意思是“烂掉大脑” 공경하다 [动] 恭敬 [记] 来自“恭敬” 공고문 [名] 公告 공교육 [名] 公共教育 [记] 来自“公教育” 공동체 [名] 共同体 [记] 来自“共同体” 공룡 [名] 恐龙

[记] 来自“恐龙” 공무원 [名] 公务员 [记] 来自“公务员” 공식 [名] 正式, 公式 [记] 来自“公式”

공익 광고 [名] 公益广告 [记] 来自“公益广告” 공자 [名] 孔子 [记] 来自“孔子” 공존하다 [动] 共存 [记] 来自“共存” 공통점 [名] 共同点 [记] 来自“共同点” 공포 [名] 恐怖

[派] 공포 영화(n.恐怖片)공학자 [名] 工学学者 [记] 来自“工学者”

곶감 뽑아 먹듯 [俗] 比喻一点一点地消耗精心聚集的财产

[记] 字面意思是“像吃拔出的柿饼”。古代的人们会把柿饼穿在一起保存,吃的时候一个个拔出来。

과감하다 [形] 果敢的 과언 [名] 过分的话 [记] 来自“过言”

[例] 과언이 아니다;不为过,不夸张得说 과제 [名] 课题 [记] 来自“课题”

관련 링크 [名] 相关连接 [记] 来自“关联 + link” 관습 [名]习惯 [记] 来自“惯习” [同] 습관(n.习惯)관찰력 [名] 观察力 [记] 来自“观察力” 광경 [名] 光景 [记] 来自“光景” 광고비 [名] 广告费 광주 [名] 光州,韩国城市

[记] 光州以1980年5月的《光州事件》而闻名。교대 [名] 交代 [记] 来自“交代” 교도관 [名] 教官 [记] 来自“教导官” 교만하다 [形] 骄傲的 [记] 来自“骄慢”

교육 개혁 [名] 教育改革 [记] 来自“教育改革” [派] 개혁개방(n.改革开放)교장 [名] 校长 [记] 来自“校长” 교화 [名] 教化 교회 [名] 教会 [记] 来自“教会” [派] 목사(n.牧师)교훈성 [名] 教训性 [记] 来自“教训性”

구구한 [形] 区区的, 不重要的 [记] 来自“区区” 구두쇠 [名] 吝啬鬼 구들 [名] 火炕 구매 [名] 购买 [记] 来自“购买” 구성원 [名] 成员 [记] 来自“构成员” 구속 [名] 约束, 拘束 [记] 来自“拘束” 구조조정 [名] 结构调整 [记] 来自“构造调整” 국민연금 [名] 国民年金 [记] 年金 = 退休金 국악 공연 [名] 国乐演出 [记] 来自“国乐公演” 국정 [名] 国情 [记] 来自“国情” 국제교류 [名] 国际交流 [记] 来自“国际交流” 국제법 [名] 国际法 [记] 来自“国际法” 국토 [名] 国土 [记] 来自“国土” 국회 [名] 国会

[记] 来自“国会”。2004年17届韩国国会选举选出了总共299名国会议员,其中56席来自政党,243席则从全国各个选区选民投票产生。국회의원 [名] 国会议员

[记] 来自“国会议员”,韩国约有300名国会议员。군계일학 [成] 鹤立鸡群 [记] 来自“群鸡一鹤” 굴레 [名] 缰套

[俗] 굴레 벗은 말(n.脱缰野马)굴비 먹기 [俗] 易如反掌

[记] 굴비指的是腌制的黄鱼,因此字面意思为“吃腌黄鱼”,比喻非常容易的事情。굽다 [动] 烤

궁합 [名] 命相, 合婚, 一种判断两人是否能结婚的占卜 [记] 来自“宫合” 권위 [名] 权威 [记] 来自“权威” 궤변 [名] 诡辩,辩解 [记] 来自“诡辩”

귀가 번쩍 뜨이다 [俗] 听到的事情非常吸引人

[记] 字面意思是“耳朵猛地竖起来” 귀가 솔깃하다 [俗] 娓娓动听 [记] 字面意思是“竖起耳朵” 귀국 [名] 回国 [记] 来自“归国” 귀뚜라미 [名] 蛐蛐

귀를 의심하다 [俗] 不敢相信自己的耳朵, 比喻怀疑听到的事实

귀에 걸면 귀걸이, 코에 걸면 코걸이 [俗] 1.看问题的角度不同会有不同的结果 2.根据解释的不同可以有不同的看法 3.没有正确的原因, 胡乱搪塞 [记] 字面意思是“挂在耳朵上就是耳坠,挂在鼻子上就是鼻坠” 귀에 못이 박히다 [俗] 反复听了多次相同内容的话 [记] 字面意思是“耳朵里钉了钉子” 균등한 향상 [名] 均等的进步 [记] 来自“均等的向上” 균형 [名] 均衡 [记] 来自“均衡” 그래프 [名] 坐标图 [记] 来自 graph 그러더라도 [副] 即便如此 그러려니 [副] 想当然 극복하다 [动] 克服 근거 [名] 根据,证据 근로자 [名] 劳动者 [记] 来自“勤劳者” 근사한 [形]近似的 [记] 来自“近似”

근성 [名] 韧性, 根深蒂固的性格 [记] 来自“根性”

근육 운동 [名] 肌肉运动 [记] 来自“肌肉运动”

금강산 [名] 金刚山,在朝鲜境内的江原道,是朝鲜半岛首屈一指的名山 금속 [名] 金属 [记] 来自“金属” 금융업 [名] 金融业 금지옥엽 [成] 金枝玉叶 급감하다 [动] 锐减 [记] 来自“急减” 급기야 [副] 终于,总算

[例] 급기야 결혼하다;总算结婚。급진적으로 [副] 激进地 [记] 来自“急进” 기권 [名] 弃权 [记] 来自“弃权” 기꺼이 [副] 欣然 기독교 [名] 基督教

[记] 来自“基督教”,同时记천주교(n.天主教)。기름지다 [形] 肥沃, 油腻 [记] 기름(n.油)기반 [名] 基础 [记] 来自“基盘”

기본 바탕 [名] 基本底子 [记] 바탕指的是物体最底部 기부금 [名] 捐助款 [记] 来自“寄附金”

기술적인 검증 [名] 技术的检验 기어이 [副] 非要 기억 [名] 记忆 기용되다 [动] 被启用

기우에 불과하다 [俗] 杞人忧天

[记] 기우来自“杞(人)忧(天)”,该俗语的字面意思为“不过是杞忧而已” 기자 [名] 记者 [记] 来自“记者” 기적 [名] 奇迹 [记] 来自“奇迹” 기행문 [名] 游记 [记] 来自“纪行文” 김 [名] 紫菜

[派] 김밥(n.紫菜包饭)김매기 [名] 除草 까닭 [名] 缘故

까치 [名] 喜鹊

깔끔하다 [形] 精练, 利落 꼬박꼬박 [副] 定期地 꽃다발 [名] 花环

꿩 먹고 알 먹기 [俗] 一举两得

[记] 字面意思是“吃了野鸡又吃(野鸡)蛋” [同] 일석이조(一石二鸟)끈기 [名] 黏, 黏度 나귀 [名] 驴 [同] 당나귀(n.驴)나그네 [名] 对陌生的成人男性的称呼 [记] 나그네 指已婚男性 나루터 [名] 渡口

나풀나풀하다 [形] 摇摇晃晃的 낙서 [名] 乱写, 涂鸦 [记] 来自“落书” 낙엽 [名] 落叶 [记] 来自“落叶”

난처하다 [形] 为难,难为情 난형난제 [成] 难兄难弟

날개 돋친 듯이 [俗] 迅雷不及掩耳

[记] 字面意思是“好比长了翅膀”,比喻速度很快 날달걀 [名] 鲜蛋 날카롭다 [形] 犀利的

남북한 [名] 南北韩,指韩国和朝鲜两国 남북회담 [名] 南北会谈

[记] 指韩国和朝鲜最高领导人出席的最高级别的会谈。迄今为止(2008年)进行了2次南北会谈,2000年6月和2007年10月时任韩国总统的金大中和卢武铉分别在平壤会见了朝鲜领导人金正日。会谈主要议题是南北统一问题、南北经济合作、离散家属问题等。남용되다 [动] 被滥用 [记] 来自“滥用”

남의 떡이 더 커 보인다 [俗] 这山望着那山高 [记] 字面意思是“别人的饼看起来更大” 납득 [名] 相同,心解 [记] 来自“纳得” 낭비 [名] 浪费

낮말은 새가 듣고 밤말은 쥐가 듣는다 [俗] 隔墙有耳 [记] 字面意思是“白天有鸟儿听,晚上有老鼠听” 내국인 [名] 国人 [记] 来自“国内人” [反] 외국인(n.外国人)내리막길 [名] 下坡路

내색 [名] 脸色,显露在脸上的内心想法 내수 경기 [名] 内需情况 [记] 来自“内需景气”

냄비 [名]平底锅(比如不粘锅)[记] 솥 则是传统的大铁锅,而非平底锅 냉랭하다 [形] 冷冰冰的 냉철하다 [形] 理智的 [记] 来自“冷澈” 네덜란드 [名] 荷兰 [记] 来自 Netherlands 네트워크 [名] 网络 [记] network 네티즌 [名] 网民 [记] 来自 netizen 녀석 [名] 家伙, 小子 노동 [名] 劳动 [记] 来自“劳动”

노동력 수요 [名] 劳动力需求

노릇노릇하다 [形] 形容处处都变黄的状态, 比如锅巴 노약자 [名] 老弱者 [记] 来自“老弱者”

노조 [名] 劳动组合, 工会

[记] 노동조합(n.劳动组合)的缩写,韩国的工会以组织大量罢工著称,工会通常以加薪为由进行罢工。罢工期间生产活动会中止,损失巨大。노트북 [名] 笔记本电脑 [记] 来自 notebook 노후 [名] 老(了之)后

[例] 노후에는 건강이 가장 중요하다;老了之后健康是最重要的。녹차 [名] 绿茶 [记] 来自“绿茶” 논란 [名] 争论 [记] 来自“论难” 논문 [名] 论文 [记] 来自“论文” 논설문 [名] 论述文 [记] 来自“论述文” 농도 [名] 浓度 [记] 来自“浓度” 농업 [名] 农业 [记] 来自“农业” 농작물 [名] 农作物 [记] 来自“农作物” 농지 [名] 农用地 [记] 来自“农地”

뇌물 [名] 贿赂的礼物 [记] 来自“赂物”

뇌장애 [名] 大脑疾病

[记] 来自 뇌(n.大脑)+ 장애(n.障碍)누누이 [副] 屡屡, 累累 누룽지 [名] 锅巴

누명 [名] 黒锅, 被诬陷 [记] 来自“陋名” 누에 [名] 蚕

누워서 침 뱉기 [俗] 比喻想害人,反而害自己的情况 [记] 字面意思是“躺着吐口水”

눈 깜짝할 사이 [俗] 眨眼的功夫,很短的时间 눈썹 [名] 眉毛

눈에 불을 켜다 [俗] 比喻(1)渴望占有或非常关注(2)怒不可遏 [记] 字面意思是“眼睛里点灯”,也就是怒目圆睁 눈에 선하다 [俗] 历历在目

눈을 감아주다 [俗] 睁一只眼闭一只眼 눈코 뜰 새 없다 [俗] 忙得不可开交 [记] 字面意思是“没空睁开眼睛和鼻子” 느긋하다 [形] 不慌不忙的, 稳扎稳打的 느릅나무 [名] 榆树

늘씬하다 [形] 高挑, 瘦长 다국적 기업 [名] 跨国公司 [记] 来自“多国性企业” 다람쥐 [名] 松鼠

다양한 문화 [名] 多样的文化 [记] 来自“多样的文化” 다이어트 [名] 减肥, 节食 [记] 来自 diet 단골 [名] 熟客, 常客 단순히 [副] 单纯地 [记] 来自“单纯” 단정하다 [形] 端正 [记] 来自“端正” 달러 [名] 美元 [记] 来自 dollar 닭 쫓던 개 지붕 쳐다보기 [俗] 比喻努力的事情失败或者落后于其他竞争对手而无计可施

[记] 字面意思是“被狗追的鸡跳上房顶,狗无可奈何地仰望” 닭껍질 [名] 鸡皮 답사 [名] 答词 [记] 来自“答辞” 당국 [名] 当局 [记] 来自“当局” 당뇨병 [名] 糖尿病

[记] 来自“糖尿病”,偶见把병省略的情况 대가 [名] 代价 [记] 来自“代价” 대강 [名] 大纲 [记] 来自“大纲” 대기 [名] 大气 [记] 来自“大气” 대기업 [名] 大公司 [记] 来自“大企业” 대리점 [名] 代理店 [记] 来自“代理店” 대사관 [名] 大使馆 [记] 来自“大使馆”

대외적 목적 [名] 对外的目的 대전 [名] 大田,韩国城市 대중가요 [名] 大众歌曲 [记] 来自“大众歌谣” 대추 [名] 大枣 대충 [副] 大概

대칭적 경향 [名] 对称的倾向 [记] 来自“对称的倾向” 대학안내 [名] 大学介绍 [记] 来自“大学介绍”

덩그러니 [副] 空荡荡地,孤零零地

[例] 오래된 피아노 한 대만이 먼지를 뒤집어쓴 채 덩그러니 놓여 있다;只有一架满是灰尘的钢琴孤零零的放在那里。도공 [名] 陶匠 [记] 来自“陶匠” 도대체 [副] 到底

도둑이 제 발 저리다 [俗] 做贼心虚 [记] 字面意思是“小偷自己的脚酸了” 도리어 [副] 反而

도저히 [副] 万万, 决然, 根本

도표 [名] 图表 [记] 来自“图表” 도피하다 [动] 逃避 [记] 来自“逃避” 독 [名] 毒 [记] 来自“毒” 독단 [名] 独断, 武断 [记] 来自“独断” 독립 [名] 独立 [记] 来自“独立”

독실하다 [形] 实城的, 笃行 [记] 来自“笃行”

독자적인 신기술 [名] 独(自创)立的新技术 독재 [名] 独裁

[记] 来自“独裁” 독재자 [名] 独裁者

[记] 来自“独裁者”,韩国近代史上最著名的独裁者是颇有争议的前总统朴正熙(박정희)독후감 [名] 读后感 [记] 来自“读后感”

돌다리도 두들겨 보고 건너라.[俗] 比喻做自己很熟悉的事情也要小心翼翼 [记] 字面意思是“石桥也要先敲一下再过吧” 돌파구 [名] 突破口 [记] 来自“突破口” 돌풍 [名] 暴风 [记] 来自“突风” 동기 [名] 动机 [记] 来自“动机” 동문서답 [成] 答非所问 [记] 来自“东问西答” 동반자 [名] 同伴 [记] 来自“同伴者” 동북 방향 [名] 东北方向 [记] 来自“东北方向” 동서고금 [成] 古今中外 [记] 来自“东西古今”

동아리 [名](共同爱好而成立)社团 [记] 通常指大学里的社团 동양 [名] 东洋 [记] 来自“东洋”

동영상 [名](网络上的)视频 [记] 来自“同影像” 동원하다 [动] 动员 [记] 来自“动员” 동향 [名] 动向 [记] 来自“动向” 동화 [名] 童话 [记] 来自“童话” 돼지 콜레라 [名] 猪瘟 [记] 来自 cholera 됨됨이 [名] 为人

두근두근하다 [形] 忐忑的,(心)砰砰跳 두드러진 특정 [名] 突出的特征 둔하다 [形] 笨 [记] 来自“钝” 둥지 [名] 鸟巢 뒤꿈치 [名] 脚后跟 뒤죽박죽이다 [形] 乱七八糟 뒷골목 [名] 后巷 뒷문 [名] 后门 득점 [名] 得分 [记] 来自“得点” 들불 [名] 野火

[记] 들(n.旷野)+ 불(n.火)따귀 [名] 耳光

[例] 따귀를 치다;打耳光 따돌리다 [动] 挤掉, 甩掉 딱정벌레 [名] 硬壳虫 땀방울 [名] 汗珠

[记] 땀(n.汗)+ 방울(n.滴)땅 짚고 헤엄치기 [俗] 易如反掌 [记] 字面意思是“在地上游泳” 떡국 [名] 年糕汤

똥 묻은 개가 겨 묻은 개 나무란다 [俗] 五十步笑百步 [记] 字面意思是“身上粘上大便的狗嘲笑粘上糠的狗” 똥개 [名] 吃屎的杂种狗 [记] 똥(n.屎)+ 개(n.狗)뚜렷한 목표 [名] 明确的目标 뛰어나다 [形] 出众

[例] 실력이 뛰어나다;实力出众 뜸 [名] 焖 [例] 뜸을 들이다 = 焖饭 띄엄띄엄 [副] 稀稀拉拉

[例] 책을 띄엄띄엄 읽다;跳着读书(没有逐行阅读)라면 [名] 方便面 [记] 来自“拉面” 리더십 [名] 领导力 [记] 来自 leadership 리듬 [名] 节奏 [记] 来自 rhythm 리모컨(콘)[名] 遥控, remocon 마구잡이로 [副] 乱来地, 莽撞地 [同] 닥치는 대로 마늘 [名] 大蒜 마땅하다 [形] 理所应当 마라톤 [名] 马拉松 [记] 来自 marathon 마비되다 [动] 被麻痹

[记] 来自“麻痹” 마약 [名] 毒品 [记] 来自“麻药” 마우스 [名] 鼠标 [记] 来自 mouse 마지못해 [副] 迫不得已, 勉为其难 막강한 영향력 [名] 很强的影响力 막론하다 [动] 不论, 不管 [记] 来自“莫论”

막연하다 [形] 茫然, 渺茫 [记] 来自“漠然” 만능주의 [名] 万能主义

[记] 来自“万能主义”,金钱至上可以用금전만능주의(金钱万能主义)만주 [名] 满洲

[记] 满洲是日本侵略时期对中国东北的称呼,目前部分韩国人习惯性地使用该词,但这是错误的。

말 한 마디로 천 냥 빚을 갚는다.[俗] 比喻只要口才好就能解决看似不可能解决的问题 [记] 字面意思是“一句话可以还清千两债务” 망하다 [动] 完蛋, 倒闭 [记] 망(亡)+ 하다 맞벌이 부부 [名] 双职工夫妇(两个人都上班)[记] 맞(面对面)+ 벌이(赚钱)+ 부부(夫妇)맞춤법 [名] 拼写法 매너 [名] 礼节 [记] 来自 manner 매력 [名] 魅力 [记] 来自“魅力” 매진 [名] 卖光, 售空 [记] 来自“卖尽” 맥락 [名] 脉络 [记] 来自“脉络” 머문다 [动] 停留 먼지 [名] 灰尘 멋 [名] 风姿, 风度 메시지 [名] 信息 [记] 来自 message 면세 [名] 免税 [记] 来自“免税” 면접관 [名] 面试官 [记] 来自“面见官”

명랑한 성격 [名] 明朗的性格 명산 [名] 名山 [记] 来自“名山” 명심하다 [动] 铭记 [记] 来自“铭心” 명의 [名] 名义, 名医 [记] 来自“名医” 명품 [名] 名贵的物品 [记] 来自“名品” 명화 [名] 名画 [记] 来自“名画” 모국어 [名] 母语 [记] 来自“母国语”

모로 가도 서울만 가면 된다.[俗] 比喻“不管过程如何,达到目标就可以” [记] 字面意思是“不管横着走还是斜着走,只要到达首尔就行” 모방하다 [动] 模仿 모범 [名] 模范 [记] 来自“模范” 모색하다 [动] 摸索 [记] 来自“摸索” 모유 [名] 母乳 [记] 来自“母乳” 모터 [名] 马达 [记] 来自 motor 목덜미 [名] 脖颈 목수 [名] 木工 [记] 来自“木手” 목숨 [名] 性命 목재 [名] 木材

목조 건물 [名] 木质建筑 [记] 来自“木造建物” 목판화 [名] 木版画 [记] 来自“木版画” 몽둥이 [名] 棒槌 묘미 [名] 妙趣 [记] 来自“妙味”

무거운 벌금 [名] 沉重的罚款 무늬 [名] 纹理 무려 [副] 足有,多达

[例] 물가가 무려 두 배나 올랐다;物价足足上涨了两倍。무력한 사람 [名] 柔弱的人, 没有能力的人 무사안일 [成] 无事安逸, 太平[记] 来自“无事安逸” 무술 [名] 武术 [记] 来自“武术” 무용 [名] 舞蹈 [记] 来自“舞踊” 무인 [名] 武者

[记] 来自“武人”,即武将、军人等 무직 [名] 失业,没工作的人 [记] 来自“无职” 묵인 [名] 默认 [记] 来自“默认”

문득 [副] 恍然, 顿时, 骤然间 문맥 [名] 文字上下文 [记] 来自“文脉” 문신 [名] 纹身 [记] 来自“纹身” 문턱 [名] 门坎 문학 [名] 文学 [记] 来自“文学”

문학 작품 [名] 文学作品 문화권 [名] 文化圈 [记] 来自“文化圈”

물불 가리지 않다 [俗] 不管三七二十一 [记] 字面意思是“不分水火” 뮤지컬 [名] 歌剧 [记] 来自 musical 미끌미끌하다 [形] 溜滑的 미만 [名] 未满 [记] 来自“未满”

미분양 현상 [名] 未售出现象 미역 [名] 海带

미역국을 먹다 [俗] 考试落榜或失利

[记] 海带汤在古代是产妇必吃的食物,同时“生孩子”和“解散”在韩语中均是해산。传说日本占领朝鲜半岛后解散了朝鲜军队,人们借用描述产妇的“吃海带汤”评价朝鲜军人失去了工作。后来的人们觉得海带是很滑的食物,吃了海带在考试中容易刷下来,因此参加考试的人尽量避免吃海带。미인 [名] 美人, 美女 [记] 来自“美人” 미지수 [名] 未知数

[记] 来自“未知数”, 지수(n.指数)미처 [副] 来不及

미천한 신분 [名] 卑微的身份 미혼 [名] 未婚 [记] 来自“未婚”

민담 [名] 民间故事, 民间传说 [记] 来自“民谈” 민영화 [名] 民营化 [记] 来自“民营化” 민족 [名] 民族

[记] 来自“民族”,韩国人自称为“한민족(韩民族)” 민주주의 [名] 民主主义 [记] 来自“民主主义” 밀 [名] 麦, 小麦 밀밭 [名] 麦田 밀접하다 [形] 密切 [记] 来自来自“密切”

밑 빠진 독에 물 붓기 [俗] 比喻再努力也不能成功的事情 [记] 字面意思是“向露底的缸灌水” 바가지를 긁다 [俗] 唠叨

[记] 字面意思是“用手刮水漂”,一般用于形容妻子因经济问题对丈夫唠叨的情形 바람직하다 [形] 最好...[例] 아이들이 자신의 생각을 충분히 표현할 수 있도록 가능성을 열어두는 것이 바람직하다;最好是使孩子们可以充分表达自己想法。바야흐로 [副] 正在,正

[例] 바야흐로 앞날이 창창하다;来日方长 박대 [名] 冷待 [记] 来自“薄待” 박람회 [名] 博览会 [记] 来自“博览会” 박쥐 [名] 蝙蝠 [记] 쥐(n.老鼠)반면 [名] 反面 [记] 来自“反面” [反] 정면(n.正面)반색 [名] 高兴, 欢喜

[记] 一般以 반색하다 的形式使用 반성 [名] 反省

반전 평화 행사 [名] 反战和平活动 반찬 [名] 盘餐,饭菜 반추하다 [动] 回味,反刍 [记] 来自“反刍” 반하다 [动] 看上, 迷住

발 없는 말이 천리 간다 [俗] 本意是没有脚的言语可以传到千里之外, 形容故事传播速度飞快 발명 [名] 发明 [记] 来自“发明” 발목 [名] 脚脖子

[记] 来自 발(n.脚)+ 목(n.脖子)발병 요인 [名] 发病要因 [记] 来自“发病要因” 발을 동동 구르다 [动](因为着急, 生气或者兴奋)跺脚 발자국 [名] 脚印 밤 [名] 栗子

[记] 另有“夜晚”的意思 방만하다 [形] 散漫的 [记] 来自“放慢” 방어벽 [名] 防御墙 [记] 来自来自“防御墙” 방언 [名] 方言 [记] 来自“方言”

방역 대책 [名] 防疫对策 배경 [名] 背景 [记] 来自“背景” 배드민턴 [名] 羽毛球 [记] 来自 badminton 배려 [名] 照顾, 关怀 [记] 来自“配虑”

배송 비용 [名] 配送费用 [记] 来自“配送费用” 배신하다 [动] 背叛 [记] 来自“背信”

배타적이다 [形] 排他性的 [记] 来自“排他” 배터리 [名] 电池 [记] 来自 battery 백성 [名] 百姓 [记] 来自“百姓”

백수 [名] 白手, 二流子, 比喻一无是处的人 [记] 来自“白水”

뱁새가 황새를 따라가면 가랑이가 찢어진다 [俗] 比喻如果勉强做困难的事情, 反而会深受其害

[记] 字面意思是“如果鹪鹩跟着鹳鸟,嘴巴会撕裂” 버스 노선 [名] 公交路线 [记] 来自“bus + 路线” 번거롭다 [形] 繁琐,繁杂 번역기 [名] 翻译器 [记] 来自“翻译器” 벌레 [名] 虫子

범법 행위 [名] 违法行为 [记] 来自“犯法行为” 범죄 심리 [名] 犯罪心理 [记] 来自“犯罪心理” 범칙금 [名] 违规罚款 [记] 来自“犯则金” 법 [名] 法 [记] 来自“法”

법정 모독죄 [名] 亵渎法庭罪 법칙 [名] 法则

벙어리 [名] 哑巴(对聋哑人士的贬称)베개 [名] 枕头

베스트셀러 [名] 畅销书, 热门书 [记] 来自 best seller 베짱이 [名] 蚂蚱 베트남 [名] 越南 [记] 来自 Vietnam 벼 타작 [名] 打谷, 打稻

벼는 익을수록 고개를 숙인다 [俗] 整瓶子不动,半瓶子摇。比喻“越有修养的人越谦虚” [记] 字面意思是“稻子越熟越低头” 벽에 부딪치다 [俗] 撞墙, 比喻遇到困难 벽화 [名] 壁画 [记] 来自“壁画” 변변한 [形] 像样的 변비 [名] 便秘 [记] 来自“便秘” 변색 [名] 变色 [记] 来自“变色” 변수 [名] 变数 [记] 来自“变数” 변호사 [名] 律师 [记] 来自“辩护师” 병아리 [名] 小鸡 보급하다 [动] 普及 [记] 来自“普及”

보람 [名](做某件事情的)价值, 意义 보물 [名] 宝物 [记] 来自“宝物” 보수 [名] 报酬 [记] 来自“报酬”

보안 시스템 [名] 保安系统 [记] 来自“保安 + system” 보완하다 [动] 弥补, 补充 [记] 来自“补完” 보일러 [名] 锅炉 [记] 来自 boiler 보장성 보험 [名] 保障性保险 [记] 来自“保障性保险” 보조를 맞추다 [惯] 对齐步伐 보편성 [名] 普遍性 [记] 来自“普遍性”

보폭 [名] 步幅 [记] 来自“步幅” 보행 [名] 步行 [记] 来自“步行” 복용 [名] 服用 [记] 来自“服用” 복지 [名] 福利 [记] 来自“福祉” 본능 [名] 本能 [记] 来自“本能” 본보기 [名] 榜样 본인 [名] 本人 [记] 来自“本人” 본전 [名] 本钱 [记] 来自“本钱” 본질 [名] 本质 [记] 来自“本质” 부단히 [副] 不断地 [记] 来自“不断” [近] 끈질기다(adj.坚韧)부동산 투자 [名] 房地产投资,不动产投资 [记] 来自“不动产投资” 부득이 [副] 不得不 부상하다 [动] 大幅上升, 挂彩, 负伤 부유층 [名] 富人阶层 [记] 来自“富有层” 부작용 [名] 副作用

부정적인 인식 [名] 消极的认识 부쩍 [副] 骤然

부채질하다 [动] 扇扇子, 推波助澜 [记] 常用于描述“推波助澜,火上加油” 부추기다 [动] 扶持 부화뇌동 [成] 人云亦云 [记] 来自“附和雷同” 북극 [名] 北极

[记] 来自“北极”,南极则是남극 북한 [名] 北韩

[记] 来自“北韩”,韩国称呼朝鲜的特定名称。方政权的合法性。분권화 [名] 分权化 [记] 来自“分权化” 분노 [名] 愤怒 [记] 来自“愤怒” 분수 [名] 喷泉 [记] 来自“喷水”

불가분의 [成] 不可分离,不可分割 불가피하다 [形] 不可避免的 [记] 来自“不可避” 불교 [名] 佛教 [记] 来自“佛教” 불량품 [名] 不合格产品 [记] 来自“不良品” 불만 [名] 不满 [记] 来自“不满” 불신하다 [形] 不信任 [记] 来自“不信”

불쌍한 신세 [名] 可怜的处境 불의 [名] 不义 [记] 来自“不义”

불치 환자 [名] 绝症患者 [记] 来自“不治患者”

朝鲜则称韩国为“南朝鲜”。双方互不认可对 불필요하다 [形] 不必要 [记] 来自“不必要” 불황 [名] 不景气, 萧条

[记] 来自“不况”,常用于形容经济不景气 붓 [名] 毛笔

비과학적인현상 [名] 非科学的现象 비만 환자 [名] 肥胖患者 [记] 来自“肥满患者” 비밀 [名] 秘密 [记] 来自“秘密” 비웃음 [名] 嘲笑 비위 [名] 口味 [记] 来自“脾胃” 비유하다 [动] 比喻 [记] 来自“比喻” 비일비재 [成] 数不胜数 [记] 来自“非一非再” 비정규직 [名] 非正式职位 [记] 来自“非正规职” 비타민C [名] 维他命C [记] 来自“维他命” 비판적 [名] 批判性 [记] 来自“批判” 빈민 [名] 贫民,穷人 [记] 来自“贫民”

빈익빈 부익부 [名] 贫者越贫, 富者越富 [记] 来自“贫益贫,富益富” 빈틈없다 [形] 没有漏洞

[记] 빈틈(n.空隙)+ 없다(adj.没有)빙산의 일각 [名] 冰山一角 빙하 [名] 冰河

[记] 来自“冰河” 빛 [名] 光

빠듯하다 [形] 紧巴巴的 빨래터 [名] 洗衣处

[记] 以前人们到河边洗衣服,指人们经常洗衣服的地方 사건의 실마리 [名] 事件的线索 [记] 실마리(n.线索)。실마리的字面意思是“线的一端”,但字面意思已经很少用了。사공이 많으면 배가 산으로 올라간다 [俗] 如果每个人都想以自己的想法操纵船只, 那么船不能驶向水而是可能会爬到山上.比喻如果大家都要坚持自己的主张, 那么将一事无成.[记] 字面意思是“船夫多了,船就可以上山” 사교육 [名] 私立教育

[记] 来自“私教育”。韩国是私立教育非常发达的国家,大部分韩国大学均是私立大学。사료 [名] 饲料 [记] 来自“饲料” 사립대학 [名] 私立大学 [记] 来自“私立大学” 사막 [名] 沙漠 사망자 [名] 死者 [记] 来自“死亡者” 사별 [名] 辞别 [记] 来自“辞别”

사업자 [名] 个体户, 创业者,做事业的人 [记] 来自“事业者” 사장되다 [动] 被私藏 사투리 [名] 方言,俚语 사회보장비 [名] 社会保障费 [记] 来自“社会保障费”, 사회(n.社会)사회적인 편견 [名] 社会偏见 [记] 来自“社会偏见”

삭막한 문화 [名] 凄凉的文化 [记] 来自“索默”

산 입에 거미줄 치다 [俗] 比喻因为太穷所以很久都没吃饭 [记] 字面意思是“活人的口上编织蜘蛛网”,表示这张嘴很久没吃东西 산문 [名] 散文 [记] 来自“散文” 산성 [名] 酸性 [记] 来自“酸性” [派] 산성비(n.酸雨)산소 [名] 氧气 [记] 来自“酸素”

산업 사회 [名] 工业社会 [记] 来自“产业社会” 산행 길 [名] 山路 [记] 来自“山行路” 산허리 [名] 山腰

[记] 산(n.山)+ 허리(n.腰)살충제 [名] 杀虫剂 [记] 来自“杀虫剂” 삶다 [动] 煮

삶의 자세 [名](对待)生活的姿态 삶의 철학 [名] 人生的哲学 삼림 [名] 森林 [记] 来自“森林” 상담 [名] 商谈 [记] 来自“商谈” 상대주의 [名] 相对主义 [记] 来自“相对主义”

상부상조 [成] 相扶相助, 互相帮助 [记] 来自“相扶相助” 상상력 [名] 想象力 [记] 来自“想象力” 상수도 [名] 自来水 [记] 来自“上水道” 상술하다 [动] 详述, 上述 [记] 来自“详述” 상실감 [名] 失落感 [记] 来自“丧失感” 상업 [名] 商业 [记] 来自“商业”

상용 불가 [名] 不可商用 [记] 来自“商用不可” 상징 [名] 象征 [记] 来自“象征” 상추 [名] 生菜 상호작용 [名] 相互作用 [记] 来自“相互作用” 상황 [名] 状况

새로운 차원 [名] 新的角度, 新的起点 [记] 来自“新的次元” 새삼 [名] 重新, 犹新 새싹 [名] 幼苗, 新芽 새우젓 [名] 虾酱

[记] 새우(n.虾)+ 젓(n.奶)생명 [名] 生命 [记] 来自“生命”

생산 비용 [名] 生产费用 생선 구이[名] 烤海鲜 생원 [名] 书生,儒生

서구화된 식탁문화 [名] 西化的餐桌文化 서당 [名] 私塾

서당 개 삼 년이면 풍월을 읊는다 [俗] 字面意思是“生活在书堂(学校)里的狗,如果每天听读书的声音,三年后也能读出风月”,比喻“新手如果在一个领域沉浸多年,也可以积累一定的知识和经验。” 서류전형 [名] 调档

서슴지 않다 [惯] 不讳,指说话没有任何顾及 [例] 직언을 서슴지 않다;直言不讳 서양 [名] 西洋 [记] 来自“西洋” 서예 [名] 书法 [记] 来自“书艺”

서운하다 [形] 觉得遗憾,惋惜的 서유럽 [名] 西欧 [记] 来自“西 + Europe” 서해안 [名] 西海岸 [记] 来自“西海岸” 선거 자금 [名] 选举资金 [记] 来自“选举资金” 선견지명 [成] 先见之明 선과 악 [名] 善和恶 선글라스 [名] 太阳镜 [记] 来自 sun glass 선동적이다 [形] 煽动的 선비 [名] 书生

[记] 古代对读书人的称呼 선입견 [名] 第一印象(先入之见)선조 [名] 祖先 [记] 来自“先祖” 선진국 [名] 发达国家 [记] 来自“先进国”。韩国不用“发达国家/发展中国家”形容一个国家。선천적 [形] 先天的 [记] 来自“先天”

선풍적인 인기 [名] 旋风式的人气,人气很高 선호하다 [形] 喜欢 [记] 来自“选好”

섣불리 [副] 容易,轻易地

[例] 그는 섣불리 건드릴 수 있는 사람이 아니다;他不是好惹的 설교 [名] 说教 [记] 来自“说教” 설령 [副] 虽然,尽管 [记] 来自“设令” 설마 [副] 莫非 설명문 [名] 说明文 [记] 来自“说明文” 섭취하다 [动] 吸取 성 차별 [名] 性别差异 [记] 来自“性差异” 성남 [名] 城南

[记] 城南是京畿道的一个市,是首尔的卫星城市之一。城南的工业比较发达,拥有众多中小企业。

성인병 [名] 成人病 [记] 来自“成人病” 성장률 [名] 成长率 [记] 来自“成长率” 성지 [名] 圣地 [记] 来自“圣地” 성탄절 [名] 圣诞节 [记] 来自“圣诞节” 성폭행 [名] 性暴力 [记] 来自“性暴力”

세 살 버릇 여든까지 간다 [名] 江山易改, 禀性难移 [记] 字面意思是“三岁时的习惯会持续到八十岁” 세계 평화 [名] 世界和平[记] 来自“世界平和” 세금 [名] 税金 [记] 来自“税金”

세미나 [名] 研讨会, 课堂讨论 [记] 来自 seminar 세상 물정 [名] 人情世故 [记] 来自“世上物情”

세인의 편견 [名] 世人的偏见

세종대왕 [名] 世宗大王(1397~1450), 主要功绩有创造训民正音(现代韩国语的前身), 设计出测雨器, 太阳表等科学工具.开拓6镇扩张领土, 出兵对马岛使日本不敢进犯.打下了朝鲜王朝的坚实基础, 一代明君, 1万韩元印有他的肖像.세치의 혓바닥이 다섯 자 몸을 좌우한다 [俗] 比喻话语的重要性, 不能信口开河 [记] 字面意思是“三尺舌头左右五丈躯体” 세포 [名] 细胞 [记] 来自“细胞” 소득 [名] 收入,所得 [记] 来自“所得” 소방차 [名] 消防车 [记] 来自“消防车” 소비 심리 [名] 消费心理

[记] 来自“消费心理” 소비자 [名] 消费者

소외계층 [名] 边缘人群,边缘阶层 [记] 来自“疏外阶层” 소유욕 [名] 占有欲 [记] 来自“所有欲” 소음 [名] 噪音 [记] 来自“骚音” 소젖 [名] 牛乳 소통 [名] 沟通 [记] 来自“疏通” 소프트웨어 [名] 软件 [记] 来自 software 소홀하다 [形] 疏忽 소화 [名] 消化 [记] 来自“消化” 속담 [名] 俗语, 谚语 [记] 来自“俗谈” 속도 [名] 速度 [记] 来自“速度” 속을 태우다 [俗] 劳心 [记] 字面意思是“烧心” 손가락 [名] 手指 손뼉을 치다 [惯] 鼓掌

손을 떼다 [俗] 收手,停止原来做的事情 솜씨 [名] 技能,手艺 송아지 [名] 牛犊 송편 [名] 蒸糕, 松糕

[记] 韩国人一般在中秋吃这种糕点 쇠뿔도 단김에 빼라 [俗] 趁热打铁 [记] 字面意思是“牛角要一次性拔出来” 쇠약하다 [形] 脆弱的 [记] 来自“衰弱” 수다스럽다 [形] 啰嗦的 수단 [名] 手段 [记] 来自“手段” 수리취떡 [名] 山牛蒡糕 [记] 수리취是一种菊科植物 수면 부족 [名] 睡眠不足 [记] 来自“睡眠不足” 수명 [名] 寿命 [记] 来自“寿命” 수묵화 [名] 水墨画 [记] 来自“水墨画”

수북이 [副] 厚厚地,满满地

[例] 낙엽이 수북이 쌓여 있다;落叶厚厚地堆着。수비 [名] 防守 [记] 来自“守备” 수사 [名] 刑侦调查 [记] 来自“搜查” 수산물 [名] 水产产品 [记] 来自“水产物” 수소 에너지 [名] 氢能

수수경단 [名] 红豆沙糕(红豆沙涂在用粘高粱粉做的糕上做出来的一种点心)수수께끼 [名] 谜语 수수방관 [成] 袖手旁观 수양 [名] 修养 [记] 来自“修养” 수염 [名] 胡须 수익률 [名] 收益率 [记] 来自“收益率” 수정하다 [动] 修正 [记] 来自“修正” 수증기 [名] 水蒸汽 [记] 来自“水蒸气” 수치심 [名] 羞耻心 [记] 来自“羞耻心”

수해 복구 [名] 水灾复原(灾后重建)[记] 来自“水害复旧”

세미나 [名] 研讨会, 课堂讨论 [记] 来自 seminar 세상 물정 [名] 人情世故 [记] 来自“世上物情”

세인의 편견 [名] 世人的偏见

세종대왕 [名] 世宗大王(1397~1450), 主要功绩有创造训民正音(现代韩国语的前身), 设计出测雨器, 太阳表等科学工具.开拓6镇扩张领土, 出兵对马岛使日本不敢进犯.打下了朝鲜王朝的坚实基础, 一代明君, 1万韩元印有他的肖像.세치의 혓바닥이 다섯 자 몸을 좌우한다 [俗] 比喻话语的重要性, 不能信口开河 [记] 字面意思是“三尺舌头左右五丈躯体” 세포 [名] 细胞 [记] 来自“细胞” 소득 [名] 收入,所得 [记] 来自“所得” 소방차 [名] 消防车 [记] 来自“消防车” 소비 심리 [名] 消费心理

[记] 来自“消费心理” 소비자 [名] 消费者

소외계층 [名] 边缘人群,边缘阶层 [记] 来自“疏外阶层” 소유욕 [名] 占有欲 [记] 来自“所有欲” 소음 [名] 噪音 [记] 来自“骚音” 소젖 [名] 牛乳 소통 [名] 沟通 [记] 来自“疏通” 소프트웨어 [名] 软件 [记] 来自 software 소홀하다 [形] 疏忽 소화 [名] 消化 [记] 来自“消化” 속담 [名] 俗语, 谚语 [记] 来自“俗谈” 속도 [名] 速度 [记] 来自“速度” 속을 태우다 [俗] 劳心 [记] 字面意思是“烧心” 손가락 [名] 手指 손뼉을 치다 [惯] 鼓掌

손을 떼다 [俗] 收手,停止原来做的事情 솜씨 [名] 技能,手艺 송아지 [名] 牛犊 송편 [名] 蒸糕, 松糕

[记] 韩国人一般在中秋吃这种糕点 쇠뿔도 단김에 빼라 [俗] 趁热打铁 [记] 字面意思是“牛角要一次性拔出来” 쇠약하다 [形] 脆弱的 [记] 来自“衰弱” 수다스럽다 [形] 啰嗦的 수단 [名] 手段 [记] 来自“手段” 수리취떡 [名] 山牛蒡糕 [记] 수리취是一种菊科植物 수면 부족 [名] 睡眠不足 [记] 来自“睡眠不足” 수명 [名] 寿命 [记] 来自“寿命” 수묵화 [名] 水墨画 [记] 来自“水墨画”

수북이 [副] 厚厚地,满满地

[例] 낙엽이 수북이 쌓여 있다;落叶厚厚地堆着。수비 [名] 防守 [记] 来自“守备” 수사 [名] 刑侦调查 [记] 来自“搜查” 수산물 [名] 水产产品 [记] 来自“水产物” 수소 에너지 [名] 氢能

수수경단 [名] 红豆沙糕(红豆沙涂在用粘高粱粉做的糕上做出来的一种点心)수수께끼 [名] 谜语 수수방관 [成] 袖手旁观 수양 [名] 修养 [记] 来自“修养” 수염 [名] 胡须 수익률 [名] 收益率 [记] 来自“收益率” 수정하다 [动] 修正 [记] 来自“修正” 수증기 [名] 水蒸汽 [记] 来自“水蒸气” 수치심 [名] 羞耻心 [记] 来自“羞耻心”

수해 복구 [名] 水灾复原(灾后重建)[记] 来自“水害复旧”

세미나 [名] 研讨会, 课堂讨论 [记] 来自 seminar 세상 물정 [名] 人情世故 [记] 来自“世上物情”

세인의 편견 [名] 世人的偏见

세종대왕 [名] 世宗大王(1397~1450), 主要功绩有创造训民正音(现代韩国语的前身), 设计出测雨器, 太阳表等科学工具.开拓6镇扩张领土, 出兵对马岛使日本不敢进犯.打下了朝鲜王朝的坚实基础, 一代明君, 1万韩元印有他的肖像.세치의 혓바닥이 다섯 자 몸을 좌우한다 [俗] 比喻话语的重要性, 不能信口开河 [记] 字面意思是“三尺舌头左右五丈躯体” 세포 [名] 细胞 [记] 来自“细胞” 소득 [名] 收入,所得 [记] 来自“所得” 소방차 [名] 消防车 [记] 来自“消防车” 소비 심리 [名] 消费心理

[记] 来自“消费心理” 소비자 [名] 消费者

소외계층 [名] 边缘人群,边缘阶层 [记] 来自“疏外阶层” 소유욕 [名] 占有欲 [记] 来自“所有欲” 소음 [名] 噪音 [记] 来自“骚音” 소젖 [名] 牛乳 소통 [名] 沟通 [记] 来自“疏通” 소프트웨어 [名] 软件 [记] 来自 software 소홀하다 [形] 疏忽 소화 [名] 消化 [记] 来自“消化” 속담 [名] 俗语, 谚语 [记] 来自“俗谈” 속도 [名] 速度 [记] 来自“速度” 속을 태우다 [俗] 劳心 [记] 字面意思是“烧心” 손가락 [名] 手指 손뼉을 치다 [惯] 鼓掌

손을 떼다 [俗] 收手,停止原来做的事情 솜씨 [名] 技能,手艺 송아지 [名] 牛犊 송편 [名] 蒸糕, 松糕

[记] 韩国人一般在中秋吃这种糕点 쇠뿔도 단김에 빼라 [俗] 趁热打铁 [记] 字面意思是“牛角要一次性拔出来” 쇠약하다 [形] 脆弱的 [记] 来自“衰弱” 수다스럽다 [形] 啰嗦的 수단 [名] 手段 [记] 来自“手段” 수리취떡 [名] 山牛蒡糕 [记] 수리취是一种菊科植物 수면 부족 [名] 睡眠不足 [记] 来自“睡眠不足” 수명 [名] 寿命 [记] 来自“寿命” 수묵화 [名] 水墨画 [记] 来自“水墨画”

수북이 [副] 厚厚地,满满地

[例] 낙엽이 수북이 쌓여 있다;落叶厚厚地堆着。수비 [名] 防守 [记] 来自“守备” 수사 [名] 刑侦调查 [记] 来自“搜查” 수산물 [名] 水产产品 [记] 来自“水产物” 수소 에너지 [名] 氢能

수수경단 [名] 红豆沙糕(红豆沙涂在用粘高粱粉做的糕上做出来的一种点心)수수께끼 [名] 谜语 수수방관 [成] 袖手旁观 수양 [名] 修养 [记] 来自“修养” 수염 [名] 胡须 수익률 [名] 收益率 [记] 来自“收益率” 수정하다 [动] 修正 [记] 来自“修正” 수증기 [名] 水蒸汽 [记] 来自“水蒸气” 수치심 [名] 羞耻心 [记] 来自“羞耻心”

수해 복구 [名] 水灾复原(灾后重建)[记] 来自“水害复旧”

순환 버스 [名] 循环公交, 环路公交 숫자 [名] 数字 숭늉 [名] 锅巴水

[记] 以前用铁锅做完饭后锅里会留有一些锅巴,人们会在里面倒水加热并在饭后饮用这个水。

스님 [名] 和尚 [记] 这是对和尚的敬语,和尚也可以叫 중,但중不是敬语。스모그 [名] 烟雾 [记] 来自 smog 스타일 [名] 风格

[记] 来自 style, 常指一个人的着装风格和品味 스포츠 음료 [名] 运动饮料 [记] 来自 “sports饮料” 슬그머니 [副] 偷偷地 슬기롭다 [形] 睿智

[记] 슬기指“可以辨别是非并妥善处理的智慧” 습도 [名] 湿度 [记] 来自“湿度” 승부 [名] 胜负 승산 [名] 胜算 [记] 来自“胜算” 시간대 [名] 时间带 [记] 来自“时间带”。

시급한 문제 [名] 紧迫的问题 [记] 来自“时急的问题” 시멘트 [名] 水泥 [记] 来自 cement 시설물 [名] 设施 [记] 来自“设施物” 시스템 [名] 系统 [记] 来自 system 시인 [名] 诗人 [记] 来自“诗人” 시점 [名] 起始点 [记] 来自“始点” 시차 [名] 时差

[记] 来自“时差”。韩国和中国有1个小时的时差。시청률 [名] 收视率 식구 [名] 家里人

[记] 来自“食口”, 食口指家里一起吃饭的人, 即家庭成员 식생활 [名] 饮食生活 [记] 来自“食生活”

식생활의 서구화 [名] 饮食生活的西方化 식이요법 [名] 饮食疗法 [记] 来自“食饵疗法” 신경학자 [名] 神经学者 [记] 来自“神经学者” 신뢰도 [名] 信赖度 [记] 来自“信赖度” 신물나다 [形] 厌烦, 厌腻

[记] 신물 指的是反胃的时候涌上来的有点恶心的水。신분 [名] 身份 [记] 来自“身份” 신앙 [名] 信仰

[记] 来自“信仰”。韩国人的信仰比较多样化,有佛教、基督教、天主教等。신용 불량 기록 [名] 信用不良记录

[记] 韩国是信用体系比较健全的国家,多数时候需要使用真实姓名和身份证号码,实名制深入人心。

신용카드 [名] 信用卡 [记] 来自“信用卡” 신중하다 [形] 慎重 [记] 来自“慎重” 신화 [名] 神话 [记] 来自“神话” 실감나다 [形] 有真实感 실내 [名] 室内

실색 [名] 失色, 因为惊讶或者恐惧脸色变化 실업률 [名] 失业率 [记] 来自“失业率” 실정 [名] 实情 실태 [名] 失态 [记] 来自“失态”

심각한 경고 [名] 深刻的警告 심리적 충동 [名] 心理的冲动 심신 [名] 身心 [记] 来自“身心” 심장 [名] 心脏 [记] 来自“心脏” [派] 심장병(n.心脏病)십중팔구 [成] 十有八九 [记] 来自“十中八九”

싼 것이 비지떡 [俗] 便宜没好货 [记] 字面意思是“便宜的是豆渣饼”。비지指的是豆腐渣,비지떡则是豆腐渣里添加大米粉或面粉做出来的烤饼,在这里比喻非常不起眼的东西。쌍둥이 [名] 双胞胎 쓸만하다 [形] 可用的 아기 [名] 婴儿, 孩子 아내 [名] 老婆

아랑곳없이 [副] 无所谓地 아스팔트 [名] 柏油路 [记] 来自 asphalt 아슬아슬하다 [形] 惊险的 아이디어 [名] 思路, 创意 [记] 来自 idea 아인슈타인 [名] 爱因斯坦 아프리카 [名] 非洲 [记] 来自 Africa 악덕 [名] 恶劣的品德 [记] 来自“恶德” 악어 [名] 鳄鱼 악영향 [名] 恶劣的影响 [记] 来自“恶影响” 악화 [名] 恶化 [派] 악화되다(v.被恶化)

안내문 [名] 介绍文 [记] 来自“案内文” 안이하다 [形] 安逸 안주인 [名] 内人 [记] 来自“内主人” 앞꿈치 [名] 脚尖

앞뒤를 재다 [俗] 瞻前顾后 [记] 字面意思是“测量前后” 애견 [名] 爱犬 [记] 来自“爱犬” 애니메이션 [名] 动画 [记] 来自 animation 애완동물 [名] 宠物 [记] 来自“爱玩动物” 애용하다 [动] 享用 [记] 来自“爱用”

애잔한 삶 [名] 可怜的人生 [记] “爱残的”人生

애지중지 [成] 疼爱有加, 爱之重之 액을 피하다 [惯] 避免灾难 [记] 来自“爱之重之” 액체 [名] 液体 [记] 来自“液体” 야근 [名] 夜班 [记] 来自“夜勤” 야생동물 [名] 野生动物 야유 [名] 揶揄 [记] 来自“揶揄” 야유회 [名] 野游 [记] 来自“野游会”

야행성 동물 [名] 夜行动物 약재 [名] 药材 [记] 来自“药材” 양계장 [名] 养鸡场 [记] 来自“养鸡场” 양귀비 [名] 杨贵妃 양극화 [名] 两极化 [记] 来自“两极化”

양반 [名] 两班, 高丽/朝鲜时代处于统治地位的阶级。起初,国王朝会的时候,国王面向南,文班(即文官)站在东侧、武班(即武臣)站在西侧,因此称呼这两批人为“两班”。但此后渐渐地将这些人的家族以及考上科举的人也称为两班,同时两班还可以世袭。在现代韩国,斯文而且彬彬有礼的人也称为两班。양보하다 [动] 让步 [记] 来自“让步” 양분 [名] 养分 [记] 来自“养分”

어김없이 [副] 准会,保准 [例] 어김없이 나타난다;准会出现 어깨 [名] 肩膀

어깨를 으쓱하다 [俗] 得意洋洋,扯高气扬 어련히 [副] 自然而然地 어류 [名] 鱼类 [记] 来自“鱼类” 어리둥절하다 [形] 发呆, 糊涂(不知道怎么回事)어부 [名] 渔夫 [记] 来自“渔夫”

어설피 [副] 不自然地, 轻率地

[记] 表示因不熟悉所做的事情而显得笨拙和不完美 어안이 벙벙하다 [形] 发蒙, 发傻, 目瞪口呆 [同] 어리둥절하다 어지럼증 [名] 眩晕症 어투 [名] 语气, 口气 [记] 来自“语套”

억양 [名](说话时的)阴阳顿挫 [记] 来自“抑扬”

억울하다 [形] 冤枉的, 委屈的 [记] 来自“抑郁”

언급된 내용 [名] 提及的内容 언덕배기 [名] 山顶 언론 [名] 言论 [记] 来自“言论”

언어 정화 [名] 语言净化 [记] 来自“言语净化” 얼핏 [副] 瞥见,过眼 [例] 얼핏 보다;瞥见 [同] 언뜻

엄밀히 [副] 严密地 [记] 来自“严密” 엄지발가락 [名] 拇趾 업계 [名] 业界,业内

[记] 来自“业界”

업무와 대인 관계 [名] 业务和群众关系 업적과 영향력 [名] 业绩和影响力 업체 [名] 企业 [记] 来自“(企)业体” 엉덩이 [名] 屁股 에너지원 [名] 能源 [记] 来自 energy + 源 에어컨 필터 [名] 空调过滤器 [记] 来自 air con + filter 여실히 [副] 如实 [记] 来自“如实” 역경 [名] 逆境

역력하다 [形] 明显, 历历在目 [记] 来自“历历” 역무원 [名] 站务员 [记] 来自“驿务员” 역사가 [名] 历史学家 [记] 来自“历史家” 역전 현상 [名] 逆转现象 역지사지 [成] 易地思之

[记] 表示换位思考,即换一个角度思考 연 [名] 风筝

[例] 연을 날리다;放风筝 연관성 [名] 连贯性 [记] 来自“连贯性” 연기 [名] 演技 [记] 来自“演技” 연대감 [名] 连带感 [记] 来自“连带感” 연령 [名] 年龄 [记] 来自“年龄” 연료 [名] 燃料 [记] 来自“燃料” 연봉 [名] 年薪 [记] 来自“年俸” 연설자 [名] 演讲者 [记] 来自“演说者” 연쇄 살인 [名] 连环杀人 [记] 来自“连锁杀人” 연수 [名] 研修,指短期培训 연애 [名] 恋爱

[记] 来自“恋爱” 연예인 [名] 艺人 [记] 来自“演艺人” 연인 [名] 恋人 [记] 来自“恋人” 연탄 [名] 无烟碳 [记] 来自“炼炭” 연합회 [名] 联合会 [记] 来自“联合会” 열 [名] 热, 热量

열길 물속은 알아도 한 길 사람 속은 모른다 [俗] 人心隔肚皮, 知人知面不知心 [记] 字面意思是“知道10길水底,也无法知道1길的人心”, “길”是古代表示长度的单位。1길大约是8或者10丈,也就是2.4米或3米。열등감 [名] 自卑感 [记] 来自“劣等感” 염두 [名] 念头 영광 [名] 光荣 [记] 来自“荣光”

영업 실적 [名] 销售业绩 [记] 来自“营业实绩” 영향력 [名] 影响力 예매 [名] 预售 [记] 来自“预卖” 예민하다 [形] 敏锐 [记] 来自“锐敏” 예산 [名] 预算 [记] 来自“预算”

예삿일 [名] 例事(例行公事), 无足轻重的事情 예약 [名] 预约 예언 [名] 预言 [记] 来自“语言” 예컨대 [副] 例如 오락성 [名] 娱乐性 오르막길 [名] 上坡路 [反] 내리막길(n.下坡路)오존층 [名] 臭氧层 [记] ozon + 층(n.层)옥 [名] 玉 [记] 来自“玉” 옥수수 [名] 玉米

온라인 게임 [名] 网络游戏 [记] 来自 online game 온실 효과 [名] 温室效应 [记] 来自“温室效果” 올해 [名] 今年 옹호하다 [动] 拥护 [记] 来自“拥护”

와들와들 [副] 哆嗦地, 颤抖地 완벽한 작품 [名] 完美的作品 왕자 [名] 王子

[记] 来自“王子”,公主是공주 왜곡 보도 [名] 歪曲的报道 [记] 来自“歪曲报道” 외가 [名] 婆家 [同] 외갓집(n.婆家)외면하다 [动] 回避 [记] 来自“外面” 외손자 [名] 外孙 외아들 [名] 独生子 외유내강 [成] 外柔内刚 [记] 来自“外柔内刚” 외할머니 [名] 外婆 외할아버지 [名] 外公 요리사 [名] 厨师 [记] 来自“料理师” 요법 [名] 疗法 욕구 [名] 欲望, 需要 [记] 来自“欲求” 용돈 [名] 零花钱 [记] 来自“用钱”

용의 꼬리 [名] 龙的尾巴 우스꽝스럽다 [形] 好笑的 우애 [名] 友爱 [记] 来自“友爱”

우여곡절 [名] 迂回曲折,表示错综复杂的事情 우울증 [名] 忧郁症 [记] 来自“忧郁症” 우주 [名] 宇宙 [记] 来自“宇宙” 우화 [名] 寓言 [记] 来自“寓话” 우후죽순 [成] 雨后春笋 [记] 来自“雨后春笋” 운동회 [名] 运动会 [记] 来自“运动会”

울며 겨자 먹기 [俗] 比喻被迫做不愿意做的事情 [记] 字面意思是“哭着吃芥菜” 울산 [名] 蔚山,韩国城市

[记] 蔚山是韩国最大的工业城市,石化、造船、汽车等重工业发达。울새 [名] 知更鸟 울타리 [名] 栅栏 워낙 [副] 本来, 原来

워드 [名] Word, 指微软公司的Office系列软件 원만하다 [形] 圆满的

원유 값 [名] 原油价格,韩国是不产石油的国家,石油全部依靠进口 원작 [名] 原作 [记] 来自“原作” 원천 [名] 源泉 [记] 来自“源泉” 월급 [名] 月薪 [记] 来自“月给”

월급쟁이 [名] 月薪族,上班族 [记] 월급(n.月薪)월평균 임금 [名] 月平均工资 [记] 来自“月平均赁金” 웬만하다 [副] 差不多,一般

[例] 삼계탕으로 유명한 그 음식점은 웬만한 중소기업보다 직원도 많고 매출도 높다고 한다;以参鸡汤闻名的那家饭店据说比一般的中小企业有更多的职员,销售额也更高。

위기 [名] 危机 [记] 来自“危机”

[派] 경제위기(n.经济危机)위로하다 [动] 慰劳 위인 [名] 伟人 [记] 来自“伟人” [派] 위인전(n.伟人传记)위장 질환 [名] 胃脏疾病 [记] 来自“胃脏疾患” 위주 [形] 为主 [记] 来自“为主” 위축 [名] 萎缩 위화감 [名] 抵触情绪 [记] 来自“违和感”

유교적 관념 [名] 儒教观念 [记] 来自“儒教观念” 유구한역사 [名] 悠久的历史 [记] 来自“悠久的历史”

유기적 관계 [名] 有机的关系, 有机的联系 유래 [名] 由来 [记] 来自“由来”

유망 분야 [名] 有希望的领域 [记] 来自“有望分野”

유명한 일화 [名] 著名的逸事

[记] 来自“有名的逸话” 유발하다 [动] 诱发 [记] 来自“诱发”

유배객의 귀양지 [名] 流放者的流放地 유사하다 [形] 类似的 유아용품 [名] 婴儿用品 [记] 来自“幼儿用品” 유연화하다 [动] 软化 [记] 来自“柔软化” 유유자적 [成] 悠闲自在 [记] 来自“悠悠自适”

유적과 유물 [名] 遗迹和遗留物 [记] 来自“遗迹和遗物” 유전인자 [名] 遗传因子 유전학 [名] 遗传学 [派] 유전인자(n.遗传因子)유창하다 [形] 流畅的 [记] 来自“流畅” 유태인 [名] 犹太人 [记] 来自“犹太人” 유통업 [名] 流通业 유포하다 [动] 传播, 散布 [记] 来自“流布” 유혹하다 [动] 诱惑 [记] 来自“诱惑” 육류 [名] 肉类 [记] 来自“肉类” 윤리 [名] 伦理 [记] 来自“伦理”

으레 [副] 应当, 当然, 照例 은둔자의 낙향지 [名] 隐居者的归宿 은퇴 [名] 退休,隐退 [记] 来自“隐退”

은행 대출 [名] 银行贷款 [记] 来自“银行贷出”

은행 정기 저금 [名] 银行定期储蓄 [记] 来自“银行定期储金”

음란물 [名] 淫秽物品(比如淫秽光碟)[记] 来自“淫乱物”

음식의 천국 [名] 美食天堂 [记] 来自“饮食的天国” 의구심 [名] 疑虑心, 疑惧感 [记] 来自“疑惧心” 의도 [名] 意图 [记] 来自“意图” 의무 [名] 义务 [记] 来自“义务” 의욕 [名] 欲望 [记] 来自“意欲” 의의 [名] 意义 [记] 来自“意义”

의젓하다 [形] 不卑不亢,昂然 의학 [名] 医学 [记] 来自“医学” 의학계 [名] 医学界 [记] 来自“医学界” 이공계 [名] 理工科

[记] 来自“理工系”,韩国大学生往往重文轻理(이공계 기피)的倾向,这个话题曾出现在TOPIK考试阅读文章中。이기적이다 [形] 利己的 [例] 인간의 이기적 태도;人类利己的态度 이념 [名] 理念 [记] 来自“理念” 이따금 [副] 偶尔 이론 [名] 理论 [记] 来自“理论” 이른바 [副] 所谓

이바지하다 [动] 贡献, 奉献 이삭 [名] 穗子

이산화탄소 [名] 二氧化碳




典型例句:I’ll help you.替代语:accommodate

E.g: I’ll endeavor to accommodate you.垃圾词汇2:helpful

典型例句:Sth is helpful(to sb)


E.g: Sth is conducive to sb


time-honored时代赋予的do credit to our forbears继承先辈的优秀传统


典型例句:as it shows in the picture



典型例句:I think--------



典型例句:xxx is ugly


垃圾词汇6:by the way

典型例句:by the way,....替代语:incidentally,....垃圾词汇7:because

典型例句:xxx because xxx

替代语:in that/in as much as


典型例句:We must consider xxx

替代语:allow for

E.g.: We must allow for xxx


典型例句:There has been a much increase in the world population

替代语:There has been a drastic increase in the-----


典型例句:It is about 250 times of that

替代语:It is approximately---



一、…the +-est + 名词 +(that)+ 主词 + have ever + seen(known/heard/had/read, etc)QYK英语作文网…the most + 形容词 + 名词 +(that)+ 主词 + have ever + seen(known/heard/had/read, etc)例句:Helen is the most beautiful girl that I have ever seen.海伦是我所看过最美丽的女孩。QYK英语作文网Mr.Chang is the kindest teacher that I have ever had.QYK英语作文网




二、Nothing is +-er than to + V ;Nothing is + more + 形容词 + than to + V QYK英语作文网例句:Nothing is more important than to receive education.QYK英语作文网




三、…cannot emphasize the importance of …too much.(再怎么强调……的重要性也不为过。)例句:We cannot emphasize the importance of protecting our eyes too much.QYK英语作文网


四、There is no denying that + S + V...(不可否认的……)例句:There is no denying that the qualities of our living have gone from bad to worse.QYK英语作文网不可否认的,我们的生活品质已经每况愈下。*

五、It is universally acknowledged that + 句子……(全世界都知道……)例句:It is universally acknowledged that trees are indispensable to us.QYK英语作文网全世界都知道树木对我们是不可或缺的。*

六、There is no doubt that + 句子……(毫无疑问的……)QYK英语作文网

例句:There is no doubt that our educational system leaves something to be desired.QYK英语作文网毫无疑问的我们的教育制度令人不满意。QYK英语作文网


七、An advantage of …is that + 句子(……的优点是……)QYK英语作文网

例句:An advantage of using the solar energy is that it won't create(produce)any pollution.QYK英语作文网


八、The reason why + 句子…… is that + 句子(……的原因是……)QYK英语作文网

例句:The reason why we have to grow trees is that they can provide us with fresh air.我们必须种树的原因是它们能供应我们新鲜的空气。*

九、So + 形容词 + be + 主词 + that + 句子……(如此……以致于……)例句:So precious is time that we can't afford to waste it.时间是如此珍贵,我们经不起浪费它。

十、Adj + as + Subject(主词)+ be, S + V~(虽然……)QYK英语作文网

例句:Rich as our country is, the qualities of our living are by no means satisfactory.(by no means = in no way = on no account =at no time = in no case = in no sense = under no circumstances = not...in the least 一点也不)QYK英语作文网


十一、The +-er + S + V, …the +-er + S + V…QYK英语作文网

The + more + Adj + S + V, …the + more + Adj + S + V …(愈……愈……)例句:The harder you work, the more progress you make.QYK英语作文网


The more books we read, the more learned we become.QYK英语作文网


十二、By +Ving, …can…(借着...,..能够..)例句:By taking exercise, we can always stay healthy.QYK英语作文网


十三、…enable + Object(受词)+ to + V(……使……能够……)例句:Listening to music enable us to feel relaxed.QYK英语作文网


十四、On no account can we + V…(我们绝对不能……)例句:On no account can we ignore the value of knowledge.QYK英语作文网


十五、It is time + S + 过去式(该是……的时候了)例句:It is time the authorities concerned took proper steps to solve the traffic problems.QYK英语作文网


十六、Those who…(……的人……)例句:Those who violate traffic regulations should be punished.QYK英语作文网


十七、There is no one but…(没有人不……)例句:There is no one but longs to go to college.QYK英语作文网


十八、be + forced/compelled/obliged + to + V(不得不……)例句:Since the examination is around the corner, I am compelled to give up doing sports.QYK英语作文网


十九、It is conceivable that + 句子(可想而知的)It is obvious that + 句子(明显的)QYK英语作文网

It is apparent that + 句子(显然的)例句: It is conceivable that knowledge plays an important role in our life.QYK英语作文网


二十、That is the reason why…(那就是……的原因)例句:Summer is sultry.That is the reason why I don't like it.QYK英语作文网


十一、For the past + 时间,S + 现在完成式(过去……年来,……一直……)例句:For the past two years, I have been busy preparing for the examination.QYK英语作文网


十二、Since + S + 过去式,S + 现在完成式。例句:Since he went to senior high school, he has worked very hard.QYK英语作文网


十三、It pays to + V…(……是值得的。)例句:It pays to help others.QYK英语作文网


十四、be based on(以……为基础)例句:The progress of the society is based on harmony.QYK英语作文网



十五、Spare no effort to + V(不遗余力的)例句:We should spare no effort to beautify our environment.QYK英语作文网


十六、bring home to + 人 + 事(让……明白……事)例句:We should bring home to people the value of working hard.QYK英语作文网


十七、be closely related to…(与……息息相关)例句:Taking exercise is closely related to health.QYK英语作文网


十八、Get into the habit of + Ving QYK英语作文网

= make it a rule to + V(养成……的习惯)例句:We should get into the habit of keeping good hours.我们应该养成早睡早起的习惯。二

十九、Due to/Owing to/Thanks to + N/Ving, …(因为……)QYK英语作文网

例句:Thanks to his encouragement, I finally realized my dream.QYK英语作文网




十、What a + Adj + N + S + V!QYK英语作文网

= How + Adj + a + N + V!(多么……!)QYK英语作文网

例句:What an important thing it is to keep our promise!QYK英语作文网

How important a thing it is to keep our promise!QYK英语作文网




十一、Leave much to be desired(令人不满意)QYK英语作文网

例句:The condition of our traffic leaves much to be desired.QYK英语作文网




十二、Have a great influence on…(对……有很大的影响)QYK英语作文网

例句:Smoking has a great influence on our health.QYK英语作文网



十三、do good to(对……有益),do harm to(对……有害)QYK英语作文网

例句:Reading does good to our mind.读书对心灵有益。QYK英语作文网

Overwork does harm to health.工作过度对健康有害。QYK英语作文网



十四、Pose a great threat to…(对……造成一大威胁)QYK英语作文网

例句:Pollution poses a great threat to our existence.QYK英语作文网




十五、do one's utmost to + V = do one's best(尽全力去...)QYK英语作文网

例句:We should do our utmost to achieve our goal in life.QYK英语作文网我们应尽全力去达成我们的人生目标。


1.Board 董事会

2.Human resources 人力资源/人事部



5.Public Relations 公关部

6.Customer Services 客服部

7.Legal department 法律部

8.warehouse 仓库

9.sector/section/division 部门

10.director 主任

11.supervisor 主管

12.manager 经理

13.administrator 管理者

14.executive 执行官

15.engineer 工程师

16.employee 员工

17.salary 薪水

18.bonus 奖金

19.allowance 补贴

20.holiday pay 带薪休假

21.contract 合同

22.invoice 发票

23.commercial 商业的 24.industrial 工业的

25.distribution 分配

26.joint venture 跨国公司

27.partner 合作伙伴

28.document 文件

29.outline 提纲

30.fund 资金,基金

31.meet the standard/requirement 符合要求

32.criteria 衡量标准

33.inquiry 询问

34.estate agency 房产中介

35.negotiation 谈判

36.advertisement---ads---adverts 广告

37.tax office 税务所

38.Customer Services 客服

39.job title 职称,职位

40.earnings 薪水

41.stationery 文具 ,信笺

42.business card 名片

43.make changes 做出改变

44.proof 证据,校样

45.quantity 数量

46.marketing executive 市场部主管

47.make/take notes 记笔记 48.logo 商标

49.address 地址、衣着、致辞

50.finalise 结束 v.51.delegation—delegate 代表(团)

52.name badge 名牌

53.catering 餐饮服务

54.refreshments 点心、饮料等

55.greet 问候

56.on display 展出中

57.book 预定

58.reservation 预定

59.screen 大屏幕

60.brochure 宣传册

61.attend a course 听课

62.certificate 认证

63.post put sth in the post 发布,公告

64.available 可以得到的,可以使用的

65.install 安装

66.installment 安装,分期付款

67.extension 扩张

68.transfer a call from one extension to another 在分机间转接电话

69.charge sb some money 收费

70.check the invoice 核对发票

71.discount 折扣 72.contact----contract 联系--合同

73.trade fair 商品交易会

74.postpone 推迟

75.item 物品、(法律)条款

76.revise 修订

77.originally—initially 最初的


79.agenda 日程

80.check one’s schedule 核对日程表

81.accountancy—accounting—accountant 财务、会计

82.database 数据库

83.product demonstration—demo 产品展示

84.arrange 安排

85.top priority 优先权

86.sales literature 商品销售说明书

87.racing ware 比赛用品

88.catalogue 目录

89.pull-out leaflet 传单

90.specification 规格

91.copy 复印、副本

92.price list 价格表

93.spare part 配件

94.remind sb of sth 提醒

95.equipment 设备 96.security 安保

97.dispatch 派遣、急件

98.delivery 投递

99.instruction 说明、指引

100.retail park 商店绿化区

101.branch office—headquarter--分部、总部

102.loading area 装卸区

103.payment 付款

104.receipt 收据

105.photocopier 复印机

106.model 型号

107.the definite time---exact 确切时间

108.confirmation 确认

109.access 方式、途径、机会

110.coordinator 协调人

111.cassette player 卡带机

112.Director’s meeting 主管会

113.reputation 声誉

114.launch 发行、推广

115.overtake 战胜、赶上

116.sales volume 销售量

117.target---target customer/audience 目标客户、观众

118.sign 迹象

119.loyal customer 当地顾客 120.campaign 活动

121.marketing strategy 市场策略

122.optimistic 乐观的

123.rumours 谣言

124.phase out 逐步淘汰

125.shareholder 股东

126.turn up 出席,到会,现身

127.adequate 充足的

128.microphone 麦克风

129.video 视频

130.annual report 报告

131.amended figure 修改过的数据

132.staff—faculty 员工

133.be off sick 请病假

134.sales directors 销售主管

135.Vantage 3 :plant manager 工厂经理

136.reception 前台

137.show sb around 带领某人参观

138.warehouse 仓库

139.presentation 展示、专题演讲

140.delivery yard/area/address 接货区、收货地址

141.fill a vacancy 填补空缺

142.mechanical engineer 机械工程师

143.electrical engineer 电工 144.check details 核对细节

145.qualification 资格

146.quality control 质量检验

147.post 邮件,职位

148.previous experience 工作经验

149.particular requirement 特殊要求


151.client 顾客

152.asset 资产

153.diploma 学历

154.certificate 认证

155.update website 更新网站

156.consultant 顾问

157.annual report 报告

158.intend to do 打算做某事

159.internet recruitment 网络招聘

160.further investment 更多投资

161.cost-effective 有收益的

162.main concern 焦点

163.assembly 装配,会议

164.department 部门

165.division 部门

166.be on voice mail 语音留言

167.dispatch department 派遣部门 168.packing machine 包装机

169.develop a fault 暴露出缺陷

170.state the enquiry 进行询问

171.answer machine 答录机

172.date of issue 发布、颁布日期

173.name of the publication 出版商

174.reprint 再版,重印本

175.Pacific Rim 太平洋沿岸

176.register 注册

177.edition—version 版本

178.special edition 特别版

179.studio 工作室

180.participation 参与

181.industrial relation 工业关系

182.extended edition 延长版

183.news bulletin 新闻快报,公示

184.special session 特别会议

185.book signing 签名售书

186.trainee 受训人

187.drop out 退出,退学

188.profit margin 利润率

189.draft press release 新闻初稿

190.fax 传真

191.comment 评论 192.bid 投标

193.statistics 数据

194.stuff 东西、物品

195.selling point 卖点

196.domestic market 国内市场

197.Human Resources 人力资源

198.application forms 申请表

199.shift 倒班,电梯

200.technical problem 技术故障

201.component 组成部门

202.recall 召回

203.call back 通知面试等进入下一轮

204.operator 操作员

205.resolve problems 解决问题

206.on track 走上正轨

207.trial period 试用期

208.newsletter 实事通讯

209.trade fair 商品交易会

210.feedback 反馈

211.rumour 谣言

212.redundancy 多余信息,备份

213.draft document 文件初稿

214.phone bill 电话账单

215.employee at the ground level 底层员工 216.高级:look forward to 期待

217.on behalf of 代表

218.conference 会议

219.press 新闻界,出版社

220.press release 新闻发布会

221.make a point/miss the point 陈述观点、遗漏要点

222.seminar 研讨会

223.commentator 评论员

224.business community 企业界

225.company 226.firm 227.cooperation Co.Ltd 228.enterprise 229.entrepreneur 230.specialist 专家

231.strategy---initiative 策略、方法、政策

232.banking 银行业

233.pharmaceutical 药剂学的

234.retail 零售,转述

235.analyst 分析家

236.customer-driven 顾客为主的

237.organizational structure 组织结构

238.framework 框架

239.profile 概要 240.distribution center 分配中心

241.commercial law 商业法

242.meet expectation 迎合期待

243.after-sales service 售后服务

244.agency 局、社

245.mailshot 邮寄广告

246.approach 方法、接近。。的途径

247.option 选项

248.quarterly instalment 分季预缴

249.contractor 承包商

250.one-off deal 一次性买卖

251.fluctuate 波动

252.procedure 步骤

253.grants 补助金

254.award 奖金

255.committee 委员会

256.a panel of experts 专家组

257.target audience 目标观众

258.situ 原地,施工现场


260.interpreter 翻译、解释、口译

261.translator 补充词汇

complaint invoice




bank statement






balance sheet




expense claim




conference 会议

appeal 吸引力,吸引,呼吁

sample 样品

reputation 名誉,声誉

location 地点

investment 投资

revise 修正、修订

incentive 动机

rental cost 租赁费用

venue 地点

confidence 自信心

participant 参与者

cash flow 现金流向

exchange rate 汇率

product distribution 产品分配 figure 数字

fair 公平的

supplier 供应商

volume—sales volume 销售量

calculate 计算

insert 键入,插入

paperwork 文书,文件

brochure 宣传册

security code 安全密码

in advance 提前,预先

out of the question 不可能,谈不上

fault 错误,纰漏

printer 打印机

premise 房屋、地基、前提

conversation 谈话

out of the question 不可能,谈都别谈

out of question 毫无疑问,不成问题

sign---signature 签字

take sth into account 把。。列入考虑

leasing equipment 出租的设备

outgoing 支出

income 收入

input 投入

loan 贷款 final total 总计

exclude 排除

seminar 研讨会

duplicate 副本,复制

favorable price 令人满意的价格

function properly 运转正常

sort out 整理,解决

alternative 其他选择

competition 竞争

tough 激烈,残酷的

proposition 建议 propose—proposal potential 潜力

additional cost 额外费用

consignment 委托

ignore advise 忽视别人的建议

consistency 持久性

specification 规格

recommendation 推荐

approximately 大约

identity 身份,特性,一致identical proposition 建议

achieve consistency 坚持不懈

interpret 翻译、口译

type a letter 打一封信 priority 优先,优先权

workload 工作量

PA personal assistant 个人助理

agency 社、局

image 形象

term 术语,学期

impressive 令人印象深刻的

browse through 浏览

publicity campaign 宣传活动

business contact 业务往来

letterhead 信头纸

complimentary 赠送的,称赞的

consideration 考虑

package 整批交易,套餐

speed up 加速

senior 长辈

evening shift 夜班

measure—take/adopt measures to do 采取措施

sufficient—insufficient 足够的

retain 保持

industrial estate 工业区

estate agency 房地产中介

vacate—vacant-vacancy 空出,让出、空缺

commodity 商品 expire 期满,终止

expiry date 有效期

applicant 申请人

wage 津贴

profit margin 利润率

manufacturing capacity 生产量

outweigh 远比。重要

commuting time 通勤时间

colleague 同事

entertaining 娱乐

client 客户

take sth personal 针对个人

anticipate 预测

silence opponent 压制反对

handle 处理

criticize 批评

approach 方法

crucial error 关键纰漏

character 性格

characteristic 特点

recruitment 招聘

arrangement 安排

punctually 准时的

regularly 定期的 qualification 资格

finance—financial 财政的,金融的

self-employment 自己当老板

insight---insider—outsider 洞察力,内行人,外行人

youngster 年轻人

proposal 建议,提议

make an appointment 预约

accommodation 食宿

household name 家喻户晓的名字


edge 优势

disillusionment 不报幻想

revelation—reveal 发觉,揭示

guarantee 质保

warrantee 质保

reference 参考,推荐

liaise 联络

testimonial 证明书,奖状

catalogue 目录

worker at the ground level 底层员工

fuss 强烈不满

allowance 补助

allocation 分配

flexible 灵活多变的 maintenance 维持

hands-on experience 亲身经历

delegate 代表

facility 设备

model 型号

demanding 要求高的

chart 图表

etcetera 等等

drop in 顺便来访

candidate 候选人

confusing 令人迷惑的

disorientated 神志迷乱的

inspection 检查

be redone 重做

reasonable 合理的

machinist 机械师

batch size 批量

pay off the credit 还清贷款

canteen 食堂

content 内容、目录、满意的

meet the deadline 赶上截止日期

frustration 心烦意乱

judge 评价

consultant 顾问 dissatisfaction 不满意

focus 焦点

drawback 缺点

flaw 瑕疵

scar 伤疤

interpersonal skill 人际交往技巧

downside 缺点

lack of knowledge 缺乏知识,不知道

overwork 过度工作


fortunately 幸运的

temporary workers 临时工

workaholic 工作狂

secondment 借调

Head Office 总部

stress-pressure 压力



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