
时间:2019-05-15 09:30:52下载本文作者:会员上传



1.It took Jack two hours climb the mountain._______

2.The tomatoes I picked are much more redder than yours.______ 3.They have never had the chance to be there ago.______ 4.Even he is old , my grandpa works on the farm.________ 5.You are terrible ill.You’d better stay in bed.________

6.The nearest village is about one hundred miles far away._________ 7.I don’t like going out lonely after dark._________ 8.I’m fed up waiting for her letter.________

9.Birds flew back because the fine environment._________ 10.The students entered into the classroom one by one.________ 1.His story is more interesting as my sister’s.________ 2.Please return my dictionary back soon._______ 3.When he heard the news , he got angrily._______ 4.They have some problems get there._______

5.Tom was just falling asleep then the telephone rang.________ 6.Sometimes we take walk by the river._______ 7.Mr More took well care of his car._______ 8.We are going to Hainan the next holiday.______ 9.I don’t agree to you , twins._______

10.Though children are young , they should be listened carefully._____

1.The monkeys climbed the trees quick.________ 3.Everyone in our class like take-away food._________ 4.The twins didn’t feel well , but they didn’t come.________ 5.Jack’s uncle joined in the army three years ago.________ 6.Could you give me anything to eat ? __________

7.It was too hot last night that I couldn’t sleep well._______ 8.To have a twin brother is little strange.________

9.There is going to have a dolphin show in the zoo.________ 10.Could you repeat it again , please ?__________ 1.Can you guess how many years I have been to this city ? _______ 2.Surfing looks so excited that I want to have a try.___________ 3.To make a lot noise at night is not polite._________

4.There will have a strong wind to the north of Huai River.________ 5.The number of the students in our school are more than 2,000.______ 6.The poor man needs a house to live.______ 7.His clothes have washed by his mother.________ 8.He said that he had been in Beijing many years._______ 9.Hunan is by the south of Hubei._______

10.There was fire in the supermarket near our school last night.___________

1.Though he is a five-year-old boy , but he can play computer very well.______ 2.My brother will phone me as soon as he get there.__________ 3.English is most widely spoken language all over the world.__________ 4.It’s very kind for you to help carry the bag.__________ 5.Twenty miles are quite a long way to go._________

6.The Class 2 students are planting trees on both side of the street._________ 7.There is going to have a sports meeting before National Day._________ 8.A horse isn’t as bigger as an elephant._________

9.It’s hard for him to do so many homework in one day.__________ 10.Edison thought for a while and came up with a idea.1.Three fifths of the books here is mine.________ 2.Your clothes should always be kept cleanly and tidy.________ 3.Tom said he was feeling even worst.________ 4.Father told me that light travelled faster than sound.________ 5.In our everyday life we see much moving things.________ 6.Which floor does your mother live ? ________

7.The heavy snow made him to feel worried about his sheep.______ 8.The boys are often told not play football in the street.________ 9.Remember to go to the post office and send this letters._______ 10.There is going to have a concert tomorrow.______

1.Ann didn't know how work out the problem in class.___________ 2.Why not ask for help when you were with trouble? ___________ 3.Look!What happy the children are in the garden!___________ 4.We have learned English since two years and a half._________ 5.I'll go back home as soon as school will be over.___________ 6.You'd better speak as more English as you can.___________ 7.With my help, he finished made the kite at last.___________ 8.Father tells his son how far is it from the earth to the moon.________ 9.Neither you nor I were sending e-mails then ________ 10.A friend of him went to Japan last Sunday ___________

1.No one of us has been to Bondi Beach._________________ 2.Everyone should make a contribution(捐赠)to protect the environment.______ 3.I couldn’t fall sleep last night.__________ 4.The number of students in our school is more than two thousands._____________ 5.Mary or her brother are going to visit the Great Wall soon.__________ 6.What do you mean at “relative”?_____________ 7.He was made tell everything.____________ 8.This pair of glasses are a little expensive.___________ 9.How long do you go to see your grandfather ? Once a week._____________ 10.Look at these Germen.How happy they are!______________ 1.Dick is afraid of meet the boss.________ 2.Jim says that he has come in China for over three years._____________ 3.Man ,like animals and plants, also need sunlight.________ 4..Mum often tells me don’t stay up too late._________ 5.Girls had better not to walk alone at night._________ 6.She is enough old to go to school.__________ 7.You must finish to do your homework during your holiday.__________ 8.It took me about half an hour doing my homework yesterday.___________ 9.She says she would go to the cinema with her parents that evening.__________ 10.I’ll return the book to the library as soon as I will finish reading it.____ 1.Dick is afraid of meet the boss________ 2..Neither of them are a farmer.3.Man ,like animals and plants, also need sunlight._______ 4..Mum often tells me don’t stay up too late.________ 5.Girls had better not to walk alone at night._______ 6.She is enough old to go to school._______ 7.You must finish to do your homework during your holiday.______ 8.It took me about half an hour doing my homework yesterday.__________ 9.She says she would go to the cinema with her parents that evening.________ 10.I’ll return the book to the library as soon as I will finish reading it.______


Types of Sentence errors:

1.Sentence fragments

A grammatically complete sentence has a verb with its subject.Structurally it must be an independent unit, capable of standing alone.The sentence fragment means simply that dependent units such as phrases, clauses, appositives and other such groups of words are mistaken as sentences.(片段句)

2.Run-on sentence, esp.a comma splice

A run-on sentence puts together two or more sentences with no mark of punctuation between them.When two complete sentences run together with only a comma between them, it is called a run-on sentence.(误用逗号连接句)3.Misplaced or dangling modifier

A careless use of verb phrases like participle, gerund, infinitive, etc.results in a construction usually known as the dangling modifier.A phrase is said to be dangling if it is not tied to something it modifies.(垂悬句)

4.The illogical or faulty parallelism

The false parallels, that is, using parallel structure for ideas that are not parallel, should be avoided.A subordinate which or who clause should not be carelessly joined to a main clause by “and”.Correlatives such as both---and, either---or, etc.should be used only before sentence elements that are parallel in form.(误用平行句法)

5.The shift in point of view

Any unnecessary and illogical shift in point of view should be avoided.Unnecessary shift from active to passive voice are undesirable.A needless shift in number and persons should be avoided.Shifts in subject, perspectives, or tense should be avoided.(角度随意转换)

Identify the errors in the following sentences and correct them:

1.The basketball game was cancelled.Because half of the players were in bed with the flu.2.These snakes are dangerous,however, most snakes are quite harmless.3.Looking out toward the horizon, she saw only the old cabin in which Mary had been born.A single cottonwood that had escaped the drought.The apparently boundless expanse of sunburned prairie.4.With the knowledge that, although the documents have been stolen, they have not yet been seen by a foreign agent.5.Last year, after graduating from high school, my father put me to work in his office.6.To appreciate the poem, it must be read aloud.7.I helped my mother wash clothes last Sunday, thus causing me to miss that film.8.Driving across the state, many beautiful lakes were seen.9.Unselfish people not only are happier but they are more successful.10.I finally realized that my daydreaming was not making me beautiful, slender, or friends.11.He is a man of wide experience and who is also very popular with the farmers.12.I am interested in electronics, because it is a new field and which offers interesting opportunities to one who knows science.13.We swept the room carefully, and the furniture and shelves were dusted.14.If one’s mouth is dry, eat a lump of sugar or chew gum.15.You must make yourself interesting to the group that listens to you and are constantly trying to detect your mistakes.16.No one swam in the lake that summer,a little boy had dropped his pet into the water.17.Our new car not only is more economical but also it is more comfortable than that old one.18.Tim and Rita decided to send their daughter to college on the day she was born.19.He believed neither in himself nor did he believe in others.20.The father ordered a meal for his family ranging from fried shrimp to chopped beef.21.Although tired and hungry, the drill sergeant would not let us rest.22.Bloomsbury is more than just the home of great artists, it is also the home of great art.



We always working till late at night before taking exams.(误)

We are always working /We always work till late at night before taking exams(正)We should read books may be useful to us.(误)

We should read books which may be useful to us.(正)


This test is end, but there is another test is waiting for you.(误)

One test ends, but another is waiting for you.(正)

The driver of the red car was died on the spot.(误)

The driver of the red car died on the spot.(正)


Someone/Somebody think that reading should be selective.(误)

Some think that reading should be selective.(正)

My sister go to the cinema at least once a week.(误)

My sister goes to the cinema at least once a week.(正)


I was walking along the road, and there are not so many cars on the street.(误)

I was walking along the road and there were not so many vehicles on the street.(正)We have little time to read some books which we interest.(误)

We have little time to read some books in which we are interested.(正)

I am a student who has studying in the college for two years.(误)

I have been studying in the college for two years(正)


It is my point that reading must be selectively.(误)

In my opinion, reading must be selective.(正)

Honest is so important for everyperson.(误)

Honesty is so important for everyone.(正)

The old man was hit by a car when he across the street.(误)

The old man was hit by a car when he was crossing the street.(正)


SAT 文法中的主谓一致

根据SAT历年真题以及官方指南习题,主谓一致的句子改错题又可以分为五大类:1 迷失主语 2 复合主语 3 单数原则 4 关系从句 5 倒装结构

1 迷失主语:

即修饰主语的成份过长,难以辨别真正主语。因此很难判断谓语动词的形式。例一 A group of yachts with brightly colored banners flying in the wind were entering the harbor.在这个句子中很少有同学能够认识到真正的主语是a group,yachts with brightly colored banners 以及flying in the wind都是对其修饰的成份。因此根据主谓一致原则,谓语动词应用单数 was entering 而非were entering。

在这里Sally 告诉大家,SAT文法中经常有 名词一 of 名词二 的结构,在这样的结构中,核心名词是 of 之前的名词一,判断谓语动词要用 单数还是复数是根据名词一来决定。

例二 French mountain honey made from linden blossoms, which are sometimes called ‘lime blossoms’, have a distinctively citrus flavor.在这里真正的主语是 honey,和谓语动词之间相隔了一个分词短语:made from liden blossoms 和一个定语从句: which are sometimes called ‘lime blossoms’,因此谓语动词应该用单数 has 而非have。

例三 Despite the heavy rain, the television reporter, accompanied by her loyal film crew, were willing to wait outside the hotel until the delegates finished their meeting.该句中,主语和谓语动词之间有一个插入语:accompanied by her loyal film crew, 真正的主语 the television reporter, 因此谓语动词为 was 而非were

2、复合主语: 顾名思义,复合主语就是有两个或者两个以上的主语,这是我们应该跟不同的复合主语选用不用的谓语动词。

一般情况下复合主语有以下几种情况: A. both…and…(谓语动词使用复数)B. neither…nor;either….or;not only…but also….(谓语动词根据就近原则选用相应形式)例一 Our genetic make-up and our personal experience make us who we are.在这个句子中,降到了 genetic make-up 和 personal experience 两个方面做主语,因此谓语动词应该使用复数形式 make。

例二 Either a novel by Isaac Asimov or one by Arthur C.Clarke are going to be discussed at the next meeting of the Science Fiction Book Club.该句主语是一个either…or 的句型结构,要根据就近原则决定谓语动词单复数,因此应该是is going 而非are going。永远单数原则

有些词语修饰主语,谓语动词永远使用单数。这些词为:each,every,either of;neither of 例: Because neither of the dolls were in its original box, the pair would not be worth as much as

the toy collector had hoped.因为词句用了neither of 的结构,因此谓语动词要用单数 was 而非were,尽管dolls 紧跟谓语动词。关系从句中的单复数 关系从句又叫定语从句,意思是定语从句中的谓语动词形式由此从句所修饰的名词单复数决定。

例一: Thanks to the strength of the bonds between its constituent carbon atoms, a diamond had exceptional physical properties that makes it useful in a wide variety of industrial applicants.该句包含一个定语从句_ that makes it useful in a wide variety of industrial applicants.该从句中的that 指代的是physical properties 是复数名词,因此定语从句中的谓语动词应用复数形式 为 make 而非makes 倒装

倒装意为着谓语动词放在主语之前,谓语动词的单复数形式由放在其后的主语决定。例一:Over that hill are thousand of bison.该句中介词短语 over that hill 不能做主语,因此该句为倒装句,真正的主语是thousand of bison,因此谓语动词为复数形式:are。

例二:Riding on the bus were a dozen commuters.句子里面 a dozen commuters 是主语,谓语动词用were

例三: Across the street from the new bookstore and coffee shop were an old, dilapidated playground whose broken equipment and overgrown weeds attested to long neglect.不难看出,这是一个介词短语提前的倒装,真正的主语是 an old,dilapidated playground,谓语动词当然要用单数形式:was。



1.Look, is that watch? 2.Let’s calling June this afternoon.3.How are you know my name? 4.What are these? A set keys.5.The soccer is next the chair.6.Are those keys on bed? 7.Where are your baseball?

8.I have 5 baseball bat.9.In Sunday, we don’t go to school.10.We plays sports every day.11.I don’t like tomato.12.How much is these T-shirt? 13.They’re 80 yuans.14.There are third books on the table.15.I like the fifth shirts over there.16.Her birthday is January 1th.17.The pants is 20 dollars.18.My sister birthday is February second.19.We have a art festival.20.The shorts are five dollar.21.She was born(出生)on December.22.We have great bags of 25 Yuan.23.He can play the violin very good.24.Jimmy want to join the swimming club.27.June often go to see action movies.28.I like cartoons, it’s funny.29.After eat breakfast ,he plays chess.30.Run is his favorite subject.31.He likes play basketball.32.Let him watches TV.33.People likes to eat fruits.34.Please listen to he.35.My favorite subject are science and English.36.He can plays volleyball very well.37.Where the math book? 39.He is 2 year old.40.He’s birthday is May fifth.41.What’s she favorite subject? 43.We have math on every day.44.I like English because is interesting.45.What time does she brushes her teeth? 46.I have volleyball at two hours.47.I usually do my homework around at 7:00.48.What a funny time eat breakfast!49.He take the number 17 bus to a hotel.50.Rick family has one shower.51.At Monday to Friday we go to school.52.Can you help him at singing? 53.My sister is good at kids.54.Are your father a teacher? 55.My favorite subject are science and history.56.I go to bed in 8:00.57.When does Helen eats breakfast? 58.Tom doesn’t homework in the evening.59.I often watch TV in eight o’clock in the evening.60.Please write and tell I about your morning.牛津版初一年级英语改错专练试题

1.Would you like to go shopping with me ? Yes ,I’d like.2.Please speak it in English.3.It’s real fun to join the party.5.We will celebrate our grandfather’s fifty birthday.6.This American girl is the first time visiting our city.7.Look out at the window and you can see some beautiful flowers.8.People in the west eat with forks and knife.9.Your idea is different from us.10.He lives in a house has four rooms.11.Each of us have a new computer.12.My dream is be an English teacher when I grow up.13.I think you will be tired after walk for a long time.14.This is my the first time to see you here.15.The Greens is having breakfast in the dining room now.16.Please give me ten another trees to plant.18.There is going to has a football game this afternoon.19.It is a great fun to have a home cinema.20.It’s 15 kilometres far away from my home to my office.21.How many is your telephone number ? 22.The teacher asks us don’t look out at the playground in class.23.Tom’s sports shoes are different from those football player’s.24.Travel around the world takes a long time.25.His mother worrys about him every day.26.Take some medicine ,and you’ll feel much well.27.You’d better not to play computer games.28.Who will teach your maths this term ? 29.How long is it from your home to your school ? About ten minutes on foot.30.There will have a meeting in our school next week.31.Japan is on the east of China.32.I’m afraid walking home at night.34.It is a great room to live.35.I hope you to visit our town soon.36.We can see the teacher’s desk in front of the classroom.37.There are plenty of rain this summer.38.What do you look forward to get at your birthday party ? 39.We will hold a party on next Sunday night.改错

1.It's very cold outside.Please wear your hat.2.Our class gave a fashion show on last Friday.3.Look,Kitty's family is having dinner in the restaurant.4.Kate and Sandy didn't their homework last night.5.Amy often helps her mother doing housework.6.Why were you come to our school last Tuesday? 7.Yesterday you went to the cinema.I hope you have a good time.8.This shop is open at seven o'clock a.m.and closes at eight p.m.9.I don't have enough money buy him a walkman.10.There are lots of different material in this factory.11.Millie isn’t come from Shanghai.12.My friends all are very nice.13.The girl has long black hairs.14.Our English teacher come from UK 15.He doesn’t good at English.



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