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(一)活动内容:二级上 Unit6 讲故事比赛 活动准备:一些经典故事书籍。



(二)活动内容:二级上 Unit3 画学校 活动准备:白纸 音乐 球



(三)活动内容:二级上 Unit 10竞猜世界之最 活动准备:世界之最的若干图片



(四)活动内容:二级下Unit6 I’d like a glass of water 活动准备:一些饮料,食物,水果道具,一些纸做的钱。活动目的:掌握所学单词,好简单购物用语


(五)活动内容:Who is the first? 活动准备:几个小游戏,单词认读比赛,拼写比赛,猜谜比赛。活动目的:提高学生的学习兴趣


(六)活动内容: 二下unit8 活动目的和意义:1.增加课堂趣味性;

2.学习序数词及This is the…句型的用法; 3.扩展学生思维,锻炼学生的动手能力。

活动准备: 准备白纸,各种动物的卡片 活动开展流程:

1.让学生动脑筋思考森林里奔跑速度由快至慢的动物,当他们说到老师事先准备好的动物时就贴在黑板上然后输入first second third等序数词。

2.开书看part7看谁最快找到不同点,给找的不同点的学生发相应的卡片让他说出I’m the first/second/third…

3.把学生分成两组,自己想三种动物制作和书上part2一样的冠亚季军然后,每组请三个同学说出..is the first/second/third…



2.学习a bottle of… a cup of…a kilo of…等句型; 3.扩展学生思维,锻炼学生的口头能力。


1.通过卡片学习a cup of tea/a glass of water…等句型表达

2.让学生用的准备的实物并标上价格上讲台表演买卖东西,用对话:what would you like? I’d like a cup of… How much? …yuan.Here you are.Thanks.(八)

活动内容: 二下Unit14 活动目的和意义:1.增加课堂趣味性;

2.学习序数词及This is the…句型的用法; 3.锻炼学生的听力和口语能力。

活动准备:各种食物的卡片 活动开展流程:


2.把准备好的食物卡片摆在前面 3.让学生两个一组的上去表演,卖东西的人要专门没挑没有的东西买,卖东西的人就要回答sorry, there isn’t any …, there are only some…

(九)活动内容:二级下 Unit4 石头剪刀布

Scissors, paper, stone

I win.I can take one.I have ten.I have eight.活动目的和意义




2、环境准备:大擂台 活动流程



3、赢的一方就说I win.I can take one 并且拿一张卡片,连续玩10轮;

4、最后时间到了双方数自己的卡片,然后双方说I have four.I have six.5、最后分出胜负,赢的人就说 I win。


Unit 12 Has your school got a swimming pool? 单词

主要掌握动作单词的过去形式和过去分词,见P69 天晴 sunny 拜访 visit 参观 show around

放风筝 fly the kite 抓老鼠 catch a mouse买自行车 buy a bike 发邮件 send an e mail 照相机 camera 摄像机 video camera

在河里游泳 swim in a river 让腿受伤了 hurt my leg




Have you ever been to(Beijing, Shanghai etc.)?城市(Shizi Lin, Huqiu Mountain)?景点


Have you got a bike? 你拥有一辆自行车吗?

Have your family got a TV? 你的家里有一台电视吗?



Unit 1 I’ve got many new friends.教学目的和要求

Teaching aims and demands





Expressions in communication

I‟ve got many new friends.They are so lovely.Maybe I can meet her tomorrow.I like to play with toys.My Chinese name is“Zhou Changcheng.” My English name is“Ann.”

Please give it to me.Can I help you with the bag? 重点朗读词汇

Key words and expressions Chinese,English, friend, American, maybe, tomorrow, sure, robot, piano, crayon,puppy, Alex, strong, weak, fat, thin, garden 所需教具

Materials for teaching 几个男生和几个女生照片或图片



书包里装的相应玩具及学习用品 教学步骤

Teaching Procedures Warm up

教师热情得和学生们打招呼,并主动带领学生认识班上的新同学,鼓励新同学融入到集体 中,全班同学互相介绍与认识。同时鼓励学生定出新学期的学习目标,制定好每天的学习计 划,注意把握时间。Presentation 上课时,教师首先欢迎学生继续选学剑桥少儿英语的课程。教师说: “First of all, I would

like to say„welcome‟to all of you.Welcome you back to school.I‟m sure you can learn more things

this semester.And I hope you enjoy learning English.”

接着,教师说:“This semester we‟ve got some new friends.” 教师有意识地介绍一两个新同学,比如说:

“This is Li Ming.He is eight years old.He likes to play football and he is very good at learning maths.He likes to play soccer, too.” 介绍完了之后,教师可以对学生说:

“Now I want you to work in groups and introduce yourself to your friends.You are going to tell your friends the following things: name(English and Chinese name), age, hobby, and where do you study?”


“We have six new friends today.Who can tell us something about the first friend?

What‟s his name? What does he like to do? What food does he like?” 教师鼓励学生把第一张图的信

息都说出来。然后,教师让学生依次介绍其他的几个新朋友。本部分需要学生掌握的内容是能 说说自己,并用三到五句话介绍自己的朋友。接下来,教师让学生进行对话练习。重点需要掌 握以下句型:

They are my new friends.Who‟s she? She is May.Who‟s he? He‟s Tom.She‟s an American.He‟s a Chinese.She‟s an English.教师可以用这些句子让学生重新编新的对话,不必一字一句地按照对话的原文进行。Practice


Listen, read and match.第二部分让学生阅读句子并根据句子的描述搭配相应的图片。此部分的题相对比较容易,主要是让学生刚开始学习的时候感觉到难度不大,能够很轻松地跟上新学期的学习。

单元教学活动Pick and tell.第三部分属于游戏部分,教师上课前将一些学生的图片贴在贺年卡片上,并在下面写上孩子的名字。上课时,教师将这些图片依次拿出来,挂在一条细绳上,此绳由两个学生拉着。教师边往上挂卡片边说:“I‟ve got many new friends.They are Alex, May and Linlin.” 教师可以使用

第二级考级中要用的名字来练习,比如Daisy, Jane, Mary, Sally,Fred, Jim, Paul, Vicky, Jack, John, Peter 及第一级已经学过的英语名字。


Draw, ask and answer.第五部分是画画并根据图画相互询问有关信息。因此,教师先让学生在自己的书上画自己的一个朋友。画好之后,教师让学生之间进行询问:“Is your friend a boy or a girl?”(书上的句


单元教学活动Read and write.第六部分是阅读句子并判断左边的图是否正确。教师最后再检查答案。


Listen, chant and match.第七部分是说唱歌谣。教师可以让学生反复听录音,并跟着学说歌谣,直到熟练为止。之后教师可以让学生自己填上新词,自编自演。

单元教学活动Play and guess.第八部分是猜学生名字的游戏。学生在以前的练习中也做过类似的游戏。但这一次,教师

可以加大难度,要求学生到前面唱一首歌、说一个歌谣或说几个句子,而不是单纯地问“Who am I?”这个游戏参与的人控制在三到五人。

单元教学活动 9 Look and say.第九部分是练习新句型。教师拿出事先准备好的书包问学生:

“ What have I got here, in my bag? ”学生可以猜。有的学生会说:“You‟ve got a pen and a book.”等。


Circle and match.第十部分是让学生根据周边所给的图片在字母中找出相应的单词。教师先让学生自己划线或做记号,最后统一给出答案。

单元教学活动Skill practice.第十一部分是语音练习。学生应根据前面所给的单词的读音,将左边有类似发音的词写在该单词旁边。最后,教师再检查是否正确。


单元教学活动4 Read and act.第四部分是对话表演。教师先让学生朗读这些句子,然后让学生分角色练习对话。在两人练习的基础上,教师让学生自编动作,然后到前面表演。




My friend and I

Xiao Ming is my best friend.We go to school together, play football together, do our homework

together, and we want to go to the same university in the future.People say we are like brothers, but we ourselves know that we

are very different in

many ways.For example, he seems

happy with everything while I always see the dark side of things.Last Sunday morning when we were going out to play football, it started to rain.I got very upset because Sunday morning was the only time we could play our plans.But Xiao Ming didn‟t seem to care much;he suggested that instead we watch“Star Wars”at home.While we were watching the movie, he tried to cheer me up, and soon I forgot about our bad luck that he cares a lot about but I don‟t.He always wants to get the highest test score in our class.If he fails, he gets so angry that he won‟t talk to anyone, not even to me.But I, on

the other hand, dont mind a score of 70, or even 60.As long as I can pass the test,my parents wouldn‟t get upset.I guess I‟m not as smart as Xiao Ming is , so I don‟t expect to do better than him.When he gets angry, I simply leave him alone for a day or two.I know he will come to talk to me when he feels better.After all, we are best friends.


Unit 4 Do you often play football?

Ⅰ.Aims and demands: 1.使学生能听得懂、会说和会读动词短语:wake up, have breakfast, read English, sing songs, draw pictures, go to bed 2.使学生熟练地掌握和运用一般现在时的问句What does … do every day/at …? Ⅱ.Key point: 使学生掌握动词一般现在时的用法。Ⅲ.Teaching procedure:

The 1st period Step 1 Greeting and warm up 1.Greetings & singing 2.Every day English: Step 2 Presentation Ask and answer with the Ss: What time is it? It’s 7:00.What do you do at 7:00? I wake up in the morning.Do you wake up at 7:00? Yes, I do./ No, Idon’t.Step 3 Practice Practise in pairs.Talk about the Ss’ day.Play the tape , the Ss listen and repeat.Talk in pairs.Step 4 Check up 1)Copy the phrases.2)Make a timetable.The 2nd period Step 1 Greetings and warm up 1.Greetings & singing 2.Every day English: Step 2 Presentation Ask and answer with the Ss: Do you wake up at 7:00? Yes, I do./ No, Idon’t.Repeat with other phrases.Step 3 Practice Talk about the pictures in Part 2.Ask and answer with the Ss: Do you often go to see movies? Yes, I do./ No, Idon’t.Play the tape , the Ss listen and repeat.Talk in pairs.Step 4 Check up 1)Copy the phrases 2)Write about your day.The 3rd period Step 1 Greetings and warm up 1.Greetings & singing 2.Every day English: Step 2 Presentation Talk about the picture.What are they doing? Why? Step 3 Practice Play the tape , the Ss listen and repeat.Ask and the Qs in pairs.Step 4 Check up 1)Try it.(Do it after class.)2)Learn to sing.3)Learn to chant.Step 1 Greetings and warm up 1.Greetings & singing 2.Every day English: Step 2 Revision Review all learnt in this unit.Step 3 Practice 1)Part 6 Role play The Ss talk in pairs 2)Finish off the Exx.1)Look and write.2)Listen and match.3)Read and answer.Step 4 Check up Do Ex 1 in Exbook.The 4th period



剑桥少儿英语二级上Unit1 Where are you going?


1)使学生掌握本单元的重点句型 2)使学生初步学会并掌握有关地点的名称


交际句型:--------------Where are you going?

----------------I' m going to school.交际词汇:post office, market, zoo, park, bus station, cafe, supermarket, hospital, cinema, bank, library, shop

复习内容:物主代词my, your, his, her, their, our, its


上课时,首先让大家看自己手中的图片,并对大家说:Hi, everyone, I've got many pictures.They are places.Do you know what they are? Now, look at this one.(拿出一个大家比较熟悉的地点---医院)This is a hospital.Do you this one? Very good.It's a school.It's a school.We are now in the school.按照此种方法,可以把单词一一介绍给大家。

介绍时要注意与学生在情感上的交流。如:This is a supermarket.Have you ever been to a supermarket? What can you buy in the supermarket? Is it far from your home? 等。语言要尽量简练,否则学生会有很多的听觉障碍。

学生把所有的地点学说几遍之后,教师说:Now I put these pictures in different places.And I'm going to ask you a question.Where are you going? You tell me , “I'm going to the bank.” Then you go and stand near the bank.Let's see which place has

more people.Do you understand? Who wants to try first? OK, come here please.Everybody, listen!“ Where are you going.Lin Feng?” “I'm going to the zoo.” Very good.Now you can go to the zoo and stand here.Do you understand us now?

教师带领学生做几个示范之后,可以让某个学生到前面来做同样的练习。待大家都理解了意思之后,教师应给学生一些时间做小组练习,然后再进行抽查。教师可以对学生说:Now I want you to work in pairs.One of you may



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