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Teaching plan

Great Minds Objects: 1.Review the words and expressions.2.Review the contents.3.Guide students to study what a genius is in their opinions.4.Arouse students‟ awareness of what leads to success.Teaching Aids: Multi-media

Teaching processes: 1.Lead-in ① If I have seen farther than others, it is because I was standing on the shoulders of giant.We should learn from past experience and others.The former generation had laid the foundation for us, and we should draw lessons from them.② Genius is one percent inspiration, ninety-nine percent perspiration.The gift is not the main factor that makes us a genius.It‟s your efforts and constant hard working that makes person a genius.③ If a equals success, the formula is: A=X + Y + Z.X is work, Y is play, Z is keep your mouth shut.Success is not easy to achieve, and we have to make efforts.We need time to rest and recover, and put all your dreams and plan into action, instead of talking and bragging.After all, action speaks louder than words.④ Chance favors the prepared mind.Chance always belongs to people who are prepared.It will not fall on some one accidentally, and chances are the product of preparation.2.Making sentences Make impressive and inspiring sentences with the given phrases:

① regard … as…

; attempt

② lead to ;let down

③ learn „by heart ;guide

④ in trouble ;offer 3.Retelling the story in different roles.Group A and B retell the story in the role of Einstein, you can begin your story with the sentence: “I „m always invited to the university to explain my theory…..” Do you worry about Hans when he was giving the lecture on the stage? Do you feel anxious when Hans was asked so complex a question? Group C and D retell the story in the role of Hans, you can begin your story with the sentence: “I have been Dr.Einstein‟s driver for many years….”

Do you feel nervous when you are asked such a complex question that you don‟t know how to answer it? How do you feel driving a genius like Einstein? 4.Ask and answer: further study of the real meaning of being a genius.高中英语教学设计(教案)

① ② ③ ④

⑤ Why was Einstein called a genius? humorous, outstanding, clever, workings of the universe, creative What do you think a genius is? great mental ability, wisdom, creation, something significant Why did Einstein call Hans a genius? I am confused.clever, quick wit, ordinary, able Let‟s redefine “genius”.You don‟t have to be a scientist to be a genius.ordinary, clever, able Is there any possibility to become genius? Genius is one percent inspiration and 99 percent perspiration.⑥ How can you be successful?

If a equals success, the formula is: A=X + Y + Z.X is work, Y is play, Z is keep your mouth shut.This is Einstein‟s formula of success, but I don‟t think it can apply to everyone.What would you add to this formula? Let‟s try to make your own formula of success.5.Assignment: Read more about Einstein and make a formula of success for your own.教后反思:







Wildlife Protection

Period 4 Writing


Week 17


Unit4 Period 4(Writing)


Multi-media facilities(Video & Photos)


This period aims at helping students know how to write a letter of advice.Students should be guided to have a basic understanding about the form, structure, tense and some writing tips of a letter.Students should realize their own responsibility and do something as possible as they can.五、教学方法









Enable Ss know how to write a letter of advice.八、教学难点

Enable Ss know how to use the key words to make sentences and use the effective sentences to complete a coherent composition.九、教学步骤:


Step1:Greetings and pictures(问候,图片)

Step2:Play the video(视频)(唤起注意,酝酿情绪)Step3: 提示本课内容:How to write a letter of advice?

The composition on how to protect wildlife


Step4: 审题


1.建立:set upfoundestablishstart…

基金:fund 基金会:foundation

鼓励:encourage sb.to do sth.捐款:donate


信息:informationnewsthoughtsattitude… 保护野生动物:protect wildlifewild animals 3.合作:cooperate with work with…(together)

政府:local governmentofficial organization 相关词汇:killhuntin dangernaturehuman beings


Step6: 句型练习

⑴.I’m + adj.(gladhappysadexcitedsorry…)+ that(+句子)


I’m sorry that I lost your bike.我很高兴你能和我一起学英文。

I’m so glad that you can study English with me.Practice: “我很难过知道许多可爱的野生动物现在都很危险。” I’m so sad that many lovely wild animals are endangered now.⑵.I suggest that we should(do)….例句:我建议我们应该多读英文书刊。

I suggest that we should read more English books.我建议我们应该鼓励人们经常跑步。

I suggest that we should encourage people to run often.Practice: “我建议我们应该建立个基金会并鼓励更多的人捐款。” I suggest that we should set up a foundation and encourage more people to donate.⑶.It would be a great idea to(do)…


It would be a great idea to learn some English songs.Practice: “宣传保护野生动物的信息也是一个好主意。”It would be a great idea to spread the information of protecting the wild animals.⑷.It is+adj.(importantnecessary hardeasy)+ for sb.to(do)…


It is very important for us to keep healthy.对熊猫来说生活在一个好的环境里非常有必要。

It is very necessary for pandas to live in a good environment.Practice: “对于WWF来说与当地政府合作十分有必要。”It is very necessary for the WWF to cooperate with the local government.⑸.I hopebelieve that…(+句子)例句:我相信我们的世界会越来越美。

I believe(that)our world will become more and more beautiful.Practice: “我希望我的建议会有所帮助。”I hope(that)my suggestions will help.4、结构




Step8: 看范文,解释结构与格式

Dear WWF, I’m so sad that many lovely wild animals are endangered now.Firstly, I suggest that we should set up a foundation and encourage more people to donate.Next, it would be a great idea to spread the information of protecting the wild animals.At last, it is very necessary for the WWF to cooperate with the local government.I hope(that)my suggestions will help.I’m looking forward to your reply.Yours truely,Li Ming




Step10: 依据本课练习,补充完整此篇作文,可适当增减信息,写在作文本上。


9、导学案 句型:

I’m + adj.(gladhappysadexcitedsorry…)+ that …(+句子)I suggest that we should(do)….It would be a great idea to(do)…

It is+adj.(importantnecessary hardeasy)+ for sb.to(do)… I hopebelieve that…(+句子)连接词:

首 先:Firstly At first First of all, …

其次: Secondly Then Next What’s more In additionBesides, … 最 后: Lastly At last Finally, …

在我看来:In my opinion From my view of point As for me As far as I am concerned, … 总

之: All in all In a word In short, …

书信格式: Dear______, _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Best wishes!(Good luck!Take care!)

Yours truly,________


Lesson Plan for Travel Journal(first period)Grade: Grade 10 Analysis of the students: After at least six years of English study, the students are already have the ability to express, to think in English.Teaching Objectives 1.knowledge objective Learn the following new words and their pronunciation: journal,transport,Laos,Cambodia, Vietnam,Mekong,finally,cycle,persuade,stubborn,atlas,glacier,Tibetan,rapids,valley,waterfall,plain,delta.2.Ability Objective ⑴Learn how to express their vacation activities.⑵Grasp some reading skills.3.Emotional objective Stimulate Ss’ love for nature by getting them to know the greatness of a river.Teaching Important Points 1.Learn the words listed above.2.Get students know to choose appropriate transportation and why.Teaching Difficult Points 1.Understand the new words and try to use them correctly.2.How to help the students understand the passage better.Teaching Procedures

step 1.warming up(7 minutes)1.warming up by presenting pictures of some places of interest and asking some questions.This step helps to arise students’ interest and attention.Asking them questions like: do you like traveling? where have you ever been before? What can you benefit from traveling? If you are given a chance to travel around the world, what kind of transportations will you use and why?(2 minutes)Now look at the following pictures and discuss it in pairs.Some transportation means: by car(in a car)/by bike /by plane(by air)/by train(on a train)/by bus(on a bus)/by ship(by water or by boat)/in a hot balloon /by motorbike(on a motorbike)/by jeep /by truck, then complete the chart on screen.(3 minutes)

2.warming up by looking and speaking.look at the pictures and tell the whole class which object you think is the most useful and which one is the least useful.give a reason why you think so.(2 minutes)step 2.Pre-reading(10 minutes)1.Imaging and sharing that whether you like to travel along a river, a great river? what role does a river play in people’s life? in other words, how do people who live along a river use it? the suggested answers: people can drink the water in a river or wash their clothes.people can swim in a river in summer.people can use a river to irrigate their fields.people can travel along a river.(5 minutes)2.talking and sharing as we all know, there are a lot of rivers in the world and also there are many great rivers.now look at the screen, there are some pictures of some famous rivers , try to guess which rivers they refer to.(5 minutes)Step 3.While-reading(23 minutes)1.scanning: Ss read quickly and answer: Where is the Mekong River originate from? How many countries does it flow through and what are they?(china, Laos, Thailand, Cambodia, Myanmar, Vietnam)Then complete the route of this river on the screen.(6 minutes)2.skimming: ss read again and answer the questions: Who will go on a trip along Mekong River? How will they get there? Where should they start their trip? How did they prepare their trip?(5 minutes)3.Students read and get the main ideas of each paragraph.(6 minutes)4.Please listen and read aloud about the recording of the text journey down the Mekong.pay attention to the pronunciation of each word and the pauses within each sentence.Then the teacher will play the tape twice and students shall read aloud twice, too.(6 minutes)Step 4.Post-reading(3 minutes)

Closing down by answering questions :what should you do before traveling?(before traveling, we should make good preparations, that is, to make a plan, decide the place to visit and get enough information about the place.with full preparations we’ll have a good time during the trip.)Which type of transportation will you choose and why?(Students are supposed to make a comparison among different transportations)Step 5 Refection and Homework(2 minutes)

Imagine you are going on a travel, try to make a plan.you should write down which types of transportation you will take and destination data.You may tell us why are you going there.(you should write at least 60 words)Reflection: This lesson plan was based on the interactive modal of reading.Different from the Bottom-up model and Top-down model, Interactive model stresses on the new vocabulary and structure as well as on the whole background knowledge.In this lesson plan, the teaching of new words and phrases are involved in the whole course of this lesson, For example, at the beginning of this lesson, the students are asked to guess the topic according to the pictures presented.The new word “transportation” is introduced after presenting pictures of car, plane, train and so on.In this lesson plan, the three stages, namely, Pre-reading, while-reading, and post-reading, are involved..










































Unit4 Earthquake-reading

[Teaching design] 1.Teaching goals(教学目标): Knowledge aims(知识目标): To get the students to understand the text and complete the task given and to use the knowledge they have learned to communicate with classmates freely.Ability aims(能力目标): 1).To develop students’ ability of observation, analysis and imagination in the process of learning this passage.2).To help students to strengthen their memory and to improve their ability of thinking and comprehension.3).To stimulate students’ creativity.Emotional aims(情感目标): 1).To get the students know damages earthquakes bring about and the ways to reduce losses of earthquakes.2).To get the students to know how to protect oneself and help others in earthquakes.3).To get the students to be aware of terrible disasters, meanwhile get them to face it in a proper way, and never get discouraged.2.Teaching important points(教学重点):

1).To get the students to know basic knowledge about natural disasters.2).To get the students to learn about TangShan Earthquake 3).To get the students to learn different reading skills.3.Teaching difficult points(教学难点):

To develop the students’ reading ability.4.Design thinking(教学反思):

The reading passage A NIGHT THE EARTH DIDN’T SLEEP is the high light of the whole unit.It lays emphasis on reading and understanding.In order to stimulate students’ learning enthusiasm, I use some flashes,pictures and words to lead them in: ①first I used PPT to show students a cartoon figure called “Mr.Nature” and show some pictures of disasters to let students recognize them, thus can develop students’ interest in learning by adding a human element to the natural world.②Ask students whether they have experienced an earthquake to improve their understanding of the causes of earthquakes.③ let the students discuss the warning signs before an earthquake and enable them to realize these strange signs in order to get ready to avoid unnecessary losses.Finally let the students look at the title A NIGHT THE EARTH DIDN’T SLEEP and understand the meaning of it.In the part of fast-reading, I list some new words in this unit and paraphrase them in English to improve the thinking ability of the students.Then skim the passage and answer a few questions which are not very difficult to them to arouse their interest in learning.While reading intensively, I make the students listen to the tape in the process of reading so as to achieve the unity of listening and reading.Intensive reading is divided into three parts: true or false,fill in the forms and retell the passage.True or false examines students’ understanding of the article.Fill in the forms is a supplement to the right and wrong.Retell the passage requests the students to combine with what they wrote in the form, thus can improve students’ oral English.Meanwhile, I play the part of the movie of TangShan Earthquake directed by Feng Xiaogang to make the students feel the havoc of the earthquakes and deepen the understanding of the content to arouse students’ interest in the text.The part of post reading was based on the comprehension of the passage.Students can not only improve their ability of communication ,but also gain knowledge of protecting themselves from various kinds of disasters by discussion and interviews.These activities can cultivate the students’ patriotic feelings and draw a satisfactory full stop for this class.5.Teaching methods(教学方法): 1).Task-based teaching and learning 2).Cooperative learning 3).Dicussion

6.Teaching procedure(教学过程):

Step 1 Leading-in 导入 Show some pictures to the students.Teacher: First let’s get to know the man, who is called Mr.Nature.He is very emotional.When he is happy, he stays calm and shows us beautiful natural scenery.But when he gets angry, he becomes a troublemaker and causes many natural disasters.Can you name the following natural disasters? Suggested answers: Flood, drought, fire, volcano, typhoon, tornado, rock-mud flow, snows-slide, earthquake Teacher: As we all know, an earthquake is a kind of common disasters.It can cause great damage to people.Have you ever experienced an earthquake?(Students’ answers)

Teacher: Can you describe your feelings at that time?(Students’ answers)

Teacher: Why does an earthquake happen? Suggested answers: Scientists believe that the surface of the earth is covered by a number of moving plates such as the Pacific plate, the Indian plate, the Eurasian plate, and so on.Sometimes two plates move towards and push against each other.Sometimes they stop for years but at other times they jump and an earthquake is felt.An earthquake is the result of the movement of these plates.Teacher: We know China is a country where many earthquakes happen.Why does China have a lot of earthquakes? Suggested answers: Because the Pacific plate is pushing China from the east and the Indian plate is pushing China from the southwest.The power of this movement created the Himalayas and Mount Qomolangma.It now causes earthquakes in China.Take the Wenchuan earthquake for example, the Indian plate moved northwards and put pressure on the Eurasian plate.It led to the rise of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau.Then the risen Qinghai-Tibet Plateau moved eastwards and put pressure on Sichuan Basin.At last, the Wenchuan earthquake happened.Wenchuan is located on solid rock of the active earthquake belt, which makes the quake spread very far.It was felt in many provinces in China, including Shanxi Province.Teacher: Usually we can see dark clods in the sky before rain.Dark clouds are a sign of rain.Similarly, something unusual often happens before an earthquake.What do you think will happen before an earthquake? Suggested answers: There are bright lights in the sky.Chickens are flying and dogs are barking, and pigs and cows are too nervous to eat.Fish jump out of the pond, and mice ran widely out of the fields.The well has deep cracks in it and the water in it rises and falls.Teacher: If we can read these signs from nature, it’s very useful for us to make good preparations for the coming disaster.Ok.34 years ago, a strong earthquake hit Tangshan city and destroyed everything.Now let’s learn about the terrible earthquake.Turn to page 26.Look at the reading passage—A Night the Earth Didn’t Sleep.What information does the writer try to give us through the title? / What does the title mean? Suggested answers: “The earth didn’t sleep” means the earth was active or the earth shook.“A Night the Earth Didn’t Sleep” is a poetic way of saying that an earthquake happened at night.The title attracts people’s attention.Step 2 Fast reading Read the text quickly and try to finish the following exercises.A.New words or phrases burst: break open because of pressure from inside at an end: finished nation: all the people in the country steam: gas that hot water gives out in ruins: destroyed extreme: very great in degree useless: of no use shocked: surprised very much rescue: save somebody or something from danger shelter: a place that protects you from the weather or danger B.Questions 1.When did the Tangshan earthquake happen? Suggested answers: The earthquake happened at 3:42 am on July 28, 1976.2.How many people were killed or injured in the earthquake? Suggested answers: More than 400, 000 people were killed or injured in the earthquake.3.Was all hope lost? How did the army help the people there after the earthquake? Suggested answers: No, all hope was not lost.The army sent 150,000 soldiers to Tangshan to help the rescue workers.The army organized teams to dig out those who were trapped and to bury the dead.C.Structure of the text 1.Match the paragraphs in the right column with their headings in the left column.There is one extra heading which you do not need.2.Divide the text into 3 parts and find out the time of each part.Step 3 Careful reading

Listen to the tape and do the following tasks.1.True or false ① People in Tangshan were warned of the earthquake and didn’t go to bed that night.(F)

② People in Beijing also felt the earthquake.(T)③ One-third of the nation died or were injured during the earthquake.(F)

④ Two dams fell and a few bridges also fell or were not safe for traveling.(F)⑤ Later that afternoon, another big earthquake which was much stronger than the first one shook Tangshan.(F)⑥ Soon after the quakes, many soldiers were sent to Tangshan to help the rescue workers.(T)⑦ Slowly, the city of Tangshan began to recover from the earthquake.(T)2.Fill in blanks of the form according to the text.Time Events Result Before the Tangshan earthquake 3 days before the earthquake well water: rose and fell well walls: had deep cracks a smelly gas: came out of the cracks Animals’ unusual behaviors chickens and pigs: too nervous to eat mice: ran out of the fields fish: jumped out of their bowls and ponds People of the city thought little of these events and were asleep as usual that night.at about 3 am on July 28, 1976 saw: bright lights in the sky heard: the sound of planes water pipes: cracked and burst During the Tangshan earthquake at 3:42 am on July 28, 1976 Felt: Everything began to shake It was felt in Beijing more than 200km away.One-third of the nation felt it.Saw: a huge crack which was 8 km long and 30m wide Steam burst from holes in the ground.hard hills of rock: became rivers of dirt the large city: lay in ruins in 15 seconds bricks: covered the ground two dams and most of the bridges: fell railway tracks: useless Great damages Everything was destroyed.All the hospitals, 75% of its factories and buildings and 90% of its homes were gone.More than 400,000 people were killed or injured.later that afternoon another earthquake happened some rescue workers and doctors were trapped under the ruins more buildings: fell water, food and electricity: were hard to get After the Tangshan earthquake all hope: was not lost the army: sent 15,000 soldiers to help workers: built shelters for survivors fresh water: was also taken to the city Slowly, the city began to breathe again.3.Retell the text according to the form.Step 4 Post-reading Discussion 1.Is it difficult or easy to predict earthquakes? Can we stop earthquakes? 2.What shall we do or not do if an earthquake happens? Give students some statements and ask them decide which is safe and which is dangerous.Stay in a small room, such as kitchen or bathroom.Stay on the balcony.Jump out of the tall buildings.If you haven’t enough time to escape, you may stand close to the inside wall with something covering on the head.Use the life.If you stay in the open air, keep off the tall building, and go to the fields without trees.Stand close to the windows.Hide under a piece of heavy furniture.3.What will you do if you hear the news that big earthquakes happen in other places? B.Interview Work in pairs.Suppose you are a newspaper reporter, and the other is a survivor from the Tangshan earthquake.Now the newspaper reporter is interviewing the survivor.Please act the interview out.Step 5 Assignment

1.Write a summary of the text.2.If you want to know more about earthquakes, you can search the Internet.7.reconsider after teaching(教学反思):

This class is good as a whole.I use a variety of pictures and short films about the earthquakes to let the students have an intuitive knowledge of the earthquakes.While looking at the photos and videos, students had a heated debate related to the earthquakes and this can greatly mobilize the students’ learning enthusiasm.Students learned a lot of common sense about the earthquakes as well as some ability to escape during an earthquake in the atmosphere of pleasant learning.When I dealt with teaching materials, the concept of new curriculum reform is included—— I deleted the second question in Pre-reading and added a question about: how to protect ourselves when faced with an earthquake.Before dealing with the passage, I let the students to think how to write this article themselves if the topic was given to them and this greatly cultivate the students’ divergent thinking.



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