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Unit 1 Topic 1


1.take photos 照相


3.in detail 详细地

4.in order to为了

5.give support to… 为……提供帮助

6.see sth.oneself 亲眼所见某物

7.keep in touch with 与……保持联系

8.sorts of各种各样的 9.make progress 取得进步

10.draw up 起草,拟定

11.thanks to 由于


1.In one place I saw children working for a cruel boss.在一处我看到了孩子们为残忍的老板干活。

2.I felt sorry for them.我对他们深表同情。

3.Where have you been, Jane? 你去过哪里,简?

4.She has gone to Cuba to be a volunteer.她去古巴当志愿者了。

5.There goes the bell.铃响了。

6.Though I had no time to travel, I still felt very happy.虽然我没有时间去旅行,但是我仍然感到很开心。

7.Now our country has developed rapidly.现在我们国家发展迅速。



e.g.You have just come back from your hometown.2.现在完成时态的句式:

e.g.(1)I have been to Mount Huang with my parents.(2)I haven’t seen him for a long time.(3)Where have you been?

(4)——Have you ever cleaned a room? ——Yes, I have./ No, I haven’t.3.have/ has been与 have/has gone 的区别

have/has been to sp.表示曾经到过某地—— have/has gone to sp.表示已经去了某地

e.g.(1)I have been to Mount Huang with my parents.(2)She has gone to Cuba to be a volunteer.Unit 1 Topic 2


1.get lost 迷路

2.each other 彼此

3.at least 至少

4take place发生

5because of 因为

6.be strict with sb.对某人严格要求

7.carry out 实行

8.be short of 缺乏

9.take measures to do sth.采取措施做某事

10.be known as… 作为……而著名

11.work well in doing…在……方面起作用

12.a couple of 一些

13keep up with赶上,跟上


1.Have you found him yet? 你已经找到他了吗?

2.——I really hate to go shopping.我的确讨厌购物。——So do I.我也如此。

3.But it seems that their living conditions were not very good.但是似乎他们的生活条件不太好。

4.But great changes have already taken place in China recently.但是近来中国已发生了巨大的变化。

5.Because of the one-child policy, now most families have only one child.由于我国独生子女政策的实行,现在大部分家庭只有一个孩子。

6.What’s the population of the U.S.A.?美国的人口是多少?

7.——What’s more, the population in developing countries is growing faster.——So it is.而且,发展中国家的人口在更快地发展。的确如此。

8.Our government has taken many measures to control the population.我们的政府已采取了许多控制人口的措施。


常用于现在完成时的时间状语:already, just , yet, ever, never, recently.e.g.1.I have just called you.2.——Have you ever been to France? ——No, I’ve never been to any European countries.3.——Have you seen him yet? ——Yes, I have seen him already.Unit 1 Topic 3


1.get used to sth./ doing sth.习惯于……

2.as a matter of fact 事实上

3.break out 爆发

4.live a hard life 过着艰难的生活

5.in need of 需要

6.provide sb.with sth.= provide sth.for sb.提供某物给某人

7.one’s success in doing sth.成功完成某事

8.obey strict rules 遵守严格的规则

9.take drugs 吸毒

10.aim to do sth.目的是

11.in the past sixteen years 在过去的十六年里

12.at home and abroad 在国内外

13.pay for 付款

14.thousands of 成千上万的 II.重点句型

1You must come for a visit.请你一定来参观。

2Well, once they find people in deed, they decide on suitable ways to help them.他们一旦发现有人需要帮助, 就选定适当的方式来帮助他们。

3I think it is important for these people to feel good about themselves.我认为对于这些人来说,自我感觉良好是重要的。

4The world has changed for the better.世界变得更加美好。

5With the money, it has built thousands of schools and trained 2,300 teachers.它用这钱修建了数千所学校和图书馆并且培训了2300名教师。


1.现在完成时: 常与for或since引导的时间状语连用,表示从过去某一时刻延续到现在。

e.g.You have been in New York for a long time.The city has improved a lot since I came here a few years ago.2.构词法:

合成词: home +work= homework

派生词: use——useful, happy——unhappy

仁爱英语九年级Unit2语言点归纳 Unit 2 Topic 1


1.chemical factory 化工厂

2.pour… into… 把……排放到……

3.in a bad mood 处在不好的情绪中

4.manage to do sth.设法去做某事

5.do harm to … / be harmful to… 对……有害

6.quite a few 相当多

7.no better than 同…….一样差

8.in pubic 公开地

9.all sorts of 各种各样的 10.in many ways 在许多方面


1.Look, there are several chemical factories pouring waste water into the streams.看, 有几家化工厂正往河里排放废水.2.Everything has changed.一切已发生了变化.3.How long have you been like this? 你像这样多长时间了?

4.I’m always in a bad mood because I can’t stand the environment here.我的情绪总是很差因为我受不了这里的环境.5.However, not all people know that noise is also a kind of pollution and is harmful to humans’ health.然而,并非所有的人都知道噪音也是一种污染, 而且有害于人类健康.III.语法


1.Granny said, “I’m feeling even worse.”

Granny said that she was feeling even worse.2.“ Do you still want to live here, Granny?” the journalist asked.The journalist asked Granny if she still wanted to live there.3.“ How is the environment around this place?” the journalist asked.The journalist asked how the environment around that place was.Topic 2


1.as a result 结果

2.here and there 到处

3.in the beginning 一开始

4.in danger 处于危险中

5.cut down 砍倒

6.change sth.into sth.把……变成……

7.prevent from 防止

8.greenhouse effect 温室效应

9.refer to 提到

10.deal with 处理

11.take up 占据

12.cut off 中断


1.As we know, none of us likes pollution.众所周知,没有人喜欢污染。

2.Humans have come to realize the important of protecting animals.人类逐渐意识到保护动物的重要性。

3.Trees can also stop the wind blowing the earth away.树木也能防风固土。

4.Cutting down trees is harmful to human beings, animals and plants.砍伐树木对人类、动植物都有害。

5.Some things we’ve done are very good for earth while some are not good.我们所做的, 有些对地球很好,而有些不利。

6.They can also prevent the water from washing the earth away.它们也能阻止水土流失。

7.When it rains or when the wind blows, the earth is taken away.天一下雨或刮风, 土就会被冲走或刮走。



1.定义: 指的是那些不指明代替任何特定名词或形容词的代词。

2.用法: 在句中可作主语、宾语、表语、定语等。something , somebody, anything, anybody等作主语时,通常视为单数。当形容词修饰它们时,要放在其后。

e.g.But the government has done something useful to protect the environment.Topic 3


1.not only…but also… 不仅……而且……

2.be supposed to 应该

3.ought to 应该

4.turn off 关掉

5.instead of 代替

6.on time 准时

7.make sure 确保

8.push forward向前推

9.push down 向下

10.pull up 向上拉


1.For example, we should use both sides of paper and reuse plastic bags.例如,我们应该用纸的两面,并且重新使用塑料袋。

2.Everyone is supposed to do that.每个人都有义务那样做.3.First, you ought to turn off the lights when you leave a room.首先, 你离开房间时应该随手关灯。

4.Easier said than done.说起来容易做起来难。

5.Well, actions speak louder than words.嗯, 百说不如一做。

6.There will be a lot of hard work to do tomorrow, so make sure you go to bed early tonight.明天有许多繁重的活要干,今晚一定要早睡。




常用的并列连词有:and, or, but, while, not only… but also

e.g.1.The river is dirty and the temperature of the earth is rising.2.They work well, but they are slow and can’t run for long.Unit 3 Topic1


1.be able to=can 能够,会

2.can’t wait to do sth.迫不急待地做某事

3.have a(good)chance to do sth.有(好)机会做某事

4.practice doing sth.练习做某事

5.be made by…被……制做;be made of/from…由……制成;be made in…在某地制造

6.on business出差

7.be similar to…和……相似


9.have no/some trouble(in)doing sth.做某事没有/有些困难

10.once in a while=sometimes/at times偶尔,间或

11.whenever=no matter when无论何时

12.as well as以及

13.mother tongue 母语

14.take the leading position处于领先地位

15.encourage sb.to do sth.鼓励某人做某事

16.call for号召


1.Disneyland is enjoyed by millions of people from all over the world.世界上数以百万的人们都喜欢迪斯尼乐园。

2.I hope I can go there one day.希望有一天我能去那儿。

3.English is widely spoken around the world.英语在世界上被广泛使用。

4.It is also spoken as a second language in many countries.在许多国家它也被用作第二语言。

5.It is possible that you will have some trouble.你可能会遇到一些麻烦。

6.It’s used as the first language by most people in America,Canada,Australia ,Great Britain andNew Zealand.它被美国、加拿大、澳大利亚、英国和新西兰的大多数人用作第一语言。

7.And two thirds of the world’s scientists read English.并且世界上三分之二的科学家用英语阅读。




如:We clean the classroom.我们打扫教室。主语是动作的承受者,叫被动语态。

如:The classroom is cleaned(by us).教室被(我们)打扫。



如:The glass is broken by that boy.玻璃杯是那个男孩打破的。


如:English is widely spoken around the world.(肯定式)

English is not widely spoken around the world.(否定式)

Is English widely spoken around the world?(疑问式)

Yes, it is./No, it isn’t.2.被动语态的用法:(1)在没有指明动作的执行者或者不知道动作执行者的情况下可用被动语态。如:This coat is made of cotton.这件大衣是棉制的。(2)要强调动作的承受者而不是执行者时,用被动语态。如:Her bike is stolen.她的自行车被偷了。





(1)People grow rice in the south.Rice is grown(by people)in the south.(2)She takes care of the baby.The baby is taken care of(by her).四.交际用语:谈论英语的广泛使用

1.---You’ll have a good chance to practice speaking English there.---You’re right.2.---But I’m not good at English.I’m a little afraid.---Don’t worry.3.---Is Spanish similar to English?---Not really.Topic 2


1.by the way 顺便说一下

2.depend on取决于……;依靠……

3.be different from与……不同 4.succeed in成功,达成 5.make yourself understood表达你自己的意思

6.on one’s way to 在某人去……的路上

7.see sb.Off给……送行

8.leave for…前往某地/leave…for…离开…去…

9.in twenty minutes二十分钟之后

10.written English笔头英语/oral English英语口语

11.generally speaking一般说来,大致上说

12.as for sb./sth.至于某人/某物

13.be close to…靠近……

14.in person身体上,外貌上;亲自

15.be found of…爱好……

16.be forced to do sth.被迫做……/force sb.to do强迫某人做某事

17.even worse 更糟的是


Is Australia English the same as British English? 澳式英语和英式英语一样吗?

2.English is spoken differently in different English-speaking countries.不同的国家使用不同的英语。

3.For example, there are differences between British English and American English.例如,在英式英语和美式英语之间有些不同点。I can’t believe that I’m flying to Disneyland.我简直不敢相信我就要飞往迪斯尼乐园了。

5.I hope I won’t have any difficulty.我希望不会遇到什么困难。

6.Whenever you need help, send me an-mail or telephone me.无论何时你需要帮忙,给我发电子邮件或打电话。

7.Not only children but also adults enjoy spending their holidays in Disneyland.不但青少年而且成年人也喜欢到迪斯尼乐园度假。




如:come, go, arrive, leave, fly, start, begin, return, open, die

例:I’m going.我要走了。When are you starting?你什么时候动身?

Don’t worry.The train is arriving here soon.别着急,火车马上就到了。


如:My uncle is meeting us tomorrow.我叔叔明天会见我们。

She is buying a new bike soon.她不久将买一辆新自行车。


1.I can’t follow you.Can you speak more slowly, please?

2.Oh, it sounds interesting.3.If you want to succeed in making yourself understood, you need to know some of these differences

4.---What’s up?---The foreigner is asking for a ride.5.Generally speaking, American English is different from British English in pronunciation and spelling.Topic 3


1.in public在公共场所 2.at times=sometimes有时

3.feel like doing=would like to do想要做……

4..give up sth./doing sth.放弃 5..turn to sb.for help求助于某人

6..give sb.some advice on/about…给某人一些有关……的建议

7..be weak in在……方面很差/be good at在……方面很好

8..be afraid of doing sth.害怕做某事 9.make mistakes犯错误

10.take a deep breath深呼吸 11.the best time to do做某事最好的时间

12.do some listening practice做些听力训练 13.reply to=answer回答

14.advise sb.to do建议某人做某事(名词advice)


1.Could you make yourself understood in the U.S.A?在美国,别人能懂得你的话吗?

2.I don’t know what to do.我不知道该怎么办?

3.At times I feel like giving up.有时我想要放弃。

4.Try to guess the meanings of the new words, and get the main idea of the article.尽量猜测生词的意思,理解文章的大意。

5.I dare not answer questions in class, because I’m afraid of making mistakes.我不敢在课堂上回答问题,困为我害怕犯错误。

6.It’s an honor to talk with all of you.与在座的各位交谈是我的荣幸。

7.But remember to choose the ones that fit you best.但是记住要选择最适合你的一种。

8.I insist that you practice English every day.我坚持认为你们每天都应该练习英语。

9.Believing in yourself is the first step on the road to success.自信是通往成功的第一步。


wh-+to do wh-是指when, where, which, who(m)及how等连接词,它们和动词不定式连用,即为wh-+to do结构。这种结构在句中常作主语、表语和宾语,作宾语时可以转换为宾语从句。(对于谓语动词来说,wh-+to do这个不定式动词的动作是个尚未发生的动作,所以在转换成宾语从句时,通常须加情态动词或用将来时表示未来。)

如:I don’t know what to do.=I don’t know what I should do.She can’t decide which to buy.=she can’t decide which she will buy.反之,如果主句中的主语与宾语从句中的主语一致时,宾语从句(由疑问词引导)通常可以与“疑问词+不定式”互相转换。

如:I don’t know what I should do.=I don’t know what to do.如果不一致就不能转换。I want to know what Mary will do.(不能说:I want to know what to do.)


1.---…, but I hate to speak English in public.---You’d better not.2.---I know it’s very important to learn English well.But it’s difficult for me.---Me, too.3.Have you ever had any difficulties in studying English?

4.---…, could you give us some advice on how to learn English well?

---You’d better follow the tape and do some listening practice.I think the best time to remember new words is in the morning.Unit 4 Topic 1









1.go around 环绕

2.send…into… =send up…into… 把……送入

3.congratulations on sth 祝贺某事

4.be proud of 为……而自豪

5.be moved by 为……而感动

6.Thanks/Thank you for +n./ving sth 感谢某人做的某事

7.have physical examinations 做体检

8.in good/bad health 处于好(不好)的身体状态

9.can’t help doing 情不自禁做……

10.take turn to(do sth)轮流(做某事)

11.no doubt 无疑地

12.as well as 除……的之外,也

13.for instance/example 例如

14.work on 做……(方面)的工作

15.depend on/upon 依靠,依赖

16.turn on 打开

17.turn off 关掉

18.turn up 开大

19.turn down 关小

20.click on 用鼠标点击

21.look forward to doing sth 期待做某事


1.Now big plans are being made to send up more satellites and even build a space station.现在中国正在计划发射更多的卫星,甚至建造一个空间站。

(1)句子“are being made”是现在进行时的被动语态,结构“be being+过去分词”。


2.I’m moved by what Yang Liwei did.我被杨利伟所做的事感动了。

(1)What Yang Liwei did 是介词by的宾语从句,意为“杨利伟所做的事”

(2)be moved by 为……而感动 如:The students are moved by the old man’s story.同学们为那位老人的故事而感动。

3.Generally speaking, we are in good health now.一般来说,我们现在的健康状况良好。

(1)generally speaking “一般来说、大体上、大概”

(2)in good/bad health 处于好(不好)的身体状况。如:

He has a cold, he is always in bad health.他感冒了,他的身体状况总是不好。

4.We couldn’t help looking at the earth again and again.我们忍不住再三地看着地球。(1)can’t/couldn’t help doing sth.忍不住做某事,不能停止做某事。如:

I can’t help crying.我忍不住哭了。

(2)again and again 一再,屡次,如:

The teacher has told him again and again.老师已屡次和他讲过了。

5.I was able to fall asleep as soon as I got into the sleeping bag.We took turns to have a rest.一进入睡袋我就睡着了。我们轮流休息。

take turns to(do sth.)轮流(做某事)。

The Browns take turns to look after the baby.布朗一家轮流照看这个婴儿。

6.It has proved that China has made great progress in developing its space industry.这证明了中国航天业的发展已取得了巨大的进步。

It has proved that… 这证明了……

7.There is no doubt that computers are widely used by workers in business and technology.毫无疑问,电脑被商业,科技工作者广泛地应用.There is no doubt that… 译为“毫无疑问”如:

There is no doubt that we should protect the environment.毫无疑问我们应该保护环境。

8.Computers have made the world smaller, like a “village”.电脑使得世界变小了,就像一个“村庄”。

make+宾语+形容词 “使……怎样”如:

We’ll try our best to make our country more and more beautiful.我们将尽全力使我产的国家越来越美丽.三、日常交际用语:


Thanks for your introduction.Pleased to meet you.=Nice to meet you.It’s an honor to interview you now.What do you think of ShenZhou VI? =What are your thoughts about ShenZhou VI?


宾语补足语: 宾语补足语用来补充说明宾语,与宾语一起构成复合宾语。可作宾语补足语的有名词、形容词、副词、介词和动词不定式等。


1.We call him Jim.(名词)我们叫他吉姆。

2.We must keep our school clean every day.(形容词)我们必须每天保持校园清洁。

3.Call him in, please.(副词)请叫他进来。

4.Leave it on the desk.(介词短语)把它留在课桌上。


1.跟带to的不定式作宾语补足语。常见的这类动词有:ask, tell, get, teach, want, invite, like, allow, wish, encourage等。如:Tell Jane to sing us a song.叫简给我们唱支歌。

2.跟不带to的不定式作宾语补足语。常见的这类动词有“一感(feel)、二听(listen to, hear),三让(make, let, have),四看(look at, see, watch, notice)如:Let’s have a rest.让我们休息一会儿。


He was seen to leave the room with a book in his hand.有人见他手拿着一本书离开这个房间。


Can you help me(to)wash my clothes ? 你能帮我洗衣服吗?


1.现在分词作宾语补足语,经常表示正在发生的动作。可跟这类补足语的动词有:see, watch, hear等。如:

I hear somebody singing in the next room.我听见有人在隔壁唱歌。


You need to have your hair cut.你需要理发了。

Topic 2


1.be used for +ving 被用做……

2.come true 实现

3.It’s said that 据说

4.during/in one’s life 某人一生

5.be known as 以……(身份)而著名

6.know/say for certain 确切知道/肯定地说

7.all the time 一直、总是

8.no longer=not…any longer 不再

(no more, not…any more)

9.as long as 只要

10.as far as 就……,尽……

11.make a great contribution 对…作出巨大贡献

12.the rest of the time 在其余地时间里

13.at any time 在任何时候


1.Because I’m not allowed to play computer games.因为我不可以玩电脑游戏。

allow “允许、准许”的意思。常用于以下几种形式:

(1)allow +n./prep 如: We can’t allow such a thing.我们不容许这种事情发生。

(2)allow sb.to do sth 允许某人做某事 如: She allowed me to go fishing.她允许我去钓鱼。

(3)allow +doing sth 允许做某事 如: We don’t allow smoking in the reading-room.我们不允许在阅览室吸烟。

(4)be allowed to do sth 如:被允许做某事

The students are allowed to play games on the play ground after school.放学后学生们被准许在操场上做游戏。

2.How do you say this in English? 这用英语怎么说?

其意思与What’s this in English相同。

3.It’s made from wood.它用木材做的。

(1)be made in 在……地方制造,后接表示地点的名词。

(2)be made of 用……制造的,表示原材料未经化学变化,仍可看得出原材料。

(3)be made from 用……制造的,表示原材料经过化学变化,已看不出其原样。

(4)be made by 由(被)……(人)制作,后接表示人的名词或代词。

(5)be made into(某物)被制成……

(6)be made up of 由……组成 如:

The TV set is made in Japan.这台电视机是日本生产的。

These houses are made of stones.这些房子是由石头建造的。

Paper is made from wood.纸是木头造的。

Was this cake made by your mother? 这蛋糕是你妈妈做的吗?

Metal can be made into all kinds of things.金属可以制成各种各样的物品。

The medical team is made up of ten doctors.这支医疗队由10位大夫组成。

4.It’s used for helping us to improve our English.它用来帮助我们提高英语水平。

(1)be used for+ving be used to do(被)用来做…… 强调用途或作用

(2)be used as(被)作为……而用,强调被当作工具或手段来用。

(3)be used by 被……使用,by后跟人/物,强调使用者。如:

Pens are used for writing.钢笔被用来写字。

Wood is used to make paper.木材被用来造纸。

English is used as a foreign language in China.英语在中国被当作外语使用。

Recorders are often used by English teachers.英语老师经常使用录音机。

5.People are surprised at the rapid development of robots.人们为机器人的飞速发展感到惊讶。句子中be surprised at…是一个系表结构,表示“对……感到惊讶”。而be surprised by…是一个被动语态形式,表示“被……所惊讶”。如:I am surprised at you.我对你的举动感到诧异。

The manager was surprised by what he saw on the computer.那位经理被眼前出现在电脑屏幕上的东西所惊讶。

6.They will no longer want to be our servants, but our masters.它们将不再愿意做我们的人,而要做我们的主人。

no longer(通常在动词前),not…any longer;not…any more(用于非正式文体中)都可表示“(过去曾……)现在不再……” 如:

She no longer lives here.She doesn’t live here any longer(或 any more).她不在这儿住了。(过去她曾住这儿)

7.This method worked well at night as long as the weather was good and the stars could be seen.在夜间只要天气晴朗,能看见星星,这种方法就能很好地发挥作用。

work well 有效 as long as 只要


What’s it made of from? When/where was it made?

It was invented in 1879.What will our future be like?

I hope your dream will come true.四、重点语法:



When was it made? 它是什么时候制造的?

It was made in 1980.它是1980年制造的。

When was the digital camera invented? 数码像机是什么时候发明的?

It was invented in 1975.它是1975年发明的。






Topic 3

一、重点词汇:1.travel by spaceship 乘宇宙飞船旅行

2.in the future

3.in order to 为了

4.on the radio 通过收音机

5.take part in 参加

6.grow up 成长、长大

7.prefer…to 喜欢……胜过……

8.What’s worse 更为糟糕的是

9.be worth it 有好处,值得一干

10.at a distance of 相隔

11.send sb a message 给某人发送信息


1.I don’t think aliens can be found in space.我认为外星人不可能出现在太空里。

(1)当think, believe, suppose, imagine, expect等动词后的宾语从句含有not的否定词时,该否定应移至主句,即否定主句的谓语动词。如:

I don’t think it will rain tomorrow.我认为明天不会下雨。


He supposes they won’t win the game.他猜想他们赢不了比赛。

(2)can +be +过去分词,是情态动词构成的被动语态。如:

This can’t be done in a short time.这不是短期内能完成的。

2.It has been two days since we landed on Mars.自从我们登上火星以来已经两天了。


如:It is(或has been)three years since we left school.自从我们离开学校以来已经三年了。

3.What’s worse, our water supplies were very low.更糟糕的是,我们的水供给是非常有限的。

What’s worse 更糟糕的是。类似结构还有:What’s more 更有甚者;更为重要的是。

4.It’s a quarter as big as the earth.它是地球的四分之一大。


如:This box is three times as heavy as that one.这只箱子是那只箱子的三倍重。

5.Mars goes around the sun at a distance of about 228 million kilometers.恒星在相隔大约228000000千米的地方绕着太阳转动。

(1)at a distance of 相隔

(2)at a distance 在远处。如:

The moon goes around the earth at a distance of 380000km.月球在距地球38万千米的地方绕地球旋转。

The police followed him at a distance.警察远远地跟着他。


Sound great!What is it about?

What fun!I can’t wait.You think man can live in space one day?

I Think so.I hope I can live there one day.四、重点语法:

情态动词的被动语态:是由“情态动词+be+及物动词的过去分词”构成。如:Aliens can not be seen on the earth.在地球上不可能见到外星人。

Other planets may be visited soon in the future.将来其他的星球也会有人登陆。

Scientific research should be done carefully.应该认真地进行科学研究。

These trees must be watered in time.这些树应该及时浇水



The crow was sitting on the tree doing nothing all a day.A small rabbit saw the crow,and asked him:“Can I also sit like you and do nothing all day long?” the crow answered:“sure ,why not?” So the rabbit sat on the ground below the crow,and rested.All of a sudden.A fox appeared,jumped on the rabbit and ate it.moral of the story is :To be sitting and doing nothing ,you must be sitting very very high up!有一只乌鸦整天坐在树上什么事也不做。一只小兔子看见了,就问它:“我能像你一样整天坐着什么事也不做吗?”这只乌鸦回答道:“当然可以。为什么不呢?”于是小兔子坐在树底下开始休息。突然一只狐狸出现,跳起抓住小兔子就把它给吃了。这个故事的寓意是:如果你想什么也不做,就必须坐得很高。



monochrome television





Chinese tunic suit

fashionable dress


(一)单词 take place

shut communication various keep in touch with since satisfy progress succeed in doing sth.ever already yet increase



take measures to do sth.supply so far thanks to sb.opportunity





have a good summer holiday

come back from„


not only....but also...in the past/ future

call sb.up

has a population of


从„„回来 从„„当中学习不仅...而且...在过去/ 在将来 给...打电话




即“过去的动作 + 现在的结果”,强调结果。如:

I’ve lost my key.我的钥匙丢了。(因此无法进屋)

I’ve got a letter from my aunt.我收到阿姨一封信。(因此知道她的近况)I’ve washed my car.我洗过车了。(因此车现在很干净)

I have bought a new bike.(= I bought a new bike, and I have a new bike now.)我已经买了一辆新的自行车。(强调我现在有了一辆新车。)

构成形式: 助动词have / has + 动词的过去分词

1. 肯定句:

I have seen the film.我已经看过这部电影。


I haven’t seen the film.我没看过这部电影。一般疑问句: Have you seen the film?

你看过这部电影了吗? 回答:

Yes, I have.是的,我看过了。

No, I haven’t.不,我没看过。

特殊疑问句: What have you done?

你已经做了什么? 2. 肯定句:

He has finished the task.他已经完成了任务。


He hasn’t finished the task.他还没有完成任务。一般疑问句: Has he finished the task?

他已经完成任务了吗? 回答:

Yes, he has.是的,他完成了。

No, he hasn’t.不,他没有完成。

常常和just, already, yet, recently,ever, never, yet, since这类副词连用。He’s just left.他刚走。——Has he phoned you yet? ——No, not yet.他给你打电话了吗?——还没有。Have you seen my mom recently?你最近见到我妈妈了吗?

(二)have/ has been to与 have/ has gone to have/ has been to + 某地,到过某地,说话时人已经回来了。have /has gone to + 某地,说明去了某地,说话时人还没回来。如: I have been to Beijing twice.他去过北京两次。

----Where is Jim? 吉姆在哪儿?

----He has gone to the library? 他去图书馆了。


1.Would you like to see the film with me? I'm sorry I __________it twice.A.see B.will see C.have seen D.am seeing 简析:C。从twice可知说话者已看过这部电影两次了。表示到目前的结果,用现在完成时。

2.In the past few years there_______ great changes in my hometown.A.have been B.were C.had been D.are 简析:A。over/in the last/past +一段时间为现在完成时的时间状语。

3.——Kitty, will you go to see the film Frozen this evening?

—No, I won't.I _______it already.A.saw B.have seen C.see D.will see 简析:B。用现在完成时表示过去的行为对现在造成影响。不去看电影的原因是因为已经看过了


1.Li Hong has ________ the army for 2 years.A.joined B.be in C.been in D.joined in 2.We have been friends since ______.A.children B.five years C.five years ago D.five years before.3.Those foreign friends left Guangzhou __.A.since last week B.a week ago C.for a week D.since a week ago.4.I _____ at this school for two years.A.am studying B.study C.studied D.have studied.5.They ______ in the city since last summer.A.live B.didn’t live C.have lived D.live 6.Mrs.Wang has lived in Haikou _________ 1992.A.since B.from C.after D.in 7.Mr.Black ______ China since the summer of 1998.A.has been to B.has been in C.has come to D.came to 8.His father _______ for years.A.has died B.has been dead C.died D.dies 9.----Would you like some more food?----Thank you.I _______ enough.A.will have B.have had C.have D.had


仁爱英语九年级上册Unit 3--Unit 4知识点归纳总结 Unit 3 Topic1 一.重点词语

1.be able to=can 能够,会

2.can’t wait to do sth.迫不急待地做某事 3.have a(good chance to do sth.有(好机会做某事 4.practice doing sth.练习做某事 5.be made by……被……制做;6.on business出差

be made of/from……由……制成;7.be similar to……和……相似 be made in在某地制造8.translate……into……把……翻译成…… 9.have no/some trouble(in doing sth.做某事没有/有些困难 have difficulty(in doing sth.10.once in a while=sometimes/at times偶尔,间或11.whenever=no matter when无论何时

12.as well as以及13.mother tongue 母语

14.take the leading position处于领先地位15.encourage sb.to do sth.鼓励某人做某事

16.call for号召


1.Disneyland is enjoyed by millions of people from all over the world.世界上数以百万的人们都喜欢迪斯尼乐园。

2.I hope I can go there one day.希望有一天我能去那儿。

3.English is widely spoken around the world.英语在世界上被广泛使用。4.It is also spoken as a second language in many countries.在许多国家它也被用作第二语言。

5.It is possible that you will have some trouble.你可能会遇到一些麻烦。6.It’s used as the first language by most people in America, Canada, Australia ,Great Britain and New Z ealand.它被美国、加拿大、澳大利亚、英国和新西兰的大多数人用作第一语言。

7.And two thirds of the world’s scientists read English.并且世界上三分之二的科学家用英语阅读。



主语是动作的执行者,叫主动语态。如:We clean the classroom.我们打扫教室。主语是动作的承受者,叫被动语态。如:The classroom is cleaned(by us.教室被(我们打扫。

1.被动语态的构成: 助动词be+及物动词的过去分词+(by+宾语 其中by意为“被……;由……”,表动作的执行者。

如:The glass is broken by that boy.玻璃杯是那个男孩打破的。

be有人称、数和时态的变化,其肯定式、否定式、疑问式的变化规则与be作为连系动词时完全一样。如: English is widely spoken around the world.(肯定式 English is not widely spoken around the world.(否定式 Is English widely spoken around the world?(疑问式 Yes, it is./No, it isn’t.2.被动语态的用法:(1在没有指明动作的执行者或者不知道动作执行者的情况下可用被动语态。如: This coat is made of cotton.这件大衣是棉制的。

(2要强调动作的承受者而不是执行者时,用被动语态。如:Her bike is stolen.她的自行车被偷了。

3.主、被动语态的转换: 主动语态:主语+及物动词谓语动词+宾语(+其它

被动语态:主语+be+及物动词的过去分词+by+宾语(+其它 注意:(1主动、被动互转时,时态不变。

(2主动句的主语是代词的主格形式,变成被动态by的宾语时,要用宾格形式。如:(1 People grow rice in the south.Rice is grown(by people in the south.(2 She takes care of th e baby.The baby is taken care o

f(by her.四.交际用语:谈论英语的广泛使用

1.---You’ll have a good chance to practice speaking English there.---You’re right.2.---But I’m not good at English.I’m a little afraid.---Don’t worry.3.---Is Spanish similar to English?---Not really.Unit 3 Topic 2 一.重点词语

1.by the way 顺便说一下 2.depend on取决于……;依靠…… 3.be different from与……不同 4.succeed in成功,达成

5.make yourself understood表达你自己的意思 6.on one’s way to 在某人去……的路上

7.see sb.off给……送行8.leave for……前往某地/leave……for……离开……去……

9.in twenty minutes二十分钟之后10.written English笔头英语/oral English英语口语

11.generally speaking一般说来,大致上说12.as for sb./sth.至于某人/某物 13.be close to……靠近……14.in person身体上,外貌上;亲自

15.be found of……爱好…………

16.be forced to do sth.被迫做……/force sb.to do强迫某人做某事 17.even worse 更糟的是 二.重点句型

1.Is Australia English the same as British English? 澳式英语和英式英语一样吗? 2.English is spoken differently in different English-speaking countries.不同的国家使用不同的英语。

3.For example, there are differences between British English and American English.例如,在英式英语和美式英语之间有些不同点。I can’t believe that I’m flying to Disneyland.我简直不敢相信我就要飞往迪斯尼乐园了。

5.I hope I won’t have any difficulty.我希望不会遇到什么困难。6.6.Whenever you need help, send me an-mail or telephone me.无论何时你需要帮忙,给我发电子邮件或打电话。

7.Not only children but also adults enjoy spending their holidays in Disneyland.不但青少年而且成年人也喜欢到迪斯尼乐园度假。



如:come, go, arrive, leave, fly, start, begin, return, open, die 例:I’m going.我要走了。

When are you starting?你什么时候动身? Don’t worry.The train is arriving here soon.别着急,火车马上就到了。表示将来的现在进行时除了用于位移动词外,亦可用于某些非位移动词。如:My uncle is meeting us tomorrow.我叔叔明天会见我们。She is buying a new bike soon.她不久将买一辆新自行车。四.交际用语: 谈论不同国家英语的不同点并了解交际中的身体语言 1.I can’t follow you.Can you speak more slowly, please? 2.Oh, it sounds interesting.3.If you want to succeed in making yourself understood, you need to know some of these differences 4.---What’s up?---The foreigner is asking for a ride.5.Generally speaking, American English is different from British English in pronunciation and spelling.Unit 3 Topic 3

一、重点词语 1.in public在公共场所

2.at times=sometimes有时

3.feel like doing=would like to do想要做…… 4..give up sth./doing sth.放弃

5.turn to sb.=ask sb.for help求助于某人

6.give sb.some advice on/about…给某人一些有关…的建议 7.be weak in在……方面很差/be good at在……方面很好 8.be afraid of doing sth.害怕做某事9.make mistakes犯错误

10.take a deep breath深呼吸11.the best time to do做某事最好的时间 12.do some listening practice做些听力训练 13.reply to=answer回答 14.advise sb.to do建议某人做某事(名词advice


1.Could you make yourself understood in the U.S.A?在美国,别人能懂得你的话吗? 2.I don’t know what to do.我不知道该怎么办? 3.At times I feel like giving up.有时我想要放弃。

4.Try to guess the meanings of the new words, and get the main idea of the article.尽量猜测生词的意思,理解文章的大意。

5.I dare not answer questions in class, because I’m afraid of making mistakes.我不敢在课堂上回答问题,困为我害怕犯错误。

6.It’s an honor to talk with all of you.与在座的各位交谈是我的荣幸。

7.But remember to choose the ones that fit you best.但是记住要选择最适合你的一种。

8.I insist that you practice English every day.我坚持认为你们每天都应该练习英语。

9.Believing in yourself is the first step on the road to success.自信是通往成功的第一步。

三、语法学习wh-+to do wh-是指when, where, which, who(m及how等连接词,它们和动词不定式连用,即为wh-+to do 结构。这种结构在句中常作主语、表语和宾语,作宾语时可以转换为宾语从句。(对于谓语动词来说,wh-+to do这个不定式动词的动作是个尚未发生的动作,所以在转换成宾语从句时,通常须加情态动词或用将来时表示未来。

如:I don’t know what to do.=I don’t know what I should do.She can’t decide which to buy.=she can’t decide which she will buy.反之,如果主句中的主语与宾语从句中的主语一致时,宾语从句(由疑问词引导通常可以与“疑问词+不定式”互相转换。

如:I don’t know what I should do.=I don’t know what to do.如果不一致就不能转换。

I want to know what Mary will do.(不能说:I want to know what to do.四、交际用语:谈论如何学习英语 1.---…, but I hate to speak English in public.---You’d better not.2.---I know it’s very important to learn English well.But it’s difficult for me.---Me, too.3.Have you ever had any difficulties in studying English? 4.---could you give us some advice on how to learn English well?---You’d better follow the tape and do some listening practice.I think the best time to remember new words is in the morning.Unit 4 Topic 1

一、重点词汇:(一词形转换: 1.successful(副词 2.proper(副词 3.completely(动词 4.leader(动词 5.succeed(名词 6.hero(复数

7.physics(形容词 8.fix(同义词9.introduce(名词 10.far(比较级(二重点词组: 1.go around 环绕

2.send…into… =send up…into…把……送入 3.congratulations on sth 祝贺某事 4.be proud of 为……而自豪 5.be moved by 为……而感动

6.Thanks/Thank you for +n./ving sth 感谢某人做的某事 7.have physical examinations 做体检 8.in good/bad health 处于好(不好的身体状态

9.Can’t help doing 情不自禁做……10.take turn to(do sth 轮流(做某事 11.no doubt 无疑地12.as well as 除……的之外,也

13.for instance/example 例如14.work on 做……(方面的工作 15.depend on/upon依靠,依赖16.turn on 打开17.turn off 关掉 18.turn up 开大19.turn down 关小

20.click on 用鼠标点击21.look forward to doing sth 期待做某事 21.二、重点句型: 1.Now big plans are being made to send up more satellites and even build a space station.现在中国正在计划发射更多的卫星,甚至建造一个空间站。

(1 句子“are being made”是现在进行时的被动语态,结构“be being+过去分词”。

(2 主动句中的宾补如果是不带to的不定式时,变成被动句后,成为主补的不定式必须带to, 常见跟不带to的复合宾语的动词有see、feel、hear、make等。

2.I’m moved by what Yang Liwei did.我被杨利伟所做的事感动了。(1 What Yang Liwei did 是介词by的宾语从句,意为“杨利伟所做的事”(2 be moved by 为……而感动

如:The students are moved by the old man’s story.同学们为那位老人的故事而感动。

3.Generally speaking, we are in good health now.一般来说,我们现在的健康状况良好。

(1 generally speaking “一般来说、大体上、大概”(2 in good/bad health 处于好(不好的身体状况。如: He has a cold, he is always in bad health.他感冒了,他的身体状况总是不好。4.We couldn’t help looking at the earth again and again.我们忍不住再三地看着地球。

(1 Can’t/couldn’t help doing sth.忍不住做某事,不能停止做某事。如:I can’t help crying.我忍不住哭了。(2 again and again 一再,屡次, 如:The teacher has told him again and again.老师已屡次和他讲过了。

5.I was able to fall asleep as soon as I got into the sleeping bag.一进入睡袋我就睡着了。

We took turns to have a rest.我们轮流休息。take turns to(do sth.轮流(做某事。

The Browns take turns to look after the baby.布朗一家轮流照看这个婴儿。6.It has proved that China has made great progress in developing its space industry.这证明了中国航天业的发展已取得了巨大的进步。It has proved that…这证明了……

7.There is no doubt that computers are widely used by workers in business and technology.毫无疑问,电脑被商业,科技工作者广泛地应用.There is no doubt that……译为“毫无疑问”

如: There is no doubt that we should protect the environment.毫无疑问我们应该保护环境。

8.Computers have made the world smaller, like a village.电脑使得世界变小了,就像一个村庄。make+宾语+形容词“使……怎样”

如: We’ll try our best to make our country more and more beautiful.我们将尽全力使我产的国家越来越美丽.三、日常交际用语: Congratulations!Thanks for your introduction.Pleased to meet you.=Nice to meet you.It’s an honor to interview you now.What do you think of ShenZhou VI? =What are your thoughts about ShenZhou VI?

四、重点语法: 宾语补足语: 宾语补足语用来补充说明宾语,与宾语一起构成复合宾语。可作宾语补足语的有名词、形容词、副词、介词和动词不定式等。

(一、名词、形容词、副词、介词短语作宾语补足语。如: 1.We call him Jim.(名词我们叫他吉姆。

2.We must keep our school clean every day.(形容词我们必须每天保持校园清洁。

3.Call him in, please.(副词请叫他进来。

4.Leave it on the desk.(介词短语把它留在课桌上。(二、动词不定式作宾语补足语可分为三种情况: 1.跟带to的不定式作宾语补足语。

常见的这类动词有:ask, tell, get, teach, want, invite, like, allow, wish, encourage等。

如:Tell Jane to sing us a song.叫简给我们唱支歌。2.跟不带to的不定式作宾语补足语。

常见的这类动词有“一感(feel、二听(listen to, hear,三让(make, let, have,四看(look at, see, watch, notice 如:Let’s have a rest.让我们休息一会儿。

但这种结构变成被动语态时,to必须加上如: He was seen to leave the room with a book in his hand.有人见他手拿着一本书离开这个房间。

3.跟带to或不带to的动词不定式作宾语补足语。这类动词只有help。如: Can you help me(to wash my clothes ? 你能帮我洗衣服吗?(三、分词作宾语补足语可分为两种情况。

1.现在分词作宾语补足语,经常表示正在发生的动作。可跟这类补足语的动词有:see, watch, hear等。

如: I hear somebody singing in the next room.我听见有人在隔壁唱歌。2.过去介词作宾语补足语,经常表示被动。如: You need to have your hair cut.你需要理发了。Unit 4 Topic 2

一、重点词汇: 1.be used for +ving 被用做„„ 2.come true 实现 3.It’s said that 据说 4.during/in one’s life 某人一生 5.be known as 以„„(身份)而著名 6.know/say for certain 确切知道/肯定地说 7.all the time 一直、总是 8.no longer=not„„any longer 不再(no more, not„„any more 9.as long as 只要 10.as far as 就„„,尽„„11.make a great contribution 对„„作出巨大贡献 12.the rest of the time 在其余地时间里 13.at any time 在任何时候

二、重点句型: 1.Because I’m not allowed to play computer games.因为我不可以玩电脑游戏。allow “允许、准许”的意思。常用于以下几种形式:(1 allow +n./prep 如: We can’t allow such a thing.我们不容许这种事情发生。(2 allow sb.to do sth 允许某人做某事 如: She allowed me to go fishing.她允许我去钓鱼。(3 allow +doing sth 允许做某事 如:We don’t allow smoking in the reading-room.我们不允许在阅览室吸烟。(4 be allowed to do sth 被允许做某事 如:The students are allowed to play games on the play ground after school.放学后学生们被准许在 操场上做游戏。2.How do you say this in English? 这用英语怎么说? 其意思与 What’s this in English 相同。3.It’s made from wood.它用木材做的。(1 be made in 在„„地方制造,后接表示地点的名词。(2 be made of 用„„制造 的,表示原材料未经化学变化,仍可看得出原材料。(3 be made from 用„„制造的,表示原材料经过化学变化,已看不出其原样。(4 be made by 由(被)„„(人)制作,后接表示人的名词或代词。(5 be made into(某物)被制成„„(6 be made up of 由„„组成 如: The TV set is made in Japan.这台电视机是日本生产的。These houses are made of stones.这些房子是由石头建造的。Paper is made from wood.纸是木头造的。Was this cake made by your mother? 这蛋糕是你妈妈做的吗? Metal can be made into all kinds of things.金属可以制成各种各样的物品。The medical team is made up of ten doctors.这支医疗队由 10 位大夫组成。4.It’s used for helping us to improve our English.它用来帮助我们提高英语水平。(1 be used for+ving /be used to do(被)用来做„„强调用途或作用(2be used as(被)作为„„而用,强调被当作工具或手段来用。(3be used by 被„„使用,by 后跟人/物,强调使用者。如: Pens are used for writing.钢笔被用来写字。Wood is used to make paper.木材被用来造纸。English is used as a foreign language in China.英语在中国被当作外语使用。Recorders are often used by English teachers.英语老师经常使用录音机。5.People are surprised at the rapid development of robots.人们为机器人的飞速发展感到惊

讶。句子中 be surprised at„„„是一个系表结构,表示“对„„感到惊讶”。而 be surprised by„„是一个被动语态形式,表示“被„„所惊讶”。如:I am surprised at you.我对你的举动感到诧异。The manager was surprised by what he saw on the computer.那位经理被眼前出现在电脑屏幕 上的东西所惊讶。6.They will no longer want to be our servants, but our masters.它们将不再愿意做我们的人,而要做 我们的主人。no longer(通常在动词前),not„„any longer;not„„any more(用于非正式文体中)都可表示“(过去曾„„)现在不 再„„” 如: She no longer lives here.She doesn’t live here any longer(或 any more.她不在这儿住了。(过去她曾住这儿)7.This method worked well at night as long as the weather was good and the stars could be seen.在 夜间只要天气晴朗,能看见星星,这种方法就能很好地发挥作用。work well 有效 as long as 只要

三、日常交际用语: What’s it made of from? When/where was it made? It was invented in 1879.What will our future be like? I hope your dream will come true.四、重点语法:

1、一般过去时的被动语态 谓语部分的基本形式是 be 的过去式 was/were+及物动词的过去分词。如:When was it made? 它是什么时候制造的? It was made in 1980.它是 1980 年制造的。When was the digital camera invented? 数码像机是什么时候发明的? It was invented in 1975.它是 1975 年发明的。

2、时间前所用介词的速记歌 年月周前要用 in,日子前面却不行。遇到几号要用 on,上午下午又是 in。要说某日上下午,用 on 换 in 才能行。午夜黄昏须用 at,黎明用它也不错。at 也用在时分前,说“差”可要用上 to。说“过”只可使用 past,多说多练牢牢记,莫让岁月成蹉跎。Unit 4 Topic 3

一、重点词汇: 1.travel by spaceship 乘宇宙飞船旅行 2.in the future 将来 3.in order to 为了 4.on the radio 通过收音机 5.take part in 参加 6.grow up 成长、长大 7.prefer„„to 喜欢„„胜过„„ 8.What’s worse 更为糟糕的是 9.be worth it 有好处,值得一干 10.at a distance of 相隔 11.send sb.a message 给某人发送信息

二、重点句型: 1.I don’t think aliens can be found in space.我认为外星人不可能出现在太空里。(1当 think, believe, suppose, imagine, expect 等动词后的宾语从句含有 not 的否定词时,该否定 应移至主句,即否定主句的谓语动词。如: I don’t think it will rain tomorrow.我认为明天不会下雨。

如果主句的主语是第二、三人称,否定式一般不转移。如: He supposes they won’t win the game.他猜想他们赢不了比赛。(2can +be +过去分词,是情态动词构成的被动语态。如:This can’t be done in a short time.这不是短期内能完成的。2.It has been two days since we landed on Mars.自从我们登上火星以来已经两天了。it 用作主语谈论时间,常与 since 连用。如:It is(或 has been three years since we left school.自从我们离开学校以来已经三年了。3.What’s worse, our water supplies were very low.更糟糕的是,我们的水供给是非常有限的。What’s worse 更糟糕的是。类似结构还有:What ’s more 更有甚者;更为重要的是。4.It’s a quarter as big as the earth.它是地球的四分之一大。倍数表示法:倍数+as+形容词/副词+as 如:This box is three times as heavy as that one.这只箱子是那只箱子的三倍重。5.Mars goes around the sun at a distance of about 228 million kilometers.恒 星 在 相 隔 大 约 228000000 千米的地方绕着太阳转动。(1at a distance of 相隔(2at a distance 在远处。如: The moon goes around the earth at a distance of 380000km.月球在距地球 38

万千米的地方绕地球旋转。The police followed him at a distance.警察远远地跟着他。

三、日常交际用语: Sound great!What is it about? What fun!I can’t wait.You think man can live in space one day? I Think so.I hope I can live there one day.四、重点语法:

1、情态动词的被动语态:是由“情态动词+be+及物动词的过去分词”构成。如:Aliens can not be seen on the earth.在地球上不可能见到外星人。Other planets may be visited soon in the future.将来其他的星球也会有人登陆。Scientific research should be done carefully.应该认真地进行科学研究。These trees must be watered in time.这些树应该及时浇水。

2、书面表达技巧 善于衔接。一篇好作文不仅是词汇、句子的简单罗列,语句间如缺乏必要的连接过渡和照应,作文就会结构简单,句式单调,缺少灵气,而看似不显眼的衔接过渡可大大增强作文的连贯性,逻辑性和可读性。常见的语篇衔接成分见下表: 逻辑关系 语篇衔接成分 时间关系: first(ly,second(ly,then, finally, suddenly, immediately, after, until, the moment, while 空间关系 : in front of, across, above, nearby, at the back of, next to, on one side„on the other side 对称关系: on one hand„on the other hand, for one thing„for another 转折关系: but, however, yet, while, though, otherwise, rather than, no matter what , on the other hand 因果关系: because of, thanks to, because, since, as, for this/that reason, as a result, so, therefore.条件关系: as long as, if, unless, if necessary 增补关系: besides, in addition, not only„but also, as well, what’s more,what’s worse 举例: for example/instance, such as, like, namely, in other words 评价: as far as I know, there is no doubt that, I’m not sure that, It’s certain that, as we know, It’s known to all that„, 总结: in a word, next to, in short, in general, in all, to sum upGenerally speaking, therefore


英语七年级下册各单元知识点归纳 Unit 5 Topic1

重点语法 一般现在时(常与频度副词never, seldom, sometimes, often,usually, always等连用)重点句型

—How do you usually come to school? —I usually come to school by subway.—How often do you go to the library? —Once/Twice/Three times a week/Very often/Every day/Sedom


1.I always come to school by bus.by+交通工具名称,表示使用某种交通方式,中间不加限定词,如果交通工具前有a, the, my 等限定词,就不能用by,而是用in或是on.on the train=by train on his bike=by bike in my car=by car.巧辩异同 on foot 与 walk on foot “走路”,是介词短语,不能作谓语,只作方式状语,位于句末。walk “走路”,是动词,可以作谓语。

go to…on foot= walk to I often go to school on foot.=I often walk to school.同样,go to….by bike = ride a bike to go to….by car = drive a car to go to … by plane = fly to go to… by bus = take a bus to 2.Come on!It’s time for class.come on “快点,加油,来吧”。It’s time for sth.“该做某事了”,与 It’s time to do sth.意思一样。.look的短语 look the same看起来一样 look like看起来像„„

look for寻找 look after 照顾.do my homework at school 在学校做作业

do one’s homework 做家庭作业(注意:one’s 要随主语的变化而变化,常用形容词性物主代词my, your, their, our, his, her等)。we want to know about the school life of American students.know about “了解,知道关于” 巧辩异同 a few与few a few “一些”,few“很少,几乎没有”,修饰可数名词。a little与little a little“一些”,little“很少,几乎没有”,修饰不可数名词。They often play basketball or soccer, go swimming and so on.go swimming 去游泳

and so on “等等”,表示还有很多。

拓展 go+v.-ing 表示去做某事,类似的有:

go fishing go shopping go boating go skating How often do you go to the library?

how often“多久一次”,问频率。答语常用频度副词never, always,often等或单位时间内的次数

once a week一周一次 twice a month每月两次three times a year每年三次

语法讲解 一般现在时 一般现在时表示:

(1)现在所处的状态。Jane is at school.(2)经常或习惯性的动作。I often go to school by bus.(3)主语具备的性格和能力。He likes playing football.(4)客观真理。The earth goes round the sun.常用的时间状语:often, always, usually, sometimes, every day等等。




肯定式:I go to school on foot.否定式:I don’t go to school on foot.疑问式:Do you go to school on foot? —Yes, I do.—No, I don’t.当主语是第三人称单数时,动词用第三人称单数形式,在词尾加-s或-es。

肯定式:He goes to work by bus.否定式:He doesn’t go to work by bus.疑问式:Does he go to work by bus? —Yes, he does.—No, he doesn’t.Topic2 重点语法 现在进行时态


What are you doing?

He is cleaning the dormitory.Are you doing your homework? Yes, I am./No, I am not.How long can I keep them? Two weeks.重点详解 at the moment“此刻,现在”,相当于now.2 巧辩异同 go to sleep与go to bed ① go to bed“上床”“就寝” I often go to bed at ten.② go to sleep“入睡”“睡着” Last night I went to sleep at two o’clock.巧辩异同some, a few 与a little “一些,有些”三者都修饰名词。


We want some apples and some water.a few用在可数名词复数之前,a little用在不可数名词之前。

There are a few books and a little waterin the classroom.与how相关的短语 how often多常

how many多少

how much多少钱

how old多大 And you must return them on time.Return意为“归还,回归”

① return sth.to sb.把某物归还某人=give back sth.to sb.② return to“回到„”,相当于come back to„ Maria and a girl are talking at the lost and found.talk“交谈”,常用的短语talk to/with sb.“与某人交谈” 巧辩异同talk, say, speak与tell

(1)talk“交谈”,表示通过谈话方式交换意见、消息等。(2)speak“说话”,强调开口发声,后常接某种语言。(3)say “说”,强调所说的话的内容。

(4)tell“告诉”,有时兼含“嘱咐”“命令”等。tell a truth说真话,tell a lie说

谎, tell a story 讲故事等固定搭配。

7.I can’t find my purse and I am looking for it.look for“寻找”,强调寻找的过程;

find“找到”强调找的结果。.look(at), see与 read

look(at)指看的动作,see指看的结果 read常指看书、看报纸等。9.Here are some photos of his.这有他的一些照片。

photos of his是双重所有格。his是名词性物主代词,后还可以接名词所有格。

a friend of mine我的一个朋友 a classmate of my brother’s我弟弟的一个同学.I also want to go there one day.我也希望有一天到那儿。

also意为“也”,常用于be动词和情态动词后面,实义动词的前面。巧辩异同 also与too also放在句中,too用于句末。

语法讲解 现在进行时


2.常用的时间状语:now, at the moment, look, listen等。3.谓语动词构成:be(am/is/are)+v.-ing形式。4.现在进行时态的肯定、否定和疑问式。

(1)肯定式:I am running.You are running.He/She is running.(2)否定式:I’m not running.You aren’t running.He/She isn’t running.(3)一般疑问句及回答:—Are you running? —Yes, I am./—No, I am not.—Is he/she running? —Yes, he/she is./ —No.he/she isn’t.Topic3 重点语法 一般现在时和现在进行时的使用和异同。

重点句型 What day is ti today? It’s Wednesday.Why do you like it? it’s easy and interesting.What class are they having? They are having a music class.重点详解 询问星期几用What day…?

It’s Wednesday/Sunday….与特殊疑问句词what有关的短语:

what class什么班 what color什么颜色 what time几点 what date几号(日期)How many lessons does he have every weekday?

How many+可数名词的复数形式;How much+不可数名词。一个星期的第一天是Sunday, 在星期几前用介词on, 在具体点钟前用at..learning about the past了解过去

learn about了解 .

learn from向„„学习

learn by oneself自学 What do you think of …? = How do you like…?你认为„„怎么样? —Why? —Because it’s interesting.用why提问必须用because回答。

Which subject do you like best?你最喜欢什么科目? like best最喜欢,可用favorite“特别喜爱的”转换。be friendly to sb.对某人友好 I can learn a lot from it.我能从中学到很多东西。


(2)a lot = much“许多”,后接宾语时要说a lot of 也可以表示“非常,十分”。

Unit6 Topic1

重点语法 There be 句型和方位介词短语

重点句型 There are two bedrooms and a a small study.There is a lamp, a computer, some books and so on.—Is there a computer in your study? —Yes, there is.Don't put them here.Put them away.重点讲解 It’s on the second floor.在哪一层楼,用介词on。

on表示在„„上面。second是序数词,前面要用定 冠词the, 意为第二(的)

巧辩异同 two与second two是基数词,second是序数词,“第二”或“第二的”,指排列顺序。in 在„„里面,是方位介词。in the box in the classroom Is there…? 表示某地存在„„吗?其肯定回答是:Yes, there is.否定回答No, there isn’t.它的复数形式为Are there…? 其肯定回答是:Yes, there are.否定回答No, there aren’t.巧辩异同 there be与 have(1)there be“有”,指(某地)存在“有”。(2)have“有”,指人或某物“拥有”。The is a dog in the picture.The dog has two big eyes.就近原则 have a look 后面接名词时要用at.如have a look at your watch.talk about“谈论,议论”,后接名词或动名词。

talk with/to “与某人交谈” 用来询问某地有某物,其结构为:What’s+介词短语,回答时应用there be句型。play with“和„„玩耍”,“玩” play with sb.“与某人一起玩” 8 put away 把„„放好 look after“保管,照顾”,相当于take care of.look at看„„ look like看起来像„„ look for寻找 look the same看起来一样巧辩异同in the tree与on the tree(1)in the tree 指外来物体在树上。

(2)on the tree树木本身长出来的花、树叶等。巧辩异同like doing与like to do

like doing表示经经常性或习惯性的兴趣、爱好。与love doing相似。

like to do 表示偶尔的、一次性的喜欢。与love to do相似。I’m very glad to get a letter from you.我很高兴收到你的来信。

get a letter from sb.收到某人的来信=hear from sb.Topic2 重点语法 There be 句型 Wh-questions

重点句型 What’s your home like? What’s the matter? Sorry, I can’t hear you.I’ll get someone to check it right now.There is something wrong with my kitchen fan.重点讲解 house with three bedrooms.有三间卧室的房子。

with “有,带有”。With还可以意为“和(某人/某物)在一起” apartment for a family of two.适合两口之家的公寓。

(1)for表示“给„„”表示目的或功能。后接物主代词或名词但通常带’s.或者后接表示无生命物体的名词。Here is a letter for you.(2)of的含义为“属于某人/某事物”。She is a friend of Lily’s.= Shes is Lily’s friend.What’s the matter?

该句常用来询问某或某物出了什么什么问题或毛病;询问具体某人或某物出了什么问题时,还可以表达为:What’s the matter with sb./sth.某人或某物出了什么毛病。What’s the matter? = What’s wrong? I hear you playing the piano.我听见你在弹钢琴。hear…doing sth.“听见„„在做某事”,强调正在进行的动作。

hear…do sth.“听见„„做了某事”,强调全过程。

hear about sth.听到关于某事物的消息 hear from sb.接到某人的来信、电话等 hear of sb./sth.听到或知道某人或某事物的情况 a lot of = lots of许多 后接可数名词,相当于many;后接不可数名词,相当于

much,用于肯定句中;但是注意:如果是否定句,刚常用many或much.6 be far from… 离„„远(抽象距离)

be…away from…离„„远(具体距离)

My school is not far from the bookstore.The sea is 2 miles away from the hotel.There is something wrong with sb./sth.某人或某物出问题/有毛病了。I’ll get someone to check it right now.我马上派人去检查。

get sb.to do sth.使某人做某事 someone=somebody某人 right now= at once= right away马上,立刻

语法讲解 There be…(表示“有”)用法

1.“There + be+主语+地点状语”表示“某处有某物”;地点状语也可放在句首,有时可用“,”与后面的部分隔开。There are some pictures on the wall.=On the wall, there are some pictures.2.它的疑问形式是将“be”提到“there”之前。Are thery any books on the desk? 3.它的否定形式是在“be”后加“not”.4.There be如果后面接两个名词作主语,那么“be”的人称和数与邻近的名词一致。

Topic3 重点语法 特殊疑问句和问路、指路的方式。

重点句型 —Excuse me, how can I get to … —Go along and turn left at the first street.Be careful!Don't play on the street.重点讲解 go up “沿着„„走”与它相近的词有go along/down get to 到达,后接地点名词 get to =reach=arrive in/at 与get有关的短语: get in 收获 get on上车 get off下车

get out出去 get out of从„„出来 get up起床 across from 在„„对面 It’s good to help children and old people to cross the road.It’s good to do sth.做某事是助人为乐的行为。on the corner of = at the corner of “在„„拐角处”,表示在某一地方或建筑物外面的拐角处。in the corner of 表示在某一建筑物内的拐角处。有关come的短语

come to 来到 come form来自于„„ come on 加油,赶快 come in 进来 come out 出来 come down下来 come back

Unit7 Topic1 重点语法 掌握be动词的一般过去式。

重点句型 —Were you born in Hebei? Yes, I was./ No, I wasn’t.—When was your daughter born? —She was born on October 22nd, 1996.What's the shape of your present? What does it look like? How long/wide is it? What do we use it for? We use it to study English.重点讲解 英语中日期可以有两种表达法:(1)月日,年。May 1st,2008(2)日月,年。1st May,2008 plan to do sth.计划做某事 plan for sth.为某事订计划 基数词变序数词的规律:

基变序,有规律,五、十二ve用f替再加th 一二三,特殊记,整几十改y为ie再加th 八去t九去e再加th,几十几只改个位就可以 表示确切“几百”时,hundred后面不加“s”,但表示不确定数目的“数以百计”时,hundred后面应加“s”,用“hundreds of”表示。

three hundred students三百名学生 hundreds of students几百名学生 英语中表达物体的长、宽、高,先说数字,再说单位,最后加上一个表示长、宽、高的形容词。“.”读做“point”。6.4米长 six point four meters long What do we use it for?我们用它来做什么?

use sth.to do sth.用某物做某事.= use sth.for doing sth.语法讲解 be动词的一般过去时

1.be动词的一般过去时,表示过去存在的状态。My brother was at school yesterday.2.be动词的过去式为was/were,其否定式为was not/wasn’t和were not/weren’t.3.一般疑问句以及简略回答:—Were you born in July,1999? —Yes, I was./No,I wasn’t.Topic2 重点语法 掌握情态动词can/can’t,could/couldn’t的用法。

重点句型 —Can/Could you dance? —Yes, I can/could.No, I can’t/couldn’t.—What can you do? —I can speak English.He can’t sing English songs.重点讲解 —Do you want to sing Chinese songs or English songs? —Chinese songs.选择疑问句中,回答时只能选择一者作答,不能用“Yes”或“No”回答。

I’d like to take these flowers to the party.take sb./sth.to sw.带某人/某物去某地

巧辩异同 take与bring take(从说话人处带到别处)带去,带走 bring(由别处带到说话人处)带来 一段时间+ago是表示过去的时间状语。two years ago at the age of 在„„岁的时候 be good at doing sth.= do well in doing sth.擅长做某事,在„„方面做得好 with one’s help = with the help of… 在„„的帮助下 can和could的使用



Topic3 重点语法 行为动词的一般过去时及其回答。

重点句型 —Did you sing a song at the party? —Yes, I did/No, I didn’t.I missed the chair and fell down.How could you lie to me? Kangkang made a silent wish and them he blew the candles out in one breath.重点讲解 Did Kangkang enjoy himself?康康玩得开心吗?

Enjoy是及物动词,后接名词,代词或是动名词,意为“喜爱,欣赏,享受„„ 的乐趣。”

enjoy oneself = have a good/great time玩得愉快

enjoy doning sth.喜欢做某事

巧辩异同 like, love与enjoy(1)like喜欢(程度较弱)like doing/to do(2)love热爱(程度较强)love doing/to do(3)enjoy喜爱,欣赏,享受„„的乐趣enjoy doing It’s your turn.该你了

turn 是名词,意思是“轮流”,It’s one’s turn to do sth.轮到某人做某事。还可以做连系动词,意为“变成„„”,后接形容词做表语。反身代词oneself变化如下:

①第一二人称用形容词性物主代词+self(selves)I→myself you→yourself(yourselves)

②第三人称用人称代词宾格+self(selves)he→himself they→themselves What happened to Michael at the party?聚会上迈克发生什么事情了? happen to sb.某人发生某事,to是介词

happen to do…碰巧干某事,to是不定式符号

语法讲解 一般过去式 一、一般过去式表示:

(1)过去存在的状态。My father wat at work yesterday afternoon.(2)过去某个时间发生的动作。I got up at 6:30 yesterday.(3)过去经常或反复发生的动作。He always went to work by bus last year.常用的时间状语:two days/months/years ago, last year, in those days, just now, in 2002等。


1.规则动词①在动词后面直接加“ed”。play-played ②动词以“e”结尾加“d”。

move-moved ③动词以辅音字母加y结尾改y为i加ed.study-studied ④动词为重读闭音节,双写词尾的辅音字母加ed.plan-planned stop-stopped 2.不规则动词 am/is-was are-were do-did(详情见书后不规则动词表)


肯定句:I bought some books yesterday.否定句: I didn’t buy any books yesterday.一般疑问句:Did you buy any books yesterday?


九年级英语(仁爱版)语言点归纳 Unit 1 The Changing World Topic 1 China has developed rapidly in recent years.1.take place 发生

eg: Great changes have tanken place in my hometown.2.Though I had no time to travel, I still felt very happy this holiday!尽管我没时间去旅游,但这个假期我仍然感到很愉快。

though 从属连词,用来引导让步状语从句,表“虽然;尽管”,不能与but连用。如:

Though he is poor, he is happy.= He is poor, but he is happy.尽管他很贫穷,但是他很快乐。

3.Could you please tell me something about Chinese teenagers? 请告诉我一些有关中国青少年的一些事情好吗?

Could /Would you please(not)do sth?请(不)做某事好吗?

eg: Could you please turn down your radio? 请把收音机声音调低好吗?

Would you please not play football here? 请不要在这儿踢球好吗?

4.Parents couldn’t afford education for their children.父母供不起孩子上学。

afford 常与can, could 或 be able to 连用,尤其用于否定句或疑问句,表“负担得起(做)某事;抽得出(时间)” “(can’t/ couldn’t)afford(to do)sth.”

eg: We can’t afford(to buy)this house because we don’t have enough money.我们买不这房了,因为我们没有足够的钱。

eg: He felt he couldn’t afford any time to play football.他觉得自己没有时间踢球了。

5.Our government gives support to poor families.我们的政府能为贫困家庭提供帮助。

give support to sb.= give sb.support 为某人提供帮助/ 支持

support作动词时表“供养;支持;支撑”,eg: She had to support her family at the age of ten.她十岁时就得养家。

His parents supported him in his decision.他的父母支持他的决定。

The two sticks support the tree.两根木棍支撑着这棵树。

6.Why not go and search the Internet for some information? 为什么不上网查找相关信息呢?

search sp.for sth.搜查某地寻找某物

search sb.for sth.搜身查找某物

search for sth./ sb.= look for sth./ sb.搜寻某物/ 某人;

eg: The villagers searched the woods for the lost children.村民们在树林里寻找失踪的孩子们。

The police searched the man for the stolen money.警察搜那个男人的身,查找被偷的钱。

He is searching/ looking for his missing keys.他在寻找他丢的钥匙。

7.We often went hungry because the boss didn’t give us enough food to eat.我们经常挨饿,因为老板不给我们足够的食物。

在这里是系动词,表“变得„”,后跟形容词,构成系表结构.eg: The food on the table went bad.桌面上的食物变坏了.8.One part was used to help support my family, to help send my elder brother to school.a)one part„the other(part)„一部分„„另一部分„„

b)elder brother 哥哥

elder 作形容词时, 是old的比较级, 一般表示家庭成员出生的顺序,在句中只能作定语,可与than连用;而older表年龄的比较,可与 than连用.如:

His elder sister is two older than he.他的姐姐比他大两岁.作名词时, 表 “ 长者;前辈;祖先”, 如:

Their customs were handed down by the elders.他们的风俗习惯是由他们的祖先传下来的.9.But China has developed rapidly in recent years.但是近年来,中国发展迅速.in recent years 表 “近年来”,常与完成时连用.如:

She has learnt a lot of knowledge in recent years.近年来,她学到了许多知识.10.China has made such rapid progress.中国已经取得如此迅速的进步。

progress 为不可数名词make progress 取得进步

make some/ much/ great progress 取得一些/ 许多/ 巨大的进步

11.What has happened to Beijing’s roads now? 现在北京的公路发生了什么变化?

sth.happen to sb.某人发生了某事,如:

eg: If anything happens to him, let me know.万一他有什么不测,就请通知我。

A little accident happened to her yesterday.昨天她发生了点小意外。

12.They express the rich culture of China as well.他们也表达了丰富的中国文化。

as well, too, also均表“也;又”; as well 多用于口语,只用于句末,不用逗号隔开;

too 多用于口语,用于句末,要用逗号隔开;

also 较正式,不用于句末;

either 用于否定句,表“也不”,与too 对应。

eg: He likes sports as well.= He likes sports, too.= He also likes sports.他也喜欢运动。

He didn’t come, either.他也没来。

13.keep in touch with 和„保持联系

eg: Nowadays,we keep in touch with each other by sending e-mails.14.复习现在完成时

Topic 2 What has happened to the population? 1.I really hate to go such a place.我真讨厌去购物。--So do I.我也是。

So do I.为倒装句,表示前面提到的肯定情况也同样适合另外一个主体,表“某某也一样”,结构为“so + be /情态动词/ 助动词 + 主语”。

eg: Jim is a student, so is Tom.吉姆是一名学生,汤姆也是。

Jim can swim, so can Tom.吉姆会游泳,汤姆也会。

Jim likes sports, so does Tom.吉姆喜欢运动,汤姆也喜欢。

如表前面不怎样,后面“也不”怎样时,其结构为“ neither/ nor + be /情态动词/ 助动词 + 主语”。

eg: Jim wasn’t Chinese, neither/ nor were they.吉姆不中国人,他们也不是。

Jim can’t speak Japanese, neither can I.吉姆不会说日语,我也不会。

Jim didn’t go there, neither did I.吉姆没去那儿,我也没去。


eg: Jim is a good student.So he is.吉姆是一名好学生,的确如此。

Jim swims well.So he does.吉姆游泳很好,的确如此。

2.At that time, China was the country with the largest population in the world.那时,中国是世界上人口最多的国家。

population为不可数名词,表示人口的多少只能用 “large”或 “small”修饰,提问人口用“what”, 如:

eg: The population of Shanghai is larger than that of Beijing.上海的人口比北京多。

What’s the population of China?= How many people are there in China? 中国的人口有多少?

3.Great changes have taken place in China.中国发生了巨大变化。

take place 指必然性的“发生”或有计划、安排之内的“举行”。如:

eg: The meeting will take place next Friday.会议将在下周五举行。

happen 指偶然的、没有预料的“发生“,其结果往往给人带来不幸或麻烦。如:

eg: The accident happened yesterday.事故发生在昨天。


4.The population has increased a lot.人口增长发很多。

increase 可作及物动词也可作不及物动词。其含义是“增长,增加,加强”等。

increase by„ 指“增加了„„”;increase to„指 “增加到„„”

5.„and about one fifth of the people in the world live in China.而且世界上大约五分之一的人口生活在中国。

one fifth 是分数表达法。英文分数表达法:分子为基数词,分母为序数词,先读分子后读分母。当分子大于1时,分母的序数词则变为复数,直接在词尾加“s”。eg: one fourth 四分之一; three fourths 四分之三;

one second 二分之一; two thirds 三分之二

注:分数修饰名词作主语,谓语动词要和所修饰的名词保持一致。6.It has worked well in controlling China’s population.它在控制人口数量方面取得了显著的功效。

work well in doing sth.表“在„„方面很有功效”,eg: Doing eye exercises works well in protecting our eyesight.(视力)做眼保健操在保护视力方面很有功效。

7.Because of our large population, we are short of energy and water.be short of„ 表 “缺乏„„”

eg: She is always short of money at the end of every month.每个月底她总是缺钱。

be short for„ 表“是„„的缩写”,eg: TV is short for television.TV是television的缩写形式.8.Can all Chinese families offer their children a good education? 所有的中国家庭都能给他们的的孩子提供良好的教育吗?

offer 表“(主动)给予,提供”

offer sb.sth.“提供某人某物”如:

I offered him a glass of wine.我敬了他一杯酒。

offer to do sth.“(主动)提出做某事”如:

She offered to cook for her mother.她提出帮她妈妈煮饭。8.be strict with 对„要求严格 eg:Our teachers are strict with us.9.I can’t go shopping in big stores unless I travel for a couple of hours.我得花几个小时,才能到大的商场购物。

a)unless = if not 表“除非„;如果不”,引导条件状语从句。

eg: I won’t go unless I hear from you.= I won’t go if I don’t hear from you.如果你不通知我,我就不去。

Unless Bill studies hard, he’ll fail in the exam.如果比尔不努力, 他不会通过考试的.b)a couple of„ 表 “几个人或几件事”,eg: a couple of years ago 几年前;a couple of students 几个学生

couple 指任何两件同类的东西;如:

a couple of watches 两只手表; five couples of cats 五对猫 pair 指两件不可分开使用的东西,它们可指两件互不相连的东西(鞋子、袜子等),也可指两部分构成的一件东西(裤子、剪刀等)。如:

a pair of shoes 一双鞋子 a pair of pants 一条裤子 10.on / about 关于

on:关于(学术性较强)eg:He is writing a book on medicine.about:He is telling us a story about heroes.11.take measures 采取措施

Eg: China has take measures to reduce the pollution.四、重点语法

现在完成时常与下列表不明确的状语连用: 1.already 和 yet already “已经”(多用于肯定陈述句),如: He has already gone home.他已经回家了。yet “已经;还”(用于否定句或疑问句),如:Have you found him yet? 你已经找到他了吗? I haven’t finished my homework yet.我还没完成作业。

※ already 也可用于疑问句,表“出乎意料或惊奇”

Have you finished your homework already? 难道你已经完成作业了? 2.ever 和 never ever “曾经”(多用于疑问句,问初次经历),如:I have ever been abroad.我曾出过国。never“从未;从来不”(多用于否定陈述句),常回答ever的句型。如: I have never seen him before.--Has he ever been abroad? 他曾出过国吗?--No, never.不,从来不。3.just

just “刚刚”(多用于肯定句,位于谓语动词之前),如:I have just tried to call you.我刚刚打电话给你。4.before before “之前”(一般位于句末;常与never呼应),如:He says he has never seen such beautiful scenery before.他说他以前从来没看过这么美的风景。Topic 3 The world has changed for the better.1.Well, once they find people in need, they decide on suitable ways to help them.他们一旦发现有人需要帮助,就选定适当的方式来帮助他们。

a)once 是从属连词,表“一旦„„就„„”,它的从句为现在时态(包括一般现在时、现在进行时、现在完成时),主句则为一般将来时。或者主从句均为过去的某种时态。

eg: Once you become interested in playing computer games, you’ll have trouble giving them up.一旦你迷上了电脑游戏,你就很难放弃它。

b)decide on(doing)sth.决定(做)某事,相当于 decide to do sth.eg: They decided on spending the holiday in Hainan.他们决定在海南度假。

= They decided to spend the holiday in Hainan.2.The government provides homeless people with nice homes.政府向无家可归的人们提供舒适的住处。

provide sb.with sth.= provide sth.for sb.提供给某人某物

eg: The school provided the students with food.这所学校为学生们提供食物。

= The school provided food for the students.3.I think it’s a wonderful place to live in.我认为那是一个居住的好地方。

to live in 是动词不定式,用来修饰前面的名词place.在不定式中,如动词为不及物动词,或者不定式所修饰的名词或代词是不定式动作的地点、工具等,不定式后必须跟上相应的介词。

eg: There is nothing to worry about.没有什么可担心的事。

I need a pen to write with.我需要一只笔写字。

4.It is famous because it has been so successful in helping homeless people return to normal lives.它很出名是因为它已经成功地帮助无家可归的人重新过上正常的生活。

be successful in doing sth.成功地做成某事,相当于 succeed in doing sth.如: eg: He was successful in passing the exam.他成功地通过了考试。

They were successful in climbing Mount Huang.他们成功地登上了黄山。

5.In the past sixteen years, Project Hope has raised about 3 billion yuan.在近十六年来,希望工程已筹集了大约30亿元。

in the past + 若干时间,表“近若干时间来”,用于现在完成时。

eg: They have learnt about 500 English words in the past two months.近两个月来,他们已经学习了大约500个英语单词。6.复习直接引语和间接引语和构词法 Unit 2 Saving the earth Topic 1 I can’t stand the environment here.1.I can’t stand the environment here.我无法容忍这儿的环境。

stand 表“容忍;忍受”,后接名词、代词及动名词做宾语。

eg: I can’t stand that man, he talks too much.我忍受不了那个人了,他话太多了。

I can’t stand waiting any longer.我再也等不了了。2.What do you mean by sth.?

某物是什么意思呢? = What’s the meaning of sth ? = What does sth.mean?

3.I hope I can move from here soon.我希望我能早点从这儿搬走。当主从句主语一致时,常可转换成不定式短语

= I hope to move from here soon.我希望早点从这儿搬走。

4.There are several chemical factories pouring waste water into the river.有几座工厂正往河里排放污水。

There be + sb./ sth.+ doing sth.表有某人/ 某物正在做某事。eg: There are some birds singing in the tree.树上有些鸟儿在歌唱。

There is a little girl crying in the street.街上有个小女孩在哭。5.stop doing sth.停止做(正在进行的)事

stop to do sth.停下来去做(另一件)事

eg: It’s late.They will stop working and(stop)to have supper.很迟了。他们将停下来吃晚饭。

The students stopped talking and to listen to the teacher.学生们停止说话去听课。6.I’m sorry for making so much noise.很抱歉我弄出这么大的噪音。

be sorry for doing sth.表对做过的事感到抱歉

be sorry to do sth.表对当前的事感到抱歉

eg: I’m sorry for waking you up yesterday.很抱歉昨天把你弄醒了。

I’m sorry to trouble you.很抱歉打扰你了。

I’m sorry to hear that.听到那个(消息)感到很遗憾。

7. Recently it was reported that many teenagers in America can hear no better than 65-year-old people do,„近来据报道,美国许多青少年的听力和65岁的老人一样差。

no better than„ 表“同„„(几乎)一样差;不比„„做得好” eg: Lucy did no better than Lily in the exam.露西和莉莉考得几乎一样糟.= Lucy almost did as badly as Lily in the exam.8.复习现在完成时中延续性的动作或状态和由for / since 引导的一段时间状语搭配使用。a)“for + 时间段”

与 “since + 时间点”

都表“一段时间”,常用How long 提问。b)如句中含有非延续性动词,则改为相应的延续性动词或状态。Topic 2 How does pollution hurt the earth? 1.It says that China has become the world’s largest producer and user of coal.它(文章)写到中国已经成为世界上最大的煤炭生产和消费国。

sth.+ says that„ 此句型中主语是事或物,say表用“文字、数字”说明信息。

eg: It says “ Happy New Year!” on the card.卡片上写着“新年快乐!”。

The clock says that it is 20:00 now.这面钟显示现在是20:00。2.As we know, none of us likes pollution.众所周知,没有人喜欢污染。

none与no one 的区别: none “全无”,既可指人也可指物,后常跟of 的短语;作主语时,谓语动词既可用单数也可用复数;no one只指人,后不能跟of 的短语;作主语时,谓语动词只用作单数。

eg: He has read none of these books.(指物)这些书他一本都没看过。

None of my friends like/ likes drawing.(指人)我的朋友们没有一个喜欢画画。

No one is here.没有一个在这儿。

none回答how many/ much的问题;no one回答who的问题。如:

A: How many students come to school by taxi? B: None.有多少的学生搭出租车来上学? 没有人。

A: How much water is there in the bottle? B: None.瓶子里有多少水? 一点儿也没有。

A: Who is in the room? B: No one.谁在房中?没有人。

3.When it rains, the soil will be washed away.下雨时,土壤就会被冲走。

will be +过去分词为一般将来时的被动语形式。

eg: The earth will be blown away by the wind.泥土将会被风刮走。(被动语态)

= The wind will blow away the earth.风将会把泥土刮走。(主动语态)

5.A lot of rich land has changed into desert, leaving only sand.许多肥沃的土地已经变成了沙漠,留下的是遍地黄沙。

a)change„ into„ = turn„ into„


eg: Please change/ turn English into Chinese.请把英语变成汉语。

When the traffic lights change/ turn into green, we can go.当交通灯变成绿色时,我们就可以通行。

b)leaving only stand现在分词短语作状语, 表伴随主动。

eg: The children went away, talking and laughing.孩子们说着、笑着离开了。

The girl is looking for her mother, crying loudly.这个女孩大声地哭着在寻找她的母亲。6.Trees can stop the wind from blowing the earth away.They can also prevent the sand from moving toward the rich land.树可以防风固土,也可阻止风沙吹进良田。stop / prevent sb./sth.(from)doing sth.阻止/ 防止 某人或某物做某事 keep sb./sth.from doing sth.阻止/ 防止 某人或某物做某事

eg: Trees can keep water from running away.树可以防止水土流失。7.in danger of(doing)sth.处于做某事的危险中

eg: They are in danger of losing their lives.他们正处于失去生命的危险中。8.cut down 砍到 Eg:Many trees are cut down every years 9.You may either take a bus or a taxi.你们可能搭公车去或者是搭出租车去。

a)either„or„ “要么„要么„并列连词,连接主语时,根据就近原则选取谓语动词。

eg: You may come either today or tomorrow.你要么今天来,要么明天来。

Either you or he is right.要么你对,要么他对。

b)either 单独使用时,是代词,表“二者之一”既可指人也可指物;用作主语时,谓语动词用作单数。如:

A:Would you like coffee or tea? B: Either is OK


Either of us is right.我们俩中有一人是对的。Topic 3 Let’s be greener people.1.We should use both sides of paper, and reuse plastic bags rather than throw them away.我们应该把纸的两面都使用,将塑料袋再次使用而不是轻易扔掉。

both 修饰复数名词;而 either 修饰单数名词;

eg: There are a lot of trees on both sides of the road.= There are a lot of trees on either side of the road.在路的两边有许多树。2.Everyone is supposed to do it.每个人都应该那样做。

be supposed to do sth.指(按规定、习惯、安排等)应当做某事;相当于should;用于否定句时,表“允许”;

eg: Teachers are supposed to/ should know a lot.老师应该知道很多。

You are not supposed to smoke here.这里不允许抽烟。

4.First, you ought to turn off the lights when you leave a room.首先,当你离开房间的时候,应该关灯。

ought to 情态动词, 表 “应该;应当”;语气比 should 强;指道义上应该做的事,有时含有责备或督促的语气。should 指主观上感到有责任或义务去做。如:

You ought to help your mother do some housework.你应该帮你妈妈做些家务。We should study hard.我们应该努力学习。其否定式和疑问式:

You oughtn’t to get up so late in the morning.你早晨不应该起这么晚。Ought I to tell her the bad news? 我该告诉她坏消息吗? Yes, you ought.No, you oughtn’t.Unit 3 English around the world Topic1 English is widely spoken around the world.1.stick v.粘贴,=put up eg: You can stick it on the wall in your room.你可以把它贴在你房间的墙上。2.can't wait to do sth.迫不急待地想要做某事


I can't wait to fly there!我迫不急待地想要飞往哪里。

又:can't help doing sth.忍不住要做某事,如:I can't help laughing.我忍不住笑了。3.have a good chance to do sth.有个做某事的好机会

eg: You'll have a good chance to practicing speaking English.你将有一个练习说英语的好机会。

4.practice speaking English 练习说英语。有的动词后再跟动词时,后面的动词要用--ing形式,如:practice, finish, enjoy, meind等等。

5.from now on 从现在起,意思相当于later on 后来,过后,将来。eg: Try your best and work much harder(at English)from now on.从现在起,尽你最大的努力更努力(得多)地学习(英语)。6.on business 出差

?eg:Mr.Lee is on business in the U.S.A..7.be similar to...与...相似

eg: Is Spanish similar to English? 西班牙语和英语会相似吗? 8.It's possible that...有可能...eg: It's possible that you will have some trouble.你有可能会遇到一些困难。9.ask sb.for help 向某人求助,求助于某人。eg: I'll ask an interpreter for help.我将向翻译求助。10.translate A into B 把A翻译成B,eg: The interpreter translates English into Chinese.这位翻译把英语翻译成中国语。11.in general 一般来说

12.have trouble(in)doing sth.在做某事方面有困难。

eg: In general, he has no trouble understanding people.一般说来,他听懂别人的说话是没有困难的。

13.What's more 还有

once in a while 有时,偶尔,相当于at times或sometimes 14.whenever = no matter when

topic 2 English is spoken differently indifferent countries。1.follow = understand 听懂,理解, 明白, eg: I can't follow you.? Can you speak more slowly, please? 2.be the same as?? 与...相同,eg: Is Australian English the same sa British English? 澳大利亚英语和英国英语是相同的吗? 3.I'm flying to Disneyland tomorrow.? 明天我要飞往迪斯尼乐园.?注: 此句中 am flying是表示一般将来时.???英语中,??“位移动词”或称“趋向动词”?可以用现在进行时的结构表示将来发生的动作, 这类动词有“leave”, “leave for”, “leave „ for„”, “come,” “fly„”, “return”, “arrive”, “go”,? “start”(出发), 等等, 如:? I'm going.我要走了.?? I'm coming!我就来!? My uncle is meeting us tomorrow.4.depend on? 依靠;取决于;依„而定, 如: Sometimes the meaning can change, depending on the country where it is spoken.5.succeed in doing sth.成功地做某事,eg: f you want to succeed in making yourself understood, you need to know some of these differences.如果你想成功地表达自己的意思, 你就需要了解一些这种不同点.6.on one's way to +地名, 在去某地的路上(后接副词时不用to)?.? eg: Lucy is on her way to school.露西在回家的路上.??

Tom is on his way home.汤姆在回家路上.[要区别于By the way顺便问/说一下;? in this way用这种方法] 7.see sb.off 为某人送行,eg: Kangkang and Michael?going to the airport to?see them off.康康和迈克尔要去机场为他们送行.put out 伸出

eg: Michael sees a foreigner putting out his hand with his thumb raised.迈克尔看见一个外国人伸出他的手, 拇指朝上.??? [本名还要掌握see sb.doing sth.看见某人正在做某事? see sb.do sth.看见某人做某事, 以及with his thumb raised作伴随状语.] 8.ask for a ride 请求搭车, The foreigner is asking for a ride.这个外国人在请求搭车.9.be worried about...为...担心

eg: I'm still worried about my English.我还在为我的英语担心.10 as for...? 至于„, 关于某人/某事

eg: As for the spelling differences, you can easily find them when you use a computer.?? 11.have difficulty doing sth.做某事有困难 注:difficulty作“困难,艰难,费劲,辛苦,难度”解时为un 作“难题,难事,难处,困境,危难”时,为cn eg: We have difficulties understanding foreigners

12.be closed to...? 靠近..., The Disneyland is close to Los Angeles.? 迪斯尼乐园离洛杉矶很近。

13.in person 亲自

eg:He helped her with her English in person.14.be fond of...? 喜爱...eg: Children are fond of exciting rides like Pirates of the Caribbean.15.come about 发生

eg: How did these differences come about? 这些差别是如何发生的?

Can you tell me how the accident came about? 16.be forced to do sth.被迫做某事

eg: I was forced to take a taxi because I couldn't catch the last bus.?因为没有赶上末班车, 只好坐出租车.17.take in 吸收,如:The English language has taken in many new words from other languages.Topic 3 Could you give us some advice on how to learn English well? 1.make sb understood 使某人被理解

Eg:He say it slowly to make him understood 2.work hard at 努力„

eg:He worked hard at English and at last he passed the final exam.3.advise 建议(后接to do 或V-ing)eg:I advises waiting till the proper time.I advise you to leave now.4.stick to 坚持

(to 是介词,后接名词或V-ing)Eg:If you stick to the truth ,you have nothing to fear.He sticks to having a talk with his teacher.4.Laugh at 嘲笑

Eg:Don’t laugh at others.5.come to realize 明白

eg:After talking to his teacher,he have come to realize his teacher is always caring for him。5.in order to 为了

(后接动词原形)eg:He gets up early in order to catch the fisrt bus.6.give up 放弃

eg:I always advise my father to give up smoking.7.复习动词不定式的用法。Unit 4 Amazing Science Topic 1 Spaceship are mainly controlled by computers.1.dream of 梦想

Eg:I dream of studying in a university.2.send 寄,送

Eg:I will send a gift to my mother on her birthday.=I will send my mother a gift on her birthday.相关的短语:~ for 派人去请

~off 送行

~ out发出(光、热);长(叶子)

~ up 发射

3.no doubt 毫无疑问

Eg : There is no doubt he is a kind man.4.thanks to 多亏

eg : Thanks to the bad weather we don’t have to do morning exercise.5.turn on 打开

turn off 关掉

turn up 调高

turn down 调低 Topic 2 When was it invented? 1.Because I’m not allowed to play computer games.因为我不可以玩电脑游戏。allow “允许、准许”的意思。常用于以下几种形式:

(1)allow +n./prep 如:

We can’t allow such a thing.我们不容许这种事情发生。

(2)allow sb.to do sth 允许某人做某事 如:

She allowed me to go fishing.她允许我去钓鱼。

(3)allow +doing sth 允许做某事 如:

We don’t allow smoking in the reading-room.我们不允许在阅览室吸烟。

(4)be allowed to do sth 如:被允许做某事

The students are allowed to play games on the play ground after school.放学后学生们被准许在操场上做游戏。

2.It’s made from wood.它用木材做的。

(1)be made in 在„„地方制造,后接表示地点的名词。

(2)be made of 用„„制造的,表示原材料未经化学变化,仍可看得出原材料。

(3)be made from 用„„制造的,表示原材料经过化学变化,已看不出其原样。

(4)be made by 由(被)„„(人)制作,后接表示人的名词或代词。

(5)be made into(某物)被制成„„

(6)be made up of 由„„组成 如:

The TV set is made in Japan.这台电视机是日本生产的。

These houses are made of stones.这些房子是由石头建造的。

Paper is made from wood.纸是木头造的。

Was this cake made by your mother?这蛋糕是你妈妈做的吗?

Metal can be made into all kinds of things.金属可以制成各种各样的物品。

The medical team is made up of ten doctors.这支医疗队由10位大夫组成。

4.It’s used for helping us to improve our English.它用来帮助我们提高英语水平。

(1)be used for+ving

be used to do(被)用来做„


(2)be used as(被)作为„„而用,强调被当作工具或手段来用。

(3)be used by 被„„使用,by后跟人/物,强调使用者。Eg:Pens are used for writing.钢笔被用来写字。

Wood is used to make paper.木材被用来造纸。

English is used as a foreign language in China.英语在中国被当作外语使用。

Recorders are often used by English teachers.英语老师经常使用录音机。5.They will no longer want to be our servants, but our masters.它们将不再愿意做我们的人,而要做我们的主人。

no longer(通常在动词前),not„any longer;not„any more(用于非正式文体中)都可表示“(过去曾„)现在不再„”

eg: She no longer lives here.=She doesn’t live here any longer(或 any more).她不在这儿住了。(过去她曾住这儿)7.This method worked well at night as long as the weather was good and the stars could be seen.在夜间只要天气晴朗,能看见星星,这种方法就能很好地发挥作用。

work well 有效 eg:China’s one-child police works well in controlling China’s population.as long as 只要 eg :As long as you work hard ,you must succeed one day.Topic 3 I don’t think aliens can be found in space.1.in the future 将来

Eg:I think people will live on Mars in the future.2.What are you going to be when you grow up?你长大后干什么? 3.at a distance of 以„距离

Eg:The moon goes around the earth at a distance of 38.0000 kilometers.4.land on 着陆

Eg: People took some measures to make the plane land on safely.5.be worth doing 值得„

Eg:The book is worth reading 6.I don’t think aliens can be found in space.我认为外星人不可能出现在太空里。

(1)当think, believe, suppose, imagine, expect等动词后的宾语从句含有not的否定词时,该否定应移至主句,即否定主句的谓语动词。如:

I don’t think it will rain tomorrow.我认为明天不会下雨。

(2)can +be +过去分词,是情态动词构成的被动语态。如: This can’t be done in a short time.这不是短期内能完成的。

7.It has been two days since we landed on Mars.自从我们登上火星以来已经两天了。


eg:It is(或has been)three years since we left school.自从我们离开学校以来已经三年了。8.What’s worse, our water supplies were very low.更糟糕的是,我们的水供给是非常有限的。What’s worse 更糟糕的是。类似结构还有:What’s more 更有甚者;更为重要的是。9.It’s a quarter as big as the earth.它是地球的四分之一大。倍数表示法:倍数+as+形容词/副词+as 如:This box is three times as heavy as that one.这只箱子是那只箱子的三倍重。Unit5 Knowing about China Topic 1 How much do you know about China?

1.China is a great country that has about 5000 years of history.中国是一个拥有五千多年历史的大国。

句中that has about 5000 years of history是定语从句,修饰名词country。country 是先行词,that 是关系代词,在定语从句中作主语,也可以用which.。

There are many places of interest which attract millions of tourists from all over the world every year.There are a great number of rivers in China.中国有许多大河。

2.a(great)number of „ 许多/大量,后接可数名词复数,作主语时,谓语用复数;

the number of „。。的数量,后接可数名词复数,作主语时,谓语用单数。

e.g.A number of books are lent out from the library every day.每天有许多书从图书馆被借走。

The number of the students present is not known yet.还不知道出席学生的数目。

3.Among them, the Yangtze River is the longest one and the second longest is the Yellow River.其中长江是中国最长的河流,黄河位居第二。

句中the longest one,the second longest,“最长”用最高级,“第二长”在最高级前加上序数词second。

e.g.Shanghai is the biggest city in China and Beijing is the second biggest one.上海是中国最大的城市,北京位居第二。4.hear of 听说

Eg:Have you heard of the romantic story

That’s the most fantastic place that I have ever heard of.那是我听说过的最奇妙的地方。

Hear from 收到„的来信

(已经含有收信的意思,无需用letter)= receive a letter from 5.lose oneself in „ 意为“沉浸于„”

Eg:The scenery is so attractive that visitors often lose themselves in it.如此迷人的景色常常使得游客流连忘返。

6.It severs as a bridge which connects the mainland with the rest of the world.它(香港)是连接祖国大陆与世界其他地方的桥梁。

7.be considered as = be regarded as

“被看作„,被认为„”,而regard „as 意为“把„看作,把„认为,as 是介词,后接名词。

Eg:As we know, Taiwan is considered as the Treasure Island of China.台湾被认为是“中国宝岛”。

8.fetch 去取回来

eg:If you are thirsty ,I can fetch you a bottle of water.9.introduce 介绍

(~sb to sb)eg:Boys and girls ,let me introduceTom, your new classmate, to you.复习定语从句(I)Topic 2 Confucius, a pioneer in the field of education.1.He was also a famous philosopher whose wise sayings have influenced many people in different countries.他也是一位著名的哲学家,他的至理名言影响了不同国家的许多人。

2.When I walk along with two others, I may be able to learn from them.三人行,必有我师。3.are proud of 人引以为豪的(take pride in)Eg:Chinese people are proud of China’s long history.= China takes pride in her long history.4.Unfortunately, he died of illness on his way home from Africa in 1433.不幸的是,他于1433年在从非洲返回的路途中病故。

die of 多指因内因而引起,die from 多指因外因而引起。

Eg:The old man died of heart disease.He died from a serious traffic accident.5.bring down 推翻

Eg: After a revolutionary,the emperor was brought down.break down 摧毁,垮下

Topic 3 The dragon has become a symbol of the Chinese nation.1.play a part in 在„方面起作用

Eg:Robots plays an important part in morden industry 2.promise sb.sth.许诺某人某事

promise to do sth.答应做某事 promise sb.to do sth.答应某人做某事


I promised him a present for his birthday.我答应送他一件生日礼物。

She promised to write to him.她答应给他写信。

Father promised me to buy a new pair of shoes for me.爸爸许诺给我买一双新鞋。2.We can go to either Beihai Park or Shichahai Park.either „or 或„或„ ,连接并列主语时,谓语和最近的主语一致,即遵从就近原则。

e.g.Either you or he has to go there.或者是你或者是他得去那儿。3.Both my father and I like it a lot.我和我父亲都非常喜欢。

both „and„ 意为“既„又„,两者都„”。连接并列主语时,谓语用复数形式。

e.g.Both Tom and I have been to the Great Wall.汤姆和我曾经去过长城。4.Neither my mother nor my father likes it.我的父母都不喜欢。

neither „nor „ 既不„也不„,连接两个并列成分,谓语动词和邻近的主语一致,即遵从就近原则。

Eg:Neither she nor I am right.她和我都不对。

He is neither a doctor nor a teacher.他既不是医生也不是老师。5.found v.成立,建立;创建,创办

Eg:A new country was founded on October 1st ,1949.found的过去式与过去分词都是founded

e.g.His elder brother founded a company in 2001.他的哥哥2001年创办了一个公司。注意区分:find v.“找到,发现”,它的过去式与过去分词是found

e.g.He found a purse lying on the ground.他发现地上有一个钱包。6.At the end of 在„末端

Eg:At the end of the year,he passed away.7.复习并列连词both „and „, either„or „, neither„nor„.和not only„but also„的用法: Unit 6 Entertainment and Friendship Topic 1 I would rather watch sports shows than those ones.1.In my spare time , I enjoy watching TV, especially quiz shows from which I can learn a lot.在空闲时间,我喜欢看电视,特别是能从中学到许多东西的智力节目。


Eg: This is the house in which Bing Xin was born.冰心是在这所房子里出生的。

= This is the house which Bing Xin was born in.2.would rather do sth.than do sth.比起做„更愿意做„

Eg:I would rather stay at home than go out in such bad weather.这么糟糕的天气,我宁愿待在家中,也不愿出去。

3.hit sb on the nose 打某人的鼻子

(用the 而不用his 或her)

Eg:He hit the woman in the face / on the nose.4.be ready to do sth.内心愿意/乐意做某事

Eg: He was ready to believe her.他愿意相信她。

5.From then on.从那时起

From now on

从现在起 6.a symbol of „


= stand for Eg:The rose is regarded as a symbol of love in both China and some western countries.People think the rose stands for love, peace, courage and friendship.8.order sb.to do sth.命令/要求某人去做某事

order sth for sb./ sth.为某人/ 某物订购某物

eg: The doctor ordered me to stay in bed.医生命令我好好呆在床上休息.9.forgive sb.sth.原谅某人某事

forgive sb.for doing sth.请求别人原谅所做的事

eg: She could forgive him anything.她会原谅他的任何事.Please forgive me for disturbing you.请原谅我打扰你了.Topic 2 Who is your favorite character in literature? 1.according to 根据

Eg:According to the given words,fill in the blanks。2.make up one’s mind 意为“下定决心”,后跟动词不定式。

Eg:He has made up his mind to work hard and catch up with others.他已下定决心努力学习赶上别人。

3.can’t help 禁不住

+ v-ing eg:Sometimes we can’t help laughing because of his funny behavior.有时我们因他的有趣行为而禁不住大笑。Topic 3 I will remember our friendship forever.1.This weekend we’ll graduate from Ren’ai International School!本周末我们将从仁爱国际学校毕业。1)graduate 作动词是,表 “毕业”,相当于leave school,其名词形式为graduation eg: He graduated in 1999.= He left school in 1999.2)graduate from + 学校 表 “从某个学校毕业” graduate in + 专业 表 “毕业于某专业”

eg: He graduated from Peking University last year.去年他从北京大学毕业。

He graduated in English at a famous University.他毕业于一所名牌大学的外语专业。2.think back on/ to “回想起,追忆” 如:

eg:When I think back on/to those things, I miss my friends a lot.当我回想起那些事情时,我就非常想念我的朋友。3.…and write some words on the blackboard with color chalks.用彩色粉笔在黑板上写几句话。1)chalk “粉笔”,不可数名词,若表示“一支粉笔”时,则用a piece of chalk;2)当表示各种颜色的粉笔时,则可数。

4.I’ve got dozens of cards.我准备了许多贺卡。1)dozen作可数名词,意为“


Give me a dozen, please.请给我一打。


eg: two dozen eggs 两打鸡蛋

3)dozen后加s时,常与of连用,意为“几十;许多”,表不明确的数目。dozens of„ 几十hundreds of„几百;成百上千thousands of„几千;成千上万 5.to one’s joy 使某人高兴的是

to one’s surprised 使某人惊讶的是

eg: To my joy, I became the owner of an MP3 last week.使我高兴的是,上周我拥有了自己的MP3。

To our surprised, Jim didn’t pass the exam.令我们惊讶的是,吉姆没通过考试。6.take photos of sb.为某人拍照

take photos with sb.与某人合影 7.leave„behind “忘了带;遗忘;把„„抛在后面”

eg:It means change, and leaving behind unforgettable faces and places.它意味着变化,意味着把那些不能忘却的面容和地方留在记忆深处。

She knew that she had left childhood behind.她知道童年已一去不复返了。8.see sb off 为某人送行

Eg:Today,we got up early to see him off.



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