高考英语一轮随堂限时备考练习3 完形阅读9大全

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第一篇:高考英语一轮随堂限时备考练习3 完形阅读9大全


Father’s Day

Father’s Day is a fairly new celebration in the British calendar compared with Mother’s Day,which has been a very popular and well celebrated festival in the UK for a very long time.Father’s Day was first celebrated by Americans 1 it was inspired by(受启发)the actions of a man named William Smart.He was a veteran(退伍军人)of the US Civil War and his wife 2 away giving birth to their sixth child.He 3 six children alone without remarrying,which was undoubtedly 4 back in those days.His daughter,Sonora Dodd, 5 when she was an adult what her father had sacrificed for his 6.It was in the early 1900s and she was actually 7 one day,listening to a sermon(传教)on 8.She thought there should 9 be a Father’s Day celebration.And so the 10 was born,on the third Sunday every June,close to the anniversary(周年)of Sonora’s father’s death.Britain took the idea of Father’s Day from the American celebration and it has been celebrated 11 since the 1970s.Father’s Day is never quite such a big commercial event 12 Mother’s Day is,probably because it hasn’t been in 13 for so long.But what do British people do for Father’s Day? Well,most people would buy their fathers a card.The card would probably have a nice message in it 14 what a great Dad their father is.Some people do buy presents as well.15 gifts for Dads are probably ties,chocolates or socks because these are things that Dads can 16 use even if they don’t want them.In the run­up(即将来到之际)to Father’s Day,or indeed Mother’s Day,there will be adverts(广告)on TV giving 17 ideas of CDs or gadgets(小玩具,小玩意)we can buy.Card shops will be full of mugs or pens and similar merchandise(商品)with “World’s Greatest Dad” 18 on them.Some families 19 do things together to celebrate Father’s Day like going for a meal.As a special treat,British people might give their Dad a bit of a rest, 20 him a cup of tea,or even wash his car and mow the lawn(除草)to make him feel really appreciated.1.A.so



D.but 答案 C 解析 因为两个句子间是并列关系,介绍的是此庆祝活动的发源地和发源原因,所以应 该用并列连词and。

2.A.passed B.ran


D.died 答案 A 解析 本题最容易误选D项。表示人死了可用die或pass away,而die away表示“减 弱(以致于察觉不到)”。


B.raised C.fed

D.educated 答案 B 解析 句意为:他没有再婚,独自一人养育六个孩子。“抚养/养育(子女)”常用raise 或bring up。A项缺副词up;feed表示给人或动物喂食;educate表示“教育”。4.A.unnatural B.unfair C.untrue

D.unusual 答案 D 解析 which引导非限制性定语从句,句意为:这在那个时代毫无疑问是件罕见的事情。unnatural不自然的;unfair不公平的;untrue不真实的;unusual罕见的,不寻常的。5.A.realized


C.found D.heard 答案 A 解析 句意为:Sonora Dodd长大成人后,意识到了父亲为他的孩子们作出的牺牲。realize有“意识到”的意思。notice表示无意中注意到某人或某物;find表示发现某一




C.daughter D.children 答案 D 解析 从第二段可知这位父亲独自一人抚养大了六个孩子,所以此处应该是父亲为他的 孩子们作出的牺牲。

7.A.at school

B.at church

C.at home D.at work 答案 B 解析 从后边的sermon(传教)一词可知,她当时是在教堂里,不可能是在学校、家里或 上班。

8.A.Father’s Day

B.Christmas Day C.Mother’s Day

D.New Year’s Day 答案 C 解析 从后边的“她认为也应该有个父亲节”可知,她产生此想法是在母亲节那天听传 教的时候。




D.as well 答案 B 解析 在这个女儿看来,有一个母亲节,理所当然地也应该有一个父亲节。在肯定句中 表示“也”时,若放在行为动词后,助动词、系动词、情态动词前,常用also。too和 as well常放在句末,too前可加上逗号,as well前一般不加标点。still仍然。10.A.attraction



D.congratulation 答案 C 解析 节日是一个文化传统,所以宜用tradition来代替父亲节。attraction吸引人的人或


11.A.specially B.especially C.greatly

D.officially 答案 D 解析 and后句子的大意为:二十世纪七十年代以来,父亲节一直被正式地庆祝。officially正式地;specially专程,特地;especially尤其是,特别是;greatly大大地。




D.which 答案 A 解析 such后的从句可由as或that引导。后边句子中不缺成分时,用that引导结果 状



C.effect D.power 答案 B 解析 句意为:父亲节不像母亲节那样是一个大的商业活动,很可能是因为它存在的时 间没有那么长。be in existence存在着;be in use在使用着;be in effect(法律等)有效;

be in power(政党等)当权/执政。



C.telling D.saying 答案 D 解析 表示信息、电报、信件、布告牌等上边写着的内容时,常用saying或reading作

后置定语,若带双宾语时,也可用telling sb.sth.结构作后置定语。若用write时,常用

on which were written...这一结构。




D.Moral 答案 A 解析 句意为:对父亲们来说受欢迎的礼物是领带、巧克力、袜子等,因为这些东西他 们即使不想要也总是能够用得上。popular受欢迎的,流行的;regular规则的;定时的; normal正常的,常规的;moral道德的,道义的。

16.A.sometimes B.seldom


D.always 答案 D 解析 从后边的“即使他们不想要这样的东西”这一信息可判断出,前边用“总是可以 用得上”最为合理。若为其他三个选项,那么送这些东西作为礼物的意义就不大了。17.A.you



D.people 答案 B 解析 根据后边的定语从句we can buy中的人称we可判断出,giving的宾语应该为us。18.A.placed



D.laid 答案 C 解析 此with加复合宾语结构的意思为:上边写着“世界上最伟大的父亲”的字样。write表示“写”;place,put和lay都表示“放”。




D.should 答案 B 解析 下一句中“British people might give their Dad a bit of a rest”暗示了此处用might 最为恰当。might有可能;must必定;can有可能;should理所当然,应该。




D.steam 答案 A 解析 make tea为固定表达法,意为“沏茶”。cook常用于做饭;boil常用于用水煮食


The American newspaper has been around for about three hundred years.In 1721,the printer James Franklin.Benjamin’s older brother,started the New England Courant,and that was what we might recognize today as a real newspaper.He filled his paper with stories of adventures,articles on art,on famous people,and on all sorts of political subjects.Three centuries after the appearance of Franklin’s Courant,few believe that newspapers in their present printed form will remain alive for long.Newspaper companies are losing advertisers(广告商),readers,market value,and,in some cases,their sense of purpose at a speed that would not have been imaginable just several years ago.The chief editor(主编)of the Times said recently,“At places where they gather,editors ask one another,‘How are you?’,as if they have just come out of the hospital or a lost law case.”An article about the newspaper appeared on the website of the Guardian,under the headline “NOT DEAD YET.”

Perhaps not,but the rise of the Internet,which has made the daily newspaper look slow and out of step with the world,has brought about a real sense of death.Some American newspapers have lost 42% of their market value in the past three years.The New York Times Company has seen its stock(股票)drop by 54% since the end of 2004,with much of the loss coming in the past year.A manager at Deutsche Bank suggested that stock­holders sell off their Times stock.The Washington Post Company has prevented the trouble only by changing part of its business to education;its testing and test­preparation service now brings in at least half the company’s income.1.What can we learn about the New England Courant?

A.It is mainly about the stock market.B.It marks the beginning of the American newspaper.C.It remains a successful newspaper in America.D.It carries articles by political leaders.答案 B 解析 推理判断题。由文章第一段信息“...and that was what we might recognize today as a real newspaper.”可知,the New England Courant标志着美国报纸的开始。2.What can we infer about the newspaper editors? A.They often accept readers’ suggestions.B.They care a lot about each other’s health.C.They stop doing business with advertisers.D.They face great difficulties in their business.答案 D 解析 推理判断题。由文章最后一段可推知,现在报纸销售量低,给编辑们带来很大的 挑战。

3.Which of the following found a new way for its development? A.The Washington Post.B.The Guardian.C.The New York Times.D.New England Courant.答案 A 解析 细节理解题。由文章最后一段倒数第一句话可轻松获知答案为A项。4.How does the author seem to feel about the future of newspapers? A.Satisfied.B.Hopeful.C.Worried.D.Surprised.答案 C 解析 通读全文,由文章的字里行间,像文章的第二段可推知作者感到报纸的前景不容 乐观。

After the coming of Europeans to the Americas,Indians were forced to change their way of life.Yet the influence of native American culture is still felt throughout the United States.Many of the foods commonly eaten in the United States today were first grown by American Indians.Among these foods are corn,wheat and sweet potatoes,peanuts,pumpkins,tomatoes,and certain beans and berries.Native Americans also discovered ways to use herbs and other plants as medicines.Native American inventions,such as canoes,ponchos and parkas(风雪衣),hammocks(吊床)and snowshoes are still in use today.Other marks of Indian culture were left in American place names.The state of Alaska,for example,takes its name from a native American word meaning “great land”.

Today nearly 1.5 million native Americans live in the United States.Some still preserve the ways of their ancestors,speaking Indian languages and keeping alive their legends,art forms,and customs.Other native Americans keep few of the old ways,but remain proud of their people’s contributions to the American history.Americans have come to appreciate the beauty of Indian crafts(工艺).Many artists find inspiration in traditional Indian designs.Many Indian values,too,have become widely held.Americans today believe that the land,air and water are precious resources(资源)that must be carefully protected.As one government official wrote recently:

We have slowly come back to some of the truths that the Indians knew from the beginning.People need to learn from nature,to keep an ear to the earth,and to refill their spirits in frequent contact with animals and wild land.1.What does “native Americans” refer to in the passage?

A.Europeans settling in the Americas.B.People born and living in America.C.American Indians.D.Ancestors of Americans.答案 C 解析 推理判断题。根据文章内容可以看出,native Americans即指美国印第安人。2.What influences Americans most according to the passage? A.Agriculture of native Americans.B.Ancient Indian medicines.C.Native American inventions.D.Indian languages.答案 A 解析 细节理解题。根据文章所提到的美国印第安人对美国文化的影响可以看出,农业 对美国人的影响最大。

3.The underlined word “inspiration” in Paragraph 5 means________.A.confidence

B.creative ideas C.power

D.good advice 答案 B 解析 词义猜测题。本词的语境为:很多艺术家可以从印第安人的传统图案中找到 “inspiration”,同时根据常识艺术家最需要的是灵感可知,选B项。4.Which of the following best shows the Indian values? A.Americans should preserve the ways of Indian ancestors.B.Native Americans are still making contributions to the American history.C.The resources offered by nature should be carefully protected.D.Native Americans knew the truths long before Americans do today.答案 C 解析 细节理解题。根据文章第五段和第六段的内容可知选C项。




In a land far away, once upon a time there was great poverty(贫困),and only the rich could The first could not stand seeing the poverty, he took all the gold and jewels from his wagons(四轮载重马车)and shared out among the villagers.He wished them all the best of luck, and he left.all histo them.He made sure thatfor some time.Then, he left.withoutthe that they themselves had been there to offer help.However, three days later, they thethird rich man ,who was coming in the opposite direction.He wastravelling quickly, but his wagons,the gold and valuables they had been,were now full of farming tools and bags of.He was rushing back to help them out of poverty.26.A.lossB.expectationsC.successD.problems 27.A.standingB.travellingC.gatheringD.running 28.A.farawayB.poorC.differentD.ancient 29.A.unlessB.becauseC.soD.if 30.A.themB.anythingC.nothingD.those 31.A.curiousB.worryingC.dangerousD.puzzling 32.A.the villagersB.his servantsC.the othersD.the rest 33.A.couldB.mightC.shouldD.must 34.A.interestB.concernC.useD.attraction 35.A.returnedB.gainedC.offeredD.received 36.A.remainB.lastC.supplyD.share 37.A.turned backB.set outC.showed offD.speeded 38.A.villageB.landC.fieldD.road 39.A.whetherB.howC.whereD.when

40.A.goodB.certainC.trueD.strange 41.A.welcomedB.metC.acceptedD.persuaded 42.A.stillB.alreadyC.alwaysD.indeed 43.A.exceptB.instead ofC.apart fromD.along with 44.A.loadingB.treasuringC.carryingD.earning45.A.foodB.jewelsC.moneyD.seeds


There are times when people are so tired that they fall asleep almost anywhere.We can see(打鼾)(尴尬)the head pushes the,nothing will stop them from falling asleep--no matter where they are.21.A.wayB.trackC.pathD.road 22.A.buyingB.foldingC.deliveringD.reading 23.A.actsB.showsC.appearsD.sounds 24.A.openB.eatC.findD.finish 25.A.lyingB.waitingC.talkingD.sitting 26.A.NextB.EveryC.AnotherD.One 27.A.goes onB.ends upC.lastsD.returns 28.A.bravelyB.happilyC.loudlyD.carelessly 29.A.leaveB.shakeC.keepD.watch 30.A.sizeB.shapeC.weightD.strength 31.A.cushionB.deskC.shoulderD.book

32.A.actionB.positionC.restD.side 33.A.memoryB.reasonC.questionD.purpose 34.A.thinkingB.workingC.walkingD.driving 35.A.changesB.eventsC.ideasD.accidents 36.A.upB.offC.alongD.down 37.A.luckyB.awakeC.calmD.strong 38.A.in timeB.at firstC.as usualD.for example 39.A.dustB.waterC.grassD.bush 40.A.tiredB.drunkC.lonelyD.lazy


Tony, had never forgiven me for the dictionary I had bought him as a birthday present last year.Hishad no reason to be thankful to me either, because the year before, I had their dear son with a pot of paste(浆糊)and some funny pictures.Instead ofthem into a book, Tony had naturally covered every wall in the house with them.This year, , I decided to let him for himself.We went into a big shop, but Tony was very particular about.Although I tried to show him toy after toy, he was not to be.Then I saw he suddenly became discovered something he really liked;a large tin drum.I was quite happy too Tony’s mother would say when she saw it, Nobody would get any away Tony asked for permission to go off and I made the most of my chance to sit down andand got up to look for him.I asked a young lady if she had seen a little boy in a grey suit.She lookedin grey suits.I was just going to call the police for help, when I saw a strange wearing a false beard and had a caveman’s axe(斧子)in one hand, and a space gun in the other.It was, of course, Tony, who informed meto fly into space.36.A.cousinB.daughter



39.A.enteringB.dividingC.stickingD.drawing 40.A.anyhowB.thoughC.againD.therefore 41.A.guessB.chooseC.pay


42.A.sweetsB.toysC.clothesD.books 43.A.pleasedB.disturbed C.acceptedD.disappointed 44.A.surprisedB.hopefulC.patientD.excited 45.A.afterB.untilC.unlessD.since 46.A.shock




47.A.happilyB.eagerlyC.cautiously48.A.on his own

B.in his way C.now and thenD.more or less

49.A.dragB.restC.layD.step 50.A.ashamedB.angry51.A.aboutB.to




52.A.young ladies B.new customers C.loving parents D.small boys 53.A.figure



D.once again

54.A.on timeB.at onceC.just now55.A.policeman



The young woman entered the pool where an injured dolphin(海豚)was swimming.Despite her fear, she felt strong wearing her new leg.In her second grade.Maja her cousin, Jasmina.After Jasmina’s death.Maja swore she would honor the little girl by with a dolphin, an animal that both girls got the chance to do it,‖ says Maja, now 32, ―so Ithat someday I’d do it for her.‖

In high school, Maja wasabout sports.she even planned to become an athlete.,in 1993, during the civil war in her home country, a bombher left leg.After tow years’ in the U.S., Maja received her first artificial(人造的)leg.Butit didn’t fit well, walking for Maja was painful she managed to graduate from a local highschool.Then after receiving afrom Saint Francis University, she got a job at an insurance firm and37.A.friendsB.parentsC.classmates38.A.presented


To relax.Maja often watch the dolphins play at an aquarium(水族馆)near

her home.A young dolphin.Winter, who had lost its tail, caught herOne day, Maja happened to see trainersWinter with a high-tech tail.When they were done, Winter swam freely in the

water.Maja was She managed to find the inventors of Winter’s tail.Within ten days, she had a new leg which freed her thethat had troubled her for almost 16 years..She went to the aquarium.Lowered herself into thepool and held out a hand to Winter, who approached, then swum away.After a few minutes, the dollop hint let Majaits back Finally.the began to swim around the together.31.A.lostB.visitedC.rescuedD.left 32.A.talkingB.livingC.swimmingD.surfing 33.A.adoredB.adoptedC.possessedD.premised 34.A.pretendedB.decidedC.perfectedD.agreed35.A.positiveB.atheisticC.particularD.curious 36.A.UndoubtedlyB.SurprisinglyC.StrangelyD.Unfortunately 37.A.took awayB.took everC.cut downD.cut out 38.A.studyB.potationC.treatmentD.experiment 39.A.untilB.becauseC.althoughD.it 40.A.OtherwiseB.ThereforeC.BesidesD.However 41.A.scholarshipsB.degreeC.prizeD.notice 42.A.graduallyB.actuallyC.eventuallyD.niter 43.A.mightB.shouldC.couldD.hand 44.A.eyeB.legC.noseD.hand 45.A.celebratingB.gruelingC.markingD.firm46.A.inspiredB.passedC.shockedD.amused47.A.worryB.sadnessC.painD.fear 48.A.appointmentB.promiseC.recordD.halt 49.A.blindlyB.angrilyC.gratefullyD.cautiously50.A.strikeB.coverC.touchD.wipe


I truly feel that my mother led me here, to Morzaine, and to my future as a happy wife and was working for a wedding, a pearl necklace Mum had left me.I was distraught(忧心如焚的).Some days later, I was23that a guy who was working with us that day.―could probably have made a the necklace he found.‖he returned it.Hearing how I’dMum for six months before her death, he said, ―Christmas is going to be why not go out to the Alps for a couple of weeks?‖

权宜之计)trip turned into a new life.I kept travelling between London moved here full time.A month later, I met Paul, who was traveling here.We fell in love.In the beginning , I didn’t money from the sale of Mom’s house, to build our own ___We want to give our guests a feel, so each room is themed(以……为题)around memories from our lives.There are also styles to remind me of Mum----a tiny chair which __ there’s no way we would be here if it wasn’t for the _on us.21.A.diedB.cameC.returnedD.visited 22.A.burnedB.disappearedC.brokeD.dropped23.A.shownB.comfortedC.persuadedD.told 24.A.hidingB.stealingC.sellingD.wearing 25.A.LucklyB.NaturallyC.SurelyD.Hopefully 26.A.nursedB.curedC.missedD.guarded 27.A.longB.hardC.merryD.free 28.A.suddenlyB.finallyC.nearlyD.immediately 29.A.saidB.provedC.supposedD.judged 30.A.smarterB.higherC.firmerD.lighter 31.A.honouredB.hiredC.regardedD.trained

32.A.travelB.businessC.childrenD.marriage 33.A.recentlyB.onceC.stillD.firstly 34.A.leftB.pushedC.surprisedD.interrupted 35.A.hotelB.restaurantC.homeD.shop 36.A.homelyB.livelyC.motherlyD.friendly 37.A.ought toB.used toC.mightD.could 38.A.takesB.keepsC.looksD.feels 37.A.successfulB.helpfulC.tiringD.surprising 38.A.shookB.putC.bentD.kept 39.A.difficultB.boringC.importantD.easy 40.A.eyesB.mindC.heartD.legs 41.A.nicelyB.exactlyC.curiouslyD.carelessly 42.A.realizedB.remindedC.learntD.dreamt 43.A.decisionB.fortuneC.businessD.plan 39.A.unlessB.whileC.becauseD.though 44.A.cooking40.A.moneyB.chairC.houseD.necklace 45.A.just


47.A.everything What a busy day!The three boys were fed, bathed and changed into their nightclothes.Mary 48.A.triedhad them a story and finally they were asleep.―Babysitting(照看)the three boys aged eight, 49.A.Panic

50.A.frozen―Sleep,‖ she considered, ―if only I could!‖ But she had difficult homework to complete.51.A.because52.A.smokeway to make money obviously hadn’t met the three boys, she thought.The television was on, the 53.A.cheerfulroom was warm , and the lights were dim.Mary’sfelt heavier and heavier.I mustn’t sleep, 54.A.busy55.A.promisedStrangely enough, she soonthat she was a world-famous chef(主厨).She made aand wore diamonds and designer clothes.Most days she relaxed by the pool, asking the rich and

–.―I am definitely the best in the world.‖ she thought, as she she cut her finger.Despite all the troubles, she to get the chicken into the stove.Soon, smoke She got shocked and confused – she was met by three , so we tried to make some bread.‖ explained a boy.Relieved, Mary made them a snack and sent them back to bed.She


第 4 页4共 4 页

B.readingB.everB.proudB.something B.arrangedB.PainB.draggedB.untilB.lightB.strangeB.hungryB.allowedC.learningD.babysitting C.evenD.only C.stubbornD.sensitive C.anythingD.nothingC.managedD.preparedC.NoiseD.Stress C.pushedD.broughtC.asD.unlessC.waterD.fireC.guiltyD.confidentC.worriedD.asleepC.expectedD.persuaded




阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从16-35各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。The first time I remember noticing the crossing guard was when he waved to me as I drove his face to see if I knew him.I didn’t.Perhaps he had every morning like old friends.done to me over the last few days.The kids already had the window down and were happily stiff-looking(表情刻板的)So far I haven’t seen anyonewave back.I find it interesting that one person can make such a(nto so many people’s lives 16.A.hit B.disappointed C.presented D.bored【标准答案】C

【试题解析】句意为:他的出现使我感到迷惑不解。hit表示“打,打击,碰撞”; disappoint表示“失望的”;presented表示“出现,出席”;bored表示“厌烦的”,由句意应选C。17.A.on B.from C.during D.about【标准答案】A

【试题解析】上句所指迷惑不解其原因是他向我招手看上去像是密友似的。on seeing表示“看上去”。

18.A.false B.shy C.apologetic D.bright



19.A.research B.study C.recognize D.explore【标准答案】B


research 调查,研究;study 细看,学习,研究;recognize 认出,认可,承认;explore 探险,探测,探究。

20.A.praised B.blamed C.mistaken D.respected【标准答案】C

【试题解析】句意为:或许他把我误认为某个人。mistake sb.for sb.表示“把……误认为……”。

21.A.conclusion B.description C.evaluation D.introduction


22.A.argument B.disagreement C.mystery D.task【标准答案】C


23.A.visited B.approachedC.passed D.left【标准答案】B

【试题解析】句意为:正当我们快要到学校时,他站在马路中央。approach 表示“靠近,接近,动手处理”的意思。

24.A.drawing back B.putting on C.handing in D.holding out


【试题解析】由上句可知站在马路中央伸手示意停车draw back撒回,收回(承诺等),拉起,退却;put on 穿上,戴上;hand in交上,递交;;hold out伸出。

25.A.Once B.Before C.Unless D.While【标准答案】A


26.A.in B.through C.out D.down【标准答案】B


27.A.cried B.cheered C.smiled D.gestured【标准答案】C


28.A.idea B.reply C.notice D.greeting



29.A.awkward B.angry C.elegant D.patient【标准答案】A


30.A.came B.responded C.hurried D.appeared【标准答案】B


31.A.surprise B.frustration C.interest D.doubt【标准答案】C

【试题解析】句意为:每天早晨我继续带着兴趣观看这个人。Surprise表示“吃惊” frustration表示“挫折,顿挫”;interest表示“兴趣”;doubt表示“怀疑,疑惑”。32.A.fail B.try C.wish D.bother【标准答案】A


33.A.offer B.sacrifice C.promise D.difference



34.A.effectiveness B.cheerfulness C.carefulness D.seriousness


35.A.trends B.observations C.regulations D.feelings






































第一节 完型填空(共15小题,每小题2分,满分30分)

阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从1~15 各题所给的A、B、C和D项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

Parents feel that it is difficult to live with teenagers.Then again, teenagers have feelings about their parents, saying that it is not easy living with them.According to a recent daily research, the most commonbetween parents and teenagers is that regarding untidiness and daily routine tasks.On the one hand, parents go mad overrooms, clothes thrown on the floor and their children’s refusal to help with thethe towel in the bathroom, not cleaning up their room or refusing to do the shopping at the supermarket.The research, conducted by St.George University, shows that different parents have different to these problems.However, some approaches are more than others.For example, those parents who yell at their children for their untidiness, but clean the room for them, have fewer chances of changing their children’s On the contrary, those who let teenagers experience theof their actions can do better.For example, when teenagers who don’t help their parents with the shopping don’t find their favorite drink in the refrigerator, they are forced totheir actions.Psychologists say thatis the most important thing in the parent-child relationships.Parents shouldto their children but at the same time they should lend an ear to what they have to say.Parents maytheir children when they are untidy but they should also understand that their room is their own private space.Communication is a two-way process.It is only by listening to andeach other that problems between parents and children can be settled.1.A.naturalB.strongC.guiltyD.similar















完形参考答案:1-5DBCBC6-10 ADAAC11-15 DADBC


非谓语动词专练:(注 意 做 题 步 骤 噢!)

1.Everyone in our class was working hard and doing what we could _______ a good college.A.enterB.to enterC.enteringD.entered

2.The murderer was brought in, with his hands ______ behind his back.A.to be tiedB.being tiedC.tiedD.having tied

3.The building _____ will be completed in a month.It will be our lab building.A.to paintB.being paintedC.to have paintedD.painting

4.-----What do you think of last night’s lecture?-----_____ speaking, I thought it was rather boring.【2012重庆卷】请阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从36-55各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该选项的标号涂黑。

At that time, we had a big yard in which a beautiful maple tree stood.But my mother often looked ___at this work of natural art.Those golden leaves seemed like tons of rubbish her,“something


5.As the stone was too heavy to move, I left it _____on the ground.A.layingB.layC.lyingD.lain

6.— Have you made up your mind _____ the chance to go to France?— No.I’m practicing _____ the French language.A.to give up;to learn B.to give up;learningC.giving up;to learn D.giving up;learning

7.Never _____ off your coat;it’s rather cold outside.A.takeB.takingC.to takeD.taken 8.The _____ look in her face suggested that she _____ it before.A.surprising;wouldn’t knowB.surprised;hadn’t knownC.surprising;hadn’t knownD.surprised;shouldn’t know 9.We must treasure every minute because _____ time is _____ forever.A.lost;losingB.lost;lostC.losing;losingD.losing;lost 10.While listening to pop music, _____.A.she felt asleepB.the light went out

C.someone knocked at the doorD.and she couldn’t help laughing

11._____ the distance was too long and the time was short, we decided not to drive to Florida.A.DiscoveringB.To discoverC.To have discoveredD.Discovered

12.____ time and labor, cartoonists generally draw the hands of their characters with only 3 fingersand a thumb.A.To saveB.SavedC.SavingD.Having saved

13._____that it was going to snow, the climbers decided to put off their attempt on the highest mountain.A.Having toldB.Having been toldC.TellD.Telling

14.Prices of daily goods _____ through a computer can be lower than store prices.A.are boughtB.boughtC.been boughtD.buying 15.His letter, _____ to the wrong number, reached me late.A.having been addressedB.to have addressedC.to have been addressed D.being addressed

16.While we’re developing agriculture and industry, we must prevent the earth _____.A.from pollutingB.pollutedC.pollutingD.being polluted

17.— Kate shouldn’t have done that sort of thing.— Whatever she did was reasonable, _____ to what you had done.Besides, it’s none of your business.Get down to _____ your work.A.comparing;doingB.comparing;doC.compared;doingD.compared;do


belongstothepersevering!I planted some lily(百合花)(开花).One by one, the flowers bloomed theirbecome known as Mrs.Greenthumbs, teaching gardening and hosting a gardening show which makes my 36.A.memoryB.dreamC.intentionD.design 37.A.pleaseB.changeC.helpD.annoy 38.A.doubtB.appreciationC.surpriseD.excitement 39.A.collect upB.care aboutC.clean upD.come in 40.A.equalB.similarC.superiorD.opposite 41.A.painfulB.valuableC.upsettingD.interesting 42.A.come upB.break outC.hold onD.get through 43.A.toB.withC.inD.by

44.A.LuckilyB.CheerfullyC.RegularlyD.Eventually 45.A.InsteadB.HoweverC.ThereforeD.Besides 46.A.shoutedB.laughedC.glancedD.jumped 47.A.convenientB.troublesomeC.enjoyableD.dangerous 48.A.sadnessB.displeasureC.delightD.relief 49.A.other thanB.more thanC.rather thanD.less than 50.A.dislikeB.encouragementC.threatD.suggestion 51.A.decidedB.stoppedC.continuedD.struggled 52.A.devoteB.turnC.respondD.lead

53.A.defeatB.satisfyC.respectD.challenge 54.A.proudB.comfortableC.strangeD.disappointed 55.A.freedomB.lifeC.growthD.nature


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