
时间:2019-05-12 13:18:54下载本文作者:会员上传



Unit1 How do you feel ? Words :

形容词:1.cold 冷的2.cool凉爽的3.fine 好的4.happy 高兴的5.hot 热的6.mad 发疯的7.sad 伤心的8.sick 生病的9.tired 累的10.warm 温暖的 动词:1.cry 哭2.cut 切

3.feel 感觉4.hurt 弄伤的5.laugh 大笑

身体部位:1.finger 手指2.head头3.stomach 胃4.knee 膝盖5.arm 胳膊6.leg 腿 职业: 1.doctor 医生2.nurse 护士 其他: 1.this 这个2.that 那个3.stomachache 胃疼 4.headache 头疼 Sentences :

1.I’m happy.Do you feel happy ?

我很高兴。你感觉快乐吗? Yes, I feel happy, too!是的,我也感觉很快乐。

2.How do you feel ? 你感觉怎么样?

I feel tired.我感觉很累。3.How are you today ? 你今天怎么样?Cold!I’m very cold!冷!太冷了!

4.Are you hot ? Yes, I’m very hot.你热吗? 是的,我很热。

5.Are you Okay ?No, I hurt my finger.It hurts.你好吗? 不,我弄伤了我的手指。它破了。Yes , I’m fine.是的,我很好 6.She is crying.She is sad.她哭了.她很伤心.He is laughing.He is happy.他在大笑,他很开心 7.What’s the matter ? 你怎么啦?My head hurts.I have a headache.我弄伤了我的头。我头疼。Lesson 6、7 课文排序 Unit2.My day Words: 时段:1.morning早晨2.afternoon 下午3.evening 晚上4.breakfast 早餐5.lunch 午餐6.supper 晚餐 食物: 1.toast 土司2.jam 果酱3.juice 果汁4.egg 鸡蛋5.bread 面包6.porridge 粥7.cereal 麦片8.milk 牛奶 动词:1.brush 刷2.comb 梳3.do做4.draw 画画5.read 读6.wash 洗7.write 写

物品:1.skirt 短裙2.pants 裤子3.shoes 鞋4.comb 梳子5.brush 刷子6.soap 肥皂7.toothbrush 牙刷

短语: 1.wake up 醒来2.put on 穿上 3.brush teeth 刷牙4.comb hair 梳头 5.wash face 洗脸6.get up 起床

7.go to bed 上床8.go to school 去上学 9.play on the playground 在操场上玩 10.do homework 做家庭作业

11.wash dishes 洗餐具12.read a book 读书 13.write a story 写故事14.draw a picture画画 Sentences:

1.I brush my teeth every morning.我每天早


Then I comb my hair and wash my face.然后我梳头发并且洗脸。

2.What do you eat for breakfast?你早餐吃什么?I eat eggs.我吃鸡蛋。

3.Would you like some porridge ?你想来些粥吗?

Yes, please./No, thanks.是的,来一些。/ 不用了,谢谢。4.What time do you get up ?At seven.你几点起床? 七点。

5.What time is it ? At seven o’clock..I get up.I go to school at eight.几点了?七点了。我起床。我八点去上学 It’s three thirty.I work at school.三点半。我在学校里学习。It’s nine o’clock.I go to bed.九点了。我上床睡觉。

6.What do you do after supper ?


After supper ,I help my family.晚饭后,我帮助我的家人。

I wash the dishes.Then I do my homework.I do my homework everyday.我洗餐具,然后我做我的家庭作业,我们天都做作业。

7.What do you do in the evening ?


I do my homework.我做我的家庭作业。第26页,Lesson 13 LiMing’s day 背诵。Unit3 Shopping where I liveWords:

商店:1.book shop书店2.fruit market水果超市

2.clothes shop 服装店 4.toy shop 玩具店 玩具:1.soccer ball 足球2.kite 风筝3.cards 纸牌4.bear 熊 5.skipping rope 跳绳6.toy 玩具 7.checkers 象棋8.doll 娃娃 衣物:1.housecoat 睡袍2.pyjamas睡衣3.coat 外套4.dress 连衣裙5.skirt 短裙6.blouse 女式衬衫 7.shirt 男式衬衫8.T-shirt T恤衫 9.shorts 短裤10.pants 长裤 11.shoes 鞋12.socks 袜子 13.gloves 手套 水果:1.fruit 水果2.banana 香蕉 3.orange 橘子4.grapes 葡萄 5.melon 瓜6.strawberry 草莓 数字:1.twenty 二十2.twenty –one二十一 3.twenty-two二十二4.twenty –three二十三 5.twenty –four二十四 6.twenty –five二十五 7.twenty –six二十六 8.twenty –seven二十七 9.twenty –eight二十八10.twenty –nine二十九11.thirty 三十

形容词:1.too big 太大2.too small 太小 2.just right 正好 Sentences:

1.What do you want to buy ?你想买什么?

I want to buy a doll.我想买一个娃娃。2.What do you need ? 你需要什么?I need new shorts.我需要新短裤。3.What do you have ? 你有什么?I have a pair of shoes.我有一双鞋。4.How many donuts are there ?这有多少面包圈?Thirty.三十

5.How much are the apples ?

苹果多少钱? Two yuan.两元。第45页四幅图背诵。Unit4 Healthy meWords:

食物: 1.hungry 饿的2.thirsty 渴的3.fruit 水果4.vegetables 蔬菜5.melon 瓜6.strawberry 草莓7.tea 茶8.dumplings 饺子

9.pop 汽水10.French fries 薯条11.Hamburg 汉堡包12.rice 米饭13.milk 牛奶 衣服: 1.hat 帽子2.scarf 围巾3.boots 靴子4.gloves 手套

5.coat 外套6.shirt 男式衬衫7.shorts 短裤8.blouse 女式衬衫9.dress 连衣裙10.sweater 毛衣 动词及短语: 1.sing a song 唱首歌2.play catch 玩接球3.put on 穿上4.put away 拿走 5.ride a bicycle 骑车6.run 跑 7.walk to school 走去学校8.swim 游泳 9.play soccer 踢足球10.watch TV 看电视 11.skip with a skipping rope 跳绳 12.fly a kite 放风筝 13.read a book 读书 Sentences:

1.I’m hungry.I want something to eat.我饿了。我想吃东西。

I’m thirsty.I want something to drink.我渴了。我想喝东西。

2.Can you swim ? 你会游泳吗?Yes, I can./ No, I can’t.是的,我能。不,我不能。

3.What do you like to do everyday ?


I like to ride a bicycle everyday.我喜欢每天去骑自行车。

4.Would you like some tea , Jenny ?

Jenny你想来点茶吗? Yes, please./ No , thanks.是的,请来一些。/ 不用了,谢谢

5.It’s hot today.What clothes will you wear ?


I put on my dress.我穿连衣裙。

6.It’s cold today.What clothes will you wear ?


I put on my coat.我穿我的外套。第54页四幅图排序

第62页Listen to your parents背诵。



Unit 1 Phoning home 重点单词

一、动词 1.know知道 2.listen听 3.ring响了 4.hear听到 5.ask问6.answer回答 7.talk说话 8.teach教 9.find找到 10.call打电话 11.make制作 12.work工作 13.forget/forgot忘记

二、名词 1.number 号码 2.office办公室 3.phone电话 4.telephone 电话 5.zero零

三、短语 1.make a call打电话 2.answer the phone接电话 3.call…on the phone给、、、打电话 4.hang up the phone挂断电话 5.talk on the phone在电话中通话 6.talk to和、、、说话 7.speak to和、、、说话 8.say to和、、、说话 9.at supper-time在晚饭时间 10.cook hamburgers做汉堡 11.work hard努力工作 12.make supper做晚餐 13.just a moment稍等片刻 14.this afternoon今天下午 15.have piano lessons上钢琴课 16.have fun学习愉快 17.the phone number for the store商店的电话号码 18.arrive home到家了 19.look like看起来像 20.make a snowman堆雪人 21.Thanks for calling 谢谢打来电话 22.play with和、、、玩

23.See you tomorrow morning.明早见 重点句子

1.A: What are you doing? 你在做什么?

B: I’m talking on the phone.我在讲电话

2.A: Would you like to play with me this

afternoon?今下午你想和我玩吗? B: Yes, I would.是的,我想。3.A: Who’s calling?谁打来的电话?

B: It’s Jenny calling.Jenny打来的 4.A: What’s your number?


B: My number is 940-0038.我的号码是9400038

5.A: When are you coming home for supper?

你什么时候回来吃晚饭? B: At about 7:00.大约7点

A: You usually come home at 6:00.Why are you coming at 7:00?你通常都6点到家。为什么今天7点?

B: Because our old, blue car is broken.因为我们旧的蓝色的车坏了。

6.A: May I speak to your mother, please?


B: Sure.Just a moment.当然。稍等片刻。7.A: Where does she work?


B: She works in a store.她在商店工作。8.A: May I go skiing with Steven this


今下午我可以和Steven去滑雪吗? B: No, you may not.不,你不可以。9.A: Are you learning to speak English?


B: Yes, I am.是的,我正在学。10.A: It’s time to say good-bye.到时间说再见了。B: Good-bye.再见 Unit 2 Tell me a story.重点单词

一、名词 1.trip旅行 2.something 东西 3.story故事 4.tortoise 乌龟 5.hare兔子 6.race比赛 7.road马路 8.lake湖 9.lesson教训 10.desk桌子 11.shoes鞋12.lamp台灯

13.picture 图片 14.table餐桌 15.bus stop 公车站 16.bone骨头 17.mountain 山18.water水 19.forest森林 20.gift礼物 21.letter信22.kitchen 厨房 23.river小河 24.boat小船 25.knife小刀 26.mark记号 27.sword剑28.bottom 底部 29.people 人们

二、动词 1.tell告诉 2.walk散步 3.see—saw 看见 4.laugh/laughed 笑 5.run/ran跑6.stop/stopped停止 7.have/had 有8.go/went 走 9.sleep/slept 睡觉 10.win/won 赢了 11.want/wanted 想要12.carry/carried 拿 13.find/found 找到 14.think/thought 想 15.bark/barked(狗)叫 16.fall/fell掉下 17.lose/lost 丢了 18.feel/felt感觉 19.learn/learned学习20.make/made制作 21.cross/crossed 穿过22.stand/stood站立

三、形容词 1.stupid愚蠢的 2.beautiful 漂亮的 3.scared害怕的 4.mad生气的 5.heavy重的 6.sad悲伤地 7.slow慢的 8.fast快的 9.famous著名的

四、副词 1.either也不 2.finally 最后 3.then然后

五、介词 1.on在上面2.in在里面 3.under在下面4.beside在旁边 5.above在上面6.below在下面 7.around围绕 8.at在旁边 9.to朝10.towards 朝向 11.about关于


1.tell a story 讲故事2.laugh at 嘲笑某人 3.have a race进行比赛 4.go to sleep去睡觉 5.win the race赢了比赛

6.learn a lesson吸取教训

7.bark at冲某人叫 8.feel sad感到伤心 9.make a mark做记号 10.look for寻找 重点句子

1.A: I don’t like trips in the car.我不喜欢坐汽车旅行。B: I don’t either.我也不喜欢 2.A: Where is Li Ming walking?


B: Li Ming is walking around the table.李明绕着餐桌散步呢。3.A: Where is Li Ming sitting?


B: Li Ming is sitting at the desk.李明坐在课桌旁边。

4.A: Where is Li Ming going?


B: Li Ming is going to school.李明要去学校 必背课文:

1.The hare and the tortoise

First, the hare laughed at the slow tortoise.Then they had a race.The hare ran fast, but soon he went to sleep.Then the tortoise won the race.Finally the tortoise laughed at the hare.2.The dog and the bone

First, the dog found a bone.He wanted to carry it to the forest, but he stopped at a lake.Then he thought he saw a dog in the water with a bone.He barked at the dog and lost his bone.Finally, he felt sad, but he learned a lesson.3.Making a mark.There were some people in a boat on a river.A man’s sword fell in the river, but he didn’t look for it.He made a mark on the bottom of the boat.Soon the boat crossed the river.Then the man looked for his sword under the mark on the boat, but his sword wasn’t there.Finally, the people laughed at the stupid man.Unit 3 What will you do this summer?


一、动词 1.fly飞2.lie/lay躺 3.skip跳绳 4.swim/swam游泳 5.will将要 6.lose丢了 7.invite邀请 8.pick摘 9.visit拜访

二、名词 1.beach海滩 2.cloud云 3.flower花4.grass草 5.leaves树叶 6.ocean海洋 7.park公园 8.sand沙子 9.sandals凉鞋 10.sky天空 11.swimming pool 泳池12.swimsuit 泳衣 13.winter 冬天 14.spring 春天 15.summer 夏天 16.autumn 秋天 17.triangle 三角形 18.circle圆形 19.square 正方形 20.airplane 飞机 21.holiday 假日 22.father父亲 23.mother 母亲 24.cousin 表兄妹

三、形容词 1.cold冷的 2.snowy下雪的 3.warm温暖的 4.hot热的 5.cool凉爽的 6.different 不同的 7.salty咸的


1.play sports 做运动 2.fly a kite 放风筝 3.look at看4.take off 脱掉 5.look like看起来像 6.go on a trip去旅行 7.make things with sand 用沙子做东西 8.put on穿上 重点句子

1.A: What do you like to do?

你喜欢做什么? B: I like to swim.我喜欢游泳

2.A: What’s Jenny doing?Jenny在做什么?

B: She’s swimming.她在游泳。3.A: What else can swim?

还有其他什么会游泳? B: Fish can swim.鱼会游泳。4.A: What do you wear to swim?


B: I wear a swimsuit.我穿泳衣游泳。5.A: Where do you swim? 你在哪游泳?

B: I swim in a swimming pool.我在泳池游泳。

6.A: Where else can you swim?


B: I can swim in a lake.我能在湖里游泳。7.A: What will you do tomorrow?


B: I will drive my car to school.我将开车去学校。

8.A: What will Danny do tomorrow?


B: He will look at the beautiful flowers in the park.他将在公园看漂亮的花。必背课文

1.Summer holiday

Last summer, we went to a lake with my grandmother and grandfather.I swam in the lake and I played on the beach.I liked playing on the beach.This summer, I think we will go on a trip to the ocean.I will play on the beach again.I will like swimming in the ocean.On June twenty-fifth, I will go home.I will be in China for the summer holiday.I will fly home in an airplane.I will say hello to my mother and father.I will visit my cousin, Jing and my aunt and uncle.I will play ping-pong and badminton with my friends.I like to play sports in the summer.Unit 4 Li Ming goes home 重点单词

一、名词 1.cake蛋糕 2.cookies 曲奇饼 3.flag旗4.ice cream 冰激凌 5.party派对 6.sugar糖 7.surprise 惊喜 8.gift礼物 9.person人 10.Spring Festival春节

11.house房子 12.kitchen 厨房 13.living room 客厅14.restaurant 饭店 15.dumplings 饺子 16.gym体育馆 17.snack零食 18.flour面粉 19.oil油20.salt盐 21.bowl碗22.computer电脑

二、动词 1.begin开始 2.forget忘记 3.remember 想起其他 1.early早的 2.every每一个 3.late迟的 4.good好的 5.bad坏的 6.right对的 7.wrong错的 8.loudly 大声地 9.softly小声地 10.Chinese 汉语 11.western 西方的 12.dry干的 13.wet潮湿的 14.quickly 快地 15.slowly 慢地 16.expensive 贵的 17.early早的 18.late迟的 19.forget忘记 20.remember 想起 重点句子

1.A: How far is it to the store?


B: It’s about one kilometer from here to the store.从这到商店大约一公里。2.A: How will they go to the store?


B: They will go to the store by bus.他们将乘公交车去。

3.A: How many gifts do you need?

你需要多少礼物? B: I need eleven gifts.我需要十一份礼物。

4.A: How much are they? 他们多少钱?

B: Fifty dollars for one.五十美元一个 5.A: What did we eat at the restaurant?


B: I ate Chinese food and you ate Western food.我吃的中餐,你吃的西餐。

6.A: Would you like to come to a party for Li

Ming? 你想来参加李明的派对吗? B: Sure.当然

7.A: When is the party? 派对在什么时候?

B: Tomorrow.明天

8.A: What time does it begin?几点开始?

B: At 4:00.4点 9.A: When does your plane leave?

你的飞机几点离开? B: At 2:00.两点

10.A: How long is the trip? 旅行多长时间?

B: It’s eleven hours.十一个小时 必背课文

1.At the restaurant

A: Look!Here’s the karaoke restaurant.B:Do you remember him? A:Yes!He was a good singer.B:No, you’re wrong.He was a bad singer.He sang loudly, too.A:Oh!That’s right.He was bad, but the little girl was good.B:What did we eat at the restaurant? I forget.A:I ate Chinese food and you ate Western food.2.A party for Li Ming A:Hello?

B: Hi, Steven.It’s Jenny calling.Would you like to come to a party for Li Ming? A:Sure!When is the party?

B: Tomorrow.It’s a surprise for Li Ming.Please don’t tell him.A: Okay.What time does it begin?

B: At 4:00.Don’t come after 4:00.Don’t be late.We want to surprise Li Ming!

A:Okay, I will come before 4:00.Then I will be early!

B: Great!See you tomorrow.




单元课题:Welcome back to school!主要内容:


boy, and, girl, new, friend, today(2)三会单词(听说读)

UK, Canada, USA, China, she, student, pupil, he, teacher(3)三会句型:

① —— Where are you from? —— I’m from….② Welcome!


单元课题:My family 主要内容:



father, dad, man, woman, mother, sister, brother, grandmother, grandma, grandfather, grandpa(3)三会句型

①—— Who’s that man? ——He’s my ….②——Who’s that woman?

——She’s my ….③——Is he your …?

——Yes, he is./ No, he isn’t.④——Is she your…?

——Yes, she is./ No, she isn’t.第三单元

单元课题:At the zoo 主要内容:


giraffe, so, children(child的复数), tail(2)三会单词(听说读)

thin, fat, tall, short, long, small, big(3)三会句型

① It’s so tall!② Come here, children.③ It has a long nose.④ It has small eyes and big ears.第四单元

单元课题:Where is my car? 主要内容:


toy, box(2)三会单词(听说读)

on, in, under, chair, desk, cap, ball, car, boat, map(3)三会句型

① Let’s go home!② ——Where is my…? ——It’s in/ on/ under your ….③ Silly me!④ ——Is it in/ on/ under your…? ——Yes, it is./ No, it isn’t.⑤ Have a good time!


单元课题:Do you like pears? 主要内容:


buy, fruit(2)三会单词(听说读)

pear, apple, orange, banana, watermelon, strawberry, grape(3)三会句型:

① Honey, let’s buy some fruit.② ——Do you like …? ——Yes, I do./ No, I don’t.③ ——Sorry, I don’t like….——Me, neither.第六单元

单元课题:How many? 主要内容:


kite, beautiful(2)三会单词(听说读)

eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty(3)三会句型

① How many … can you see? ② The …(颜色)one is a ….③ How many … do you have? ④ Open it and see.




单元课题:My day 主要内容:


when, after, start, usually, Spain, late, a.m., p.m., why, shop, work, last, sound, also, busy, need, play, letter, live, island, always, cave, win(2)三会短语

go swimming(3)四会单词(听说读写)

exercise, take, dancing(4)四会短语

eat breakfast, have… class, play sports, do morning exercise, eat dinner, clean my room, go for walk, go shopping, take a dancing class(5)四会句型

① —— When do you finish class in the morning/ afternoon? —— We finish class at … o’clock.② —— What do you do on …? —— I often do sth.with sb.(6)重点语法点

① When引导的特殊疑问句,就作息时间进行问答: —— When do you + 行为活动? —— I + 行为行动 + 具体时间。e.g.—— When do you eat dinner?

—— I eat dinner at 7:00.② What引导的特殊疑问句。就活动内容进行问答:

—— What do you do + 时间?

—— I + sometimes/ often/usually +行为活动 + 时间。

Sometimes/ Usually/ Often + I + 行为活动 + 时间。

e.g.—— What do you do on the weekend?

—— I often play football.第二单元

单元课题:My favourite season 主要内容:


which, best, snow, because, vacation, all, pink, lovely, leaf(复数leaves), fall, paint(2)三会短语

good job(3)四会单词(听说读写)

spring, summer, autumn, winter, season, picnic, pick, snowman(4)四会短语

go on a picnic, pick apples, make a snowman, go swimming(5)四会句型

① —— Which season do you like best? —— Spring/ Summer/ Autumn/ Winter.② —— Why? —— Because ….(6)重点语法点:

① Which 引导的特殊疑问句,谈论最喜欢的季节:

—— Which season do you like best? / What's your favourite season? —— I like + 季节 + best.② Why 引导的特殊疑问句,谈论喜欢某个季节的原因:

—— Why do you like + 季节? —— Because I can + 行为活动.第三单元

单元课题:My school calendar 主要内容:


few, thing, meet, Easter, trip, year, plant, contest, national, American, Thanksgiving, Christmas, holiday, game ,roll, chocolate, bunny, RSVP, by(2)三会短语

a few, sports meet, the Great Wall, National Day, look for(3)四会单词(听说读写)

January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December(4)四会句型

① —— When is the party? —— It’s in + month.② —— When is the trip this year? —— It’s in + month.(5)重点语法点:

When引导的特殊疑问句,就节日或活动的时间进行问答“ —— When is the + 节日/ 活动?—— It’s in + 月份。eg: —— When is the party?

—— It’s in April.第四单元

单元课题:When is the Easter? 主要内容:


special, fool, kitten, diary, still, noise, fur, open, walk(2)四会单词(听说读写)

first(1st), second(2nd), third(3rd), fourth(4th), fifth(5th), twelfth(12th), twentieth(20th), twenty-first(21st), twenty-third(23rd), thirtieth(30th)(3)四会句型

① —— When is the April Fool’s Day? —— It’s on + month + day(序数词).② —— When is your birthday? —— My birthday is on + month + day(序数词).(4)重点语法点:

① When引导的特殊疑问句,就什么时候是什么节日进行问答。

—— When is + 节日? —— It’s on + 月份 + 日期。eg: —— When is the April Fool’s Day? —— It’s on April 1st.②When引导的特殊疑问句,就什么时候过生日进行问答:

—— When is + your/ his/ her birthday? —— My/ his/her birthday is on + 月份 + 日期。

③What 引导的一般将来时的特殊疑问句进行问答:

—— What will you do for sb.?

—— I’ll do sth for him/ her.eg.—— What will you do for your mum?

—— I’ll cook noodles for her.第五单元

单元课题:Whose dog is it? 主要内容:


each, other, excited, like(2)四会单词(听说读写)

mine, yours, his, hers, theirs, ours, climbing, eating, playing, jumping, drinking, sleeping(3)四会句型

① The … is mine.② —— Are these all ours? —— Yes, they are./ No, they aren’t.③ —— Whose is it.—— It’s ×××’s.④ —— Is he/she doing sth ? —— Yes, he/ she is.No, he/ she isn’t.(4)重点语法点

① whose引导的特殊疑问句,询问某样物品是某人的: A.—— Whose + 物品(单数)+ is this/ that? —— It’s ×××’s/ mine/ his/ hers.eg.—— Whose book is that? —— It’s Amy’s.B.—— Whose + 物品(复数)+ are these/ those?

—— They’re ×××’s/ mine/ his/ hers.eg.—— Whose storybooks are these?

—— They’re mine.B.—— Whose is it?

—— It’s ×××’s/ mine/ his/ hers.② Where引导的特殊疑问句,询问某人在哪里:

—— Where is ×××?

—— He’s/ She’s in + 地点。

③ Is引导的现在进行时的一般疑问句:

—— Is he/ she doing sth ?

—— Yes, he/ she is.No, he/ she isn’t.第六单元

单元课题:Work quietly!主要内容:


bamboo, its, show, anything, else, exhibition, say, sushi, teach, sure, Canadian, Spanish(2)三会短语

have a look(3)四会单词(听说读写)

keep, turn(4)四会短语

doing morning exercise, having … class, eating lunch, reading a book, listening to music, keep to the right, keep your desk clean, talk quietly, take turns(5)四会句型

① —— What are they doing? —— They’re doing sth.② —— What’s he/ she/ it doing? —— He’s/ She’s/ It’s doing sth.③ Shh.Talk quietly.④ Keep sth.clean.(6)重点语法点: ① What引导的特殊疑问句,询问某人正在做什么:

A.—— What is he/ she/ it/ sb.doing?

—— He’s/ She’s/ It’s doing sth.eg.—— What’s the little monkey doing?

—— It’s playing with its mother.B.—— What are they doing?

—— They’re doing sth.eg.—— What are they doing?

—— They are eating the lunch.




Whereareyoufrom?你来自哪里? I ’mfromtheUK.我来自英国。Wehavetwonewfriendstoday.今天我们有两位新朋友。






Who’sthatman?那个男人是谁? He’smyfather.他是我爸爸。

Who’sthatwoman?那个女人是谁? She’smymother.她是我妈妈。

Issheyourmother?她是你妈妈吗? Yes,sheis.是的,她是。

Isheyourfather?他是你爸爸吗? No,heisn’t.He’smyteacher.不,不是。他是我老师。







Whereismypencil box?我的铅笔盒在哪里?






Isitinyourtoybox? 在你的玩具盒子里吗?












Doyoulikepears?你喜欢梨吗? Yes,Ido.是的,我喜欢。

Doyoulikewatermelons? 你喜欢西瓜吗?







CanIhavesomebananas ? 我可以吃一些香蕉吗?





Howmanybirdsdoyousee? 你能看到多少只鸟?










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