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Speech by H.E.Ambassador Liu Xiaoming at the Launching Ceremony of the New Office of Bank of China London Branch and Bank of China(UK)LtdSeptember, 2010

尊敬的中国银行副行长岳毅先生,中国银行伦敦分行总经理、中国银行(英国)公司执行总裁葛奇先生,英格兰银行市场执行理事保罗·费舍尔(PAUL FISHER)先生,女士们、先生们:

Vice President Yue Yi,Mr Kenneth Ge,Mr Paul Fisher, Executive Director for Markets of Bank of England,Distinguished guests,Ladies and Gentlemen,首先,我祝贺中国银行伦敦分行暨中国银行(英国)有限公司乔迁之喜。

May I warmly congratulate Bank of China London Branch and Bank of China(UK)Limited on the launch of their new office.这是我到任半年以来第二次出席中资机构的乔迁仪式。这既表明中国企业在英国不断发展,也预示着将有更多的中国企业来英投资兴业。据英国贸易投资署最新发表的报告,去年中国对英投资有74项,居各国对英投资排名的第六位;同时,据伦敦投资局的统计,去年中国有24家公司在伦敦新投资或扩资,居各国第二位。

This is the second such event I attended during my six months in London.The last one was the relocation of the CCPIT London Office early July.In fact, there has been quite some good news about Chinese businesses in the UK recently.A latest UKTI report ranks China as the 6th largest investor in the UK last year with investments in 74 projects.According to Think London, China was the second largest new investor in London, with 24 companies opened or expanded in London last year.By the end of last year, FDI from China in the UK reached 620 million US dollars.就金融企业而言,目前,中国在英国有三家分行(中国银行、建设银行和中国工商银行)、一家子行和多家代表处。我听说,中国农业银行也正在积极筹备将伦敦代表处升格为分行。这些表明,中国机构和企业重视英国市场和伦敦金融中心的地位,看中英国优良的投资发展环境。我期待着今后收到更多中资企业成立、迁址仪式的邀请,也非常乐意到场祝贺。

In the financial sector, Chinese banks have set up three branches(Bank of China, Construction Bank of China and Industrial & Commercial Bank of China), one subsidiary and quite a few offices in the UK.I heard that the Agricultural Bank of China are also planning to upgrade its London Office to a branch.This shows that Chinese businesses are increasingly taking the UK market as a big priority and are seeking to leverage London's status as a financial centre to expand their UK and European business.I'm sure there will be more occasions like today and I will be happy to attend.中国银行伦敦分行于1929年设立,是中国银行业在海外设立的第一家分支机构。历经八十余载风雨,今天的中国银行伦敦分行依旧焕发着青春、充满着朝气:

The Bank of China London Branch, which was set up in 1929, was the first overseas branch of a Chinese bank.81 years on, this branch is brimming with vigor and vitality.一是规模不断扩大。分行先后在伦敦金融城以及伦敦唐人街、曼彻斯特、格拉斯哥和伯明翰等地设立了营业部门,2007年又成功建立中国银行(英国)有限公司。

First, it has set up offices in the City, London China Town, and in Manchester, Glasgow and Birmingham.Its

UK subsidiary-Bank of China(UK)Limited, in particular, has won it access to the EU market.二是客户日益多元。分行积极支持中国企业来英国投资发展,并为英国企业到中国投资提供融资和贷款。

Secondly, it has built a diverse customers' base.The London Branch has cultivated the custom of local Chinese communities and businesses by actively supporting them in their UK ventures with financial facilities.三是员工日益本土化和国际化。分行包容的企业文化和良好的发展前景吸引了许多英国当地人才。目前员工数量超过200名,其中当地人占90%,且许多从事中高层管理工作。

Thirdly, its work force is increasingly local and international.Local professional have been attracted by its inclusive culture and good prospects.90% of the over 200 employees are British, of whom many are mid-level or senior managers.四是业绩持续上升。当国际金融危机来袭时,中国银行伦敦分行凭借稳健的经营策略、几乎为零的不良资产率和充足的流动性,逆市上扬,既扩大了资本金,实现了收购兼并,又获得了良好业绩。

Fourthly, it enjoys expanding business.With a solid business strategy, a nearly zero non-performing loans ratio and abundant liquidity, it survived the financial crisis well with more equity and a successful acquisition.今天中国银行伦敦分行迁址,这是它发展进程中的一个新里程碑。希望分行不断提高管理水平,提升服务质量,扩大客户范围,吸纳优秀人才,创造更多佳绩。

Today marks a new milestone in the history of the Bank of China London Branch, as it moves into its spacious, well-furnished new office in the centre of the City.I hope that along with this improvement in hardware will come even better services, higher quality management, more customers, a larger talent pool and higher profits.最后,我祝中国银行伦敦分行暨中国银行(英国)有限公司兴旺发达,在促进中英两国经贸、金融合作方面发挥更大作用。

To conclude, I wish the Bank of China London Branch and Bank of China(UK)Limited greater success and a bigger role in China-UK trade and financial cooperation.谢谢!

Thank you.


驻英大使在中国银行伦敦分行迁址仪式上的致辞时间:2010-09-18 04:31来源:口译网 作者:口译网 点击:1258次

驻英国大使刘晓明在中国银行伦敦分行暨中国银行(英国)有限公司迁址仪式上的致辞 2010年9月17日

Speech by H.E.Ambassador Liu Xiaoming at the Launching Ceremony of the New Office of Bank of China London Branch and Bank of China(UK)Ltd 17 September, 2010

尊敬的中国银行副行长岳毅先生,中国银行伦敦分行总经理、中国银行(英国)公司执行总裁葛奇先生,英格兰银行市场执行理事保罗·费舍尔(PAUL FISHER)先生,女士们、先生们:

Vice President Yue Yi, Mr Kenneth Ge, Mr Paul Fisher, Executive Director for Markets of Bank of England, Distinguished guests, Ladies and Gentlemen,首先,我祝贺中国银行伦敦分行暨中国银行(英国)有限公司乔迁之喜。

May I warmly congratulate Bank of China London Branch and Bank of China(UK)Limited on the launch of their new office.这是我到任半年以来第二次出席中资机构的乔迁仪式。这既表明中国企业在英国不断发展,也预示着将有更多的中国企业来英投资兴业。据英国贸易投资署最新发表的报告,去年中国对英投资有74项,居各国对英投资排名的第六位;同时,据伦敦投资局的统计,去年中国有24家公司在伦敦新投资或扩资,居各国第二位。

This is the second such event I attended during my six months in London.The last one was the relocation of the CCPIT London Office early July.In fact, there has been quite some good news about Chinese businesses in the UK recently.A latest UKTI report ranks China as the 6th largest investor in the UK last year with investments in 74 projects.According to Think London, China was the second largest new investor in London, with 24 companies opened or expanded in London last year.By the end of last year, FDI from China in the UK reached 620 million US dollars.就金融企业而言,目前,中国在英国有三家分行(中国银行、建设银行和中国工商银行)、一家子行和多家代表处。我听说,中国农业银行也正在积极筹备将伦敦代表处升格为分行。这些表明,中国机构和企业重视英国市场和伦敦金融中心的地位,看中英国优良的投资发展环境。我期待着今后收到更多中资企业成立、迁址仪式的邀请,也非常乐意到场祝贺。

In the financial sector, Chinese banks have set up three branches(Bank of China, Construction Bank of China and Industrial & Commercial Bank of China), one subsidiary and quite a few offices in the UK.I heard that the Agricultural Bank of China are also planning to upgrade its London Office to a branch.This shows that Chinese businesses are increasingly taking the UK market as a big priority and are seeking to leverage London's status as a financial centre to expand their UK and European business.I'm sure there will be more occasions like today and I will be happy to attend.中国银行伦敦分行于1929年设立,是中国银行业在海外设立的第一家分支机构。历经八十余载风雨,今天的中国银行伦敦分行依旧焕发着青春、充满着朝气:

The Bank of China London Branch, which was set up in 1929, was the first overseas branch of a Chinese bank.81 years on, this branch is brimming with vigor and vitality.一是规模不断扩大。分行先后在伦敦金融城以及伦敦唐人街、曼彻斯特、格拉斯哥和伯明翰等地设立了营业部门,2007年又成功建立中国银行(英国)有限公司。

First, it has set up offices in the City, London China Town, and in Manchester, Glasgow and Birmingham.Its UK subsidiary-Bank of China(UK)Limited, in particular, has won it access to the EU market.二是客户日益多元。分行积极支持中国企业来英国投资发展,并为英国企业到中国投资提供融资和贷款。

Secondly, it has built a diverse customers' base.The London Branch has cultivated the custom of local Chinese communities and businesses by actively supporting them in their UK ventures with financial facilities.三是员工日益本土化和国际化。分行包容的企业文化和良好的发展前景吸引了许多英国当地人才。目前员工数量超过200名,其中当地人占90%,且许多从事中高层管理工作。

Thirdly, its work force is increasingly local and international.Local professional have been attracted by its inclusive culture and good prospects.90% of the over 200 employees are British, of whom many are mid-level or senior managers.四是业绩持续上升。当国际金融危机来袭时,中国银行伦敦分行凭借稳健的经营策略、几乎为零的不良资产率和充足的流动性,逆市上扬,既扩大了资本金,实现了收购兼并,又获得了良好业绩。

Fourthly, it enjoys expanding business.With a solid business strategy, a nearly zero non-performing loans ratio and abundant liquidity, it survived the financial crisis well with more equity and a successful acquisition.今天中国银行伦敦分行迁址,这是它发展进程中的一个新里程碑。希望分行不断提高管理水平,提升服务质量,扩大客户范围,吸纳优秀人才,创造更多佳绩。

Today marks a new milestone in the history of the Bank of China London Branch, as it moves into its spacious, well-furnished new office in the centre of the City.I hope that along with this improvement in hardware will come even better services, higher quality management, more customers, a larger talent pool and higher profits.最后,我祝中国银行伦敦分行暨中国银行(英国)有限公司兴旺发达,在促进中英两国经贸、金融合作方面发挥更大作用。

To conclude, I wish the Bank of China London Branch and Bank of China(UK)Limited greater success and a bigger role in China-UK trade and financial cooperation.谢谢!

Thank you.原文链接:http://




Speech by H.E.Ambassador Liu Xiaoming at the Launching Ceremony of the New Office of Bank of China London Branch and Bank of China(UK)LtdSeptember, 2010

尊敬的中国银行副行长岳毅先生,中国银行伦敦分行总经理、中国银行(英国)公司执行总裁葛奇先生,英格兰银行市场执行理事保罗·费舍尔(PAUL FISHER)先生,女士们、先生们:

Vice President Yue Yi,Mr Kenneth Ge,Mr Paul Fisher, Executive Director for Markets of Bank of England,Distinguished guests,Ladies and Gentlemen,首先,我祝贺中国银行伦敦分行暨中国银行(英国)有限公司乔迁之喜。

May I warmly congratulate Bank of China London Branch and Bank of China(UK)Limited on the launch of their new office.这是我到任半年以来第二次出席中资机构的乔迁仪式。这既表明中国企业在英国不断发展,也预示着将有更多的中国企业来英投资兴业。据英国贸易投资署最新发表的报告,去年中国对英投资有74项,居各国对英投资排名的第六位;同时,据伦敦投资局的统计,去年中国有24家公司在伦敦新投资或扩资,居各国第二位。

This is the second such event I attended during my six months in London.The last one was the relocation of the CCPIT London Office early July.In fact, there has been quite some good news about Chinese businesses in the UK recently.A latest UKTI report ranks China as the 6th largest investor in the UK last year with investments in 74 projects.According to Think London, China was the second largest new investor in London, with 24 companies opened or expanded in London last year.By the end of last year, FDI from China in the UK reached 620 million US dollars.就金融企业而言,目前,中国在英国有三家分行(中国银行、建设银行和中国工商银行)、一家子行和多家代表处。我听说,中国农业银行也正在积极筹备将伦敦代表处升格为分行。这些表明,中国机构和企业重视英国市场和伦敦金融中心的地位,看中英国优良的投资发展环境。我期待着今后收到更多中资企业成立、迁址仪式的邀请,也非常乐意到场祝贺。

In the financial sector, Chinese banks have set up three branches(Bank of China, Construction Bank of China and Industrial & Commercial Bank of China), one subsidiary and quite a few offices in the UK.I heard that the Agricultural Bank of China are also planning to upgrade its London Office to a branch.This shows that Chinese businesses are increasingly taking the UK market as a big priority

and are seeking to leverage London's status as a financial centre to expand their UK and European business.I'm sure there will be more occasions like today and I will be happy to attend.中国银行伦敦分行于1929年设立,是中国银行业在海外设立的第一家分支机构。历经八十余载风雨,今天的中国银行伦敦分行依旧焕发着青春、充满着朝气:

The Bank of China London Branch, which was set up in 1929, was the first overseas branch of a Chinese bank.81 years on, this branch is brimming with vigor and vitality.一是规模不断扩大。分行先后在伦敦金融城以及伦敦唐人街、曼彻斯特、格拉斯哥和伯明翰等地设立了营业部门,2007年又成功建立中国银行(英国)有限公司。

First, it has set up offices in the City, London China Town, and in Manchester, Glasgow and Birmingham.Its UK subsidiary-Bank of China(UK)Limited, in particular, has won it access to the EU market.二是客户日益多元。分行积极支持中国企业来英国投资发展,并为英国企业到中国投资提供融资和贷款。

Secondly, it has built a diverse customers' base.The London Branch has cultivated the custom of local Chinese communities and businesses by actively supporting them in their UK ventures with financial facilities.三是员工日益本土化和国际化。分行包容的企业文化和良好的发展前景吸引了许多英国当地人才。目前员工数量超过200名,其中当地人占90%,且许多从事中高层管理工作。

Thirdly, its work force is increasingly local and international.Local professional have been attracted by its inclusive culture and good prospects.90% of the over 200 employees are British, of whom many are mid-level or senior managers.四是业绩持续上升。当国际金融危机来袭时,中国银行伦敦分行凭借稳健的经营策略、几乎为零的不良资产率和充足的流动性,逆市上扬,既扩大了资本金,实现了收购兼并,又获得了良好业绩。

Fourthly, it enjoys expanding business.With a solid business strategy, a nearly zero non-performing loans ratio and abundant liquidity, it survived the financial crisis well with more equity and a successful acquisition.今天中国银行伦敦分行迁址,这是它发展进程中的一个新里程碑。希望分行不断提高管理水平,提升服务质量,扩大客户范围,吸纳优秀人才,创造更多佳绩。

Today marks a new milestone in the history of the Bank of China London Branch, as it moves into its spacious, well-furnished new office in the centre of the City.I hope that along with this improvement in hardware will come even better services, higher quality management, more customers, a larger talent pool and higher profits.最后,我祝中国银行伦敦分行暨中国银行(英国)有限公司兴旺发达,在促进中英两国经贸、金融合作方面发挥更大作用。

To conclude, I wish the Bank of China London Branch and Bank of China(UK)Limited greater success and a bigger role in China-UK trade and financial cooperation.谢谢!

Thank you.


驻英国大使刘晓明在中国银行伦敦分行暨中国银行(英国)有限公司迁址仪式上的致辞 2010年9月17日

Speech by H.E.Ambassador Liu Xiaoming at the Launching Ceremony of the New Office of Bank of China London Branch and Bank of China(UK)Ltd 17 September, 2010

尊敬的中国银行副行长岳毅先生,中国银行伦敦分行总经理、中国银行(英国)公司执行总裁葛奇先生,英格兰银行市场执行理事保罗·费舍尔(PAUL FISHER)先生,女士们、先生们:

Vice President Yue Yi, Mr Kenneth Ge, Mr Paul Fisher, Executive Director for Markets of Bank of England, Distinguished guests, Ladies and Gentlemen,首先,我祝贺中国银行伦敦分行暨中国银行(英国)有限公司乔迁之喜。

May I warmly congratulate Bank of China London Branch and Bank of China(UK)Limited on the launch of their new office.这是我到任半年以来第二次出席中资机构的乔迁仪式。这既表明中国企业在英国不断发展,也预示着将有更多的中国企业来英投资兴业。据英国贸易投资署最新发表的报告,去年中国对英投资有74项,居各国对英投资排名的第六位;同时,据伦敦投资局的统计,去年中国有24家公司在伦敦新投资或扩资,居各国第二位。

This is the second such event I attended during my six months in London.The last one was the relocation of the CCPIT London Office early July.In fact, there has been quite some good news about Chinese businesses in the UK recently.A latest UKTI report ranks China as the 6th largest investor in the UK last year with investments in 74 projects.According to Think London, China was the second largest new investor in London, with 24 companies opened or expanded in London last year.By the end of last year, FDI from China in the UK reached 620 million US dollars.就金融企业而言,目前,中国在英国有三家分行(中国银行、建设银行和中国工商银行)、一家子行和多家代表处。我听说,中国农业银行也正在积极筹备将伦敦代表处升格为分行。这些表明,中国机构和企业重视英国市场和伦敦金融中心的地位,看中英国优良的投资发展环境。我期待着今后收到更多中资企业成立、迁址仪式的邀请,也非常乐意到场祝贺。

In the financial sector, Chinese banks have set up three branches(Bank of China, Construction Bank of China and Industrial & Commercial Bank of China), one subsidiary and quite a few offices in the UK.I heard that the Agricultural Bank of China are also planning to upgrade its London Office to a branch.This shows that Chinese businesses are increasingly taking the UK market as a big priority and are seeking to leverage London's status as a financial centre to expand their UK and European business.I'm sure there will be more occasions like today and I will be happy to attend.中国银行伦敦分行于1929年设立,是中国银行业在海外设立的第一家分支机构。历经八十余载风雨,今天的中国银行伦敦分行依旧焕发着青春、充满着朝气:

The Bank of China London Branch, which was set up in 1929, was the first overseas branch of a Chinese bank.81 years on, this branch is brimming with vigor and vitality.一是规模不断扩大。分行先后在伦敦金融城以及伦敦唐人街、曼彻斯特、格拉斯哥和伯明翰等地设立了营业部门,2007年又成功建立中国银行(英国)有限公司。

First, it has set up offices in the City, London China Town, and in Manchester, Glasgow and Birmingham.Its UK subsidiary-Bank of China(UK)Limited, in particular, has won it access to the EU market.二是客户日益多元。分行积极支持中国企业来英国投资发展,并为英国企业到中国投资提供融资和贷款。

Secondly, it has built a diverse customers' base.The London Branch has cultivated the custom of local Chinese communities and businesses by actively supporting them in their UK ventures with financial facilities.三是员工日益本土化和国际化。分行包容的企业文化和良好的发展前景吸引了许多英国当地人才。目前员工数量超过200名,其中当地人占90%,且许多从事中高层管理工作。

Thirdly, its work force is increasingly local and international.Local professional have been attracted by its inclusive culture and good prospects.90% of the over 200 employees are British, of whom many are mid-level or senior managers.四是业绩持续上升。当国际金融危机来袭时,中国银行伦敦分行凭借稳健的经营策略、几乎为零的不良资产率和充足的流动性,逆市上扬,既扩大了资本金,实现了收购兼并,又获得了良好业绩。

Fourthly, it enjoys expanding business.With a solid business strategy, a nearly zero non-performing loans ratio and abundant liquidity, it survived the financial crisis well with more equity and a successful acquisition.今天中国银行伦敦分行迁址,这是它发展进程中的一个新里程碑。希望分行不断提高管理水平,提升服务质量,扩大客户范围,吸纳优秀人才,创造更多佳绩。

Today marks a new milestone in the history of the Bank of China London Branch, as it moves into its spacious, well-furnished new office in the centre of the City.I hope that along with this improvement in hardware will come even better services, higher quality management, more customers, a larger talent pool and higher profits.最后,我祝中国银行伦敦分行暨中国银行(英国)有限公司兴旺发达,在促进中英两国经贸、金融合作方面发挥更大作用。

To conclude, I wish the Bank of China London Branch and Bank of China(UK)Limited greater success and a bigger role in China-UK trade and financial cooperation.谢谢!

Thank you.




Speech by Ambassador Liu Xiaoming at the Launch of China House The Waldorf Hilton, London, 25 July 2012


Chairman Liu Peng.Vice President Yu Zaiqing.Executive Chairman Yang Weize.Ambassador Sebastian Wood.Ladies and Gentlemen.很高兴在伦敦奥运会即将开幕的前夕,出席“中国之家”揭幕仪式。首先,我谨代表中国驻英国大使馆致以热烈祝贺。同时我也借此机会,对中国奥运代表团的所有运动员、教练员和官员及前来报道伦敦奥运会的中国媒体朋友们表示热烈欢迎。

It is a real pleasure for me to attend the launch of 'China House' on the eve of the London Olympic Games.On behalf of the Chinese Embassy in the UK, I wish to extend my warmest congratulations.I also wish to express my sincerest welcome to all athletes, coaches and officers of the Chinese delegation and the Chinese media coming to cover the Games.“中国之家”的作用和意义,刚才刘鹏主席已经提到,它是中国首次在夏季奥运会上设立“中国之家”,是中国奥委会在伦敦奥运会期间的接待中心。

As Chairman Liu Peng said, this is the first time that a 'China House' has been set up during a Summer Olympic Games.It will provide a superb reception centre for the Chinese Olympic Committee during the thirtieth Olympiad in London.来到这个“家”,我个人有几点突出的感受:

This 'House' has impressed me in the following aspects.首先,这个“家”,它门窗敞开、热情周到,是开放好客的。“中国之家”欢迎所有奥林匹克大家庭成员,欢迎大家与中国体育代表团、中国奥委会合作伙伴及中国媒体在此交流切磋,它是我们共同的家,是“友谊之家”。

First, this 'House' is open, warm and hospitable.This means that 'China House' can welcome all members of the Olympic Family.This enables China to contribute greatly to the values of the Olympic spirit.I know that 'China House' will warmly welcome and encourage exchanges and interactions with the Chinese sports delegation, partners of the Chinese Olympic Committee and Chinese media.It is a 'House' for us all.It is a 'House' of friendship.第二,这个“家”,它布置精巧、陈列考究、内容丰富,令人赏心悦目。走进“中国之家”,就感到浓浓的中国文化氛围。在布展方面,“中国之家”既设立了奥林匹克专题展览,生动体现中国的奥运故事,同时中国驻英国大使馆在此举办中英建立大使级外交关系40周年专题展,全面介绍中英两国关系的发展历程。

Secondly I am very much impressed how this 'House' is pleasing to the eye.The finest décor and furnishings carry a strong Chinese flavour.This 'House' also has a lot to tell through its exhibitions.As you can see, there is a thematic exhibition telling China's Olympic story.In addition, the Chinese Embassy has also sponsored a display here on the 40 years of full diplomatic relations between China and UK.第三,这个“家”,它张灯结彩、喜气洋洋,充满好兆头。我相信中国运动员定能在本届奥运会上发奋拼搏,再创佳绩。我要告诉大家,中国大使馆已经预订于8月9日在这里为中国奥运健儿举办庆功晚会,同唱胜利歌,共饮庆功酒。我还要告诉大家,我已经为庆功晚会请到了“神秘嘉宾”前来献艺助兴。

My third impression is that this is an auspicious 'House.' Decorated with lanterns and festoons, it will bring good luck!I know that Chinese athletes will compete actively in the true Olympic spirit and set new records.So, I can tell you now that the Chinese Embassy has planned to throw a 'Victory Party' for Chinese athletes here at 'China House' on August 9th!You can be sure that we will sing and toast to our great success!On top of this, I have invited a 'secret guest' to the party!The performance of this 'secret guest' will add to our celebration!


In conclusion, I want to stress that the Chinese Embassy in the UK will give full support to the operation of 'China House'.Let us work together for 'China House' to be an excellent platform.It is a superb venue for the spreading of Chinese culture and the Olympic spirit.Overall, like today, it can make a highly significant contribution to strengthening China-UK exchanges and friendship.谢谢。

Thank you!



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