
时间:2019-05-12 02:47:47下载本文作者:会员上传


MCO的英文名:Manufacturer Change Order中文名:廠商變更通告

ECR的英文名:Engineering Change Request中文名:工程變更申請

ECO的英文名:Engineering Change Order中文名:工程變更通告

DCR的英文名:Design Change Request中文名:設計變更需求

DCO的英文名:Design Change Order中文名:設計變更通告

SIP的英文名:Stangard Inspection Procedure中文名:制程檢驗標准程序 SOP的英文名:Standard Operation Procedure中文名:制造作業規范

IS的英文名:Inspection Specification Procedure中文名:成品檢驗規范 PS的英文名:Package Specification中文名:包裝規范

ISO的英文名:International Stangard Organization中文名:國際標准化組織 QE的英文名:Quality Engineering中文名:品質工程(部)

QA的英文名:Quality Assurance中文名:品質保證(處)

QC的英文名:Quality Control中文名:品質管制(課)

FAL的英文名:first article inspection中文名:新品首件檢查

CP的英文名:Capability index中文名:能力指數

CPK的英文名:capability process index中文名:模具制程能力參數

FMEA的英文名:failure model effectiveness analysis中文中:失效模式分析 ACC的英文名:Accept中文名:允收


CR的英文名:Critical中文名:極嚴重的MAJ的英文名:Major中文名:主要的MIN的英文名:Minor中文名:輕微的P/N的英文名:Part Number中文名:料號

L/N的英文名:Lot Number中文名:批號

AOD的英文名:Accept On Deviation中文名:特采

UAI的英文名:Use As It中文名:特采

FPIR的英文名:First Piece Inspection Report中文名:首件檢查報告

PPM的英文名:Percent Per Million中文名:百萬分之一

PO:Purchasing Order:采購訂單

P/N:Part Number料號

OEM:Original Equipment Manufacture原設備制造:


5W1H:When,Where,Who,What,Why,How to




to whom it may concern, sincerely yours september 2010 敬启者: 我很荣幸推荐吴先生到贵校工作。吴先生自2010年7月起在我校(乐学教育)担任英语教师工作。他很有责任心,教学非常认真,是一个极富潜质并且热情上进的年轻人。他经常参加课堂以外的教学活动并且对学校做出了很多贡献。吴先生不仅能迅速掌握情况,擅于解决教学难题,而且他的逻辑思维使得他能够有效地分析难题。他所担任的所有工作都能完成得令人非常满意。事实上他是非常得值得信赖,所以我经常赋予他重任。在他的帮助下,我才能够花更多的时间来提高学生们优秀的英语口语能力。我因有一个如此有能力的老师而感到万分幸运。


工作单位英文推荐信样本 dear sir / madam, from 1996 to now, mr.mm has worked as a xxx.he has good education background.(以下是被推荐人的教育和工作经历内容, 个人资料屏蔽, 见凉!)mr.mm is a man of integrity, intelligence and hard working.with years of practical experience, he is able to handle crises of many kinds.(以下是被推荐人的工作上的成就内容, 个人资料屏蔽, 见凉!)(以下是被推荐人的工作内容, 个人资料屏蔽, 见凉!)2.main responsibilities(以下是被推荐人的工作职责内容, 个人资料屏蔽, 见凉!)3.current payment(以下是被推荐人的工资待遇内容, 个人资料屏蔽, 见凉!)all facts listed as above are strongly guaranteed and open to legal investigation.i definitely believe that he will behave himself and be good assets to you country if he can immigrate successfully.should you have any doubt or want any further information about him, please feel free to contact me directly or dial the phone number in the letterhead.yours faithfully, employee relations coordinator signature: date:篇三:英文工作推荐信样本

英文工作推荐信样本 november xx, xxxx to whom it may concern: this is to confirm that mr.xxx has worked as a full-time system analyst in the ny university since jun xxxx(or this letter is to verify that mr.xxx worked as an chemist from july xxxx to sept.xxxx).mr.xs main duties and responsibilities are as follows: mr.x has mainly taken part in the following projects: upgrading banks system for ibm as/400 e45 to ibm as/400 320, ibm as/400 530.the design and development network and database systems for the golden credit card project.mr.x is well experienced with ibm as/400 system analysis, tcp/ip protocol, sna protocol and lan;proficient in rpgiii, vb, c/c++ and db2, and skilled in unix, informix, cxent/server etc.sincerely yours, singature, xxx senior engineer and technical manage 英文工作推荐信 november 10, 1999 to whom it may concern:
this is to confirm that mr.li dashui has worked as a full-time system analyst in the ny university since jun 1994(or this letter is to verify that mr.li dashui worked as an chemist from july 1993 to sept.1994).mr.lis main duties and responsibilities are as follows: mr.li has mainly taken part in the following projects: upgrading banks system for ibm as/400 e45 to ibm as/400 320, ibm as/400 530.the design and development network and database systems for the golden credit card project.mr.li is a hard-working and talented analyst, and is highly sincerely yours, singature, zhang xiaoming senior engineer and technical manage 翻译硕士考研英语推荐信写作方法





◆ 推荐信写作框架

第一段: 写信目的,指出写信人和被推荐人的关系;第二段: 推荐原因(品质,能力,性格等):多写优点肯定成绩;第三段: 总结说明被推荐人值得被推荐(例如能胜任某项工作)。

◆ 常用句式:









9、i look forward to hearing from you at the earliest possibly moment.希望尽早收到您的回复。

如果对他的能力或此推荐信还有什么疑问,请随时和我联系。◆ 参考范文 dear sir/ madam, yours sincerely, li ming 以上就是我所讲的翻译硕士推荐信的写作方法,希望同学们能够多多关注下书信类的作文及其范文为即将到来的考研做准备。















第三篇: 英语申请工作


【在人事部填申请表】A: Hello, sir.Can I help you?B: Yes.I want to apply for a job you posted on the Internet yesterday.A: What’s the job title?B: Service Technician.How can I apply for this position?A: You need to fill out an Application Form.B: Where is it?

A: It is on the desk over there.Be sure to fill out everything.Don’t leave any blank spaces.When you’re done bring the application to me.B: Okay.Thanks.A: 你好,先生。我能帮您吗? B: 我想申请你们昨天在网上登出来的职位。A: 职位的名称是什么? B: 维修技师。我该怎么申请这个职位? A: 你需要填一份申请表。B: 申请表在哪里? A: 在那边的桌子上。一定要填完整,别留任何空白。填完之后把申请表给我。B: 好的。谢谢。【递交申请表】 A: Are you done? B: Yes.A: Let me see.Everything looks fine.We’ll be taking applications for this position through Friday.We’ll start calling for interviews sometime next week.B: So can I expect to hear from you to set up an appointment for an interview sometime

next week?

A: That’s right.B: Thank you very much.Bye-bye.A: Bye now.A: 表填完了吗?

B: 填完了。

A: 让我看一下。看起来没什么问题。我们接受这个职位的申请一直到星期五。下周,我们会开始打电话安排面试。

B: 就是说,我在下周能接到你们的面试通知?

A: 是的。

B: 非常感谢你,再见。

A: 再见。



different people have various ambitions.some want to be engineers or doctors in the future.some want to be scientists or businessmen.still some wish to be teachers or lawers when they grow up in the days to come.unlike other people, i prefer to be a farmer.however, it is not easy to be a farmer for iwill be looked upon by others.anyway,what i am trying to do is to make great contributions to agriculture.it is well known that farming is the basic of the country.above all, farming is not only a challenge but also a good opportunity for the young.we can also make a big profit

by growing vegetables and food in a scientific way.besides we can apply what we have learned in school to farming.thus our countryside will become more and more properous.i believe that any man with knowledge can do whatever they can so long as this job can meet his or her interest.all the working position can provide him with a good chance to become a talent.everybody good afternoon:.first of all thank the teacher gave me a story in my own future ideal job.everyone has a dream job.my dream is to become a boss, own a company.in order to achieve my dreams, i need to find a good job, to accumulate some experience and wealth, it is the necessary things

of course, in the school good achievement and rich knowledge is also very important.good achievement and rich

experience can let me work to make the right choice, have more opportunities and achievements.at the same time, communication is very important, because it determines whether my company has a good future development.so i need to exercise their communicative ability.i need to use all of the free time to learn all.because i believe, there is nothing in the world can shake my determination.you will be successful, as your own efforts.so seize the time, we have no time to waste.nothing in the world can change their patience.各位同学下午好:






xian in my eyes

ladies and gentlemen: please pay

attention to me.today, my speech topic is xian in my eyes

xian is really a great and beautiful city.the history of xian is evident and the ancient capital of 13 dynasties.this is why foreigners like xian.xian is really full of artistic breath.there are many interesting and beautiful buildings in xian, such as da yan pagoda and the bell tower.they are the emblems of this city.if you walk on the streets, you suddenly feel hungry.don be worried, xian has a lot of delicious food, such as chinese hamburgers and cool noodles and so on.now, xian is confronted with a lot of challenges, such as traffic jams, the environmental pollution, and millions of people

and so on.although xian has lots of difficults i am sure that people in xian can solve these problems, because i think people in xian are friendly, clever, hard—working, and generous.so i think

that xian will be better and better.the world expo will be held in xian.i will be a volunteer.i think everyone should do something helpful for the world expo.as time goes by, xian will be more and more beautiful, richer and richer, better and better!!i love xian for ever!!

that’s all.thank you very much!


首先,再某种程度上,这种观点是正确的。根据最新的调查显示:世界上纸质报纸的种类最近几年减少很多,越来越多的报纸停止印刷,开始转向电子发售。传统印刷的书籍销量越来越少,与之相反,网络小说却越来越火爆。许多年轻人 更加钟情于网络小说。电子书籍具有更新快,阅读方便等优点。


with the development of science and technology, like electricity paper books,’t a mp5, computer, with reading the features of mobile phones and other electronic products is

becoming more and more popular.therefore, there are more and more people through the electronic products to reading books, newspapers, etc.hence, the society has a point: the traditional paper books will eventually be electronic books instead.first of all, to some extent, this view is correct.according to the latest survey shows that: the world in recent years the type paper newspaper, reduce a lot more newspapers stop printing, begins to turn electronic sale.traditional printing of books sold less and less, in contrast,network is more and more popular novels.many young people are more interested in network novel.electronic books are updated quickly, reading convenience etc.however, this opinion is very one-sided.paper books can circulate, thousands of years, ebook easily lost.in addition, you can think carefully: you hand holds a fine books, sitting under the tree, can deeply wallow in.electronic could give you this kind of feeling? have a good metaphor: the traditional paper books to a your legs, ebook compared to the newly invented the bicycle.no matter how traffic

tools, also won’t again replace your legs.they all have the same truth, isn’t it?

so i say: paper books won’t disappear!

is optimism always better than pessimism

good morning everyone, today i will talk about optimism and

pessimism with you, many people will say that optimism is better.well, is optimism always better than pessimism? i don’t think so , and that is what i want to talk about today.generally speaking, optimism is really beneficial to us, it can raise our will up, it can help us solve problem efficiently.when we meet

difficulties, an optimistic person take it as a challenge to show his

abilities up while a pessimistic person is always afraid ofit, they are failed before they face to those difficulties.however, to some extent, optimism also has its shortcomings too, first, if a person is too optimistic, he will not have a deep understanding to a problem, and he always thinks he can do that, and it counts for nothing for him.it is really dangerous for him, take mr.good enough for example, he always doesn’t do something well, even if it may cause something terrible, he is always optimistic about it, in my opinion, he would rather to be pessimistic;after all, if you can not do it well, you’d rather not do it.so, in a word, proper optimism is better than pessimism and pessimism is better than over optimism.just be proper optimism and you will get your success.




dear ,thank you so much for seeing me yesterday.the interview confirmed what others have told me

listening to mother’s advice.later on i understood that you actually didn’t want to act like that and loved me deeply.i began to discover your bitterness and helplessness in life.heavy burden of life drived you and mother became more and more haggard.your hairs became white one by one.thank you!thank you for giving me and brother so much.even if you have been already more than fifty years old ,you are still working hard and serving us silently.thank you ,my most beloved father and mother.you will be handsome and

beautiful forever.living in a different place ,i willlook after myself well.and i hope you take good care of yourselves,too!

your dear son ,xujun


dear lucy,i am writing to expremy sincere thanks for your beautiful flowers.i? like you to know how much your flowers meant to me.you have a positive genius for selecting the right gift.i not only enjoyed your flowers, but also the delicate vase.i shall ever remember this gift as one of the most precious things in my life.i will not be very busy the following days.i hope to have the opportunity of reciprocating.would you kindly let me know what time you are at convenience?

i will feel very happy if you have time to make me a call.how nice it would

be to see you again and i am looking forward to seeing you next time!

i repeat my thanks again for your lovely flowers.please give my kind regards to your family.yours truly,huck


thank you for interview i

dear,i appreciated the opportunity to meet with you yesterday about the position of with。

i really enjoyed meeting with members of the office and learning about the job.the entire team certainly seem to be highly skilled and motivated and the work itself seems as rewarding as it is challenging.from our discussion,i gained a strong sense of s commitment to their clients and their employees.i also enjoyed our discussion of my opportunities and

future within the firm.i feel strongly that i possess the qualities required as a。i believe my education and experiences have prepared me well for a future with you.i eagerly anticipate our next meeting.thank you for considering me for this opportunity.sincerely,篇三:英文感谢信范文

dear prof.herthwell,many thanks for your kind hospitality and the honor you showed me during our delegation’s recent visit to your university.it was nice of you to introduce me to so many of your famous professors and celebrated scholars at your university.we had a safe and sound trip home.now we have resumed our work.meanwhile, i hope you will someday pay a short visit to our university and give us some lectures on “modern western economics”。

please have no hesitation in writing to me if you want me to do something for you in china.with best wishes.sincerely yours,li dong



date and place


minister of _____


dear minister,i am writing this letter to thank you for you warm hospitality accorded to me and my delegation during our recent visit to your beautiful country.i would also like to thank you for your interesting

discussion with me which i have found very informative and useful.during the entire visit, my delegation and i were overwhelmed by the enthusiasm expressed by your business representatives on cooperation with china.i sincerely hope we could have more exchanges like this one when we would be able to continue our interesting discussion on possible ways to expand our bilateral ecomomic and trade relations and bring our business people together.i am lookingforward to your early visit to china when i will be able to pay back some of the hospitality i received during my memorable stay in yur beautiful country.with kind personal regards,faithfully yours,mr.___ minister of economic cooperation


thank you for interview i

dear ,i appreciated the opportunity to meet with you yesterday about the position of

with.i really enjoyed meeting with members of the office and learning about the job.the entire

team certainly seem to be highly skilled and motivated and the work itself seems as

rewarding as it is challenging.from our discussion,i gained a strong sense of

scussion of my opportunities and future within the firm.i feel strongly that i possess the qualities required as a.i believe my education

and experiences have prepared me well for a future with you.i eagerly anticipate our next 『本文由第 一·范 文


meeting.thank you for considering me for this opportunity.sincerely,



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