2013年春初一英语(下)Unit 2 What time do you go to school教案

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第一篇:2013年春初一英语(下)Unit 2 What time do you go to school教案

Unit 2 What time do you go to school?

教学目标: words:quickly , lot,sometimes,taste

Expressions: either…or…/take a walk/lots of

Sentences:I either watch TV or play computer games.It tastes good ,It’s not good for her.教学重点:word and expression



Unit2What time do you go to school?


Words: quickly /sometimes/taste/lot/either

Sentences:I either watch TV or play computer

It tastes good.It’s not good for her.教学过程:上课前,自我介绍。

Hi!boys and girls,nice to meet you.I am your new

teacher, You can call me Miss Liu…


Ask students some questions

T: Hello,do you like sports?


T:It’s a healthy habit.What time do you get up?

S:I get up at …

T:Get up at?It’s a healthy activity.Go on like this.review thehealthy and unhealthy

activities.Step2.Leading in the new words and learning.T:I usually get up at six.I eat breakfast quickly.I like

hamburgers for lunch,they taste good but

sometimes I eat a lot of vegetables for

lunch.I either watch TV or take a walk after

dinner.You see,I have healthy and unhealthy


板书:quickly/taste/ sometimes/lot/either

Step3Learn 2a

T: I have some pictures ,guess what activities are

they?Which are healthy?Let’s play a

game.boys PK girls.OK?(画简图:男孩和女



Step4 Learn 2b

T: Everyone has healthy and unhealthy activities.Tony

and Mary are brothers and sisters,they have


habits.Let’s look at the

pictures,who is healthier?

⑴Read silently and answer.only circle the healthy


⑵Listen and find out unhealthy activities,draw line.(播放录音,让学生划出答案)

Check the answers

Step5 Learn 2c

T:OK, now ,let’s write down the unhealthy and

healthy activities,finish 2b.(给学生几分钟写下这些活动)

Check the answers

Reading the article.Step 6 Explain

T:Ther are many important expressions and sentences

Write down on your books


Step7 Summary

T: OK,that’s all this class.What have you learned

from this class?


Step8.Exercise.T: Let’s do some exercises.播放幻灯片

Sep9 Homework








Unit 8 Topic 2 The summer holidays are coming.Section A Teaching aims: 1.学习并掌握新单词及词组:together, interest, Germany, India, places of interest 2.能够运用表示意愿和计划的基本表达法进行交流。

I want to go to Canada.I plan to go to Australia.I wish to travel around the country and take some pictures.I hope to get together with them.I’d like to visit some places of interest in China.3.复习一些国家名称及地理位置,学习新的国家名Germany和 India。

4.通过听录音和朗读,了解字母y和字母组合ure, ui, tion在单词中的发音规则。

Teaching important points: 表示意愿和计划的句型,如: I/He/She/They„ want to „.I/He/She/They„ plan to „.I/He/She/They„ would like to „.I/He/She/They„ wish to „.I/He/She/They„ hope to „.Grammar: Want/plan/wish/hope/would like to do sth.Step1.Revision 1.Read the new words and Irregular Verbs on Page147 together.通过复习所学过的新单词和不规则动词的过去式,为本节课做好充分的准备。2.Having a test: In one minute, Students write the Past Tense of Irregular Verbs as many as they can.此环节为检测学生课后复习的落实情况和教师教学的实效性。3.Duty reports.请两位学生做值日报告,内容可以包括星期、日期、天气、出勤等等的内容。鼓励学生尽量开口讲英语,此环节有利于学生口语技巧、听力技巧等能力的提高。

Step2.Presentation 1.T: What’s the date today? S: It’s May 29th,2014.T: Yes.It’s May 29th,2014 today.The summer holidays are coming.In the holiday, some students want to go swimming.Some would like to climb hills.Some plan to fly kites.Some hope to learn the piano.But I wish to travel to Beijing and visit the Great Wall.T: What is your holiday plan? Can you tell me? S1: I want to visit the Great Wall.It’s wonderful.S2: I plan to join the English club to improve my English.S3: My parents and I will go to Yunnan for my summer holiday.„„


2.Listen to the tape and read after it loudly.Listen again.3.Answer the questions.What are the children talking about? Where does Kangkang want to go? Does Maria also want to go to Canada? What’s Jane’s holiday plan? 4.Express the text.talk about„谈论关于„„ travel around环游„„

take some pictures拍一些照片 get together with sb.和某人团聚

some places of interest一些名胜古迹 have a wonderful time 玩得非常高兴

The summer holidays are coming soon.暑假即将到来。I’d like to visit some places of interest in China.我想要参观中国的一些名胜古迹。

Step3.Practice 1.Listen to 1a and match the pictures with the children of 1b.2.Listen, read and match in Part2.Then check the answers.3.Listen to the children’s plans for holidays and check the correct answers in Part3.4.Listen and read the sounds and words aloud in 4a.Step4.Homework 1.Recite the text of 1a.2.Finish the workbook of Sections A.3.Review the sentence patterns of “Holiday Plans”.板书:

1.—What is your holiday plan? — I want to „.I’d like to „.I plan to „.I hope to „.I wish to „.2.Questions: What are the children talking about? Where does Kangkang want to go? Does Maria also want to go to Canada? What’s Jane’s holiday plan? 4.talk about„谈论关于„„

travel around环游„„

take some pictures拍一些照片 get together with sb.和某人团聚

Some places of interest一些名胜古迹 Have a wonderful time 玩得非常高兴


本节课上下来我总体感觉比较顺畅,课堂气氛活跃、师生配合很默契,学生也能积极主动回答问题。课堂上的重点、难点把握地很到位,教学思路清晰,各个环节有序推进。学生对本节课教学内容很感兴趣,掌握地很好,尤其是1b和Part 2。相对于本节内容比较难的是1c中表达意愿、愿望的句型以及Part 3的听力题。这两方面学生掌握程度相对弱一些。等到下一节课还应该拿出来反复操练复习。单词plan 做为名词及动词两种词性的用法也要多操练,如:plan to do sth.计划做某事(动词);make a plan 制定计划,the holiday plans 假期计划(名词)。




初一第一学期Unit 6 Travelling around Asia



课型 新授课






1.学生对新知识的理解以及接受能力 2.相关的文化背景以及资料

教学过程 Getting Ready Warming up 课前发给学生导学案预习

Unit 6 Travelling around Asia 中译英

亚洲________ 手册________ 传统的_______

建筑物________ 穿过________ 方向________ 桥 ________ 喷泉________ 池塘________

在外面________ 寺庙________ 天然的,自然的________ 旅游手册________________ 名胜________________ 在。。中心________________ 照亮________________ 在。。西北部________________ 去观光________________



参加人员:全体活动小组成员 主要内容:学唱歌曲 Jingle Bells 活动目的:听唱英文歌曲,让学生既丰富生活陶冶情操,又能提高学习。英语歌曲语言优美、曲调动听,在享受音乐的无穷美妙与体会歌词的简练深刻的同时,它可以帮助学生学语言、词汇、句型、语法、历史文化、并锻炼了他们的语言交际能力。

一、播放歌曲Jingle Bells Dashing through the snow In a one horse open sleigh O'er the fields we go Laughing all the way Bells on bob tails ring Making spirits bright

What fun it is to laugh and sing A sleighing song tonight

Oh, jingle bells, jingle bells Jingle all the way

Oh, what fun it is to ride In a one horse open sleigh Jingle bells, jingle bells Jingle all the way

Oh, what fun it is to ride In a one horse open sleigh

A day or two ago

I thought I'd take a ride

And soon Miss Fanny Bright Was seated by my side

The horse was lean and lank

二、自由学习Jingle Bells

三、演唱Jingle Bells


Misfortune seemed his lot We got into a drifted bank And then we got upsot

Oh, jingle bells, jingle bells Jingle all the way

Oh, what fun it is to ride In a one horse open sleigh Jingle bells, jingle bells Jingle all the way

Oh, what fun it is to ride

In a one horse open sleigh yeah

Jingle bells, jingle bells Jingle all the way

Oh, what fun it is to ride In a one horse open sleigh Jingle bells, jingle bells Jingle all the way

Oh, what fun it is to ride

In a one horse open sleigh 1 初一英语社团活动小组活动教案

参加人员:全体活动小组成员 主要内容:听唱英语歌曲


一、播放英文歌曲 Bingo

[Bingo] [Twins] [] [HarryChan] [offset:]

There was a farmer had a dog, and bingo was his name, OH!


And bingo was his name, Oh!

There was a farmer had a dog, and bingo was his name, OH!


And bingo was his name, Oh!

There was a farmer had a dog, and bingo was his name, OH!


And bingo was his name, Oh!

There was a farmer had a dog, and bingo was his name, OH!


And bingo was his name, Oh!

There was a farmer had a dog, and bingo was his name, OH!


And bingo was his name, Oh!

There was a farmer had a dog, and bingo was his name, OH!

And bingo was his name, Oh!







Unit 8



2.学习、掌握英语的时态—— 一般现在时 3.学习英语序数词与基数词的转换 教学目标



3、通过练习,掌握序数词与基数词的转换 教学步骤



1.Daniel watches TV every evening.(改为否定句)Daniel TV every evening.2.I do my homework every day.(改为一般疑问句并作否定回答)—— you homework every day? ——No,I.3.She likes milk.(改为一般疑问句并作肯定回答)

—— she milk? —— Yes.,she.4.Simon is from Beijing.(同义句改写)Simon Beijing.5.Millie is clever at Maths.(同义句改写)Millie Maths.Ⅲ.改错。

1.Is you brother speak English? A B C()2.Does he looks like his father? A B C()3.He likes play games after class.A B C()4.Mr Wu teachs us English.A B C()5„.She doesn’t her homework on Sundays.A B C()Ⅳ.将下列句子译成英文。1._桑迪放学后打羽毛球吗? 不.她学习很用功.放学后她总是看书.._ Sandy badminton after school? No.She hard.She always books after school.2.他在第三中学上学.他每天早上七点上学.优秀,绝非偶然!梦想,更需导航!

He in No.3 Middle School.He to school at 7a.m.every day.3.父亲早晨送我到学校.My father me to school in the morning.4.我女儿喜欢看电视和听音乐..My daughter TV and to music.5.西蒙朋友的姐姐长大后想当一位歌手.Simon’s friend’s sister to a singer when she up.一般现在时用法专练(B)

1.按要求改写下列句子.1、Sandy has long hair in a ponytail.(改为一般疑问句并作肯定回答)Sandy long hair in a ponytail? Yes ,.2、Simon and Daniel are good friends.(改为否定句)Simon and Daniel ______ good friends.3、We are in the school football team.(改为一般疑问句并作肯定回答)you in the school football team? Yes,..4、Amy likes playing computer games.(改为一般疑问句并作否定回答)________ Amy ________ playing computer games? No, ________ ________.5、We go to school every morning.(改为否定句)We ________ ________ to school every morning.6、She is always ready to help others.(改为一般疑问句并作否定回答)________ she always ready to help others? No, ________ ________.7、The earth goes around the sun.(改为一般疑问句并作肯定回答)________ the earth ________ around the sun? Yes, ________ ________.8、He speaks English very well.(改为否定句)He ________ speak English well.9、John comes from Canada.(对划线部分提问)Where ________John ________ from?

10、I like taking my dog for a walk after suppe What ________ you ________ ________ after supper?.二.改错

1.Lily and Lucy doesn’t want to clean the blackboard.2.Mr Green likes work in China very much.3.My mother often go to the shop on Sundays.4.She doesn’t likes bread or cakes.5.Where is Jim and Kate now? 6.There are some water and leaves in the pool.7.Please give a colour pencil for me.8.They aren’t go to school at the weekend.9.The dog sits between the chair.10.She often works hard and goes to bed in night.优秀,绝非偶然!梦想,更需导航!


Unit 8 When is your birthday ?


1、表示数目的数词,叫基数词。如:one two three four„„

2、表示顺序的数词叫序数词。“ 基数词 + th”构成序数词。

3、“ 基数词 + th” 的方法:(1)、1-----19 的基数词变序数词的方法:

基变序,有规则,后面加的是th(读 / θ /)。一 二 三,特殊词;八减t,九减e,f要把ve替。


One eleven six sixteen two twelve seven seventeen three thirteen eight eighteen four fourteen nine nineteen five fifteen ten(2)、以ty 结尾的基数词,变y为i,再加eth(读 / Iθ /)。twenty------twentieth thirty------thirtieth(3)、“ 几十几” 的基数词,只把连字符后面的部分变成序数词。twenty — one-----------twenty — first thirty — two-------------thirty — second




This is the first student.这是第一名学生。He is my secend son.他是我的第二个儿子。

That boy is Jim’s third friend.那个男孩是吉姆的第三个朋友。

二、记忆下列月份单词,然后记忆用序数词作的解释。January the first month of a year February the second month of a year March the third month of a year April the fourth month of a year May the fifth month of a year June the sixth month of a year July the seventh month of a year August the eighth month of a year September the ninth month of a year October the tenth month of a year


November the eleventh month of a year

二、表示年月日: “年”用基数词,“日用序数词”。

例如: 1949年10月1日—写法: Oct..1, 1949.读做:Oct.(the)first, nineteen forty-nine.2009年3月27日—写法: March 27, 2009.读作: March,(the)twenty-seventh, two thousand and nine.本块习题


1、Mr Green has ______(two)______(daughter).2、Kate is Mr Green’s ______(one)_______(daughter).3、There are ______(twelve)_______(month)in a ______(year).4、March ______(be)_______(three)_______(month)of a year.5、They have ______(twenty)_______(computer)._______(five)is white.6、I can afford _______(eighter)sweater.7、Mr Green’s ______(nine)store is very big.8、My _______(thirty—one)friend likes ______(tomato).二、改错

1、This is the my fifth shirt.2、First apples are big.3、He is third actor.4、I have the second brothers.5、She is the Han Mei’s twelfth friend.三、序数词练习

数词训练<一> 序数词变化口诀:

基变序,有规律,一般情况-th, 一二三,first,second,third 八去t,九去e,ve要用f替,然后再加-th,(eight-eighth,nine-ninth five-fifth,twelve-twelfth), 整十变化须注意,变y为ie,再加-th 若要表示“几十几”,后面个位变化就可以。(前基后序莫忘记twenty-first)


1.twelve(序数词)________________ 2.thirteen(序数词)__________________ 3.ninth(基数词)_________________ 4.eighteenth(基数词)___________________ 5.second(基数词)_______________ 6.three(序数词)______________________ 7.fifth(基数词)_________________ 8.one(序数词)______________________ 9.nineteen(序数词)_______________ 10.twenty-four(序数词)________________ 11.thirty(序数词)_________________ 12.forty-second(基数


词)_________________ 13.fiftieth(基数词)_______________ 14.thirty-one(序数词)___________________ 15.twenty(序数词)________________ 16.twenty-three(序数词)________________


1.五月八日____________________2.三月二十二日_______________________ 3.在四月 _______________________4.在六月三日______________________ 5.四月三十日____________________ 6.三月九日_______________________ 7.五月十五日____________________ 8.四月十二日_____________________ 9.六月一日_____________________ 10.在三月二日______________________ 11.the seventeenth of February_________ 12.the fifth of September__________ 13.on the twenty-first of December______________ 14.in August____________ 15.the thirtieth of November_____________ 16.the fourth of January___________ 17.the tenth of July_______________ 18.the twelfth of October______________ 19.-今天是星期几? ________________________________-今天是星期六。_______________________________ 20.-今天是几月几日?________________________________-今天是三月五日。______________________________ 21.-你的生日在什么时候?_______________________________________-我的生日在六月三日。________________________________________ 22.我今年13岁,这是我的第十三个生日。_____________________________________________________________________


()1.(2006·重庆)The _____ question is much more different than this one.A.sixth B.six C.sixteen

D.sixty()2.(2006·孝感)This is the _____ time in _____ days that he has made the same mistake.A.second, third B.two, three

C.two, third D.second, three()3.(2006·莱芜市)It was the second time for China to send a manned(载人的)spaceship into the sky, but it was the _____ time for Fei Junlong and Nie Haisheng to go to the space·

A.first B.second




()4.(2006·湖北黄冈)What's the date today?-It's _____.A.May the fourth B.May four

C.the May fourth D.fourth May()1.Please turn to ______.A.Page 11 B.the 11 st page C.page 11 D.page the 11 th()2.At night we can see ______ stars in the sky.A.thousands and thousands of B.thousand and thousands of C.a thousand and thousands D.thousand and thousand()3.There are some _____ in our classroom.A.hundred of books B.the hundreds of books C.hundreds of books D.hundred of book()4.I have been to the village ________.A.a hundred time B.hundred times C.hundreds of times D.hundred of times


()5.There are ____ students in our school.A.four—and forty—five D.four hundred and forty five()6.The tea hundred and forty—five

B.four hundred and forty—five C.four hundreds cher told me to go over _____ lessons.A.thirst three B.the three first C.three the first D.the first three()7.May is ____ of a year.A.the fifth months B.the fifth month C.the five months D.the five month()8.We live in ______.A.the twenty-first century B.the century twenty-one C.century twenty-one D.the century twenty-first()9.He said he was going to be free in _______.A.one and a half hour B.one hour and half C.one and half hours D.an hour and a half()10.---How many English books are there on the table?---There is only _____English book on it.A.a B.an C.one D.the()11.Mr Smith stayed in _____ last night.A.Room 403 B.the Room 403 C.the 403 room D.403 the room()12.The road is _________.A.two thousand and five hundred metres long B.two thousands metres long C.long one thousand five hundred metre D.a thousand and five hundreds metres long()13.He joined the army on ______ of May 1980.A.1 st B.the 1 C.first D.the first()14.Is Sunday the ____ day of the week? A.a B.one C.once D.first()15.March the _____ is Women’s Day.A.eighth B.ninth C.tenth D.eight()16.September is the _____month of the year.A.nineth B.ninth C.nine D.the twelveth()17.December the ____ is Christmas.A.twenty-five B.twenty-fifth C.twentieth-five D.twenty-five()18.Another way of saying Lesson 12 is __________.A.Lesson ten-two B.Lesson Ten-second C.the Twelfth Lesson D.Twelfth lesson I.选择题

1—5.AACCB 6—10.DBADC 11—15.DADDA 16—18.BBC




一 用所给动词正确形式填空

1.He loves ______________(read)newspaper.2.Nick goes ______________(swim)every Saturday afternoon.3.Simon enjoys______________(play)football.4.Mr Mu likes ______________(walk)after school.5.Amy likes ______________(talk)on the phone with her friends.6.Simon usually goes ______________(run)for half an hour.7.Sandy enjoys ______________(look)for things on the Internet.8.I don’t like ______________(dance).9.Eric is a member of the ______________(read)Club.10.It’s a fine day.What about ______________(play)badminton in the park? I.写出下列动词的第三人称单数形式:

1.wash_________ match _______guess______ study______ finish_________ go________ snow______ carry_________ 2.stop______ see________ drive ________let_______ carry______ keep_____ join______ find_______ think________ teach______ catch______ 3.stay_______ begin______ forget_______ forget______ lie________ die _______ run_______ prefer______ give________ ring_______ dance______ hope_______ II.用所给动词的适当形式填空:

1.I ________(write)to you as soon as I _______(get)to London.2.He doesn’t feel well and ____________(not eat)any food this morning.3.He ______ not _______(see)me come in, for he ___________(read)something with great interest.4.I _________(let)you have the book as soon as I _________(finish)it.5.While we waiting(wait)for our teacher, a little boy ________(run)up to us.6.Don’t make a noise.Grandpa __________(sleep).7.Tom’s family__________(watch)TV.8.It ________(take)me two hours to finish my homework last night.9.What ______ your mother _______(do)every evening? She _______(wash)clothes.10._______ it ______(rain)every day? 11.What _______(do)_______ on Sundays ? We ________(play)football.12.There ________(be)a football match on TV every morning.13.they often ________(visit)the Great Wall.14.Who _______(dance)the best in your class? 15.he _____________(not come).16.The earth __________(move)round the sun.17.______ It ______(rain).every evening? 18 She ________(buy)a sweater.19.Mr.Wang often______(go)to Shanghai.I ______(ask)him _______(take)some books to my daughter, because she _______(study)there.III单项选择:


2.There _____ an English film.A.will have B.is going to have C.is going to be D.is 3.The picture _______ nice.A.looks B.is looked C.look D.is looking 4.She ______ down and soon falls asleep.A.live B.lain C.laid D.lies 5.They _____ the office in time very morning.A.reach to B.arrived C.went D.get to 6.We shall go to Shanghai on business before you _____ back next week.A.will come B.came C.would come D.come 7.The plane ______ off.A.takes B.took C.was taken D.is take 8.I see her ____ the room this morning.A.to enter B.entered C.enter D.enters 9.The teacher asks us ______ to school on time.A.to come B.coming C.come D.comes 10.John is always ______ others.A.help B.helping C.helps D.to help 11.He tells us ______ at eight.A.working B.to work C.work D.worked 12.You’d better ______ at home and ______ your homework.A.to stay, do B.stay, do C.to stay, to do D.stay, to do 13.He sits down ______ a rest.A.having B.have C.to have D.had 14.Uncle Wang knows _______ a washing machine.A.how to make B.to make C.how making D.what to make 15.Jim decides _______ Polly to Ling Feng when he is back to England.A.to leave B.left C.leaving D.leave

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    初一英语(下)基本句型 Class _________ Name __________ Number ___________1、是上课的时间了。It’s_______ _____ ______ classes. = It’s ______ ______ class. 2、你觉......


    U2 复习 一,单项选择题 1 –Excuse me, where is Jim?-Oh, he ______ dumplings in the kitchen. A makesB will makeC is makingD made 2 –Hurry up! It’s time to leave.......


    英语七年级下·RJUnit 1 Can you play the guitar?单元总览 Language Goals【语言目标】Learn to talk about abilities.Learn to talk about what club they wa......


    初一英语下Unit5预习解析 一. 语言目标(Language Goal) 谈论人们在干什么(Talk about what people are doing) 二. 语言功能: 以人们的日常活动(everyday activities)为话题,学会谈......


    Starter Unit3 第一课时听课反思 锡麟中学 冯利英 今天听了文澜中学张老师的课后,受益匪浅。张老师准备充分,自身素质较好,语音语调自然流利,他采用多种教学手段,让学生在轻松......


    第一课时 英语26个字母教案 一、教法 本单元主要内容是让学生能听、说、读、写四会,掌握从A到N14个英语字母,并能正确辨认其中的三个元音字母,即 Aa,Ee,Ii。能认读其印刷体和手写......


    一、“两者”与“三者” 有些不定代词只用于表示两个人或两个事物,它们是both, either和neither;而有些不定代词则只用于指三个或三个以上的人或事物,它们是all, any, none和ev......


    初一英语写作公开课教案 Subject: Module5 Healthy food, Unit 2 A lesson in good health Teaching contents: Words: favourite, candy, Coke, hamburger, ice cream, unh......