
时间:2019-05-12 21:00:28下载本文作者:会员上传




()1.They ______ a village in the evening and lived there.A.arrived inB.arrived atC.left forD.got

()2.______ is it from your home to school?

A.How oftenB.How longC.How farD.How soon

()3.He gets up early and ______ breakfast.A.have a quickB.has quick aC.has a quickD.have quick

()4.The No.6 Middle School is not far ______ his home.A.toB.fromC.withD.at

()5.My school isn’t far from here.It’s only _____ walk.A.fifteen minutesB.fifteen minutes’ C.fifteen minute’sD.fifteen minutes’s

()6.—__________。— By bus.A.Why does he go to work?B.How does he go to work?

C.When does she go to work?D.Where does he work?

()7.—__________is it from your school to the zoo? —It's about six miles(英里).A.How muchB.How manyC.How longD.How far

()8.I like to _______my bike _______ weekends.A.take;inB.catch;a t C.live;onD.ride;on

()9.________ it take you to walk from(从)your home to(到)your office?

A.How long isB.How long does

C.How many time doesD.How many hours are

()10.It will(将)take the men half a year ________ the work.A.finish(完成)B.finishingC.to finish

()11.— How do you go to school? — I ______.A.take busB.take the busC.by the busD.on the bus

()12.“does it take you to go to the park by taxi?” “About 30 minute.”

A.HowB.How farC.How long

()13.They’re waiting(等)______ the bus stop.A.onB.inC.at

()14.______ do you think ______ China’s education? D.How many D.for D.finishes


()15.One of the twins(双胞胎)is a doctor, ______ is a policeman.A.otherB.others

二、用单词的适当形式填空 C.the otherD.another

1.How far __________ Jim __________(live)from here?

2.There __________(be)sixty __________(minute)in an hour.3.It takes __________(I)2 hours __________(do)my homework.4.Let him__________(look)at your map.4.He ____________(ride)his bike to work every day.5.Don’t say(说)it in____________(China), Say it in English.6.What do you ____________(usual)do on Sundays?



It isn't ____________ ____________ the school to the bus stop.2.坐火车去北京需用多长时间?

How long ____________ it ____________ to go to Beijing by train?


____________ ____________ you get to school every day?


It _______ _______ _______an hour _______ _______ his homework.every evening.3.“我该乘哪路车?”“ 这取决于你在哪里。”

—__________ bus should I __________?

—It __________ __________ __________ you live.4.通常你怎样去上学。我通常骑车去上学。

---__________ __________ you usually go to school?

---I usually go to school __________ __________.5.他通常每天用一小时做作业。

It usually _______ _____ half an hour ______ _______ his homework every day.5.你家离学校有多远?

__________ __________ is it __________ your home __________ school?


_________ __________ does it __________ you __________ get to school from your home?



__________ __________ Jim usually get to school by bike?


__________ __________ people are there in your family?


__________ __________ orange would the girl like?

(就划线部分提问)__________ __________ is it from your home to your school?


__________ __________ is your little brother?


__________ __________ do children need to sleep every day?



1.牢固掌握Unit 3中重点单词、短语、句型。

12.通过独立思考和小组合作, 能灵活运用指示代词、人称代词和名词的单复数。















The first period(SectionA 1a—1c).自学导航:

预习Section A(1a—1c)的单词,注意读音及拼写。


1.Ben is my brother.Alice is my______.2.Mr Smith is her father.Mrs Smith is her______.3.This is a ruler and ______is a pencil.4.These are my brothers and _____are my sisters.5.He is my grangfather.She is my_______.二.预习后,选用this,that,these或those填空.1.Mom,_____is my English teacher,Miss Gao.2.What is_____over there(在那边)?_____is a baseball.3.Are______your keys ? Yes,they are.4.Are______your pencils ? No,these are my pencils.5.A:Hello,____is Jane.Is____Peter? B: Yes,Peter speaking.三.预习简单的名词复数形式,并写出下列词的复数.1.sister 2.key 3.boy 4.parent 5.grandparent

6.friend 7.brother * 8.am/is * 9.this * 10.that

The second period(Section A 2a-4)

一.Listen and fill in the blanks.Dave:___ ____my ______.Mom, this is Lin Hai.Lin Hai:Nice to meet you!

Mom:Nice to meet you ,Lin Hai!

Dave:And____ _____my ________.Grandparents:Hi,Lin Hai!

Dave:And this is my ________,Mary, and this is my _______,Jim.二.预习并用所给单词的适当形式填空.1.Mr Smith is our English teacher.______(he)is 30.This is_____(he)book.2.Is______(she)name Ann? Yes,it is.3.________(I)am Paul.Dave is_____(I)friend.4.Those_______(be)my brothers,and that_______(be)my sister.5.Is this your sister ? No, _______isn’t.三.复习二单元,预习Page15,你会以下句型转换吗?

1.These are his pens.(改为一般疑问句)

2.It is a pencil case.(对画线部分提问)

3.Is Kate a good girl?(作肯定和否定回答)

4.They are sisters.(改为否定句)

5.Is that your ruler?(作肯定和否定回答)

The third period(Section B 1-2c)

一.预习单词,根据句意及首字母提示完成句子.1.Dave is my uncle’s son.He is my c______.2.Kate is my sister.She is my mother’s d______.3.Tom is my father’s brother.He is my u________.4.Jim is my father’s son.He is my b________.5.My mother’s mother is my g____________.二.听填信息.Dave:This is my _______,and this is my ________.Lin Hai: And is _____ your ________?

Dave:Yes, and those are ________ __________.三.句型转换.1.I am her daughter.(改为同义句.)She_____ _______ ________.2.This is my friend.(变为复数形式)

3.That is his eraser.(变为复数形式)

*4.These are her oranges.(变为单数形式)

5.What are these in English?(变为单数形式)

The fourth period(Section B 3a-Self check)



七年级下册第三单元知识总结 1.乘坐交通工具的方式: ① take +a/an/the+(放句中)特殊的是自行交通工具车不能用take ② by+交通工具(放句尾)③ in/on+a/an/the+(放句尾)交通工具例如:我每天乘坐公共汽车去上班。用以上三种表达方式是: I go to work by bus.I take a/the bus to work.I go to work on a bus.She goes to school by car.She takes a/the car to school.She goes to school in a car.2.特殊的是

ride a bike 而不能说take a bike drive a car 也可以是take a car He rides a bike to school.He goes to school by bike.He rides to school.可以省略bike He drives to school.可以省略car ride名词一段路程的意思除了动词骑之外,还有

go for a ride去兜风 give me a ride 让我搭个便车 get sb.a ride打顺车 half an hour's ride路程

半小时的The bus ride takes me about 20 minutes.费我20分钟。公共汽车之旅花 3.步行到学校

Walk to school=go to school on foot on foot放到句末 4.对交通方式提问用how 如:I go to school by bike.对by bike提问用 How do you go to school?

5.三个到达:get to/arrive in/at /reach 只有reach后面不加介词 arrive in+大地点 arrive at+小地点 6.train ①火车②训练

7.take a walk=have a walk 散步 go out for a walk出去散步 8.What about =how about

doing 因为sth动词about?做某事怎么样呢?ing 是介词,后面用9.hundred百 thousand 千 million 百万 当前面加数字时它们都不加s


当前面没有数字,后面加of时他们加s 如:hundreds of 成百上千的 thousands of成千上万的 10.本单元有一个最重要的句型: It takes sb.+时间+to do sth.sb.用宾格 take译为花费 例如: It takes me ten minutes to go to school on foot.翻译的时候从后往前面翻译:步行去学校花费我十分钟 对以上句子中的ten minutes提问是本单元的第二个重点句型:

How long does it take you to go to school on foot?译为:步行到学校需要花费你多久? 对这个句型的回答一般用How long,但是因为在原句型中时间前面没有for,所以回答时不用for 比较以下两个句子: How long does it take you to go to school on foot? Ten minutes.How far is it from your home to school? Ten minutes' walk.译为:10分钟的路程。如果是骑车就用:Ten minutes' ride.如果是开车就用:Ten minutes' drive,因为drive也有名词的形式 take 有三种意思: 译为:带走,乘坐,花费 take sb.to +地点 带某人到某地

take sb.to do sth带某人去做某事 11.比较以下花费

a.take 主语是it 后跟to do,一般指花费时间

句型结构是:It takes sb.+时间+to do sth.b.spend 主语是人后跟doing,既可以花费时间,也可以花费金钱

句型结构是:Sb.+spend+时间或者金钱+(in)doing sth.Sb.+spend+时间或者金钱+on sth.c.pay 主语是人,与介词for连用,一般指花费金钱 句型结构是: Sb.+pay+钱+for+sth.d.cost主语是物,也可以是物,一般指花费金钱 句型结构是: It 或者sth cost sb.+钱 例如:

It takes me half an hour to watch TV every evening.七年级下册第三单元

=I spend half an hour(in)watching TV.以上句型不能换为pay和cost I paid(这里用pay过去式)100 dollars for the book.pay还有名词报酬,工资的意思

=The book cost me 100 dollars.at all costs不惜任何代价,无论如何

12.对一段距离提问用how far 如:对以下短语提问就用how far,译为 多远 five kilometers five minutes' walk ten minutes' ride 13.from····to··· 从···到··· 14.exercise 名词 锻炼 不可数exercise 只有做操类,练习题才可数 do morning exercises 动词,锻炼 do exercise=take exercise=do more exercise 15.live five kilometers from +地方 住的离某地有五公里 16.need+时间+to do sth.v需要时间做某事 need sb.to do sth.需要某人来做某事

need to do sth.需要做某事 17.stop to do sth.停下来去做另一件事(让做这件事)stop doing sth.停止做这件事(不让做这件事)stop ①停止 ②车站 bus station=bus stop



19.what ~ think of ~ 认为~怎么样?=How...like...?问的是对某件事情的看法 20.cross=go across

cross 是动词,across是介词 过街 cross the street=go across the street cross单三为crosses cross the river to school 过河上学

21.It’s+形容词+to do sth.做某事是怎样的 22.between~ and~ 在两者之间

23.no=not a/ not an/not any no后+名词(可名复或不可名/ 可多单)

I have no sister.=I don't have a sister.七年级下册第三单元

I have no friends.=I don't have any friends.I have no money.=I don't have any money.而not后不能直接跟名词,not必须加在be,can,助动词后面

24.run①跑 ②流淌③运营 The river runs very quickly.河水流得非常快。

25.quick 形容词,(放到名词前)→quickly 副词(放到动词后)26.on a ropeway 乘绳索 go on a ropeway乘索道去 27.an 8-year-old boy因为eight发音为元音 an 11-year-old boy 28.afraid 害怕的 be afraid to do sth.be afraid of sth.He is afraid to meet his headteacher.He is afraid of the dark.他怕黑。

29.He’s like a father to me


以上句子中like是介词像,只有当做介词才和be动词连用 30.many students = many of the students

some students=some of the students

most students=most of the students大多数学生 31.come ture 实现


My dream will come true.不能说 I will come true my dream.应该为:I will achieve my dream.32.penpal 笔友

33.Thanks for doing sth.为了做某事感谢某人 34.trip 旅途,旅游 take a trip /have a trip/ go on a trip/school trip 35.by plane= by air =fly to+ 地点=take a/the plane I fly a plane to Beijing.I take a plane to Beijing.I go to Beijing by plane.I go to Beijing by air.I go to Beijing by airplane.36.true adj.真的,真实的 副词truly I’m not sure.我不确定。37.leave 离开,留下 leave +地点 离开某地

38.village 村庄,villager 村民,countryside 乡村



一.写出相应的问句.1.________________________________?Yes, my aunt’s birthday is in August.2.________________________________?Because I can go skating in winter.3.________________________________?My birthday is in April.4.________________________________?Lily’s birthday is in July.5.________________________________?I usually have a picnic on my birthday.6.____________________________?

No, my grandma’s birthday is not in January.7.________________________________?I usually play the piano on Tuesdays.8.________________________________?Because I can eat many fruit in fall.二: 补全对话.1: A ________________________________?B: It’s sunny and hot in summer.2: A: _______________________________ ?B: I like fall best.3: A: ________________________________?B: Teacher’s Day is on Sept.10th.4: A: ________________________________?B: There are four holidays in fall.5.A: _______________________________?B: My father’s birthday is in July.6.A: ________________________________?B: It’s Wednesday.7.A: ________________________________?B: Today is June 10th.8.A: ________________________________?B: Amy has a birthday in March.9.A: _______________________________?B: No,my birthday is in October.10.Is your birthday in August?(是)__________________________.11.Is her birthday in June?

(不是)____________________________ 三.根据答句写问问.1.______________________________ ?My birthday is on August 9th.2._______________________________?I can water the flowers.3.________________________________?I often make a snowman in winter.4._______________________________?She can fly kites.5.__________________________________?It is Thursday.6.__________________________________?I usually do my homework at 8:00 in the evening.


PEP小学五年级下册英语第三单元练习题 一.写出相应的问句.1.________________________________?Yes, my aunt’s birthday is in August.2.________________________________?Because I can go skating in winter.3.________________________________?My birthday is in April.4.________________________________?Lily’s birthday is in July.5.________________________________?I usually have a picnic on my birthday.6.____________________________?No, my grandma’s birthday is not in January.7.________________________________?I usually play the piano on Tuesdays.8.________________________________?Because I can eat many fruit in fall.二.写出句子所缺的单词,使句子意思完整,合理.1: The first month of the year is ________.2: February is the _______ month of the year.3: I was born(出生于)in April 20th

.So my _______ is in April.4: There are ____ months in a season.Spring is from _____ to ______.Summer is from ______to _____.Fall is from_____to _____.Winter is from ______ to _______.三: 补全对话..xkb1.com

1: A ________________________________?B: It’s sunny and hot in summer.2: A: _______________________________ ?B: I like fall best.3: A: ________________________________?B: Teacher’s Day is on Sept.10th

.4: A: ________________________________?B: There are four holidays in fall.5.A: _______________________________?B: My father’s birthday is in July.6.A: ________________________________?B: It’s Wednesday.7.A: ________________________________?B: Today is June 10th.8.A: ________________________________?B: Amy has a birthday in March.9.A: _______________________________?B: No,my birthday is in October.10.Is your birthday in August?(是)__________________________.11.Is her birthday in June?(不是)____________________________ 四.给下列句子或对话填上适当的词,使其意思完整通顺.1.A: __________ do you have English class ?B: _______ 8:40.2.A: _________ do you do ?B: _____ am a student.3.A: __________ do you do ______ the weekend ?B: I often ___________ piano.How _______ you ? A: I often __________ mountains.4.Zhang Peng: ________ to meet you.John: Nice to _________ you , too.Zhang Peng : When ______ you get up ?John: ______ 7 : 00.Zhang Peng : ________ do you go to bed ?John : _____ 9:40.Zhang Peng : Thank you _______ telling me _________ your day.John : _________ welcome.5.Amy : What’s your favourite _________ ?Mike : Winter.Amy: What’s the weather like _______ winter ?Mike: ______ cold.6.Sarah: _________ season do you like best ?

Mike : I like __________ best.It’s always windy and cool.Sarah: ________ can you do in _________ ?Mike : I can _________ kites.7.Chen Jie: _________ is your birthday ? John : ________ birthday is ________ May.8.Amy : _________ is National Day ?

Zhang Peng : ________ October 1st

.When is your Independence Day ? Amy: It’s ___________________.五.回答问题.1.What’s your favourite day ? _______________________________________.2.What’s your favourite food ? _______________________________________.3.What’s your favourite fruit ? _______________________________________.4.What’s your favourite season ? ______________________________________.5.What’s the weather like in fall ? _____________________________________.6.What’s the weather like in summer ? _________________________________.7.What’s the weather like in winter ? ___________________________________.8.What’s the weather like in spring ? ___________________________________.9.Why do you like spring ? ___________________________________________.10.Why do you like summer ? _________________________________________.11.Why do you like fall ? _____________________________________________.12.Why do you like winter ? __________________________________________.13.When is your birthday ? ____________________________________________.14.When is your father’s birthday ? ______________________________________.15.When is your mother’s birthday ? _____________________________________.16.When is Tree-planting Day ? _________________________________________.17.When is New Year’s Day ? __________________________________________.18.When is Children’s Day ? ___________________________________________.19.When is Army Day ? _______________________________________________.20.When is National Day ? _____________________________________________.21.When is Christmas Day ? ____________________________________________.22.When is Women’s Day ? ____________________________________________.23.When is Teachers’ Day ? ____________________________________________.24.When is Independence Day ? _________________________________________.25.When do you get up ? _______________________________________________.26.When do you go to school ? __________________________________________.27.When do you do morning exercises ? __________________________________.28.What do you do ? __________________________________________________.29.What do you do on the weekend ? _____________________________________.30.Which season do you like best ? ______________________________________.31.What can you do in spring ? __________________________________________.32.What can you do in summer ? ________________________________________.33.What can you do in fall ? ____________________________________________.34.What can you do in winter ? __________________________________________.35.When is the best time to go to Beijing ? Why ?

_____________________________________________________.36.When is the best time to go to Hangzhou ? Why ?

_____________________________________________________.37.When is the best time to go to Sanya ? Why ?

_____________________________________________________.38.When is the best time to go to Harbin ? Why ?

_____________________________________________________.39.When is the best time to go to Qingdao ? Why ?

_______________________________________________________.六.根据答句写问问.th1.?My birthday is on August 9.2.?I can water the flowers.3.?I am going hiking.4.?My father is watching TV.5.?I often make a snowman in winter.6.?There are 12 months in a year.7.?The woman is cleaning the window.8.?Tom is playing sports.9.?My aunt is walking.10.?I am dancing.11.?I can cook dinner.12.?She can fly kites.13.?She is flying kites.14.?Zoom can swim.15.?Zip is swimming.16.?Today is Thursday.nd17.?Today is May 2.18.?I like Monday best.19.?I like pandas best.20.?No, John’s birthday isn’t in April.21.?No, Mike’s birthday is in April.22.?I usually do my homework at 8:00 in the evening.



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