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Unit 3 How do you get to school? 单元大归纳


1.get to school 到达学校

2.take the subway乘地铁

3.ride a bike 骑自行车

4.how far 多远

5.from home to school 从家到学校

6.every day 每天

7.ride the bus 乘公共汽车

8.by bike 骑自行车


1.take… to …= go to … by… 乘…去…

2.How do / does …get to …? …是怎样到…的?

3.How far is it from … to …?从…到…有多远?

4.It takes sb.some time to do sth.做某事花费某人多长时间。

5.How long does it take …?… 花费多长时间?

6.It is + adj.+ to do sth.做某事是….7.Thanks for + n./ v.ing感谢你(做)某事。


1.– How do you get to school?-I ride my bike.2.How far is it from your home to school?

3.How long does it take you to get to school?

4.For many students, it is easy to get to school.5.There is a very big river between their school and the village.话题写作


写作思路:开篇点题:点出自己的出行方式;具体内容:自己选择这种交通方式的原因;结束语: 表明自己的观点。


The Best Way for Me to Go to School

Different students go to school in different ways in our school, but I llike to go to school on foot.First, I live near the school, so my home is not far from my school.And it takes me a few minutes to get there.Second, there is a crossing on my way to school, and sometimes the traffic is very busy.I think it is safer to go to school on foot.Third, I think walking is good for my health.It’s a kind of sport and it makes me study better.So in my opinion, the best way to go to school is on foot.What about you? 9.bus stop 公共汽车站 10.think of 认为 11.between … and … 在…和…之间 12.one 11-year-old boy 一个11岁的男孩 13.play with … 和…玩 14.come true 实现 15.have to 不得不

第二篇:人教版英语七年级下册unit3 教案

Unit 3

How do you get to school? Teaching goals: 1.Knowledge and abilities goals a.Vocabulary:train,bus,subway,bike,car,boat,river,year,minute,kilometer,sixty,seventy,eighty,ninety,hundred,ride,drive,live,leave,cross.B.expressions about transportation.take the train/bus,go by bike/subway,ride a bike,drive a car,other expressions:think of ,between and ,come true C.functions:talk about how to get to places.Structure:how questions How long questions, how far questions.d.Listening and speaking skills and communicative competence.2 Process & steps goals:

Listening and speaking methods.Work in pairs.3.emotional attitude and values goal: a.guide students to choose proper transportation.Develop students cooperative spirits and oral English.Key points and difficult points: Key points:how questions How long questions, how far questions.Difficult points:how questions How long questions, how far questions.Teaching procedures:

Lesson 1sectionA(1a-2c)Step1:warm up

Listen and ss guess what transportation it is Step2 play a guessing game.Step3 show ss the pictures and phrases about transportation.Step4 ss look at the pictures about all kinds of vehicle and learn the phrases :take the train,take the bus,take the plane......Step5 Match the words with the pictures.Step6 ss role-play the dialogues in 1a

Step7 look at the pictures and practice the sentences;how do you get to school?

I take the subway.I get to school by the subway.Step8 ss finish 1b.Step9 ss make conversations about how to get to school.Step10

ss listen to tapes and finish the task in 2a and 2b Step 11 ss read the listening materials.Step12 ss use the information to make conversations

Lesson 2 section A(2d-3c)Step1 students scan the conversation in 2e and fill in the chart.Step2 students role-play the conversation.ask some students to act out to see which group is the best.Step3 teacher explain the key words and phrases.and ask ss if they have any questions.Step4 Read the sentences in grammar focus and ask ss to translate the Chinese sentences on ppt.Step5 guide ss to find the rules and character of the sentences.Teacher summarizes the grammar points.Step6

Ss finish tasks in 3a and practice the dialogues.Step 7Ss finish the task in 3b.ask some students to present their answers.Step8 ss work in groups to finish the task in 3c.they fill in the chart.ask ss to present how they ask and answer.Lesson 3 section B(1A-2c)

Step1 review

Show ss pictures and ask them to make conversations.Step2 independent learning

ss read the phases in 1a.and then finish the task in 1a.Step3 check the answer of 1a.ss work with their partner to tell how they get to school.use two types of transportation..Step4 listen to tapes and finish the task in 1c ,listen again ,finish the task in 1d.teacher checks the answers.Step 5 ss work in pairs and ask and answer questions about Bob.Step6 ss look at the picture and title below,ss work in groups to talk about what the passage is about.Step 7ss read the article and answer the questions.Step8 ss read after the tape.and teacher ask ss to pay attention to their pronunciation.Step9 the teacher explains the key phrases and grammar of this article.Step10 ask ss to finish task in 2c.Lesson 4 section B(3A-self check)Step 1 ask ss to recite the passage in 2b Step2 ask ss if they have any questions on understanding the sentences,ask ss to fill in the blanks.Step 3 give ss 10 minutes to write an e-mail and tell how you get to school.Step4 summarize the grammar and key phrases in this unit.Home work Finish the self check Blackboard design


仁爱英语七年级Unit3 Topic2 Section A教学反思

转载2015-10-12 16:12:24 标签:教学反思

清远市吕丽萍工作室 林燕

2013年11月18日星期一上午第二节课,本人在飞来峡一中七(6)班上了一堂英语公开课,课题为仁爱英语七年级Unit3 Topic2 SectionA 以下是我对这节课的教学反思: 一、七年级仁爱版英语教材,在我市初中学校使用已多年了。本人英语教学经历,对其有些感想。本教材向我们展开了浓缩当今世界原貌的万里画卷,它深入浅出地为我们展示生活的细节,诠释情感的真谛。它不仅给我们文化积淀,而且它那些最美、最人性的元素将会通过语言一点一滴地浸染,渗透我们的血液。它让我们胸怀天下,让我们感觉我们不仅是中国公民,而且也是世界的一员。













第四篇:仁爱英语七年级上册Unit3 单元知识总结

Unit3 Topic1 1.Excuse me ,could you please tell me your name ? Could/would you please do sth?(表示请求)


2.______________ 我会说点中文。



Speak 还有发言、演讲之意 _________________他明天要在班上发言。

What does he say in the letter?________________________


Kate saw a card in her table, it said:”Happy Birthday”!_______________________

Look!Our teacher is talking to(with)our parents._______________ talk 常与to/with/about等介词连用,表示一般的日常谈话

He will tell everyone the good news in our class.=__________________ 递给某个人或向别人讲述一件事一个故事 tell sb sth = tell sth to sb

3.I like it very much/a lot.(非常喜欢)

I like it a little.(有点喜欢)

I don’t like it at all(一点也不喜欢)not „„at all一点也不

我非常喜欢弹吉他。___________________ 我有点喜欢打篮球。___________________ 我一点也不赞同你的看法。____________________ 4.Could you help me with it?

help sb with sth.=help sb(to)do sth.帮助某人做某事 ___________________你能帮我做数学作业吗? 5.没问题______________ 6.But my Chinese is not very good._____________________ 7.Who is the letter from?_____________________

__________________是莉莉。8.But he knows a lot about China.Know(a lot)about„„ 对„„了解(很多)他了解很多历史知识。__________________ 9.He wants to visit Beijing.___________________ Visit +地点 参观某地

visit + 人 拜访某人


Want to do sth.想要做某事

我想马上买一瓶水。______________________ 10.He lives in Beijing.对加粗部分进行提问_______________________

Live in +大地点

live at+小地点

苏珊住在巴黎。________________________ 麦克住在小村庄里。____________________________ 11.We often help each other.___________________________ 12.These letters are in English.______________________

Unit3 Topic2 1.Glad to meet you.____________________ 相同意思的句子还有____________________________ Be glad/happy to do sth.很高兴做某事

tell指把一件事传 2.What does your mother do ?=What’s your mother ?=what’ your mother’s job? 她是一名家庭主妇。_______________ 模仿上面三个句子,翻译“你的父母是做什么的?” _________________________________________________ 3.She works ___ home/___ a hospital/___ a farm/ ___ a restaurant.(填介词)对加粗部分提问______________________ 4.Maria shows a photo of her family to KangKang.=Maria shows KangKang a photo of her family.Show sth to sb=show sb sth.向某人展示某物

玛利亚个我看了她的新铅笔盒。_____________________________ A photo of her family _____________________ 改成名词所有格:_____________________ 5.She teaches us English.Teach sb sth/to do sth.爸爸教我要诚实。_____________________ 6.那个穿着黄衣服的年轻女人是谁?(in+颜色)_____________________




7.Kangkang has a big family.此处family是“家庭”,看作一个整体。

His family like each other.这里family是集体名词“家人”,做主语谓语动词用复数。8.He likes to play with Kitty.=_____________________ Like to do sth = like doing sth.Unit3 Topic3 1.Help yourselves(to sth)!随便吃!2.I would like some eggs.对划线部分提问:______________________ Would like sth = want sth would like to do sth.3.How about you?=What about you ? 你呢? 4.I usually have milk and bread for breakfast.对加粗部分提问:_______________________ 5.May I take your order?_________________________ 6.Would you like something to drink? 是的,我要一杯橙汁。______________

不要了,谢谢。________________ 7.你想和我一起吃晚餐吗?________________________ Yes,I’d love to.I’d love to ,but„„(拒绝)

8.Why not = why don’t you„„用于提建议,为什么不„„

干嘛不和我们一起去看电影呢?(两种译法)____________________ 9.They’re all kind to me.Be kind/friendly to sb.对某人友好


Unit 3 How do you get to school? Section A 1.How do you get to school? how疑问副词,如何,怎样,用什么手段

询问交通工具(1)take +a/an/the + 表示交通工具的名词,乘……去某地,是动词短语,在句中作谓语。

(2)by + 表示交通工具的单数名词或on/in + a/an/the/one‟s+表示交通工具的单数名词,介词短语 方式状语。

I walk to school.=I get to school on foot.walk = go..on foot

I ride my bike to schoo.=I get to school by bike.=I get to school on my bike.by bike= ride a / my bike

I take the bus to schoo.=I get to school by bus=I get to school on the bus.Drive a car to work=go to work by car=go to work in a car

by car = drive a / my car

Fly to shanghai=go to shanghai by plane/air=take the/a plane to shanghai=go to shanghai on a/an/the plane.【注意】by + 表示交通工具的单数名词时,名词前不能加任何冠词或者其他修饰词。(3)walk/ride/drive/fly+to+地点名词,步行/骑自行车/开车/坐飞机去某地

2.get 到达


get to Beijing

get there get home

reach 到达


arrive in+大地点

arrive at +小地点


3.How far is it from A to B?=How far is B from A? 从A到B有多远?


(2)It „s about ten minutes‟ walk/ ride.大约有十分钟步行/骑车的路程。

(3)It „s far/near.be far from, away from, from..to.be far from, 离…远

My school is far from my home.具体路程+away from

My school is 10 kilometers away from my home.from…to…从…到…It‟s 10 kilometers(away)from my school to my home.A +be +路程距离from +B

My school(A)is 10 kilometers from my home(B).4.How long does it take you to get to school?

how long 提问时间,多久

How long have you been in America?For two years.5.take spend cost pay(1)spend 主语必须是人

Sb spend some time/money on sth 某人在某事或某物上花费时间/钱

Sb spend some time/ money(in)doing sth 某人花时间/金钱做某事(2)cost主语只能是事情。

sth cost sb some money某物花费某人多少钱

The skirt costs her 200 yuan.(3)pay主语必须是人

sb pay some money for sth.某人为某物付款/花费多少钱

He paid 1000 yuan for the TV set.(4)take 主语必须是it

It takes sb some time(money)to do sth.做某事花费某人多长时间

It took him seven days to make the big cake.6.around

(1)环绕;围绕;绕过 The earth moves around the sun.(2)在…四周 There are many trees around the playground.(3)在…的附近

Is there a park around here ?(4)大约=about 常与数字连用

at about/around 8 o‟colck


v 居住,生活

(1)live on sth 以某物为食

(2)live a...life 过...生活

Section B 1.bus stop 车站,站点


bus station 能停,转车辆的汽车站点

at the bus stop

2.What do you think of/about...? =How do you like...? 你认为.....怎么样? 询问某人看法的句型 3.cross crossing across(1)cross v 穿过,横穿、交叉

He crossed the Yellow River yesterday. 昨天他横渡了黄河。

The two streets cross in the centre of the city. 两条街在市中心交叉。

(2)crossing n 十字路口,交叉,十字形


Mr Li marked the paper with a cross. 李老师在试卷上打了一个叉。

You can turn left at the second crossing. 你可以在第二个十字路口向左拐。

(3)across prep 穿过

cross=go across

She crossed the river yesterday.

She swam across the river yesterday.

(4)across与through穿过, 但across指从物体表面上过去,而through指物体内部空间穿过

go across the bridge.走过那座桥

swim across the river游过河去

walk through the forest步行穿过了森林


修饰单数可数名词时,no=not a/an

修饰复数可数名词或不可数名词时,no=not any

There is no bridge.=There is not a bridge.I have no problems.=I don‟t have any problems.5.11-year-old是复合形容词,作定语,修饰名词boy,11岁的


an 8-year-old boy一个8岁的男孩

6.be afraid to do 害怕做某事,是主观上的原因不去做,怕

be afraid of doing 唯恐做某事,担心做某事会引起某种后果

be afraid of sth 害怕某物/某事

be afraid that从句


She was afraid to wake her husband.她不敢去叫醒她丈夫。

She was afraid of waking her husband.她生怕吵醒她丈夫。

7.leave vt.离开

(1)leave for 前往某地,动身去某地


leave the windows open.让窗子开着(3)遗忘;留下,落下

leave sth 介词 sp

(4)辞去(工作等);脱离(组织等)Mary left school last year and she is working in a shop now.8.dream of/about 梦想,梦见

come true 实现,成为现实

9.have to 后加动词原形,侧重客观的需要,不得不,被迫,有多种时态形式

否定式为don‟t have to(needn‟t)不必

must 侧重于说话者的主观看法,认为有必要或有义务做某事,只有现在时一种形式,否定式must‟t 不准,禁止

10.Thanks for...=Thank you for...谢谢你


1.how 引导的特殊疑问句提问交通方式,其答语分三种情况:(1)take a/an/the+交通工具(单数)(2)by+交通工具(单数)(3)on/in+限定词+交通工具

2.how far 用来提问距离,多远,其答语分为两种:

(1)用长度单位表示:It is five kilometers.(2)用时间表示:It‟s twenty minutes‟ walk.3.how long 用来提问时间,多久


How long have you learnt English?For 3 years.4.how soon 用来提问做完某事还需要多长时间,常用于将来时态时,常用in+时间段来回答。

How soon will you arrive in Beijing?-In 3 hours.5.感谢用语

Thank you very much , Thanks a lot , Many thanks.

That‟s ok /all right.不用谢。

You are welcome 不客气。

It is my pleasure./My pleasure./It is a pleasure.不客气、那是我的荣幸。

Don‟t mention it。别在意。

It was nothing at all.那没什么






fetch 去拿,去取,即离开说话地去取某物后再回来,强调动作的往返

7.say speak talk tell say



说,讲,不强调说话的内容,但有时指讲某种语言,(在会上)发言要用speak tell

说;告诉,侧重于“告诉”的含义多一些,tell sb about sth 告诉某人关于某事

tell sb(not)to do sth 告诉某人(不要)做某事



8.look read see watch


看,强调看的动作,多以词组形式出现,如look at, look like,.look after等




看见,看到,侧重于看的结果,常用句式:see sb do/doing sth





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