
时间:2019-05-12 21:00:20下载本文作者:会员上传





()1.—Look!There is ________ orange under ________ tree.—Let’s go and pick it up.A.a, theB.an, theC.an, aD.the, the

()2.There are 3 erasers on the table.________ one is yours?


()3.I have a sister.________ is an English teacher.This English book is________.A.Her, HersB.Her, herC.She, herD.She, hers

()4.— Linda, when shall we take a walk?—After I finishmy homework.A.checkB.checkC.to checkD.checking

()5.—My grandfather is ill.— ________.A.SorryB.Excuse meC.That’s too badD.I’m sorry to hear that

()6.Behind the door _________ some apples.A.isB.areC.beD./

()7.—Can I help you, madam? —I’d like a kilo of ________.A.milkB.cakeC.bananaD.apple

()8.School ________.Let’s go home.A.beginsB.is offC.is overD.is over there

()9.—________ is your new bike?

—1,000 yuan.A.How manyB.How muchC.How aboutD.Where

()10.Do you read English ________?

A.every morningB.in morningC.on every morningD.in every morning

()11.Mrs.Green comes from ________.A.EnglishB.AmericanC.AustraliaD.Japanese

()12.Best wishes ________ New Year’s Day and best wishes ______ you.A.to;forB.to;toC.for;forD.for;to

()13.It ________her three weeks to study lessons.A.spendsB.costC.wasteD.takes

()14.I hope ________ go to the park with me next week.A.her toB.herC./D.she will

()15.Heat painting, but he doesn’tin playing chess.A.is good, does wellB.does well, is good

C.is good, do wellD.do well, is good

()16.I will go to the hospital this afternoon.There is_______ with my nose.A.nothing wrong B.wrong nothingC.anything wrongD.something wrong

()17.—________ you cross the street every morning? —No.But I _________ it this afternoon.A.Do, doB.Do, will doC.Will, doD.Will, will do

()18.—________ do you like eating?

—I like eating rice, meat and all kinds of vegetables.A.How muchB.How manyC.WhatD.How

()19._______ late for music class again next time,.A.Don’t beB.Be notC.Not beD.Don’t

()20.I think Dick can __________ his camera in the lost and __________ office.A.find, findB.finds, findsC.find, foundD.found, find


Do you often think of your parents? You may say, “Of course, I1.I buy a present for my mother on Mother’s Day and on Father’s Day I give my father2, too.” But what about the other days of the year?

I have a friend whose parents live in another city.One day I went to see her.We had a nice conversation(谈话).Then she wanted to3.So she dialed(拨号)the number, but then she put down the phone.After about fifteen4, she dialed the number again.“Hi, Mom…”Later I asked, “5did you dial the number twice?” She smiled, “My parents are old and6.They can’t get close to the telephone quickly.I always do so when I call them.I just want to give them enough(足够的)time to7the call.”

My friend is a good girl.She is8thinking about her parents.You also want to be a9child, right? Please always remember to10your parents in every situation(场合),not just on some important days.()1.A.willB.doC.won’tD.don’t

()2.A.a cakeB.a kissC.some moneyD.a present

()3.A.make a callB.go sightseeingC.have a restD.go for a walk








1.B2.D3.A4.A5.C6.B7.D 8.A9.C 10.B



Do you know the cool boy? His family name is Hougao.His first name is Junjie.He is only eleven years old, but he can play the piano, guitar and dance well.He is really a talent.Every day, he trains hard and he often trains for five hours.He is often tired after it, but he is always strict with himself.After the training, he starts to learn and do his homework.The boy studies his subjects very hard in his free time.Junjie does very well in his subjects.He is very busy.On weekends, he often goes to different cities to show with many stars.All of them like him.On the Spring Festival Gala 2009 CCTV(2009年春节联欢晚会), Hougao Junjie sang a pop song and danced with music.He acted with Jay Chou, the most famous talented singer.He became the most popular performer.Do you like his wonderful perform?

()1.What is the boy’s first name?

A.Hou.B.Gao.C.JunjieD.Hougao.()2.How long does he train every day?

A.Three hours.B.Four hours.C.Two hours.D.Five hours

()3.What does he do after the training?

A.Have a rest.B.Do his homework.C.Watch TV.D.Exercise

()4.Where is he on weekends?

A.In different cities.B.At his school.C.At his home.D.At his club

()5.Who did Junjie sing and dance with on the Spring Festival Gala?

A.Many famous stars B.Jay ChouC.Zhao BenshanD.Many boys


Do you like this lovely rabbit in the pictures? Now you can find her on some of our pens, pencils, erasers and rulers.Miffy is a little rabbit girl in a series of picture books drawn by Dutch artist Dick Bruna.Miffy was created in 1955.After Bruna told his one-year-old son stories about a little rabbit, he drew a rabbit.He didn’t draw trousers on the rabbit.Instead, he drew a dress on the rabbit, so Miffy became a girl.①

Bruna drew Miffy in a very simple way with only a few lines and colors.He drew more than 100 books.Each book tells a story and has 16 pages.The stories are about things that children can understand, or situations they will face, such as having meals, going to school and sleeping.The stories always have happy endings.Children love the stories.Miffy was a character in a children’s book at first, but her pictures are now used on many other things like clothes, stationery, toys and so on.阅读短文,回答下面的问题。

1.What does Miffy look like?


2.When was Miffy born?


3.Who drew the rabbit?


4.How many books did the writer draw?


5.Why do the children like the stories?




1.Are these your crayons ? No, they aren’t m_________.2.I have two boxes.One is small and light, the other is big and h______.3.Could you tell me the w________ to the library?

4.Jack is going to ________(检查)his email this evening.5.There is some _________(粉笔)on the teachers’ desk.Our teachers often use it to write on the blackboard.6.The white car is c__________(便宜).I can buy it.7.The river r_______ in summer every year because of heavy rain.8.There will be thousands of t________ to visit the Great Wall next weekend.9.In the future, people will c________ things with their small plane in the air, not in a car.10.Will people do many things on the I___________? Yes, they can do everything on it.Ⅴ.用所给词的适当形式填空(10分)

work, close, center, have, Eric, wallet, eat, China, care, own

1.This is ________ desk.Ours are over there.2.Bill has three ________.One is new and the other two are old.3.His uncles works in the _________ of the city.4.Don’t write them in a hurry.You should be ________.5.Lane has his _______ car and house.6.The supermarket isn’t open.It ________ at 9 o’clock.7.My brother ________ some new picture books.8.In our classroom, there is a large map of ________.9.Mum, please give me something ________.I’m very hungry.10.Does Mr.Green like ________ in this Chinese school?


1.The girl will go to work in the city because it is warm all year.(划线提问)

the girl go to work in the city?

2.My father will go to work in five days.(划线提问)

your fatherto work?

3.All the people in the office are going to have a computer.(同义句)

________ in the office ________ have a computer in school.4.I think that everyone will use computers.(否定句)

I _______ ______ that everyone _______ ______ computers.5.The car is expensive.(用cheap改为选择问句)

__________ the car expensive _________ cheap?



_________ __________ would you like?


_______ these strawberries ________ in the market?


John, don’t ________ ________ ________ our soccer team.4.你哥哥什么时候从巴黎回来?

When _______ your brother ________ ________ ________ Paris?


_________ is Pete ________ ________ ________ his teacher.Ⅷ.书面表达(15分)

你校 English For School Yard 现需招聘一名校报记者,请你拟一份招聘广告张贴 在学校广告栏内。招聘要求如下:

1.乐于与人交流(talk to)

2.擅长写新闻报道和故事(news report , stories)

3.工作勤奋(work hard)

4.愿意从事校报记者工作(school newspaper)

联系人:Mr Zhang电话:8572858








Ⅱ.1.B2.D3.A4.A5.C6.B7.D 8.A9.C 10.B


B.1.She wears a dress.2.She was born in 1955.3.Dick Bruna

4.He drew more than 100 books.5.Because the stories always have happy endings.Ⅳ.1.mine 2.heavy3.way4.check5.chalk 6.cheap 7.rises8.tourists9.carry10.Internet

Ⅴ.1.Eric’s 2.wallets3.center4.careful5.own 6.closes 7.has 8.China 9.to eat 10.working

Ⅵ.1.Why will;be2.How soon;will go3.Everyone will4.don’t think, will have5.Is, or

Ⅶ.1.What size2.Are, fresh3.forget to cheer4.will, come back from 5.How, getting along with


Hello, everyone!We need a news reporter for English for School Yard.Do you like to talk to students and

teachers? Are you good at writing news reports or stories? Can you work hard for us? Do you like working for

school newspapers?

Come and join us!My name is Zhang.My phone number is 8572858.




主格: I we you she he it they 宾格: me us you her him it them 形容词性物主代词:my our your her his its their 名词性物主代词: mine ours yours hers his its theirs 2.形容词和副词的比较级(1)一般在形容词或副词后+er older taller longer stronger, etc(2)多音节词前+more more interesting, etc.(3)双写最后一个字母,再+er bigger fatter, etc.(4)把y变i,再+er heavier, earlier(5)不规则变化:

well-better, much/many-more, etc.3.可数词的复数形式

Most nouns + s a book –books Nouns ending in a consonant +yf or fe +ves a knife –knives a shelf-shelves 1 4.不可数名词(单复数形式不变)bread, rice, water ,juice etc.5.缩略形式

I’m = I am you’re = you are she’s = she is he’s = he is it’s = it is who’s =who is can’t =can not isn’t=is not etc 6.a/an a book, a peach an egg an hour 7.Preposition:

on, in ,in front of, between, next to, near, beside, at, behind.表示时间: at six o’clock, at Christmas, at breakfast on Monday on 15th July On National Day in the evening in December in winter 8.基数词和序数词

one – first two-second twenty-twentieth 9.Some /any

I have some toys in my bedroom.Do you have any brothers or sisters? 10.be 动词

(1)Basic form: am/are/is(2)肯定和否定句 I am(not)from London.My eyes are(not)small.My hair is(not)long.(3)一般疑问句: Am I a Chniese? Yes, you are.No, you aren’t.Are they American? Yes, they are.No, they aren’t.Is the cat fat? Yes, it is.No, it isn’t.11.there be 结构 肯定句: There is a „ There are „

一般疑问句:Is there „? Yes, there is./ No, there isn’t.Are there„? Yes, there are./No, there aren’t.否定句: There isn’t „.There aren’t„.12.祈使句 Sit down please Don’t sit down, please.13.现在进行时.通常用“now”.形式: be + verb +ing eg: I am(not)doing my homework.You/We/They are(not)reading.He/She/It is(not)eating.动词 —ing 的形式

Most verbs +ing walk—walking Verbs ending in e-e + ing come—coming Short verbs ending in a vowel + a consonant run –running swim—swimming 3 14 一般现在时。通常用 “usually, often, every day, sometimes”。形式: 肯定句:

I go to school on foot every day.She goes to school on foot every day.一般疑问句: Do you jump high? Yes, I do./ No, I don’t.Does he jump high? Yes, he does./ No, he doesn’t.否定句: We don’t go to school on Sundays.My mother doesn’t like watching TV in the evening.15.(情态)动词can,must, should 后面直接用动词原形。eg: 1.I / He / She / They can sing.2.You should keep quiet in the library.16.一般过去时态(a)be 动词的过去式: I/He/she/it was(not)„.You/we/they were„.一般疑问句was, were 放在句首。(b)动词过去式:

肯定句: I watched cartoons.She visited the zoo.一般疑问句: Did you read book last night? Yes, I did.No, I didn’t.Did she clean the desk just now? Yes, she did.No, she didn’t.否定句: They didn’t go the the part yesterday.He didn’t make model ships last week.(3)动词过去式的变化: 规则动词的变化:

Most verbs +ed eg.planted,watered,climbed。Verbs ending in e +d eg liked。

Verbs ending in a consonant +y--y +ied eg : study—studied Short verbs ending in a vowel + a consonant eg: stop--stopped 不规则动词的变化:

is/am—was,are—were,do—did,have/has—had,make—made,fly-flew/u:/ eat—ate,take—took,run—ran,sing—sang,drink—drank 等等

17.“Wh-” questions.What are you doing? What colour is it? What time is it? What’s the time? Which is your watch, the yellow one or the white one? Who’s the man with a big nose? Whose bag is it? When is your birthday? Where is my ball pen? Why do you like summer? How many books are there in the school bag? How old is the young man? How much is the toy bear? How do you go to school every day? 5 What are you doing? What colour is it? What time is it? What’s the time? Which is your watch, the yellow one or the white one? Who’s the man with a big nose? Whose bag is it? When is your birthday? Where is my ball pen? Why do you like summer? How many books are there in the school bag? How old is the young man? How much is the toy bear? How do you go to school every day?









1两个汉堡 2三个可乐

3多少钱 4 进来 坐下 6 我们所有的食品 Enjoy your meal 8 a cala for me all our food 10 have our favourite dish


()1 Is it really a dog?

A Yes,it isn't.B No, it is.C No, it isn't.()2 What do you want to eat?

A Cola B Vegetables C Book

()3 How much is the hot dog?

A Two B Three dollars C Four hot dogs

()4 What do you drink, juice or tea?

A Yes, I do.B No, I don't.C Juice, please.()5 ________ bananas do you want?

A How much B How C How many

()6 What does Simon want to drink?

A He wants to drink meat.B He wants to drink tea.C He want to drink milk.()7 What do you want to drink?

A Hamburger B Cola C Hot dog

()8 How many sheep are there on the hill?

A Ten dollars B Twenty C Ten yuan

()9---Can I help you?----I want a hamburger.---A hamburger _______ me, too.A to B for C of

()10 _How much is it ? _ It's ______________.A Ten dollars twenty-five cents.B Ten dollar and twenty-five cents.C Ten dollars and twenty-five cents.四、连词成句

1.want, to , what, do, eat, you.__________________________________?

2.thirteen dollars, it, and, is, twenty-five cents.___________________________________.3.much, a , is, how, hamburger.______________________________________?

4.really, a, it, hot, is, dog,_______________________________________?

5.some, I, want, noodles, too.___________________________________.五、用所给单词的适当形式填空

1.Does he __________(want)an apple?

2.My father _______(want)a cola and I ____(want)some milk.3.Do you want ____________(eat)noodles ? No.4.Can you help _________(we)?

5.Let’s go and help _________(he).6.A cola for __________(I),please.7.Can ____________(they)help her? I don’t know.六、阅读理解

The Whites

The Whites always get up early every day.In the morning father always goes to work.Sandy and Sue always go to school.Mother usually stays at home.At noon , Sandy and Sue always have lunch at school.In the afternoon , Sandy and Sue come from school.They usually arrive home early.In the evening, Sandy and Sue always 8 do their homework.At night, they go to bed early., but it's difficult for them to fall asleep.I 仔细阅读,判断下列句子是否正确。正确写T,错误写F。

()1 The Whites mean all the members of Mr White's family.()2 Sandy is Mr White's daughter and Sue is his son.()3 Mr White, Sandy and Sue leave home in the morning except Mrs White.()4 Sandy and Sue can get home early in the afternoon.()5 Sandy and Sue like sleeping

II 回答下列问题:----How many people are there in Mr White's family?----There are ______.2.----Who gets up early?-----The __________________________.3.---Mother doesn't work in a factory , does she?----________________.4.----Sandy and Sue don't have lunch at home, do they?----_______________.5.---Do Sandy and Sue fall asleep early?----________________________________.



一、把下列句子变为感叹句: 1.She runs quickly.2.It is a nice tie.3.This story-book is very interesting.4.Your bell is too loud.5.She dances so well.二、选词填空。(What / What a / What an / How)1.____________ nice girl she is!2.____________ careful the boy is!3._____________ beautiful flowers they are!4._____________ delicious the food tastes!5._____________ interesting film we will see!6._____________ good news it is!7.______________ the time flies!


1.The students are listening to the teacher carefully.(改为感叹句)2.We had a good time in summer holidays.(改为感叹句)3.The river is long.(改为感叹句,两种)4.How nice the food is!

(改为同义句)5.What strong men they are!(改为同义句)


()1._______ fine the weather is!A.What a



D.How a

()2._____________ exciting film we saw yesterday!

A.What a

B.How a

C.How an

D.What an()3._______ great fun they had!A.What a



D.How a()4._____ heavy rain it was!A.What a



D.How a()5.___________ fun place to go Shanghai is!

A.What a



D.How a()6.______ happy life the old live!A.What a



D.How a()7.____________ nice fish they cooked!

A.What a



D.How a()8._________ blue the sky is!A.What a



D.How a()9.____________ dangerous the animals are!

A.What a



D.How a()10.____ good time we are having!A.What a



D.How a 一般现在时的专项练习。


1.We often___________(play)on the playgound.2.He _________(get)up at six o’clock.3.__________you _________(brush)your teeth every morning.4.What____(do)he usually _____(do)after school? 5.Danny _______(study)English, Chinese, Maths, Science and Art at school.6.Mike sometimes __________(go)to the park with his sister.7.At eight at night, she ________(watch)TV with his parents.8.________ Mike________(read)English every day? 9.How many lessons ______your classmate____(have)on Monday? 10.What time ____his mother_________(do)the housework? 11.He often ______(have)dinner at home.12.Daniel and Tommy___(be)in Class One.13.We____(not watch)TV on Monday.14.Nick _____(not go)to the zoo on Sunday.15.They______(like)the World Cup? 16.What ____they often ____(do)on Saturdays 17.Your parents________(read)newspapers every day? 18.The girl______(teach)us English on Sundays.19.She and I _______(take)a walk together every evening.20.There_______(be)some water in the bottle.21.Mike ______(like)cooking.22.They_______(have)the same hobby.23.My aunt______(look)after her baby carefully.24.You always____(do)your homework well.25.I_____(be)ill.I’m staying in bed.26.She_____(go)to school from Monday to Friday.27.Liu Tao _____(do)not like PE.28.The child often______(watch)TV in the evening.29.Su Hai and Su Yang ______(have)eight lessons this term.30.-What day ______(be)it today? - It’s Saturday.31.Don’t make a noise.Grandpa __________(sleep).二、改句子

1.Do you often play football after school?(肯定回答)2.I have many books.(改为否定句)

3.Gao Shan’s sister likes playing table tennis(改为否定句)4.She lives in a small town near New York.(改为一般疑问句)5.I watch TV every day.(改为一般疑问句)6.David has a goal.(改为一般疑问句)7.We have four lessons.(否定句)8.Nancy doesn’t run fast(肯定句)9.My dog runs fast.(一般疑问句)(把10—14小题变否定句,一般疑问句和划线提问)10.Mike has two letters for him.11.I usually play football on Friday afternoon

12.Su Yang usually washes some clothes on Saturday.13.Mingming usually waters the flowers every day

14.Tom does his homework at home.三、写出下列动词的第三人称单数形式:

1.wash_________ match _______guess______ study______ finish_________ go________ snow______ carry_________ 2.stop______ see________ drive ________let_______ carry______ keep_____ join______ find_______ think________ teach______ catch______ 3.stay_______ begin______ forget_______ run_______ give________ ring_______ dance______ hope_______ 7.I see her ____ the room this morning.



1.I have three pieces of(纸).2.This is a(黄色的)marker.3.---What’s this?---(它)is a pencil case.4.May I have a(蓝色)pen?

5.The(苹果)is red.6.---What(颜色)is the rose?---It’s red.II.单项选择

()1.I have orange.It’sOrange.A.a, aB.a, anC.an, aD.an, /

()2.---What colour is it?---.A.It’s red.B.It’s a red.C.It’s a red pen.D.It’s red pen.()3.---?---It’s a school.A.Where is itB.What colour is it

C.What is thisD.How is it

()4.---May I have a red apple?---A.YesB.No

C.Sure, here you areD.It’s a red apple

()5.Here a blue chair.A.isB.areC.amD.be

()6.---What colour is your chair?---.A.It’s a yellowB.My chair is yellow

C.My chair yellowD.It’s a yellow chair III.句型转换 就划线部分提问)

blue chairs are there ?

2.This is a yellow marker.(改为同义句)

This is.就划线部分提问)

Is the apple?

4.I like apples.(改为一般疑问句)

you apples?

5.Is your marker red?(做肯定回答)(备用),.


七年级英语阅读理解练习题精选 1(关键词:family /food 7A Unit1-6 Hello.I’m Meg.I’m 12 years old.I have a brother and a sister.My brother is 9 and my sister is only 4 years old.I like hamburgers and salad.My brother likes tomatoes and my sister likes ice cream.We have a small sports collection.We all like tennis.Today is my mother ’s birthday.Today is January 21st.There’s a big birthday cake on the table.How much is it? Do you know? It’s 7 dollars.Come to my mother’s birthday party and have some cake.根据短文选择最佳答案。

1.How old is Meg’s brother? A.12.B.4.C.9.2.What does Meg like? A.Salad.B.Tomatoes.C.Ice cream.3.Does Meg’s sister like tennis? A.Yes, they do.B.Yes, she does.C.Yes, he does.4.When is her mother’s birthday? A.January 21st.B.January 31st.C.February 21st.5.How much is the cake? A.$12.B.$9.C.$7.6.Where is the birthday cake? A.On the TV.B.On the table.C.On the sofa.2(关键词:family 7A Unit 3(关键词:movie 7A Unit 9 I ’m going to see a movie with my friends this weekend.We love seeing movies, but we all like different kinds.I like to see thrillers and science fictions, my friend Sam loves action movies and comedies and my best friend, Lee, loves a good romance.Because we like different kinds of movies, it can be difficult to choose(选择one to see.So we usually take turns(轮流to choose the movie.It’s my turn to choose this weekend, so we’re going

to see Harry Potter Ⅱ, a new movie.It’s number one at the box office, and everyone is saying what a great movie it is.I can’t wait!

1.How many kinds of movies does the writer talk about in the story? A.Six B.Five C.Four 2.Harry PotterⅡis ___ movie right now.A.a boring B.a popular C.an action 3.How do the writer and his friends choose which movie to see? _____ A.They like different kinds of movies.B.They let Lee choose which movie to see.C.They take turns to choose a movie to see.4.What is the main idea(中心意思of the story? ____ A.Choosing which movie to see can be difficult.B.It’s a good thing to see movie Harry Potter Ⅱ.C.Everyone likes the new movie Harry Potter Ⅱ.3(关键词:name 7A Unit 1 Do you know from what English people get their family names? Finish the sentences after you read the story.你知道英国人的姓是怎么来的吗? 阅读下面的短文,完成句子。(2 min.107 words Everyone has a family name.But what does it mean? From what do family names come? First, some family names come from the place of their homes.If a man lives on or near a hill, his family name may be Hill.In England people’s names may be Wood, Lake, because they live near the wood or lake.Second, family names come from a person’s job.If a person is a cook, he may be Cook.Third, many people get their family names from their father’s given name.If you hear the name “Jackson ”, you know that he is the son of Jack.1.English people usually have ___________ ways to get their family names.2.Some people get their family names from _______________________________.3.Some people get their family names from________________________________.4.Some people get their family names from__________________________________.5.A person’s family name is Jackson, because he is_______________________.4(关键词:food 7A Unit6 Everybody wants to be healthy.You know food is very important.There are many healthy foods.You can have more bananas, apples, oranges, tomatoes and lettuce because fruits and vegetables are good for you.But don’t eat too much chocolate.It’s not good for you.But don’t eat too much chocolate.It’s not good healthy food.Healthy food can make you grow and make you strong and happy.Remember there is a saying, “An apple a day keeps the doctor away.” Sports can also keep you healthy.Get up early and do some sports every day.Don’t be lazy!You will be healthy and happy.1.Which is right? A.Everybody is healthy.B.We want to be healthy.C.We are important.2.What are healthy foods? A.Fruits and vegetables.B.Bananas, apples and chocolate.C.Fruits and chocolate.3.Why are healthy foods good for you? A.They make you happy.B.They make you grow strong.C.They make you grow and make you strong and happy.4.“An apple a day keeps the doctor away.” means(意思是 :

A.The doctor goes away when he sees an apple.B.The doctor runs away when you give him an apple.C.You eat an apple every day and you can be healthy.5.What keeps you healthy? A.Fruits and vegetables.B.Healthy food.C.Healthy food and sports.5(关键词:meal / food 7B Unit 8 Americans usually eat three meals a day.Breakfast usually comes before eight o’clock in the morning.They usually have eggs, some meat, bread, fruit juice and coffee.Lunch is between twelve and one o’clock.It is like a light meal and working people must take lunch with them or get it near workplace.Children in school take sandwiches, fruit, and cookies with them or eat in school.Supper, the main meal, is between six and eight in the evening.People cook it carefully.They may have meat or chicken, turkey and duck.They may all have potatoes or rice, vegetables or salad.The drink is coffee, tea or milk.Then comes the dessert.1.Americans have breakfast.A.after eight o’clock B.at eight o’clock C.before eight o’clock in the morning D.in the morning

2.__is the most important meal in a day.A.Breakfast B.Lunch C.Meals D.Supper 3.What does “light ” mean in Chinese? ___A.重的B.有用的C.轻的D.不太重要的

4.Americans usually have breakfast and supper at ____ A.home B.office C.in school D.work place 5.When Americans have supper, _______ comes last.A.drink B.meat C.dessert D.vegetables 6(关键词:supermarket / shop We go shopping almost every day.We have many choices of the places to buy things.Supermarket is the right place for you.There are some good points buying things at the supermarket.1.You buy things at the supermarket at a low price.You pay much more in the big store to buy the same goods.2.You decide what to buy all by yourself at the supermarket.And you don’t have troubles from the shop assistant at the big store.3.There are more choices of goods to buy at the supermarket.You can buy many things for a week’s use at a time: it saves us much money and time.In a word, it is better to buy things at a supermarket.判断对与错

_____1.The things at the supermarket are cheap._____2.You buy things from the shop assistant at the supermarket._____3.There’re all kinds of goods at the supermarket._____4.You spend much time to buy many things at the supermarket.(关键词:travel / by plane /by train…

Many people like to travel by plane, but I don’t like it because an airport is usually far from the city.You have to get there early and wait for hours for the plane to take off and it is often late.you can’t open the window.You can’t choose the food.Planes are fast, but they still take hours to get out of the airport and into the city.I like traveling by train.I think trains are safe.Railway stations are usually in cities.When you are late for a train you can catch another one.you can walk around in the train and open the windows.You can see many interesting things on your way.I know it takes a little more time.I also like cars.You can start your journey when you want to, and you don’t need to get to a railway station or a bus stop.Also you can carry many things with you in a car.But sometimes there are too many cars on the road.1.Why do many people like to travel by plane? A.Because it is fast.B.Because it is safe.C.Because you can walk around in the plane.2.Which is not the good thing about the train? A.It is safe.B.It takes a little more time.C.You can open the windows.3.If you want to take a lot of things with you ,what do you take to go out? A.A bus B.A car.C.A train 4.What is the bad thing about the car ? A.you needn’t go to a station B.you can start your journey when you want to.C.There are too many cars on the road.5.What does the writer think of the plane ,train and car? A.he thinks it takes a lot of time to go to and get out of the airport.B.He likes to take a train because it takes a little more time.C.He likes to take a car because he has a car.8(关键词:school trip 一般将来时

Now, here’s a plan about our school trip.We’ll spend the first four days inNewYork.We ’ll visit the city and some famous places like the Statue of Liberty(自由女神像We will go there by train.We won’t go by bus because the journey(旅程 is too long and we won’t have enough time to do every thing.There will be 80 students on the trip.we will travel in three groups, and we will be teachers in each group.I will join Group One.I hope that everyone on the trip will have a good time, but please remember that it is an educational(教育性的 visit not a holiday.There will be some time for swimming and other sports, but we are going to America to study the American culture(文化,We should speak English as much as possible(可能的

1.(The students are going to America to.A.enjoy the beautiful scenery B Study the American culture C do some sports 2.(Will the students go to New York? A Yes ,they will B.No, they won’t C We don’t know

3.(The students will stay in New York for days.A four B five C nine

4.(The students will travel to America by.A bus B train C boat 5.(Mrs Smith will join.A Group One B Group Two C Group Three 9(关键词: numbers Many people don't think that the number 13 is a lucky number.Many hotels do not have a 13th floor.The floors go from 12 to 14, and there is no number13.Some people will never sit at a table with 12 other people.They will tell someone to go or ask another person to sit with them.No one really knows why people do not like the number 13.Perhaps one reason is that when people began to count(数 they used ten fingers and two hands.This made 12.They could not count more.Some Christians(基督徒 say that 13 is not lucky because there were 13 people at a meal the day before Jesus(耶稣 was killed(被杀.In a story about the old Greek(希腊的 gods(神, 12 gods were asked to a meal but one more came.This made 13.It is why the god Balder, who was at the meal, was killed.(1.There is often no floor number 13 in ___.A.restaurants B.countries C.hotels D.Greece(2.One way people can count is by using their __.A.fingers B.hotels C.tables D.gods(3.Some people will never sit at a table with twelve other people.Or______.A.all of them will leave B.they will wait for two other people to come C.they will never come for dinner together D.they will ask one of them to leave(4.The Christian story and the Greek story both talk about_______.A.Jesus B.the number13 C.Balder D.Hotels(5.The story is about _________.A.the death of Jesus B.the person who killed Balder C.the way people count with their fingers D.why 13 is not a lucky number 10(关键词:sandwiches Do you like sandwiches? Do you know the story of “sandwich ”?

Many years ago, in England an Earl(伯爵 of Sandwich liked playing cards.He liked to play for money.He played very well and he often played all day and all night.Once(曾经 he played for 24 hours without stopping.He didn’t stop to eat.His servants had to bring food to him.They gave him some meat and some bread, but he didn’t want to stop playing cards to eat them.He put the meat between two pieces of bread.In this way, he needn’t stop playing cards when he had the bread with meat.Later people call this kind of food “sandwich ” from his name.(1.The word “sandwich ” come from ____.A.America B.England C.China D.Japan(2.In Chinese, the word “servant ” means ____.A.仆人 B.父母 C.牌友 D.妻子

(3.The servants gave him some ____ to eat.A.meat B.bread C.fruit D.A and B(4.The Earl liked to play cards for ____.A.fun.B.money C.energy D.food(5.The Earl of Sandwich didn’t stop to eat because he ____.A.wasn’t hungry B.didn’t like sandwiches C.didn’t want to stop playing cards D.had no time 11(关键词:chocolate Jimmy is a little boy.He likes chocolate very much.But his mother doesn’t let him eat much because it’s bad for his teeth.This Sunday is Jimmy’s the fifth birthday.His parents want to have a birthday party.They ask Jimmy’s grandpa to come to the party.His grandpa comes the day before Jimmy’s birthday.At night, mother tells Jimmy,“If you tell the God(上帝 what you want ,you will get it.”So Jimmy cries ,“I want a box of chocolate!”His mother says ,“Don ’t say it so loudly.The God can hear you.” Jimmy smiles and says, “But grandpa can’t.”

(1.Jimmy like.A.bananas B.chocolate C.candy D.cake(2.Jimmy is.A.four B.five C.six D.seven(3.comes to Jimmy’s party.A.Jimmy ’s friend B.Jimmy’s teacher C.Jimmy’s grandpa D.Jimmy’s grandma(4.Why does Jimmy cry loudly ? A.He thinks God can hear.B.He loves his mother very much.C.He wants to let his grandpa hear it.D.He can’t say it in low voice.(5.Which one is true ? A.Jimmy goes to school every day.B.Jimmy ’s mother doesn’t love him, because she doesn’t let him eat chocolate.C.Jimmy ’s grandpa does not come to his birthday party.D.The God can not hear Jimmy voice.12(关键词: love /happy Where is Love? How can we find Love? Once a little boy wanted to meet Love.He knew it was a long trip to where Love lived, so he got his things ready with some pizzas and drinks and started off.When he passed three streets, he saw an old woman sitting in the park and watching some birds.She looked very hungry.The boy gave her a pizza.She took it and smiled at him.The smile was so beautiful that he wanted to see it again, so he gave her a Coke.She smiled once again.The boy was very happy.They sat there all the afternoon, eating and smiling, but they said nothing.When it grew dark, the boy decided to leave.But before he had gone more than a few steps, he turned around, ran back to the old woman and gave her a hug.The woman gave him her biggest smile ever.When the boy opened the door of his house, his mother was surprised by the look of joy(快乐on his face and asked what had made him so happy.“I had lunch with Love.She has got the most beautiful smile in the world.” At the same time, the old woman,s son was also surprised at his mother,s pleasure and asked why.“I ate a pizza in the park with Love,” she said, “and he is much younger than I expected.”

If the world is full of love, we can enjoy a better life.(1.When the little boy saw the old woman, she was.A.looking for a seat in the park B.passing the street C.looking at some birds D.having a pizza(2.The little boy gave the old woman a Coke because.A.the old woman still felt hungry B.he wanted to see the smile again C.he didn,t like the drink D.the old woman paid him for it(3.The old woman gave the little boy the biggest smile.A.after the little boy went home B.before it grew dark C.when she was drinking Coke D.after the little boy hugged her(4.The boy,s mother was surprised to see her son was very when the door opened.A.pleased B.sad C.unhappy D.angry(5.Which of the following is TRUE? A.The little boy failed to find Love.B.Both the little boy and the old woman found what they wanted at last.D.The old woman gave the little boy a hug to thank him.C.The little boy decided never to go home.13(关键词:YaoMing 2.26-meter-tall Yao Ming made his NBA debut(初次登台on October23, 2002 and got 6 points(得分for the Houston Rockets in the game.The next day, he got 13 points is another game.Most people think that Yao Ming is a born basket-ball player.But Yao said, “When you watch it on TV, it looks very easy.But when you are playing in the NBA, it is really not so easy.” He asked that joining the Houston Rockets was a new start and a new challenge.“I hope that through very hard work I can make everyone happy and help the Rockets win more games, ” he said.Yao Ming speaks some English.Both he and his teammates can understand each other.They don’t think there is a language problem.While Yao Ming faces this new challenge, the people of Houston have shown great interest in him and they hope Yao Ming will bring new energy(活力to the Rockets.The team has started having lessons to

learn more about China, and many people who work for the Rockets have learned to speak some Chinese.(1.Yao Ming got A.22 B.23 13 points on October C.24 D.26 , 2002.(2.Yao Ming said that.A.playing in the NBA was difficult C.he was an NBA star B.it was hard to watch NBA games on TV D.it was boring to play basketball(3.The people of Houston hope Yao Ming will.A.speak excellent English C.make NBA games easy B.bring new energy to the Rockets D.face new challenge(4.From the passage we can know that Yao Ming.A.will work hard for his team B.made the highest score in his first NBA game D.teaches the Rockets workers Chinese himself C.can’t understand his teammates(5.The passage is probably.A.an advertisement 14(关键词:policeman B.a notice C.a news report D.an instruction Today there are policemen everywhere, but in 1700, London had no policemen at all.A few old men used to protect the city streets at night and they were not paid.About 300 years ago, London was starting to get bigger and more and more people began to live there.The city was very dirty and many people were poor.There were so many thieves who stole money in the streets that people stayed in their homes as much as possible.In 1750,Henry Fielding started to pay a group of people to stop thieves.They were like policemen and were called “Bow Street Runners” because they worked near Bow Street.Fifty years later, there were 120 “Bow Street Runners” , but London had become very big and needed more policemen.So in 1829 , the first Metropolitan(or LondonPolice Force was started with 3,000 officers.Most of the men worked on foot, but a few rode horses.Until 1920 all the police in London were men.Today, London police are quite well paid and for the few police officers who still ride horses, the pay is even better than for the others.(1.In 1700, the men who protected the streets were paid.A.a few B.nothing C.a little D.a lot(2.About 300 years ago, many people.A.wanted to leave London C.became policemen B.had big houses in London D.came to live in London(3.People didn’t leave their houses because.A.they had no money C.the city was not clean B.they were afraid of losing money D.they liked homes(4.The “Bow Street Runners”.A.stopped people stealing C.paid people to steal B.stole money D.stopped people riding horses(5.Today, police officers who ride horses

are paid.A.the same as their workmates C.half as much as their workmates B.more than their workmates D.less than their workmates



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