
时间:2019-05-12 22:44:09下载本文作者:会员上传




1、什么是劳动力参与率?并说明影响劳动力参与率的因素有哪些? 答:它是测量,测度人口参与社会劳动程度的指标。







































答 :它是一种使雇员报酬的多少与企业利润有关的报酬支付形式









































































答: 把可变的劳动投入增加到不变的其他生产要素上,最初劳动的增加会使产量增加,当增加到一定限度时,增加的产量开始递减。






欧洲 法国税收 对富人的严厉打击



奥朗德试图对委员会的评论置若罔闻。新年晚会的电视讲话上,他说道,最高税率将会重新调整,但不会改变它的目标。我们将要求最富的人缴纳更多的税率。总理埃侯(Jean-Marc Ayrault)补充道,这个富有争议的75%所得税会重修修订,并提交议会,仅在一年后实施。




委员会的裁定促使左翼党派的人高呼被欺骗了,他们担心富人会“出逃”,并且法国的香烟税、啤酒税以及其他基本物品的税收将会上涨。他们不需要担心。不管75%的富人税会不会实施,政府将向公司、资本收益、创造的财富、收入征收新的比例更高的税收。正是这些政策共同的影响促使法国影星杰拉尔·德帕迪约(Gerard Depardieu)离开法国,企业家们纷纷谴责政府是创造财富的梦魇。奥朗德75%富人税可能现在不会实施,但是这个象征性的危害已经造成了

英国 衡量种族多样化 伦敦效应


米尔顿凯恩斯(MILTON KEYNES)这个新兴小镇,离伦敦只有50米,拥有249,000人口,其美国风格的道路布局,明亮超级摩登的购物商场,用混泥土和玻璃纤维做的不吉利的牛群雕塑,在英国人中很有名。但是这些愉快,沉闷的郊区已不再是过去五颜六色的美景了。现在有许多商店与商场里的连锁商店竞争卖亚非特产。在一个平日阳光灿烂的下午,女人们身着土耳其长袍在宽阔的广场,低下通道聊天。米尔顿凯恩斯现在带有一些多彩的伦敦的活力。

11月11日,2011年英国和威尔士人口普查的最新数据公布(苏格兰,北爱尔兰的数据分开公布)。如广泛预测的一样,声称属于少数民族或者非英籍人的数量大幅增长。与上次2001年的人口普查相比,自认为“白种英国人”的数量从当时的88%下降到现在的 81%。同以前相比,有宗教信仰的英国人比以前少:早在10年前大约15%的人没有宗教信仰,而现在大约是1/3。





过去的10年内总移民量飞速上升,可能是导致移民变得如此有争议的原因之一。在许多郊区地方移民者涌入,白种英国人第一次看到这么多的外国人。现有居民通常反感新来者,他们会抢夺学校名额,医生的预约,公共住房。政客们都纷纷呼吁减少移民。12月12日,保守党内阁大臣特雷莎·梅(Theresa May)谴责“不受控制的、大量的移民”,这取代了英国人的工作,迫使他们依赖救济金生活,并压抑了低收入者的薪水。

但是其它证据表明大部分移民人及其子女有效的聚集在一起。自称是混合种族的人数几乎翻了一番,从2001年的661,000增长到现在的120万。智囊团英国未来的秘书长德·卡特瓦拉(Sunder Katwala)认为,英国的跨种族结婚的夫妻比世界上任何地方都多,包括美国。尽管种族多样性不断上升,但91%的人在填写人口普查表时声称多少有些英国国籍,把自己叫做英国人,威尔士人,苏格兰人,北爱尔兰人,或者真正地英国人,有时加上民族。

据智囊团牛津移民观察会称,与其它城市相比,伦敦人不喜欢移民者的情绪较弱,即使是在白种的英国伦敦居民中。因为几个世纪以来不同种族的人拥挤地生活在一起。伦敦市长约翰逊·鲍里斯(Boris Johnson)赞美了开放边界的好处。与市长建议相反的是,多样化增长的需要不意味着凝聚力,冲突的缺失。真正地,如果英国的其它城市效仿伦敦的模式,英国也许最终会减少凝聚力和冲突。



1、Absolute advantage 绝对优势

2、Adverse choice 逆向选择

3、Alternative cost 选择成本

4、Arc elasticity of demand 需求的弧弹性

5、Asymmetric information 非对称的信息

6、Average cost平均成本

7、Average fixed cost平均固定成本

8、Average product平均产品

9、Average variable cost平均可变成本

10、Beta 投资的β

11、Bond yield 债券收益

12、Break-even chart 收支平衡图

13、Budget line 预算线

14、Bunding 捆绑销售

15、Capital 资本

16、Capital gain 资本收益

17、Capitalism 资本主义

18、Cardinal utility 基数效应

19、Cartel 卡特尔

20、Cobb-Douglas production function 科布-道格拉斯生产函数

21、Collision 勾结

22、Comparative advantage 比较优势

23、Complements 互补品

24、Constant-cost industry 成本不变行业

25、Constant returns to scale 规模收益不变

26、Consumer surplus 消费者剩余

27、Contestable market 可竞争市场

28、Contract curve 契约曲线

29、Corner solution 角点解

30、Cross elasticity of demand 需求的交叉弹性

31、Deadweight loss of monopoly垄断的无谓损失

32、Deadweight loss of monopsony 买方垄断的无谓损失

33、Decreasing-cost industry 成本递减行业

34、Decreasing return to scale 规模收益递减

35、Demand curve 需求曲线

36、Demand curve of loanable funds 可贷资金的需求曲线

37、Discount rate 贴现率

38、Diversifiable risk 可分散风险

39、Dominant firm 主导厂商 40、Dominant strategy 优势策略

41、Duopoly 双头垄断

42、Economic efficiency 经济效率

43、Economic profit 经济利润

44、Economic region of production 生产的经济区域

45、Economic resource 经济资源

46、Economies of scope 范围经济

47、Efficient markets hypothesis 有效市场假说

48、Endowment position 财富状况

49、Engel curve 恩格尔曲线 50、Equilibrium 均衡

51、Excess capacity 过剩生产能力

52、Expansion path 扩张路径

53、Expected monetary vale期望货币价值

54、Expected profit 预期利润

55、Expected value of perfect information

56、Explicit costs 显成本

57、External diseconomy 外部不经济

58、External economy 外部经济

59、First-mover advantages 先动优势 60、Fixed cost 固定成本 61、Fixed input 不变投入品

62、General equilibrium analysis 一般均衡分析 63、Giffen’s paradox 吉芬反论 64、Implicit cost 隐成本

65、Income-compensated demand curve 收入补偿的需求曲线 66、Income-consumption curve 收入-消费曲线 67、Income effect 收入效应

68、Income elasticity of demand 需求的收入弹性 69、Increasing-cost industry成本递增的产业 70、Increasing returns to scale 规模收益递增 71、Indifference curve 无差异曲线 72、Inferior good 劣质商品 73、Innovation 创新 74、Input 投入品 75、Interest rate 利率 76、Intermediate good 中间品 77、Internal rate of return 内部收益率 78、Investment 投资

79、Investment demand curve 投资需求曲线 80、Isocost curve 等成本曲线 81、Isoprofit curve 等利润曲线 82、Isoquant 等产量曲线 83、Isorevenue line 等收益线

84、Kinked demand curve 折弯的需求曲线 85、Labor 劳动 86、Land 土地

87、Law of diminishing marginal returns 边际收益递减率 88、Lerner index 勒纳指数 89、Learning curve 学习曲线 90、Limit pricing 限制性定价 91、Long run 长期 92、Marginal cost 边际成本

93、Marginal cost pricing 边际成本定价 94、Marginal expenditure curve 边际支出曲线 95、Marginal product 边际产品

96、Marginal rate of product transformation 边际产品转换率 97、Marginal rate of substitution 边际替代率 98、Marginal revenue 边际收益

99、Marginal revenue product 边际收益产品 100、Marginal utility 边际效用 101、Market 市场

102、Market demand curve 市场需求曲线 103、Market period 市场周期 104、.Market structure 市场结构 105、Market supply schedule 市场供给表 106、Markup pricing加成定价 107、Maximin strategy 最大最小策略 108、Microeconomics 微观经济学

109、Minmum efficient size of plant 工厂的最小有效规模


111、Money income 货币收入

112、Monopolistic competition 垄断竞争 113、Monopoly 垄断 114、Monopsony 买方垄断 115、Moral hazard 道德风险 116、Multinational firm 跨国公司 117、Multiplant monopoly 多厂垄断 118、Multiproduct firm 多产品厂商 119、Mutual fund 共同基金 120、Nash equilibrium 纳什均衡 121、Natural monopoly 自然垄断 122、Net-Present-Value Rule 净现值规则 123、Nondiversifiable risk 不可分散的风险 124、Nonprice competition 非价格竞争 125、Normal goods 正常商品 126、Oligopoly寡头垄断 127、Oligopsony 买方寡头垄断 128、Opportunity cost 机会成本

129、Optimal input combination 最优投入品组合 130、Ordinal utility 序数效用 131、Pareto criterion 帕累托标准

132、Partial equilibrium analysis 局部均衡分析 133、Pecuniary benefits 货币收益 134、Perfect Competition 完全竞争 135、Perpetuity 不可兑换的公司债券 136、Predatory pricing 掠夺性定价 137、Present value 现值 138、Price ceiling 最高限价

139、Pric-consumption curve 价格-消费曲线 140、Price discrimination 价格歧视 141、Price elastic 富有价格弹性

142、Price elasticity of demand 需求的价格弹性 143、Price elasticity of supply 供给的价格弹性 144、Price floor 最低限价 145、Price inelastic缺乏价格弹性 146、Price leader 价格领导者 147、Price system 价格系统

148、Principal-agent problem 委托-代理问题 149、Prisoner`s dilemma 囚犯困境 150、Private cost 私人成本 151、Probability 概率

152、Producer surplus 生产者剩余

153、Production possibilities curve 生产可能性曲线 154、Production function 生产函数 156、Profit 利润

157、Public good 公共物品 158、Quasi-rent 准租金 159、Quota 配额 160、Ray 射线

161、Reaction curve 反应曲线 162、Real benefits 真实收益 163、Rent 租金 164、Ridge lines 脊线 165、Risk 风险

166、Risk averter 风险厌恶者 167、Risk lover 风险爱好者 168、Risk neutral 风险中性 169、Saving 储蓄

170、Second-degree Price discrimination 二级价格歧视 171、Selling expenses 销售费用 172、Short run 短期 173、Social cost 社会成本 174、Static efficiency 静态效率 175、Strategic move 策略举措 176、Substitutes 替代品 177、Substitution effect 替代效应 178、Supply curve 供给曲线

179、Supply curve of loanable funds 可贷资金的供给曲线 180、Target return 目标收益 181、Tariff 关税

182、Technological changes 技术进步 183、Technology 技术

184、Third-degree price discrimination 三级价格歧视 185、Tit for tat 针锋相对 186、Total cost 总成本

187、Total cost function 总成本函数 188、Total cost 总固定成本 189、Total revenue 总收益 190、Total surplus 总剩余 191、Total utility 总效用

192、Total variable cost 总可变成本

193、Trading possibilities curve 贸易可能性曲线 194、Transaction cost 交易成本门

195、Transferable emissions permits 可转让的排放许可证 196、Two-part tariff 双重收费 197、Tying 搭售

198、Unitary elasticity 单位弹性 199、Utility 效用

200、Utility of possibility curve 效用可能性曲线 201、Value of marginal product 边际产品价值 202、Variable cost 可变成本 203、Variable input 可变投入品

204、von Neumann-Morgenstern utility function 冯•纽曼--摩根斯坦效用函数 204、Winners curse 赢者的诅咒

205、Ability-to-pay principle(of taxation)(税收的)支付能力原则

206、Absolute advantage(in international trade)(国际贸易中的)绝对优势 207、Accelerator principle 加速原理

208、Actual,cycical and structual budget 实际预算、周期预算和结构预算 209、Adaptive expectations 适用性预期

210、Adjustable peg 可调整钉住

211、Administered(or inflexible)prices 管理(或非浮动)价格

212、Adverse selection 逆向选择

213、Aggregate demand 总需求

214、Aggregate demand(AD)curve 总需求曲线

215、Aggregate supply 总供给

216、Aggregate suppy(AS)curve 总供给曲线

217、Allocative efficiency 配置效率

218、Antitrust legislation 反托拉斯法

219、Appreciation(of a currency)(通货)升值 220、Appropriable 可分拨 221、Arbitrage 套利 222、Asset 资产

223、Asset demand for money 货币的资产需求

224、Automatic(or built-in)stabilizers 自动(或内在)稳定器 225、Average cost平均成本

226、verage cost curve,long-run(LRAC或 LAC)长期平均成本曲线 227、Average cost curve,short-run(SRAC或 SAC)短期平均成本曲线 228、Average fixed cost平均固定成本 229、Average product平均产品

230、Average propensity to consume平均消费倾向 231、Average revenue平均收益

232、Average variable cost平均可变成本

233、Balance of international payment 国际收支平衡表 234、Balance of trade 贸易余额

235、Balance of current account经常项目余额 236、Balance sheet 资产负债表 237、Balanced budget平衡预算 238、Bank,commercial 商业银行 239、Bank money 银行货币 240、bank reserves 银行准备会 241、进入壁垒Barriers to entry 242、Barter 易货贸易

243、Benefit principle(of taxation)(税收的)受益原则 244、Bond 债券 245、Break-even point(in macroeconomics)(宏观经济学中的)收支相抵点 246、Bretton woods System 布雷顿森林体系 247、Broad money 广义货币 248、Budget 预算

249、Budget,balanced平衡预算 250、Budget constraint 预算约束 251、Budget deficit 预算赤字 252、Budget,government 政府预算 253、Budget line 预算线 254、Budget surplus 预算盈余

255、Built-in stabilizers 内在稳定器

见自动稳定器(automatic stabilizers)256、Business cycles 商业周期

257、C+I,C+I+G,or C+I+G+X schedule C+I,C+I+G或 C+I+G+X表 258、Capital(capital goods,capital equipment)资本(资本商品,资本设备)259、Capital consumption allowance 资本消耗补偿

见折旧(depreciation)260、Capital deepening 资本深化 261、Capital gains 资本利得 262、Capital markets 资本市场

263、Capital-output ratio 资本-产出比率 264、Capital widening 资本广化 265、Capitalism 资本主义 266、Cardinal utility 基数效用 267、Cartel 卡特尔 268、Central bank 中央银行

269、Change in demand vs.change in quantity demanded 需求变化与需求量的变化

270、Change in supply vs.supply in quantity 供给变动与供给且的变动 271、Checking account(or bank money)支票帐户(或银行货币)272、Chicago School of Economics(经济学)芝加哥学派 273、Classical approach 古典理论 274、Classical economics 古典经济学

275、Classical theories(in macroeconomics)(宏观经济学中的)古典理论 276、Clearing market 市场出清

277、Closed economy 封闭经济

见开放经济(open economy)278、Coase theorem 科斯定理 279、Collective bargaining 集体谈判 280、Collusion 勾结

281、Collusive oligopoly 寡头勾结垄断 282、Command economy 指令经济 283、Commodity money 商品货币 284、Common stock 普通股票 285、Communism 共产主义

286、Comparative advantage(in international trade)(国际贸易中的)比较优势

287、Compensating differentials 补偿性(工资)差异 288、Competition,imperfect 不完全竞争 289、Competion,perfect 完全竞争 290、Competitve equilibrium 竞争均衡 291、Competitive market 竞争性市场 292、Complements 互补品 293、Compound interest 复利 294、Concentration ratio 集中度 295、Conglomerate 混合联合企业

296、Conglomerate merger 混合兼并


297、Constant returns to scale 规模报酬不变

见规模报酬(returns to scale)298、Consumer price index 消费者价格指数(CPI)299、Consumer surplus 消费者剩余 300、Consumption 消费

301、Consumption function 消费函数

302、Consumption-possibility line消费可能线

见预算线(budget line)303、Cooperative equilibrium 合作性均衡 304、Corporate income tax 公司所得税 305、Corporation 公司 306、Correlation 相关 307、Cost,average平均成本

308、Cost,average fixed平均固定成本 309、Cost,average variable平均可变成本

310、Cost,fixed 固定成本

311、Cost,marginal 边际成本

312、Cost,minimum 最低成本

313、Cost-push inflation 成本推动的通货膨胀

314、Cost,total 总成本

315、Cost,variable 可变成本

316、Crawling(or sliding)peg 爬行(滑动)钉住

317、Credit 信贷

318、Cross elasticity of demand 需求的交叉弹性

319、Crowding-out hypothesis 挤出(效应)假说 320、Currency 通货

321、Currency appreciation(or depreciation)通货升值(或 贬值)

322、Current account 经常帐户

见贸易余额(balance of trade)

323、Cyclical budget 周期预算

324、Cyclical unemployment 周期性失业

325、Deadweight loss 净损失

326、Debit 借方

327、Decreasing returns to scale 规模报酬递减

328、Deficit spending 赤字性支出

329、Deflating(of economic data)(经济数据)紧缩 330、Deflation 通货紧缩

331、Demand curve(or demand schedule)需求曲线(或需求表)332、Demand for money 货币需求

333、Demand-pull inflation 需求拉动型通货膨胀 334、Demography 人口学

335、Depreciation(of an asset)(资产)折旧 336、Depreciation(of a currency)(通货)贬值 337、Depression 萧条

338、Derived demand 派生需求 339、Devaluation 降值

340、Developing country 发展中国家

见欠发达国家(less developed country)341、Differentiated products 差异产品

342、Diminishing marginal utility,law of 边际效用递减规律 343、Diminishing returns,law of 收益递减规律 344、Direct taxes 直接税 345、Discount rate 贴现率

346、Discounting(of future income)(未来收人)折现 347、Discrimination 歧视 348、Disequilibrium 非均衡 349、Disinflation 反通货膨胀

350、Disposable income 可支配收入(DI)351、Disposable personal income 个人可支配收入 352、Dissaving 负储蓄 354、Division of labor 劳动分工

355、Dominant equilibrium 占优均衡

见占优战略(dominant strategy)356、Dominant strategy 占优战略

357、Downward-sloping demand,law of 需求向下倾斜规律 358、Duopoly 双头垄断

359、Duopoly price war 双头垄断价格战 360、Easy-money policy 宽松的货币政策 361、Econometrics 经济计量学 362、Economic goods 经济物品 363、Economic growth 经济增长 364、Economic reguation 经济管制

365、Economic rent 经济租金

见“经济租金”(rent,economic)366、Economic surplus 经济剩余

367、Economics of information 信息经济学 368、Economies of scale 规模经济 369、Economies of scope 广度经济 370、Effective tax rate 有效税率 371、Efficiency 效率

372、Efficiency-wage theory 有效工资理论 373、Efficient market 有效市场 374、Elasticity 弹性

375、Employed 就业者 参见“失业”(unemployment)376、Equal-cost line 等成本线

377、Equal-product curve(or isoquant)等产量线 378、Equilibrium 均衡

379、Equilibrum(for a business firm)厂商均衡

380、Equilibrium(for the individual consumer)单个消费者的均衡

381、Equilibrium,competitive 竞争均衡

见竟争均衡(competitive equilibrium)382、Equilibrium,general 一般均衡

见一般均衡分析(general-equilibrium analysis)383、Equilibrium,macroeconomic 宏观经济均衡 384、Equimarginal principle 等边际法则

385、Exchange rate 汇率

见外汇汇率(foreign exchange rate)386、Exchange-rate system 汇率制度

387、Excise tax vs.sales tax 消费税和销售税 388、Exclusion principle 排他原则

389、Exogenous vs.induced variables 外生变量和引致变量 390、Expectations 预期

391、Expenditure multiplier 支出乘数

参见乘数(multiplier)392、Exports 出口

393、External diseconomies 外部不经济 394、External economies 外部经济

395、External variables 外部变量

同外生变量(exogenous variables)396、Externalities 外部性

397、Factors of production 生产要素 398、Fallacy of composition 合成谬误

399、Federal Reserve System 联邦储备系统 美国的中央银行(centra bank)400、Fiat money 法定货币 没有内在价值(intrinsic value)401、Final goods 最终产品

402、Financial economics 金融经济学 403、Financial intermediary 金融中介 404、Firm(business firm)厂商

405、Fiscal-monetary mix 财政-货币政策组合 406、Fiscal policy 财政政策

407、Fiscal cost 固定成本


408、Fixed exchange rate 固定汇率

见外汇汇率(foreign exchangs rate)409、Flexible exchange rates 弹性汇率制

410、Floating exchange rates 浮动汇率制

见弹性汇率制(flexible exchange rates)

411、Flow vs.stock 流量与存量

412、Foreign exchange 外汇

413、Foreign exchange market 外汇市场

414、Foreign exchange rate 外汇汇率

415、Fourfirm concentration rate 四企业集中度

见集中度(concentration ratio)

416、Fractional-reserve banking 部分准备金

417、Free goods 免费品 不属于经济品(economic goods)

418、Free trade 自由贸易

419、Frictional unemployment 磨擦性失业 420、Full employment 充分就业

421、Gains from trade 贸易利得

422、Galloping inflation 急剧的通货膨胀


423、Game theory 博弈论

424、General-equilibrium analysis 一般均衡分析

425、GDP deflator GDP紧缩指数

426、GDP gap GDP缺口

427、GNP 国民生产总值

见国民生产总值(gloss national product)

428、Gold standard 全本位制

429、Government debt 政府债务

430、Goverment expenditure multiplier 政府支出乘数

431、Graduated income tax 累进所得税

见个人所得税(income tax,personal)

432、Gresham`s Law 格雷欣法则

433、Gross domestic product,nominal(or nominal GDP)


434、Gross domestic product,real


435、Gross national product,nominal


436、Gross national product,real 实际国民生产总值(实际GNP)

437、Growth accounting 增长核算

438、Hedging 套期保值

439、High-powered money 高能货币

见基础货币(monetary base)440、Horizontal equity vs.vertical equity 横向平等与纵向平等

441、Horizontal integration 横向整合 见纵向整合与横向整合(integration,vertical vs.horizontal)

442、Horizontal merger 横向兼井

见兼并(merger)443、Human capital 人力资本

444、Hyperinflation 恶性通货膨胀

见通货膨胀(inflation)445、Imperfect competition 不完全竞争


446、Imperfect competitor 不完全竞争者 447、Implicit-cost elements 隐性成本要素 显性货币成本(explicit money costs)448、Imports 进口


449、Inappropriability 不可分拨性

见不可分拨(inappropriable)450、Inappropriable 不可分拨

451、Incidence(or tax incidence)归宿,或税赋归宿 452、Income 收入

453、Income effect(of a price change)(价格变动的)收入效应 454、Income elasticity of demand 需求的收入弹性 455、Income statement 收益表

456、Income tax,negative 负所得税

见负所得税(egative income tax)457、Income tax,personal 个人所得税

458、Income velocity of money 货币的收入周转率 459、Incomes policy 收入政策

460、Increasing returns to scale 递增的规模报酬

见规模报酬(returns to scale)

461、Independent goods 独立品 462、Indexing(or indexation)指数化 463、Indifference curve 无差异曲线 464、indifference map 无差异曲线图

465、Indirect taxes 间接税

见直接税(direct taxes)466、Induced variables 引致变量 467、Industry 产业

468、Inertial rate of inflation 惯性通货膨胀率 469、Infant industry 幼稚产业 470、Inferior goods 低档品或劣等品

471、Inflation(or inflation rate)通货膨胀(或通货膨胀率)472、Inflation targeting 通货膨胀目标 473、Innovation 创新 474、Inputs 投入 475、Insurance 保险

476、Integration,vertical vs.horizontal 纵向整合和横向整合 477、Intellectual property rights 知识产权 478、Interest 利息 479、Interest rate 利率

480、Intermediate goods 中间产品

481、International monetary system(also International financial system)国际货币制度(国际金融体系)482、Intervention 干预

483、Intrinsic value(of money)(货币的)内在价值 484、Invention 发明 485、Investment 投资

487、Invisible hand 看不见的手

488、Involuntarily unemployed 非自愿失业

见失业(unemployment)489、Iron law of wages 工资铁律

490、Isoquant 等产量

见等产量曲线(equal product curve)491、Keynesian economics 凯恩斯经济学

492、Keynesian school 凯恩斯学派

见凯恩斯主义经济学(Keynesian economics)493、Labor force 劳动力

494、Labor-force participstion rate 劳动力参与率

495、Labor productivity 劳动生产率

见生产率(productivity)496、Labor supply 劳动供给

497、Labor theory of value 劳动价值论

498、Laissez-faire(“leave us along”)自由放任(“别来管我”)499、Land 土地

500、Least-cost rule(of production)(生产的)最低成本法则 501、Legal tender 法定清偿物

502、Less developed country(LDC)欠发达国家 503、Liabilities 负债

504、Libertarianism 自由放任主义 505、Limited Liability 有限责任 506、Long run 长期

507、Long-run aggregate supply schedule 长期总供给表 508、Lorenz curve 洛伦茨曲线

509、Lowest sustainable rate of unemployment(or LSUR)最低可持续失业率

510、Lump-of-labor fallacy 劳动合成谬误

511、M1、M2参见货币供应(money supply)。

512、Macroeconomics 宏观经济学


513、Malthusian theory of population growth 马尔萨斯人口增长理论

514、Managed exchange rate 管理汇率制

515、Marginal cost 边际成本


516、Marginal principle 边际原则

517、Marginal Product(MP)边际产品

518、Marginal product theory of distribution 分配的边际产品理论

519、Marginal propensity of consume(MPC)边际消费倾向 520、Marginal propensity to import(MPm)边际进口倾向

521、Marginal propensity to save(MPS)边际储蓄倾向

522、Margina revenue(MR)边际收益

523、Marginal revenue product(of an input),(MRP)(一种投入的)边际收益产品

524、Marginal tax rate 边际税率

525、Marginal utility(MU)边际效用

526、Market 市场

527、Market economy 市场经济

528、Market equilibrium 市场均衡

529、Market failure 市场不灵 530、Market power 市场权力

531、Market share 市场份额

532、Markup pricing 加成定价制

533、Marxism 马克思主义

534、Mean 均值

535、Median 中位数

536、Mercantilism 重商主义

537、Merchandise trade balance 商品贸易余额

参见贸易余额(trade balance)

538、Merger 兼并

539、Microeconomics 微观经济学

540、Minimum cost 最低成本


541、Mixed economy 混合经济

542、Model 模型

543、Moderate inflation 温和的通货膨胀


544、Momentary run 瞬期

545、Monetarism 货币主义

546、Monetary base 货币基础

547、Monetary economy 货币经济

548、Monetary policy 货币政策

549、Monetary rule 货币规则

550、Monetary transmission mechanism 货币传导机制 551、Monetary union 货币联盟 552、Money 货币

553、Money demand schedule 货币需求表 554、Money funds 货币资金 555、Money market 货币市场 556、Money supply 货币供应

557、Money-supply effect 货币供给效应 558、Money-supply multiplier货币供给乘数

559、Money,velocity of 货币周转率

见货币周转率(velocity of money)560、Monopolistic competition 垄断竞争 561、Monopoly 垄断 562、Monopsony 买方垄断 563、Moral hazard 道德危险 564、MPC见边际消费倾向 565、MPS见边际储蓄倾向 566、Multiplier 乘数

567、Multiplier model 乘数模型 568、Nash equilibrium 纳什均衡 569、National debt 国家债务

570、National income and product accounting(NIPA)国民收入和生产帐户 571、National savings rate 国民储蓄率 572、Natural monopoly 自然垄断 573、Near money “准货币” 574、Negative income tax 负所得税

575、Neoclassical model of growth 新古典增长模型 576、Net domestic product(NDP)国内净产出 577、Net economic wefare(NEW)净经济福利 578、Net exports 净出口

579、Net foreign investment 净国外投资 580、Net investment 净投资

581、Net national product NNP国民生产净 582、Net worth 净值

583、New classical macroeconomics 新古典宏观经济学 584、NNP 见国民生产净值

585、Nominal GDP 名义国内生产总值

见名义国内生产总值(goss domestic product,nominal)

586、Nominal GNP 名义国民生产总值

见名义国民生产总值(gross national product,nominal)587、Nomlnal(or money)interest rate


588、Noncooperative equilibrium非合作均衡

见纳什均衡(Nash equilibrium)589、Nonrenewable resources 不可更新资 591、Not in the labor force 不属于劳动力

592、NOW(Negotiable order of withdrawal)account 可转让支付命令活期存款帐户

593、Okun's law 奥肯法则 594、Oligopoly 寡头

595、Open economy 开放经济

596、Open-economy multiplier开放经济乘数 597、Open-market operations 公开市场业务 598、Opportunity cost 机会成本 599、Ordinal utility 序数效用

600、Other things constant 其他因素不变 601、Outputs 产出

602、Paradox of thrift 节约体论 603、Paradox of value 价值悖论

604、Pareto efficiency(or Pareto optimality)帕累托效率(或帕累托最优)

见配置效率(allocative effciency)。

605、Partial-equilibrium analysis 局部均衡分析 606、Partnership 合伙制 607、Patent 专利

608、Payoff table 支付矩阵

609、Payoffs 支付 见支付矩阵(payoff table)。610、Perfect competition 完全竞争

参见完全竞争(competition,perfect)611、Personal income 个人收入 612、Personal saving 个人储蓄 613、Personal savings rate 个人储蓄率 614、Phillips curve 菲利普斯曲线

615、Policy ineffectiveness theorem 政策无效性定理 616、Portfolio theory 投资组合理论

617、Positive economics 实证经济学

参见规范经济学与实证经济学(normative vs.positive economics)。618、Post hoc fallacy 后此谬误 619、Potential GDP 潜在GDP 620、Potential output 潜在产出

与潜在GDP(potential GDP)同义 621、Poverty 贫困

622、PPF 生产可能性边界(production-possibility frontier)623、Present value(of an asset)(资产的)现值

624、Price-elastic demand 有价格弹性的需求(或有弹性的需求)625、Price-elasticity of demand 需求的价格弹性 626、Price elasticity of supply供给的价格弹性 627、Price flexibility 价格灵活性 628、Price index 价格指数

629、Price-inelastic demand 无价格弹性的需求(或无弹性的需求)630、Private goods 私人品

见公共品(public goods)631、Producer price index 生产者价格指数


见平均产品(average product)633、Product differentiation 产品差别

634、Product,marginal 边际产品

见边际产品(Marginal product)635、Production function 生产函数

636、Production-possibility frontier(PPF)生产可能性边界 637、Productivity 生产率

638、Productivity growth 生产率增长

639、Productivity of capital,net 净资本生产率

参见收益率(rate of return)640、Productivity slowdown 生产率减速 641、Profit 利润

642、Profit-and-loss statement 损益表报告书

643、Progressive,proportional,and regressive taxes 累进税、比例税和累退税

644、Property rights 产权 645、Proportional tax 比例税

646、Proprietorship individual 个人业主制企业 647、Protectionism 保护主义 648、Public choice 公共选择

649、Public debt 公共债务

见政府债务(government debt)650、Public good 公共品

652、Quantity demanded 需求

见需求变化(change in demand)与需求量变化(change in quantity demanded)

653、Quantity equation of exchange 交易数量方程 654、Quantity supplied 供给量

655、Quantity theory of money 货币数量理论 656、Quota 配额

657、Random-walk theory(of stock market prices)(股市价格的)随机行走理论

见有效市场理论(efficient-market theory)658、Rate of inflation 通货膨胀率 见通货膨胀(inflation)

659、Rate of return(or return)on capital 资本收益率(或资本收益)660、Rational-expectations hypothgsis 理性预期假说

661、Rational-expectations macroeconomics 理性预期宏观经济学 662、Real-business-cycle theory 真实商业周期理论

663、Real GDP 实际GDP

见实际的国内总产值(gross domestic product,real)

664、Real interest rate 实际利率 665、Real wages 实际工资 666、Recession 衰退

667、Regressive tax 累退税

参见累进税、比例税和累退税(progressive,proportional,and regressive taxes)668、Regulation 管制

670、Rent,economic(or pure economic rent)经济租或纯经济租 671、Required reserves 法定准备金

见银行准备金(reserves,bank)。672、Reserves,bank 银行准备金 673、Reserves,international 国际储备 674、Resource allocation 资源配置 675、Returns to scale 规模收益 676、Revaluation 货币增值 677、Risk 风险

678、Risk averse 风险规避 679、Risk spreading 风险分摊 680、Rule of 70

70规则 681、Sales tax 销售税

682、Savings function 储蓄函数 683、Says law of markets 萨伊市场定律 684、Scarcity 稀缺性

685、Scarcity,law of 稀缺规律 686、Securities 证券 687、Short run 短期

688、Short-run aggregate supply schedule 短期总供给表

689、Shutdown price(or point,or rule)停业价格(或停业点、停业原则)690、Single-tax movement 单一税运动 691、Slope 斜率

692、Social insurance 社会保险

693、Social overhead capital 社会分摊资本

694、Social regulation 社会管制

见管制(regulation)695、Socialism 社会主义 696、Speculator 投机者

697、Spillovers 外溢

与外部性(externalities)同义 698、Stagflation 滞胀

699、Statistical discrimination 统计歧视

700、Stock,common 普通股票

参见普通股票(common stock)701、Stock market 股票市场 702、Stock vs.flow 存量与流量 793、Strategic interaction 策略互动 704、Structural budget 结构性预算 705、Structural unemployment 结构性失业 706、Subsidy 补贴 707、Substitutes 替代品

708、Substitution effect(of a price change)(价格变动的)替代效应 709、Substitution rue 替代原则

710、Supply curve(or supply schedule)供给曲线(或供给表)711、Supply Shock 供给冲击

712、Supply-side economics 供给学派经济学 713、Tariff 关税

714、Tax incidence 税收归宿

见归宿(incidence)715、Technological change 技术变革

716、Technological progress 技术进步

见技术变革(technological change)717、Terms of trade(in international trade)

(国际贸易中的)贸易条件 718、Theory of income distribution 收入分配理论 719、Tight-money policy 紧缩性货币政策 720、Time deposit 定期存款 721、Token money 符号货币

722、Total cost 总成本

参见总成本(cost,total)723、Total factor Producitivity 全要素生产率

724、Total product(or output)总产品(或总产量)725、Total revenue 总收入

726、Trade balance or merchandise trade balance 贸易余额 或商品贸易余额

参见:贸易余额(balance of trade)727、Trade barrier 贸易壁垒

728、Transactions demand for money 货币的交易需求

见货币需求(demand for money)

729、Transaction money 交易货币

730、Transfer payments,government 政府转移支付 731、Treasury bills(T-bills)短期国库券 732、Underground-economy 地下经济 733、Unemployed 失业者 734、Unemployment 失业

736、Unemployment rate 失业率 737、Unit-elastic demand 单位弹性需求

738、Unlimited liability 无限责任

见有限责任(limited liability)739、Usury 高利贷

740、Utility(also total utility)效用(或总效用)741、Utility-possibility frontier 效用可能性边界 742、Value added 附加价值 743、Value-added tax(VAT)增值税

744、Value,paradox of 价值悖论

见价值悖论(paradox of value)745、Variable 变量

746、Variable cost 可变成本 747、Velocity of money 货币周转率 748、Vertical integration 纵向整合 749、Vertical merger 纵向兼并

750、Voluntary unemployment 自愿失业 751、Wealth 财富

752、Welfare economics 福利经济学 753、Welfare state 福利国家

754、What,how and for Whom 什么、如何和为谁 755、Winner-take-all game 胜者全得博弈 756、Yield 收益

757、Zero-profit-point 零利润点 758、Free resources 自由资源

759、Law of diminishing marginal utility



Cola wars, continued


Good for you, not for shareholders


As Pepsi struggles to regain market share, IndraNooyi’s job is on the line


IN OCTOBER 1996 the cover of Fortunemagazine showed Roger Enrico, then the chief executive of PepsiCo, trapped in a Coke bottle under the headline “How Coke is kicking Pepsi’s can”.Ten years later, just after Pepsi had surpassed Coca-Cola in market capitalisation for the first time in their 108-year rivalry, the same magazine ran another big story on the cola giants.It admitted that it was wrong to have declared Pepsi defeated and lauded it as one of America’s best-run companies.1996年10月的财富杂志封面上有这样一幅插图:百事当时的CEO罗杰恩里克陷入可口可乐的可乐瓶中,插图上面写着这样一句标题:“可口可乐怎么抢走了百事的生意”。十年后,百事可乐市值第一次超过了其百年的竞争对手,同样的杂志报道了关于这两个可乐巨头的一件大新闻。该杂志承认以前认为百事被击败是错误的,并且称赞百事公司是美国运营最好的公司之一。

Fast forward another six years and Coke is again kicking Pepsi’s can.Both are losing cola drinkers in America as consumers switch from fizzy, sugary drinks to healthier water, tea, juices and sports drinks.But whereas Coca-Cola has lost on average 2% a year in like-for-like volume of fizzy drinks in America since 2004, Pepsi has lost 3%(see chart), according to Sanford C.Bernstein, an investment bank.That means its American drinks business has shrunk by about 20%.Coke’s Simply juices and its lower-priced Minute Maid are taking share from the fruity concoctions of Pepsi’s Tropicana.And Coke’s sports drink, Powerade, is knocking spots off Gatorade, Pepsi’s brew for athletes.光阴飞逝,六年过去了,可口可乐又抢走了百事的生意。由于消费者不再喜欢含糖碳酸饮料,偏好更加健康的水,茶,果汁和运动饮料,可口可乐和百事正在失去越来越多的顾客。但是,2004年以来,可口可乐每年碳酸饮料的销量同比降低2%,而百事每年降低 3%,以上资料来自一家名为桑福德伯恩斯坦的投资银行。这意味着百事的美国饮料业务已经收缩了20%。可口可乐的名为“简适”的果汁饮料和低价饮料“美汁源”不断侵蚀百事果汁饮料“纯果乐”的市场份额。可口可乐的运动饮料“劲力果汁”轻松击败百事的运动饮料“佳得乐”。

Faced with mounting investor dissatisfaction about Pepsi’s stagnant share price, the food-and-drinks giant recently embarked on an effort to relaunch the company.On February 9th the group announced that it was cutting 8,700 jobs, or 3% of its workforce.Having underinvested

in its flagship beverage brands for years, it is increasing investment in marketing and advertising by $500m-600m.It has some catching-up to do: at the end of 2010 Pepsi spent 3.3% of sales on advertising compared with 8.3% of sales at Coca-Cola, according to Judy Hong, who follows drinks makers for Goldman Sachs.由于投资者对百事停滞不升的股价深感不满,这个食品饮料巨头最近着手进行重整。2月9日百事宣布裁员,共裁掉8700个岗位,占其职工总数的3%。由于多年来对其旗舰饮料品牌投资不足,百事正增加5-6亿美元的投资用于营销和广告。要想奋起直追,百事需要更多努力:根据高盛投资的朱迪洪多年来对饮料厂家的调查,2010年末百事将其销售额的3.3%用于广告支出,与之相比可口可乐用掉 8.3%的销售额。

Pepsi is also pinning its hope on the launch across America on March 26th of Pepsi Next, a new soda sweetened with both high-fructose syrup and artificial sweeteners which has 60% less sugar than classic Pepsi.Angelique Krembs of Pepsi says the new drink is aimed at consumers who are keen to imbibe less sugar with their cola but dislike the taste of diet drinks.She splits this mostly male group in two: “dualists”, who switch between regular and diet(and sometimes mix the two), and “resistants”, who never touch either.百事还将希望寄托3月26日在其新饮料Pepsi Next的全美发布上,这是一种甜甜的碳酸饮料,含有更多的果糖浆和人造甜味剂,因为有了人造甜味剂,这种饮料含糖量比传统百事要低60%。百事公司的安吉利可克莱姆布表示新饮料的客户定位是那些希望自己的可乐含糖量低,但是又不喜欢低糖饮料口感的人。她将这个主要是男性的客户群体分成了两部分:第一个“兼爱者”,即能喝传统碳酸饮料又能喝低糖饮料的顾客;另一个是“兼恶者”,两种饮料都不喜欢的人。

Will Pepsi’s reset be enough to win over investors? Pepsi Next is dividing opinions.“We have seen this movie before,” says Mark Swartzberg, a drinks analyst at StifelNicolaus, a bank.In 2004 Pepsi launched Pepsi Edge, a mid-calorie soda, which Coca-Cola matched with a new mid-calorie brew called C2.Both disappeared from the shelves after a few years.百事的重整活动能否成功以赢得投资者呢?对于百事的新饮料Pepsi Next,各方的看法不一。史帝弗尼可拉斯银行的饮料分析家马克瓦茨伯格表示,“我们对这种桥段早已不陌生”。2004年百事推出新产品低卡路里汽水“Pepsi Edge”,可口可乐针锋相对,推出自己的低卡饮料C2。几年后,这两种饮料都退出市场。

Pepsi’s boss, IndraNooyi, is seeking to revive the company’s core business while continuing her ambitious drive to transform the company into a maker of healthier drinks and snacks, and a better corporate citizen.In the past few years MsNooyi has spent disproportionate time and effort on promoting products that Pepsi calls “good for you”(oatmeal, fruit juices and sports drinks), which make up about 20% of its sales.She is aiming nearly to triple the revenue of nutritious products, to $30 billion, by 2020.百事的总裁英德拉?努伊正试图重振公司的核心产业,同时继续实现自己的野心——将公司转变成一个健康饮料和健康快餐的倡导者,转变成更负责任的企业公民。过去几年来,努伊


MsNooyi has also devoted resources to cultivating a corporate image focused on global social responsibility.In 2010 Pepsi skipped soda ads at the Super Bowl, launching instead a $20m online competition for the nomination of worthy causes that Pepsi might finance.The Refresh Project succeeded in gathering 80m online votes and helped numerous homeless shelters and orphanages.But it did not sell much soda, which is why Pepsi went back to its usual ads at the 2011 Super Bowl.努伊还投入大量资源,通过增强全球社会责任感树立百事可乐良好的公众形象。2010年,百事撤掉超级碗的百事可乐广告,发起一项公益事业网上投票,百事将为这类事业花费2千万美元。这个名为“焕新”的项目共征得8千万网上投票,帮助建立了无数的无家可归者收容所和孤儿院。但这个项目并没有帮助百事卖出更多的汽水,这也是2011年百事重新在超级碗投放广告的原因。

It will take time for the revised strategy to bear fruit, as it did for Coca-Cola when it reset its course in the late 2000s after a series of management and marketing mishaps.Coke’s bosses now feel they are on the right track with its offering of fizzy drinks, vitamin water, juice, coffee and tea.They think they are giving health-conscious customers sufficient choice.Of the 3,500 drinks Coke sells worldwide, more than 800 are zero-or low-calorie.这个改进后的战略若要奏效,恐怕须得假以时日。对此,可口可乐深有同感,在经历了一系列管理和市场上的灾祸之后,2000年末可口可乐重组了自己的业务。可口可乐的管理层认为可口可乐的主业就是提供碳酸类饮料,维他命水,果汁,咖啡和茶,在这方面他们已经步入正轨。他们觉得他们给了关注健康的顾客足够多的选择。在可口可乐全球销售的3500中饮料中,有超过800种是无卡路里或者低卡路里饮料。

If MsNooyi’srelaunch does not work Pepsi may get a new chief executive.The company seems to be preparing for a possible change at the top.On March 12th it revamped its management structure, poaching back Brian Cornell-a former Pepsi man who went on to run the Sam’s Club division of Walmart-to head Pepsi’s Americas Foods snacks division.It put John Compton, the current head of Americas Foods, in charge of all the company’s global groups, making him an heir apparent in the newly created role of president.Another possible crown prince is ZeinAbdalla, boss of Pepsi’s European business.如果努伊的重整计划不能奏效的话,百事可能得需要一个新的CEO。百事似乎正准备企业高层的人事变动。3月12日百事重置了公司的管理结构,挖回了布莱恩康奈尔,让他负责百事美国快餐分部。康奈尔曾是百事高管,后来投奔沃尔玛,担任山姆俱乐部负责人。让原先负责美国快餐部门的约翰康普顿负责管理公司在全球的子公司,这让他成为董事长的首选继任者,另一个可能的接班人是阿卜杜拉,他是百事欧洲业务的话事人。

MsNooyi may leave before she is pushed out.She is one of the contenders for the top job at the

World Bank.Though she says she loves her job, she has talked in the past of her desire to spend some of her career in public service.And the World Bank may suit her zeal to do good on a global scale rather more comfortably than the maker of popular but largely fatty, salty and sugary foodstuffs.努伊也许不会等到被赶下台,而会自己选择主动离开。她是世界银行行长职位的竞争者之一。尽管她称自己热爱自己的工作,但她曾经提到希望能将自己一部分职业生涯用在公共服务事业上。世界银行能为她在全球范围内热情施展才华提供用武之地,这个工作要比生产虽受大众欢迎,但脂多盐多糖多食品的工作也轻松得多。


07.14 Autism 自闭症

Why it's not “Rain Woman”


Women have fewer cognitive disorders than men do because their bodies are better at ignoring the mutations which cause them


AUTISM is a strange condition.Sometimes its symptoms of “social blindness”(an inability to read or comprehend the emotions of others)occur alone.This is dubbed high-functioning autism, or Asperger's syndrome.Though their fellow men and women may regard them as a bit odd, high-functioning autists are often successful(sometimes very successful)members of society.On other occasions, though, autism manifests as part of a range of cognitive problems.Then, the condition is debilitating.What is common to those on all parts of the so-called autistic spectrum is that they are more often men than women—so much more often that one school of thought suggests autism is an extreme manifestation of what it means, mentally, to be male.Boys are four times more likely to be diagnosed with autism than girls are.For high-functioning autism, the ratio is seven to one.自闭症是一种奇怪的状态。有时它是由“社会失明”症状(无法阅读或理解他人的情绪)导致的孤独。这被称为高功能自闭症,或亚斯伯格症候群。虽然他们的男性和女性同伴会认为他们有点奇怪,但高功能自闭患者通常是成功的社会人士(有时非常成功)。然而,另一些场合,自闭症表现为一系列认知问题的一部分。那么,条件逐渐衰弱。对于那些所有被称为自闭症患者范围的人来说共同点是男性远多于女性,以至于一个学校认为自闭症意味着一种极端的在心理上表现为一名男性。比起女孩而言,男孩有四倍的可能性被诊断为自闭症。至于高功能自闭症,比率达到7比1。

Moreover, what is true of autism is true, to a lesser extent, of a lot of other neurological and cognitive disorders.Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder(ADHD)is diagnosed around three times more often in boys than in girls.“Intellectual disability”, a catch-all term for congenital low IQ, is 30-50% more common in boys, as is epilepsy.In fact, these disorders frequently show up in combination.For instance, children diagnosed with an autistic-spectrum disorder[1] often also receive a diagnosis of ADHD.此外,自闭症的真相,在较小程度上,就是神经病学的认知障碍的真相。被诊断为注意力缺乏症的男大约是女孩的三倍。“智力残疾”,一个全面概括先天性智商低下的术语,在男孩中常见比例多达30%~50%,癫痫症也是。事实上,这些疾病经常共同出现。例如,被诊断为自闭症谱系障碍的小孩经常也收到ADHD的诊断。

Autism's precise causes are unclear, but genes are important.Though no mutation which, by itself, causes autism has yet been discovered, well over 100 are known that make someone with them more vulnerable to the condition.导致自闭症的确切原因还不知道,但是基因很重要原因。虽然还没发现是由于它自身的突变导致自闭症,但超过100个基因被认为是使某些人在环境影响下更容易受到攻击的对象。Most of these mutations are as common in women as in men, so one explanation for the divergent incidence is that male brains are more vulnerable than female ones to equivalent levels of genetic disruption.This is called the female-protective model.The other broad explanation, social-bias theory, is that the difference is illusory.Girls are being under-diagnosed because of differences either in the ways they are assessed, or in the ways they cope with the condition, rather than because they actually have it less.Some researchers claim, for example, that girls are better able to hide their symptoms.这些突变在男性和女性中是一样普遍的,所以一个对分歧发生率的解释是对于同等的基因毁坏,男性大脑比女性的更容易受伤害。这被称为女性保护模式。另一个广发的解释是社会偏见理论,认为这些不同是虚幻的。这些被诊断不足的女孩,因为她们被评估的方式或对环境的处理不同,而不是他们真的很少有这个症状。例如,一些研究者声称,女孩能更好的隐藏这些症状。The weaker sex 弱势性别

To investigate this question, Sebastien Jacquemont of the University Hospital of Lausanne and his colleagues analysed genetic data from two groups of children with cognitive abnormalities.Those in one group, 800 strong, were specifically autistic.Those in the other, 16,000 strong, had a range of problems.为了调查这个问题,洛桑医科大学的医生Sebastien Jacquemont和他的同事分析来自两组患有认识异常症状孩子的基因数据。一组有800人明显确定患有自闭症;另一组是明显有一系列问题。

Dr Jacquemont has just published his results in the American Journal of Human Genetics.His crucial finding was that girls in both groups more often had mutations of the sort associated with abnormal neural development than boys did.This was true both for copy-number variants(CNVs, which are variations in the number of copies in a chromosome of particular sections of DNA), and single-nucleotide variants(SNVs, which are alterations to single genetic letters in the DNA message).医生Jacquemont刚将他的研究成果发布在美国人类遗传学杂志上。他的关键发现是两组中,女孩比男孩更多有伴随异常神经发展种类的基因突变。这在拷贝数量变异组(CNVs,一组对DNA特定部分的染色体进行复制)和单核苷酸变异组(SNVs,修改DNA信使中单独的基因字母)两组中都是对的。

On the face of it, this seems compelling evidence for the female-protective model.Since all the children whose data Dr Jacquemont examined had been diagnosed with problems, if the girls had more serious mutations than the boys did, that suggests other aspects of their physiology were covering up the consequences.Females are thus, if this interpretation is correct, better protected from developing symptoms than males are.And, as further confirmation, Dr Jacquemont's findings tally with a study published three years ago, which found that CNVs in autistic girls spanned more genes(and were thus, presumably, more damaging), than those in autistic boys.从表面上看,这似乎是令人信服的女性保护模式证据。因为Jacquemont医生检验的所有孩子的数据都被诊断有问题,如果比起男孩,女孩有更严重的突变,那就表面他们生理机能的其他方面掩盖了结果。如果这个解释是正确的,因此女性比男性能在出现的症状中更好的保护自己。而且,作为进一步的确认,Jacquemont医生的发现与一个三年前发布的研究成果相符,研究发现CNVs在自闭症女孩中横跨多个基因(也因此假设更具破坏性),比患自闭症男孩的多。

The counter-argument is that if girls are better at hiding their symptoms, only the more extreme female cases might turn up in the diagnosed groups.If that were true, a greater degree of mutation might be expected in symptomatic girls as a consequence.However, Dr Jacquemont and his colleagues also found that damaging CNVs were more likely to be inherited from a child's mother than from his or her father.They interpret this as further evidence of female-protectedness.Autistic symptoms make people of either sex less likely to become parents.If mothers are the source of the majority of autism-inducing genes in children, it suggests they are less affected by them.相反的观点认为如果女孩能更好的隐藏他们的症状,在被诊断的小组中,只有更极端女性案例会出现。如果这是正确的,那么在女孩症候群中预期有更多程度的突变。然而,Jacquemont医生和他的同事同样也发现受损的CNVs遗传于母亲的可能性大于他或她的父亲。他们解释这进一步证明了女性保护机制。自闭症症状使任何性别的人都不大愿意成为父母。如果母亲是孩子自闭症诱导基因的主要来源,因此建议孩子们能少受到影响母体的影响。

None of this, though, explains the exact mechanism that makes boys more susceptible than girls.On this question, too, there are two predominant theories.The first is that males are more sensitive because they have only one X-chromosome.This makes them vulnerable to mutations on that chromosome, because any damaged genes have no twin to cover for them.One cognitive disorder, fragile-X syndrome, is indeed much more common in men for this reason.Dr Jacquemont's study, however, found only a limited role for X-chromosome mutations.That suggests the genetic basis of the difference is distributed across the whole genome.即使没有这个,准确机制也说明男孩比女孩更易受到影响。在这个问题上,也有两个主要的理论。第一个理论认为男性更敏感,因为他们只有一个X染色体。这使对染色体的突变更易受影响,因为任何受损基因都没有双胞胎来掩盖。认知障碍,X染色体易损综合症,确实因为这个原因在男性中很常见。然而Jacquemont医生的研究发现X染色体突变的作用有限。这表明该差异的遗传基础是分布在整个基因组的。

The other kind of explanation is anatomical.It is based on brain-imaging studies which suggest differences between the patterns of internal connection in male and female brains.Male brains have stronger local connections, and weaker long-range ones, than do female brains.That is similar to a difference seen between the brains of autistic people and of those who are not.The suggestion here is that the male-type connection pattern is somehow more vulnerable to disruption by the factors which trigger autism and other cognitive problems.Why that should be, however, remains opaque.另一种解释则是解剖学意义上的。它基于男性和女性大脑内部连接模式差异的脑成像研究。男性大脑比起女性而言,有较强的本地连接,较弱的长范围连接。这与是否患有自闭症者大脑的不同相似。这表明男性类型连接模式在某种程度上更加易受因此自闭症的其他认知障碍因素得破坏。然而为什么会这样,仍是未解之谜。

05.27 Display screens 显示屏

Going through a phase 相转变

A new way to create electronic images 新的电子图案显示方法 Wave of the future? 未来之波

LIQUID-CRYSTAL displays are a familiar and ubiquitous technology.But if Harish Bhaskaran of Oxford University is right, their days may be numbered.The essential feature of LCDs is that the pixels in them switch between amorphous and crystal-like phases, which changes their optical properties.In a paper in this week's Nature, Dr Bhaskaran and his colleagues describe something similar in a solid material.At the least, that would stop the messy abstract-impressionist patterns which happen when an LCD is dropped too hard.At most, it might open up a new range of applications, from clothes that change colour to dimmable windscreens.液晶显示屏是一项成熟而广泛应用的技术。但如果牛津大学的Harish Bhaskaran的想法实现,液晶屏的好景也就没几天了。LCD的基本特征是其像素在非晶相和类晶相间转化,因此改变其光学性质。在本周的《自然》杂志上,Bhaskaran博士及其同事陈述了一种类似的固体材料。至少该材质可以防止当LCD猛烈坠地后产生麻烦的抽象印象派图案。最理想情况下,它会有新的应用范围,从变色布料到可调光挡风玻璃。

Solid phase-change materials are already used to store data in optical memory disks.They are also being considered for use in memory chips, because the switch between amorphous and crystalline states alters their electrical properties in ways that can store electronic bits of data.Dr Bhaskaran, though, has shown that thin enough films of the right sort of material can be made to change colour, too.固态相变材料已经用于在光储存盘中储存数据。也可能被用于记忆芯片,因为其非晶态和晶态之间的转变也改变了其电学性能,因此他们能储存电子数据。然而,Bhaskaran博士展示了一种特定材料膜,在足够薄的情况下也可以改变颜色。

This property would make them suitable both for displays that rely on reflected light(so-called electronic paper)and the older, backlit sort that rely on transmitted light.The resulting displays would be thin and could be flexible if printed on the right material—increasing the range of applications they might be used in.And they would consume little power, since energy need be used only when a pixel has to be flipped from one phase to another.这一性能将使其适合于反射光显示(所谓电子纸)和早期的依赖透射光的背光显示。所得显示屏不仅薄,而且铺在合适材料上时非常灵活,增加了其应用范围。而且它消耗的功率更少,因为这种材料只需要在变相的时候消耗能量。The researchers' material of choice is an alloy of germanium, antimony and tellurium.Both the crystalline and the amorphous phases of this substance are stable at any temperature a device is likely to experience, and thin films of it are more or less transparent.The power needed to effect the phase change could be fed to individual pixels by electrodes made of indium tin oxide, which is also transparent.研究人员选择的材料是镓、锑和碲合金。这一物质的晶态和非晶态在任何设备适用温度下都很稳定。其薄膜也几乎透明。要激发相转变所需的能量可以由透明的铟锡氧化物电极向单个像素提供。

The colour of a pixel would depend not only on its phase, but also on its thickness, which would affect the way light waves being reflected within it interfere with one another, cancelling out some frequencies while amplifying others.(The effect is similar to the creation of colours by a thin layer of oil on a puddle.)Generally, the alloy layer needs to be thinner than 20 nanometres for that to happen.单个像素的颜色不仅取决于其相态,也同其厚度有关。厚度会影响光波在两个像素间界面处的反射,削弱部分频率,加强其他频率。(此效应类似于池塘表面薄油层产生的色彩。)一般来说,合金层需要薄于20 nm才会发生这一现象。

To demonstrate their idea, the researchers sprayed films of their alloy onto pieces of silicon, quartz and plastic.They then used a device called an atomic-force microscope, which has a tip a few nanometres across, to apply appropriate electric currents in a grid pattern across the film's surface.This grid mimicked an array of pixels, creating a stable pattern.The result, as their picture of a Japanese wave shows, is a recognisable image—if not, yet, a perfect one.为了证明其观点,研究人员将其合金铺覆到硅,石英和塑料上。然后他们使用所谓原子力显微镜的设备来施加合适的电流在横穿膜表面的网格上。原子力显微镜尖端仅有几个纳米大小。网格模仿像素排列,产生稳定的模式。他们对日本电波的拍摄结果是一个可识别的图像,即便不可识别,也是非常完美的。

Adding the indium-tin-oxide electrodes is a more complicated process, but to show it can be done in principle, Dr Bhaskaran has made a single pixel this way.Whether his idea will get off the lab bench and into the shops remains to be seen.It is by no means the only suggestion around for a new generation of display screens.But it looks plausible.加入铟锡氧化物电极是更为复杂的过程,但是可以从原理上展示其过程。Bhaskaran用这种方式制备了单个像素。他的想法能否从实验室走进商用还是未知。这绝不是新一代显示屏的唯一方案,但颇得看好。05.18 Mitochondria and male lifespan 粒腺体影响男性寿命 Power down 粒腺体阻断

Women outlive men.An evolutionary curiosity may explain this 女性比男性寿命长久。欲知为何,请看进化学分解 Mankiller? 男性健康杀手?

WHY past generations regarded women as the weaker sex is a mystery to anyone who has examined the question objectively, for they are far stronger than men—outliving them in pretty well every society in the world.Partly that is because men are more violent, and their violence is largely directed at other men.But partly it is physiological.Men seem to wear out faster than women do.Yet no one knows why.过去,人们认为女性比男性弱,而这对于客观地调查过此现象的人来说是个迷,因为女性比男性寿命长,很多国家或地区都是如此。在一定程度上,这可能是因为男性要狂暴一些,而且他们的狂暴是针对其他男性。但也有可能是受生理影响。男性精力耗损要比女性快。个中缘由还没有人知道。

Madeleine Beekman of the University of Sydney, Australia, and her colleagues, however, have a hypothesis.As they outline in a paper in the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, they think at least some of the blame lies with subcellular structures called mitochondria(pictured), which provide the body with its power by burning glucose and using the energy thus released to make ATP, a molecule that is biology's universal fuel.玛德琳·比克曼是澳大利亚悉尼大学工作者,她跟同事一起提出一种假说。他们在皇家学会哲学学报发表的一篇论文中指出,男性寿命比女性短的原因可能取决于亚细胞结构,也就是粒腺体。粒腺体通过燃烧葡萄糖为机体提供能量,利用该能量释放三磷腺苷,三磷腺苷是整个机体的燃料。

Mitochondria are intriguing.They are descendants of bacteria that teamed up with the ancestors of animal and plant cells about a billion years ago.As such, they retain their own genes.And this is where the problems start.To avoid fights between genetically different mitochondria in the same cell, most species have arranged for their mitochondria to come from only one parent—usually the mother.This means, as Dr Beekman notes, that a male's mitochondria are stuck in an evolutionary dead end.They cannot evolve in male-specific ways, because no matter how much good they do a male body they inhabit, they will not be passed on to the next generation.粒腺体很有趣。他们是细菌与十亿年前的动物或植物祖先的衍生物。如此便保留住了基因。这就是问题的开始。从遗传学角度讲,为了避免同一个细胞内不同的粒腺体相互排斥,大多数生物都会选择系属同一个细胞的线粒体,通常是同一个雌细胞。如比克曼博士所提到的一样,雄性线粒体陷入进化死胡同。雄性线粒体不能逐渐形成雄性专一方式,因为雄性线粒体在雄性生物体上栖息的多么好,都不能繁衍到下一代。

Male and female physiologies are sufficiently similar for this not to be a central problem, but Dr Beekman thinks it may matter at the margins.She observes that one disease, called Leber's hereditary optic neuropathy, which is caused by a faulty mitochondrial gene, occurs in only 10% of women whose cellular power-packs include the damaged gene, but in 50% of men whose mitochondria are so encumbered.The gene in question, in other words, is less likely to harm a woman than a man.She then lists a lot of other diseases, including ones far commoner than Leber's hereditary optic neuropathy(such as cardiomyopathy, diabetes and several forms of deafness)that sometimes or always have a mitochondrial component, and speculates that some of these, too, may prove to be either more common or more serious in men than in women.As far as her searches of the literature can show, this is not something that has yet been looked into.这和女性和男性生生理机能十分相似,但又不是中心问题。比克曼博士认为,这可能关系到margin。她仔细观察了一种名为利伯氏视神经病变的疾病,是有缺陷的粒腺体基因引起的。女性的发病率只有10%,女性细胞还包括受损细胞。而男性发病率高达50%,主要是粒腺体堵塞引起的。比克曼博士又列举出了其他疾病,这比利伯氏视神经病变要常见的多(例如心肌病、糖尿病和其他耳聋症),这些疾病有时或经常含有粒腺体成分。男性患此类疾病的发病率比女性高,男性患者也比女性患者病情严重的多。此篇论文的研究程度所达程度并不是如此,而且这类问题早已有人考虑过。

Part of the reason for this absence of information may be that few doctors think like evolutionary biologists, so they fail to ask the appropriate questions.Dr Beekman's hypothesis may turn out to be wrong.But it sounds eminently plausible, and certainly worth investigating.关于这些研究缺乏信息可能是因为没有几个医生研究这类问题,比如进化生物学,他们也无法提出合适的问题。比克曼教授的假说也许是错误的,但是,这种假说看起来很有道理,有研究价值。0104 Astrophysics 天体物理 Dust to dust 尘归尘,土归土

A dramatic recent “discovery” in physics is looking rather dodgy 近期,物理学中的一项戏剧性发现看上出非常模糊

IN MARCH Chao-Lin Kuo, an astrophysicist at Stanford University, filmed himself knocking on the door of his colleague Andrei Linde.In the 1980s Dr Linde was one of several cosmologists who developed the theory of cosmic inflation, which holds that, in the first instants of its existence, the universe underwent a brief period of faster-than-light expansion.三月,斯坦福大学天体物理学家郭兆林拍下了自己造访同事Andrei Linde的一幕。上世纪80年代,Linden博士是少有的几位发展了宇宙膨胀论的宇宙学家。宇宙膨胀论认为,在其出现的那一瞬间,宇宙经历了一段超光速膨胀。

Because inflation neatly cleaves several knotty problems in cosmology, many astrophysicists(though not all)subscribe to the theory.But direct, unambiguous evidence for it has been lacking.That was why Dr Kuo was visiting Dr Linde—to tell him that, thanks to the work of a telescope in Antarctica called BICEP-2, such evidence had now been found.After digesting the news, an emotional Dr Linde broke open a bottle of champagne to celebrate.The video has been viewed almost 3m times.因为膨胀论能完整解释宇宙学中的一些难题,许多天体物理学家都倾向于该理论。但是膨胀论仍缺乏直接、清晰的证据。这正是郭博士拜访Linde博士的原因—在南极洲的BICEP-2天文望远镜发现了这种证据。收到消息后,Linde博士开了一瓶香槟来庆祝。这段视频已经被浏览了将近300万次。

It now seems that Dr Kuo might have to make a new video, informing Dr Linde that he has wasted a bottle of bubbly.A paper just released by the team behind Planck, a European space telescope, casts serious doubt on the BICEP-2 result.What looked like a clear window back into the earliest moments of the universe might simply have been a faint glow from the diaphanous clouds of dust that exist between the stars.现在好像郭博士不得不再做一个视频,告诉Linde博士他浪费了一瓶香槟。新近有文献报道称,欧洲的普朗克天文望远镜拍到了对BICEP研究构成重大质疑的结果。回溯到宇宙最初时间,看上去似乎是清晰的窗户的图像可能仅仅是恒星间的透明灰云折射的淡淡光芒。The BICEP-2 team, led by John Kovac of Harvard University, had been studying the cosmic microwave background radiation(CMB)—a weak bath of radiation, left over from the Big Bang, that suffuses the universe.They were looking for evidence of primordial gravitational waves.These are ripples in the fabric of space, created, if the theory of inflation is correct, as the early universe was undergoing its post-creation growth spurt.由哈佛大学John Kovac领导的BICEP-2小组长期研究宇宙微波背景辐射,即一种由大爆炸产生的微弱辐射,弥漫在宇宙中。他们在找寻原始引力波的证据。如果膨胀论是正确的的话,那么这种由宇宙在初创后迸发过程中产生的波会存在于空间架构中。A dusty trail 布满尘埃的小径

Such waves should have left a distinctive, polarised mark imprinted upon the CMB.And, in a press conference on March 17th, that is exactly what the BICEP-2 team claimed to have found.It was the biggest news in physics since the discovery, in 2012, of the Higgs boson, and it was widely covered(including in The Economist).Not only would the BICEP result have confirmed the theory of inflation, but studying the gravitational waves it purported to have found would have given cosmologists a way to look back to the very earliest moments of the universe.这种波应该在宇宙微波辐射背景上留下了一个独特的、极化的记号。并且,在3月17日的新闻发布会上,BICEP-2小组宣布发现的,正是这个记号。这是从2012年希格斯玻色子发现以来,物理学界最大的新闻,并广为传播(包括《经济学人》)。BICEP的结果不仅确认了膨胀论这么简单,研究他们宣称所发现的引力波,将为宇宙学家提供一条回溯宇宙最开始的时刻的方法。

But gravitational waves are not the only things that BICEP-2 might have picked up.The Milky Way is filled with thin clouds of interstellar dust which, under the influence of the galaxy's magnetic field, scatter and polarise starlight.The BICEP team were confident that the contamination from the dust was small enough not to affect their detection of gravitational waves.But the behaviour of the dust is poorly understood, says Chris Lintott, an astronomer at Oxford University, and not everyone was convinced.但是引力波并不是BICEP-2发现的唯一一件事情。银河中遍布的星级尘埃,在星系磁场的作用下,散射或极化星光。BICEP小组相信,灰尘的污染非常小,不足以影响其对引力波的测定。但是牛津大学的天文学家Chris Lintott称,对灰尘行迹我们理解不足,而且无法令所有人信服。

The Planck results suggest that they were right to be sceptical.The European telescope has just unveiled a map of dust density across the entire sky.It suggests that, contrary to the BICEP team's hopes, the signal from the dust is so strong that the telescope might well have seen no primordial gravity waves at all.Planck小组的结果说明,怀疑论者是正确的。欧洲天文望远镜最近提出了一份整个天空中的灰尘的密度分布图。分布图显示,同BICEP小组的假定相反,灰尘发出的信号很强,天文望远镜甚至无法检测到任何的原始引力波。

That, at least, is the most likely interpretation, but it is not the only one.The Planck team are careful to stop short of saying that their results are fatal to BICEP's claims, pointing out that applying their data to the BICEP results involves considerable “statistical and systematic uncertainties”.There are, in other words, a couple of glimmers of hope that signs of inflation have actually been seen.One is that the precise behaviour of the dust is still mysterious, which means the mathematical transformations used to apply Planck's data to BICEP's results may turn out to be incorrect.And even if those maths are sound, statistics may ride to the rescue—for if the amount of radiation from the dust is at the lowest end of Planck's estimates, a small gravitational-wave signal may survive.至少这是最有可能的解释。但却不是唯一的。普朗克小组谨慎地不曾宣称他们的结果对BICEP小组的声明有颠覆效果,而是指出,将他们所获得的数据应用于BICEP的结论中会产生可观的“统计学和系统上的不确定性”。换句话说,有些闪烁有望作为膨胀论确实存在的证据。一方面,灰尘行迹的精确表述依然是个谜,也就是说,将普朗克小组的数据转换为BICEP结果的数学过程可能是错误的。而且即使这些数学转换可靠,数据也可能出现问题。因为如果灰尘的辐射数量处在普朗克小组估计的最低端,可能会有一点点引力波信号留存。Rowing back on a triumphant announcement about the first instants of creation may be a little embarrassing, but the saga is a useful reminder of how science works.There is no suggestion that anyone has behaved dishonourably.Admittedly, the BICEP team's original press conference looks, with hindsight, seriously overconfident.More information-sharing between the various gravitational wave-hunters, all of whom guard their data jealously, might have helped tone down the triumphalism.But science, ideally, proceeds by exactly this sort of good-faith argument and honourable squabbling—until the weight of evidence forces one side to admit defeat.收回早期的胜利宣言可能有点尴尬,但是这个冒险非常恰当地提醒了我们,科学工作者的工作方式。没人会觉得谁的表现有愧其身份。固然,BICEP小组最初的新闻发布会,事后来看,过度自信了。在各种引力波守望者当中共享贡多信息可能有助于缓和这种胜利主义,可惜他们都视自己的数据如命根子。但是,想象中的科学,正是通过这种善意的争论和尊重彼此的吵闹,直到证据的分量迫使一方承认失败。

That could happen soon: the Planck and BICEP teams have pooled their data and are working on a joint paper, expected to be published in the next few months.Information from other gravity-wave hunting experiments—including some run by the BICEP team themselves—will shed extra light, too.It is not yet impossible that Dr Kovac and his colleagues will be proved right after all.But at this point it would take a brave cosmologist to bet on it.这一幕可能很快上演:普朗克小组和BICEP小组已将各自的数据凑到一起,并联合撰写论文,预计将于接下来的几个月中发表。通过其他引力波探测实验,包括BICEP小组自己的,将会摆脱多余的光。可能最终Kovac博士及其同事无法自圆其说。但在这一时刻,需要勇敢的天文学家站出来孤注一掷。



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