中英文 杨洁篪”中非合作论坛”致辞

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第一篇:中英文 杨洁篪”中非合作论坛”致辞



Remarks by Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi at the Public Day of the Foreign Ministry With the Theme of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation

October 2009

尊敬的非洲驻华使团长、多哥大使塔?阿马阁下,各位使节,各位朋友,Your Excellency Mr.Nolana Ta Ama, Dean of the African Diplomatic Corps, Ambassador of the Republic of Togo,Diplomatic Envoys,Dear Friends,下午好!在中非合作论坛第四届部长级会议即将召开之际,外交部举办“中非合作论坛”主题开放日,我谨代表外交部对各位朋友的到来表示热烈的欢迎。今天参加活动的公众中,有的曾凭借高超的医疗技术为非洲人民服务多年,有的曾将青春与汗水抛洒在坦赞铁路上,有的通过经贸往来为中非人民创造机会与财富,还有的是我们对非工作外交官的亲朋好友,大家都在通过自己的努力,以各种方式支持中非关系发展,浇灌着中非友谊之花。今天在座的,还有来自非洲各国的使节、留学生和媒体朋友,你们为促进中非相互了解和理解发挥着不可替代的作用。在这里,我愿对所有到场的朋友们说一声,为了中非合作和友谊,大家辛苦了,谢谢你们!

Good afternoon!In the run-up to the Fourth FOCAC Ministerial Conference, I wish to warmly welcome all the friends, on behalf of the foreign ministry, to this Public day with the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation(FOCAC)as the theme.Among the public representatives present here today, some spent years servicing African people with their medical expertise, some sweated for the construction of the Tanzania-Zambia Railway in their youth, some create opportunities and wealth for our two peoples by growing business ties, and others are families and friends of Chinese diplomats working on China-Africa relations.All of you have worked hard, in your own ways, to support the growth of China-Africa relations and friendship.We also have with us today African diplomatic envoys, students and friends from the press.You play an irreplaceable role in promoting China-Africa mutual understanding.Here, I wish to say a big thank you to all the friends here for your dedication to China-Africa cooperation and friendship.学口译,做金领!迎战3月口译考试








Both China and Africa are cradles of human civilizations.Our friendship and exchanges can be traced back to the 2nd Century AD.It is worth noting that in the Ming Dynasty, Chinese navigator Zheng He led a fleet to the Western Seas on seven voyages, and, for four times, he reached the east coast of Africa, which are now Somalia and Kenya.Many of his stories are still told today.In the mid 20th Century, after the People's Republic of China was founded and most African countries gained independence, China and African countries established diplomatic relations, opening a new chapter in the annals of our friendship.In the past fifty years and more, China-Africa traditional friendship and practical cooperation have withstood the test of time and changes in the international arena and emerged even stronger.进入21世纪,为了共谋发展,同迎挑战,中国和非洲友好国家共创了中非合作论坛,从2000年到今天,已走过了9个春秋。在中非双方的高度重视和精心培育下,论坛机制日臻完善,作用日益突出,影响不断扩大。

At the dawn of the 21st Century, China and friendly African countries jointly launched FOCAC in 2000 to seek development and meet challenges together.Over the past nine years, China and Africa have given top priority to and put much time and energy into FOCAC.With full-fledged mechanisms, FOCAC is playing a bigger role with increasingly greater influence.论坛是引领中非友好的旗帜。2000年首届部长级会议中非建立“长期稳定、平等互利的新型伙伴关系”,2003年第二届部长级会议中非双方提出进一步巩固和发展“长期稳定、平等互利、全面合作的新型伙伴关系”,2006年北京峰会上胡锦涛主席代表中国政府宣布深受非洲国家欢迎的8项举措,中非领导人一致同意建立和发展中非新型战略伙伴关系,论坛引领中非友好合作关系又好又快地向前推进。

Under the flag of FOCAC, China-Africa friendship has flourished.At the First Ministerial Conference in 2000, we committed ourselves to a new China-Africa partnership featuring long-term stability, equality and mutual benefit.At the Second Ministerial Conference in 2003, we set out to boost comprehensive cooperation under this new partnership.At the Beijing Summit in 2006, President Hu Jintao announced, on behalf of the Chinese government, eight measures that have been well received by African countries.Chinese and African leaders agreed at the summit to build a new type of China-Africa strategic partnership.FOCAC has acted as a spearhead in the sound and fast growth of China-Africa friendly relations and cooperation.论坛是中非进行集体对话的重要平台。双方在论坛框架下建立了部长级会议、外长级政治对话、高官级会议和论坛中方后续行动委员会与非洲驻华使团磋商等机制。部长会每三年举行一届,轮流在中国和非洲国家召开。中非双方利用论坛这一平台,就中非关系和共同关心的国际和地区问题深入交换意见,协调双方立场,加强相互支持。

FOCAC is an important platform for China-Africa collective dialogue.Under it, there are mechanisms including ministerial conference, political dialogue at the foreign ministers' level, senior officials' meeting and consultations between the Secretariat of the Chinese Follow-up Committee of FOCAC and the African diplomatic corps in China.The ministerial conference takes place every three years in China and Africa alternately.FOCAC has brought China and Africa together for in-depth exchange of views on our relations and international and regional issues of common interest, and for better coordination and stronger mutual support.论坛是中非开展务实合作的有效机制。每届部长会都制定既具指导性又切实可操作的纲领性合作文件,对会后三年双方各领域合作进行全面规划。论坛已成为中非友好合作的一大国际品牌,受到国际社会的广泛关注,对发展中国家间加强合作具有示范作用,也带动了国际社会更加重视非洲并加大对非投入。

FOCAC is an effective mechanism for China-Africa practical cooperation.Every ministerial conference has adopted feasible plans to guide cooperation across the board in the next three years.FOCAC has become an international brand of China-Africa friendship and cooperation, drawing worldwide interest.It showcases the strengthened cooperation among developing countries and encourages the international community to pay more attention to and increase input in Africa.再过一周,论坛第四届部长级会议将在埃及沙姆沙伊赫召开。中国国务院总理温家宝将同埃及总统穆巴拉克和部分非洲国家领导人一起出席开幕式,并发表重要讲话。中国政府还将宣布对非合作新举措。相信这次会议将在新形势下进一步推动中非关系的发展,成为中非友好史上新的里程碑。

In a week's time, the Fourth FOCAC Ministerial Conference will take place in Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt.Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao, together with Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak and some other African leaders, will attend and speak at the opening ceremony.He will announce the Chinese government's new measures for cooperation with Africa.I believe this conference will further promote the growth of China-Africa relations in the new era and become another milestone in the history of China-Africa friendship.朋友们,Dear Friends,中国人民同非洲人民是心心相印的朋友、兄弟。不管是过去、现在,还是将来,中国人民都


The Chinese people are bosom friends and brothers of the African people.We cherish our traditional friendship with the African people, and take African people as our reliable and trustworthy all-weather friends.Looking back, we are proud of our friendship.Looking ahead, we need more people, young Chinese and Africans in particular, to deepen and strengthen China-Africa friendship.We have every reason to be confident that our two peoples will work together to bring our cooperation to a higher plane and make our friendship even more fruitful!





Remarks by Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi at the Public Day of the Foreign Ministry With the Theme of the Forum on China-Africa


October 2009

尊敬的非洲驻华使团长、多哥大使塔•阿马阁下,各位使节,各位朋友,Your Excellency Mr.Nolana Ta Ama, Dean of the African Diplomatic Corps, Ambassador of the Republic of Togo,Diplomatic Envoys,Dear Friends,下午好!在中非合作论坛第四届部长级会议即将召开之际,外交部举办“中非合作论坛”主题开放日,我谨代表外交部对各位朋友的到来表示热烈的欢迎。今天参加活动的公众中,有的曾凭借高超的医疗技术为非洲人民服务多年,有的曾将青春与汗水抛洒在坦赞铁路上,有的通过经贸往来为中非人民创造机会与财富,还有的是我们对非工作外交官的亲朋好友,大家都在通过自己的努力,以各种方式支持中非关系发展,浇灌着中非友谊之花。今天在座的,还有来自非洲各国的使节、留学生和媒体朋友,你们为促进中非相互了解和理解发挥着不可替代的作用。在这里,我愿对所有到场的朋友们说一声,为了中非合作和友谊,大家辛苦了,谢谢你们!

Good afternoon!In the run-up to the Fourth FOCAC Ministerial

Conference, I wish to warmly welcome all the friends, on behalf of the foreign ministry, to this Public day with the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation(FOCAC)as the theme.Among the public representatives present here today, some spent years servicing African people with their medical expertise, some sweated for the construction of the Tanzania-Zambia Railway in their youth, some create opportunities and wealth for our two peoples by growing business ties, and others are families and friends of Chinese diplomats working on China-Africa relations.All of you have worked hard, in your own ways, to support the growth of China-Africa relations and friendship.We also have with us today African diplomatic envoys, students and friends from the

press.You play an irreplaceable role in promoting China-Africa mutual understanding.Here, I wish to say a big thank you to all the friends here for your dedication to China-Africa cooperation and friendship.中国和非洲同为人类文明发祥地,友好交往源远流长,最早可追溯到公元前2世纪。历史上传为佳话的是,中国明代航海家郑和七下西洋,曾4次到过现在的索马里、肯尼亚等东非沿岸,至今留下许多动人的传说。20世纪中叶,随着新中国的诞生和广大非洲国家相继获得独立,中国与非洲国家陆续建立了外交关系,中非友好续谱新篇。半个多世纪以来,中非传统友谊和务实合作经受住了时间和国际风云变幻的考验,历久弥坚。

Both China and Africa are cradles of human civilizations.Our friendship and exchanges can be traced back to the 2nd Century AD.It is worth noting that in the Ming Dynasty, Chinese navigator Zheng He led a fleet to the Western Seas on seven voyages, and, for four times, he reached the east coast of Africa, which are now Somalia and Kenya.Many of his stories are still told today.In the mid 20th Century, after the People's Republic of China was founded and most African countries gained independence, China and African countries established diplomatic

relations, opening a new chapter in the annals of our friendship.In the past fifty years and more, China-Africa traditional friendship and

practical cooperation have withstood the test of time and changes in the international arena and emerged even stronger.进入21世纪,为了共谋发展,同迎挑战,中国和非洲友好国家共创了中非合作论坛,从2000年到今天,已走过了9个春秋。在中非双方的高度重视和精心培育下,论坛机制日臻完善,作用日益突出,影响不断扩大。

At the dawn of the 21st Century, China and friendly African countries jointly launched FOCAC in 2000 to seek development and meet

challenges together.Over the past nine years, China and Africa have given top priority to and put much time and energy into FOCAC.With full-fledged mechanisms, FOCAC is playing a bigger role with

increasingly greater influence.论坛是引领中非友好的旗帜。2000年首届部长级会议中非建立“长期稳定、平等互利的新型伙伴关系”,2003年第二届部长级会议中非双方提出进一步巩固和发展“长期稳定、平等互利、全面合作的新型伙伴关系”,2006年北京峰会上胡锦涛主席代表中国政府宣布深受非洲国家欢迎的8项举措,中非领导人一致同意建立和发展中非新型战略伙伴关系,论坛引领中非友好合作关系又好又快地向前推进。

Under the flag of FOCAC, China-Africa friendship has flourished.At the First Ministerial Conference in 2000, we committed ourselves to a new China-Africa partnership featuring long-term stability, equality and mutual benefit.At the Second Ministerial Conference in 2003, we set out to boost comprehensive cooperation under this new partnership.At the Beijing Summit in 2006, President Hu Jintao announced, on behalf of the Chinese government, eight measures that have been well

received by African countries.Chinese and African leaders agreed at the summit to build a new type of China-Africa strategic partnership.FOCAC has acted as a spearhead in the sound and fast growth of China-Africa friendly relations and cooperation.论坛是中非进行集体对话的重要平台。双方在论坛框架下建立了部长级会议、外长级政治对话、高官级会议和论坛中方后续行动委员会与非洲驻华使团磋商等机制。部长会每三年举行一届,轮流在中国和非洲国家召开。中非双方利用论坛这一平台,就中非关系和共同关心的国际和地区问题深入交换意见,协调双方立场,加强相互支持。

FOCAC is an important platform for China-Africa collective dialogue.Under it, there are mechanisms including ministerial conference, political dialogue at the foreign ministers' level, senior officials' meeting and consultations between the Secretariat of the Chinese Follow-up Committee of FOCAC and the African diplomatic corps in China.The ministerial conference takes place every three years in China and Africa alternately.FOCAC has brought China and Africa together for in-depth exchange of views on our relations and

international and regional issues of common interest, and for better coordination and stronger mutual support.论坛是中非开展务实合作的有效机制。每届部长会都制定既具指导性又切实可操作的纲领性合作文件,对会后三年双方各领域合作进行全面规划。论坛已成为中非友好合作的一大国际品牌,受到国际社会的广泛关注,对发展中国家间加强合作具有示范作用,也带动了国际社会更加重视非洲并加大对非投入。

FOCAC is an effective mechanism for China-Africa practical cooperation.Every ministerial conference has adopted feasible plans to guide cooperation across the board in the next three years.FOCAC has become an international brand of China-Africa friendship and

cooperation, drawing worldwide interest.It showcases the

strengthened cooperation among developing countries and encourages the international community to pay more attention to and increase input in Africa.再过一周,论坛第四届部长级会议将在埃及沙姆沙伊赫召开。中国国务院总理温家宝将同埃及总统穆巴拉克和部分非洲国家领导人一起出席开幕式,并发表重要讲话。中国政府还将宣布对非合作新举措。相信这次会议将在新形势下进一步推动中非关系的发展,成为中非友好史上新的里程碑。

In a week's time, the Fourth FOCAC Ministerial Conference will take place in Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt.Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao, together with Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak and some other African leaders, will attend and speak at the opening ceremony.He will announce the Chinese government's new measures for cooperation with Africa.I believe this conference will further promote the growth of China-Africa

relations in the new era and become another milestone in the history of China-Africa friendship.朋友们,Dear Friends,中国人民同非洲人民是心心相印的朋友、兄弟。不管是过去、现在,还是将来,中国人民都将永远珍视同非洲人民的传统友谊,将始终视非洲人民为可以信赖和依靠的全天候朋友。回顾过去,我们为中非友谊而自豪,面向未来,我们需要更多的人,特别是中非年轻一代,共同巩固和延伸中非友谊的桥梁。我们有理由相信,在中非人民的共同努力下,中非合作一定会登上一个更高台阶!中非友谊一定会结出更美丽的花朵。

The Chinese people are bosom friends and brothers of the African

people.We cherish our traditional friendship with the African people, and take African people as our reliable and trustworthy all-weather friends.Looking back, we are proud of our friendship.Looking ahead, we need more people, young Chinese and Africans in particular, to

deepen and strengthen China-Africa friendship.We have every reason to be confident that our two peoples will work together to bring our cooperation to a higher plane and make our friendship even more fruitful!


















Remarks by Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi At the Second Round of Ministerial Political Consultations Between China and Africa New York, 23 September 2010 2010/09/27

Your Excellency Deputy Foreign Minister Mr.Ibrahim A.Hassan Your Excellency Chairman Jean Ping, Dear Colleagues, Ladies and Gentlemen, I declare the beginning of the second round of ministerial political consultations between China and Africa.At the important moment when the United Nations meets for the High-level Plenary Meeting on the Millennium Development Goals(MDGs), we are once again gathered here to exchange views on major international and regional issues and draw up plans for deeper China-Africa cooperation in the future.Our meeting today is indeed of great significance.I wish to first extend sincere thanks and warm welcome to all the colleagues present.Last November, the Fourth Ministerial Conference of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation(FOCAC)was successfully held in Sharm El Sheikh of Egypt.It marked a new starting point of China-Africa relations.In less than one year, notable results have been achieved in delivering the outcomes of the conference, thanks to our joint efforts.The eight new measures announced by China are being followed through across the board.Steps have been taken to implement the measures regarding debt relief, tariff exemption, concessional loans and the establishment of a special loan for small and medium-sized African businesses.The China-Africa Science and Technology Partnership and China-Africa Joint Research and Exchange Program have been launched in succession.And good progress has been made in building the clean energy facilities, agricultural technology demonstration centers and China-Africa friendship schools in Africa.Under the guidance of FOCAC, China and Africa have strengthened political exchanges, deepened practical cooperation and expanded cultural and people-to-people interactions.The two sides now have an even stronger will to advance the new type of China-Africa strategic partnership.I am confident that with the concerted efforts of China and Africa, the outcomes of the FOCAC ministerial conference will be implemented in a comprehensive and effective way and China-Africa cooperation will reach a new high.Dear Colleagues, Ladies and Gentlemen, We are witnessing complex and profound changes in the international situation.The world is moving further towards multi-polarity and economic globalization, and the global architecture is going through major adjustments and transformation.The trend of the times towards peace, development and cooperation has gained stronger momentum.And multilateralism and greater democracy in international relations now enjoy more popular support.On the other hand, the underlying impact of the international financial crisis is still being felt and the fragility and imbalance of world economic recovery has become more evident.International and regional hotspot issues keep flaring up.And global issues such as climate change, energy and resource security, food security and public health security have been thrown into sharp relief.There still exist many destabilizing factors and uncertainties in the international situation.Africa faces both important opportunities and severe challenges in pursuing peace and development.In recent years, the situation in Africa has on the whole been moving in the positive direction.Peace and stability have been strengthened and the economy has shown good momentum of recovery.African countries have intensified efforts to seek greater strength through unity and actively participated in international affairs.Their collective influence on major global issues has been on the rise.Yet we are also aware that peace and stability in some parts of Africa is still fragile.Some long-standing hotspot issues remain unresolved, and non-traditional security threats, including terrorism, piracy, communicable diseases and climate change, are looming large.The impact of the international financial crisis on the African economy and society has added to Africa’s difficulty in achieving the MDGs as scheduled.A harmonious world of enduring peace and common prosperity would not be possible without peace and development in Africa.We believe that development is the foundation for peace in Africa.Conflict and poverty often come hand in hand and form a vicious cycle.If Africa is to achieve durable peace and stability, it needs to speed up economic and social development and let all the people share the benefits of development.We support African countries in peacefully settling their disputes through consultation and negotiation, and encourage them to vigorously pursue development by giving full play to their strength in resources and advantage of being a late starter.We maintain that the development path of Africa should be a choice for the African people to make.Every country needs to take a path suited to its national conditions if it wants to achieve development.We respect the sovereignty of African countries and their right to independently choose their development paths.We believe that the African people have the wisdom and ability to achieve economic prosperity and social progress through their own unremitting efforts.We call on the international community, developed countries in particular, to earnestly fulfill its responsibility of helping Africa achieve development, faithfully honor its commitment of aid increase, debt relief, market access and technology transfer, work for positiFZSve, comprehensive and balanced outcomes at the Doha round negotiations, and create a favorable external environment for the development of African countries.It is of particular importance for developed countries to deliver as soon as possible their commitments of financial support and technology transfer to Africa for combating climate change, and help Africa build stronger capacity for adapting to and tackling climate change.This year marks the tenth anniversary of the adoption of the UN MDGs, and we are gathered here at the UN General Assembly with the important mission of pushing for their attainment.At the High-level Plenary Meeting on the MDGs yesterday, Premier Wen Jiabao set out the Chinese government’s position on the issue of development, and announced a series of important measures that China will take in support of the development of other developing countries.We hope that the international community will build up political consensus, increase input in development, secure development resources, and take more effective actions to help Africa meet the MDGs at an early date.Dear Colleagues, Ladies and Gentlemen, China-Africa cooperation is an important force for peace and development in Africa and the world at large.China-Africa relations have gone through historic changes and moved beyond the bilateral scope.Our relations now impact the course of world development.We should further enhance China-Africa cooperation from a strategic perspective and pursue common development.We should work together to raise the overall status of developing countries in international political and economic landscape and to build a more just and equitable international political and economic order.China stands ready to strengthen unity and cooperation with Africa in the following aspects: First, expand multilateral cooperation and actively meet global challenges.We should jointly push forward the reform of international economic and financial systems, support stronger representation and voice of developing countries in international financial institutions, and work to reinforce the development and poverty reduction functions of these institutions.China supports a bigger role for Africa in international economic affairs and stronger representation and voice of Africa in the G20 and IMF.We will continue to strengthen cooperation with Africa on major global issues.China and Africa should work together to encourage the international community to be attentive to the needs of developing countries and jointly uphold the legitimate rights and interests of developing countries.China will, within the framework of South-South cooperation and FOCAC, work with Africa to speed up the building of a China-Africa partnership in addressing climate change and push for positive outcomes at the Cancun conference.Second, deepen practical cooperation and speed up the implementation of the MDGs.We should make concerted efforts to facilitate a shift in the international economic order and trading system that is conducive to developing countries, and create a sound external environment for them in meeting the MDGs.We should urge the international community, developed countries in particular, to step up support and input in development.China will earnestly implement the important measures announced by Premier Wen for supporting the development of developing countries and the outcomes of the Fourth Ministerial Conference of FOCAC to help Africa raise capacities for self-development and achieve the MDGs.Third, enhance security cooperation and promote enduring peace in Africa.China will lend strong support to the African Union(AU)and other regional organizations in building their peacekeeping capacities, and call on the international community, the UN in particular, to scale up support for the AU’s peacekeeping operation in Somalia.China opposes any attempt to disrupt and impede the peaceful resolution of hotspot issues in Africa, and supports the AU’s position on the International Criminal Court’s indictment against the Sudanese leader.China will continue to play a constructive role through multiple channels in helping resolve the hotspot issues in Africa and take an active part in the UN peacekeeping operations in Africa.Fourth, improve cooperation mechanism and further expand the scope of FOCAC development.FOCAC is both a fruit of China-Africa friendship, and an important platform and “propeller” for deeper China-Africa cooperation.It plays an irreplaceable role in China-Africa relations, and has become a well-known “brand” in international cooperation with Africa.China and Africa have the shared responsibility to keep FOCAC in good shape, improve its institutional building, enrich its substance, and explore innovative models of cooperation, so that FOCAC can, in keeping with the trend of the times, play a bigger role in promoting China-Africa relations and bring greater benefits to the people of China and Africa.Thank you.




尊敬的墨菲院长,各位使节、国际组织和机构代表,日内瓦外交与国际关系学院的教师和同学们,女士们,先生们,朋友们: President Murphy, Your Excellencies Diplomatic Envoys and Representatives of International Organizations and Institutions, Faculty Members and Students of the Geneva School of the Diplomacy and International Relations, Ladies and Gentlemen, Dear Friends,很高兴在美丽的日内瓦与各位相聚一堂。首先,我想对日内瓦外交与国际关系学院授予我名誉博士学位表示诚挚的感谢。日内瓦外交与国际关系学院以严谨扎实的学风在国际上富有盛名。能够获得这座学院的名誉博士学位,我深感荣幸。这也体现了墨菲院长对中国人民的友好情谊。值此机会,我也要向长期致力于促进中国与瑞士、欧洲乃至世界友好合作的朋友们表示崇高的敬意和衷心的感谢。It is a distinct pleasure to meet you in the beautiful city of Geneva.Let me begin by expressing sincere thanks to the Geneva School of Diplomacy and International Relations(GSD)for awarding me this honorary doctorate.The GSD, with its rigorous scholarship, is a world renowned institution and I am truly honored to receive an honorary doctorate from such a prestigious school.I see this as a manifestation of President Murphy's goodwill towards the Chinese people.I also want to take this opportunity to pay high tribute and extend heartfelt thanks to all those friends who have long been committed to enhancing the friendship and cooperation between China and Switzerland, Europe and the whole world.当今世界正处于大变革大调整之中。全球化继续向纵深发展,既为人类社会带来难得的机遇,也使国际社会大家庭面临广泛的挑战。金融危机波及世界的每一个角落,牵动各国的发展议程。地区热点问题出现新的变数,影响着国际安全形势的发展演变。气候变化、能源安全、环境恶化、贫困加剧、传染病蔓延、大规模杀伤性武器的扩散等全球性问题日益突出,已经并将继续对国际关系产生广泛和深远的影响。

We live at a time when the world is undergoing major changes and adjustments.The ever deepening globalization has brought both rare opportunities to mankind and extensive challenges to the international community.The international financial crisis is spreading to every cornor of the world and affecting the development agenda of all countries.New uncertainties have emerged in regional hotspot issues, impacting the evolution of the international security situation.Global issues such as climate change, energy security, environmental degradation, worsening poverty, spread of communicable disease and proliferation of weapons of mass destruction(WMD)are becoming increasingly acute.They already have and will continue to make a profound impact on international relations.这一切昭示我们,世界正变得越来越小,国与国、人与人之间的距离越来越近,大家同处“地球村”,同乘一条船。在这个各国利益交融、休戚相依的时代,与世界隔绝不可能实现真正的发展与繁荣,独善其身不可能实现持久的和平与稳定。同舟共济、互利共赢,应成为各国的共同选择。All this shows that our world is becoming smaller and countries and peoples are getting closer to one another.We all live in a “global village” and are like passengers in the same boat.As countries are more than ever interdependent with their interests closely interconnected, no one can expect to achieve true development and prosperity in isolation, or secure durable peace and stability on one's own.Our only choice is to confront challenges together and pursue mutual benefit and win-win progress.朋友们:

Dear Friends,经过30多年的改革开放,中国同世界的关系发生了历史性变化,中国的前途命运日益紧密地同世界的前途命运联系在一起。不管国际风云如何变幻,中国都将高举和平、发展、合作旗帜,奉行独立自主的和平外交政策,恪守维护世界和平、促进共同发展的外交宗旨。

Thirty years of reform and opening-up have brought historic changes in China's relations with the world, and China's future and destiny are now closely tied to those of the world.No matter how the international situation may evolve, China will always stand for peace, development and cooperation, pursue an independent foreign policy of peace, and stick to its diplomatic vision of upholding world peace and promoting common development.——我们始终不渝坚持走和平发展道路。中华民族是热爱和平的民族。中华民族的复兴对世界不是威胁,而是机遇和 贡献。我们始终秉持国家不分大小、强弱、贫富,一律平等,尊重各国人民自主选择发展道路的权利。我们致力于和平解决国际争端和热点问题,推动国际和地区安全合作。中国的发展是和平的发展,不会损害任何人,也不会威胁任何人。中国现在不称霸,将来也绝不称霸。

--We are committed to following the path of peaceful development.The Chinese people love peace.Our endeavor to rejuvenate the Chinese nation is not a threat to the world.Rather, it represents an opportunity and our contribution to the world.We maintain that all countries, big and small, strong and weak, rich and poor, are equal, and we respect the right of people of all countries to independently choose their own development path.We seek peaceful settlement of international disputes and hotspot issues and greater international and regional security cooperation.China's development is peaceful in nature, and it will not harm or threaten anyone.China does not seek hegemony now, nor will it do so in the future.——我们始终不渝奉行互利共赢的开放战略。中国将继续以自己的发展促进地区和世界的共同发展,扩大同各方利益的汇合点,在实现本国发展的同时兼顾各方特别是发展中国家的正当关切。我们将继续按照通行的国际经贸规则,参与国际经贸合作。我们支持国际社会向发展中国家提供更多援助,协助其改善民生,增强自主发展能力。我们支持完善国际贸易和金融体制,通过磋商协作解决彼此间的摩擦和分歧。中国决不做损人利己、以邻为壑的事情。

--We are committed to pursuing a win-win strategy of opening-up.China will continue to push forward regional and global development through its own development.We will work to broaden converging interests with other countries and, while pursuing our own development, we will accommodate the legitimate concerns of others, especially those of developing countries.We will continue to engage in international economic cooperation and trade in accordance with the international trading rules.We support the international community in channeling more assistance to developing countries and helping them improve people's well-being and enhance capacity for self-development.We support efforts to improve the international trade and financial systems and resolve frictions and differences through consultation and collaboration.China will never seek to advance its interests at the expense of others.——我们始终不渝致力于建设和谐世界。和谐世界的目标是持久和平、共同繁荣。为此,各国应遵循《联合国宪章》宗旨和原则,恪守国际法和公认的国际关系准则,在国际关系中弘扬民主、和睦、协作、共赢精神。政治上相互尊重、平等协商;经济上相互合作、优势互补;文化上相互借鉴、求同存异;安全上相互信任、加强合作;环保上相互帮助,协力推进,共同呵护人类赖以生存的地球家园。--We are committed to building a harmonious world.Enduring peace and common prosperity are the defining features of a harmonious world.To build such a world, all countries should uphold the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations, abide by international law and universally recognized norms governing international relations, and embrace a spirit of democracy, harmony, collaboration and win-win progress in international relations.Politically, we should respect each other and conduct consultations on an equal footing.Economically, we should cooperate with each other and draw on each other's strengths.Culturally, we should learn from each other and seek common ground while shelving differences.On the security front, we should trust each other and bolster cooperation.And on the environmental front, we should help each other and make joint endeavors to protect the planet Earth, our common home.——我们始终不渝坚持在和平共处五项原则基础上同所有国家发展友好合作。中美两国确定共同建设21世纪积极合作全面的中美关系。上个月举行的中美战略与经济对话首次会议,就许多双边和重大的全球性问题达成重要共识。中俄战略协作伙伴关系保持了良好发展势头,两国在能源、经贸、科技、文化等领域的合作不断取得新进展。中欧全面战略伙伴关系不断向前发展,双方战略共识日益增多,经贸合作富有成效,相互了解不断加深。中日战略互惠关系总体保持良好发展势头,双边务实合作不断加强。我们将继续本着“与邻为善、以邻为伴”的周边外交方针,加强睦邻友好和务实合作,共同营造和平稳定、平等互信、合作共赢的地区环境。我们加强同广大发展中国家的团结合作,深化传统友谊。

--We are committed to developing friendly relations and cooperation with all countries on the basis of the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence.As you may know, China and the United States have agreed to build a positive, cooperative and comprehensive relationship for the 21st century, and the first meeting of the China-US Strategic and Economic Dialogue held last month produced important common understanding between the two sides on a host of bilateral and major global issues.China-Russia strategic partnership of coordination has maintained sound momentum of growth, and the two countries have made new headway in advancing cooperation in energy, economy and trade, science and technology, culture and other fields.China-EU comprehensive strategic partnership has been forging ahead.The two sides have built greater strategic consensus, conducted fruitful business cooperation and fostered greater mutual understanding.China-Japan strategic relationship of mutual benefit has, on the whole, enjoyed sound growth and practical cooperation between the two countries is getting stronger.Following the policy of building amicable relations and partnerships, we will further strengthen good-neighborliness and practical cooperation with our neighboring countries, and work in concert with them to foster a peaceful and stable regional environment featuring equality, mutual trust and win-win cooperation.We will, as always, enhance solidarity and cooperation with other developing countries and deepen our traditional friendship with them.——我们积极参与国际社会应对各种全球性问题的协调与合作。中国积极参与应对金融危机的国际合作,主张各国加强宏观经济政策协调,推进国际金融体系改革,加大对发展问题的关注和投入。中国高度重视并积极参与应对气候变化国际合作,主张国际社会坚持《联合国气候变化框架公约》和《京都议定书》基本框架,坚持“共同但有区别的责任”原则,在可持续发展原则下共同应对气候变化问题。中国积极参与国际粮食合作并提供了力所能及的对外援助。中国主张国际社会树立和落实多元发展、协同保障的新能源安全观,加强能源开发利用的互利合作。中国支持世界卫生组织促进全球公共卫生事业的努力,将继续与世界卫生组织和其他成员国就此加强合作。中国积极支持国际军控、裁军与防扩散进程,一贯主张全面禁止和彻底销毁核武器,坚持反对大规模杀伤性武器及其运载工具的扩散,愿与各国一道共同为早日实现无核武器世界而努力。--We have taken an active part in the international efforts to address global issues.China has been actively involved in the international cooperation on tackling the financial crisis.We call on all countries to intensify coordination on macroeconomic policies, advance the reform of the international financial system, pay greater attention to the issue of development and scale up input in development.China attaches great importance to and has actively participated in the international cooperation on addressing climate change.We believe that the international community should uphold the basic framework of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change and its Kyoto Protocol, adhere to the principle of “common but differentiated responsibilities”, and jointly tackle climate change in the broader context of sustainable development.China has played an active role in the international food cooperation and provided assistance to other countries to the best of its ability.China holds that the international community should foster and follow a new concept of energy security featuring diversified forms of development and common energy security through coordination, and enhance mutually beneficial cooperation in energy development and utilization.China supports the World Health Organization(WHO)in promoting global public health programs, and will continue to work with the WHO and its member states to enhance cooperation in this regard.China actively supports international arms control, disarmament and nonproliferation.We have always stood for the complete prohibition and thorough destruction of nuclear weapons and firmly opposed the proliferation of WMD and their means of delivery.We are ready to work with other countries for the early realization of a nuclear-weapon-free world.——我们积极推动妥善解决热点问题。中国一直致力于维护国际防扩散体系,维护朝鲜半岛和东北亚地区和平与发展。我们主张通过外交谈判和平解决伊朗核问题,寻求伊核问题的长远解决之道。中国支持平衡推进苏丹达尔富尔问题政治进程和维和部署,敦促达区各派别参加谈判,争取早日达成全面和平协议。我们积极倡导和参与一切有助于中东和平的国际努力,希望有关各方把握时机,采取切实行动,推动中东局势向缓和、稳定方向发展。

--We have worked vigorously for the proper settlement of hotspot issues.China is committed to upholding the international nonproliferation regime, and safeguarding peace and development on the Korean Peninsula and in Northeast Asia.We maintain that the Iranian nuclear issue should be resolved peacefully through diplomatic negotiations and that efforts should be made to pursue a long-term solution to the issue.China supports parallel progress in both the political process of the Darfur issue and the deployment of the peacekeeping operation.We urge the various factions in Darfur to come to the negotiating table and conclude a peace agreement at an early date.We strongly support and actively participate in all international efforts that are conducive to peace in the Middle East.We hope that the parties concerned will seize the opportunity and take concrete steps to move the situation in that part of the world toward relaxation and stability.朋友们:

Dear friends,日内瓦是众多联合国专门机构和重要国际组织所在地,许多重要的国际规则在这里诞生。中国重视并支持相关国际组织在解决当今世界面临的重大和全球性问题中发挥积极作用,愿进一步加强双方友好合作。Geneva is home to many UN specialized agencies and important international organizations, and it is the birthplace of many important international rules.China values the role of relevant international organizations and supports them in playing an active part in addressing major global issues facing today's world.We look forward to enhanced friendship and cooperation with these orgnizations.“国之交在于民相亲”。作为各国人民友好交往的使者,外交官以及即将和正在从事外交事业的人们在推动世界和平、促进共同发展方面肩负着重大使命。让我们共同努力,为维护世界的和平稳定、促进人类的共同发展做出更大的贡献!As a Chinese saying goes,“amity between people holds the key to sound relations between states.” As envoys of friendship among our peoples, we, the diplomats, and all the men and women who are preparing themselves for a diplomatic career, shoulder the important mission of promoting world peace and common development.Let us work together and make even greater contribution to world peace and stability and common progress of mankind.谢谢大家。Thank you.



十一届全国人大四次会议定于2011年3月7日上午10点在人民大会堂三楼金色大厅举行记者会,请外交部部长杨洁篪就我国的对外政策和对外关系回答中外记者提问。全国人大常委会副秘书长、记者会主持人 曹卫洲:

女士们、先生们,上午好。Ladies and gentlemen: Good morning.十一届全国人大四次会议现在举行记者会,今天我们邀请外交部杨洁篪部长来和大家见面,并就中国的外交政策和对外关系回答大家提出的问题。

The Fourth Session of the 11th National People’s Congress is hosting a press conference today.We have invited Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi to meet Chinese and foreign press and answer your questions related to China’s foreign policy and external relations.(meet: vt.&vi.碰头,会面,碰到;认识,结识;vt.迎接;vi.聚集开会)曹卫洲:


Now I would like to give the microphone to Minister Yang.杨洁篪:


Ladies and gentlemen, friends of the press: Good morning.It’s a great pleasure to meet you here today.In his Report on the Work of the Government, Premier Wen Jiabao outlined China’s foreign policy and external relations.Now I’m ready to answer your questions.曹卫洲:

下面请各位记者朋友提问。The floor is now open for questions.(the floor:(议会的)议员席;全体与会者;take the floor:(在重要的公开会议上)开始发言;have the floor:(在重要的公开会上)发言,有发言权)新华社、中国新华新闻电视网记者:


Minister Yang, I’m with Xinhua News Agency and its affiliated website.The year 2010 witnesses shifting dynamics in the international situation.China’s diplomacy attracted wide attention.What do you think are the features in the international situation and China’s diplomacy last year? Can you tell us the main items on China’s diplomatic agenda for this year which is the first year of the 12th Five Years’ Plan Period? How do you envision China’s diplomacy in the next five or even ten years?(激荡: surge – 巨浪;起伏)(引人注目: catch one’s eye;catch one’s attention)杨洁篪:


In my view, “change” and “cooperation” were the two salient(显著的,突出的)features in the international situation in 2010.After the international financial crisis, the world economies struggled to recover.Our world continued to undergo major changes, major adjustments and major developments.Steady progress was made in the reform of the world economic governors’ structure.There was a rapid rise of emerging economies.And there was greater balance in international power.(在曲折中: under complicated circumstances)杨洁篪:


The international security situation was, on the whole, stable.However, at the same time, destabilizing factors and uncertainties increased.In spite of some differences and disagreements between countries over issues of one kind or another, countries have become more inter-connected and inter-dependent.It has become consensus of more and more countries to pursue security through development and promote development through cooperation.杨洁篪:


The year 2010 was one of both challenges and achievements for China’s diplomacy.Under the correct leadership of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council, we successfully hosted joyful events, properly managed thorny issues(棘手的问题)and accomplished major tasks.We achieved abundant results in summit diplomacy, advanced our friendship and cooperation with other countries in the world across the board(全面的[地],包括所有的人在内的[地]), and opened up new dimensions in China’s diplomatic work.(开拓: open up;develop;explore)(局面: aspect)3

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