
时间:2019-05-12 03:31:17下载本文作者:会员上传







肯定句:主语+动词过去式如: I helped my mum.Chinese people invented paper.否定句:主语+didn’t +动词原形如: I didn’t play football.He didn’t come back.需要掌握的是动词的过去式,一定要能够背下来,尤其是不规则的。注意否定句didn’t后一定接动词的原形。


1、一般疑问句: Did+ 主语+动词原形?如: Did you break your toy?

肯定回答: Yes, I did.否定回答: No, I didn’t.2、特殊疑问句: 特殊疑问词+ did+ 主语+动词原形? 如: Where did you go ?What did she play?


四、完成时态 have/ has got和What happened to you? 的问答(第九、十模块)。

1、have got 的用法:本册的主要意思是指患了什么病痛,要注意a 的用法。

当单数第三人称作主语时:主语+ has got + sth.如:Wang Fei’s got a cold.其他人称作主语时:主语+ have got + sth.如:I’ve got a stomach ache.2、What happened to you? 的问答:问的是发生了什么,时态是过去时态,回答要用过去时态的肯定句做答。如:I bumped my head.注:动词的过去式原形-----过去式

Is/ am----wasare—werephone----phonedgo----wentsee----saw












一、Do you …? 的用法。(第一模块)

如:Do you use chopsticks in England?

肯定回答:Yes, we do.否定回答:No, we don’t.这个句型是在询问某人是否做某事的情况下用的,在回答这类疑问句时,注意人称和肯定、否定用法就可以了。


特殊疑问句:特殊疑问词+ be+主语+动词ing?

如:What are you doing?

陈述句:主语+be+动词ing.如:We’re making a cake.这个时态用于强调正在进行的动作、事情。注意be动词的用法和现在分词的写法就可以了。(现在分词就是动词的ing形式,书第九页上面部分,是对学生已经学习的现在分词的总结)。

三、Can 引导的疑问句及陈述句的用法。(第四模块、第五模块)。

1、询问他人是否会做某事:Can + 主语+ do sth?

如: Can you run fast? 肯:Yes, I can.否:No, I can’t.2、询问自己是否可以吃(喝)某东西: Can I have…?

肯 Yes, you can.否:No, you can’t.3、Can 引导的陈述句。肯定句:主语+ Can+ do sth.如:This bird can fly.否定句:主语+ Can’t + do sth.如:You can’t go out.四、完成时态 have/ has got的用法。(第六模块、第七模块)。

1、陈述句。单数第三人称作主语时:主语+ has got + sth.如: LIjie has got a pet.其他人称作主语时:主语+ have got + sth.如:I have got a new kite.2、疑问句。单数第三人称作主语时:Has + 主语+got sth? 如:Has she got a cold?

其他人称作主语时:Have + 主语+got sth? 如:Have you got a headache?have/ has got表示的是拥有,也表示患了什么病。

五、将来时态be + going to 的用法。(第九模块、第十模块)。

1、陈述句。主语+be + going to do….如:I’m going to run a race.我将要参加赛跑。主语+be + going to be ….如:I’m going to be a doctor.我要成为一名医生。

2、一般疑问句:be +主语+ going to do…?如:Are you going to go to Hong Kong?肯: Yes, I am.否:No, I’m not.3、特殊疑问句: 特殊疑问词+ be+主语+going to…? 如:What are you going to do ?答:I’m going to ….六、How many …句型及 There be 句型的用法(第三模块、第八模块)。

1、Thesethose的用法。These 指与自己距离较近的。Those指与自己距离较远的。它们都是指复数名词的,所以后面的名词一定要是复数的。如:These are some ducks.2、How many …句型。用于询问数量的,需注意的是它后面接的可数名词要是复数,如:How many stone aninals are there?There are 24.回答用There be 句型。


小学英语PEP版五年级上册第一单元重点句型你们有新老师吗疑问句中要用复数又高又壮能够用其他的形容词进行代换 我的英语老师有一颗善良的心。主语是第三人称单数,动词要用单三形式 我的音乐老师唱好听的歌。主语是第三人称单数,动词要用单三形式 他们帮助我们学习。他们帮助我们玩help + 动词原形 当学校放学了,我想留会用...is over.造句

7.他长什么样要和What does he like?进行比较记忆 我们都喜欢他。like 后面跟名词的宾格形式要会用all, 放在动词前面 一位科学老师,一位美术老师和一位英语老师元音字母前要用an

10.He’s他来自加拿大。来自哪里,后面要用国家,如:Canada, China, America,等等。她的课堂非常有趣。12.She’s 她是一个大学生。


13.Design a card for your favourite teacher.为你最喜欢的老师设计一张卡片。

14.That’s for sure.那是肯定的。他曾经是一个足球运动员。是个新的语法知道,六年级会学到

16.I missed it!我丢了它~!17.Can I join you? 我能加入你们吗?

18.Let me try.让我试试吧!19.Ten to three!We won!10比3!我们赢了!使用频率很高的口语表达。





4.-What day is it today? 今天星期几?-It’s Monday.最基础的问法要会它的一问一答


6.What day is it tomorrow? 明天星期几?What day is tomorrow?两种说法都对

7.Tomorrow is Thursday.明天是星期四。It’s Thursday tomorrow.两种说法都对

8.I often paint or watch TV.我经常画画或者看电视。注意or是或者的意思

9.Saturday is fun for me!星期六对我来说很有趣。10.Sunday is sweet for me!星期天对我来说很甜蜜。

11.要会用it’s time to来造句12.I love Saturdays!

13.我做我的家庭作业。会用his, her, your, their,Jack’s,等来替换

14.What about you? 你呢?很口语,等于and you?15.我能和你玩。要会用play with 造句

16.Mother’s Day is the second Sunday in May.母亲节是在五月的第二个星期天。

17.Father’s Day is the third Sunday in June.父亲节是在六月的第三个星期天。

18.In America Thanksgiving Day is the fourth Thursday in November.在美国感恩节是在十一月的第四个星期四。

19.In Canada Thanksgiving Day is the second Monday in October.在加拿大感恩节是在十月的第二个星期一。

20.It’s a new school year.新学年到了。21.我需要去买一些东西。need后要加to

22.我要一盒新的运动鞋。要会用a new pair of 来造句

23.我要一盒蜡笔。要会用a box of 来造句24.你周末都做什么?

25.What’s the matter? 怎么了?26.I don’t have enough money.我没有足够的钱。


1.the letter as “tea”.我的名字开头和单词“tea”开头的字母相同。begin with 以...开头

2.I’d like some 我愿意要一些茄子。eeggplant 是不可数名词,不能加s

3.I’m hungry.我饿了。4.What do you have for lunch today?今天午饭你吃什么?

5.What do you have for lunch on Mondays?每周一中午你吃什么?Mondays 一定要翻译成每周一


7.Here is our school menu.这是我们学校的菜单。8.That sounds good.听起来不错。如:That sounds bad.9.It’s tasty.It’s my favourite.它很好吃,它是我最喜欢的。对所有的不可数名词和单数,可是这样来形容。

10.They’re tasty and yummy.And healthy for me.它们又可口又好吃。而且对我很有益。能够用这个句式进行造句。

11.I like grapes.我喜欢葡萄。I don’t like grapes.我不喜欢葡萄。这是一组肯定句和否定句,见到类似的句子要会相互转换

12.What’s your favourite fruit?你最喜欢的水果是什么?会用这个句式行进替换提问

13.I like apples.They’re sweet.我喜欢苹果。它们很甜。能根据前面名词的形式选择后面句子的主语形式 我不得不吃蔬菜。能用have to造句

15.Eat apples every day.They’re sweet and yummy.每天吃苹果。它们又甜又好吃。16.He sits in a boat.他坐在船上。He sits主语是第三人称单数,动词要加sin a boat表面上是在船里,但是中国人习惯的说法是:在船上17.Traditional Chinese food for good wishes.传统的中国食物孕育着美好的祝福。

如果能在口语或者书面表达时用到这句话,会让人另眼相看的18.It’s time for dinner.到吃晚饭的时间了。it's time for+名词

19.Let’s go to a restaurant.我们去饭馆吧。我们有卷心菜和羊肉。都是不可能名词

Recycle 1重点句型

1.- 为了学校的报纸我能采访你吗?-Yes, certainly.是的,当然可以。此句掌握for的用法之一:表示为了2.-Thank you.谢谢。-You’re welcome.不客气。3.eat ice-cream 吃冰激凌 不可数名词4.go to此句等于go to Grandma’s house to play5.How I love Saturday!我是多么爱星期六呀感叹句!很容易用的,比如,我是多么喜欢英语呀!How I love English!是不是很好用!6.study violin 学习小提琴区分:play the violin,为什么一个有the呢?原因在play这7.dance and sing又唱又跳8.go to the zoo去动物园 我在威洛学校学习。在哪里学习,用介词in,另外,地点的名字首字母必须大写10.Monday is a great day!周一是很棒的一天!11.Tell me about your school, please!请告诉我关于你的学校。12.英文书信的特点和写法。







Unit 4重点句型

1.run after you跟着你跑注意此句的翻译

2.eat so much bamboo 吃很多竹子bamboo是不可名词,不能加s

3.hide in the shoe 藏在鞋子里注意此句的翻译

4.draw animals in the zoo 去动物园里画动物注意动作和地点的相互对应

5.Are you helpful at home? 你在家里有帮助吗?很常用的口语

6.Mother Goat is ill.山羊妈妈病了。注意表达时的前后顺序

7.We can help her.我们能够帮助她。Help+动词的宾格形式,she是主格形式,her是宾格形式

8.What can you do? 你能干什么?本单元的重点句型

9.wash the windows擦窗户注意擦窗户用wash,而不是用clean

10.Just do it!就这么干吧!很常用的口语表达11.water the plants 给植物浇水注意plants是可数名词

12.No time to dance.没有时间跳舞。no time to +动词原形13.There is more.No more.有更多的。不要更多的了。more是many的比较级。六年级会学到。14.I’d like to have a try.我愿意去试一试。I’d like to +动词原形

15.-Can you set the table? 你能摆餐桌吗?-Yes, I can./ No, I can’t.是的,我能。/不,我不能。

Can提问就要用can来回答。Can 是情态助动词,后面跟动词原形

16.Here comes my tasty food.我美味的食物来了。

17.wait a minute.等一等18.do things for you 为你做事情。Thing 两个含义:一个是东西;一个是事情。只要会说会译就可以

19.dance for you.为你跳舞。动词+for+人,表示为某人做某事。只要会说会译就可以

20.Don’t throw me into the lake.不要把我扔到湖里。无be动词的句子,否定句要用don’t。只要会说会译就可以

21.run away 跑开

Unit 5重点句型

1.The garbage is empty.垃圾是空的Garbage是不可数名词;empty的反义词是full

2.There are many story-books on the shelf.在书架上有很多故事书。书在书架上必须要用on

3.There is a mirror on the wall.在墙上有一面镜子。镜子在墙上要用on

4.There are some nuts.Please help yourself.有一些坚果仁。请随便吃。Please help yourself是很常用的句子呀。

5.I have my own room now.现在我有我自己的房间了。在描写自己房间时用的比较多的句型。

6.What’s it like? 它是什么样的?7.We have a new flat.我们有一间新公寓。Flat是平层式的住宅。

8.It’s on the third floor.它在三楼。在几楼用on9.I love my new room very much.我非常爱我的新房间。

非常爱是love…very much.10.in the rabbits’ room 在兔子一家的房间里

rabbits’ 表示复数“的”,是在单数的形式上加s,然后加’11.in the rabbit’s room 在兔子的房间里

Rabbit’s room 表示单数“的”,是在单数的形式上加’s12.What can you see over the bed? 在床的上面是什么?

It’s my picture.是我的照片。注意over的用法13.This id a picture of my room.这是我房间的照片。

注意of的用法,表示没有生命的东西的。14.I work with it.我用它工作。with的另外一个用法

15.Can you tell me, please? 请你告诉我,好吗?16.It’s a warm spring morning.很暖和的春天的早上。

17.I have no time.我没有时间。

Unit 6重点句型 草是绿色的不可数名词云在玩。可数名词

3.There is a river near here.在这附近有一条河。在这附近(反义短语:over there)

4.There is a nature park in the city.在这个城市里有一个自然公园。翻译没有生命的东西或者物有什么的时候,必须用there be句型。

5.This is my holiday picture.这是我的假期照片。介绍人或物时用this is„句型 在我的村庄里有很多小房子。注意翻译没有生命的东西或者物有什么的时候,必须用there be句型。7.Are there any bridges in your village? 在你的村庄里有很多桥吗?:Yes, there are./ No, there aren’t.any: 用于否定和疑问句中。相对应的,many则用于肯定句中。8.There are no tall buildings.没有高楼。

此句等于:There aren’t tall buildings.9.I can run on the grass.我能在草地上跑。注意on 的用法 你能看到许多鱼。单复同形:意思是单数复数的形式相同

11.What a nice day!多么好的一天啊!12.Why not? 为什么不呢?很常用的口语,表示很同意对方的说法 看!在那边有一个考拉熊。在那边(反义短语:near here)

14.Why don’t you take a picture of me? 你为什么不给我也照张照片呢?英语中的反问句常用这个句型:Why don’t you + 动词原形



the Great Wall, postcard, east, west, south, north, America, shop, restaurant, dancing, Chinatown, email, the Changjiang River, the Timan’anmen Square, riding bicycles to work, the West Lake, the Huangshan Mountain, hobby, collect, stamp, flying kites, riding bikes, collecting dolls, reading, Thanksgiving, festival, favourite, Christmas, lantern, moon cake, Lantern Festival, Spring Festival, Dragon Boat Festival, Mid-Autumn Festival, address, pen friend, chopsticks, difficult, knife, fork, bamboo, snake, fantastic, often, always, sometimes, never, photo, go to see films, watch TV, speak English, read stories, swim, play computer games, help your mum, clean your room, eat fast food, eat bananas, go swimming, visit your grandma, climb trees, clean the classroom, go shopping, send emails, drink tea, go to the doctor, collect stamps, building, flag, country, peace, world, inside, present, beautiful, want, library, rule, Module 1-----How long is the Great Wall?-----It’s about six thousand seven hundred kilometres.-----How big is New York?-----It’s got eight million people.-----How big is Beijing?-----It’s got about fourteen million people.Module 2-----What are you doing, Daming?-----I’m sending an email to my family in China.There’s a Chinatown in New York.There are lots of Chinese shops and restaurants there.There’s Chinese dancing.-----Do you want to go to Chinatown?-----Yes, I do.Module 3 Collecting stamps is my hobby.-----Have you got any stamps from China?-----Yes,I have.This stamp is from China.-----Do you collect stamps?-----Yes.There are some stamps from Canada.They are famous men and women.Module 4-----What do you do on Flag Day?-----We carry flags and we sing songs.-----Can you tell me more about American festivals?-----Well, Thanksgiving is my favourite festival.-----What do you do on Thanksgiving Day?-----We always have a special meal.It’s a big family dinner.On Thanksgiving Day,we say“Thank-you”for our food, family and friends.And after Thanksgiving dinner,wewatch a big football game on TV.Module 5-----Can you speak English?-----Yes, I can speak some English.-----Can I write to you? You can be my Chinese pen friend.-----Yes, of course.This is my address in China.Module 6 Daming has got a Chinese kite and we fly it in the park.I’ve got some chopsticks, but they are difficult.-----Have you got a book about America?-----I can send you one.I’ve got a violin, but I can’t play it.Sam has got a pet dog, and he often plays with it.I live in New York, but I am not American.I’ve got a postcard, and it’s from my pen friend.She’s got an email in French, but she can’t read it.I want to go swimming, but I’ve got a cold.Mudole 7-----Pandas eat for twelve hours a day.-----Lucky pandas!They love bamboo.-----Do snakes like music?-----Snake can’t hear.The snake thinks the flute is another snake!-----So it copies the other snake!Snakes love the sun.Elephants love water.Cats like fish.Dogs play with children.Pandas love bamboo.Bears sleep in the winter.Module 8-----Do you often play with dolls?----Not really.I stopped a long time ago.-----Do you like reading books now?-----Yes, of course.I often read stories.-----Do you often clean your room?-----Not very often.Do you?-----No, I don’t.I love English.I often read English books.I like writing stories.I sometimes write stories in English.I never play football.I don’t like it.I sometimes clean the blackboard for my teacher.I never play with dolls.I often go swimming.I often eat with a knife and fork,but I like chopsticks.I always ride my bike to school.I never go by bus.Module 9-----Do you want to visit the UN building in New York?-----Yes, we do!-----I want to show Daming the present from China.-----It’s beautiful.I want to take a photo.Simon wants to show Daming the present from China.Simon and Daming want to visit the UN building.Daming wants to take a photo.The UN wants to bring peace to the world.Module 10-----Look at the library rules.It says,“Don’t talk in the library.”-----Oh, sorry.-----Here’s my library card.-----Please stand in line.Stop!Don’t go!Go!It’s green now.Go straight on!Don’t ride your bicycle here!Don’t walk!Don’t turn right here!Turn left!Be quiet!Don’t walk on the grass!Don’t put books on the floor!



1.---Where’s my schoolbag?---It’s near the computer.___________________________________________________________________

2.Let’s clean the desks and chairs.Let me clean the fish bowl.___________________________________________________________________

3.We have a new classroom.___________________________________________________________________

4.---What’s in the classroom?---Let’s go and see.___________________________________________________________________

5.It’s so big.___________________________________________________________________

6.Open the door.Close the window.Clean the blackboard.___________________________________________________________________ Put up the picture.Turn on the light.___________________________________________________________________

7.Let’s clean the classroom._________________________


8.---Let me help you.---Thank you.___________________________________________________________________

9.This is the new classroom.The door is orange.___________________________________________________________________

10.This is my classroom.The door is green.The desks are green.I like my classroom.___________________________________________________________________

11.There is a bee in our classroom.There is a bee on the blackboard.___________________________________________________________________

12.---Where is it?---Look!It’s on the wall now.___________________________________________________________________

13.---What’s this?---It’s a bee.---No, it’s a board.___________________________________________________________________ Unit2

1.---John,I have a new schoolbag.---May I see it?


2.--Excuse me,I lost my notebook.-What colour is it?-It’s green.I like it very much.___________________________________________________________________

3.---My schoolbag is heavy.---What’s in it?


4.---What’s in your schoolbag?

---I have an English book, a Chinese book,a maths book,and three storybooks.___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________

5.Put your Chinese book in your desk.___________________________________________________________________

Put your pencil box on your English book.___________________________________________________________________

Put your maths book under your schoolbag.___________________________________________________________________

Put your eraser near your pencil box.___________________________________________________________________

6.Put away your books.All right.___________________________________________________________________

7.Is everything in your schoolbag?


8.Good night.Sweet dreams!


9.Take out your books,please.___________________________________________________________________ Unit3

1.She’s short and thin.She has two big eyes.She’s cute.___________________________________________________________________

2.He’s strong and he has two big eyes.He’s very friendly.___________________________________________________________________

3.I have a new friend.___________________________________________________________________

4.---What’s his name?---His name is Zhang Peng.___________________________________________________________________---What’s her name?---Her name is Lucy.___________________________________________________________________

5.---Who is he?---His name is Zhang Peng.___________________________________________________________________---Who is she?---Her name is Lucy.___________________________________________________________________

6.He has glasses and his shoes are blue.___________________________________________________________________

7.---Is he Wu Yifan?---Yes,you are right.___________________________________________________________________

8.---My friend has blue glasses.---It’s Wu Yifan.His glasses are blue.___________________________________________________________________

9.I can’t pull it up.We are coming.___________________________________________________________________

10.I’m strong.Let’s work together.___________________________________________________________________ Unit4

1.Mum,where are my crayons?Are they in the study?


2.Zip, your living room is nice.___________________________________________________________________

3.Zip is in the living room.I’m her sister.___________________________________________________________________

4.Is she in the living room? No,she isn’t.Look!She is in the kitchen.___________________________________________________________________

5.Is it in your hand? Yes, it is.___________________________________________________________________

6.Go to the living room.Watch TV.Go to the study.Read a book.______________________________________________________ Go to the kitchen.Have a snack.Go to the bedroom.Have a nap._______________________________________________________ Go to the bathroom.Take a shower._____________________________

7.Look!They’re in the door.___________________________________________________________________

8.Look at that room.It has a blue bed.The bed is near the window.___________________________________________________________________

9.My bag is under the table,and my glasses are near the phone.___________________________________________________________________

10.Where are my keys? Can you find them?


11.Where has the TV gone?


12.Do you see my glasses?Those are not my glasses.___________________________________________________________________

13.Let’s change our glasses.I can see now.___________________________________________________________________ Unit5

1.Mum,I’m hungry.What’s for dinner?


2.What would you like?I’d like some soup and bread,please.___________________________________________________________________

3.Dinner is reaady!Help yourself.Thanks!


4.Would you like a knife and fork?No, thanks.I can use chopsticks.___________________________________________________________________

5.Here are today’s specials.Would you like some beef?Yes,please.___________________________________________________________________

6.Pass me the bowl.Pass me the bowl.Cut the vegetables._________________________________________________

Use the spoon.Use the fork.Now let’s try it._________________________________________________

7.Can I have a knife and fork,please.Yes,John,but try chopsticks for noodles.___________________________________________________________________

8.Here’s your bill.___________________________________________________________________ Unit6

1.That’s Sarah’s father.He’s a doctor.___________________________________________________________________

2.How many people are there in your family,Chen Jie?


3.But that’s only five.___________________________________________________________________

4.My family has six people.___________________________________________________________________

5.How many apples are there on the tree?


6.Is this your uncle,Sarah?Yes,it is.He’s a football player.___________________________________________________________________

7.What’s your aunt’s job?She’s a nurse.___________________________________________________________________

8.What’s his job? He’s a driver.What’s her job? She’s a nurse.___________________________________________________________

9.I have no job.___________________________________________________________________

10.Welcome to my home.Come and meet my family.___________________________________________________________________

11.Look at these photos.These are photos of my family.___________________________________________________________________



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