第一篇:五年级英语下册 unit2 lesson12教案 冀教版
(冀教版)五年级英语下册教案 unit2lesson12
《Lesson12:The Palace Museum》说课稿
让学生爱学,乐学,洋溢于快乐的学习氛围中是英语教学的主要方式,本着学生对新事物的渴望,在教学camera时我将实物带入课堂,让学生在看中学,读中学,用中学,从而大大降低了单词的枯燥乏味。针对take a picture,让学生亲手实践,不仅让学生敢于开口说也锻炼了学生对语言知识的运用能力.二、图文声并茂的情境培养了学生语言的运用能力
多媒体的运用不仅增添了丰富多彩的内容,大大激发了学生学习英语的兴趣,在教学hurt时,创设了I hurt my _____.A:Don’t worry.I can help you的情景.在情境中不仅锻炼了学生的分析能力,合作能力,交际能力,也大大加强了对英语的运用能力
虽然在整堂课下来,感觉自己能用英语完成教学,也有了一定的自信心,自身素质得到了锻炼,也有了一定程度的提高,但回顾教学过程却发现自己在Make dialogues时限制了学生的思路,留给学生自由发挥的空间较小,而且对学生编的好坏欠缺及时评价,导致学生没有明确的方向,因此在今后的教学中不仅要认真钻研教材更要认真备学生。
Unit1 Lessons1---6 Going to Beijing Lesson 1 I am excited!教学目标:
1. 知识目标:要求学生掌握四会单词:look, see, point 体会表演looking, seeing, pointing;巩固食物名称单词和动物单词;
2. 能力目标:能灵活使用句子 I see ___________.能运用所学的英语词汇和句式解决描述观察中所看到的东西。
3. 情感目标:培养学生观察能力,提高学生对事物的探究兴趣。教学重、难点:
要求四会的单词look, see, point和要求掌握的句式I see ___________.。教具、学具准备: 1. 单词卡片。2. 录音机或课件。教学过程:
Class Opening and Review 1.做游戏:“Colour point” Unit1
Lessons1---6 Going to Beijing
Lesson 1 I am excited!
1. 知识目标:要求学生掌握四会单词:look, see, point 体会表演looking, seeing, pointing;巩固食物名称单词和动物单词;
2. 能力目标:能灵活使用句子 I see ___________.能运用所学的英语词汇和句式解决描述观察中所看到的东西。
3. 情感目标:培养学生观察能力,提高学生对事物的探究兴趣。教学重、难点:
要求四会的单词look, see, point和要求掌握的句式I see ___________.。教具、学具准备: 1. 单词卡片。2. 录音机或课件。教学过程:
Class Opening and Review 1.做游戏:“Colour point”
教师提前在黑板上放上不同颜色的纸,指明几个学生到前面做游戏,其他学生一起说歌谣,指颜色。(设计意图:这个环节的设置既复习了一些颜色,又引出了本课中提到的颜色。)2.做游戏“Name it”
教师说出颜色名称和表示词汇的类别,如Rde:food,这时学生必须写下他们所能想起来的红色的食品。(如:肉,苹果,草莓)谁写的最多就算赢。教师拿出准备好的一些食物,说:“I’m hungry.I want to eat some bread.I like to eat some bread.What do you like to eat?” “I like to eat____.”复习表示实物名称的词汇。利用单词卡片What’s your favourite food? My favourite food is ____.也可用此句型复习动物词汇。
(设计意图:这个环节的设置用来复习以前学过的食物词汇和动物词汇,同时复习What’s your favourite ____?这个句式。)
3.教师指着教室中的某个物品,说Look, I see _______.(引出新概念。)New Concepts
1. 本课的新概念look, see, point学生曾多次接触,比较熟悉,让其表演looking, seeing, pointing.教师要向学生说明look和point的区别,look表示看的动作,see表示看见,是看的结果。让学生多运用这些单词说句子。
2. 学生熟悉句式后,再利用实物和单词卡片学习。
让学生看卡片,练习句型,Look!I see a _______.3. 运用实物进行练习。
让学生向周围或窗外看,练习句型Look!I see a _______.??_______is piointing.4. 两人一组做问答练习。What do you see? Look!I see ________.(设计意图:利用已有知识引出新知识,减小教学的难度,同时可以放手让学生自己说出自己观察到的,教师加以指导就可以了,通过练习巩固新知。)5. 听录音两遍,注意语音语调。
第一遍听后回答问题,What does Jenny/ Danny/ LiMing see? 第二遍跟读,让学生足以模仿录音中的语调。
教师先找一个口语较好的学生作一下示范。然后让学生分组练习,鼓励学生多说些知道的句子。如: Hello!How are you? How do you feel? Are you hungry? / thirsty?(出示一幅图画)What do you see? 7.利用实物或单词卡片汇报演出。(设计意图:锻炼学生自己的创造性,可以结合以前学过的句型和词汇,并利表演出来,运用于实际生活中。)Class Closing Activity book 板书设计:
Lesson 1 I am excited!look, see, point looking, seeing, pointing Look!I see a ___________.课后习题:
一. 找出不同类的一个单词。
()1.chicken dumplings noodles school()2.cow rice sheep goat()3.bus train airplane kite()4.fruit vegetable bicycle meat 二. 连词成句
see a I cow brown _____________________________________ school red see I a small ______________________________________
Lesson 2 What Are you doing ? 教学目标:
1.要求学生掌握四会单词:行为动词draw sleep 和形容词quiet loud 2.理解并能够运用短语: drawing a picture looking out the window singing a song sleeping reading a book 3.句型what are you doing ? I am ___ing.What is he(she)doing? He(She)is ____ing.教学重点:本课的四会单词: draw sleep quiet loud 教学难点:本课的难点在于对课文的理解和句型的灵活运用。教学用具:录音机、教学卡片、实物等。教学过程:
一、Class opening and review(复习行为动词)1.唱歌曲:“I am Drawing”找一名唱的好的学生到前面做动作领唱。
2.学生已学过,walk run jump sit stand 这几个行为动词,教师可以用自问自答的形势,借助体态语言说出下面的话
What am I doing?---I am standing.What are you doing?---you are sitting.What am I doing?---I am walking.What am I doing?---I am seeing.What am I doing ?---I am pointing.(设计意图 标提倡“以旧引新”,在这个环节中,教师自己做动作,让学生借助形体语言理解句子,并复习学过的行为动词,为这一课的教学作好铺垫)
二、Key concepts(新授)1.学习单词:draw, sleep 继续上一环节的动作,What am I doing ?---I am drawing.让学生猜教师在做什么。What am I doing ?---I am sleeping.利用单词卡片学习这两个词汇,并练习拼读、造句。
Read a book!Draw a picture!Sing a song!Go to sleep!„„
叫一名正在做动作的学生,提问并出示句子 What are you doing? I am _____ing.两人一组做动作练习以上句型。
指名到前面表演并练习对话。3.学习单词 quiet, loud When I am drawing, I am quiet.(这时把食指贴在嘴唇上作“别出声”状,重复quiet, quiet)But when I am singing ,I am loud。
结合前面学过的句型练习这两个词,可以教师发指令,学生将这个词用动作或声音演示出来。或老师演示,学生猜词。然后作对话练习What are you doing? I am _____ing.4.课文阅读
(1)(听第一部分录音)回答问题:In the morning.Who is quiet? Who is loud? What is Jenny /Danny/ LiMing doing?(2)跟读课文加深理解。学生提出不懂的地方,全班学生一起讨论解决。
(文章第二部分“In the afternoon”教法基本同上)
三、Class Closing Activity book 板书设计:
Lesson 2 What Are you doing? draw drawing a picture point quiet singing a song sleep loud reading a book see looking out the window sleeping 课后反思:
1.把单词补充完整,并连线。q _ i _ t 睡觉 l_ _ d 安静的 s l _ _ p 画画 d r _ w 看见 s _ _ 吵闹的 p _ _ n t 指 2.拓展练习
让学生小组合作,创设一个任意情景,要求利用 quiet, loud, sleep, draw, 然后进行表演。Lesson3 Who Is singing? 教学目标:
A.知识目标:对本课单词baby man woman;句型Who is this? This is a man.做到听说读写四会。
能听懂说出认读单词their 能够理解并表演第二部分:Who is singing? B.能力目标:通过学习本课,能掌握相关的词汇;用简单的语言描述人物,描述人物的活动,表达自己的感受;用现在进行时描述。
C.情感目标:通过和Li Ming, Jenny, Danny在火车上的活动,增强学生观察力,增加生活情趣,更加热爱生活。
教学重点:本课的四会单词: man, woman, baby 句型:Who is ___? It’s ____.教学难点:本课的难点在于对课文的理解和句型的灵活运用。教学用具:录音机、教学卡片、实物等。教学设计:
Class Opening and Review 1.用Simon Says的游戏复习所学动词或动词短语,也可以猜词。(看卡片做动作)
(教学意图:也可利用其它游戏或歌曲复习所学动词或动词短语,主要是与前一节课衔接。)New Concepts 1.出示图片,教授单词 man woman baby 教师示范利用图片描述。(可以给他们起名字)This is Tim.He is a father.How old is he? He is ____ years old.He is a man.在让学生依例描述图片,也可以手写。让学生描述woman 和baby.(教学意图:根据第一部分教学内容,充分利用直观教具和多媒体创造各种语言情景,让学生利用各种感观参与英语学习的实践活动,加快对语言材料的吸收和运用,提高学生运用语言的能力。)通过游戏巩固新词。
可以教师描述,让学生猜词。如:He is a father.How old is he? He is ____ years old.He is a „„。
然后让学生模仿Li Ming 描述自己的家庭。可以先让学生画一画自己的家庭,然后再介绍。教师最好给一个示范。
3.复习句型:She/He is ___ing.创设情景,复习正在进行时。板书学生提出的动词短语,加上ing并朗读。(增加本课需要掌握的动词短语:sing cry talk sleep)4.变换问题: What is he doing? What is she doing? What are they doing? 引导学生做出正确回答。5.小组合作学习,操练句型。
7.回答问题:Who is singing? Who is crying? Who is talking? Who is sleep? 8.小组合作读课文,提出不懂的地方,互相帮助解决。
(教学意图:锻炼学生阅读能力,使学生学会用多种学习方式学习,增强学习策略方式。)9.分角色朗读课文。情景表演。可以让学生借助课本进行对话表演。(教学意图:根据学生能力,可进行情景小表演,分组或其他形式。)Class Closing Activity book 板书设计:
Lesson3 Who is Singing?
man woman baby singing crying Who is ___? It‘s ____.talking sleeping 课后习题:
m _ n b _ b _ w _ m _ n s _ n g c r _ t _ l k s l _ _ p
2.画一张自己家庭的全家像,给每个人分别标上 mam, womam, baby, girl, boy.并写出描述家庭关系的单词(mother, father, son, cousin)Lesson 4 Who Is Hungry? Ⅰ.教学目标: 1.知识与技能:
理解并灵活运用下列句型 :Who is hungry? What would you like to eat? Would you like some______? Yes, please./No,thanks.May I have some…? 2.过程与方法: 情景交流及对话表演
3.情感态度教育: 学会与他人合作和关心他人 Ⅱ.教学重点、难点: Who is hungry? What would you like to eat? Would you like some______? Yes, please./No,thanks.May I have some…? Ⅲ.教具学具准备 录音机和磁带
一些袋装小吃和一些图片 Ⅳ.教学过程
Step1.Greetings and review(表演上节课布置的情景对话)Step2.Leading-in and listening T: When you are thirsty, you drink.But when you are hungry, what do you do? Yes, when you are hungry, you eat.Then what do we eat every day? Ss: Rice, dumplings, noodles, apple, hamburgers…
T: Yes, you are right.For breakfast, lunch, or supper, we have rice, dumplings,noodles, and many other kinds of food.But do you like to eat snacks? What‘s a snack? Look, these are snacks.(show them to the class).出示单词卡片,教学生认读这个词。引导学生利用新词说句子。如I like / don’t like snakes.师:Do you like them? Do you think Danny, Li Ming and Jenny like them? Ok, let’s listen to the tape.(Play the tape and Ss answer the question: Do you think Danny, Li Ming and Jenny like them?)Step3.Reading 1.Read the text and answer the question “What would Jenny, Li Ming and Danny like to eat on the train?‖(Write the question on the blackboard)--(Ss read the text and answer the questions)鼓励学生提出更多的问题,并让其他学生回答。
2.Read the text after the teacher to understand it better.3.Read the text aloud in groups and try to make it into a dialogue.Step4.Optional-practice Ss can read the text in groups or practise the dialogue in groups 找表演好的小组到前面进行表演。Step5.Homework 1.Collect as many words about food as you can.2.Go on with the dialogue about the text.3.Do the exercises in the Activity Book.Ⅴ.板书设计
Lesson4 Who Is Hungry? Do Jenny, Li Ming and Danny like a snack? What would Jenny Li Ming like to eat on the train? Danny
Lesson5 What Are They Doing?
Ⅰ.教学目标: 1.知识与技能:
理解并灵活运用下列句型 : What is __ doing?--He/She is __ing „
What are you doing?--I‘m __ing …
What are they doing? – They‘re __ing … 2.过程与方法: 情景交流及对话表演
3.情感态度教育: 学会细心观察,与他人合作和关心他人.Ⅱ.教学重难点: 理解课文并能够熟练使用下面的句型 What is __ doing?--He/She is __ing …
What are you doing?--I‘m __ing …
What are they doing? – They‘re __ing … Ⅲ.教具学具准备
录音机和磁带,多媒体课件 Ⅳ.教学过程
Step1.Greetings and review 可以做动作,让学生猜词语,如hungry, thirsty, sleep,draw 等。然后出示卡片,复习这些词。Step2.Leading-in and listen Show some pictures to the class by ppt.(幻灯片)and present the sentences: What is he doing? He is running./ What is she doing? She is singing./ What are they doing? They‘re playing.(To the class)What are you doing? C: We‘re looking and listening.T: Good!Then do you know ― What are Jenny,Li Ming and Danny doing on the train?‖ What are they doing?(Write the question on the blackboard)领学生多读几遍。
Ok, let‘s listen and find the answer.What are Jenny,Li Ming and Danny doing on the train?‖
播放录音,第一遍听,第二遍跟读,之后让学生回答问题。What are Jenny,Li Ming and Danny doing on the train?”
Step3.Reading comprehension Read the text and fill the chart Who What is he/she doing? The baby The woman The three men Danny 检查学生的完成情况,进行指导。Step4.Practice
Do “ask and answer” in pairs like this:(利用书中的图画。)What‘s the baby doing? – He is___ing.„
教师先与一名学生示范一组,然后再让学生联系。Step5: Homework 画一幅人物图,并写出句子What’s the ____ doing? – He/She is___ing.Ⅴ.板书设计
Lesson5 What are they doing?
What is __ doing?--He/She is __ing …
What are you doing?--I‘m __ing …/ We‘re __ing … What are they doing? – They‘re __ing …
Lessons7---12 In Beijing Lesson 7: Arriving in Beijing
1.掌握本课四会单词:men, women, children, people, many 2.能够正确运用四会单词:men, women, children, people, many 3.培养学生较好的文化意识与英语语感。教育学生在社会中做到尊老爱幼、遵守社会公共秩序。小组合作,互相帮助。
掌握与运用men, women, children, people
录音机、磁带、CAI(or poster):第9课第二部分的图片
(一)1.Greeting: 2.Chant: What do you see?
(二)1.Show CAI(or poster)about many people in the train station.2.Let class discuss and answer: What do you see in this CAI.3.Learn men, women, children and people.4.Listen and follow 5.Let‘s Chant: Leave Arrive Chant
6.Look at the CAI again, then answer these questions: 1)What are the women doing? 2)What are the children doing? 3)What are the men doing? 7.Listen the tape carefully, then answer my question: Who is tired and hungry? 8.Open your book and look at the second part,and then follow the tape.9.Show the poster to practice 10.Homework
(三)Class closing
五、板书: man ———— men woman ———— women child ———— children Lesson 8: Tian‘anmen Square
一、教学目标: 1.知识目标:
a)能听懂、会读、会说:loudly, quietly, easy, hard, hurt ,fly a kite.b)能听懂、会读、会说句型:1They are laughing loudly./He is standing quietly.2This is easy/hard.2.能力目标:
使学生争取掌握(包括正确地说、读、写、用)单词:loudly, quietly, easy, hard, hurt ,fly a kite
四、教学过程: Step 1: 师生问候
T:Hello, Boys and girls.(唱歌问候How are you, how are you ,how are you today?
Ss:(唱歌回答)I am fine,thanks, I am fine,thanks, how a lovely day!(通过师生间亲切的歌曲问候,建立轻松、和谐、民主的课堂气氛,使学生很自然地进入英语学习状态。)Step 2: Revision:
1.T:Are you happy today ? Let’play a game: do the action follow my order.Boys stand up /girls sit down /boys laugh /gils walk/ children talk/sing/cry...Ss:OK.(listen and do the action and)
(采用游戏来缓解学生的紧张情绪,并复习了boy, girl, children, laugh ,talk, play.等单词,为进一步学习奠定了良好的基础)
Step 3 : 新课呈现:(在游戏中不知不觉引入新知,衔接自然,让学生在玩中学,学中玩)1.loudly They are laughing loudly T: We can see some children.What are they doing ? They are laughing loudly(动作)教loudly在教读过程中让学生read loudly.让学生sing loudly / laugh loudly 并引导学生说I am singing/laughing loudly.2.quietly T(动作)Quietly please.Look.I am a cat now.I am walking quietly.教读quietly并通过音量让学生明白loudly quietly.3.easy, hard This is easy.This is hard.通过一根小木棒很容易折断和一小扎小木棒很难折断来演示单词easy和hard。边做边说:This is easy.This is hard.(学生通过拿椅子桌子以及算式1+1=2 和123x456=?来体验This is easy.This is hard)4 fly a kite(实物教学)T.look!What`s this.This is kite.出示短语fly a kite,教读(小组比赛读).几生上台演示.Let`s fly a kite.5 hurt T :(师放风筝时不小心碰对头)Oh ,no ,I hurt my head.教读hurt.(创设情景,让学生”体验”语言)(教读全部)loudly, quietly, easy, hard, hurt ,fly a kite.1They are laughing loudly./He is standing quietly.2This is easy/hard.Step 4 : 游戏巩固(知识的输出)1.起立坐下
T:Let’s play a game.OK? Group1 are “loudly,” , Group2 are “quietly”„.When I say“loudly” Group1 站着,.其他组坐下.(先单词后句子,逐步增加难度.此活动要求练习学生的听力和对所学单词的迅速反应能力。说单词猜动作.Step 5 : 1.T :Well done!Our friend Danny and Jenny are playing on Tian`anmen square.They are flying a kite.Can Danny fly a kite? Let`s watch the vedio and read loudly.2 say the sentences that you can.Step 6 : Task –fulfilling(语言的输出,综合能力的运用)在情境中描述自己的所见所闻所做.Describe what can you see/hear /do on Tian`anmen square(学生上台边贴图边用所学知识描述).五、板书设计:
Lesson8: Tian‘anmen Square
loudly They are laughing loudly quietly They are standing quietly.easy This is easy/ hard.hard It‘s easy/ hard.fly a kite Let`s fly a kite.hurt I hurt my head.Lesson9:The Palace Museum
(1)掌握词汇camera, picture, help, hurt,并能读、写、说出和听懂这些词汇。(2)可以说出和听懂film, take a picture, May I take your picture? I hurt my......。Dont worry.I can help you.等用语。
(1)在学习运用Dont worry.I can help you.等用语的过程中学会关心他人,与他人进行友好的交际。(2)通过情景对话,感受到所学知识融汇到实际交往中的乐趣,从而激发学生学习英语的兴趣,培养学习英语的积极态度,使学生乐于合作参与,勇于进行交际实践
二、教学重点、难点 教学重点:
(1)掌握词汇camare, picture, help, hurt.(2)会用受伤后求助及如何安慰别人等用语。教学难点:
一、Class opening and review
Hello!Are you happy? Whats your name? Nice to meet you.(营造英语氛围,让学生进入学习英语的状态。)
2、唱“Head, should, knees, toes”.(学生一边唱一边指着身体各部位,一方面达到复习人体部位名称的词汇,另一方面活跃了课堂氛围。)
3、Show me......学生按指令拿出实物并说This is a......。(养成良好的听说习惯和用英语思维的习惯。)
4、How oid are you?/I am _years old.二、New Concepts
(一)呈现新知camera, film, take a pictrue, picture及要帮别人照相的用语。(1)教师假装去公园玩,对学生说:I am going to the park today.I want to take my camera.What a camera ? Look!I can show you!接着呈现实物camera,板书单词,教读练说camera.(2)呈现实物film,教读练说film,This is film.(3)边说边演示Film goes in the camera.Now I’m putting film in my camera.让学生理解。(4)T:Ok!Let’s take a picture.边说边演示take a picture.让学生边说边做出照相动作。(5)教师拿着照相机与一些学生对话,演示要帮别人照相的用语,并帮他们照相。T: May I take your picture ? S: Sure./ No, thanks.lian(6)练说句子,分两大组相互问答?同桌两人相互问答,并做出照相动作。(7)实物呈现 picture.板书单词,教读练说。
(三)呈现新知 hurt, help , 及受伤后求救和安慰别人的用语:I hurt my.....Dont worry!I can help you.(1)露出贴有创可贴的手臂,引出单词 hurt, 板书单词,教读练说,让学生口头造句。
(2)教师剪纸,装作伤着了手指向学生求救,让学生帮包扎。T: Help!I hurt my finger.引出help, 板书单词,教读练说单词及句子。(3)当最后一名说完I hurt my......时,教师拿出创可贴边安慰边帮他包扎。T: Dont worry!I can help you.教说句子。
(五)利用教科书 No.1(1)学生翻开书,同桌讨论书上插图,试读单词和句子。(2)播放录音磁带,学生跟读。(3)齐读。
(六)利用教科书 No.2(1)各小组试读课文,自学讨论How old is the Palace Musuem ? Danny 发生了什么事?他说了什么?(3)听录音磁带跟读。(4)齐读课文。
四、Class closing.作业:完成本课的活动手册
Lesson9:The Palace Museum camera I want to take my camera film This is film.picture take a pictrue help I can help you Lesson10 The Great Wall 一,教学目标
能力目标: 能灵活使用How old 和 how long 引导的疑问句和祈使句。知识目标:1.词汇教学
听、说、读、写下列单词:feel,tired,stop,wait,afraid 听、说、认读下列单词:kilometre,back,help 复习下列词汇:need,feel,hungry,help 2.灵活应用的句型:
The Great Wall is far from our hotel.How old is the Great Wall? How long is it? There are too many cars and buses!Be careful!Don‘t be afraid!I can help you!情感目标:提高学生的语言表达能力,培养学生学习英语的兴趣,学会与他人合作和关心他人.二、教学重点:要求掌握的四会单词feel,tired,stop,wait,afraid 和特殊疑问句的用法..难点: 使学生能正确了解和使用祈使句.三,教具、学具:单词卡片,课件
四、教学过程: Step1 Warm up 1.Greet with each other.2.Show the pictures of feelings , tired ,hot.3.Play a game :Simons says.I feel tired.I feel hungry.I feel thirsty.4.Show some new words(课件展示)Say the new words.feel,tired,stop,wait,afraid Step2 Lead in T: I visit the Great Wall.I am tired now.I want to have a rest.S1: I run and jump.I‘m tired and hungry.I want to eat some food.S2: There are too many cars and buses in the street.I feel afraid.Can you help me ? Step3 Presentation 1.听录音,讨论.2.学生朗读课文.Step4 Consolidation and extension 1.学生学习课文,找出新知识点.On one‘s way..feel tired and hungry run to there be… be careful be careful 2.讲解形容词: tired and hungry careful and afraid 3.朗读课文.4.仿照课文,介绍自己和家人在旅游后的感受.Step5 Summing up How old is … How long is … far from on one‘s way to feel tired and hungry Be afraid be careful.Step6 Homework.用英语写一篇小文章,描述自己或家人旅游后的感受.Lesson11 :Shopping in Beijing 一,教学目标
能力目标: Review the phrase: Let’s go to the — to —.知识目标:Review the phrase: Let’s go to the — to —.情感目标:Encourage the students to make their own observations about the pictures and the story.二、教学重点:everyone 三,教具、学具:Same real photographs.四、教学过程:
Class Opening and Review
1、Greeting Hello, everyone!
2、Play “Charades” to review the phrase : Let’s go to the — to —.Let‘s go to the shop to buy.Let‘s go to the restaurant to eat.Let‘s go to the library to read a book.Let‘s go to the gym to play.Introduce Demonstrate: everyone with volunteers.Ask for a series of volunteers to come to the front of class.Ask each to perform an action loudly or quietly.Teacher:(point to each volunteer in turn.)What is he /she doing? Class: He/she is _____ing.Teacher: Is he/she ____ing loudly or quietly? Class: Loudly/Quietly.Teacher:(To all t Is he/she ____ing loudly or quietly?he volunteers.)Stop!Please —loudly / quietly now!(To the class.)Look!Everyone is ____ing loudly/quietly.Use the student book and audiotape.Review the story so far、last time, Jenny, Danny and Li Ming were at the Palace Museum.What happened? Look at pictures.What are they doing now?(shopping)why ? Tell them to continue the action until I give a command.They must listen carefully!Then lead a dialogue.Practice Divide the class into small groups.Ask each group to make up a dialogue about shopping for gifts on a trip.Play: Mother, May I ? to review adverbs from this unit.(quickly, slowly, loudly and quietly).Use the activity book.Check for understanding.Class Closing Activity book Lesson 14 No.1 五,板书:
Lesson11 :Shopping in Beijing Let‘s go to the — to —.What is he /she doing? He/she is _____ing.Is he/she ____ing loudly or quietly? Is he/she ____ing loudly or quietly? Unit3 Lessons13---18 Writing Home Lesson13 Let‘s buy postcards!
了解认读单词:postcard, letter, e-mail.2.运用学到的日常用语简单地会话。
难点:所学词汇postcard, letter, e-mail.和句型的灵活运用,进行交际。
Class Opening and Review
Greeting.Sing ―I Am Drawing‖.Key Concepts
Postcard, letter, e-mail
Demonstrate ―postcard‖ and ―letter with real objects.Talk about :What do you write a letter on?
What does a postcard have?
Where can we buy postcards?
Demonstrate ―e-mail‖ with a computer.Translate ‗e-mail‘.Note that we say ― an e-mail‖.Talk about: What do you write an e-mail on? Use the student book and audiotape.Play the audiotape.Ask some students to read the text.Introduce T: Look, here is a shop.It has many postcards.Which one do you like? Why?(Ask the students to answer.)T: Do you want to choose one to send to your family or friend? Introduce ―send‖ with a picture.Who do you want to send them to?
Now, I‘m a clerk.Can you buy it?(鼓励学生用How much ______?及I‘ll take ______.等句子进行对话,可再叫几名学生进行示范。)
T: very good!You can get it.T: Danny, Jenny and Li Ming are in the hotel shop.Let‘s listen carefully.Show the questions:
What does Jenny‘s postcard have? Who does she want to send it to?
What does Li Ming‘s postcard have? Who does he want to send it to?
Listen to the audiotape.Fill in the blanks.who
What picture
Whom Jenny
the Palace Museum
mum and dad
Li Ming
Tian‘anmen Square
Cousin Jing
Listen to the audiotape again.Answer these questions:
What is the panda doing?
How much for this postcard?
How many postcards does Danny want to buy? Do you know why?
Divide the class into small groups.Ask each group to make up a dialogue about buying postcards.Why are they buying postcards? Who do they buy them for?What pictures do the postcards have?
Present Class closing Homework: 调查自己的学习用品的价格.How much is your… It‘s …yuan.五、板书设计
Lesson 13 Let‘s buy postcards!
How much ________ ? ________ yuan.I‘ll take __________.Lesson14 Jenny writes a postcard 一.教学目标:
word-cards, audiotape, postcards
做―Draw and Guess‖游戏用以复习postcard和e-mail
做―What Day is it‖游戏用以复习星期的名称、月份和序数
New concepts:
1.学习新单词: write,mum,dad,dear,fine,left,right
Use a postcard to demonstrate ―mum‖, ―dad‖, ―left‖, ―right‖, and ―stamp‖.Write on the blackboard and read a few times together.Ask for volunteers to show you left and right of objects in the classroom.(让学生能够正确运用所学单词)Point to the picture of a postcard on blackboard and ask ―Where do we put the stamp?‖ in Chinese.Teach them the new word ―stamp‖.We put the stamp in the top, right corner of the postcard.Play a game.(传递单词游戏)
One by one read the word on the card.2.Introuduce how to write a postcard.(介绍明信片写法)
Where do you write on a postcard? On the left.Where do you put the address? On the right.Teach them write the day first,and write the name.(提示:一.在明信片右边地方写收信人的地址,注意要先写收信人的姓名,再从小到大写上收信人的地址。二.内容的写法:顺序是先写日期,其次称呼,正文,最后结束语)
Make a postcard by yourself.Then introduce it.(要求每个学生都做一张明信片,用 left 和right来向学生说明在哪儿写日期,在哪儿写地址,在哪儿写名字。
4.Open books.Let‘s listen to the audiotape and read after the speaker.(读课文)Look at Jenny‘s postcard.Who can tell us what does she say?
5..Do exercises in the activity book.(听力练习)6.Let‘s sing.Class closing Homework: Make a postcard by yourself.Then introduce it.板书设计
Lesson14 Jenny writes a postcard
write,mum,dad,dear,fine,left,right Where do you write on a postcard? On the left.Where do you put the address? On the right.Lesson15 Sending the Postcards 教学目标
1.能听懂、会说、认读和书写下列词汇:turn,wrong 2.学生能学会如何遵循基本的方向指令:Go straight.Turn left at the traffic lights.3.学生能认读、理解并运用下列基本句型结构:
How much are __? They are ___.I‘ll take them.情感态度目标:
通过让学生比赛,小组讨论等方式培养学生英语思维及互助学习模式。教学重点: 能听懂、会说、认读和书写下列词汇:turn,wrong 学生能学会如何遵循基本的方向指令:Go straight.Turn left at the traffic lights.教学难点: 学生能认读、理解并运用下列基本句型结构:
How much are __? They are ___.I‘ll take them.教学准备: 录音机.教学过程: Step1 Warming up.Sing the song the postcard together.Revise the vocabulary from the last two lessons.Ask : Where do you write on a postcard? On the left.Where do you put the address? On the right.设计意图:通过歌曲开课,调动学生学习英语的兴趣。Step2 New Concepts.Do the actions.Go straight, turn left, turn right.Look at the screen follow the tape.Then get the Ss to act it in pairs.设计意图:学生热身活动,为学习对话做好铺垫。Step3 Presentations At the post office, ask the Ss to look at the screen on the screen.Act it out.Ask a volunteer to help me demonstrate to buy stamps.I take on the role of the postal worker, and the volunteer will be one who needs to buy stamps.设计意图:角色表演环节,让学生加深对单词的理解,有利于学生的记忆。Step4 Role play 1.Listen to the tape and follow it.2.Role play.设计意图:听录音,模仿对话,学生创设真实的情境购物,表演,加深英语交际的实际运用。Homework Lesson16 An Email is Fast 教学目标
1.能听懂、会说、认读和书写下列词汇:email, idea, computer, use 2.学生能学会如何书写电子邮件的内容和地址以及如何发送电子邮件。3.学生学会唱电子邮件之歌。情感态度目标:
教学重点: 能听懂、会说、认读和书写下列词汇:email, idea, computer, use 学生能学会如何书写电子邮件的内容和地址以及如何发送电子邮件。
教学难点: 学生能学会如何书写电子邮件的内容和地址以及如何发送电子邮件。教学准备: 录音机.课件.教学过程: Step1 Warming up.T: Good morning,everyone.How are you today? Who knows where the post office is in our city ? Who can describe how to get there? 设计意图: 开课,教师与学生之间的语言交流, 找一些学生感兴趣的话题导入,激发学生学习英语的兴趣.Step2 New Concepts.1.Introduce the new words email, idea, computer, use T: What does Danny want to use to write home? S: An email.T: Why Not a postcard or letter? S: An email is fast.It doesn‘t need stamps Praise the Ss.Call for another volunteer.T: What does LiMing say to Danny? Ss: Good idea.T: What do they need to send an email? Ss: A computer.2.t the Ss to look at the screen.Get to know how to write an email.设计意图: 在新授环节,由新单词不同方式教授,吸引学生的注意力,引出今天的新授内容.对比邮件和明信片,并进行对话练习和拓展.Step3 Presentations 1.Pair work: ask and answer with your friend.2.Group work: write an email.设计意图: 通过小组活动时,让学生发现怎样书写电子邮件并发送, 做到学以致用.Step4 Role play 1.Listen to the tape and follow it.2.Sing the song.Homework 给你的朋友发送一封电子邮件.Lesson17 Danny‘s Email
1.能听懂、会说、认读和书写下列词汇:kind, us 2.学生能认读、理解并运用下列基本句型结构: How‘the weather in Canada?
Is it snowy? It‘sunny.There is no snow.What a great trip!情感态度目标:
通过让学生比赛,小组讨论等方式培养学生英语思维及互助学习模式。教学重点: 1.能听懂、会说、认读和书写下列词汇:kind, us 2.学生能认读、理解并运用下列基本句型结构: How‘the weather in Canada?
Is it snowy? It‘sunny.There is no snow.What a great trip!教学难点: 学生能认读、理解并运用下列基本句型结构: How‘the weather in Canada?
Is it snowy? It‘sunny.There is no snow.What a great trip!教学准备: 录音机.课件.教学过程: Step1 Warming up.Sing the song.设计意图: 开课由上节课学习的歌曲导入,激发学生学习英语的兴趣和热情.Step2 New Concepts 1.提出问题,引发学生思考: Show the cards about the weather.Show the screen about Danny‘s email.Ask and answer: Who is this email from? Who will receive the email? What is the subject of the email? What does Danny say to Steven? 小组内的学生互相描述图片中的内容.Step3 Presentation 1.提出问题: How‘s the weather in Beijing? How does Danny like the people in Beijing? When is Danny coming back home? 2.听录音,完成问题.检查答案.3.小组活动,讨论各图片中的内容。
设计目的: 在了解Danny的电子邮件内容的前提下,加强说和读的能力,巩固新知识,达到全方位的训练目的.Step4 Consolidation and extension 1.Ss read Part2, answer the questions How does Danny like his trip? When will they go back to Canada? 2.Discuss what they talk.设计意图: 在练习的基础上,对Danny的电子邮件内容进行介绍,然后联系实际,找出其中的主要句式,使所学知识得到灵活运用.3.学生在老师的指导下进行小结.Homework 用英语写一封电子邮件,介绍自己的旅行情况.Unit4 Lessons19---24 Did you have a nice trip?
Lesson19 Li Ming Comes Home
1.掌握下列四会词汇:yesterday, often, walk, look, play, picture, miss, shop
听、说、认读单词:different,fun,wash 复习下列词汇:back,nice,trip,walk,play 2.灵活应用的句型:
You are back.I missed you.Did you have a nice trip? What did you do? We walked to Wangfujing Street.I wanted to buy a gift for you.I looked in many shops.I walked to the park yesterday.(二)能力目标:
Step1 Warming up 1.Sing a song 2.Teacher does many actions and Ss talk about the actions.Step2 Leading in Show a picture about Danny : Danny learns to skate.T: Danny wanted to learn to skate, but he didn‘t do well in it.He fell on the ice and hurt his tail.设计意图: 通过看Danny学习滑冰的图片,让学生学习一般过去时.Step3 Presentation 1.学生观察课本的图片,小组讨论 Who missed Li Ming? Did Li Ming have a nice trip? How did Li Ming go to Wangfujing? What did Li Ming buy for his father? How did Li Ming go to the park yesterday? 2.Play the tape ,Ss follow the tape.设计意图:学生以小组活动的方式,认知本课句型,完成教学目标。Step4 Consolidation and extension 1.小组活动: Let the Ss show some pictures of themselves last week.2.学生使用本课句式用一般过去时进行练习.Homework: 用英语讲述自己上周的活动情况,使用本课句式进行练习.板书设计
Lesson19 Li Ming Comes Home yesterday, often, walk, look, play, picture, miss, shop I missed you.Did you have a nice trip? What did you do? I walked to the park yesterday.Lesson20 Jenny Goes Home
1.掌握下列四会词汇:went, saw, had, ate, did
听、说、认读单词:ask, second, great 复习下列词汇:find, eat 2.灵活应用的句型:
Did you have fun in Beijing? The first day, we went to Tian‘anmen Square.Did you go shopping? This scarf is for you.I went to the cinema yesterday.(二)能力目标:
Step1 Warming up Ss ask and answer in pairs.What did Li Ming buy for his father? A T-shirt.What did you do last Sunday? I went to the zoo.Did you get up early this morning? Yes I did.设计意图: 轻松的课前交流, 给学生创设愉悦的英语语言氛围,并复习上节课的内容。
Step2 Leading in 教师出示课前准备好的图片,让学生用英语说出Jenny 刚才所做的事情, 并用一般过去时加以描述.Step3 Presentation 1.Learn the new words: went, saw, had, ate, did 2.Game: Guess the words.A student does the actions and the others guess the word.3.Work in groups : 小组对话练习,必须使用一般过去时.Where did you go last Sunday? I went to the park.Who did you go with? With my father.What did you do in the park? We took a long walk.设计意图: 用英语介绍单词,使学生更容易理解,通过猜词游戏,激发学生的学习热情.Step4 Consolidation and extension 1.使用有关表示动作Guess the action的卡片做的游戏.2.学生用英语介绍自己上个周末的活动.3.学生在老师的指导下进行本课的小结.Homework: 用英语介绍自己上周的主要活动。板书设计: Lesson20 Jenny Goes Home went, saw, had, ate, did Did you have fun in Beijing? The first day, we went to Tian‘anmen Square.Did you go shopping? This scarf is for you.I went to the cinema yesterday.Lesson21 Look at the Photos!
听、说、认读单词:happen,hurt,great 复习下列词汇:sad,week 2.灵活应用的句型:
Look at his photo.We were on the train to Beijing.We played with the baby.Danny was at the Palace Museum.What happened? He hurt his tail.We were on the Great Wall.We were very happy.He was seven years old last year.I was sad yesterday.We were in China last week.(二)能力目标:
图片、电脑、录音机、带有动作的一些过去的照片.四、教学设计: Step1 Warming up 1.展示图片: Show three pictures to the Ss, introduce them: Picture 1, the children played basketball.Picture 2, the little girl read a book.Picture 3 , the woman bought a coat.2.学生讨论,回答问题: What did the children do in picture 1? What did the girl do in picture 2? What did the woman do in picture 3? 设计意图: 通过图片复习巩固上节课所学的知识,并引入对各种动作的描述.既复习旧知识,又为新知识的学习做好了铺垫.Step2 Leading in 问答练习:利用课本中的第一组图片 What did Danny do on the train? What happened to Danny at the Palace Museum? How did Danny feel on the Great Wall? 设计意图: 图片教学既具体又形象,便于比较,使学生易于接受新知识.Step3 Presentation 1.让学生自己带着问题阅读第二部分图片: How old was Danny last year? Where was Danny last year? 设计意图: 让学生自己带着问题自主学习,这样学到的知识更加牢固.2.听录音,回答问题
How old is Danny this year? Was Danny happy yesterday? Where is Danny this week? 设计意图: 听音回答问题, 激发学生学习兴趣,巩固所学知识,提高听说技能.3.小组活动,口头对话
向同伴描述Danny过去和现在的情况.同伴之间互相描述,口头对话.设计意图: 练习学生的口头表达能力,全面掌握新知识.Step4 Consolidation and extension 1.根据课文图片和对话, 找出知识点.2.以小组为单位读课文.3.仿照课文,介绍自己或他人上周的情况.4.学生在老师的指导下进行本课的小结.Homework: 用英语描述自己上周的活动.板书设计: Lesson21 Look at the Photos!
happy,was,were,photo,story We were on the train to Beijing.What happened? He hurt his tail.I was sad yesterday.Lesson22 Gifts for Everyone
1.掌握下列四会词汇: bought, put, gift, walk, sunny
听、说、认读单词:wonderful, try 复习下列词汇:kite, welcome , small, sorry 2.灵活应用的句型:
We bought gifts for you in Beijing.This gift is for you , Steven.Green is my favourite colour!It‘s too small for me, but it‘s good for a baby.Let‘s put it on the wall.They lived in Shanghai last year.It was rainy yesterday.(二)能力目标:
Step1 Warming up 1.Greet with each other.2.Play a game.Simon says.Step2 Leading in 听和说: T: What did you buy for your family in Beijing? S1: I bought a hat for my mother.S2: I bought a shirt for my father.…….设计意图: 由浅入深, 由易到难,由旧到新,使新知识自然渗透到学生脑海中.Step3 Presentation 1.听录音,讨论
Where did they buy the gift? What did Jenny buy for Steven? What did Danny buy for Kim? 设计意图: 让学生带着问题去听,去讨论,开动脑筋解决问题,让学生在自主学习的过程中获取知识.2.Play the tape ,Ss read after the tape.Step4 Consolidation and extension 1.自学课文第二部分,找出新知识点.That hat is too small for Kim.They put the picture on the wall.Danny bought a small T-shirt for Mr.Wood.2.学习短语be good for , try on, put on 3.以小组为单位读课文.4.跟随录音读课文.5.仿照课文, 自己介绍给家人或朋友买礼物的情况.6.学生在老师的指导下进行本课的小结.Homework: 用英语介绍自己给家人买礼物的情况.板书设计: Lesson22 Gifts for Everyone bought, put, gift, walk, sunny
Lesson23 An Email from Li Ming
1.掌握下列四会词汇:back, happen, help, walk
听、说、认读单词:truly, miss 复习下列词汇:picture, write , fly 2.灵活应用的句型:
I had a great time with you in Beijing.The photo of the panda is for Danny.Please write back soon.I wanted to fly a kite.I hurt my arm and Jenny helped me.What did you do ? I went to the zoo.(二)能力目标:
重点:要求掌握的四会词汇和书写电子邮件.难点:能用英语书写电子邮件并使用一般过去时.三、教具、学具: 图片、电脑、录音机
Step1 Warming up 1.利用单词卡片复习单词.2.游戏: 找学生表演动作, 学生猜动词或者动词短语.Step2 Leading in 1.提出问题: Where did Li Ming take the pictures ? Did Li Ming have a good time in Beijing? Which picture is for Danny? 2.小组内的学生进行问答.3.复习巩固一般过去时的构成和用法。
设计意图:提出问题,引发学生思考,利用教材知识结构,在复习旧知识的基础上,引出新知识,以加强知识结构的前后联系。Step3 Presentation 1.听录音,做习题:
Can Danny fly kites very well? 2.听录音,连线:
Place Jenny Tings happened to Danny At Tian‘anmen Square People who helped Danny He hurt his arm 3.检查答案.设计意图: 让学生带着问题去听、去想、去讨论,充分体现以学生为中心的教学理念。4.Play the tape,Ss read after the tape.5.小组讨论各图片中的内容.词汇: pictures ,time ,panda, tail, write.6.完成65页Listen and repeat.设计意图:在了解李明的电子邮件内容的前提下,加强说和读的能力,巩固新知识,达到全方位训练的目的.Step4 Consolidation and extension 1.Read Part3.提出问题: What did you do ? 2.讨论他们谈话的内容。
设计意图: 在练习的基础上,对李明的电子邮件内容进行介绍,然后联系实际,找出其中的主要句式,使所学知识得到灵活运用.3.学生在老师的指导下进行本课的小结.重点句型: have a good time , write back, fly a kite , hurt my arm 表示不同动作的短语.对学生的总结情况进行汇总.Homework: 完成: Let‘s do it!中的练习.
第一单元,通过Li Ming和他的妈妈,以及Jenny和Danny一起乘火车前往北京旅行的故事,复习行为词汇、学习现在进行时。
第二单元,让学生学习一些新的修饰词和行为词汇(quickly, slowly, easy, hard, many,help, hurt , loudly, quietly).第三单元,复习星期名称、月份、序数词和地址写法。教授学生一般写信用语和格式,鼓励学生通过写信方式尝试用英语进行叙述。
第四单元,教授学生规则动词的过去式(词尾加-ed)(walked, talked, liked, played„„)以及3个简单的不规则动词的过去式(ate, saw, went,),同时学生也将学习一些其他词汇(gift)。
一、学生情况分析: 通过一学期的教学,大多数学生英语学习有进步,英语字写得漂亮了,学习态度有所好转,上学期通过采用边学习新知识和复习旧知识相结合的方法,他们的学习有所进步。
二、针对情况采取的措施: 针对学生的具体情况,我将采取以下措施:
三、教材整体分析: 本套教材充分吸收了世界上最先进的外语教学理论和实践经验,注重学生英语听说读写能力的培养和训练,努力为学习者营造语境,精心设计内容,在教学中安排了大量的有趣的教学活动,引导学生在轻松,积极向上的气氛中学习英语,使英语变的既容易又有趣。它以学生为中心,以主要人物的活动为主线,围绕最常用的,最基本的英语词汇、句型、交际会话等,逐步开展教学内容,符合小学生的年龄、心理特点和语言教学规律,具有很强的科学性。