
时间:2019-05-12 18:16:51下载本文作者:会员上传


针对补全对话题,考生不仅应该熟悉初中教材所涉及的话题及情景交际用语,还应对高中教材里 Speaking部分里所有的语言功能项目(Functional Items)巩固复习,深入理解并掌握在不同功能环境中交际用语的使用,且对教材上每个单元提供的有用表达法(useful expressions)进行替换练习和读背,其次要配合老师做一些开放性和仿真性的补全对话练习。












Leukemia is the most common type of cancer kids get, but it is still very rare.Leukemia involves the blood and blood-forming organs, such as the bone marrow.(1)

A kid with leukemia produces lots of abnormal white blood cells in the bone marrow.Usually, white blood cells fight infection, but the white blood cells in a person with leukemia don’t work the way they’re supposed to.(2)The abnormal white blood cells multiply out of control, filling the bone marrow and making it hard for enough normal, infection-fighting

white blood cells to form.Other blood cells—such as red blood cells(that carry oxygen in the blood to the body’s tissues)and platelets(that allow blood to clot)—are also crowded out by the white blood cells of leukemia.These cancer cells may also move to other parts of the body, including the bloodstream, where they continue to multiply and build up.Although leukemia can make kids sick, most of the time it is treatable, and kids get better.Almost all leukemia patients are treated with

chemotherapy, which means using anti-cancer drugs.(3)Chemotherapy quickly goes to work, traveling through the blood to the bone marrow.There, the drugs can attack the cancer cells.After several weeks of chemotherapy, many kids begin to feel better.Some children with leukemia will also have radiation therapy, too.(4)If the cancer isn’t getting better from usual amounts of chemotherapy and radiation, then a kid with leukemia Will probably need more

treatment—with higher doses of chemotherapy and radiation to finally kill the cancer cells.But this heavy-duty treatment will also harm the normal cells in the kid’s bone marrow too, and the bone marrow will no longer be able to produce normal blood ceils.So, doctors will then give a kid—or anyone else with bone marrow that is no longer working—normal bone marrow tissue from someone else who is healthy.(5)练习:

A.The chemotherapy drugs are given through a catheter, a narrow tube that is inserted into a blood vessel, sometimes in the kid’s upper chest.B.Early symptoms of leukemia are often overlooked, since they may resemble symptoms of the flu or other common diseases.C.This is a special procedure called a bone marrow transplant, and it helps the patient make new blood cells so they can recover from the leukemia.D.Bone marrow is the innermost part of some bones where blood ceils are first made.E.They don’t protect the person from infections very well.F.Radiation therapy uses invisible high-energy waves(similar to X-rays)to kill cancerous cells.练习答案:1.D 2.E 3.A 4.F 5.C

12.More Efforts Urged to Empower Women at AIDS

Prevention is a central issue being discussed at the sixteenth

International AIDS Conference in Toronto, Canada.Twenty-four thousand delegates are at the conference which ends Friday.Bill and Melinda Gates2 called for3 faster research to, develop preventions like microbicidest for women to use when they have

sex.___1___Melinda Gates said the way to “change this epidemic” is to put power in the hands of women5.In southern Africa, for example, about sixty percent of adults living with HIV6;are women.Bill Gates said women today often have no choice but to depend on men not to infect them.“A woman should never need her partner's permission to save her own life,” he said as the conference opened Sunday.___2___

On Monday, former President Bill Clinton said more people would get tested for HIV if an aggressive effort took place to fight the stigma.But reducing fears of social rejection is not enough.___3___

Researchers at the conference presented the results of a new study of HIV testing.It involved more than one hundred thousand people tested in California last year.Some received a quick test, with results in about twenty minutes.The others received a test that is more commonly used;the result takes two weeks.The researchers say twenty-five percent of the people who had the longer test did not return to learn the results.___4___George Lemp of the University of California led the study.He says quick tests could be especially important in developing countries with limited transportation.Speakers at the AIDS conference also discussed high rates of new HIV infections among black Americans.Julian Bond is chairman of the NAACP7, a leading civil rights group.___5___Public health officials say half of all new HIV infections in the United States are in blacks.African-American delegates at the

conference said they will prepare a five-year plan to reduce infection rates and increase testing.练习:

A.The chairman said African-Americans must, in his words, “face the fact that AIDS has become a black disease.”

B.Mr.Clinton said people also need a guarantee they would get medicine to suppress the virus.C.Delegates at the conference have worked out an action plan to fight the wide spread of this terrible disease all over the world.D.They hoped that such products could protect against infection with the virus that causes AIDS.E.The world's richest man said “stopping AIDS”is the top priority of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.F.But that was true of only two percent of those who had the quick test.参考答案:1.D 2.E 3.B 4.F 5.AWhat Is Insulin-dependent Diabetes?

When you eat, your body, takes the sugar from food and turns it into fuel._____(1)_____ Your body uses glucose for energy, so it can do

everything from breathing air to playing a video game.But glucose can’t be used by the body on its own—it needs a hormone called insulin to bring it into the cells of the body.Most people get the insulin they need from the pancreas, a large organ near the stomach.The pancreas makes insulin;insulin brings glucose into the cells;and the body gets the energy it needs.When a person has

insulin-dependent diabetes, it’s because the pancreas is not making insulin.So someone could be eating lost of food and getting all the glucose he needs, but without insulin, there is no way for the body to use the glucose for energy._____(2)_____

You may have heard older people talk about having diabetes, maybe people of your grandparents’ age.Usually, this is a different kind of diabetes called non-insulin-dependent diabetes.It can also be called Type 2 diabetes, or adult-onset diabetes.__________(3)_____

When a kid diagnosed with juvenile(insulin-dependent)diabetes, he will have that type of diabetes for his whole life.It won’t ever change to non-insulin-dependent diabetes when he gets older.Scientists now think that a person who has juvenile diabetes was born with a certain gene or genes that made the person more likely to get the illness._____(4)_____ Many scientists believe that along with having

certain gees, something else outside the person’s body, like a viral infection, is necessary to set the diabetes in motion by affecting the cells in the pancreas that make insulin.But the person must have the gene(or genes)for diabetes to start out with—this means you can’t get diabetes just from catching a flu, virus, or cold.And this type of diabetes isn’t caused by eating too many sugary foods, eight.Diabetes can take a long time to develop in a person’s body

—sometimes months or year.Another important thing to remember is that diabetes is not contagious._____(5)_____ 练习:

A Genes are something that you inherit form your parents, and they are in your body even before you’re born.B This sugar-fuel is called glucose.C It may be possible to beat insulin resistance through lifestyle changes.D You can’t catch diabetes from people who have it, no mater how close you sit to them or if you kiss them.E The glucose can’t get into the cells of the body without insulin.F When a person has this kind of diabetes, the pancreas usually can still make insulin, but the person’s body needs more than the pancreas can make.练习答案:1.B 2.E 3.F 4.A 5.D

14A Memory Drug?(A级)

IT’S DIFFICULT TO IMAGINE MANY THINGS that people would welcome more than a memory-enhancing drug.____1____ Furthermore, such a drug could help people remember past experiences more clearly and help us acquire new information more easily for school and at work.As scientists learn more about memory, we are closing in on this tantalizing goal.1

Some of the most exciting evidence comes from research that has built on earlier findings linking LTP2 and memory to identify a gene that improves memory in mice.____2____ Mice bred to have extra copies of this gene showed more activity in their NMDA receptors,more LTP,and improved performance on several different memory tasks — learning a spatial layout3, recognizing familiar objects,and recalling a fear-inducing shock.If these basic insights about genes, LTP, and the synaptic basis of memory can be translated to people — and that remains to be seen — they could pave the way for memory-enhancing treatments.____3____ As exciting as this may sound, it also raises troubling issues.Consider the potential educational implications of memory-enhancing drugs.If memory enhancers were available, children who used them might be able to acquire and retain extraordinary amounts of information, allowing them to progress far more rapidly in school than they could otherwise.How well could the brain handle such an onslaught of information? What happens to children who don’t have access to the latest memory enhancers? Are they left behind in school — and as a result handicapped later in life?

____4____ Imagine that you are applying for a job that requires a good memory,such as a manager at a technology company or a sales position that requires remembering customers’ names as well as the attributes of different products and services.Would you take a memory-enhancing drug to increase your chances of landing the position? Would people who felt uncomfortable taking such a drug find themselves cut out of lucrative career


Memory drugs might also help take the sting out of disturbing memories that we wish we could forget but can’t.4 The 2004 hit movie Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind told the story of a young man seeking just such freedom from the painful memories of a romantic breakup.As you will see in the section on persistence later in the chapter, emotionally arousing events often create intrusive memories, and researchers have already muted emotional memories with drugs that block the action of key hormones.Should emergency workers who must confront horrifying accident scenes that can burden them with persisting memories be provided with such drugs? Should such drugs be given to rape victims who can’t forget the trauma? Memory drugs might provide some relief to such individuals.But could they also interfere with an individual’s ability to assimilate and come to terms with a difficult experience?5 ____5____


A Like steroids for bulking up the muscles, these drugs would bulk up

memory.B A memory enhancer could help eliminate forgetting associated with

aging and disease.C What are the potential implications of memory-enhancing drugs for the


D We may find ourselves struggling with these kinds of questions in the

not-too-distant future.E There is a pill that you could take every day to allow you to remember

everything.F The gene makes a protein that assists the NMDA2 receptor,which

plays an important role in long-term memory by helping to initiate LTP.答案与题解:


By refusing to take essential medication after a kidney transplant, a 49-year-old woman drives her doctors and nurses to distraction—to no avail, because the organ has in the end to be removed____(1)_____ Patients refusing to cooperate with medical professionals cause damage not only to themselves but also impose substantial costs on the community.The

pharmaceutical company Glaxo Welcome estimates the costs to the German taxpayers of this kind of negative behaviour at around five billion dollars a year.A recent conference of medical professionals, health insurers, the pharmaceutical industry and patient representatives revealed a wide range of factors behind non-compliance.Not all defiant behaviour in a patient can be characterized as non-compliance.Greater stress should be placed on psychology during medical training, delegates said.____(2)_____

Psychologist Sibylle Storkebaum told of an eight-year-old boy who ran amok in a hospital before undergoing a heart transplant, threatening to rip out his drip tubes.____(3)_____“Doctors and nurses failed to see that they had downgraded a boy already conscious of his own responsibilities into a small child,” Storkebaum said, explaining that the boy merely wanted to be taken seriously and to be involved in his own treatment.“Once this was acknowledged, the anger attacks subsided.____(4)_____” Jan-Torsten Tews of Glaxo Welcome highlighted the problem of excessive medication, with patients having to take a wide range of medicines at short intervals.Educating patients and self-management were the key to treating patients with chronic conditions, he said.Health insurers also expressed interests in better cooperation

between doctor and patient.“The fact that non-compliance exists is a result of patient dissatisfaction with their treatment,” Walter Bockemuehl, a senior executive in the statutory medical insurance scheme.said.According to one study, half of all patients did not want medication, but had drugs prescribed nevertheless.____(5)_____练习:

A.However, there are still some medical professionals who don't believe in psychological therapy.B.He became noticeably quieter and turned into a good patient.C.“In these cases we should not be surprised if the advice is ignored,” he said.D.This case of medical non-compliance is not an isolated example.E.There was evidence that psychological therapy for insecure patients could improve cooperation between doctors and patients, they added.F.His fits of rage were subsequently seen as an attempt to assert his rights as a patient.练习答案:1.D 2.E 3.F 4.B 5.C

















































































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A:Hi, Linda.76.B:Nice to meet you,too,Jane.A:Let’play tennis.B:77But I don’t have a tennis racket.A:What do you want to do?

B:78.A:Buy a sweater?

B:Yes.There is a sale in Huaxing Clothing Store.The clothes are very cheap.A:Really?79?

B:They have sweaters in all colors at the price of 25 yuan.A:80.?

B:Yes, theyhave T-shirts.Can you go there with me?

A:OK.Let’s go.



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