
时间:2019-05-12 04:14:33下载本文作者:会员上传



Unit 1 Will people have robots?

1.I think in 100 years, people will study on computers, not on p_________________.纸,纸张

2.People don’t need to work at home.We can buy a r______________ to help with all the housework.机器人

3.Be careful.I don’t think everyone can do e_______________ well this time.一切

4.Look at that new b____________ over there.We’ll soon move into it.建筑

5.F___________ people write with their left hand than with their right, do they?更少

6.In the f__________ people will have fewer and fewer cars.将来

7.My father usually w____________ up early.叫醒

8.He w__________ a letter to his father last week.写

9.Mrs.Green always d____________ herself very nicely when she goes to work.穿着

10.My father wants to be an a_____________ when he grows up.He hopes to fly to the moon.宇航员

11.I think I should do my homework all by m____________.自己

12.I’m sure my dream will come t___________.实现

13.It is i______________ for him to finish the work in such a short time.不可能

14.P___________ the future is really hard for us.预测

15.I can hear some s____________ from that tall tree.声音

16.Fei Junlong and Nie Haisheng are famous Chinese a__________________.宇航员

17.Our school built a new a____________ in the school so that new foreign teachers can live inside it.公寓

18.Big cities are usually c___________ in the main streets.There are people here and there.拥挤的19.My mother says I am old enough to d____________ myself now.Look!I wear all these clothes myself.穿衣

Unit 2 What should I do?

1.—What’s w____________ with you, Sam?--I can’t find my key to open the door.2.He thinks his computer is out of s___________.So he decides to buy a new one.款式

3.I had a fight with Sam, and we a___________ with each other a lot.争吵

4.She said what he said really s____________ her a lot, because she didn’t know why he got so angry with her.使…惊讶

5.Both the boys wanted to go to Beijing, but e__________ of them could go, because there was only one train ticket.任何…

Unit 3 What were you doing when the UFO arrived?

1.I think the plane will l____________ in five minutes.离开

2.The girl was w___________ down the street when the accident happened.散步

3.The plane t____________ off from Tokyo at 20:00 last night.起飞

4.When I came into the barber’s shop, Mr.Smith was c_____________ his hair.剪发

5.The old lady was so s______________ that she couldn’t move at all.吓坏的6.It’s dangerous to j___________ off this tall tree.跳下

7.It was raining hard when the plane a____________ at Shanghai Airport.到达

8.He didn’t like school and r___________ away from school two years ago.跑

9.I don’t know what is h_________.Let’s go and have a look.发生

10.When I found him, he was cutting his hair in a b_____________ shop.理发店

11.No one knew what h____________ before they came to the museum.发生

12.While she was in the kitchen, she heard someone s____________ for help.叫喊

13.They were talking to some police o____________ in the park at that time.警官

Unit 4 He said I was hard-working.1.The little shy girl got n__________ when she saw the head teacher coming towards her.紧张的2.Her friends all believe what she said, because she is always t____________ to words.真实的3.Jack wanted to post this letter, so he went to the post office to buy some stamps and an e________________.信封

4.You are so l____________ to have such good and patient teachers.幸运的5.The weather was bad and the food was so terrible.My holiday was very d________________.令人失望的6.Well, John.I’ll leave you a QQ m_____________ online this evening.信息

7.I exercise every day, so I am now in good h____________.健康

8.My sister was s__________ to have lunch with her teacher in the restaurant.期望

Unit 5 If you go to the party, you’ll have a great time!

1.My brother runs very fast.He wants to be an a___________ when he grows up.运动员

2.Their fathers had to work on building sites to make a l______________.谋生

3.There is only a desk and a chair in my b____________, except my bed.卧室

4.After some discussions, most people are for his idea, and still some of them are a___________ it.反对

5.You’ve got nothing to c___________ about.We all do the same here.抱怨

6.They asked me to o___________ a small English party to help them practice English.组织

7.Many people buy newspapers at the a_____________.报亭

8.Nobody knows how the accident h_____________.发生

9.If you lose this c_____________ to get this job, I think you can’t get a better one.机会

10.It’s very popular among the young people to wear j_____________, even in the summer time.牛仔裤

11.People should stop cutting down trees and help the animals in d______________.危险

12.Don’t s____________.I can hear you.叫喊

Unit 6 How long have you been collecting shells?

1.—How long has your father been a doctor?--F__________ twenty years.2.—What’s your hobby?--I like c____________ stamps very much.收集

3.If you know the answer, please r__________ your hand.举手

4.―Jim skates well‖ means he is a good s___________.溜冰者

5.Sam has been skating s___________ he was six.自从

6.—What can we do to help Mingming? He’s too poor to go to school next year.--Why not r___________ some money for him?集资

7.—Wow, you have such a good collection of coins!

--I love collecting coins, but now I feel worried, for I can’t find enough room to s__________ them.存放

8.—When did you get your first p__________ of skates?

--At the age of six, when I began to learn skating.双

9.– Are you i_____________ in skating?--Sure.I am a skating lover.感兴趣

10.—Do you know what the longest distance run is?

--Of course it is m_____________.马拉松



1.I’m Miss Li’s s_________ and she teaches us English.2.This book is a_______ birds.3.The new girl’s name is Mary;she’s in Class 2 G______ 1.4.---How old are you, Lingling?---I am thirteen y_____ old.5.His parents lived in Xi’an.Xi’an is a big c________.6.The classrooms are s_________ but very clean.7.Washington D.C.is the c_________ of the United States.8.I know his given name is Mike.But I don’t know his l_____ name.9.---What’s the weather like in E_________ in autumn?---Usually cool and rainy.10.This is my f_________ day at middle school.I am so happy to meet many new friends!11.---What’s your aunt’s job?---She’s a n________ in a hospital.12.---What does your uncle do?---He is a bus d________.He drives carefully.13.---How do you like being an a_______?

---I like very much.People like to watch me in the theatre and I’m very happy.14.P________ are the first teachers to children.15.A m_______ understands what a child does not say.16.One of f_______ is more than a hundred schoolmasters.17.A brother may not be a friend, but a friend will always be a b________.18.Happy f_________ are all alike;every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.19.An apple a day keeps the d_______ away.20.Please don’t speak at the s________ time.I can’t hear you all.21.The tall b_______ over there is the new library.22.Let’s read the m__________ and find where the city is.23.We study weather in our s_________ lessons.24.—Is the p______ in your school big or small? Big.— We often play football there.25.This old French table is a very valuable piece of f_______.26.—Can you draw a p______ of the tree?—Yes.But I need a green pencil.27.The d________ is near the gate.We have lunch there.28.—What is the longest river in the w________.---It’s the Nile River in Africa.29.He has three children.The m_______ child is a girl.30.Don’t watch too much t_________.It’s bad for your eyes.31.Now people can eat all kind of v_____ in the winter, like carrots, potatoes and so on.32.Apples and pears are f_______.33.There are all kinds of f________ in the fridge, and they are fresh.34.—Do you think the hamburger is u__________? —Yes , it is junk food.35.I like basketball best, so it is my f_______ sport.36.—When is mother’s b_______.—It’s on May 5.37.You have to d______ enough water to keep healthy every day. have got some Chinese tea and orange j______.I like ice cream, b_____ it isn’t healthy.—Could you give me something to e_______?—Yes.What about noodles? He usually goes to school at half p______ seven.China is a great country with a long h______.I am going to h_______ two Chinese lessons this evening.The first lesson s_______ at 7:15 in the morning every day.—Do you often f______ your homework before dinner? —No.I do my homework after dinner.We have lunch at 11:30 at school and have a b_______ after lunch.I usually have rice w________ vegetables and meat.Talk a________ your school day.Do you have geography today? It’s my favorite s_______.My mum always helps me with my h_______ at home.Betty loves a ________ very much.The school has two t________ students.The wolf comes from E_________.Does the panda eat b_________? Yes, it does.The Zebra eats plants, l__________ and grass.People can see many d___________ animals in the zoo.Mary v________ her grandparents every Sunday.My t______ to Africa is great fun.There is a map of the w______ on the wall.Fast food in MacDonald’s and KFC is not h_______.I want to get some i________ about the island on the Internet.Peter works as a manager in an American c _________.On weekends, a lot of things are on sale, so there are always hundreds of c__________ in that shop.Lucy has to wash c_______ by hand because there’s something wrong with the washing machine.When you finishing your homework on the computer, remember to your D____________.Do you know how to c__________ the mouse to the computer? After I finish exams, I always c_________ my answers for mistakes.She is trying to s_______ her mind for man’s name, but she can’t remember it.Oh,there are so many different kinds of ice cream.Danny, come and c____ one.Lucy’s hobby is reading.She reads newspapers and m________ every day.I’m a________ you can’t go to the football match unless you finish your homework first.I don’t want anyone to know about it.It is my s________.Sandy likes doing sports very much, so I think this bike may be great Christmas

p_______ for him.This restaurant is too e________, let’s go to find a cheaper one.Is there anything s_______ about the book? Why are you so interested in it ?

76.---How much time do you usually s________ on your homework every day?---About one and half hours.77.He usually sends a p_________ to his family when he travels to a new place on business.78.He has a pet dog and it likes to follow him a________ he goes.79.His family often goes on a t_________ at weekend in autumn.80.It’s a bit far from here.Would you please d_________ me there.81.Michael Jackson is a great s____.And I love his songs like Dangerous and Beat It.82.Meat and fish are h___________ food.83.We often have a t___________ to the zoo on Sundays.84.My g______ are seventy years old, and my parents and I love them very much.85.We usually keep the food in the f_________ to keep it fresh.86.I usually play games and d_________ music from the Internet.87.We p________ speaking and writing English in class every day.88.People in different countries have different eating h________.89.F________ comes after Thursday.90.Pandas are black and w________.I love them very much.91.A t_________ looks like a big cat.It is the king of the forest.92.Ann is t_________ years old, and she will have 13th birthday party next year.93.“Sam, remember to clean the b_________ during the break,” the teacher says.94.Don’t forget to s_________ the document before you switch off the computer.95.Would you like to go to the c_________ with me? Transformers Ⅲ is on.96.Red l__________ at the celebration mean happiness and joy in Chinese tradition.97.D______ are beautiful in Chinese culture.But in the western culture, they are not.98.We often s________ the floor in the Spring Festival to keep bad luck out.99.It’s cold outside.You’d better put on your s________.100.We wish you’re a m__________ Christmas and happy new year.根据中文所给意思完成句子袋鼠来自澳大利亚。

The kangaroo _____________Ausralia.考完试去欢乐谷怎么样?

________________________ to the Happy Valley after the test? 我们学校有一个操场,两个实验室。

____________ a playground and two __________ in our school.大卫现在住在北京,特别喜欢和北京人聊天。

David ____________ Beijing now and he ___________Beijingers very much 明天是星期天,咱们给爸妈买两张电影票吧,他们一直想去看电影。Tomorrow is Sunday,_________________________________________.我们学校阅览室有4000本杂志。

In our school, ______________ 4000 magazines in the reading room.汤姆,累不?休息一下怎么样?

Tom, are you tired? ________________________ having a break? 今天天气不错,咱们出去溜达溜达吧。

It’s a nice day today , ______________________ for a walk.鲍勃非常喜欢看足球比赛。

Bob ____________________ football matches very much.妈妈,谢谢您为我做的生日蛋糕。

Mum ,___________________________________________.


一、根据句意及首字母提示完成单词 疑问句)

1、does your father go to work ?Jackmoring TV at 8:00?-At 7:00.根据汉语完成句子 2.–What’s Victor’s aunt’ ?

1、他几点钟吃早饭?-She’s a nurse.does he eat breakfast ?go to the movies with my good

2、早饭后玛丽去上班。friend Tina.Maty goes to work.4.She often watches TV playsa3、我爸爸每天乘10路车去上班。dinner.to me carefully(认真地).in a day.7.Scott doesn’on Sunday.?-At 22:00.9.–How does your brother go to school ? the No.5 bus to school??-At home.汉英互译

1.2.3.brush one’ 4.5.all night6.起床



句型转换(对画线的部分提问)doyou usally get up ? 2.He brushes his teeth in the morning.(改为否


his teeth in the morning.3.She takes a shower at 10:00(改为同义句)

She 对画线部分提问)

does she go to bed ? 5.Jack watches morning TV at 8:00.(改为一般

My father the number 10

buswork.4、他们喜欢听她的话 They like toher.5、----几点了?-----八点半了。----What time?----It’s eight thirty.用所给动词的适当形式填空 1.Tom(not go)to school on weekends.2.They(not have)a good time.3.Mr Wang usually(have)breakfast at home.4.My little sister often(go)home at 4:30.your friend(do)his

homework ? 6.What time her father(get)to work every day ? 介词填空 1.He often has lunch 12:00.2.Does Tom go to school weekends ?

3.What time do you get? 4.Do you have lunch12:00.? 5.Please tell meyour morning.6.Thank youyour help.7.Listenyour teacher carefully.school he often does sports.9.I take the busschool every day.10.What time do you go bed.11.Do they want musicians their rock band ?


1.Their school(star)at 8:00.2.Please(write)to your mother soon.3.Lucy usually(get)up at half past five in the morning.Rich and Russ(play)football every day ?

5.They want(know)about Liu Xiang.6.The woman often(run)in the morning.7.Please give my(good)wishes to your father.8.Thanks for(help)me.根据句意和所给首字母完成单词

to me...4.There are 60 minutes(分钟.5.Hewakes up early , but he doesn’t want to up.6.On weekdays , parents go to work and the.,have and go to school.8.I eat breakfast at 7:30 in the.before I go to bed..11.It’s late , I have to go and night TV.根据汉语完成句子


You wantmy school life ?


School at eight.3.放学后,我在家里做作业。

at home.4.请写信告诉我你早晨的情况。

Pleaseandyour morning.4.你通常什么时候回家?

do you usually.阅读理解

John Smith is a worker.He doesn’t work in the morning.He works at night.He gets home at around 6:30 in the morning.He has breakfast at 7:30.After breakfast he goes to bed.He gets up at 14:30.He eats lunch at 14:45 and supper at 19:40.Then he goes to work at 20:15.He stars work at 21:00.He works all night.He likes his work.根据短文内容判断正误

()1.John Smith works in the morning.()2.John Smith goes to bed after breakfast.()3.John doesn’t work at 12:00.()4.John is at home in the morning.()5.John eats supper at 20:15.




1.The new t_____ will begin on September 1.2.You should r_______ the books to the library on time.3.The old man has no families so he often feels l______.4.The party was over at ten o’clock so the hall is e_______ now.5.Please knock at the door before you e______ the office.6.There is a beautiful park in the c_______ of the city.7.The new big hall can h______ 1,000 cars.8.Don’t ask him to buy an expensive house.He can h______ make a living.9.The p_____ is rising, and the food becomes more and more expensive.10.He is my best friend.We often s_______ our happiness and sadness.二、根据所给的汉语内容,用英语完成下列句子


We shouldn’t make noise ______________.2.尽管中途摔倒了,她还是尽最大的努力跑完比赛。

She ______ ______ ______ _____ finish the race though she fell down on the way.3.我们应该和同班同学相处好!

We should ______ _____ ______ ______ our classmates.4.夏天到了,孩子们喜欢去游泳而不是去放风筝。

Summer is coming.Children like going swimming ______ ______ ______ kites.5.他拒绝告诉我们真相。

He _______ ______ _____ us the _______.6.那艘船撞了我们的船后逃走了。

The ship bumped into ours and ______ _______.7.在她们的写作中,Louise比Sue 犯了更多的错误。

Louise _______ ______ _______ than Sue in their writings.8.对我们来说,用电子邮件和客人交流是非常有用的。

It is very ________ ______ _____ ______ ___________ ________ our customers by e-mail.9.在金钱方面,孩子依靠父母。

A child _____ ________ _______ his parents for money.10.我们都不知道这个消息。

We ______ all _______ ______ the news.11.我一点也不喜欢喝牛奶。

I ______ like drinking milk _____ ______.12.我们应该多吃点蔬菜来保持健康。

We _______ ______ eat more vegetables ______ keep fit.st





得分__________ 时间:40分钟









































































11 体会句意

一、1.√ 2.√ 3.× 4.√

二、1.C 2.C 3.A


四、1.B 2.C 3.AC





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