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教材选修7Unit 5 Traveling abroad的第一堂阅读课,其教学目的是在激发学生对travel abroad的兴趣的基础上,引导其对海外求学中可能遭遇的状况及优劣点的思考。在普通班进行教学时,我们尽量使用最直接最明显的提问引导方式,并在每项指令发出同时利用PPT呈现该指令,以消除学生对英语阅读课的恐惧心理。而对于文章阅读后的检测问题,我们几乎完全采用教材中compreheding中的题目,以便适应普通班学生课前预习的习惯。而在实验班,由于学生已有不错的英语语言基础,对于主题的引导,我们采用对话引入的方式,在看似不经意的对话中导入并牵引课堂教学的进行。PPT中指令的呈现明显减少,以培养学生言语交流学习的习惯和能力。在小班,对于话题的引入和实验班相同,只在课程的进







每周的练习试卷由组内成员先根据该周教学内容,结合该阶段的学生实际独立选编。然后在每周二的备课组集体活动中呈现给所有成员共同讨论研究。首先编写该周练试卷的老师必须详细具体地说明该试卷的考核检测范围及目标。然后一题题为组内所有成员讲解,并根据成员讨论结果进行修改或撤换。对于试卷中的所有细节,我们力求每题每句有所目的,结合教学实际随时准备修改。例如,在这一周的学习中,多数老师反映学生对上一周所学appeal to的掌握不扎实,我们会将阅读中出现的attract one's interest及时更换成appeal to以求增加该短语在具体例句中出现的频率,从而加深其映像。又如,对原题中出现的中文词义提示,我们也会结合学生实际,考虑是否保留或增添。再如,阅读表达题中出现了What is the best title of this passage?按照江西高考题型实际,我们会改成the main idea。









Good afternoon, everyone.The title of the paper is Visible Microspectroscopy for Diagnosis of Gastric Precancer.Its author is Liu Yong from Department of Physics, Zhao qing University.It’s presented by Li Mengfan from CAS, Hefei Institutes of Physical Science.You can know more about cancer and the new method to diagnose gastric precancer after reading this paper.58s

Cancer is very common among human beings.It is mostly related to the habit of the patients, the job, the environment, the drinking water and the soil matters, too.If a person is affected by certain bacteria, he may also get gastric cancer.Bad habits like smoking, drinking, mental tension, eating improperly and living irregularly increase the possibility of having cancer.Before specific treatment, the doctor should make sure whether the patient has cancer and where the focus is.The method used to diagnose cancer and locate the cancerous area is very important.42s

Before we design a method to diagnose cancer, we should know more about cancer like where it starts and what it causes.Firstly, about 90% of the human’s cancer start from the epithelial layer of skin, internal organs and tubular organs in the body.Secondly , cancer usually accompanied by the changes of organization structure in the cell level.So, the changes which appear in the structure of organization and chemical composition provides important evidence for diagnosis of precancer.42s

Normal method to diagnose gastric precancer is Reflectance spectroscopy.It’s very prospective in early diagnosis of cancer and is commonly used these years.One of the most common technology is diffuse reflectance visible spectroscopy, it can acquire the approximate information of the target tissue.This method is low cost, fast and non-invasive, it provides important means for diagnosis of malignant damage of organization of human organs.However, there are also some disadvantages of this method which need to be improved.55s

This is the system of diffuse reflectance spectroscopy, the light beam emitted from the tungsten halogen lamp is guided into the integral ball by the source fiber.The light come out of the integral ball irradiate the standard board, the reflected light of the standard board is treated as the background.Then take target tissue substitute for the standard board, and scan the reflected light of it.The reflected light spectra of the gastric tissue mucosal layer and the submucosa layer is guided into the spectrometer by the collector fiber.The spectrometer and the computer is connected by USB, spectrum can be processed using computer.36s

First of all, only average visible spectrum of the target tissue can be acquired, it means that the docters cannot make out the location of the cancerous tissue precisely.What’s more, the device is easy to be affected by changes of optical path length induced by different set-up of prober and the variation of hemoglobin concentration due to the pressure between prober and tissue.50s

To avoid the problems of the commonly used techniques, diffuse reflectance visible spectroscopy, scientists do a lot of researches to find out a new way to diagnose precancer.The new method is Visible Microspectroscopy.The visible microspectroscopic measurement device is accomplished on the basis of fiber confocal microscope, its 3-d imaging principle devote to the optical tomography ability of the system.The visible microspectrum of cancerous and normal tissue can be analysed and contrasted, so it’s more useful than the normal method.45s

This is the structure of the visible microspectroscopy device.The fiber coupler can separate the lighting beams from the signal beam.The two lens can focus the light on the tissue ,The 3-D electronic controlled platform move along the direction of optic axis, so that the device can acquire the visible microspectroscopy signal of the sample in different depth, precisely locate the boundary of the cancerous tissue.The signal measured from different position can be stored in the computer after analysed by the spectrometer.31s

This is the spectrum chart of the normal tissue and cancerous tissue, they are analyzed by the spectrometer before being transmitted to the computer.The upper chart is the visible spectrum of normal tissue, it is regular.Contrasting to this, in the nether chart, the spectrum of the cancerous area shows that the strength of reflected light grows as the wave length grows.49s

In comparison with the normal method, there are a lot of advantages of the new method.Firstly, the structure of visible microspectroscopy device is very simple.The main parts consist of source, fiber coupler, 3-D electronic controlled platform, spectrometer and the computer.Secondly, the 3-D space microspectrum can be acquired , which can help the doctors efficiently make out whether the gastric tissue is cancerous.What’s more, the optical tomography ability enabled the device to precisely locate the edge of the cancerous area.32s i.ii.iii.In conclusion, the main goal of this research is to find a new way to diagnose the gastric precancer.The spectrum of the normal and cancerous gastric tissues which can be measured by visible microspectroscopy in cell level is the central idea.This new method can obtain the cell level information, and is not affected by changes of optical path length and hemoglobin concentration.50s

i.The device is very simple, so it can have a small size, which can reduce the sufferings of patients.It can efficiently make out whether the tissue is canceration.ii.Besides, the 3-D space microspectrum and optical tomography ability can make the device accurately distinguish the cancerous tumor area from the normal tissue in cell level, thus the boundary of the cancerous tissue can be ascertained accurately.iii.The result of the research shows that this device may be used to non-invasively diagnosis of early gastric cancer.20s

This device is only researched in the lab, there are still a lot of works to do to make this device applied into practice.So, special design of this device should be made which can be applied to the medical diagnosis.

第三篇:学术交流英语-中科大 Transcript(精选)

Transcript Slide 1(Introduction):

Bionic Contact Lens GirishSukhwaniV.E.S Institute of TechnologyPresented by WesleyUniversity of Science &Technology of china Time: 15 seconds(0:00-0:15)Say: Ladies and gentlemen, good morning!I'm Wesley from theUniversity of Science and Technology of China.It is a great honour for me to address you on this special occasion.Today I will give a presentation with the title “Bionic Contact Lens”.Slide 2(Introduction):

Have you ever wished that you were a superman?A person with superior visionA person with super memoryA person with zoom capability Time: 30 seconds(0:15-0:45)Say: Before I start my presentation, let me ask you a question.Have you ever wished that you were a superman? A superman with superior vision is able to see things very far away and has super memory that means you can never forget.Besides, a person can zoom in front of the scene with zoom capability.In other words, you could see the world around in front of your eyes as seen by protagonist in science fiction movies like Terminator and Robocop.Slide 3(Introduction):

This is now possible using Bionic contact lens!Appearance description:One of the smallest deviceWe could simply „BLINK‟ and than we will be onlineThe lens have infrared lights to create a virtual displayBionic Contact Lens Time: 40 seconds(0:45-1:25)Say: This is now possible using Bionic contact lens!We have established one of the smallest device.With this device, we would simply „BLINK‟

and we will be online.It‟s already more science than fiction.Especially, bionic contact lenses are being developed to provide a virtual display that could have a variety of uses from assisting the visually impaired to the video game industry.What‟s more, the lens will eventually have functional electronic circuits and infrared lights to create a virtual display.Slide 4(Introduction):

“The eye of the beholder”The beginning of the Computer Human InterfaceIt would tell you what is relevant and what to ignoreTranslation between languages at any timeComputer Human Interface Time: 35 seconds(1:25-2:00)Say: In next 20 years, internet will be on our contact lens as the picture shows.Bionic contact lens is this kind of device that could give a new meaning to the phrase “The eye of the beholder”.It could be the beginning of the Computer Human Interface of the future and your smart lens would tell you what is relevant and what to ignore.In addition, if someone speaks in Chinese, no problem, Bionic contact lens will translate Chinese into English subtitles underneath your picture.Slide 5(Body):

1.Generation principleConvert pieces of plastic and polymer to a functional systemAntenna picks up radio frequency energyChip harvests the energyTransmit information directly on the lensTransform it into voltage Time: 40 seconds(2:00-2:40)Say: First of all, let's see how it works!Firstly, bionic contact lens converts pieces of plastic and polymer to a functional system that resemble a kind of complexity in cellular form, and antenna picks up radio frequency energy that is transmitted by an antenna elsewhere.Then, while chip harvests the energy and transforms it into voltage that can power the LED.Finally, voltage works to display directly on the lens that would transmit information directly on the lens.Slide 6(Body):

2.Core Technology1)The micro fabrication technique2)Energy3)Virtual display technology4)Image technology Time: 25 seconds(2:40-3:05)Say: Any advanced device has its core technology, including bionic contact lens.Bionic contact lens contains many of the most advanced technologies, such as capillary forces, Antenna, Chip, Fresnel lenses and so on.Among them, the core technology can be summarized as the following four aspects.Slide 7(Body):

1)The micro fabrication techniqueBuild the circuits from layers of metal only a few nanometers thickConstruct light-emitting diodes one third of a millimeter acrossArray of LED pixels is used in lens to form an active display Time: 50 seconds(3:05-3:55)Say: Next, let's look at the first aspect.Micro fabrication technique is used for image formation.We built the circuits from layers of metal only a few nanometers thick, about one thousandth the width of a human hair, and constructed light-emitting diodes one third of a millimeter across.Simultaneously, array of LED pixels is used in lens to form an active display.Therefore, the shape of each tiny component dictates which piece it can attach to, and a micro fabrication technique known as self-assembly.Slide 8(Body):

2)EnergyFirstly: Antenna picks up radio frequency wavesThen: Turn them into energy Finally: Chip harvests the energy and transforms it into voltage Time: 40 seconds(3:55-4:35)Say: For the second aspect, Since this device is very small, the supply of energy is a key technical problem.As shown in this flowchart.Firstly, antenna picks up radio frequency waves and then turn them into energy that is transmitted by an antenna elsewhere.Finally, while chip harvests the energy and transforms it into voltage that can power the LED.The voltage is also a very small laser that can be used to ensure that the image is in focus at all times and eliminate the need for micro lenses.Slide 9(Body):

3)Virtual display technologyUsing a raster displayDisplayed on the retina of the eyeVirtual Display Image Time: 45 seconds(4:35-5:20)Say: Then, the third aspect is virtual display technology.A virtual retinal display, also known as a retinal scan display or retinal projector, is a display technology that draws a raster display directly onto the retina of the eye.In bionic lens, the display is floating in front of the user using virtual display technology.Certainly, it is not possible to display an image over a solid angle from a point source unless the projection system can bypass the lenses within the eye.Slide 10(Body):

4)Image technologyImage qualityFresnel lensesImage managementPixel management Time: 60 seconds(5:20-6:20)Say: Finally, the core technology is to say that Image technology.It is mainly related to these four points on the slide.In terms of Image quality , we overcome that obstacle by precisely adjusting the angle of incoming light emitted by diodes on the contact lens.For Fresnel lenses and Image management, we tackled the limitation of the minimum focal distance of the human eye by incorporating a set of Fresnel lenses into the device.For Pixel management, we have provided the first proof-of-concept technology demonstrations for producing multipixel and in-focus images.Slide 11(Body):

3.Critical ApplicationsZooming in on and out of distant objectsPersonalized wide-screen TVVisual aids for vision-impaired peopleBio-sensing--monitor health care Immersive video gamesDirection-to orient and identify landmark on the map Time: 45 seconds(6:20-7:05)Say: In the previous section, we have just talked about the generation of bionic contact lens and its core technology, then we talk about what are the critical applications.As shown on the slide, it consists mainly of six points.For example, zooming in on and out of distant objects-It means we would be able to zoom in on something far away or to look at something very close;And personalized wide-screen TV-It means the combination of contact lens with embedded optoelectronic and electronic devices could well be the beginning of the Computer Human Interface of the future.As time is limited, the following four points I will not explain in detail.Slide 12(Body):

4.Technical BottlenecksAttach the electronic components thinner than a human hairAre materials safe for use in the body?Focus on image qualityGive power supply Time: 40 seconds(7:05-7:45)Say: Although the application of good prospects for bionic contact lens, there are still several technical bottlenecks.First challenge is how to attach the electronic components thinner than a human hair.The next problem is building the lenses is a challenge because materials that are safe for use in the body are delicate.What‟s more, how to focus on image quality and how to give power supply are both the big obstacle.In addition to these points, there are other problems we need to work hard to resolve.Slide 13(Conclusion):

ConclusionThe era of bionic contact lens is coming soon--With advanced core technology--Very good application prospectsTechnical bottlenecks to be solved Time: 25 seconds(7:45-8:10)Say: As I end,the era of bionic contact lens would soon come.According to the introduction of the previous point of view, bionic contact lens with advanced core technology has a very good application prospects.However, there are still some bottlenecks to be resolved because of the technical problems so far.Slide 14(Conclusion):

Conclusion : Why is this significant?The beginning of the Computer Human Interface of the future--Surfing the Web at any time--Keeping the information connection all the timeA person can record their entire lifeOne day lead to everyone having beyond perfect vision Time: 35 seconds(8:10-8:45)Say: In short, bionic contact lens has a cross-era significance.One of the most important is bionic contact lens could be the beginning of the Computer Human Interface of the future when we could surf the Web at any time or keep the information connection all the time.Furthermore, a person could record their entire life just by blinking or possibly connect their contact lenses with a wireless device, and we would witness the day when everyone has the perfect vision.Slide 15(Conclusion):

Future WorkDevelop the micro-manufacturing technologyEliminate security issuesCombine medical and other related professional in each technology Time: 15 seconds(8:45-9:00)Say: At the end of the report, I want to give a brief account of our future work.As shown here, we are based on the three main directions for further improvement of the bionic contact lens.Thank you.Are there any questions?

第四篇:学术交流英语final Presentation

A Transcript for a Conference Paper Presentation Slide 1(Title):

Time: 35 seconds(0:00-0:35)Say: Good morning!My major is electric engineering.My research field is signal and information processing.The topic I concern is about speech enhancement.Today I will give a presentation with the title “A Two-stage Beamforming Approach for Noise Reduction and Dereverberation”.This work is done by Habets and Benesty from University of Quebec, Montreal, Canada.Slide 2(Introduction)

Time: 55 seconds(0:35-1:30)Say: First, I will give a brief introduction of microphone arrays and make you have a preliminary understanding of the research problem.Simply, when you place several microphones according to certain geometric shapes, you get a microphone array.Here is a liner array and a circle array is also general.Let’s take this picture as an example.There is a noise source at the location of the star.When the girl speaks, her sound will get captured by all microphones.In the same time, received signals are polluted by the undesired noise and we can’t have the clean speech.Slide 3(Introduction)

Time: 55 seconds(1:30-2:25)Say:

So, we need do something to solve this problem.In this slide, the background and significance of speech denosing and dereverberation are introduced.In many applications, such as speech recognition and teleconferencing, we need distant or hand-free audio acquisition.However, in many cases, we just receive a noise corrupted or reverberant version of desired speech signals.To achieve high-quality human-to-human or human-to-machine speech communication, we need to develop efficient noise reduction and dereverberation algorithms.Microphone arrays can be very useful in these situation.Slide 4(Body)

Time: 50 seconds(2:25-3:05)Say:

First, we can use beamforming for the microphone arrays during the processing of received signals.What is the beamforming? Here are its definition and working principle.Beamforming is a signal processing technique that applies microphone arrays for directional signal transmission or reception.By operating on received multichannel signals, beamforming allows us to recover signals from a particular direction and suppress noise signals from undesired directions.This technique is so called “beamforming”.Slide 5(Body)

Time: 45 seconds(3:05-3:55)Say: In this paper, we use beamforming to achieve noise reduction and dereverberation.Noise reduction is important since noise is everywhere around us.Some common noise includes machine noise, vehicle noise, music noise, babble noise, and so on.On the other hand, the reverberation is created when a sound is produced in an enclosed space causing a large number of echoes to build up and then slowly decay as the sound is absorbed by the walls and air.Slide 6(Body)

Time: 60 seconds(3:55-4:55)Say: To achieve both noise reduction and dereverberation, the two-stage approach is proposed in this paper and before the noise reduction stage, a dereverberation stage is needed.Here is the principle diagram.These y represent the reserved signals by the microphone array and we have N microphone.These Q and H represent weighting coefficients of two different beamforming stages.The Z represents the final signal after noise reduction and dereverberation.In the next few slides, the details about how the algorithm work are given.Slide 7(Body)

Time: 45 seconds(4:55-5:45)Say: The first stage is dereverberation stage.In this slide, the computational process of dereverberation stage is presented.All channel inputs are weighted.The weighted channel inputs are sent to the next stage for noise reduction.So the key is to find proper weights so that the reverberation components are minimized.This is implemented by complex mathematics computation.The final weights are independent on signals.Slide 8(Body)

Time: 45 seconds(5:45-6:25)Say: On the basis, further analysis of the dereverberation stage is needed.The first stage comprises a signal-independent beamformer that generates a reference signal that contains a dereverberated version of the desired speech and residual interference.In general, the desired speech component at the output of the beamformer contains less reverberation compared to reverberant speech signal received at the microphones.Slide 9(Body)

Time: 40 seconds(6:25-6:55)Say: The second stage is noise reduction stage.In this slide, the computational process of noise reduction stage is presented.The weighted inputs obtained in the first stage are again weighted and summed.The weights are computed so that the signal-to-noise ratio(usually called SNR)is maximized.Since SNR is independent on desired signals, the weights are independent on signals as well.Slide 10(Body)

Time: 45 seconds(6:55-7:25)Say: Further analysis is also applied to the noise reduction stage is dereverberation stage.The second stage uses the filtered microphone signals and the noisy reference signal to estimate the desired speech component at the output of the DS beamformer.A major advantage over classical approaches is that the proposed approach is able to dereverberate the received desired signal with very low speech distortion.This is the whole process of the proposed algorithm.Slide 11(Body)

Time: 20 seconds(7:25-7:45)Say: Let’s see the performance.Here are two graphs which represent the received speech signal by one microphone and the processed speech signal by the proposed two-stage approach.In the first graph, the fuzzy parts denote noise and reverberation.They has been weakened in the second graph.In this way, better performance is achieved.Slide 12(Conclusion)

Time: 20 seconds(7:45-8:05)Say:

In conclusion, our goal is to find a method which can achieve both dereverberation and noise reduction while causing low speech distortion as much as possible.After the introduction of the whole process of the proposed algorithm, let’s summarize what we have got.Slide 13(Conclusion)

Time: 10 seconds(8:05-8:25)Say First, a two-stage beanforming approach is designed.The first stage is a signal-independent beamformer that generates a reference signal which contains dereverberated version residual interference and the second stage is multichannel noise reduction to estimate the desired speech component at the output of the first stage.Finally, better performance is observed.Slide 14(Conclusion)

Time: 25 seconds(8:25-8:50)Say: Why is this significant? On the one hand, we need more recognizable and clearer speech instead of a noisy world.On the other hands, this work is significant in the future application of speech technologies.For example, you can make a telephone call without the mobile phone in hand.You can control your smart devices by voice even when you are few meters away.Slide 15(Conclusion)

Time: 15 seconds(8:50-9:00)Say In the future, we will implement proposed algorithm and design better speech enchantment algorithms.Thank you, are there any questions?




一,活动目的响应新目标英语教育教学改革号召,从根本上转变教师传统陈旧的教育观念,提高我校英语教师教育教学水平,使教师的教与学生的学更好结合,从而提高课堂效率,适应现代化教学改革的需要。二,活动主题-----新目标英语教学改革之思考 三,活动时间地点




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