
时间:2019-05-12 05:44:38下载本文作者:会员上传












企业评审导师 :














The Definition Of SuccessNowsdays,most people define success only in terms of a lot of people or a high position.However I think succcess is a combination of things—health,happiness and fulfillment.It is said that all the wealth and reputation is an unlimated number of “0”,while health is the “1”.If not the “1”,life is only a “0”.For example,my uncle worked very hard and earned much money,but in the last he was diagnosed with cancer because of toil.From him ,I see the health is real success.Besides ,happiness is another yardstick for measuring whether a person is really successful.Like Grandet,he is really a wealthy merchant.But every day he just guards his money and maltreats his daughter.Never does he gain real happiness.Nowadays there are many persons like Grandet.Although they are wealthy ,they is always being lonely,just because their family disharmony and their friends not being trusted.In addition to health and happiness,achievement also stands for success.As long as you can gain the sense of achievement,no matter what your achievements are are all successful.Maybe a nurse thinks she is successful just because she helps the doctor save a patient, maybe a cleanerthinks she is successful just

because it is she that makes the city more beautiful, maybe a peasant thinks he is successful just because he gains a lot this year.What is the success? There are thousand success in thousand persons’ eyes.I just think health,happiness and achievement make up of the real success.The Definition Of Success

Nowadays, most people define success only in terms of a lot of people and a high position.However I think success is a combination of things-health,happiness and achievement.It is said that all the wealth and reputation is an unlimited number of '0',while health is the '1'.If you lose your health,your life will be vacant.For example,my uncle has toiled very hard and earned lots of money,but now he was diagnosed with cancer because of exert.From him ,I see only health can be the real success.Besides ,happiness is another yardstick for measuring whether a person is really successful.Like Grandet, he is really a wealthy merchant.But every day he just guards his money and maltreats his daughter.Never does he gain real happiness.Nowadays there are many persons like him.Although they are wealthy ,they is always being lonely,just because their family disharmony and their friends not being trusted.Apart from health and happiness, achievement also stands for success.As long as you can gain the sense of achievement,you are all successful whether your achievement is big or small.Maybe a nurse thinks she is successful just because she helps the doctor save a patient, maybe a cleaner thinks she is successful just because it is she that makes the city more beautiful, maybe a peasant thinks he is successful just because he gains a lot this year.Obama, who is President of the United States, is successful.While Tom,who is a cleaner in White House,is also successful.What is the success? There are thousand success in thousand persons' eyes.Only like this can we be succeed really.The Definition Of Success

Nowadays,most people define success only in terms of a lot of people and a high position.However I think success is a combination of things-health,happiness and achievement.It is said that all the wealth and reputation is an unlimited number of '0',while health is the '1'.If you lose your health,your life will be vacant.For example,my uncle has toiled very hard and earned lots of money,but now he was diagnosed with cancer because of exert.From him ,I see only health can be the real success.Besides,happiness is another yardstick for measuring whether a person is really successful.Like Grandet, he is really a wealthy merchant.But every day he just guards his money and maltreats his daughter.Never does he gain real happiness.Nowadays there are many persons like him.Although they are wealthy ,they is always being lonely,just because their family disharmony and their friends not being trusted.Apart from health and happiness, achievement also stands for success.As long as you can gain the sense of achievement,you are all successful whether your achievement is big or small.Maybe a nurse thinks she is successful just because she helps the doctor save a patient, maybe a cleaner thinks she is successful just because it is she that makes the city more beautiful, maybe a peasant thinks he is successful just because he gains a lot this year.Obama, who is President of the United States, is successful.While Tom,who is a cleaner in White House,is also successful.What is the success? There are thousand success in thousand persons' eyes.I think the definition of success is composed of health,happiness and achievement.Only like this can we be succeed really.The Definition Of Success

Nowadays,most people define success only in terms of a lot of people and a high position.However I think success is a combination of things-health,happiness and achievement.It is said that all the wealth and reputation is an unlimited number of '0',while health is the '1'.If you lose your health,your life will be vacant.For example,Jack is a company man.He worked six days a week,five of them until eight or nine at night.And he was always eating fast food and never did sports.In return,his salary was dramatically large.However,he worked himself to death,finally and precisely,at three clock Sunday morning.Besides,happiness is another yardstick for measuring whether a person is really successful.Like Grandet, he is really a wealthy merchant.But every day he just guards his money and maltreats his daughter.Never does he gain real happiness.Nowadays there are many persons like him.Although they are wealthy ,they is always being lonely,just because their family disharmony and their friends not being trusted.Apart from health and happiness, achievement also stands for success.As long as you can gain the sense of achievement,you are all successful whether your achievement is big or small.Maybe a nurse thinks she is successful just because she helps the doctor save a patient, maybe a cleaner thinks she is successful just because it is she that makes the city more beautiful, maybe a peasant thinks he is successful just because he gains a lot this year.Obama, who is President of the United States, is successful.While Tom,who is a cleaner in White House,is also successful.What is the success? There are thousand success in thousand persons' eyes.I think the definition of success is composed of health,happiness and achievement.Only like this can we be succeed really.



关于CRM的定义,不同的研究机构有着不同的表述。最早提出该概念的Gartner CRM系统












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