
时间:2019-05-12 05:28:02下载本文作者:会员上传


定语从句复习小测This is the bag _____ my mother bought yesterday.A.thatB.whoC.whomD.this

2.The girl handed everything _____ she had picked up in the street to the police.A.whichB.in whichC.thatD.all

3._____ cleans the blackboard should be praised.A.ThatB.WhoC.The one whoD.The students who

4.The car ran into a crowd of middle school students, ________ to hospital immediately.A.two of whom sentB.two of them sent

C.two of whom are sentD.two of them sending

5.He reached London in 1996, _________, some time later, he became a famous actor.A.whereB.whenC.whichD.that

6.—Is that the small town you often refer to ?

—Right, just the one _______ you know I used to work for years.A.thatB.whichC.whereD.what

7.I have many friends, ________ some are businessmen.A.of themB.from whichC.who ofD.of whom

8.Mr.Green will come to the party on Sunday, he promised to every one of us.A.whenB.thatC.whereD.which

9.She heard a terrible noise, ________brought her heart into her mouth.A.itB.whichC.thisD.that

10.Finally, the thief handed everything __________he had stolen to the police.A.whichB.whatC.whateverD.that

10.His parents wouldn’t let him marry anyone ___________family was poor.A.of whomB.whomC.of whoseD.whose

11.The film brought the hours back to me_______ I was taken good care of in that far away village.A.untilB.thatC.whenD.where

12._______is known to everybody, the moon travels round the earth once every month.A.ItB.AsC.WhichD.What

二. 在下列定语从句中,填入适当的介词。

1.The pencil ________ which he wrote was broken.2.He built a telescope ________ which he could study the skies.3.The woman, ________ whom I learned the news, is a nurse.4.The wolf ________ which the sheep was killed was shot.5.She has three children, all _______ whom are at school.6.There is a tall tree outside, ________ which stands our teacher.7.My glasses, _______ which I was like a blind man, fell to the ground and broke.8.In the dark street, there wasn’t a person ________ whom she could turn for help.9.I was surprised at the way ________ which he treated the old man.10.The age _______ which children can go to school is seven.情态动词复习小测

1.-----Please don't make a noise.-----________ I'll be as quiet as a mouse.A.Yes, I won't B.No, I won't C.No, I will D.Yes, I will

2.If you really want yourself to be in good health, you must ________ always ________ so much..A.not, be smoking B.not, have smoked C.not, to smoke D.be not, smoking

3.------Where is Mary?

------She isn't here.I think she ________.A.may have gone home B.must have gone home C.might have gone home D.All the above

4.-----I think Helen is at home.-----No, she ________ be at home, for she phoned me from the airport just five minutes ago.A.mustn't B.needn't C.can't D.dared not

5.She is already two hours late.What ________ to her?

A.can have happened B.may have happened C.should have happened D.must happen

6.-----________ he be watching TV now?

------Yes, he ________ be watching TV now.A.Must, can B.Can ,must C.Can, can D.May, mustYou must have seen him last night, ________ ? A.haven't you B.didn't you C.don't you D.must you

8.I got up early this morning, but I ________ so because I had no work to do.A.mustn't have done B.didn't need to do C.needn't have done D.can't have done

9.I daren't tell you what he did for fear that he ________ angry.A.will be B.is C.was D.should be

10.Without the leadership of the Party, there ________ no New China.A.would be B.has been C.was D.should be

11.It is necessary that we ________ a foreign language.A.must master B.ought to master C.master D.should master

12.Most of the students felt rather disappointed at the English party.They say that it ________ better organized.A.had been B.had to be C.must have been D.could have been

13.You a gift, but you can if you want to.A.mustB.mustn'tC.have toD.don't have toI have told you the truth.______ I keep repeating it?

A MustB CanC MayD Will

15.“You ____ have a wrong number,” she said.“There’s no one of that name here.”



16.---Sorry, Professor Smith.I didn't finish the assignment yesterday.---Oh, youhave done it as yesterday was the deadline.mustB.mustn'tC.shouldD.shouldn'tBob would have helped us yesterday, but he-_______

A.was busy

B.is busyC.had been busy.D.will be busy



1.This machine ________.It hasn’t worked for years.A.didn’t workB.wasn’t working

C.doesn’t workD.isn’t working

2.-----________ John ________ this week, Jerry?

------No, he is on holiday with his family.A.does, workB.is, workingC.has, workedD.did, work

3.You ________ football after school.Why not go home and do your homeworkfirst?

A.always playedB.are always playing

C.have always playedD.have always been playing

4.------Did you tell Julia about the result?

-------Oh, no, I forgot.I ___________ her now.A.will be callingB.will callC.callD.am to call

5.Look at the timetable.Hurry up!Flight 4026 ___________ off at 18:20.A.takesB.tookC.will be takenD.has taken


6.This machine ________.It hasn’t worked for years.A.didn’t workB.wasn’t working

C.doesn’t workD.isn’t working

7.-----________ John ________ this week, Jerry?

------No, he is on holiday with his family.A.does, workB.is, workingC.has, workedD.did, work

8.You ________ football after school.Why not go home and do your homeworkfirst?

A.always playedB.are always playing

C.have always playedD.have always been playing

9.------Did you tell Julia about the result?

-------Oh, no, I forgot.I ___________ her now.A.will be callingB.will callC.callD.am to call

10.Look at the timetable.Hurry up!Flight 4026 ___________ off at 18:20.A.takesB.tookC.will be takenD.has taken





1对着 _______8梦想______1为…加油___________8遍及___________

2练习______9音乐家______2成长__________9动身去某地____________ 3滑冰______ 10邮递员______3今后____________ 10打算做某事____________ 4网球______ 11花费______4精通的___________ 11看见常做某事____________ 5划船______ 12健康______5参加____________12爬山____________ 6运动员______ 13放松______6对…有益____________ 13跳高____________ 7科学家______ 14激动的______7保持健康____________1 4跳远____________ 句子:

1我经常看你在暑假期间打篮球。__________________________________________________ 2我们打算在周日和三班打一场篮球赛_____________________________________________ 3游泳和划船你更喜欢哪一项? _____________________________________________ 4你长大后想成为什么?_____________________________________________

5我想成为想姚明一样的篮球运动员。_____________________________________________ 6她每天花了半小时在体育馆锻炼。_____________________________________________ 7下周末有一场学校运动会。_____________________________________________ 8她打算参加跳高和跳远。_____________________________________________





1对着 _______8梦想______1为…加油___________8遍及___________

2练习______9音乐家______2成长__________9动身去某地____________ 3滑冰______ 10邮递员______3今后____________ 10打算做某事____________ 4网球______ 11花费______4精通的___________ 11看见常做某事____________ 5划船______ 12健康______5参加____________12爬山____________ 6运动员______ 13放松______6对…有益____________ 13跳高____________ 7科学家______ 14激动的______7保持健康____________1 4跳远____________ 句子:

1我经常看你在暑假期间打篮球。__________________________________________________ 2我们打算在周日和三班打一场篮球赛_____________________________________________ 3游泳和划船你更喜欢哪一项? _____________________________________________ 4你长大后想成为什么?_____________________________________________

5我想成为想姚明一样的篮球运动员。_____________________________________________ 6她每天花了半小时在体育馆锻炼。_____________________________________________ 7下周末有一场学校运动会。_____________________________________________ 8她打算参加跳高和跳远。_____________________________________________











1.write _________(同音词)

2、sheep ________(复数形式)


4.we ________(形容词性物主代词)

5.nine __________(序数词)

6.watch ________(复数)7.give _________(现在分词)

8.stay _________(第三人称单数)


()1.Everyone _________English.A is going to learn

B will learns

C are going to learn

D learn()2.Please give the basketball to _________.A they

B them

C their

D theirs()3.I like to go ____on Sundays.A.fishing B.to fish C.fish()

4、My parents often tell me ______ China.A.about B.from C.for D.by()

5、It’s hot,___________.A.take off your coat B.give my coat to you C.put on your coat

D.show me your coat()

6、Mr.Green is _________father.A.Jim and Kate

B.Jim and Kate’s C.Jim and Kates’

D.Jim’s and Kate’s()

7、This is ______apple.It’s______ red apple.A.a, a

B.an, an

C.an, a

D.a, an()

8、I have _______ umbrella.A.a


C./()9.These are Chinese _________.A、stamp



()10.What’s _______time , please ?




()11._______read in the sun.A Please


C、Don’t()12.Can you spell ______name ?




C、he()13.This is _______ picture of _______ White family.A.a , a

B.the , the

C.a , the

D.a ,×

()14._______ morning we read English.A.In



D.At()15.Look at your new clothes.Please ________.A.put it on


on it

C.put them on

D.put on them


1、I would like a new pair of(shoe)________for my birthday.2、He________(go)for a walk on Sundays.3、I have a beautiful cat。_________name is Mimi。(it)

4、It’s time to go to school.(同义句)

It’s time _______ _________.5、_______ there any kites in the classroom?(be)

6、Please look_______the blackboard.Don’t listen_______the teacher.(填介词)

7、I watch TV _____eight _______the morning.(填介词)8.How many______(apple)are there ? 9.______(Ben)birthday is on the second day of January.10.Would you like ______(come)my birthday party.11、Look!Terry __________(ride)a bike.12、Is there________(some)tea in the bottle? 13.David wants _______(draw)a picture.14、Listen!The girl _________(read)in her bedroom.15、Who would like________(read)the new words for us?

16、Look!The children ________(swim)in the lake.17.There______(be)a big cake and some candles.18、Today is ______(Teacher)Day


1.likes he listening music to

_______________________________.2.do you when Beijing to go

________________________________? 3.birthday, May , his , in, is



Jimmy is a little boy.He is only six.He doesn’t go to school and , of course ,he doesn’t know how to read or write.But his sister Lean is a school girl.She is ten years old.One day , Lean sees her little brother at the table with a pen in his hand and a piece of paper in front of him.“What are you doing, Jimmy?” She asks.“I’m writing a letter to my friend Tony.” says Jimmy.“But you can’t write.”

“It doesn’t matter(没关系), because Tony doesn’t know how to read.” 1.Jimmy is ________brother.A Lean’s

B Tony’ s

C my

D his 2.Lean can _____, but Jimmy _______.A read and write , can’t

B read and play , can’t

C play at home, can’t

D.do her homework at school, can do it at home 3.Jimmy and Tony are ________.A brothers

B friends

C sisters

D students 4.Which is right?

A Jimmy goes to school every morning

B Tony goes to school every morning

C Lean goes to school every morning

D Jimmy can write and read



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