
时间:2019-05-12 08:37:44下载本文作者:会员上传



欢迎/开幕/闭幕词welcome/opening/closing speech开 /闭幕式opening/closing ceremony签字仪式signing ceremony友好访问goodwill visit

宣布开 /闭幕declare… open/closed热情友好的讲话warm and friendly speech尊敬的respectable/honorable东道主

















明 /皓月当空















剪彩hostdistinguished/honorable guestson the occasion ofin the name ofall my colleaguesheartfelthave the honor of(doing…)have the pleasure(in doing… /to do…)the other side of the oceanenvoy of friendshipbusiness communitypromote understandingenhance/strengthen cooperationmeet the common interest oflooking back on; in retrospectlook into the futurein conclusionpropose a toast to with a bright moontake the time off one’s busy schedulea wonderful timegolden autumnwish… a complete successa congenial atmospheresplendid musicgracious and eloquent remarksincomparable hospitalityrenew one’s old friendshipsestablish new contactsfeel reluctant to partno words can fully expressunprecedentedpublic health; hygiene; sanitationbilateral relationshipcutting the ribbon at an opening ceremony

奠基礼foundation stone laying ceremony

亲切的问候 兄弟般的移交仪式开工典礼cordial greetings fraternal turning-over ceremony commencement ceremony

陛下Your/His/Her Majesty

殿下Your/His/Her Highness;Your/His/Her Excellency;Your/His/Her Royal Highness阁下Your/His/Her Honor/ Excellency

总理premier; chancellor



































商业界prime minister president president; chairman president principal; headmaster dean general secretary chief architect secretary-general; commissioner chief inspector consul general vice president vice minister governor associate professor associate research fellow senior editor senior translator deputy general manager assistant professor senior doctor acting mayor executive/presiding chairman honorary president academician Asian-Pacific region establishment of diplomatic relations between exchange of visit foreign policy in persistent pursuit of equality and mutual benefit bilateral relations lasting peace trade volume business community

跨国公司transnational corporation

经济强国/经济大国/经济列强economic power

to express regret 表示遗憾

to proceed to take up one's post 赴任

to assume one's post 就任

to make representations to, to take up a(the)matter with 向…交涉

to lodge a protest with 向…提出抗议

to request the consent of...征求…的同意

tea party 茶会

an atmosphere of cordiality and friendship 诚挚友好的气氛

reciprocal banquet 答谢宴会

delegation 代表团

head of the delegation, leader of the delegation 团长

deputy head of the delegation, deputy leader of the delegation 副团长

member of the delegation 代表团成员

memorial speech 悼词

to develop the relations of friendship and cooperation 发展友好合作关系

prosperity and strength 繁荣富强

friendly visit, goodwill visit 友好访问

questions of common interest;question of common concern 共同关心的问题

state banquet 国宴

message of greeting, message of congratulation 贺电

speech of welcome 欢迎词

welcoming banquet 欢迎宴会

cocktail party 鸡尾酒会

good health and a long life 健康长寿

profound condolence 深切哀悼

cordial hospitality 盛情接待

the two sides, the two parties 双方

luncheon 午宴

reception 招待会

toast 祝酒词

to convey one's sympathy 表示慰问

to meet with 会见

to review the guard of honour 检阅仪仗队

to exchange views 交换意见

to receive 接见

to be shocked to learn of 惊悉

be of the opinion, to hold, to consider, to maintain 认为

to propose a toast to...提议为…干杯

on the happy occasion of 欣逢

on learning with great joy 欣悉

to give a banquet in honour of...宴请…

on invitation, upon invitation 应邀

at the invitation of...应…邀请

in the company of..., accompanied by...在…陪同下

to express one's sincere congratulations and best wishes 致以衷心的祝贺和最好的愿望 to wish prosperity to a country and well-being to its people 祝(某国)国家繁荣人民幸福 to take note of...注意到

His(Her, Your)Majesty 陛下

His(Her, Your)Royal Highness 殿下

His(Her, Your)Excellency 阁下

His Excellency Mr.President and Mme...…总统先生阁下和夫人

assembly 大会

convention 会议

party 晚会, 社交性宴会

at-home party 家庭宴会

tea party 茶会

dinner party 晚餐会

garden party 游园会

dance(party), ball, fandango 舞会

reading party 读书会

fishing party 钓鱼会

sketching party 观剧会

Christmas party 圣诞晚会

luncheon party 午餐会

fancy ball 化妆舞会

commemorative party 纪念宴会

wedding dinner, a wedding reception 结婚宴会

banquet 酒宴

buffet party 立食宴会

cocktail party 鸡尾酒会

welcome meeting 欢迎会

farewell party 惜别会

pink tea 公式茶会

New Year’s banquet 新年会

year-end dinner party 忘年餐会

box supper 慈善餐会

fancy fair 义卖场

general meeting, general assembly 会员大会

congress 代表大会

board of directors 董事会

executive council, executive board 执行委员会

standing body 常设机构

committee, commission 委员会

subcommittee 附属委员会,小组委员会

general committee, general officers, general bureau 总务委员会

secretariat 秘书处

budget committee 预算委员会

drafting committee 起草委员会

committee of experts 专家委员会

advisory committee, consultative committee 顾问委员会,咨询委员会 symposium 讨论会

study group 学习研讨会

seminar 讲习会,学习讨论会

meeting in camera 秘密会议(美作:executive session)

opening sitting 开幕会

final sitting 闭幕会

formal sitting 隆重开会

plenary meeting 全会

sitting, meeting 开会(美作:session)

session 会期,会议期间(美作:meeting)

working party 工作小组

seat, headquarters 席位

governing body 主管团体

round table 圆桌

to sit a meeting, to meet a meeting, to hold a meeting 召开会

第二篇:[w6] 口译礼仪祝辞词汇


开幕式opening ceremony /inaugural ceremony 宣布开幕to declare…open/to declare the commencement of… 开幕辞opening speech/opening address 致开幕辞to deliver an opening speech/to make an opening address 闭幕式closing ceremony 宣布闭幕to declare the closing of…/to declare the conclusion of 闭幕辞closing speech/closing address 胜利闭幕to come to a successful close 致闭幕辞to deliver a closing speech/to make a closing address 签字仪式Signing ceremony 友好访问goodwill visit 发表热情友好的讲话to make a warm and friendly speech 发表热情洋溢的欢迎辞to make a gracious speech of welcome 尊敬的市长先生Respected Mr.Mayor/Honorable Mr.Mayor ; distinguished guests 阁下Your ExcEllency/His ExcelIency/Her ExcelIency 陛下Your Majesty/His Majesty/Her Majesty 殿下Your Highness /your Royal Highness 夫人Madam 东道国host country 值此 on the occasion of 以……的名义in the name of 以我个人的名义In my own name 主持晚宴to preside at this dinner 主持讨论会to chair a discussion 由衷的谢意heartfelt thanks 承蒙盛情邀请at the gracious invitation of 答谢贵方热情招待to reciprocate your warm reception 答谢贵方热情洋溢的欢迎辞to reply to your gracious speech of welcome 怀着对贵国人民的深厚感情with profound sentiments for your people 来自大洋彼岸to come from the other side of the Pacific 作为友好使者as an envoy of friendship 随同贸易团来访to accompany the trade delegation 商界的朋友们friends from the business community 有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎It's a delight to have friends coming from afar 海内存知己,天涯若比邻Long distance separates no bosom friends 转达最诚挚问候to convey the most gracious greetings 寄希望于本大会to place our hopes on the current conference 增进理解和友谊to expand mutual understanding and friendship 频繁互访frequent exchange of visits 相互促进mutual promotion 共同繁荣common prosperity prosperous 促进友好合作关系to advance our friendly relations of cooperation 进行真诚有效的合作to carry out sincere and rewarding cooperation 符合两国人民共同利益to accord with our common interests /be in line with 保持良好的贸易伙伴关系to keep a good trading partnership with 继续努力to make further efforts 携手合作to make joint efforts/to make concerted efforts 推向一个新的高度to push…to a new height 祝愿来访富有成果Hope your visit will be rewarding.

祝愿本届年会圆满成功Wish this annual meeting a complete success 回顾过去to look back on retrospect 展望未来to look ahead/to look into the future 最后 in conclusion/last but not least 提议祝酒to propose a toast to…

共同举杯to join us in a toast to一.

为友谊干杯to propose a toast to our friendship 为合作干杯to propose a toast to our cooperation 为大家的健康干杯to propose a toast to the health of everybody 干杯 cheers;bottom up 祝辞congratulatory speech 答谢祝洒to reply to a toast/to respond to a toast 代表中国政府和人民On behalf of the Chinese government and people 代表董事会0n behalf of the board of directors

表示热烈的欢迎to extend our cordial welcome 表示亲切的问候to express our gracious greetings 欢聚一堂to gather/to assemble 感到骄傲和荣幸to feel proud and honored 愉快和令人难忘: A very happy and memorable occasion 向东道主表示深深的谢意to express the deep appreciation for… 请接受我们诚挚的谢意Please accept our sincere thanks to _.

感谢你们为我们所做的一切to be gratefuI for all you have done for us 千言万语道不尽感徼之情N0 words can fully express our gratitude.永远留在我们的记忆中to remain in my memory forever 珍赋在我们美好的记忆中to remain forever in our cherished memories 恋恋不舍之情:feel reluctant to part from each other



Words and Phrases:official launch,on the occasion of,opening ceremony,long-term,enthusiastic,enthusiasm,dynamic,dynamics,energy,energetic,vigor,vigorous, cradle of ancient civilization,childhood dream,delegation,meet old friends and establish new contacts,cosmopolitan city,cosmopolis,metropolitan city,metropolis,harbour,port,appreciation,grateful,arrival,friends coming from afar,cooperation,strategic partnership,Bon Voyage,have a safe trip home,meet sb all the way,wish sb a unforgettable journey,extend/express one’s warm welcome to,distinguished guests,VIP,host,on behalf of,faculty,staff,crew,contribution to Sentences:I regard it my great honor/pleasure/privilege to have the rare opportunity to have name,title visit our city of ____,which is crowned as _______,and I do hope that Your Honor enjoy your stay here and see by your own eyes the great hospitality of people here as well as its fabulous dynamics.2.感谢辞

Words and Phrases:extraordinary,utmost courtesy,genuine friendship,diversity,gracious invitation,hospitable,hospitality,heart-felt,sincere,sincerity,remarkable,accomplishment,feats, Impress,impressive,cordial/sincere,participate,participant,fruitful,rewarding,at the close of,join sb in the toast to_______,cheers!At the joyous moment/time of ____,I, on behalf of _____,would like to take this opportunity to express my heartfelt thanks to ____ who____.Now, may I ask you to join me in a toast to____,cheers!3.会议发言

Words and Phrases:symposium,seminar,guests from various circles,profound,constuctive,reference and study,a complete success,opening address,closing address,panel discussion,interpreter,simultaneous interpreter,exchange views on,in a wide range of areas,shared desire,mutual understanding and trust/respect/benefit,be convinced that,have positive/negative impact on,bilateral relation,in the principal of,equality,hand in hand,work together,based on,on the basis of,precondition/prerequisite, I have the honor to introduce I now have the pleasure of introducing to you the first distinguished speaker… The next speaker is Mr.Bryan,who will now deliver his address to the conference I would like to call the meeting to order 高频短句


We are honored to host the dinner this evening in honor of distinguished…and other honorable guests from…who have come to China at the invitation of … 2.将作为新的一页载入……友好的史册

be remembered as a shining page in the history of … friendship 3.首先,请允许我向远道而来的贵宾们表示热烈的欢迎。

Allow me ,first of all,to express our hearty welcome to our distinguished guests coming from afar.4.我代表……欢迎各位朋友访问中国

On behalf of …,I wish to welcome our friends who have come to visit China.5.我一定向他转达您的问候和邀请

I will surely remember you and your invitation to him.6.今天,我们怀着愉快的心情同……欢聚一堂 We are joyfully gathering here today with…


Mr.Chairman,it is with great pleasure that I am here to attend this annual meeting.On the occasion of this opening ceremony,I would like to express my deep appreciation to the host for this opportunity to address the topic of peace and development,and pay my high respect for all the representatives present at the meeting.[



中国梦 Chinese dream 自十八大以来,中国梦就成为各界热议的话题,也是两会期间代表委员们被问及最多的一个话题。

习近平主席在全国人大第十二届一次会议闭幕讲话中说:“我们必须再接再厉、一往无前,继续把中国特色社会主义事业推向前进,继续为实现中华民族伟大复兴的中国梦而努力奋斗。” “We must make persistent efforts, press ahead with indomitable will, continue to push forward the great cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics, and strive to achieve the Chinese dream of great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.“ 换届 leadership transition 全国人大第十二届一次会议结束,选举产生了新一届国家领导人,顺利完成换届。以下为外电有关换届的报道引语:

China's new leaders promise cleaner government, less red tape and more fairness to enlarge a still small middle class and help private businesses as congress wraps up leadership transition.代表大会完成换届,中国的新领导人许诺要建立更清廉的政府、减少官僚作风、增强公平,同时要扩大中产阶级人群并扶持私营企业。

硬骨头,涉险滩 gnawing at a hard bone and wading through a dangerous shoal 3月5日下午,总书记参加上海代表团审议时强调,改革要“敢于啃硬骨头,敢于涉险滩”。这是总书记考察广东之后,第二次讲这句话。

“We must have the courage like gnawing at a hard bone and wading through a dangerous shoal.” 大部制改革 restructure central government offices 此次大部制改革中,国务院组成部门由原来的27个减少到25个,另有几个机构和部门也将重组。

下面来看看此次大部制改革的具体内容和英文说法: 1.铁道部“拆分”,实行铁路政企分开。

Under the plan, the Ministry of Railways will be split with its regulatory powers going to the Ministry of Transport while its commercial operations will be run by a company.2.组建国家食品药品监督管理总局。

To improve food and drug safety, the government restructuring program upgrades the State Food and Drug Administration to ministry level to give it more power.3.组建国家新闻出版广播电影电视总局。Two media regulators, the State Administration of Press and Publication and the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television, are being merged to oversee press, publication, radio, film and television.4.组建国家卫生和计划生育委员会。

The National Health and Family Planning Commission will come into existence through the merger of the Health Ministry with the National Population and Family Planning Commission.5.重新组建国家海洋局。

Other important changes include restructuring the oceanic administration to enhance maritime law enforcement and protect marine resources.6.重新组建国家能源局。

A regulatory body that sets electricity rates will be absorbed into the National Energy Administration.新会风 new working style 新一届中央领导集体就改进工作作风提出八项要求,包括condense meetings(精简会议)、reduce traffic control during inspection tours(视察时减少交通管制),以及practice thrift(厉行节约)等。


PM 2.5 particulate matter smaller than 2.5 micrometers in diameter PM2.5就是指“可入肺颗粒物”,PM的英文全称为particulate matter(微粒物、悬浮微粒),PM2.5就是指大气中直径小于或等于2.5微米的颗粒物。



The government will work to ensure that real per capita income for urban and rural residents increases in step with economic growth and labor remuneration grows in step with increase of productivity.权力之笼 Power should be restricted by a cage of regulations 总书记在中纪委第二次全体会议上讲话时指出,要加强对权力运行的制约和监督,把权力关进制度的笼子里,形成不敢腐的惩戒机制、不能腐的防范机制、不易腐的保障机制。Xi ordered enhanced restraint and supervision on the use of power.He said, “Power should be restricted by a cage of regulations.” A disciplinary, prevention and guarantee mechanism should be set up to ensure that people do not dare to, are not able to and can not easily commit corruption, Xi said.大城市病 metropolitan/urban malaise 我国已进入“大城市病”集中爆发期,治本之策在于城镇化。城市群的建设将是新一轮城镇化的重要走向。通过推进城市群建设,发展一批布局合理、功能完善的中小城市,改变城市体系“头重脚轻”态势,减缓特大城市人口膨胀压力。李克强总理在答中外记者问时说:“要注意防止城市病,不能一边是高楼林立,一边是棚户连片。”

“We need to prevent the urban malaise and avoid the situation in which high-rises co-exist with shantytowns.” 安全奶粉 safe infant formula 因香港近日颁布“奶粉限带令”,两会上卫生部部长、国家工商总局局长遭遇记者“狂轰滥炸”式追问,核心都是食品安全问题。

The government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region has cracked down on cross-border parallel trading in infant milk formula to ensure local stores don't run out of stock.The new regulation, starting from March 1, allows a person leaving the city to carry a maximum of two cans, or 1.8 kilograms, of infant formula.香港特别行政区政府已经开始打击婴儿配方奶粉的跨境平行交易,以保证当地商店的奶粉供应。从3月1日起实行新规定,离港人士可携带净重不超过1.8公斤(约两罐)的婴儿配方奶粉。

1.打铁还需自身硬: One must be strong to forge iron.背景:中共中央总书记习近平2012年11月15日在十八届中央政治局常委与中外记者见面时说,新形势下,我们党面临着许多严峻挑战,党内存在着许多亟待解决的问题。尤其是一些党员干部中发生的贪污腐败、脱离群众、形式主义、官僚主义等问题,必须下大气力解决。全党必须警醒起来。


2.中华民族伟大复兴: the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation

3.空谈误国,实干兴邦:Empty talk harms the nation, practical action helps it thrive.背景:2012年11月29日,总书记在国家博物馆参观《复兴之路》基本陈列时强调:实现中华民族伟大复兴是一项光荣而艰巨的事业,需要一代又一代中国人共同为之努力。空谈误国、实干兴邦。

4.关于改进工作作风、密切联系群众的八项规定: An eight-point code to cut bureaucracy and maintain close ties with the people


5.坚持“老虎”、“苍蝇”一起打:To tackle corruption, the Party must crack down on the “flies” at the bottom and the “tigers” higher up.背景:总书记2012年1月22日在中纪委全会上说,从严治党,惩治这一手决不能放松。要坚持“老虎”、“苍蝇”一起打,既坚决查处领导干部违纪违法案件,又切实解决发生在群众身边的不正之风和腐败问题。

6.把权力关进制度的笼子: Power should be contained within a cage of regulation.背景:中共中央总书记习近平2013年1月22日中纪委全会上强调,要有腐必反、有贪必肃,坚持“老虎”、“苍蝇”一起打;同时要加强对权力运行的制约和监督,把权力关进制度的笼子里;并要以踏石留印、抓铁有痕的劲头抓工作作风。

7.根除滋生腐败的土壤:Dig out the soil which can grow corruption 背景:中共中央总书记习近平2013年1月22日中纪委全会上强调,要坚定决心,有腐必反、有贪必肃,不断铲除腐败现象滋生蔓延的土壤,以实际成效取信于民。

8.简政放权:to curb the power of bureaucrats, rein in government spending


9.喊破嗓子不如甩开膀子:Talking the talk is not as good as walking the walk.背景:李克强总理会见中外记者时说:“我之所以说改革是最大的红利,是因为我国社会主义市场经济还在完善过程中,靠改革进一步解放生产力还有巨大的潜力,让改革的红利惠及全体人民还有巨大的空间。改革贵在行动,喊破嗓子不如甩开膀子。”

10.触及利益比触及灵魂还难:Sometimes stirring vested interests may be more difficult than stirring the soul.背景:李克强总理会见中外记者时说:“至于你刚才说到改革进入了深水区,也可以说是攻坚期,的确是因为它要触动固有的利益格局。现在触动利益往往比触及灵魂还难。但是,再深的水我们也得趟,因为别无选择,它关乎国家的命运、民族的前途。这需要勇气、智慧、韧性。所幸的是,这些可以从我们的人民当中去汲取,来使改革迈出坚实的步伐。”

11.给权力涂上防腐剂戴上紧箍咒: Power should be executed with caution and responsibility.背景:2013年3月26日国务院召开第一次廉政工作会议,李克强总理发表讲话。他强调,要坚定不移地把反腐倡廉推向深入,坚持有贪必肃、有腐必反,用制度管权、管钱、管人,给权力涂上防腐剂、戴上“紧箍咒”,真正形成不能贪、不敢贪的反腐机制。

12.说真话、交实底:Be upfront and present the facts


13.任何人都不能享有高于法律之上的特权:No one has absolute power outside of the law.李克强答记者问

3月17日上午,十二届全国人大一次会议将举行闭幕会,大会闭幕后,国务院总理李克强在人民大会堂金色大厅与中外记者见面并回答记者提问。以下为李克强总理精彩语录。“However deep the water may be, we will wade into it because we have no alternative.”


On Comprehensive reforms

“We need to prevent the urban malaise and avoid the situation in which high-rises co-exist with shantytowns.”


On Urbanization

“We need to leave to the market and society what they can do well.The government needs to manage well the matters that fall under its supervision.”


On Government reforms

“I feel upset(about the smog that recently shrouded Beijing and large parts of the country's eastern areas).To tackle the problems, we need an iron fist, firm resolution and tough measures.”


On Environment

“Pursuing government office and making money have been 'two separate paths' since ancient times.”


On Clean governance

“Bones may be broken but not the sinews, because we are fellow compatriots.Between us there is no knot that cannot be undone.”


On Cross-Straits ties

“I don't believe conflicts between big powers are inevitable.Shared interests often override their disputes.”


On Ties with the US

“We should not make groundless accusations against each other and should spend more time doing practical things that will contribute to cybersecurity.”


On Accusation of Chinese hacker attacks against the United States

“We will upgrade China's economic development model to enable people to enjoy clean air and safe drinking water and food.”


On Tackling pollution and food safety problems

“There are more than 1.3 billion people in this country, and we are still on a long journey toward modernization.That requires an international environment of lasting peace.” “中国有13亿多人口,实现现代化还有很长的路要走,需要持久的国际和平环境。”

On Sustainable development

“Hong Kong compatriots are hardworking and smart.Hong Kong society is open, inclusive and vigorous.”


On Cooperation between the mainland and Hong Kong

“In a country as vast as China, we have a lot of tasks to fulfill.As for the most important one, I think it is to facilitate the continuous growth of the economy.”


On Top tasks of the new cabinet

“We will be true to the Constitution and loyal to the people, and the people's wish will point the direction of our government's efforts.”


On Serving the people and Constitution




On Saturday, the three cases were confirmed to be human infections of H7N9 avian influenza, based on clinical observation, laboratory tests and epidemiological surveys.上周六,根据病例的临床表现、实验室检测和流行病学调查结果,诊断这3名患者为人感染H7N9禽流感确诊病例。

H7N9 avian influenza(禽流感)是全球首次发现的新亚型流感病毒。流感病毒(influenza virus)可分为甲(A)、乙(B)、丙(C)三型。其中,甲型流感依据流感病毒特征可分为HxNx共135种亚型,H7N9亚型禽流感病毒是其中的一种,既往仅在禽间发现,从未发现过人的感染情况。

感染该病毒的初期症状(initial symptoms)为发热(fever),咳嗽(cough)及呼吸困难(breathing difficulty)。专家认为,根据目前对密切接触者(anyone in close contact)的医学观察结果,未提示该病毒具有较强的人传人能力(human-to-human transmission)。此外,目前国内外尚无针对H7N9禽流感病毒的疫苗(there are no vaccines against the virus)。

此前曾经蔓延全球的动物流感有2009年的甲型H1N1流感,也被称为“ 猪流感(swine flu)”,以及2011年的H5N1禽流感(bird flu)。



“Budget wife” is the female counterpart of “budget husband,” a concept introduced at least four years ago.The 2009 publication of the book Me and My Budget Husband popularized the term, and its 2012 transformation into a TV drama series fueled the term's further spread.经济适用女(budget wife)是经济适用男(budget husband)的对照版,经济适用男这一概念至少出现在四年前。2009年,一本名为《我和我的经济适用男》的书让这个说法得到普及,而2012年这本书改编的电视剧让这个词被更多人熟知。

The word “budget husband” originates from the word “budget housing”, government subsidized public housing for low-income households.As the name implies, budget husbands' economic power trails that of “diamond husbands”--intelligent, educated, rich, and well-mannered men from respectable families.Nonetheless, a budget husband is the new ideal among Chinese female white-collar workers.“经济适用男”一词来源于“经济适用房”,即政府为低收入家庭出资提供的公共性住房。由名字可以看出,经济适用男的经济实力不如那些“钻石男”,即来自上流家庭、聪明、有学识、有钱且有修养的男子。不过,经济适用男据说是中国女性白领们新近的理想对象。

One of the main characteristics of a budget husband is that he be “normal.” Not ugly but not too handsome;neither poor nor rich.In short: mediocre.经济适用男一个主要的特点是“普通”。不丑但也不会太帅,不穷也不算有钱。简而言之就是,平凡。

But this mediocrity promises stability.Budget husbands are reliable, both financially and emotionally.They will loyally stay at home and take care of the house;they will not go out to bars or have extramarital affairs.(Source:.theatlantic.com)




Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference(CPPCC)


chairman 政协第十二届全国委员会主席

vice-chairpersons 副主席

secretary-general 秘书长

Standing Committee members 常务委员

presidium of the CPPCC National Committee 全国政协十二届一次会议主席团

patriotic united front 爱国统一战线

multi-party cooperation 多党合作

political consultation 政治协商

non-Communist parties 民主党派

personages without party affiliation 无党派人士

people's organizations 人民团体

compatriots of Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan, returned overseas Chinese, and specially invited people





The BRICS agreed to form a Contingency Reserve Arrangement, a 100 billion dollars fund to be managed by the central banks of the member countries.The facility will provide precautionary effect to forestall short term liquidity pressures and strengthen global financial stability.金砖国家同意建立一个应急储备基金,由各成员国的中央银行管理1000亿美元的基金。该基金将在避免短


Contingency Reserve Arrangement(CRA,应急储备基金)就是此次金砖国家(BRICS)领导人会晤之后

达成的协议之一,资金来源于各国央行储备(central bank reserves),用以防范各国短期资金流动压 力(forestall short-term liquidity pressures),加强全球金融稳定(strengthen global financial stability)。

除此之外,金砖国家还决定建立金砖国家开发银行(BRICS Development Bank),为五个成员国的基础设

施建设提供资金支持(financing infrastructure projects)。


Non-traditional burial practices may become even more popular following a Ministry of Civil Affairs guideline released last December that encourages local governments to roll out policies to subsidize eco-friendly burials.去年12月民政部发布指导意见要求各地政府出台生态友好型安葬补贴政策之后,非传统安葬方式可能会更加普及。

生态友好型安葬(eco-friendly burials),简称eco-burials(生态葬),指人的遗体火化(cremation)后,通过“草坪葬(grassland burial)”、“海葬(sea burial)”、“树葬(tree burial)”等不占地或少占地的方式处理骨灰(cremains),具有环保、节能和成本低等特点。

随着清明节(Tomb-Sweeping Day)的临近,各地政府也积极倡导人们采取绿色祭扫的方式纪念逝去的亲人,比如提供online tomb-sweeping(网上祭扫)和Internet memorial(网络纪念馆)服务,鼓励人们通过在树上系黄丝带(tying yellow ribbons to trees)、折纸鹤放在瓶中(placing folded paper cranes in bottles)等方式代替传统的祭扫方式。


接待 receive/give reception to/play host to 主人(东道主)host/hostess/hosting country/city 客人(嘉宾/贵宾)guest(distinguished guests/honored guest/guest of honor)闭幕式 closing ceremony

开幕式 opening ceremony/inauguration 开幕致辞 opening address 在。。之际 at a。。moment

具有十分重要的意义 be of great significance/be highly meaningful

不需此行 a rewarding trip 场合,时刻 occasion

趁此机会 take this opportunity

给。。的历史增加了新的一页 add a new page to the history of 共同开创中美经贸合作的新局面 1work together to open a new chapter in China-US trade and economic cooperation 2work together to expand the horizon of trade and economic cooperation between China and US 供给。。住宿,招待,为。。安排(在。。)下榻 to accommodate 贵宾,佳宾 distinguished guest 欢迎仪式 welcoming ceremony 冷餐接待会 buffet reception 前所未有的 unprecedented 热情欢迎 warm welcome 热情接待 warm reception

盛情款待 generous hospitality/warm reception 盛情邀请 gracious invitation/kind invitation 无与伦比的热情好客 unequalled hospitality 应。。的邀请 at the invitation of。。

重温旧情,结交新友/会见老朋友,结交新朋友 renew old friendships and establish new contacts

回顾过去,展望未来 look back at the past and into the future 本着。。的精神 in the spirit of。。

概述 General Terms

欢迎/开幕/闭幕词 welcome/opening/closing speech 开/闭幕式 opening/closing ceremony 签字仪式 signing ceremony 友好访问 goodwill visit 宣布开/闭幕 declare…open/closed

热情友好的讲话 warm and friendly speech 尊敬的 respectable/honorable 东道主 host 嘉宾 distinguished/honorable guests 值此……之际 on the occasion of

以……的名义 in the name of 全体同仁 all my colleagues 由衷的 heartfelt 荣幸地 have the honor of(doing…)

愉快地 have the pleasure(in doing…/to do…)

大洋彼岸 the other side of the ocean 友好使者 envoy of friendship 商界 business community 增进理解 promote understanding 促进合作 enhance/strengthen cooperation

符合……的共同利益 meet the common interest of 回顾过去 looking back on;in retrospect 展望未来 look into the future 最后;总之 in conclusion 提议为……干杯 propose a toast to

明/皓月当空 with a bright moon 拨冗光临 take the time off one’s busy schedule 良辰佳时 a wonderful time 金秋 golden autumn 祝……圆满成功 wish…a complete success

融洽的气氛 a congenial atmosphere 美妙的音乐 splendid music 热情动人的讲话 gracious and eloquent remarks 无比盛情的款待 incomparable hospitality 再叙旧情 renew one’s old friendships

结交新朋 establish new contacts 恋恋不舍 feel reluctant to part 千言万语说不尽 no words can fully express 前所未有的 unprecedented 卫生 public health;hygiene;sanitation 双边关系 bilateral relationship 剪彩 cutting the ribbon at an opening ceremony 奠基礼 foundation stone laying ceremony 亲切的问候 cordial greetings 兄弟般的 fraternal

移交仪式 turning-over ceremony 开工典礼 commencement ceremony

称谓与头衔 Address and Titles

陛下 Your/His/Her Majesty 殿下 Your/His/Her Highness;Your/His/Her Excellency;Your/His/Her Royal Highness 阁下 Your/His/Her Honor/ Excellency 总理 premier;chancellor 首相 prime minister

医院院长 president 董事长 president;chairman 大学校长 president 中小学校长 principal;headmaster 院长;系主任 dean

总书记 general secretary 总建筑师 chief architect 总干事 secretary-general;commissioner 总监 chief inspector 总领事 consul general

副总统 vice president 副部长 vice minister 省长 governor 副教授 associate professor 副研究员 associate research fellow

编审 senior editor 译审 senior translator 副总经理 deputy general manager 助理教授 assistant professor 主任医师 senior doctor

代理市长 acting mayor 执行主席 executive/presiding chairman 名誉校长 honorary president 院士 academician

牛刀小试:汉译英 Give It a Try






Ladies and Gentlemen,On this beautiful moon-lit evening, I would like to, on behalf of our Managing Director Mr.Ouyang, and all of my colleagues, express our gratitude to you for sparing time from your tight schedule at this busiest season of the year to attend our Mid-autumn festival party.We are honored to have invited some municipal officials, our business partners from New Zealand, and some veteran employees of our company.You are to enjoy the genuine traditional Chinese cuisine and wines as well as some wonderful entertainment program.At the beginning of the party, please allow me to propose a toast to prosperity of China, to our successful cooperation and to everybody’s health.Cheers!

口译分类词汇——接待 Reception

概述 General Terms

宾至如归 home away from home 不眠之夜 white night 持枪礼 rifle salute 怠慢 neglecting/slighting 当天的主宾 principal guest of the day

泛泛之交 bowing/nodding acquaintance 工友 fellow worker 化装舞会 masquerade;fancy dress ball 活动日程 itinerary;schedule 鸡尾酒餐厅 cocktail lounge

饯行 give a farewell dinner 健康证书 health certificate 接待 host;receive 接待员 receptionist 接风 give a dinner for a visitor from afar

经费担保 financial support 冷餐会 buffet reception 冷遇 cold welcome 盟友;刎颈之交 sworn friend 密友 bosom friend

牌友 card partner 外事办 foreign affairs office 喜宴 bridal dinner 校友 alumnus(男);alumna(女)

新闻界的熟人 journalistic acquaintance

野餐会 picnic party 招待 entertain 招待会 reception/entertainment party 招待所 hostel;lodging house 注目礼 eye salute

祝你胃口好!Bon appetite!

在机场 At the Airport

安全检查 security check 班车 shuttle bus 办理海关例行手续 go through customs formalities 包机 charter a plane;a chartered plane 报关 make a customs declaration

出境签证 exit visa 出租车候车处 taxi stand 到达时间 arrival time 登记卡 boarding pass 国宾 state guests

过境签证 transit visa 海关 the Customs 海关行李申报单 customs baggage declaration form 候机大厅 waiting hall 机场大楼 terminal building

旅行支票 traveler’s check 旅游签证 tourist visa 免税 duty-free 盼望已久的客人 long-awaited guest 起飞时间 departure/ take-off time

热烈拥抱 hearty embrace 入境签证 entry visa 入境手续 entry formalities 手提行李 hand baggage 双手拥抱 bear hug

随身携带行李 carry-on baggage 外币申报单 foreign currency declaration form 外交护照 diplomatic passport 往返票 round-trip ticket;return ticket 问讯处 information desk

行李标签牌 baggage tag 行李寄存处 baggage depositary 行李认领处 baggage claim 行李手推车 baggage handcart/pushcart 行李提取处 baggage/luggage claim

一次性/多次性入境签证 single-/multiple-entry visa 应纳关税物品 dutiable goods/articles 再入境签证 re-entry visa 曾用名 former name 种痘/预防接种证书 vaccination/inoculation certificate

宾馆餐厅 Hotels and Restaurants

按摩室 massage parlor 保龄球场 bowling alley 闭路电视 close-circuit television 标准间 standard room 餐桌转盘 Lazy Susan

茶道 sado 超豪华酒店 super deluxe hotel 大堂 lobby 单人间 single room 单人套房 chambers

弹子房 billiard room 迪斯科舞厅 discotheque 订房间 book a room 饭店/旅馆登记表 hotel registration form 高级套房 deluxe suite

高级夜总会 super club 公寓式饭店 apartment hotel 豪华套房 luxury suite 纪念品柜 souvenir stand 价目表 hotel tariff

健身房 gymnasium 叫人按钮 room service button 结账/退房时间 checkout time 卡拉OK厅 karaoke hall 客房服务生 chamber boy

客房女服务员 chamber maid 客满 no vacancy 山庄别墅 mountain villa 双人间 double room 未经预约的客人 walk-in guest

迎宾馆 guest house 永久地址 permanent address 预定金 reservation deposit 预付 pay in advance 总统套房 presidential suite

牛刀小试:汉译英 Give It a Try






Ladies and gentlemen, allow me to introduce myself.I am Zhang Kai, your local guide.We are now in the lobby of the five-star hotel in which you will stay during your visit here.This is a well-equipped hotel with billiard room, discotheque, gymnasium and karaoke hall.This hotel has plenty of rooms ranging from single room to presidential suite;even walk-in guests are not to feel disappointed.Checkout time is flexible, which will save your time and money.Ok, you must be tired after your long journey since you have had a transfer in Hong Kong.Please come and get the keys to your rooms and have a good rest.Tomorrow morning we’ll have breakfast on the third floor at 7 o’clock, then I’ll inform you of our visiting plan.



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