Health and Diseases 卫生机构
世界卫生组织 World Health Organization 卫生部 Ministry of health 综合医院 general hospital 专科医院 specialized hospital 儿童医院 children’s hospital 产科医院 maternity hospital 整形外科医院 plastic surgery hospital 精神医院mental hospital 肿瘤医院 tumor hospital 诊所 clinic
内科(internal)medical department 外科 surgical department 妇产科 department of gynecology and obstetrics 小儿科 pediatrics department 急诊室 emergency room 挂号处 registration office 住院处admissions office 门诊部 out-patient department/ OPD 住院部in-patient department 护理部 nursing department 手术室 operation room 病房ward 药房 pharmacy
院长 director of the hospital 内科医生 physician 内科主任 head of physician 外科医生 surgeon 外科主任 head of surgeon 住院医生 resident doctor 主治医生 attending doctor 产科医生 obstetrician 小儿科医生 pediatrician 护士长 head nurse 实习医生 intern 救死扶伤 save the dying people and rescue the wounded
先天性疾病 congenital disease 急性病 acute disease 慢性病 chronic disease 流行病 epidemic disease 职业病 occupational disease 传染病 contagious disease 过敏 allergy
小儿麻痹症 polio 阑尾炎 appendicitis 霍乱 cholera 癌症 cancer 糖尿病 diabetes
高血压 high-blood pressure 肥胖症 obesity
支气管炎 bronchitis 哮喘 asthma 关节炎 arthritis
非典型性肺炎 SARS severe acute respiratory syndrome 流感 influenza
甲型流感 A Influenza 禽流感 bird flu
疯牛病 mad-cow disease
口蹄疫 foot-and-mouth disease
手足口病 had-foot-and-mouth disease 尘肺病 black lung disease 狂犬病 rabies 水痘 chickenpox 天花 smallpox 疟疾 malaria
艾滋病 AIDS acquired immune deficiency syndrome
西医 western medicine 量体温 take temperature 量血压 take blood pressure 验血 test blood 血型 blood type 胸透 chest X-ray
全身检查 general check-up 药房 prescription
开药 give sb.a prescription 口服 oral administration
外用 external use 中医Traditional Chinese Medicine(TCM)/ alternative 计划生育 family planning
提倡优生优育,鼓励晚婚晚育 advocate healthy pregnancy medicine 针灸 acupuncture and moxibustion 草药 herbal medicine 拔火罐 cupping 推拿 massage 气功疗法 traditional Chinese breathing exercises 中西医结合 a combination of Chinese and western medicine 保健
保健食品 health food/health-care food 药酒 medical wine/liquor 人参 ginseng 蜂王浆 royal jelly 疫苗 vaccine 鲜血 donate blood 个人卫生 personal hygiene 免疫力 immunity 治愈率 cure rate 发病率 incidence of a disease 预防为主 put prevention first
Population and family planning 常住人口 permanent population 流动人口 floating population
盲流 the unemployed migrant people 劳动力 labor force 外来工 migrant worker 临时工 seasonal worker 人口普查 census
人口基数 population base 人口稠密 densely populated 人口稀少 sparsely populated 人口爆炸 population explosion 人口过剩 overpopulation 出生率 birth rate 死亡率 mortality rate
自然增长率 natural growth rate 人口老化 aging of population 合法婚龄 legal age for marriage 结婚高峰 marriage boom 生育高峰 baby boom period
and scientific nurture, and encourage late marriage and postponed child-bearing
破除重男轻女习俗 change attitude of viewing sons as better than daughters
多子多福 the more sons, the more blessings 男尊女卑 Man is superior to woman 传宗接代 carry on the family line
养儿防老 bring up sons to support parents in their old age 避孕 contraception
避孕用品 contraceptives 人工流产 abortion 节育 birth control 产妇 lying-in women
婚前检查 premarriage health checkings 孕产妇死亡率 maternal mortality rate 婴儿死亡率 infant mortality rate
节育率(避孕率)contraceptive prevalence rate 总和生育率 total fertility rate(tfr)平均预期寿命 life expectancy at birth
每年人口增加数 annual increment of the population 人口基数大 large population base
平均年增长数 average annual increase 平均年增长率 average annual growth rate 城市化 urbanization
人口流动 movement of population 流动人口 floating population
人口老龄化 the aging of population 更替水平population replacement level 社会保障体系 social security system
农村剩余劳力的转移 the transfer of rural surplus labors 正规的学校教育 formal school education
到去年年末,中国人口已达到11亿8千5百万,比上一年净增长1346万。By the end of last year, the Chinese population had reached 1,185 million, a net increase of 13.34 million from a year ago.计划生育政策符合中国国情,符合整个国家的利益。The family control policy suits China’s basic conditions and serves the interests of the whole nation.sixth nationwide population census 第六次全国人口普查 door-to-door interviews/door-to-door household survey 入户摸底调查
census enumerators 人口普查员 confidentiality agreements 保密协议
Beijing permanent residency/hukou 北京市常住户口 household register 户口登记簿 temporary residence permit 暂住证
local permanent residence permit 长期居住证 mobile population流动人口 aging of population 人口老龄化 demographic dividend 人口红利
rural left-behind population 农村留守人口 urban population 城镇人口 rural population 农村人口
functional population zones人口功能区 birth rate/natality rate 出生率 births 出生人数 birth peaks 出生高峰 mortality rate 死亡率
general mortality rate 总死亡率 infant mortality rate 婴儿死亡率
sex-age-specific death rate 分性别年龄死亡率 mean age at death平均死亡年龄 average length of life平均寿命 natural growth 人口自然增长
NPG(negative population growth)人口负增长 ZPG(zero population growth)人口零增长 annual growth rate 年增长率
average annual rate of growth平均年增长率 vital index 出生死亡比例 vital statistics 人口统计
age-sex composition 年龄性别组成 age structure 年龄结构 age group 年龄组
expectation of life平均预期寿命
rejuvenation of population 人口年轻化 sex ratio 性比率
sampling survey 抽样调查 random sampling 随机抽样 questionaire 调查表 place of birth 出生地 date of birth 出生日期 sampling error 抽样误差 migration 迁居
emigration 迁出、移居国外 immigration 迁入、移居入境 migrant 移民
internal migration 国内迁移 migration rate 迁移率
Education and Talents
School Personal and organs
小学一、二年级学生 a primary school student in Grade One/ a second-grade pupil
一、高三学生 a(secondary school)student in Junior One/ Senior Three
一年级大学生 freshman 二年级大学生 sophomore 三年级大学生 junior student 四年级大学生 senior student
研究生 a graduate student/ a postgraduate student 向某人授予学位 confer a degree on sb.走读生 a day student/ a non-resident student 应届毕业生 graduating student 学生会 the students’ union
班主任 the teacher in charge of the class/ the Head Teacher of the class
访问学者 a visiting scholar 硕士生导师 tutor
博士生导师 supervisor/ adviser 院士 academician
两院院士 academician of Chinese Academy of Science and Chinese Academy of Engineering
School activities
教书育人 impart knowledge and educate people
学生交付 alleviate/ lighten the burden of the students 教学大纲 the reaching program/ syllabus 批改学生的卷子 to correct students’ papers 期中考试 the mid-term exam
我们语法测试了 We took a test in/ on grammar.口试、笔试 oral exam/ written exam 给考卷打分 to mark the papers
他正忙于毕业设计、写论文 He is busy with his graduation project/ paper
文凭、毕业证书 a diploma/ a graduation certificate 学生证 the student’s identity card 补考 make-up exam
学校纪律 school discipline
奖状、奖励证书 a certificate merit 他旷了一节课 He cut a class.他逃学 He cut school.他被学校开除了 He was expelled from school.他擅自旷课 He was absent from school without leave.给他一个警告处分 give him a disciplinary warning 学费,书费 tuition/ money spent on books
Schools, universities and subjects 托儿所 a nursery 幼儿园 a kindergarten 北大附中 Middle School attached/ affiliated to Peking University 大专 a junior college 高等院校 institutions of higher education/ higher learning 重点、非重点大学 a key/ a non-key university 成人夜校 a night school/ an evening school for adults 函授学校 a correspondence school 远程教育 distance education/learning 专升本 upgrade from associate degree to bachelor’s degree 中等专业学校 a secondary specialized school 技工学校 a technical school 职业学校 a vocational school 普及初等、中等教育 achieve universal primary/ secondary education 义务教育 compulsory school 聋哑学校 a school for deaf-mutes 幼儿师范学校 a school for kindergarten teachers 护士学校 a nursing school 舞蹈学校 a dancing school 戏剧学校 a drama school 文科大学 universities of liberal arts 理工科大学 universities of science and engineering 必修课 compulsory class 选修课 optional/ elective class 招生简章 prospectus/ enrolment catalogue 准考证 exam admission card
Hot issues in educations 普及九年制义务教育 make the nine-year compulsory education universal 民办学校 schools run by non-governmental sectors 自学考试 examination for self-taught students 学分制 credit system 应试教育 exam-oriented education
素质教育 quality-oriented education 实践能力 practical ability
大学生创业 university students start up their own business 自费留学 self-funded study abroad
海外留学人员 Chinese students and scholars studying abroad
托福热降温了 the TOEFL fever has cooled down.考研 take part in the entrance examination for graduate/ postgraduate schools
考研热 craze for graduate school
大专生 a junior college student;associate-degree student 在职博士生 an on-the-job doctorate
硕博连读 a continuous academic project involves postgraduate and doctoral study
同等学力 have the same educational level 双学位 double degree
特困生 the most needy student
担任系学生会干部 serve as an official of the departmental school union
担任校学生会宣传部部长 be the Head of the Publicity Department of the university’s student union
通过大学英语四级考试 pass the College English Test Band 4
获六级证书 obtain a certificate of CET-6
被评为“三好学生” be cited as “three-good student” 获三等奖学金 be awarded the third-class scholarship 召开家长会 to hold a parent-teacher meeting
双向选择 two-way selection(with employers and graduating students choosing each other in a job market)
世界观,人生观,价值观 world outlook/ outlook on life/ outlook on values
陶冶情操 cultivate taste and temperament
因材施教 teach students according to their aptitude 知识经济 knowledge economy 知识密集 knowledge intensive 伪科学 pseudo-science
招生就业指导办公室 enrollment and vocation guidance office
人才流失 brain drain
人才交流 talents exchange 职业培训 job training
211工程 211 Project for higher education
科教兴国 rejuvenate China through science and education 复合型人才 inter-disciplinary talent 勤工助学 work-study 师资力量 the quality of teaching staff 品学兼优 excellent in character and learning
1.出租车起步价 flag down fare 2.法定准备金率 required reserve ratio 3.实体经济 real economy 虚拟经济 fictitious economy 4.反盗版 anti-piracy
知识产权 intellectual property rights 5.出口退税 tax rebates
人民币升值 the yuan’s appreciation 6.信贷紧缩 credit crunch
次贷危机 subprime mortgage rate 最优惠贷款利率 prime rate 7.经济适用房 economically affordable house 8.安居工程 housing project for low-income urban residents 9 住房保障制度 housing security system 10.大宗交易系统 block trading system 竞价交易系统 bid trading system 11.暴利税 windfall tax 12.从紧的货币政策 tight monetary policy 13.宽松的货币政策 easy monetary policy 14.审慎的财政政策 prudent fiscal policy 15.油价飙升 oil prices surge 16.原油价飙升 crude oil prices surge 17.石油输出国组织 organization of the petroleum exporting countries(OPEC)18.原油储备 crude oil stockpiles 19.轻质原油 light sweet crude 20.使人均GDP翻两番 to quadruple per capita GDP 21.股权收购、股权投资 stake purchase;take stakes 22.房屋中介 letting agent 保险经纪人 insurance agent 地产经纪人 estate agent 23.直销 direct selling 传销 pyramid selling 24.吃回扣 to take/receive/get kickback 25.洗钱 money laundering 26.透支 overdraft 27.股市牛年 bullish year 28.上市子公司 listed subsidiary
29.海关税收 customs revenue 30.税收减免 tax break 31.货币升值 revaluation
32.货币经纪人 money broker 33.起征点 cutoff point 34.暴发户;新贵 upstart
35.养老保险 endowment insurance 36.解雇金 severance pay 37.勾销债款 write off 38.职员总数 headcount 39.逃税 tax evasion
40.公开募款 initial public offering
41.战略石油储备 strategic petroleum reserve 42.基准点,衡量标准 benchmark 43.出口补贴 export subsidy 44.反托拉斯 anti—trust
45.资产负债表 balance sheet 46.货存,库存量 inventory 47.反倾销 antidumping
48.不足,赤字,差额 shortfall
49.美国联邦储备系统 Federal Reserve 50.资本净值 net worth
香炉 incense burner 八仙桌 square table
王母娘娘 the Queen of Heaven 银河 the Milky Way
因公殉职 perish in the line of duty 药检;兴奋剂检查 doping test 压力锅 pressure cooker
终点裁判员 finishing [placing] judge 救生衣 life vest
泄洪 release flood waters 代理市长 acting mayor 枪支管控 gun control 搁浅 run aground 马赛克 digital mosaic
中国梦 Chinese dream 自十八大以来,中国梦就成为各界热议的话题,也是两会期间代表委员们被问及最多的一个话题。
习近平主席在全国人大第十二届一次会议闭幕讲话中说:“我们必须再接再厉、一往无前,继续把中国特色社会主义事业推向前进,继续为实现中华民族伟大复兴的中国梦而努力奋斗。” “We must make persistent efforts, press ahead with indomitable will, continue to push forward the great cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics, and strive to achieve the Chinese dream of great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.“ 换届 leadership transition 全国人大第十二届一次会议结束,选举产生了新一届国家领导人,顺利完成换届。以下为外电有关换届的报道引语:
China's new leaders promise cleaner government, less red tape and more fairness to enlarge a still small middle class and help private businesses as congress wraps up leadership transition.代表大会完成换届,中国的新领导人许诺要建立更清廉的政府、减少官僚作风、增强公平,同时要扩大中产阶级人群并扶持私营企业。
硬骨头,涉险滩 gnawing at a hard bone and wading through a dangerous shoal 3月5日下午,总书记参加上海代表团审议时强调,改革要“敢于啃硬骨头,敢于涉险滩”。这是总书记考察广东之后,第二次讲这句话。
“We must have the courage like gnawing at a hard bone and wading through a dangerous shoal.” 大部制改革 restructure central government offices 此次大部制改革中,国务院组成部门由原来的27个减少到25个,另有几个机构和部门也将重组。
下面来看看此次大部制改革的具体内容和英文说法: 1.铁道部“拆分”,实行铁路政企分开。
Under the plan, the Ministry of Railways will be split with its regulatory powers going to the Ministry of Transport while its commercial operations will be run by a company.2.组建国家食品药品监督管理总局。
To improve food and drug safety, the government restructuring program upgrades the State Food and Drug Administration to ministry level to give it more power.3.组建国家新闻出版广播电影电视总局。Two media regulators, the State Administration of Press and Publication and the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television, are being merged to oversee press, publication, radio, film and television.4.组建国家卫生和计划生育委员会。
The National Health and Family Planning Commission will come into existence through the merger of the Health Ministry with the National Population and Family Planning Commission.5.重新组建国家海洋局。
Other important changes include restructuring the oceanic administration to enhance maritime law enforcement and protect marine resources.6.重新组建国家能源局。
A regulatory body that sets electricity rates will be absorbed into the National Energy Administration.新会风 new working style 新一届中央领导集体就改进工作作风提出八项要求,包括condense meetings(精简会议)、reduce traffic control during inspection tours(视察时减少交通管制),以及practice thrift(厉行节约)等。
PM 2.5 particulate matter smaller than 2.5 micrometers in diameter PM2.5就是指“可入肺颗粒物”,PM的英文全称为particulate matter(微粒物、悬浮微粒),PM2.5就是指大气中直径小于或等于2.5微米的颗粒物。
The government will work to ensure that real per capita income for urban and rural residents increases in step with economic growth and labor remuneration grows in step with increase of productivity.权力之笼 Power should be restricted by a cage of regulations 总书记在中纪委第二次全体会议上讲话时指出,要加强对权力运行的制约和监督,把权力关进制度的笼子里,形成不敢腐的惩戒机制、不能腐的防范机制、不易腐的保障机制。Xi ordered enhanced restraint and supervision on the use of power.He said, “Power should be restricted by a cage of regulations.” A disciplinary, prevention and guarantee mechanism should be set up to ensure that people do not dare to, are not able to and can not easily commit corruption, Xi said.大城市病 metropolitan/urban malaise 我国已进入“大城市病”集中爆发期,治本之策在于城镇化。城市群的建设将是新一轮城镇化的重要走向。通过推进城市群建设,发展一批布局合理、功能完善的中小城市,改变城市体系“头重脚轻”态势,减缓特大城市人口膨胀压力。李克强总理在答中外记者问时说:“要注意防止城市病,不能一边是高楼林立,一边是棚户连片。”
“We need to prevent the urban malaise and avoid the situation in which high-rises co-exist with shantytowns.” 安全奶粉 safe infant formula 因香港近日颁布“奶粉限带令”,两会上卫生部部长、国家工商总局局长遭遇记者“狂轰滥炸”式追问,核心都是食品安全问题。
The government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region has cracked down on cross-border parallel trading in infant milk formula to ensure local stores don't run out of stock.The new regulation, starting from March 1, allows a person leaving the city to carry a maximum of two cans, or 1.8 kilograms, of infant formula.香港特别行政区政府已经开始打击婴儿配方奶粉的跨境平行交易,以保证当地商店的奶粉供应。从3月1日起实行新规定,离港人士可携带净重不超过1.8公斤(约两罐)的婴儿配方奶粉。
1.打铁还需自身硬: One must be strong to forge iron.背景:中共中央总书记习近平2012年11月15日在十八届中央政治局常委与中外记者见面时说,新形势下,我们党面临着许多严峻挑战,党内存在着许多亟待解决的问题。尤其是一些党员干部中发生的贪污腐败、脱离群众、形式主义、官僚主义等问题,必须下大气力解决。全党必须警醒起来。
2.中华民族伟大复兴: the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation
3.空谈误国,实干兴邦:Empty talk harms the nation, practical action helps it thrive.背景:2012年11月29日,总书记在国家博物馆参观《复兴之路》基本陈列时强调:实现中华民族伟大复兴是一项光荣而艰巨的事业,需要一代又一代中国人共同为之努力。空谈误国、实干兴邦。
4.关于改进工作作风、密切联系群众的八项规定: An eight-point code to cut bureaucracy and maintain close ties with the people
5.坚持“老虎”、“苍蝇”一起打:To tackle corruption, the Party must crack down on the “flies” at the bottom and the “tigers” higher up.背景:总书记2012年1月22日在中纪委全会上说,从严治党,惩治这一手决不能放松。要坚持“老虎”、“苍蝇”一起打,既坚决查处领导干部违纪违法案件,又切实解决发生在群众身边的不正之风和腐败问题。
6.把权力关进制度的笼子: Power should be contained within a cage of regulation.背景:中共中央总书记习近平2013年1月22日中纪委全会上强调,要有腐必反、有贪必肃,坚持“老虎”、“苍蝇”一起打;同时要加强对权力运行的制约和监督,把权力关进制度的笼子里;并要以踏石留印、抓铁有痕的劲头抓工作作风。
7.根除滋生腐败的土壤:Dig out the soil which can grow corruption 背景:中共中央总书记习近平2013年1月22日中纪委全会上强调,要坚定决心,有腐必反、有贪必肃,不断铲除腐败现象滋生蔓延的土壤,以实际成效取信于民。
8.简政放权:to curb the power of bureaucrats, rein in government spending
9.喊破嗓子不如甩开膀子:Talking the talk is not as good as walking the walk.背景:李克强总理会见中外记者时说:“我之所以说改革是最大的红利,是因为我国社会主义市场经济还在完善过程中,靠改革进一步解放生产力还有巨大的潜力,让改革的红利惠及全体人民还有巨大的空间。改革贵在行动,喊破嗓子不如甩开膀子。”
10.触及利益比触及灵魂还难:Sometimes stirring vested interests may be more difficult than stirring the soul.背景:李克强总理会见中外记者时说:“至于你刚才说到改革进入了深水区,也可以说是攻坚期,的确是因为它要触动固有的利益格局。现在触动利益往往比触及灵魂还难。但是,再深的水我们也得趟,因为别无选择,它关乎国家的命运、民族的前途。这需要勇气、智慧、韧性。所幸的是,这些可以从我们的人民当中去汲取,来使改革迈出坚实的步伐。”
11.给权力涂上防腐剂戴上紧箍咒: Power should be executed with caution and responsibility.背景:2013年3月26日国务院召开第一次廉政工作会议,李克强总理发表讲话。他强调,要坚定不移地把反腐倡廉推向深入,坚持有贪必肃、有腐必反,用制度管权、管钱、管人,给权力涂上防腐剂、戴上“紧箍咒”,真正形成不能贪、不敢贪的反腐机制。
12.说真话、交实底:Be upfront and present the facts
13.任何人都不能享有高于法律之上的特权:No one has absolute power outside of the law.李克强答记者问
3月17日上午,十二届全国人大一次会议将举行闭幕会,大会闭幕后,国务院总理李克强在人民大会堂金色大厅与中外记者见面并回答记者提问。以下为李克强总理精彩语录。“However deep the water may be, we will wade into it because we have no alternative.”
On Comprehensive reforms
“We need to prevent the urban malaise and avoid the situation in which high-rises co-exist with shantytowns.”
On Urbanization
“We need to leave to the market and society what they can do well.The government needs to manage well the matters that fall under its supervision.”
On Government reforms
“I feel upset(about the smog that recently shrouded Beijing and large parts of the country's eastern areas).To tackle the problems, we need an iron fist, firm resolution and tough measures.”
On Environment
“Pursuing government office and making money have been 'two separate paths' since ancient times.”
On Clean governance
“Bones may be broken but not the sinews, because we are fellow compatriots.Between us there is no knot that cannot be undone.”
On Cross-Straits ties
“I don't believe conflicts between big powers are inevitable.Shared interests often override their disputes.”
On Ties with the US
“We should not make groundless accusations against each other and should spend more time doing practical things that will contribute to cybersecurity.”
On Accusation of Chinese hacker attacks against the United States
“We will upgrade China's economic development model to enable people to enjoy clean air and safe drinking water and food.”
On Tackling pollution and food safety problems
“There are more than 1.3 billion people in this country, and we are still on a long journey toward modernization.That requires an international environment of lasting peace.” “中国有13亿多人口,实现现代化还有很长的路要走,需要持久的国际和平环境。”
On Sustainable development
“Hong Kong compatriots are hardworking and smart.Hong Kong society is open, inclusive and vigorous.”
On Cooperation between the mainland and Hong Kong
“In a country as vast as China, we have a lot of tasks to fulfill.As for the most important one, I think it is to facilitate the continuous growth of the economy.”
On Top tasks of the new cabinet
“We will be true to the Constitution and loyal to the people, and the people's wish will point the direction of our government's efforts.”
On Serving the people and Constitution
On Saturday, the three cases were confirmed to be human infections of H7N9 avian influenza, based on clinical observation, laboratory tests and epidemiological surveys.上周六,根据病例的临床表现、实验室检测和流行病学调查结果,诊断这3名患者为人感染H7N9禽流感确诊病例。
H7N9 avian influenza(禽流感)是全球首次发现的新亚型流感病毒。流感病毒(influenza virus)可分为甲(A)、乙(B)、丙(C)三型。其中,甲型流感依据流感病毒特征可分为HxNx共135种亚型,H7N9亚型禽流感病毒是其中的一种,既往仅在禽间发现,从未发现过人的感染情况。
感染该病毒的初期症状(initial symptoms)为发热(fever),咳嗽(cough)及呼吸困难(breathing difficulty)。专家认为,根据目前对密切接触者(anyone in close contact)的医学观察结果,未提示该病毒具有较强的人传人能力(human-to-human transmission)。此外,目前国内外尚无针对H7N9禽流感病毒的疫苗(there are no vaccines against the virus)。
此前曾经蔓延全球的动物流感有2009年的甲型H1N1流感,也被称为“ 猪流感(swine flu)”,以及2011年的H5N1禽流感(bird flu)。
“Budget wife” is the female counterpart of “budget husband,” a concept introduced at least four years ago.The 2009 publication of the book Me and My Budget Husband popularized the term, and its 2012 transformation into a TV drama series fueled the term's further spread.经济适用女(budget wife)是经济适用男(budget husband)的对照版,经济适用男这一概念至少出现在四年前。2009年,一本名为《我和我的经济适用男》的书让这个说法得到普及,而2012年这本书改编的电视剧让这个词被更多人熟知。
The word “budget husband” originates from the word “budget housing”, government subsidized public housing for low-income households.As the name implies, budget husbands' economic power trails that of “diamond husbands”--intelligent, educated, rich, and well-mannered men from respectable families.Nonetheless, a budget husband is the new ideal among Chinese female white-collar workers.“经济适用男”一词来源于“经济适用房”,即政府为低收入家庭出资提供的公共性住房。由名字可以看出,经济适用男的经济实力不如那些“钻石男”,即来自上流家庭、聪明、有学识、有钱且有修养的男子。不过,经济适用男据说是中国女性白领们新近的理想对象。
One of the main characteristics of a budget husband is that he be “normal.” Not ugly but not too handsome;neither poor nor rich.In short: mediocre.经济适用男一个主要的特点是“普通”。不丑但也不会太帅,不穷也不算有钱。简而言之就是,平凡。
But this mediocrity promises stability.Budget husbands are reliable, both financially and emotionally.They will loyally stay at home and take care of the house;they will not go out to bars or have extramarital affairs.(Source:.theatlantic.com)
Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference(CPPCC)
chairman 政协第十二届全国委员会主席
vice-chairpersons 副主席
secretary-general 秘书长
Standing Committee members 常务委员
presidium of the CPPCC National Committee 全国政协十二届一次会议主席团
patriotic united front 爱国统一战线
multi-party cooperation 多党合作
political consultation 政治协商
non-Communist parties 民主党派
personages without party affiliation 无党派人士
people's organizations 人民团体
compatriots of Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan, returned overseas Chinese, and specially invited people
The BRICS agreed to form a Contingency Reserve Arrangement, a 100 billion dollars fund to be managed by the central banks of the member countries.The facility will provide precautionary effect to forestall short term liquidity pressures and strengthen global financial stability.金砖国家同意建立一个应急储备基金,由各成员国的中央银行管理1000亿美元的基金。该基金将在避免短
Contingency Reserve Arrangement(CRA,应急储备基金)就是此次金砖国家(BRICS)领导人会晤之后
达成的协议之一,资金来源于各国央行储备(central bank reserves),用以防范各国短期资金流动压 力(forestall short-term liquidity pressures),加强全球金融稳定(strengthen global financial stability)。
除此之外,金砖国家还决定建立金砖国家开发银行(BRICS Development Bank),为五个成员国的基础设
施建设提供资金支持(financing infrastructure projects)。
Non-traditional burial practices may become even more popular following a Ministry of Civil Affairs guideline released last December that encourages local governments to roll out policies to subsidize eco-friendly burials.去年12月民政部发布指导意见要求各地政府出台生态友好型安葬补贴政策之后,非传统安葬方式可能会更加普及。
生态友好型安葬(eco-friendly burials),简称eco-burials(生态葬),指人的遗体火化(cremation)后,通过“草坪葬(grassland burial)”、“海葬(sea burial)”、“树葬(tree burial)”等不占地或少占地的方式处理骨灰(cremains),具有环保、节能和成本低等特点。
随着清明节(Tomb-Sweeping Day)的临近,各地政府也积极倡导人们采取绿色祭扫的方式纪念逝去的亲人,比如提供online tomb-sweeping(网上祭扫)和Internet memorial(网络纪念馆)服务,鼓励人们通过在树上系黄丝带(tying yellow ribbons to trees)、折纸鹤放在瓶中(placing folded paper cranes in bottles)等方式代替传统的祭扫方式。
接待 receive/give reception to/play host to 主人(东道主)host/hostess/hosting country/city 客人(嘉宾/贵宾)guest(distinguished guests/honored guest/guest of honor)闭幕式 closing ceremony
开幕式 opening ceremony/inauguration 开幕致辞 opening address 在。。之际 at a。。moment
具有十分重要的意义 be of great significance/be highly meaningful
不需此行 a rewarding trip 场合,时刻 occasion
趁此机会 take this opportunity
给。。的历史增加了新的一页 add a new page to the history of 共同开创中美经贸合作的新局面 1work together to open a new chapter in China-US trade and economic cooperation 2work together to expand the horizon of trade and economic cooperation between China and US 供给。。住宿,招待,为。。安排(在。。)下榻 to accommodate 贵宾,佳宾 distinguished guest 欢迎仪式 welcoming ceremony 冷餐接待会 buffet reception 前所未有的 unprecedented 热情欢迎 warm welcome 热情接待 warm reception
盛情款待 generous hospitality/warm reception 盛情邀请 gracious invitation/kind invitation 无与伦比的热情好客 unequalled hospitality 应。。的邀请 at the invitation of。。
重温旧情,结交新友/会见老朋友,结交新朋友 renew old friendships and establish new contacts
回顾过去,展望未来 look back at the past and into the future 本着。。的精神 in the spirit of。。
概述 General Terms
欢迎/开幕/闭幕词 welcome/opening/closing speech 开/闭幕式 opening/closing ceremony 签字仪式 signing ceremony 友好访问 goodwill visit 宣布开/闭幕 declare…open/closed
热情友好的讲话 warm and friendly speech 尊敬的 respectable/honorable 东道主 host 嘉宾 distinguished/honorable guests 值此……之际 on the occasion of
以……的名义 in the name of 全体同仁 all my colleagues 由衷的 heartfelt 荣幸地 have the honor of(doing…)
愉快地 have the pleasure(in doing…/to do…)
大洋彼岸 the other side of the ocean 友好使者 envoy of friendship 商界 business community 增进理解 promote understanding 促进合作 enhance/strengthen cooperation
符合……的共同利益 meet the common interest of 回顾过去 looking back on;in retrospect 展望未来 look into the future 最后;总之 in conclusion 提议为……干杯 propose a toast to
明/皓月当空 with a bright moon 拨冗光临 take the time off one’s busy schedule 良辰佳时 a wonderful time 金秋 golden autumn 祝……圆满成功 wish…a complete success
融洽的气氛 a congenial atmosphere 美妙的音乐 splendid music 热情动人的讲话 gracious and eloquent remarks 无比盛情的款待 incomparable hospitality 再叙旧情 renew one’s old friendships
结交新朋 establish new contacts 恋恋不舍 feel reluctant to part 千言万语说不尽 no words can fully express 前所未有的 unprecedented 卫生 public health;hygiene;sanitation 双边关系 bilateral relationship 剪彩 cutting the ribbon at an opening ceremony 奠基礼 foundation stone laying ceremony 亲切的问候 cordial greetings 兄弟般的 fraternal
移交仪式 turning-over ceremony 开工典礼 commencement ceremony
称谓与头衔 Address and Titles
陛下 Your/His/Her Majesty 殿下 Your/His/Her Highness;Your/His/Her Excellency;Your/His/Her Royal Highness 阁下 Your/His/Her Honor/ Excellency 总理 premier;chancellor 首相 prime minister
医院院长 president 董事长 president;chairman 大学校长 president 中小学校长 principal;headmaster 院长;系主任 dean
总书记 general secretary 总建筑师 chief architect 总干事 secretary-general;commissioner 总监 chief inspector 总领事 consul general
副总统 vice president 副部长 vice minister 省长 governor 副教授 associate professor 副研究员 associate research fellow
编审 senior editor 译审 senior translator 副总经理 deputy general manager 助理教授 assistant professor 主任医师 senior doctor
代理市长 acting mayor 执行主席 executive/presiding chairman 名誉校长 honorary president 院士 academician
牛刀小试:汉译英 Give It a Try
Ladies and Gentlemen,On this beautiful moon-lit evening, I would like to, on behalf of our Managing Director Mr.Ouyang, and all of my colleagues, express our gratitude to you for sparing time from your tight schedule at this busiest season of the year to attend our Mid-autumn festival party.We are honored to have invited some municipal officials, our business partners from New Zealand, and some veteran employees of our company.You are to enjoy the genuine traditional Chinese cuisine and wines as well as some wonderful entertainment program.At the beginning of the party, please allow me to propose a toast to prosperity of China, to our successful cooperation and to everybody’s health.Cheers!
口译分类词汇——接待 Reception
概述 General Terms
宾至如归 home away from home 不眠之夜 white night 持枪礼 rifle salute 怠慢 neglecting/slighting 当天的主宾 principal guest of the day
泛泛之交 bowing/nodding acquaintance 工友 fellow worker 化装舞会 masquerade;fancy dress ball 活动日程 itinerary;schedule 鸡尾酒餐厅 cocktail lounge
饯行 give a farewell dinner 健康证书 health certificate 接待 host;receive 接待员 receptionist 接风 give a dinner for a visitor from afar
经费担保 financial support 冷餐会 buffet reception 冷遇 cold welcome 盟友;刎颈之交 sworn friend 密友 bosom friend
牌友 card partner 外事办 foreign affairs office 喜宴 bridal dinner 校友 alumnus(男);alumna(女)
新闻界的熟人 journalistic acquaintance
野餐会 picnic party 招待 entertain 招待会 reception/entertainment party 招待所 hostel;lodging house 注目礼 eye salute
祝你胃口好!Bon appetite!
在机场 At the Airport
安全检查 security check 班车 shuttle bus 办理海关例行手续 go through customs formalities 包机 charter a plane;a chartered plane 报关 make a customs declaration
出境签证 exit visa 出租车候车处 taxi stand 到达时间 arrival time 登记卡 boarding pass 国宾 state guests
过境签证 transit visa 海关 the Customs 海关行李申报单 customs baggage declaration form 候机大厅 waiting hall 机场大楼 terminal building
旅行支票 traveler’s check 旅游签证 tourist visa 免税 duty-free 盼望已久的客人 long-awaited guest 起飞时间 departure/ take-off time
热烈拥抱 hearty embrace 入境签证 entry visa 入境手续 entry formalities 手提行李 hand baggage 双手拥抱 bear hug
随身携带行李 carry-on baggage 外币申报单 foreign currency declaration form 外交护照 diplomatic passport 往返票 round-trip ticket;return ticket 问讯处 information desk
行李标签牌 baggage tag 行李寄存处 baggage depositary 行李认领处 baggage claim 行李手推车 baggage handcart/pushcart 行李提取处 baggage/luggage claim
一次性/多次性入境签证 single-/multiple-entry visa 应纳关税物品 dutiable goods/articles 再入境签证 re-entry visa 曾用名 former name 种痘/预防接种证书 vaccination/inoculation certificate
宾馆餐厅 Hotels and Restaurants
按摩室 massage parlor 保龄球场 bowling alley 闭路电视 close-circuit television 标准间 standard room 餐桌转盘 Lazy Susan
茶道 sado 超豪华酒店 super deluxe hotel 大堂 lobby 单人间 single room 单人套房 chambers
弹子房 billiard room 迪斯科舞厅 discotheque 订房间 book a room 饭店/旅馆登记表 hotel registration form 高级套房 deluxe suite
高级夜总会 super club 公寓式饭店 apartment hotel 豪华套房 luxury suite 纪念品柜 souvenir stand 价目表 hotel tariff
健身房 gymnasium 叫人按钮 room service button 结账/退房时间 checkout time 卡拉OK厅 karaoke hall 客房服务生 chamber boy
客房女服务员 chamber maid 客满 no vacancy 山庄别墅 mountain villa 双人间 double room 未经预约的客人 walk-in guest
迎宾馆 guest house 永久地址 permanent address 预定金 reservation deposit 预付 pay in advance 总统套房 presidential suite
牛刀小试:汉译英 Give It a Try
Ladies and gentlemen, allow me to introduce myself.I am Zhang Kai, your local guide.We are now in the lobby of the five-star hotel in which you will stay during your visit here.This is a well-equipped hotel with billiard room, discotheque, gymnasium and karaoke hall.This hotel has plenty of rooms ranging from single room to presidential suite;even walk-in guests are not to feel disappointed.Checkout time is flexible, which will save your time and money.Ok, you must be tired after your long journey since you have had a transfer in Hong Kong.Please come and get the keys to your rooms and have a good rest.Tomorrow morning we’ll have breakfast on the third floor at 7 o’clock, then I’ll inform you of our visiting plan.
state visit国事访问
Buckingham Palace白金汉宫
global warming 温室效应
vitality活力 demonstrate证明
sustainable development可持续发展
sequence the human genome基因排序
renewable research可再生资源研究
the opening ceremony开幕典礼
Investment and Trade Fair投资贸易洽谈会
economic globalization经济全球化
enhanced mutually相互依存
profound changes深刻变革
national strength综合国力
foreign investment外贸投资
economic system经济体制
a comfortably-off society小康社会
an all-dimensional,multi-tiered and wide-ranging opening-up全方位、多层次、宽领域的对外开放
business,manufacturing and financial giant商业、制造业、金融业巨头
complete success圆满成功
get great exposure to 获得极大的曝光
cheat out of educational opportunities非法剥夺教育机会
Nobel Laureate诺贝尔获奖得者
both extensive and profound博大精深
“the maters” hundred schools诸子百家
harmony without uniformity和而不同
the world is for all天下为公
long suffering and hard working吃苦耐劳
diligence and frugality in household management勤俭持家
respecting teachers and valuing education尊师重教
Western learning spreading to the East东学西渐
enlightenment thinker启蒙思想家
reform and opening-up改革开放
3.digital television数字电视
analogue television模拟电视
impaired hearing听力减退
pension support养老金支持
Personal Video Recorder个人数字录像
dedicated channel专用通道
digital terrestrial service地面报告
modern media现代媒体
cultural diversity文化多样性 commit itself to promoting the traditional national culture,developing the native culture弘扬传统和民族文化
absorb and absorb on foreign cultures吸收和借鉴外来文化
program editing节目编辑
ethnic minorities concentrated region少数民族聚集区
constantly communicate and cooperate with经常性交流和合作
the diverse,abundant global culture世界文化的多样性和丰富性
the refined Chinese culture中华民族的优秀文化
the strengths of the industry行业优势
the broad chest宽阔的胸膛
learn from each other to improve ourselves while still maintaining our own characteristics取长补短
4.on a daily basis每天出色的工作
reference point参考点
English Heritage英国历史遗迹协会
ticket booth售票厅
contemporary现代的the National Trust国代信托基金会
integral完整的sense of belonging归属感
civic engagement公民参与
the opening of its port开阜
a little coastal town海边小镇
international metropolis国际大城市
the unique Shanghai style culture海派文化
the swarming-in蜂拥而入
Paris of the East东方巴黎
woolen cloth羊毛料
fashion column时尚专栏
the buttons down the front前襟
narrow sleeves袖笼
the grass-green-color military uniform草绿色军装
pump system排水系统
Nebuchadnezzar II尼布甲尼撒二世
ingenious心灵手巧的date back追溯
the cradle of the human race人类发源地
slave society奴隶社会
descendants of the Yellow and Fiery emperors炎黄子孙 archaeological study考古研究
patriarchal society父系社会
smelting and casting technique熔炼和浇铸技术
wares made of bronze青铜制品
feudal period封建时期 compass指南针 gunpowder火药
movable-type printing活字印刷术
the country’s feudal bureaucratic system封建官僚制度
indulge in…沉溺于
subjective feeling主观感受
personal satisfaction自我满足
potential relations潜在关系
Declaration of Independence独立宣言
a bounteous source丰富源泉
the outdoor living area住宅户外活动区
a football field高尔夫球场
a golf course球穴区
the masses芸芸众生
aesthetic enjoyment美的享受
physical and mental well-being身心健康
the result of 结晶
a surge of interest收入不菲
unveil the mascot发布吉祥物
Paralympic Games国际残奥会
athletes with a disability残疾人运动员
advance social progress促进社会进步
enhance humanitarianism弘扬人道主义
the solemn pledge 庄重承诺
a magical atmosphere神秘气氛
an electrifying experience精彩体验
the uplifting spirit令人振奋的精神
a harmonious world和谐社会
an important image形象标志
good news福音
Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities残疾人权利国际公约
an international document国际文书
confused困惑的adequate充足的cope with处理
exposed暴露的faux pas失礼
cultural snobbery文化势力行为
shared assumption共同的假设
Asian values亚洲价值观
share a common set of values共同价值观
belong to偏向
react negatively负面反应
egocentric自我the prenuptial agreement婚前协议
Oscar Wilde奥斯卡王尔德
unabridged完整的bow ties领结
tapered jeans锥形牛仔裤
crinoline skirt裙子
chemise dress连衣裙
circular skirt圆形喇叭裙
sheath dress紧身装
padded shoulder垫肩
peasant blouse T恤
Way of Power老子
attach to their native land with little intention to move about安土重迁
Doctrine of Mean中庸
everything goes freely without any harm四通八达
position the heaven and earth properly无往不利
literature arrangement文献整理
history compilation史书编纂
academic accumulation学术积累
the unity of nature and man天人合一
the improvement
of personality and morale身心提高
10.Niagara Falls尼加拉瀑布
thunder down hypnotize使着迷
volume of water水量
electric power station发电站
out-of-the-way restaurant鲜为人知的餐馆
one-of-a-kind sightseeing独一无二的风光
Yungang Grottoes云冈石窟
State Council国务院
the National Key Cultural Relics Preservation Units国家重点文物保护单位
UNSECO(United Nation Scientific,educational and Cultural Organization)联合国教科文组织
World Cultural Heritages世界文化遗产
a treasure house艺术宝库
the Buddha佛祖
ancient musical instrument古乐器
absorb and incorporate吸收融合sculptural technique雕刻技术
Han Nationality汉族
11.substantial实质的stir up激起
governments at all levels各级政府
embark on从事
political commitment政治承诺
user-friendly容易使用的regulatory body管理部门
at stake处于危险中
rouge operator胭脂经营者
World Day on Safety and Health at Work世界职业卫生日
occupational fatality rate职业死亡率
the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress全国人民代表大会常务委员会
draft labor contract law劳动合同法草案
a respiratory illness呼吸疾病
inhale mineral dust吸入灰尘
social security社会保障
WHO(World Health Organization)世界卫生组织
ILO(International Labor Organization)国际劳工组织
12.GHG(Greenhouse Gas)emission温室气体排放
sulphur gasoline硫汽油
carbon-neutral hydrogen氢碳
motorization 摩托化
coupled with与...相结合unleaded gasoline无铅汽油
the Environmental Protection Administration国家环保局
twists and turns一波三折
green high-science绿色高科技
environment-friendly material环境友好材料
intelligent material智能材料
the integration of heaven and people天人合一
the rule of nature道法自然
equality to all-all众生平等
four Asian dragons亚洲四小龙
[1] 午餐会:Luncheon,即午宴(附有情况介绍或专题演讲等内容)词汇联想:
欢迎宴会welcome dinner 茶会tea party 便宴informal dinner 游园会garden party 便餐light meal 舞会dance(party), ball, fandango 工作午餐working luncheon 化妆舞会 fancy ball 自助餐buffet dinner/luncheon 纪念宴会commemorative party 答谢宴会return dinner 鸡尾酒会cocktail party 告别宴会Farewell dinner 公式茶会pink tea 庆功宴Glee feast 年会 annual dinner 招待会Reception 忘年餐会year-end dinner party 家庭宴会 at-home party 慈善餐会box supper
[2] 第一站:the first leg,也可以说the first stop 词汇联想:
友好访问goodwill visit;停止订购/限损订单 stop order 不虚此行!It's a rewarding trip!限价盘 stop limit order 应变经济政策 stop-go policy 停车标志stop sign “一站式”服务one-stop service 休息停车 comfort stop transport café(UK), truck stop(US)每站只作短暂停留的旅行(常指竞选旅行)
[3] 美国银行家协会:American Bankers Association 词汇联想:
美国银行Bank Of America 摩根大通JP Morgan 花旗银行Citibank
美国中央银行 US Central Bank 美国运通银行American Express Bank 大通曼哈顿银行 Chase Manhattan Bank 纽约银行Bank of New York Mellon 欧洲自由贸易联盟EFTA(European Free Trade Association)纽约银行家信托公司 Bankers Trust New York Corp.联合国贸易与发展会议UNCTAD(United Nations Conference on Trade and Development)
[4] 诚挚问候和良好祝愿:cordial greetings and best wishes 词汇联想:
开幕词 opening speech/address 值此…之际on the occasion of 致开幕词 make an opening speech 以…的名义in the name of 请入席Please have a seat.本着…精神 in the spirit of… 欢聚一堂Enjoy this happy get-together 宣布开幕 declare...open, declare the commencement of...热情洋溢的欢迎词 gracious speech of welcome 表示衷心的感谢 express our heartfelt thanks to sb.for… 宣布闭幕declare...the conclusion /closing of...[5] 贸易战:trade war 词汇联想:
贸易额 trade volume 空运贸易trade by airway 自由贸易free trade 贸易差额Balance of Trade, BOT 商品交易会 trade fair/show 贸易顺差favorable balance of trade 垂直贸易vertical trade 贸易逆差unfavorable balance of trade 多边贸易multilateral trade 陆路贸易trade by roadway 1