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联合国秘书长2011年国际家庭日致辞时间:2011-05-17 09:45来源:口译网 作者:口译网 点击:860次

UN Secretary-General's Message on the International Day of Families

New York, 15 May 201



Far too many families endure chronic, punishing hardship.Lacking jobs and the means to make ends meet, adults are unable to provide adequate nutrition for children, leaving them with lifelong physical and cognitive scars.Other family members can suffer neglect and deprivation.Poverty continues to claim the lives of hundreds of thousands of women each year in childbirth.太多的家庭饱受长期经济困难的折磨。由于缺乏就业机会和谋生手段,父母不能为儿童提供足够的营养,给他们留下了终身的身体缺陷和心灵创伤。还有一些家庭成员被人所遗忘,一贫如洗。每年仍有数十万妇女因贫穷而死于分娩。

Social exclusion is often at the root of the problem.Discrimination and unequal access to social services deprive families of the opportunity to plan a better future for their children.社会排斥往往是问题的根源。受到歧视,以及获得社会服务的机会不均,使家庭无法为他们的孩子谋划一个更好的未来。

Certain types of families are at particular risk, including large families, single-parent families, families where the main breadwinners are unemployed or suffer from illness or disability, families with members who suffer discrimination based on sexual orientation, and families living in urban slums or rural areas.Indigenous and migrant families, as well as those living through conflict or unrest, are also on the front lines of marginalization and deprivation.一些类型家庭尤其面临风险,包括大家庭、单亲家庭、主劳力失业或身患疾病或残疾的家庭、有成员受到基于性取向的歧视的家庭和城市贫民窟或农村地区的家庭。土著和移民家庭以及那些处于冲突或**之中的家庭,也首当其冲地面临边缘化和赤贫问题。

A number of governments have adopted family-focused strategies, including cash transfer programmes, child allowances, tax incentives and specific gender-and child-sensitive social protection measures.An expansion of these policies, which can improve the nutrition and

educational status of children, can help end cycles of poverty that persist across generations.一些国家政府已采取包括现金转移计划、子女津贴、税收优惠和专门针对性别问题和儿童问题的社会保护措施等支持家庭的战略。扩大这些可以改善儿童营养和教育状况的政策,也有助于结束一代代无法摆脱的贫穷。

On this International Day of Families, let us resolve to support families as they nurture the young, care for the old and foster strong communities built on tolerance and dignity for all.值此国际家庭日,让我们决心为家庭提供支持,因为是家庭在抚养下一代,是家庭在照顾老人,也只有家庭在巩固建立在宽容和人人享有尊严基础上的牢固社区。



Secretary-General’s Message on International Day of Happiness 秘书长国际幸福日致辞 20 March 2014 2014年3月20日

The twin concepts of happiness and well-being increasingly feature in international discussions of sustainable development and the future we want.如今,国际上在讨论可持续发展以及我们希望的未来话题时,日益频繁地谈及幸福和福祉这一对相辅相成的概念。

Many countries are going beyond the rhetoric of quality of life to incorporate practical measures to promote these concepts in their legislation and policy-making.These good practices can inspire other countries so that measuring and accounting for broader well-being, and not simply national income, becomes a universal practice.许多国家已不再停留于空谈生活质量,而是开始采取切实可行的措施,在立法和政策制定过程中推行这两个概念。这些好的做法可激励其他国家行动起来,从而使衡量和计算广义的福祉(不仅仅是国民收入)成为全世界普遍的做法。

Happiness may have different meanings for different people.But we can all agree that it means working to end conflict, poverty and other unfortunate conditions in which so many of our fellow human beings live.幸福的含义可能因人而异。但我们可达成这样一个共识:幸福意味着努力结束冲突、贫穷和其他不幸的境况。而我们人类有许许多多的同胞正生活在这种种不幸的境况之中。

Happiness is neither a frivolity nor a luxury.It is a deep-seated yearning shared by all members of the human family.It should be denied to no-one and available to all.This aspiration is implicit in the pledge of the United Nations Charter to promote peace, justice, human rights, social progress and improved standards of life.幸福既非无聊琐事,也非奢侈之求,而是人类大家庭每一成员都抱有的一种深深向往。不应剥夺任何人追求幸福的权利,而应向所有的人开启幸福之门。这一愿望包含在《联合国宪章》关于促进和平、正义、人权、社会进步及改善民生的承诺之中。

Now is the time to convert this promise into concrete international and national action to eradicate poverty, promote social inclusion and inter-cultural harmony, ensure decent livelihoods, protect the environment and build institutions for good governance.These are the foundations for human happiness and well-being.现在,应将这一承诺化为消除贫穷、促进社会包容和文化间和谐、确保体面生计、保护环境以及建设善治机构的具体国际和国家行动。这些方面正是人类幸福和福祉的基石。


联合国秘书长2010年国际减灾日致辞时间:2010-10-14 18:29来源:口译网 作者:口译网 点击:976次

UN Secretary-General's Message on the International Day for Disaster Reduction

New York, 13 October 2010



Biggest, deadliest, worst ever.We have seen those words in the headlines too often this year.We have used them about earthquakes, floods, hurricanes and forest fires, about loss of life and income.Those words are likely to be heard for years to come, as the climate changes and hazards multiply.To complicate the picture, just as weather patterns have altered, so has human society.We are more urban.If earthquakes, floods or storm surges were deadly in the past, they are deadlier still in an increasingly urbanized world.有史以来最大、死伤人数最多、最严重。这些字眼我们今年经常在头版头条上见到。我们用这些字眼来描绘地震、洪水、飓风和森林火灾造成的生命和财产损失。而随着气候的变化和危险倍增,这些字眼今后若干年很可能会不断传来。更糟糕的是,不仅天气模式发生了改变,而且人类社会也与以往不同了。我们更加城市化。如果说地震、洪水或风暴潮从来就是致命的,那么在日益城市化的当今世界,这些灾害的致命性则更大。

Many cities are on the coasts, vulnerable to storms, inundation and sea level rise.More than a billion people in Asia live within 100 kilometres of the sea, and two-thirds of the population of Latin America and the Caribbean live within 200 kilometres.Too many people live on flood plains, others above earthquake fault lines.Some settle downstream from treeless areas, with little buffer against the elements.The risk of disaster quietly accumulates.And, while natural hazards menace everyone, the poor are by far the most vulnerable.许多城市都位于沿海地区,易受暴风雨、洪水和海平面上升的威胁。亚洲有十多亿人生活在距海100公里之内,拉丁美洲和加勒比区域三分之二的人生活在距海200公里之内。太多的人生活在洪泛区,还有很多人生活在地震带上。有的人居住在无树区的下游地带,几乎无法缓冲灾难的影响。灾害风险的累积是悄然无声的。而且,虽说自然灾害威胁的是每个人,但迄今为止,穷人是最易受害的人群。

On the positive side, we are learning to cope.Today, on the International Day for Disaster Reduction, we recognize what local governments and communities are doing to protect themselves while building more sustainable towns and cities.令人乐观的是,我们正在学习如何应对。今天,恰逢国际减灾日,我们要肯定一些地方政府和社区所做的工作,它们在建设更具可持续性的城镇和城市的同时,开展自我保护。

Last May, the United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Reduction launched a global campaign called “Making Cities Resilient”.More than 100 cities, with nearly 110 million residents, have signed up to the “Ten Essentials” – actions that will make communities safer from disasters.The role models with good practices include Albay Province in the Philippines, Hyogo Prefecture in Japan, Bangkok, Bonn, Mexico City and Mumbai.今年5月,联合国国际减灾战略发起了“使城市富有复原力”全球运动。已有100多个城市(居民人数共约1.1亿)签名参与了“十大要点”——即可加强社区在灾害中安全的若干项行动。菲律宾的阿尔拜省、日本兵库县、曼谷、波恩、墨西哥城和孟买等地堪称楷模,其良好做法值得借鉴。

The Ten Essentials translate broad ideas about sustainable cities into workable solutions.They recommend that governments assign a budget to serve everyone – rich and poor alike – and that they invest in risk assessment, training on disaster risk reduction, ecosystem protection, and early warning systems.City planners must also tackle the principal sources of risk in urban areas – poor governance, planning and enforcement.Decision-making should be inclusive and participatory and the principles of sustainable urbanization must be embraced and upheld, especially for the benefit of people living in slums and informal settlements.“十大要点”将关于可持续城市的宽泛理念转化成可行的解决办法。“十大要点”建议政府提供服务于每个人(不论贫富)的预算拨款,并建议它们投资于风险评估、减灾培训、生态系统保护以及预警系统。城市规划者也必须解决城市地区风险的几大主要来源,即管理不善、规划不妥和执行不力。决策应具有包容性和参与性,必须接受和奉行可持续城市化原则,特别是要有利于贫民窟和非正式定居点的居民。

Reducing disaster risk is everybody's business, and needs everyone's participation and investment – civil society, professional networks as well as municipal and national governments.On this International Day for Disaster Reduction, I commend those cities that are acting to build resilience to climate, environmental and social risks.And to all others I pose this question: Is your city ready?






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