Message of the Secretary-General for 2011
Despite the considerable efforts of Governments, civil society and the international community, we still live in a world blighted by slavery and slavery-like practices.Millions of human beings are subjected to an existence that is almost unfathomable in its degradation and inhumanity.Debt bondage, serfdom and forced labour;trafficking in persons and trafficking for the purpose of organ removal;sexual exploitation, the worst forms of child labour, forced marriage, the sale of wives, widow inheritance, and the forced recruitment of children for use in armed conflict – these are among the manifestations of slavery today.All are crimes and egregious violations of human rights.To eradicate contemporary forms of slavery, we need new strategies and measures that can unite all actors.While Governments bear the primary responsibility, the private sector has an integral role to play.Earlier this year, the Human Rights Council endorsed the Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, outlining how states and businesses should implement the UN “Protect, Respect and Remedy” Framework.I welcome the widespread support it has received from the business sector.The corporate responsibility to respect includes ensuring that their activities do not cause or contribute to contemporary forms of slavery in the workplace, and taking steps to stop it from happening in supply chains and elsewhere.UN.Gift--the Global Initiative to Fight Human Trafficking that brings together the ILO, OHCHR, UNICEF, UNODC, IOM and the OSCE--as well as the UN Global Compact corporate sustainability initiative, have also been active in encouraging the private sector to do its part in raising awareness about modern slavery and taking proactive steps to eliminate it.This year, the UN Voluntary Fund on Contemporary Forms of Slavery marks twenty years of helping victims to regain their independence, lives and dignity.The Fund has supported projects that provide vocational training, education, legal advice, medical and psychological assistance.It has also targeted the social factors that can foster slavery.The Fund needs a minimum of $1.5 million to fulfil its mandate, but less than a third of this amount has been secured to date.On this International Day, I appeal to all governments, business enterprises, NGOs and other partners to demonstrate their commitment to fighting slavery by making a financial contribution to the Fund, and by working closely together to end this scourge.各国政府、民间社会和国际社会尽管竭尽努力,我们生活的世界依然蒙在奴隶制和类似奴隶制的做法的阴影之中。数百万人的生存陷入有辱人格和非人道的深渊。
Secretary-General’s Message on the International Day for the Abolition of Slavery
New York, 2 December 2010
The abolition of the trans-Atlantic slave trade in the 19th century did not eradicate the practice globally.Instead, it took on other forms, which persist to this day: serfdom, debt bondage and forced and bonded labor;trafficking in women and children, domestic slavery and forced prostitution, including of children;sexual slavery, forced marriage and the sale of wives;child labour and child servitude, among others.19世纪跨越大西洋贩卖奴隶行为废止后,这一做法并未在全球范围消失。相反,变换形式的贩卖奴隶行为时至今日依然存在:农奴制、债役、强迫劳动和抵押劳工、贩卖妇女和儿童、强迫卖淫,包括强迫儿童卖淫、性奴役、强迫婚姻和买卖妻子、童工和儿童奴役,等等。
This reality obliges the international community to remain vigilant and to strengthen its efforts to eradicate the contemporary manifestations of slavery.Modern slavery is a crime.People who perpetrate, condone or facilitate it must be brought to justice.Victims and survivors have a right to remedies and reparations.面对这一现实,国际社会必须保持警惕,加大力度消除当代形式的奴隶制。现代奴隶制是一项罪行。必须将参与、宽恕或协助这种行为的人绳之以法。受害人和幸存者有权得到补救和赔偿。
International concern about the plight of people living in slavery-like conditions has given rise to many important legal instruments, the most recent of which is the Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons, Especially Women and Children, which entered into force in 2003 as a supplement the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime.国际社会关切生活在奴役般状况下的人民的命运,为此产生了很多重大法律文书,最近的一项法律文书是2003年生效的《联合国打击跨国有组织犯罪公约关于预防、禁止和惩治贩运人口特别是妇女和儿童行为的补充议定书》。
Jurisdictions around the world have paved the way for further progress in ensuring legal redress.The International Court of Justice has contributed to the acceptance of slavery as a crime against humanity, and the right to be free from enslavement is considered so fundamental that all nations have standing to bring offending states before the Court.The International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia has brought an indictment for slavery as a crime against humanity for acts of rape and slavery.And the Court of Justice of the Economic Community of West African States(ECOWAS)recently ruled that slavery is a crime against humanity.世界各地的管辖权为确保法律补救取得进一步进展铺平了道路。国际法院推动承认了奴隶制是一项危害人类罪,不受奴役的权利被视为一项基本权利,任何国家都有资格将侵权国送上法庭。前南斯拉夫问题国际刑事法庭以奴隶制属危害人类罪对强奸和奴役行为提出起诉。西非国家经济共同体(西非经共体)法院最近裁定奴隶制是一项危害人类罪。
On this International Day, I urge all States to ratify and implement the relevant legal instruments, and to cooperate fully with the UN Special Rapporteur on contemporary forms of slavery.I also appeal to all UN Member States to contribute generously to the UN Voluntary Trust Fund on Contemporary Forms of Slavery, which has helped thousands of victims to recover their lives and dignity.值此国际日,我敦促所有国家批准和执行相关法律文书,并与联合国当代形式奴隶制问题特别报告员充分合作。我还呼吁联合国各会员国向当代形式奴隶制问题自愿信托基金慷慨捐款,该基金帮助了成千上万名受害者重获新生和尊严。
联合国秘书长2010年国际减灾日致辞时间:2010-10-14 18:29来源:口译网 作者:口译网 点击:976次
UN Secretary-General's Message on the International Day for Disaster Reduction
New York, 13 October 2010
Biggest, deadliest, worst ever.We have seen those words in the headlines too often this year.We have used them about earthquakes, floods, hurricanes and forest fires, about loss of life and income.Those words are likely to be heard for years to come, as the climate changes and hazards multiply.To complicate the picture, just as weather patterns have altered, so has human society.We are more urban.If earthquakes, floods or storm surges were deadly in the past, they are deadlier still in an increasingly urbanized world.有史以来最大、死伤人数最多、最严重。这些字眼我们今年经常在头版头条上见到。我们用这些字眼来描绘地震、洪水、飓风和森林火灾造成的生命和财产损失。而随着气候的变化和危险倍增,这些字眼今后若干年很可能会不断传来。更糟糕的是,不仅天气模式发生了改变,而且人类社会也与以往不同了。我们更加城市化。如果说地震、洪水或风暴潮从来就是致命的,那么在日益城市化的当今世界,这些灾害的致命性则更大。
Many cities are on the coasts, vulnerable to storms, inundation and sea level rise.More than a billion people in Asia live within 100 kilometres of the sea, and two-thirds of the population of Latin America and the Caribbean live within 200 kilometres.Too many people live on flood plains, others above earthquake fault lines.Some settle downstream from treeless areas, with little buffer against the elements.The risk of disaster quietly accumulates.And, while natural hazards menace everyone, the poor are by far the most vulnerable.许多城市都位于沿海地区,易受暴风雨、洪水和海平面上升的威胁。亚洲有十多亿人生活在距海100公里之内,拉丁美洲和加勒比区域三分之二的人生活在距海200公里之内。太多的人生活在洪泛区,还有很多人生活在地震带上。有的人居住在无树区的下游地带,几乎无法缓冲灾难的影响。灾害风险的累积是悄然无声的。而且,虽说自然灾害威胁的是每个人,但迄今为止,穷人是最易受害的人群。
On the positive side, we are learning to cope.Today, on the International Day for Disaster Reduction, we recognize what local governments and communities are doing to protect themselves while building more sustainable towns and cities.令人乐观的是,我们正在学习如何应对。今天,恰逢国际减灾日,我们要肯定一些地方政府和社区所做的工作,它们在建设更具可持续性的城镇和城市的同时,开展自我保护。
Last May, the United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Reduction launched a global campaign called “Making Cities Resilient”.More than 100 cities, with nearly 110 million residents, have signed up to the “Ten Essentials” – actions that will make communities safer from disasters.The role models with good practices include Albay Province in the Philippines, Hyogo Prefecture in Japan, Bangkok, Bonn, Mexico City and Mumbai.今年5月,联合国国际减灾战略发起了“使城市富有复原力”全球运动。已有100多个城市(居民人数共约1.1亿)签名参与了“十大要点”——即可加强社区在灾害中安全的若干项行动。菲律宾的阿尔拜省、日本兵库县、曼谷、波恩、墨西哥城和孟买等地堪称楷模,其良好做法值得借鉴。
The Ten Essentials translate broad ideas about sustainable cities into workable solutions.They recommend that governments assign a budget to serve everyone – rich and poor alike – and that they invest in risk assessment, training on disaster risk reduction, ecosystem protection, and early warning systems.City planners must also tackle the principal sources of risk in urban areas – poor governance, planning and enforcement.Decision-making should be inclusive and participatory and the principles of sustainable urbanization must be embraced and upheld, especially for the benefit of people living in slums and informal settlements.“十大要点”将关于可持续城市的宽泛理念转化成可行的解决办法。“十大要点”建议政府提供服务于每个人(不论贫富)的预算拨款,并建议它们投资于风险评估、减灾培训、生态系统保护以及预警系统。城市规划者也必须解决城市地区风险的几大主要来源,即管理不善、规划不妥和执行不力。决策应具有包容性和参与性,必须接受和奉行可持续城市化原则,特别是要有利于贫民窟和非正式定居点的居民。
Reducing disaster risk is everybody's business, and needs everyone's participation and investment – civil society, professional networks as well as municipal and national governments.On this International Day for Disaster Reduction, I commend those cities that are acting to build resilience to climate, environmental and social risks.And to all others I pose this question: Is your city ready?