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开心英语四年级上册Unit4 My Day 语音教学设计


本课的教学内容是开心英语四年级上册第四单元soungs and words的内容,是一节单纯的语音课型。三年级已经学习了26个字母及例词,学生可以初步了解元音字母、辅音字母在单词中的读音。本节课的重点是启发学生通过仔细读单词,在情景中感受并掌握Oo的发音,让学生获得成功感,进而提升自主学习的能力。


本节课的授课对象是小学四年级学生。四年级学生经过前些年的英语学习,有了简单的英语基础知识和听说读写的能力;同时,学生对英语学习有着较浓厚的兴趣,喜欢表达自己的观点,也具备初步的自主、合作、探究能力。因此我把本课的目标定为: 知识目标:

能够听懂,会说,会读音标[əu]和例词nosehomethoseclosecolahomework 能力目标:










五、教学过程: Step1、Warming up

1、Greeting each other。

2、Sing “ phonics ” song.Step2、Presentation






4、听无鼻子先生的故事,在故事中进一步巩固[əu] Step6、Homework


Unit 4 My Day Oo [əu] home homework cola nose close those

第二篇:四年级英语上册unit4 Lets learn A教学设计



1.能听懂、会说:This is my home.并能简单描述自己的房间。

2.能听、说、认读study,bathroom,bedroom,living room,kitchen等单词并能在日常生活中运用。

3.能听懂Let’s do部分中的指示语,并能按指令做出相应的动作。

4.学唱歌曲“My bedroom”。



1.听、说、认读单词:study, bathroom, living room, bedroom, kitchen。






1.教师拿出一些文具用品,引导学生复习句型“What’s this?It’s a?” “Where is the??It’s in/on/under?”

2.Let’s sing the song “In the classroom”together.二、Presentation



1.教师利用挂图呈现一栋房子,并对学生说:Look!This is Amy’s home.It’s very big.Wow!There are so many rooms.然后,教师指着某个房间中摆设的物品问学生:x k b 1.c o m


2.教师出示bedroom的图片,问学生:What can you see? 当学生回答出bed时,教师说:Yes, it’s a bed.We can have a sleep in the bedroom.(做动作帮助学生理解)This is a bedroom.教读bedroom, 并板书,让学生认读。

3.教师出示bathroom的图片,问学生:Is this a study? Is this a bedroom? 学生会回答:No.教师告诉学生:This is a bathroom.We can take a shower in the bathroom.(用动作帮助学生理解)教读单词bathroom,并板书,让学生认读。

4.教师出示living room的图片,问学生: Is it a bathroom? 学生回答:No.教师肯定学生的回答:Good.It’s not a bathroom.It’s a living room.随后问学生:What can you see in the living room?学生可能说出:I can see a TV.教师接着说:We can watch TV in the living room.教读单词living room, 并板书,让学生认读。

5.教师做出切菜的动作,教师可让学生用中文说出这是老师平时在哪儿做的事情。然后教师说:I’m in the kitchen now.教读单词kitchen, 并板书,学生认读单词。教师出示图片(可以问生:What’s this?)让学生说句子:This is a kitchen.教师补充:If you are hungry(做饥饿状),you can go to the kitchen,have a snack(做吃饭状).6.教师指着挂图提问:Can you see a bedroom, a living room, a study, abathroom and a kitchen? 学生回答:Yes./Yes,I can see?教师:Oh, you can see a bedroom, a living room?并让学生重复这段话。


1.Listen and point.2.Listen and repeat



教师不出声地做一个单词的口型,如“living room”,让学生猜是哪个单词,谁先猜出来谁大声说出来。然后,请一名学生代替老师继续做口型,其他同学抢答。2.看谁反应快


4.Let’s do


教师每说一个单词,学生听到后做出在相应的某个房间里做事情的动作,如:教师说出study,go to the study.学生听到后可以做出在读书的样子。教师根据学生们做的动作,继续引导:Read a book.让学生边跟着说边做动作。(注意示范强调snack,shower的发音)




两大组各选一个代表上台,教师给其中一个学生看一张房间的图片或单词卡,然后让这个学生做出一些与该房间有关的动作,让另一个学生猜看到的是什么房间的图片或单词卡(最起码要说出房间单词,最好说出Let’s do 部分的相应指令;如果该生只说出了房间单词,那么他或她所在的组要说出指令),看看是否心有灵犀。

(4)Listen to the tape,do the action.四、Production

1.让学生看着55页的歌曲“My Bedroom”部分的背景图,鼓励学生用新学的语言进行简单描述。然后,让学生读歌词理解词意。接着,静听歌曲,试着学唱。最后,演唱歌曲,并配上动作。


让学生小组合作——Make a nice home,然后以小组为单位用英语上台介绍自己的家(如:This is my home,you can see??/we have 6 rooms,2 bedrooms,a bathroom??),比一比,哪个小组设计得好、介绍得好?




Study bathroom bedroom living room kitchen

This is my home.You can see a bedroom, a living room„„





study bathroom bedroom living room kitchen phone bed sofa shelf fridge table it’s=it is aren’t=are not they’re=they are


hey they open the door on the table near the phone in the door








1、对于较长的单词如bathroom ,bedroom ,living room, kitchen的掌握以及对于第一次出现的介词短语如open the door on the table near the phone in the door的掌握。

2、对于礼貌用语“Thank you , Excuse me, After you”的掌握与应用。





1.Teaching aims To act quickly after listening to the T.Master the sentences: This is my home.You can see a bedroom...New words: study bathroom bedroom living room kitchen Practice: This is my home.You can see a bedroom, a living room… 2.Teaching aids A tape-recorder

A picture

Several word cards 3.Important points The pronunciation of the new words 4.Teaching steps 1)Greetings Do some oral work and sing a song.2)New contents At first, the teacher shows Amy’s house using the computer.“What can you see in the picture?”

“I can see a study.” “I can see a bedroom.” …….5.Homework Work

To say the sentences smoothly Listen to the tape and recite the new words.1.Teaching notes

Lesson 1.Teaching content 1)Learn the dialogue and act it out.2)Let them master the sentences 1.Teaching aims Master the phrases: in the living room, in the study, in your desk, in your hand… Use the dialogue smoothly.3.Important points The pronunciation of the new words

4.Teaching aids A tape-recorder

A picture

Several word cards 5.Teaching steps 1.Greeting

Sing an English song.Ask the students to introduce their homes.2.Revision

Learn the drills and practice the drills.T: What’s this?

Ss: An eraser.T: yes, what does it like?

S: It looks like a fish.T: Where is my eraser? Is she in the…? Ss: Yes, she is.(No, she isn’t.)Show them several pictures.T: Oh, how beautiful!Where is it? S: This is my bedroom.(This is my

Living-room.This is my bathroom.)T: Is this your..?

S: Yes, it is.(No, isn’t.)Game.-Where is my pen?-Is it in the …?Is it in the …?-Yes, it is.Tell them the difference between “Is it…?” and “Is she…?” Listen to the tape and imitate.Practice in groups and act it out.6.Homework

To say the sentences smoothly Recite the dialogue and listen to tape.2.Teaching notes

Lesson 21 1.Teaching Aims Let them master the words :





(listening speaking reading and writing)And the sentences

Welcome to my ……home ……

This is my ……room ……

When they see the pictures, they can recognize and say their English names..2.Teaching Aids

a tape recorder cards pictures 3.Important points

4-skill words:

home room school classroom 4.Teaching steps

1).Greeting and organization Sing an English song and do oral work.2).Revision A:Act the dialogue of lesson 21 B: Review these words: Home

room school classroom 3).Presentation

Read the words and spell them.Ask a student come to the front to read all the words, and the others after him or her.4).Practice Listen to the tape, imitate and practice the sentences.Read and spell the words.5.Homework

Spell the words , then write them: Home room


classroom 1.Teaching notes


1.Teaching Aims Let the students master the words and phrase :

phone bed shelf fridge table sofa Let the students listen and read these drill:

Sit on …

Make …

Watch TV.Answer…


Set… 2.Teaching Aids a tape recorder cards pictures 3.Important points Learn to say the words: phone shelf fridge table sofa When they see the subject, they can recognize and say their English names..4.Teaching steps

1).Greeting and organization

Sing a song and do a oral work.2).Revision

Review these words:

Home room school classroom 3).Presentation

The teacher shows the phone of the room and points at something one by one, and the students say it in English.In this way, learn to say the new words: phone shelf fridge table bed


Ask a student come to the front to read all the words, and the others read after him.4).Play a game:

Passing the eight words between eight groups, and then checking which group did quickly and right.5).Practice

Listen to the tape, imitate and practice the words:phone…

Read and spell the words.6).Let’s do

Sit on the sofa.Make the bed.Watch TV.Answer the phone.Open the fridge.Set the table.5.Homework

1.Listen and read the new words and drill.2.Recite “Let’s do”.2.Teaching Notes

Lesson 1.Teaching content 1)Drills

A: Are they on the …?

A: Are they near…?

B: Yes, they are.(No, they aren’t.)

2)Learn the dialogue and act it out.3).Let’s chant.2.Teaching aims Let them master the short sentences:

Open the door

on the table

near the phone

Learn the new drills.Use the dialogue smoothly.3.important points 1).The pronunciation of the new words 2).A: Are they on the …? B: Yes, they are.(No, the are


4.Teaching aids A tape-recorder

A picture

Several word cards 5.Teaching steps 1).Greeting and organization Sing an English song and do oral work.Ask the students to introduce their home.2).At first, the teacher talk to the students.T: Where are the key(book…)?

S: It’s on the table(in the desk, near the phone…)

T: Where are the keys(books…)?

S: They are on the table(in the desk, near the phone…)

T: Are they on the table?

S: Yes, they are.(No, they aren’t.)

Then learn to say the drills.And practise the drill with the Ss.From “the T asks, the S answers” to “the S asks, the S answers.”

3)Then practise these drills smoothly.Play a game.S1:Where are the keys? S2:Are they in he …? S3: No, they aren’t.S2: Are they in the …? S3: Yes, they are.Tell them the different of “Is it…?” or “Are they…?”

Listen to the recorder and imitate.Work in groups and act it out.6.Homework

Recite the dialogue.To say the sentences smoothly 3.Teaching notes

Lesson 24 1.Teaching Aims 1)Let the students master the four-skill words : Window desk door chair bed 2)Let the students read these sentences:

What can you see in my room? I can see…

When they see the objects, they can recognize and read them and do the action about them.2.Teaching Aids a tape recorder.3.Difficult words and emphasis:

4-skill letters and words:

Window desk door chair bed 4.Teaching steps 1)Organization

Chant together and do a oral work.2).Revision Spell the word: Window desk door chair bed Phrase: w_nd_w

d_ _r





When the teacher point at the subject, the students say the word and spell it.Then write these words.Read the drills smoothly:What can you see in my room? I can see…

Read and choose: Listen to the T and choose A,B,C or 4).Listen to the tape, imitate and read..5).Game

The teacher asks a student come to the front of the class, and tell him/her a word, then asks other students guess the word.5.Homework

Spell and write the four-skill words :

第四篇:pep四年级上册unit4 教案及教学反思

PEP BOOK3 Unit 4 My Home Story Time教案


1、学生能够复习巩固句型:Where are …? Are they …?及家庭居室设施词汇:fridge, table, bed;

2、学生能够通过图片和上下文理解新句子:Those are my glasses.Let’s change our glasses.等


1、故事中句子的理解:Those are my glasses.Let’s change our glasses,2、对于故事的理解,模仿与表演。教学过程: Warm up: 1 Greetings: Good morning.I want to know you, let’s change our names.I am Ann.What’s your name? 2 帮助老师找眼镜。I lost my glasses.Do you see my glasses? Where are my glasses? 鼓励学生提问或发现放在黑板槽上和桌上的眼镜,并用英语表达:Are they on the desk? They are on the board.在戴眼镜的同时表达Oh, my.Those are not my glasses.让学生提前感知难点句。OK!I am ready now.Are you ready for class? Class begins.This class we’ll learn a story.Do you like stories? Presentation: 1 First, let’s know two friends.This is Grandpa, and this is Uncle Bear.看卡通,回答问题:

What are they looking for? A Glasses B Keys Check the answer.2 Let’s help 看PPT图片(故事图片1-4),引导学生说出这三幅图中眼镜的位置,教师板书和粘贴重点语句:Where are my glasses? Are they on the fridge? on the table/ on the bed 让学生通过问问题帮助Grandpa找眼镜。看卡通(故事图片1-4部分)跟读模仿。3 Tick or cross 看卡通,完成判断题:

Uncle Bear’s glasses are on the table.Grandpa’s glasses are on the bed.对于学生给出的正确或错误答案询问原因,并观看卡通(故事图片5-6部分),What happened? 并让学生通过表演理解内容。

熊爷爷的老花眼和熊叔叔的近视眼告诉学生要爱护眼睛。We should do eye exercises, sleep early and sit well.4 Now sit well and read the story on book page 45.学生自己阅读故事并回答:Where are Grandpa’s glasses? Practice: 1 Listen, point and imitate.2 Let’s act 3 From the story we know:

(1)Protect our eyes

(2)Put things in order.4 Let’s help 让学生利用活动纸帮助熊爷爷整理房间里乱置的物品。Put ______ on the ______.Homework: 1 Act the story to your family;2 Try to help your mom put things in order.教学反思

本节课是pep小学英语四年级上册第四单元中的Story time。本部分的教学目标是通过阅读趣味故事,复习巩固本单元所学语言,理解和表演故事,并能够恰当运用故事中的语言。这是一节相对于其他基本课型来说相对活跃的课,故事中的大本分语句学生也都比较熟悉,可是我上课的效果却十分不理想。通过对其他上课教师的观摩与学习,我认识到这节课还是有很多问题的。

一、教学重点不明确。学生们很活跃,但是起来说的句子却不是教师预设的,整堂课显得没有重点,对于重点语句的学习与练习环节设计的不够好,重点语句操练不够,重点不突出。在新授第二个环节应该凸显重点句型,可以适当在课件上出现:Where are …? Are they …? 让学生知道应该说什么练什么。而且应该多练,展现学生在课堂上的主体地位。这是这节课的重大失误之一

二、难点句的讲解与练习不到位。对于本节课难点句Those are my glasses.Let’s change our glasses.Oh my.的讲解过于敷衍,只是在课前热身环节让学生帮助老师找眼镜一带而过,课件和板书上都没有体现,学生也没有任何操练的机会,甚至老师也未作任何的解释说明。这就导致在朗读故事和表演故事的过程中学生不认识单词,不了解词意,这个失误让原本热情积极的孩子们的学习兴趣大打折扣。

三、环节设置不太合理。缺少了一个复习环节,如果能够在热身环节中加上一个让学生练习单词的Sharp eyes 或者指认物品的活动,将本节课相关的部分单词进行一个复习,学生对故事的理解和朗读都将会有帮助,同时也可增加学生的自信与热情。




第五篇:PEP四年级上册Unit4 My home Part B教学设计


Unit4 My Home(Part B)教学设计


PEP人教版小学英语四年级上册Unit4 My Home第五课时。II教学目标:

1、能听说读写phone fridge sofa bed table,并能在日常生活中运用。


3、能用简单的句子描述自己的家,如:“This is my home.„” III教学重难点: 教学重点:

听说认读单词phone bed sofa fridge table 能用简单的句子描述自己的家,如:“This is my home.„”


正确掌握单词phone不要丢掉尾音;bed 这个单词注意[e]的发音。

IV教具: PPT V教学过程: 一.Warm up 1.Organize teaching组织教学:Greeting, say hello to the Ss.T: Today we’ll learn Unit4 My Home Part B.Before the new class, let’s look at these pictures.What can you see ?(Review the words: living room ,bedroom, kitchen, bathroom, study)2.Let’s do.1 二.Presentation.1.Show the PPT: a new house.T: Whose new house is this ? Can you guess ? Oh ,it’s John’s new house.John said: Welcome to my home.Do you want to go with me ? 2.T: It’s a beautiful house.It has a bed.(Show the bed.)Teach the word: bed.Show the picture, ask to the students: How many beds ? What color are they ? Show the PPT, practice the sentences.Fill in the blank: Look at the room.It has a _____ bed.The bed is near the _________.3.仿照上法学习剩余单词:sofa, phone, table, fridge.4.Let’s read.Let the Ss follow the tape.Review the words and the sentences.三.Consolidation and exercises 1.Sharp eyes.2.Let’s talk.Look at that room.It has a ____________.The ______ is _________ the _________.3.Let’s show.4.Let’s write.Now write about your room.You can use these words: living room bedroom kitchen bathroom study phone sofa table chairs fridge bed This is my ________.It has a /„ __________ _________.The _________ is /are ___________ the_______.I like my ______.四.Summary.五.Homework: 2 1.Read p42 three times.(读书本42页3次.)2.用单词本抄写P42中的5个单词,每个2行。六.板书设计: Unit4 My Home Part B Let’s learn

bed sofa phone Where is the table ?


It’s _______ the _________.



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