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Unit 9 Have you ever been to a museum ?

Section A 1a—2d


教学目标 :



amusement , amuseument park , somewhere , camera , invention 2.能正确使用以下常用表达:

1)Have you ever been to a a science amuse? Yes, I have, No, I haven’t.2)John has never been to the space museum.3)Linda went to the zoo three times last year.4)I have been to the zoo a lot of times.5)I’ve never been to a water park.3.能熟练掌握并使用下列:

have / has been to以及already,ever与yet的用法。4.能熟练掌握并使用下列重点句式: 1)Have you read...../ Have you done...? 2)I haven’t finished reading it yet.3)Has Tina read Treasure Island ? Yes ,she has.She thinks it’s fantastic.能力目标




教学重点 Talk about a good book.教学难点 正确使用本课常用表达;听力训练。教学方法 情景教学法;任务型教学法。


Step I.Preparation 课前3分钟检查单词预习情况,教师根据学生读的状况,适当领读,帮助学生正音。1.开展快速记忆游戏,让学生进一步熟悉这些英文名称。2.Revision “复习检查”

Revise and learn new words: 通过检查“学案”中“新知预习”内容检查预习效果。3.1a 学生独立完成1a 的排序。教师可以让学生分组做个小调查,用序号1—6 表明他们想去和最不想去的地方。学生可以相互提问,例如:

Would you like to visit a space musuem /history museum...? 小组派代表做简单汇报。Step 2.Presentation

1.Learning tasks 出示这节课的三维学习目标。(1)学习并掌握下列单词:

amusement , amuseument park , somewhere , camera , invention(2).能正确使用以下常用表达:

1)Have you ever been to a a science amuse? Yes, I have, No, I haven’t.2)John has never been to the space museum.3)Linda went to the zoo three times last year.4)I have been to the zoo a lot of times.5)I’ve never been to a water park.(3).能熟练掌握并使用下列:

have / has been to以及already,ever与yet的用法(4).能熟练掌握并使用下列重点句式:

1)Have you read...../ Have you done...? 2)I haven’t finished reading it yet.2.Leading-in“导入新课”

(1)Learn some words and expressions about Treasure Island

T: Have you been to the Summer Palace ? S: Yes , I have./ No, I haven’t.T:Is it interesting ? S: No , it isn’t./ Yes , it is.(2)

T: Have you been to the Eiffel Towel? S: Yes , I have./ No, I haven’t.T:Is it interesting ? S: No , it isn’t./ Yes , it is.the Great Wall(长城)the Summer Palace(颐和园)Daming Lake(大明湖)

MountainTai(泰山)Big Ben(英国大笨钟)the Eiffel Towel(埃菲尔铁塔)Step 3 Practice 机械操练(Mechanical Drills)

1)Learn to talk about some famous books according to some pictures: A: Have you been to the Summer Palace ? B: Yes , I have./ No, I haven’t.A:Is it interesting ? B: No , it isn’t./ Yes , it is.2 有意义操练(Meaningful Drills)(1)用下列地方制作自己的对话。

the Great Wall(长城)the Summer Palace(颐和园)Daming Lake(大明湖)Mountain Meng(蒙山)

MountainTai(泰山)Big Ben(英国大笨钟)the Eiffel Towel(埃菲尔铁塔)(2)2d : Role play the conversation.Answer the following questions:

1)When did Jill go to the film museum ?

2)What does Jill love about the film museum ?

3)Has Anna ever been camping ? 4)What did Jill learn about ?(2)Check the answers and explain some language points.3.交际性操练(Communicative Drills)

Some students to say their favorite places.Make their own conversations according to 2d, and then share their new conversations.Step 4 Consolidation Listening practice: 1.1b让学生观察主题图,讲五个地方之中他们觉得哪个个地方最有趣,为什么,为听力做准备。

Introduce what the conversations are about briefly.Get the students to listen and complete the chart.Share their answers.教师让学生“开火车”说出他们游览过的地方,后面学生重复前面同学说过的话,然后告诉自己的信息。

A:I have been to a history museum.B: A has been to history museum.I have been to a science museum.C: A has been to a history museum.B has been to a science museum.I have been to......2.2a 让生观察2a的地图。说说他们在地图上看到了哪些 地方。讲出每个地点的方位。完整的播放录音,圈出他们听到的地点。核对答案。3.2b Give the students 20 seconds to prepare for listening.Listen again and match the problems with the advice.Share their answers.第三次播放,改正句子的错误。

Step 5 Examination 1.引导学生小结梳理知识框架、规律、方法,并对合作小组当堂学习情况进行总结评价,巩固学生所获得的语言知识和经验,让学生在评价中反思,在反思中进步。Ask one of the students to say what they have learned 1)words


3)sentences 2.当堂检测(见学案):教师要随堂进行评价,批改可以由学习小组内互批、组间互批、集体订正等方法,批阅后教师要统计达标情况,收集反馈信息,当堂矫正补救。Step 6 Homework 1.口头作业: 听并跟读录音,编对话,背笔记。2.书面作业:

Remember the new words of 1a-2d.Finish off the exercises.Preview the new words of 3a-3c.三、【板书设计】

Unit 9 Have you ever been to a museum ?

Section A 1a—2d

1.T: Have you read the new words ? S: Yes , I have./ No, I haven’t.T: Are they difficult ?

S: No , they aren’t./ Yes , they are.2.A: Have you been to the Summer Palace ? B: Yes , I have./ No, I haven’t.A:Is it interesting ? B: No , it isn’t./ Yes , it is





Unit 9 Have you ever been to an amusement park?

第二课时 section A 3a—4

在完成新目标英语八年级下册第九单元第二课时(section A 3a—4)的教学中,我是以新课程理念为依据进行教学设计和课堂活动的。通过对教材的理解我确立了以培养学生语言知识、应用能力、文化意识和学习策略为中心的教学目标,充分体现了为学生全面发展和终生发展和学习奠定基础的原则;目标层层递进,并贴近生活,具有可实践性。作为本节课的教学反思,我谈谈自己在教学过程中比较满意的地方与存在的不足。





学生的兴趣,开展关于这一话题的讨论。所以,在课堂教学的导入环节,我首先利用多媒体向学生展示几张自己曾去过的地方的图片,加以简单介绍。然后让学生们介绍他们曾去过的地方。这样,学生们在练习口语的同时,也把本单元的语法知识运用到了实践中,调动了学生们的学习积极性。紧接着,利用多媒体展示几张迪斯尼乐园图片,引入3a的小章Have you ever been to Disneyland? 课堂呈现部分,首先让学生们认真听录音,注意生词的读音。然后设置几个与文章相关的难度适中的问题,让学生带着问题阅读文章,然后以小组形式,分组讨论合作,回答问题。对表现积极的小组加以鼓励。同学们通过回答问题,从整体上把握文章大意。然后,再鼓励学生朗读课文,让学生提出文章中的难懂的字、词、句及一些较难理解的句式结构,教师对文章中的重难点知识进行讲解。

文章中,在谈到迪斯尼电影时,我与学生们通过多媒体图片展示,一起回忆童年看过的迪斯尼动画片,此环节的设置既调动了学生的学习兴趣,也拉近了师生的距离。在谈到Disney Cruise(迪斯尼巡航)时,通过观看相关视频片段,使学生们仿佛置身其中。













课题:What would you do ? I.Teaching aims and demands: Knowledge and abilities: 1,Master the words below: Million, medical, research, tie, worry, what if , pimple.2,Master the following language points: What would you do if you had one million dollars ? I would give it to Old People’s Home.If I were you , I’d travel all over the world.Process and ways of teaching: 情景法和交际法

Leading to new teaching by telling a story.During the course, ask the students to talk about some impossible things in pairs.At last, let them summarize grammar “The Mood”.Teaching emotion and value 1.教师通过创设情景,引导学生谈论并作出应有的反应,树立关爱他人的意识和形成开朗乐观的性格.


Ⅱ.Important and difficult points of teaching.1.The usage and structure of “The Mood” 2.Imagine what to do.Ⅲ.Procedures of teaching Step 1, Leading in 1, tell the story “The tiger and the monkey”.2, Ask the students like this.What would you do if you were the tiger ? Would you jump into the river if you were the tiger ?(激起学生的好奇心和积极性)3, Ask the students to answer the questions: Are you a tiger?(No, I’m not.)(引起学生对虚拟语气的思考)Step 2 Presentation 1, According to the questions above , ask the students to summarize what the Mood is , pay attention to it’s form.2,Ask the students to say some things that haven’t happened to us.e,g.What would you do if you had one million dollars? What would you do if you were late for the party ? What would you do if you were a girl or a boy ? What would you do if you lived on the moon ?(师生互动)3,Write down the students’ best answers on the blackboard and share them with the whole class.4,Ask the students to talk about what they would do.Their answers may be : If I were you I would give it to medical research..If I were you , I’d be a little earlier.If I were you , I’d pay soccer or dance.If I were you , I’d plant more trees on it.5.Ask the students to work in pairs the sentences above.(学生互动)

Step 3 Talk in pairs.1, Ask the students to talk about the topic, What would you do if you had one million dollars ? 2, The teacher writes the students’ best answers on the blackboard and ask the whole class to share them.(学生分享,享受学习的乐趣,达到学习的目的)Step 4 Test 1, Teacher leads the students to complete the tasks in Section A , 1a, 1b,2a and 2b.2,Check the answers.(检查学生的听,说的技能)

Step 5 sum up 1, When we talk about things that haven’t happened we can use the words “ I would „ or I’d „”

When I regard as you, we can use the words “If I were you , „” 2,Words who teacher gives the students :

虚拟语气,愿望难成. 违背事实,时态后退.

3.虚拟语气的动词形式:主句中:would/ should/ could/ might + v , 从句中:v-ed(be---were)

Step 6 Homework 1, Recite the words in this unit.2, Write several thins that haven’t happened to us.Ⅳ.板书设计

Language goals What would you do if you were the tiger ? Would you jump into the river if you were the tiger ?

If I were you I would give it to medical research..If I were you , I’d be a little earlier.If I were you , I’d play soccer or dance.If I were you , I’d plant more trees on i.1.虚拟语气,愿望难成. 违背事实,时态后退. 2.虚拟语气的动词形式:主句中:would/ should/ could/ might + v , 从句中:v-ed(be---were).Ⅴ.教学反思

通过教学,教学效果还可以,学生被我的导入故事所吸引,从而师生互动和学生互动较好,学生的作业中有不同的创想.但部分学生问我,他们有时候不能区分真实和不真实的事例,有学生就谈到: “I would achieve my dream if I could go to college.” 与 “I will achieve my dream if I can go to college.”这两个句子哪一个对?我的答案是: “If you study hard, you will go to college”, so this is a dream that you can achieve.学生就知道答案了.的确,虚拟语气是一个学习的重难点,这一方面,以后要在教学中锤炼.




课题:What would you do ?

I.Teaching aims and demands: Knowledge and abilities:

1,Master the words below: Million, medical, research, tie, worry, what if , pimple.2,Master the following language points: What would you do if you had one million dollars ? I would give it to Old People’s Home.If I were you , I’d travel all over the world.Process and ways of teaching: 情景法和交际法

Leading to new teaching by telling a story.During the course, ask the students to talk about some impossible things in pairs.At last, let them summarize grammar “The Mood”.Teaching emotion and value



Ⅱ.Important and difficult points of teaching..The usage and structure of “The Mood”.Imagine what to do.Ⅲ.Procedures of teaching

Step 1, Leading in

1, tell the story “The tiger and the monkey”.2, Ask the students like this.What would you do if you were the tiger ? Would you jump into the river if you were the tiger ?(激起学生的好奇心和积极性)3, Ask the students to answer the questions: Are you a tiger?(No, I’m not.)(引起学生对虚拟语气的思考)Step 2 Presentation

1, According to the questions above , ask the students to summarize what the Mood is , pay attention to it’s form.2,Ask the students to say some things that haven’t happened to us.e,g.What would you do if you had one million dollars? What would you do if you were late for the party ? What would you do if you were a girl or a boy ? What would you do if you lived on the moon ?(师生互动)3,Write down the students’ best answers on the blackboard and share them with the whole class.4,Ask the students to talk about what they would do.Their answers may be : If I were you I would give it to medical research..If I were you , I’d be a little earlier.If I were you , I’d pay soccer or dance.If I were you , I’d plant more trees on it.5.Ask the students to work in pairs the sentences above.(学生互动)

Step 3 Talk in pairs.1, Ask the students to talk about the topic, What would you do if you had one million dollars ? 2, The teacher writes the students’ best answers on the blackboard and ask the whole class to share them.(学生分享,享受学习的乐趣,达到学习的目的)Step 4 Test

1, Teacher leads the students to complete the tasks in Section A , 1a, 1b,2a and 2b.2,Check the answers.(检查学生的听,说的技能)

Step 5 sum up

1, When we talk about things that haven’t happened we can use the words “ I would „ or I’d „”

When I regard as you, we can use the words “If I were you , „” 2,Words who teacher gives the students :

虚拟语气,愿望难成. 违背事实,时态后退.

3.虚拟语气的动词形式:主句中:would/ should/ could/ might + v , 从句中:v-ed(be---were)

Step 6 Homework

1, Recite the words in this unit.2, Write several thins that haven’t happened to us.Ⅳ.板书设计

Language goals

What would you do if you were the tiger ? Would you jump into the river if you were the tiger ?

If I were you I would give it to medical research..If I were you , I’d be a little earlier.If I were you , I’d play soccer or dance.If I were you , I’d plant more trees on i.1.虚拟语气,愿望难成. 违背事实,时态后退.

2.虚拟语气的动词形式:主句中:would/ should/ could/ might + v , 从句中:v-ed(be---were).Ⅴ.教学反思

我在"国培计划"中学习,听了老师们的讲课,就自己设计了这一教学事例.通过实践教学和课后的作业分析,教学效果还可以,学生被我的导入故事所吸引,从而师生互动和学生互动较好,学生的作业中有不同的创想.但部分学生问我,他们有时候不能区分真实和不真实的事例,有学生就谈到: “I would achieve my dream if I could go to college.” 与 “I will achieve my dream if I can go to college.”这两个句子哪一个对?我的答案是: “If you study hard, you will go to college”, so this is a dream that you can achieve.学生就知道答案了.的确,虚拟语气是一个学习的重难点,这一方面,以后要在教学中锤炼.






1、知识目标:⑴ 词汇computer programmer, computer science, engineer, pilot, professional ⑵本课主要句型:What are you going to be when you grow up? I’m going to be an engineer.How are you going to do that? I’m going to study math hard.⑶ 语法:用 be going to表示一般将来时。


3、情感目标:职业不分高低贵贱,要干一行爱一行。而且在本课语法教学语法中,我让学生快乐地“无意识”地去学习。在这一课时,首次出现了询问别人长大以后打算做什么:What do you want to do when you grow up? I’m going to be an engineer”所以我首先引导学生结合自己的实际来模仿句型进行分组讨论练习,并鼓励学生做出回答,然后通过图片让学生与搭档操练并巩固了上述目标句型,并加深了学生的理解。最后教师强调词汇、语法重点及难点部分。通过简单的练习巩固、强化,效果非常好。如果简单地告诉学生be going to用法,学生听过即忘,效果肯定不佳。


1.没有很好了解学生的基础知识,对职业及人称变化表达没有做好充分的复习,使学生在运用的过程中出现了混淆; 目标语言的操练形式有些单调。2.课堂任务的设置不尽合理,目标完成效果不明显。二.预习导入的不足之处:



1.能运用多媒课件体进行辅助教学,为学生进行话题的谈论提供了形象生动地活动画面,并付上相应的英语词汇,使学生有了足够的语言信息,充分保证了语言信息的输入量,为学生的Pairwork, Groupwork, Make a survey 等语言运用打好了基础,教学效果良好; 2.拓展性训练效果很好,学生在掌握目标语言的基础上谈论了自己的梦想,激烈有趣,同时对自己或别人的梦想做了简单的评价,得到了沟通与交流; 3.注重学法的指导4.能为学生安排相应的课后练习,及时巩固新的语言知识点。精讲点拨缺点是:



1.充分利用多媒体,从视觉和听觉强化,学生掌握主要的词汇提供了大量的信息,对一般将来时进行了训练,学生掌握得很好;2 开放性话题谈论“What do you want to be when you grow up? I’m going to be …很贴近学生的生活实际,充分体现了语言知识的运用功能;3在谈论个人信息的同时开阔了视野,加强了学生的沟通能力和意识,有效地组织学生进行了合作学习。4.真实的语言情境,激发学生的学习兴趣。通过小组的活动,让学生以主人的身份参与课堂,进行大量的语言活动。能够用学生熟悉的话题,创设真实的情境,谈论理想。当堂训练的缺点是:






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