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Lesson 1 教学内容:Lesson1:Hello 课时 教学目的:1:能听、说、辨认:hello hi name 2:认识与本课有关的几个人物:Da Ming(大明)Amy(埃米)Sam(山姆)教学重点、难点:单词:hello hi name 句型:What’s your name? My name is.教学准备:词汇卡片 三个头饰 教学过程:


1、因为本单元是开学第一个单元,有很多同学对英语一无所知,所以在教课过程中,尽量使用简单的英语口语,必要的地方一定使用汉语教学,尽量给学生创设一个良好的学习环境,教师可以通过手势、表情、动作等示意学生加深理解。如:说Stand up, please和 Sit down, please时,教师可以用手势:双手向前平伸,手心朝上摆动示意学生起立,相反表示坐下。.教师用英语说:Now class begins.然后借助手势让学生起立,用英语向学生问好。T:Good morning,class!S:Good morning,teacher!

然后用英语说:Sit down,please.并同时做出请学生坐下的手势。

教师向学生解释 Good morning的意思,并告诉学生下午好应说“Good afternoon”。用手势介绍teacher和class这两个词,然后要全班用相同的语句来应答。

T:Good morning,class!Ss:Good morning,teacher!T:Good afternoon,class!Ss:Good afternoon,teacher!

反复训练几次,直到学生练熟为止。教师可以反复重复:Stand up.及Sit down,please.等用语,让学生们做出相应的动作,直到确信学生已经能听懂为止。


教师告诉全班学生:We’re going to learn Lesson One today.并用中文(今天我们学习第1课)重说一遍,让学生听懂即可,并板书Lesson One在黑板上。教师拿出事先准备好的写有自己姓名的汉语拼音卡片,指着自己,对学生说:My name is×××.


1、Hello/Hi,My name is.分两部分教授此用语: 学习HELLO: hello 与hi可以互用。都表示“喂,你好。”但hi比hello用得更多,显得更随和亲近。尤其美国年轻人所使用。打电话时不用hi用而hello。熟人、朋友见面时,彼此仅仅说声Hi!就可以了。用hello时,不能Hello, hello, hello!这样反复使用。边做动作边说hello,让学生模仿练习。

2、角色扮演: 要求自告奋勇的学生个别同老师练习对话。当叫起一名学生时,说Stand,please并做出 让该学生起立的手势。要求学生说:Hello.My name is 一对一练习

将学生按两人一组分开,进行对话练习。一个学生说:Hello.My name is 另一个学生回答Hi My name is

2、What’s your name? 手偶游戏

老师每只手上戴一个手偶,通过模拟对话来演示What’s your name?的含义。

教师缓慢地将What’s your name?朗读几遍。在说完Say it,please后,鼓励全班同学一起朗读几遍。角色扮演


3、教科书:L1 N1、2 将第1课中的3个主要人物介绍给学生。用汉语告诉学生这3个人物将贯穿全书始终。Jenny住在加拿大,LiMing住在中国。老师将Amy Daming Sam Lingling I live in China 写在黑板上。带领全班朗读。一对一练习:


甲:Hello.My name is What’s your name? 乙:Hello.My name is

三、结束课堂教学 小结本课内容

作业:画自己的肖像。并写上自己的名字。What’s your name? My name is 重点指导学生用拼音书写姓名的方法。


板书设计: Lesson1 Hello What’s your name? Hello My name is.Hi 教学反思:

Lesson 2 教学内容:Lesson2:Boy,Girl and Teacher.课时 教学目的:

1、使学生能听、说、认识、口头运用单词:teacher,boy,girl能理解并口头运用:What’s his/her name?

2、通过学生的实践活动,充分培养他们合作学习精神,能运用所学知识进行简单的口语对话 教学重点、难点:掌握teacher,girl,boy,能用What’s his/her name?进行对话交流。教学准备:单词卡片 手偶

板书设计:Lesson2:Boy,Girl and Teacher.boy girl teacher What’his/her name? 教学过程:

(一)开始上课和复习1.师生问候:Hello!/Hi!2.复习:What’s your name?用手偶的形式提问让学生做答,激发学生的兴趣。

(二)新课教学boy.girl teacher 1.教师指着班内的某个男孩说:This is a boy.然后出示教师卡片boy,领读单词,接着介绍His name is _____.(说出这位学生的名字)然后引导学生说下面的对话:教师:What’s his name? 学生:His name is _____.教师: Very good!Please read after me.His name is _____.学生:His name is _____.教师:Very good!然后教师指着某个男生问学生:What’s his name?学生:His name is _____.然后教师可以让勇敢者来提问,然后鼓励这位勇敢者,曾强他们的自信。教授单词girl,teacher和句子What’s her name?同上述方法.2.播放录音,学生进行听读练习。

3运用游戏巩固练习。做记名字的游戏。游戏规则:让十名自告奋勇的学生面对全班站在教室的前面,教师站在这一排学生的一端。第一个人说:My name is Hong.第二个人说:My name is Bing.和Her name is Hong.(指着第一个人说)第三个人说:My name is Ming.和 Her name is Hong.(指着第一个人说)His name is Ming.(指着第二个人说)这个游戏一直进行到这一排的最后一个人 4.以小组为单位编对话。运用前面所学知识并结合新知识

(三)教科书L2N1-3 播放录音,学生看书跟读。操练:

讲授Point to a 和Show me a 的指令,通过使用这些指令,复习boy girl 和teacher,要求学生快速回答。


(三)结束课堂教学。作业:对话练习。教学反思: Lesson 3 教学内容:Lesson3:How Are You? 课时 教学目的:

1、能听说辨认的单词:book chair desk

2、能正确理解句型并进行口语交际。教学重点、难点:book chair desk How are you ? I’m fine, thanks.What’s this? It’s a 教学准备:单词卡片 手偶 教学过程: 开始上课和复习问候


通过练习Point to a 和Show me a 的指令句型,复习boy girl teacher三个词。用手偶练习句型What’s his/her name?(二)新概念

1、How are you ? I’m fine, thanks.教科书:

播放录音,让学生看书中的对话,讲解How are you ?表现对别人的关心,Fine是一个标准回答方式。角色扮演

让学生和教师一起进行如下对话: 师:Hi,my name is.What’ 生:My name is.How are you? 师:I’m fine.How are you? 生:Fine,thanks.一对一练习:


2、Song: “How are you?” 教科书:L3N2 播放录音之前,先熟悉歌曲中的歌词。鼓励学生练习说出歌曲中的歌词。然后,教师为学生做示范,再让学生跟录音学唱,一边唱,一边做动作。

3、What’s this? It’s a 示范:

手指一本书、一把椅子或一张桌子,让学生跟老师反复读单词。每次指一件物品说:What’s this? It’s a 然后变换其他单词进行练习。播放录音,学生看书跟读。

4、游戏What’s this?

(三)结束课堂教学 唱“How are you?” 作业:

根据上下文或汉语提示,完成下列句子。1.-What’s this? -It’s _____ ______(书桌)2.This is _____ ______.(男孩)

3.Hello, my ______ is Dany._____ your name, please? 板书设计:Lesson3:How Are You? book chair desk How are you ? I’m fine, thanks.What’s this? It’s a 教学反思:

Lesson 4 教学内容:Lesson4 Where? 课时1 教学目的:

1、知识与技能:能听、说单词school。能正确理解并进行口语交际。Nice to meet you.Where is the ?There it is.2、情感态度价值观:培养学生互相帮助、团结友爱的优良品质。教学重点、难点:本课重点单词和句子。教学准备:磁带、单词卡片 板书设计: Lesson4 Where? school Where is the ? Nice to meet you.There it is.教学过程: 开始上课和复习: 问候

唱“How are you?” 新概念

1、Nice to meet you 用汉语告诉学生,当一个人第一次遇到某个人时,可以说: Nice to meet you。缓慢重复几次,并让学生随老师一起重复。角色扮演

同自告奋勇的同学联系以下对话: Hello,My name is ,What’s your name? My name is.Nice to meet you.《教科书》:L4N1 播放录音,让学生看书跟读。教学侧记 做游戏:

2、Where is ? There it is.示范

把老师的书藏于教室的某个地方,假装找不到,边找边说Where is my book?数次,并通过手势表达老师的意思。假装突然看到了书,边指着书,边大声说:There it is!让一个学生为你拿过来,并说:Thanks!把Where is ?There it is.写在黑板上,全体同学随老师重复朗读。《教科书》:L4N2 播放录音,让学生看书跟读。一对一练习:

让学生同伙伴练习造句:Where is ?告诉学生用不同的单词(book desk chair)和his/ her/ my /your 变换提问题。回答的学生也应变换答案:There it is.I don’t know.结束课堂教学:





Lesson 5 教学内容: Lesson 5 1 2 3 4 5

课时 1 教学目的:知识与能力:

1、能听、说单词:one two three four five

2、能正确理解的句型:May I have ? 情感态度与价值观:培养互相帮助的优良品质。教学重点、难点:本课应掌握的单词句型。教学准备: 录音机、单词卡片 板书设计: Lesson 5 1 2 3 4 5 one two three four five May I have ? please 教学过程: 开始上课和复习: 问候

用Hello,class.How are you?问候全班,鼓励学生回答:Fine,thanks.How are you?教师然后回答 Fine,thank you.唱“How are you?” 新概念

1、Numbers one to five 示范

把one two three four five写在黑板上.在每个单词旁边写下数字1---5.手指每个单词,教师先朗读数遍,然后再让学生朗读数遍.教师举起手指,帮助学生一起数.再举起几本书,和学生一起从1数到5,在复数后强调突出s.教科书: 播放录音,让学生跟读.操练


2、May I have ,please? Thanks.示范

向一位勇敢的学生要一本书,教师边说:May I have the book,please?边示以动作表达该句的意思。当学生把书教给教师,教师应说:Thanks.May I have the/your ,please?(book,chair desk)May I have it, please?(随意指一件物品)通过翻译教授单词please 时,应把它写在黑板上。教师说Sa y it, please 和Again,please后,鼓励学生跟自己重复几次。

手指词汇卡,练习说May I have ,please?数次。教科书第二部分:

让学生看有关对话的插图,用汉语描述插图的内容,根据画面判断发生了什么事情? 播放录音跟读。一对一练习

让学生每人选择一个伙伴,用one 至 five和book,chair desk等单词练习向对方要东西。学生也可以通过实物或图片进行练习。结束课堂教学



Lesson 6 教学内容:Lesson 6 A B C D 课时 教学侧记


1、学生能说、会认Aa Bb Cc Dd



4、培养学生克服困难、相互合作的精神 教学重点、难点:能听说辨认字母Aa Bb Cc Dd 能正确运用句型Good-bye!Bye!See you later!教学准备:字母卡片 录音机 板书设计 Lesson 6 A B C D Aa Bb Cc Dd Good-bye!Bye!See you later!apple book cat door 教学过程: 开始上课和复习

1、教师运用下列词语与学生互相问候 Good morning How are you ? Fine,Thanks

2、做游戏“SIMON SAYS” 游戏“SIMON SAYS”句式: Where is my ? Here it is!Thanks.新授

1、Aa Bb Cc Dd 教师可用汉语讲解:英语共有26个字母,出示26个字母张贴画来说明,让学生观察:每个字母有两种字体,大写字体在名字、标题和句子中有特殊的用途

教学字母Aa,板书并出示单词apple,强调字母a在单词中的发音,再出示 name same,强调字母a的发音

教学字母Bb 和Dd 板书领读,然后出示book,说明book中字母b的读音,说明中字母的读音/ b/再出示desk 中d的读音/d/。在Bb、Dd之间写上字母Cc,领读几遍,出示cat说明cat中c的读音/k/。再出示chair,讲明ch相连发音/tf/和汉语拼音中的ch发音相似


教师在黑板上再为学生演示怎样顺箭头写出每一个字母 第2题 要求学生填写以ABCD开头单词的第一个字母


首先,让学生听歌,边听边手指相应字母 逐行教唱

4、Good-bye.See you later.这部分学生自学:先看图片,猜猜李明和JENNY正在说什么,分成小组表演 结束课堂教学 唱“ABC song” 教学反思:

Lesson 7 教学内容: Lesson 7 How Many?

课时 1 教学目的:知识能力:

1、能听说单词pen pencil marker blackboard 能正确运用句型:How many do you have? 情感态度与价值观:在活动中提高学习英语的兴趣。教学重点:本课 掌握的单词、句型 教学准备:录音机 单词卡片 教学过程: 开始上课和复习: 问候

用Good morning/afternoon,class.How are you today?问候全班。鼓励学生回答:Fine thanks,How are you?教师回答Fine, thank you.唱“ABC SONG” 操练

教师手指字母表张贴画中的Aa Bb Cc Dd,让学生和自己一起朗读字母。让学生读出每个字母。问学生每个字母的发音。新概念

1、Blackboard marker pen pencil pencil case 示范



2、How many do you have? 角色扮演

教师逐个叫起学生,引导进行如下对话: May I have , please?(复习1到5的单词)教科书第二部分 随录音跟读第二部分 操练

教授学生疑问句:Is this a ?例如: What’s this? It is a pencil.Is this a pencil? Yes!Is this a book? No.告诉学生yes或no 是回答Is this a ?问题的正确答案。结束课堂教学

板书设计: Lesson 7 How Many? pen pencil marker blackboard pencil case How many do you have? 教学反思:

Lesson 8 教学内容: Lesson 8 Again,please 课时

教学目的:知识与能力:能听、说本单元的四会单词和句型 情感态度与价值观:培养互相帮助的优良品质。教学重点、难点:应掌握的单词句型。教学准备: 录音机、单词卡片 教学过程:

开始上课和复习: 问候

唱“How are you? 操练

借助实物和词汇卡片,运用下列疑问句复习本单元学过的单词和句子结构。What’s this? Is this a ? How many do I have? Where is the ? 一对一练习

让学生寻找伙伴,并练习下列对话: Hello, my name is ,What’s your name? My name is.How are you? I’m fine.How are you? I’m fine, thanks.测试

板书设计: Lesson 8Again,please 教学反思

Lesson 9 教学内容:Lesson 9 My Friend 教学目的: 1.知识目标:

课时 a.掌握字母Ee,Ff,Gg,Hh的正确书写。b.听、说、读写单词he,she,friend。

c.能够运用句型He/She is a boy/girl。He/She is my friend。This is…..2.能力目标:



教学准备:字母卡片,单词卡片,he,she,friend 的贴片,手偶,录音机。教学过程:


1、Greeting 2.Revision Part Two : New Concepts(新授知识)1.he , she , friend.a.教师手中拿着he , she , friend 的贴片。指着在复习环节叫过的学生说: T : What’s his name ? Ss : His name is …..T : Yes!His name is…..He is a boy.He is my friend.教师边说边将he 和friend 的贴片靠近该同学,让同学们明白he , his 与 boy 是相匹配的。T : What’s her name ? Ss : Her name is ….T : Good!Her name is ….She is a girl.She is my friend.教师边说边将she 和friend 的贴片靠近该学生,让同学们明白she , her和 girl是相匹配的(将he, she,friend贴在黑板上)He is my friend.She is my friend.b : Practice in pairs 三个人一组 c : Play a game.“Stop!Go!” 教学侧记

2.This is ….a.教师将已经准备号的手偶展示出来 T : Look here!Boys and girls!Ss : Wa.T : What’s this ? Ss : It’s a tiger.T : Yeah!What’s his name ? Do you know ? Ss : No.T : His name is Bell.What’s hia name ? Ss : His name is Bell.3.Ee , Ff , Gg , Hh(教师在上课之前画好四线三格)。a.sing a song T : Are you tired ? Ss : Yes!

T : Let’s sing a song , ABC Song.Ss :(Sing this song)b.呈现新知识:

教师依次拿出带有本课新授字母单词的卡片。T : Look!What’s this ? It’s an erase.What’s this ? Ss : It’s an erase.教师带领学生反复读 eraser 并将单词卡片贴在四线三格F.T : 谁能告诉老师它的第一个字母是什么? S1 : E.S2 : E.T :Take out your finger(拿出你的小手和我一起写。)Write with me.其他三个字母的教学过程同Ee相同,在教字母的过程中,将其发音也教给孩子们。c.Play a game.Part Four: Class closing.本节课的教学就是以教材内容为载体,通过师生共同参与的学习活动的组织,充分调动师生教与学的积极性,进而让学生在群体学习过程中自主参与学习,形成积极模仿,大胆开口练习的学习习惯。板书设计: Lesson 9 My Friend Ee ,Ff, Gg, Hh He/She is a boy/girl。He/She is my friend。This is 教学反思:

Lesson 10 教学内容:Lesson 10 Open , Close 教学目的:1. 知识目标:

a.掌握字母I i , J j , K k , L l 的正确写法。

b.听、说、读、写单词 door , eraser , window , open , close。c.能运用open , close 说短语。

课时 2. 能力目标:

能够听懂带有open和colse短语的指令,并能够运用open和close说指令。3. 情感、态度、价值观:


教学重点、难点:a 掌握字母的正确书写以及四会单词。b能听懂open , close的指令。教学准备:单词卡片、单词贴条、录音机 教学过程:


1、Greeting 2.Revision Part Two : New Concepts(新授知识)教师将准备好的单词贴条依次拿出。T : What’s this ? Ss : It’s a blackboard / book / chair / desk / boy / girl / pencil / teacher / erase.T : Yes , very good!T : Now , What’s this ?(教师拿出单词卡片 door)。Ss :(在这儿,胆子大的同学就会说)It’s 门。T : Good!It’s a door.(将单词卡片贴在黑板上)。Ss : It’s a door.T : Door.Ss :Door!教师带领学生反复读数遍。Window 的教法与door相同。

2、Ii、Jj、Kk、Ll ,(教师在上课之前画好四线三格)。a.sing a song T : Are you tired ? Ss : Yes!


T : Let’s sing a song , ABC Song.Ss :(Sing this song)b.呈现新知识:

教师依次拿出带有本课新授字母单词的卡片。T : Look!What’s this ? It’s an ice cream What’s this ? Ss : It’s an ice cream 教师带领学生反复读ice cream并将单词卡片贴在四线三格F.T : 谁能告诉老师它的第一个字母是什么? S1 :.i S2 : i.T :Take out your finger(拿出你的小手和我一起写。)Write with me.其他三个字母的教学过程同Ii相同,在教字母的过程中,将其发音也教给孩子们。第三部分:

Play a game :“Simon Says”.只有发布命令的人说“Simon says”时,命令才有效。a.教师说,学生做。起到一个演示的作用。b.学生说,学生做。板书设计:Lesson 10 Open , Close I i , J j , K k , L l door , eraser , window , open , close


Lesson 11 教学内容:Lesson 11 :Red、Yellow Blue

课时 教学目的:学生能熟练的运用red、yellow、blue三个单词描述身边事物的颜色。并且能利用与之相关的短语及句子进行口语会话。

教学重点、难点:red、yellow、blue What co lour is it? It’s ____.教学准备:单词卡片 教学过程:

一、以歌激趣,活跃气氛 ① Greetings ② Sing a song “How are you?”(师生、生生之间边握手边唱歌)


① 学生做“小老师”利用单词卡片或实物复习以前学过的单词。(chair、desk、pencil、marker、eraser、window、tree、lion、key、door、book、fish、hand、cat、school、apple)

② 全班边做动作边说歌谣,复习1至5的数字。(注:自编歌谣):一是one,二是two,三是three,四是four;伸出小手数一数,one、two、three、four、five;five、five 是老五。


① 教师问同学们:DO you like drawing pictures?(你们喜不喜欢画画?)

②(让同学们看图)Look at my picture.看看老师画的画漂亮吗?(出示一幅黑白图片)那么我们怎样会让它更漂亮? ③ 引出新课题:lesson 11 :colour(板书)


① 利用多媒体课件画图引出要讲的生词。

② 电脑出示一片天空,点击出单词“blue”,再点单词出声音。学生模仿读音,“little teacher”领读。读的好的奖励一个“红星星”两排两排的读,男同学读,女同学读,“开火车”读单词……(板书)③ 点击白天的天空,出个无色的太阳,点击涂上红色,出单词“red”,点击发音.小组合作交流学习这个单词,然后汇报.鼓励鼓励发音不准的同学多读几遍,至读音准确.奖励“红星星”。一组一组的读。(板书)④ 点击黑夜的天空,出月亮,点击出黄色,出单词“yellow”读音;模仿读音one by one一个一个的读,一行一行的读,领读……(板书)教学侧记

⑤ 串读三个单词。


① 电脑出示自编歌谣,学生边休息边读。



七、句型学习,实践运用 板书:What co lour is it? It’s ____.领读句子。



电脑出示一个无色苹果,教师问学生:What’s this?(It’s an apple.)点击出单词“apple”接着问:How many apples?(One apple)点击出单词“one apple”点击出红色,师问“ What colour is it?”(It’s red)引导学生说:one red apple 其余几个短语由课件出示,学生自学。two yellow keys(两把黄色的钥匙)three blue chairs(三把蓝色的椅子)four blue markers(四根蓝色的彩笔)five red books(五本红色的书)



唱歌 “stand up, sit down”结束课堂教学。

师生互说“Goodbye!See you next class!板书设计:Lesson 11 :Red、Yellow、Blue red、yellow、blue What colour is it? It’s ____.教学反思:

Lesson 12 教学内容:Lesson 12 Pink, Orange, Purple, Green 课时 教学目的:1. 听、说、读单词cut, write, draw, scissors, pencils, markers 2. 听、说、读词组cut with scissors, write with pencils, draw with markers, walk to school 教学重点、难点:听、说、读单词cut, write, draw, scissors, pencils, markers以及词组cut with scissors, write with pencils, draw with markers, walk to school 1.能够运用词组


教学准备:圆盘(包括10种颜色),一把剪刀,三支铅笔,三支彩笔,单词卡片 教学过程: 开始上课和复习: 问候 操练

引导学生进行如下问答操练: What’s this? Is this a or a ? Do you have any/a ? Hou many do you have? 新授内容

1、Pink orange purple green 示范

举起紫色、橙色、粉色、绿色的物品,然后朗读表达这些颜色的单词。表述时可用不同的短语: This is(色彩名称)This colour is(色彩名称)教科书:L12N2 播放录音,让学生跟读。操练:

手指教室内粉色、橙色、绿色、紫色的物品,引导学生进行如下问答操练: 师:What colour is this?/What colour are they? 生:It’s.They are.师:Is this or ?/Are they or ? 生:It is/They are.教学侧记

2、Scissors pencils markers Cut write draw 示范 复习和等指令

教师可同时示范sc?issors和cut两词的含义。例如,举起一把剪刀,说几遍sissors,然后同全班一起读几遍,用汉语讲明sissors有两个臂,因此在英语中被视为两物,单词尾部常加s。用剪刀剪一下纸,同时应说cut和cut with scissors数次,然后让学生跟读几遍。讲解markers和draw pencils和write.教科书:L12N2 播放录音,让学生跟读。操练:

运用学生学过的新单词和其他单词,进行下面的问答训练: 师:Where is/are(the/your/his/her)pencil/markers/scissors 生:There it is./There they are.3.Song:This is way we walk to school.先听录音,然后再逐段教唱,并加上动作。教科书:L12N3 播放录音。教师与学生一起唱并加上动作。结束课堂教学:



cut door draw pen write scissors open marker 板书设计:Lesson 12 Pink, Orange, Purple, Green cut, write, draw, scissors, pencils, markers Pink, Orange, Purple, Green 教学反思: Lesson 13 教学内容: Lesson 13 Black, White, Brown 课时 教学目的: 1.掌握Qq , Rr , Ss, Tt的正确书写。2.掌握单词in, on, under black white brown.3.掌握句型Where is it? It’s…

教学重点、难点: 1.方位单词in, on, under的拼写。2.掌握句型Where is it?It’s in/on/under将句型运用到生活实践中。教学准备:学生书桌上的文具 教学过程: 开始上课和复习问候 唱歌 新概念

1、Black white brown 示范

举起棕色、黑色和白色的事物,读出表示该颜色的单词。教师演示时,运用下面不同的用语: This is(色彩名称)This colour is It’s yellow.What colour is it? 教科书第一部分 播放录音,学生跟读。

2、In, on, under 教师把一件物品放在另一件物品的里面、上面或下面。通过如下句子结构多次进行练习。The scissors/marker are/is in /on/under the chair/desk.The pencil.book is in/on/undrer the.Where is the ? Is the in/on/under the.3、Qq , Rr , Ss, Tt 手指图片一边念一边指图片。播放录音跟读。

板书设计:Lesson 13 Black, White, Brown Qq , Rr , Ss, Tt Where is it? It’s… in, on, under I don’t know black white brown 教学反思: Lesson 14 教学内容: Lesson 14 6 7 8 9 10 课时 教学目的:知识目标:1.听、说、读、写数字单词six to ten 2.掌握句型How many? 能力目标:1.能根据所学的句型,进行简单的问答。2.能够跟节奏唱英文歌曲。教学重点:数字单词以及句型 教学难点:名词复数的发音

教学准备:一个装有很多各种数量的学习用具的神秘书包 教学过程: 开始上课和复习问候 唱歌 新概念

1、Numbers six to ten 教科书第一部分

利用数字张贴画介绍从6到10的英文数字单词。在讲解时,把每一个数字单词和数字写在黑板上。如:six6 播放录音跟读。操练


师:What’s this? 生:It’s a.师:Is this a or a.生:It’s a 做游戏:

2、Song:“Stand up,Sit down” 在唱此歌前,应先教歌曲中的主要词汇。示范

通过动作演示jump look point reach sit stand。做动作时,鼓励学生同老师一起朗读单词。播放录音,让学生边听边看书中的图片。缓慢地唱每一句歌词,并加动作。随音乐完整演唱歌曲,并伴以动作。活动手册1---3题。

板书设计:Lesson 14 6 7 8 9 10 six seven eight nine ten up down stand sit 教学反思:

Lesson 15 教学内容:Lesson15Jenny’s Favourite Colour 课时 教学目的: a、通过本课学习,使学生掌握(正确地说、读、写、用)下列字母: Uu、Vv、Ww、Xx、Yy、Zz b、能认读与字母相匹配的单词:umbrella、vegetables、window、X-ray、yellow、zoo.c会使用句型“What’s your favourite colour?”来询问,进行简短对话。教学重点:字母Uu、Vv、Ww、Xx、Yy、Zz 教学难点:句型“What’s your favourite colour?” 及其回答。

教学准备:字母卡片Aa—Tt,“我是小小书法家”书写卡片,各种颜色的苹果卡片,课件,奖品小笑脸和小星星。教学过程: Step 1 热身

1、Greeting T : Hello, boys and girls.Ss: Hello, Miss Li.T : How are you today? Ss: I`m fine, thanks.How are you? T : I`m very well, thank you.2、Review(1)排列字母顺序。

小组成员迅速的把字母按顺序粘到小黑板上,完成字母的排列。(适时奖励)Uu(快速的在黑板上画出雨伞的简笔画)Tt: What’s this? Ss: Umbrella.Ss: 雨伞.Tt: Umbrella.It’s an umbrella.(板书Uu)让学生自己发现这些字母的特点。字母Uu、Vv、Ww、Xx、Zz的书写大小写一样。Step3、巩固练习


小恐龙Danny想把今天我们学的这些字母写下来,回去送给他的小伙伴们,可 Danny自己却不会写,让我们来帮他写下来,好吗?(提醒学生要用注意大小写,这是要送给Danny的,大家要认真书写。请一名自告奋勇的学生到前面示范。)教学侧记

2、游戏“Find Friend”



我们已经把所有的字母多学完了,让我们再来唱一遍字母歌吧。Step4 句型“What’s your favourite colour?” 及其回答。

1、游戏“Guess Colour” 用一个圆盘粘满各种颜色的苹果,同学们齐问:“What colour is it?”猜对颜色后就把苹果奖励给该同学。

2、出示手偶Danny.D: Miss Li, What’s your favourite colour? Tt: My favourite colour is blue.板书相应句型,领读多遍。

套上手偶向学生提问“What’s your favourite colour?” Ss: My favourite colour is…




(设计意图:培养综合语言运用能力)Step5 Class Closing




板书设计:Lesson15Jenny’s Favourite Colour Uu、Vv、Ww、Xx、Yy、Zz What’s your favourite colour?”


Lesson 16 教学内容: Lesson 16 Again,please!课时 教学目的:能够认读、掌握、灵活运用apple、banana、grapes、melon、orange、strawberry.sixteen、seventeen、eighteen、nineteen、twenty、French fries、pizza、pop、donut、hot dog。


教学准备:单词卡片、水果实物、快餐店大挂图、售货员制服、快餐店食品 教学过程:

Part1: Sing a song.Part2: Greeting.T: Hello, everyone.S: Hello, teacher.T: Are you ready for a class? S: Yes.T: Good.Do you remember the No16 to No.20?n S: Yes.T: Now, Let’s play a game.one by one.say “one”to “twenty”.S1: one S2: two.S3:…

学生一直报数直至全班最后一名同学.T: Ok, you’re very clever.Next, we play a game ,too.Please you guess “What’s this?” T: What’s this? S1: It’s an apple/ an orange/ banana T: Yes/ No Part3: Role-Play In Pairs.1、黑板上出示若干个情景剧的题目。




5、选出优胜小组,小组长提前准备好的水果中选自己组喜欢的,然后课下组员共同品尝。Part5: Finish test《Activity book 16》 Part6: Choose “the star of Unit”

Part7: Class closing.板书设计: Lesson 16 Again,please!apple、banana、grapes、melon、orange、strawberry.pizza、pop、donut、hot dog。


Lesson 17 教学内容: Lesson 17 Happy, Sad

课时 教学目的:(1)能够说,认识和口头运用happy, sad, body, head, hand, arm, leg, foot。

(2)使学生能理解并能口头回答How do you feel? I feel_____.学生能用英语指出自己的某些身体部位,并能通过别人的指令快速的找到相应的部位。教学重点、难点:


2、学生对于“How do you feel ”和“Do you feel happy?”的区分。教学准备:



3、手偶 教学过程:


1、Greetings(利用“How are you?”和学生们打招呼)

2、Sing a song“How are you?”(老师和同学之间边握手边唱)


1、T:Do you feel happy? I feel happy!(唱完歌曲,自然引出happy,让学生先感知)ok ,today we’ll learn our new lesson,Lesson 17 :Feeling感觉。领读课题。(简化课题,有助于化解难点。)


3、“小老师”领读单词,“Quickly answer”快速单词卡。两个词都比较简单,练习时间不用很长。

4、老师做动作,带表情说句子。“I’m happy(可做高兴状)”,“I’m sad(可做伤心状)”。学完单词后,我们只要做出这个动作,学生就能很容易的说出这个句子),鼓励学生大胆模仿。T: I’m happy接着说I feel happy!引出Feel 板书 这两个句子,feel 用彩色粉笔写,领读feel。

5、出示歌谣:Happy、Happy、Happy!Sad、Sad、Sad!I feel happy!I feel sad!边做表情边说歌谣。homework(作业)

1、自己话一幅自己的画像,标出Happy 或是Sad,并且标出身体的各个部位。


3、Say “Goodbye” to the children.板书设计 Lesson 17 Happy, Sad happy, sad How do you feel? I feel_____.body, head, hand, arm, leg, foot。

教学反思: Lesson 18 教学内容: Lesson 18 Hot ,Cold 课时 教学目的:知识目标:

1、使学生能认识和口头运用cold, hot, tired

2、使学生能理解并能口头回答Are you____? 能力目标:使学生能够听懂、并会说本课对话,并能运用所学的有关感觉和感情的词句进行对话。

情感态度价值观:让学生通过学唱本课歌曲,增强学生学习的兴趣。教学重点、难点:单词和句子 教学准备:录音机和磁带,卡片。教学过程:

1、今天的问候语可以开始操练 How do you feel? I feel____.Are you___?,这样,既复习上节课的内容,又为本节课的学习提前做好准备。


3、可让学生提问教师How do you feel?教师边回答边用体态语帮助学生明白自己的意图,把单词cold, hot, tired呈现给学生,尽量为学生创造真实的语境进行学习。


这里也可以利用一个歌谣。Hot、hot、hot、I feel hot;cold、cold、cold、I feel cold;Tired、tired、tired,I feel tired。歌谣节奏明快,学生乐于说唱。

5、学生可和教师边做动作边说短语sit and cry, fan your face, go to sleep, stamp your feet.6、英文歌曲中的一些内容在第17课已经学过,曲调也相当熟悉,教师可和学生边唱边做动作完成这一活动。


板书设计 Lesson 18 Hot ,Cold cold, hot, tired Are you____?

教学反思 Lesson 19 教学内容: Lesson 19 In, Out 课时 教学目的:

1、知识方面:学生会说,认识和口头运用nose, eye, ear, mouth;并能认识in, out, left, right。




1、教学重点:nose mouth ear eye,2、教学难点:left,right; in,out 教学准备:录音机和磁带,卡片。教学过程:


2、Sing an English song “If you’re happy and you know it” with the actions

3、教师通过自己的脸部说明单词eyes, ears, mouth, nose,注意理解:我们有两只眼睛和耳朵,所以要加s表明。利用“双簧游戏”练习表示身体部位的新旧单词。这里可以利用的游戏很多,可以根据学生爱好,随意的选择。

4、利用左右手引出单词left, right ;学生们几乎都听过兔子舞,可以利用里面的一句来练习左右。Left, left, right, right, go ,turn around, go ,go go!边说边做动作。向左跳一次,向右跳一次,前一次,转一圈。学生们喜欢这样节奏感强的说唱。

5、利用实物演示单词 in和out的意思;利用不同的实物进行多种操练。



板书设计 Lesson 19 In, Out nose, eye, ear, mouth;in, out, left, right。


Lesson 20 教学内容: Lesson 20 Warm, Cool 课时 教学目的:


1、使学生能认识warm, cool;能说,认识和口头运用shoulder, stomach, elbow, knee, finger, toe。


3、情感态度价值观:培养学生练习运用所学知识解决实际问题,进行日常交际的能力。教学重点、难点: 教学重点: warm, cool以及身体部位的单词。

教学难点:this 和that的初步认识。教学准备:录音机和磁带,卡片。教学过程:

1、采用自然的与学生交谈的形式进行复习How do you feel? I feel hotcold.2、利用实物让学生亲身感受冷,热,温暖和凉爽,引出单词cool, warm,并演示This is warmcool.(如:给学生一杯温水告诉他This is warm…)

3、利用人体张贴画引出单词shoulder, stomach, elbow, knee, finger, toe;教师可组织学生进行巩固练习,如:对口型游戏,快速强答游戏或Simon says等游戏。



板书设计 Lesson 20 Warm, Cool warm, cool;

shoulder, stomach, elbow, knee, finger, toe。this 和that


Lesson 21 教学内容: Lesson 21 Look at your hair 课时 1 教学目的:

1、知识方面:听说读词组 long hair, short hair, straight hair , curly hair



教学重点、难点: 学会描述不同类的头发,并且实际运用。教学准备:


2、彩笔 教学过程:

1、不要忘记用学过的How do you feel 互相问候。


3、教师摸着自己的头发介绍hair。可借助图画或自己、学生来说明long/short/straight/curly hair的意思;让学生根录音学习四个短语,出示歌谣:Long是长,short 是短,straight直,curly卷,头发形状多变幻,我的头发真好看!分别指同学们不同的头发,说头发。(让学生触摸到头发学习单词各学生留下深刻印象,有利于记忆单词)

4、利用图画展示头发的不同颜色,练习说短语blond, black, brown, red(hair)。


6、利用歌曲帮助记忆,long hair, short hair;long hair, short hair;My hair is black, My hair is black;Curly hair ,straight hair, Curly hair ,straight hair, Her hair is blond, Her hair is blond!利用中文曲调翻唱英文歌曲的形式,学生们也很喜欢。

7、第三部分,可带领学生做动作,运用夸张的动作和语调练习long, short, big, little.“long”两臂上下伸开,表示长;“short”两臂收回,表示短;“big”两手张开画个大圈,表示很大;“ little”用两个手指做个特别小的圈。(学完单词后,教师做动作,学生就能很容易的说出这些单词。)



9、作业:画不同的头发,或是别的东西,用学到的六个形容词形容,并写下来。活动手册。板书设计 Lesson 21 Look at your hair long hair, short hair, straight hair , curly hair 教学反思: Lesson 22 教学内容: Lesson 22 Look at Your Eyes!课时 教学目的:



教学重点、难点: 本课关于颜色的单词,并利用这些单词,描述人物的主要特点 学会描述不同的眼睛,形容不同的人。


1、利用图画进行提问:What colour are your/his/her eyes?让学生说出颜色或说My/His/Her eyes are___.(如有必要可进行提示)。


4、利用简笔画展示小孩儿,男人和女人,并用动作和翻译说明beautiful, handsome, pretty这三个描述性的词汇。分别练习。

5、学生指着图片练习句子或自己画图,用所学的内容描述图画,如:He is handsome;She is beautiful;She is pretty.6、学唱歌曲,先解释歌词,教学生读熟后跟录音边做动作边学唱。歌曲让学生理解意思即可。


板书设计 Lesson 22 Look at Your Eyes!blue,brown,black,green(eyes)handsome,beautiful,pretty.教学反思

Lesson 23 教学内容:Lesson23: Are you okay? 课时 教学目的:知识目标:通过听说读写的训练,能正确熟练地掌握本单元所学的单词.能力目标:初步学会情景对话中的出现的新句型.情感目标: 培养学生的口语交际能力。教学重点、难点:本课重点单词和句子。教学准备:磁带、单词卡片 教学过程:


1、全体学生问好:Good afternoon, class.2、出示单词卡片和词语卡.回忆上节课的单词.教师指名来读英语单词并说出汉语意思.或看汉语说英语.Open your book.二、整体感知,自主定向








老师先做示范。在学生有错误或发音不对时教师要指正同时注意语气。教师说英语句子,让学生根据老师说的事情来回答短语.师:How do you today?Are you okay?

No.I have a headache.I feel sick.I have a stomachache What is the matter? I cut my knee.教师板书短语并让学生齐读.6、指导学生进行一对一游戏.教师行间观察学生的练习情况.7、教师检查练习情况.四、点拔归纳,质疑求异





板书设计:Lesson23: Are you okay? I have a headache(stomachache)What is the matter?

Icut my knee(finge、elbow、toe、ear)


Lesson 24 教学内容:Lesson24:Again,please!

课时 教学侧记

教学目的:知识目标:巩固三单元的单词,复习所学的英语对话.通过游戏与练习,复习所学单词。能力目标:复习所学的新句型与交际用语。情感目标: 培养学生的口语交际能力。

教学重点、难点:通过游戏与练习, 复习所学单词及复习本单元的短语.理解并会应用正确书写单词,流利进行对话




Hello ,class!What are you doing ? Today, we learn lesson 24:揭示课题并板书课题:请再做一遍!

二、整体感知,自主定向 让学生看书中单词,先自己复习


1、教师出示卡片进行开火车游戏.教师把本单元所学的单词卡放在一个准备好的容器里,依次拿出让学生读出英语并说汉语.2、教师出示词语让学生说出英语并拼读单词.3、短语操练 教学侧记


教师说英语句子,让学生根据老师说的事情来回答短语.师:How do you feel? What colour is your hair? What do they look like? How are you today? 教师板书短语并让学生齐读.5、回顾本单元的英语句子.教师提出问题让学生进行回答 师:Nice to meet you.Where is the school? What’s your name? What’s this?




arm body ear elbow eye finger foot hand head knee leg mouth nose shoulder stomach toe cold hot happy sad 板书设计: Lesson 24: Again, please!arm body ear elbow eye finger foot hand head knee leg mouth nose shoulder stomach toe cold hot happy sad


Lesson 25 教学内容:Lesson25:Family 课时 教学目的:知识目标:通过听说读写的训练,能正确熟练地掌握本课所学的单词.能力目标:能用英语介绍自己的家庭成员的关系。情感目标:培养敏捷的思维,及热爱父母的情感。教学重点、难点:本课重点单词及句型。教学准备:单词卡片。教学过程: 开始上课和复习问候




讨论书中的图画。尽量多用英语。例如: Point to someone laugh.Is he/she happy or sad? Where is someone talking? Why is the little girl crying? 播放录音,让学生看书跟读。操练 让一名自告奋勇的学生站在桌旁表演五个动作中任意一个动作并重新操练。还可以表演其他动作。

2、Family daughter son mother father 教科书第二、三部分


引导学生讨论书中关于Jenny的家庭和LiMing的家庭 的照片。例如,问学生是否注意到了照片中家庭成员的 排列情况。为什么要那样排列?通过叙述这些照片来复习词汇并把boy/man/son/father/girl/woman/daughter/ mother的概念联系起来。操练

领着学生操练关于家庭成员的句子。可画一个家庭草图,指着图提问: Is this a or a ? A.Is he a daughter? No,he’s a son/father.练习

要求学生画一幅自己家庭的图画并用新学的词汇标明。结束课堂教学 唱歌。作业


1、She is my father.()

2、Jenny is her mother’s son.()

3、He is LiMing’s father.()

4、She is Jenny’s mother.()

5、LiMing is a daughter.()板书设计:Lesson25:Family father---mather son daughter



Lesson 26 教学内容:Lesson26:LiMing’s Family 课时 教学目的:知识目标:通过听说读写的训练,能正确熟练地掌握本课所学的单词.能力目标:能用英语介绍自己的家庭(包括姓名、职业、高矮)。情感目标:学会关心家人、互亲互爱。教学重点、难点:本课重点单词及句型。教学准备:单词卡片。教学过程: 开始上课和复习问候

用学生学过的用语问候学生。唱歌 角色扮演


学生乙:(对学生丙)What’s he/she’s doing? 学生丙: ing或者He’s/She’s ing.教师与学生一同复习一些动作。快速地完成这项活动。新概念

1、Businessman,doctor,student.My father/mather is a.讨论

介绍概念Businessman,doctor和student.。例如,让学生回忆并说出如果他们受伤谁能帮助他(nurse)。说明doctor是干什么的并说明LiMing的妈妈是一位医生。用同样的方式介绍 Businessman和student.教科书第一部分


指着图并慢慢地给学生读每个句子。然后播放录音,让学生看书跟读。2 Short.tall 示范

通过比较图片、实物和在黑板上画图来说明。也可挑一高一矮两名学生演示。教师指着一名学生说:Short/tall.Tall/short.Say it,please.生:Short/tall.师:Ishe/she shotr or tall? 生:He/she is.教科书第二部分


3、Song:I “love you,You love me” 教科书第三部分

教学侧记 把这首关于家庭的歌曲一句一句地教给学生。然后放录音,让学生跟着唱。最后一句指的是一个孩子和他的父母。结束课堂教学

作业:将下列反义词连线。short tall curly

short straight long 板书设计:Lesson26: LiMing’s Family short tall student doctor businessman woman man 教学反思:

Lesson 27 教学内容:Lesson27:Jenny’s Family 课时 教学目的:知识目标:通过听说读写的训练,能正确熟练地掌握本课所学的单词.能力目标:能用英语简单介绍自己的家庭成员。情感目标:培养关心他人的品质。教学重点、难点:本课重点单词及句型。教学准备:单词卡片。教学过程: 开始上课和复习问候



Police office bus driver carpenter 讨论

让学生想想他们的家庭成员。学生能识别mother father son daughter.解释Jenny有一个妹妹和一个哥哥。在加拿大和一些其他国家,家中通常比中国的家庭人口多。让学生跟教师多读几遍这些词。

介绍police office carpenter bus driver然后随教师反复朗读。教科书第一部分

让学生看图并用英语描述他们所知道的一切。学生应能分辨出Jenny family Canada son daughter father mother school。指着图慢慢地给学生读句子。然后播放录音让学生看书跟读。操练




播放录音,让学生看书跟读。然后解释生词,如:relax still poor cut.结束课堂教学


ohmrte hftear nos autegrdh 板书设计:Lesson27: Jenny’s Family police office bus driver Where is ? carpenter brother sister 教学反思:

Lesson 28 教学内容:Lesson28:Brother,Sister 课时 教学侧记

教学目的:知识目标:通过听说读写的训练,能正确熟练地掌握本课所学的单词.能力目标:能用英语描述自家的一张照片。情感目标:培养认真观察的能力。会作自我介绍。教学重点、难点:本课重点单词及句型。教学准备:单词卡片。教学过程: 开始上课和复习问候

用学生学过的用语问候他们。唱歌 小组练习


1、Brother Sister 教科书第一部分


What is Jenny’s sister’s name? What colour is Lynn’s hair? Is the girl pretty? Who is Bob? What is Bob? Is Bob tall or short? Is the young man handsome? 播放录音,学生看书跟读。

2、Old young 示范

比较图片、物品和绘画来演示old young。看图片引导学生进行如下对话: 师:Old young.Say it,please.教学侧记 生:Old young 师:Is he/she old or young? 生: He/She is.练习;

在练习本上画四幅图,每幅图标上short 或 tall,old 或 young。当学生画完后,在小组中讨论并用英语完成图画描述。


和学生一起看着图画和词汇。问学生:How old is Jenny? How old is LiMing? How old is Danny?帮助学生说:He/She is years old.帮助他们说Jenny和LiMing母亲的年龄。


作业:练习做自我介绍。如 Myself Hello!My name is.I am a boy/girl.I am a student.I’m in Class 1Grand 3.I am years old.I am tall/short.板书设计:Lesson28: Brother,Sister brother sister How old are you? old young I’m years old.教学反思

Lesson 29 教学内容:Lesson29:Happy Birthday 课时 教学目的:知识目标:通过听说读写的训练,能正确熟练地掌握本课所学的单词.能力目标:能理解阅读课文内容。会唱生日歌。情感目标:培养同学之间互相关爱、团结、有礼貌。教学重点、难点:本课重点单词及句型。教学准备:单词卡片。教学过程: 开始上课和复习问候


1、Birthday cake candle present party 示范

利用图片,用中文介绍birthday,然后用英语问学生What day is your birthday?让学生用汉语回答。再出示生日蛋糕、生日礼物和宴会的图片,问学生关于他们自己的生日情况。允许学生用动作和汉语表达他们的意思。教科书第一、二部分 播放录音,让学生看书跟读。

提问学生问题以检查他们的理解情况。尽量用英语。如: 师:Is Jenny happy? 生:Yes.师:Why?Why is Jenny happy?Because it’s Jenny’s 生: Birthday.师:Very good!How old is Jenny? 生 Ten.师:Very good!教学侧记

如果学生回答问题有困难,教师可自己先回答几遍。注意对话结束时Jenny问LiMing的那个问题Will you come to my birthday party?确保学生能理解。一对一练习


2、Song: “Happy birthday” 这是给某个人过生日时唱的一首传统英文歌曲。通常是在某人吹生日蜡烛之前唱。一句一句地教唱这首歌。告诉学生在空白处填上一个人的名字。今天是Jenny的生日,所以我们唱她的名字。播放录音,和学生一起唱。结束课堂教学 作业:

在你生日的时候,你想让妈妈送你什么生日礼物?画一画,并涂上颜色。板书设计:Lesson29: Happy Birthday birthday cake candle Happy birthday to you!present party 教学反思:

Lesson 30 教学内容:Lesson30:The Family in Our House 课时 教学目的:知识目标:通过听说读写的训练,能正确熟练地掌握本课所学的句型.能力目标:理解并会唱这首歌曲,发挥自己的想象作出合适的动作。情感目标:培养诚实的品质。学会关爱家人,与家人和睦相处。教学重点、难点:本课重点句型。教学准备:单词卡片。教学过程: 开始上课和复习问候 唱歌 操练


用一系列操练练习。学生甲:How old are you? 学生乙:I am years old.学生丙:(指着学生乙问学生丁)How old is he/she? 学生丁:He/She is years old.学生戊:(重新开始系列操练)How old are you? 学生巳:I am years old.练过几遍后,再换其他学生重新开始操练。新概念

1、Song:“The Family in Our House.” 教科书第一部分




引导学生快速讨论图中所讲述的故事。然后让学生找伙伴进行对话练习。播放录音,让学生看书跟读。然后帮助学生理解一些生词和用语如: I feel too sick to go to school!I feel much better now!You’re welcome!提问学生问题来检查他们的理解情况。Why does Mrs.Smith go to visit Dr.Liu? What’s the matter with Lynn? What does Lynn say? Does Lynn’s head really hurt? Does Lynn’s stomach really hurt? 结束课堂教学 作业:找一找,圈单词

r y e m s l p h b o n o b r o t h e r g m l a k n t b l e c r u l f a t h e r d l c t a l l g e r d n d h m i n f h i z m r s i s t e r j q u v o l d x l y o e s t d y o u n g k h f d a u g h t e r w daughter brother mother father family old young tall son sister 板书设计:Lesson30: The Family in Our House The family has afather.The mother finds a daughter.I feel too sick to go to school.教学反思:

第二篇:精编 外研版 (一起)一年级英语下册 全套教案

Module 1 Jobs Unit 1 He’s a doctor.一、准备阶段: Ⅰ 教学目标: 情感目标:乐于感知并积极尝试使用英语,真诚的向别人介绍家人,从而增进友谊.知识目标:运用She’s „He’s„

能力目标:培养学生听说读She’s„He’s„及能视觉感知:doctor,nurse的能力。Ⅱ 教学重点;能够听说读写She’s „He’s„ Ⅲ 教学难点: 能正确运用She’s „He’s„ Ⅳ 辅助资源:


二、教学过程: I.Warming up 师生问候

II.Revision: 教师展示上一册Module10 Unit2的韵句This is Mother Panda.的图片,带领学生复习韵句.III.Presentation: 1.教师课前准备一些花木兰替父出征故事的图片,请学生猜猜图中的人物是谁,由此导出SB Unit1活动1.教师引导学生看SBUnit1活动1的动画或挂图,告诉学生:”今天,Lingling和Amy一起去参观画展,展厅有关于花木兰和神笔马良的画作, Amy不认识他们,Lingling向Amy一一介绍.”

2.教师播放活动1的动画或录音,在听录音的过程中注意语音语调.3.教师注意板书,可在黑板上贴出花木兰和马良的图片,在图片下方分别写上”She’s a girl.”和He’s a boy.”这两个句子.注意用红色粉笔醒目的书写”She’s和He’s”


出示一张自己小时候与父母在一起的照片.教师指着自己小时候的照片,让学生猜猜是谁.用英语怎么说,告诉学生,学习过今天的课文之后就知道怎么说了.(学生带着问题看挂图听录音既巩固了刚学过的单词还学习了新单词和句子 放录音,学生边听边指出句子。

跟录音朗读课文。学生分角色朗读课文。Unit 2 She’s a nurse.一、准备阶段: Ⅰ 教学目标: 情感目标:培养学生学习英语的兴趣。

知识目标:运用She’s„及单词driver ,policeman,pupil.能力目标:运用She’s„He’s„介绍他人职业.Ⅱ 教学重点:


掌握单词:driver ,policeman,pupil, Ⅲ 教学难点: 部分学生能初步运用: driver ,policeman,pupil, Ⅳ 辅助资源:


二、教学过程: I.Warming up 请学生演唱他们喜欢的英文歌曲.II.Revision: 教师请几位学生展示上节课的课后作业,用”This is my fathermother..”来介绍自己制作的”Family Tree”.教师可以将制作精美的图片收集起来进行展览.III.Presentation: 1.教师播放Unit2活动1的录音或动画,请学生看动画或挂图.教师引导学生理解语境:Amy到Lingling 家做客,Lingling 兴奋地拿出一张登有她爸爸照片的报纸给Amy 看,并介绍她爸爸的职业.2.再次播放录音或动画,请学生跟读.”driver”是新单词,教师可展示多张司机的照片图片或卡通片,带领学生说:”He’s a driver.She’s a driver.”


教师向学生介绍自己家人的职业,学生可能听不太懂.教师告诉学生:”今天我们要学习如何介绍家人的职业.IV.Practice: 1教师播放活动2的录音,请学生看图或者动画,引导学生理解课文语境:Amy到Daming 家做客,Daming拿出影集给Amy看,并介绍他的家人.2.教师再次播放录音,学生逐句跟读.3.男女生对话,或者分组练习对话.4.进行看图说句子的游戏.V.Summary: Module 2 Location Unit 1 Where’s the bird?

一、准备阶段: Ⅰ 教学目标: 情感目标:在小组活动中能与其他同学积极配合和合作.知识目标:学习句型Where’s the bird? It’s inonunder my hat.能力目标:培养学生识别物品位置的能力。Ⅱ 教学重点;1.学习句型:Where’s the bird ? It’s inonunder my hat.2.掌握单词及词组:inonunderhat Ⅲ 教学难点: 掌握表示地点和方位的词 Ⅳ 辅助资源:


二、教学过程: I.Warming up TPR活动。教师边说边做:”Right hand up.Right hand down.”学生跟着教师边做边说。II.Revision: 教师在黑板上贴出猫的图片,询问学生是否记得之前学过的关于猫的韵句,如果学生想不起来,教师可以展示韵句”I’m a cat,cat,cat in a cap,cap,cap.”及其图片,请学生说韵句.III.Presentation: 1.教师用简笔画在黑板上画一个手提包,再把猫的照片贴到包里面的位置上,说”The cat is in the bag.”然后展示活动1的挂图,请学生注意观察小猫的位置.可以用类似的方法讲”on”.2.教师戴上魔术帽,告诉学生:”熊猫Panpan 很会表演魔术,我们来向他学习如何表演,为参加班级即将举行的英语魔术表演选拔赛做准备.3.教师请学生看活动2的挂图,向学生:”熊猫Panpan变了几次小鸟的位置?”(三次)然后引导学生注意小鸟的位置发生了那些变化,进而讲解”in,on,under”这三个单词.4.教师播放录音或动画,请学生跟读,注意模仿语音语调.IV.Practice: 1.完成活动3,播放录音,请学生看图,理解语义,并跟读.然后请学生两人一组进行练习.2.Play a game` V.Homework Unit 2The toy car is under the bed.一、准备阶段: Ⅰ 教学目标: 情感目标:在小组活动中能与其他同学积极配合和合作.知识目标: 学习句子:The toy car is under the bed.能力目标:全体学生能运用”It’s inonunder„”说明物品的位置.Ⅱ 教学重点;1.学习句型The toy car is under the bed.2.掌握单词及词组:inonunderhat Ⅲ 教学难点:掌握表示地点和方位的词 Ⅳ 辅助资源:


二、教学过程: I.Warming up 师生相互问候 II.Revision: 复习上节课的魔术表演,进行新的语言训练.(此活动既使学生的作业得以反馈,复习了已学过的知识,又为本课的新内容做好铺垫。)III.Presentation: 1.教师展示活动2的挂图,问学生:”Daming 怎么啦?妈妈为什么批评他呢?”原来Daming 没有整理好自己的房间,把玩具等物品随意丢在了床下.学习完今天课文后,我们一起来帮助他整理房间吧.2.教师呈现活动2的挂图,请学生先看看Daming床下都有什么物品,并用汉语说出这些物品的名称,有能力的学生可以用英语说.3.教师播放录音,请学生边看动画挂图,圈出书中表示位置的单词.4.再次播放录音.请学生逐句跟读,请学生模仿录音中妈妈的语音语调.看那个小组读的最好.5.完成活动3,请学生先看挂图,说出各个物品的名称.然后播放录音,请学生根据录音进行连线.V.Summary: 请学生总结今天所学的重点句子和单词。VI Homework 听本单元录音,注意模仿语音语调.向家人展示本单元自己最喜欢的内容.Module 3 Location Unit 1Where’s the orange cat? 教学目标

知识目标:Where’s the orange cat? 2.能力目标:全体学生能听、读、说Where’s the orange cat?/How many„? 3.情感目标: 能积极参与各种课堂学习活动,学会观察事物。教学重点:

Where’s„?/How many„?eleven/twelve 教学用具:录音机,卡片,课件。教学过程: 一.热身复习

Sing a song(活跃气氛,提高学生的注意力)二.呈现课文 1.学习课文


教师问学生:“Where’s the orange cat? Do you know?”然后,教师展示活动2的第一幅图,告诉学生:“今天要开展我藏你找的游戏,我把东西藏好后,将由你们找出来。要想赢得游戏,就得先好好学习课文。”


4.播放活动2的录音,请学生边听录音边看挂图,然后回答问题:“Where’s the orange cat? ”

5.再次播放录音,学生逐句跟读。在 跟读数小猫的数量所用的语言时,可以请学生一边数挂图上的小猫,一边重复句子。




Unit 2 How many green birds? 教学目标: 1.知识目标:

How many green birds?Let’s count.one,two,three,four„eleven,twelve.2.能力目标:

a、能听、说、认读How many? eleven,twelve.b、用How many?询问物品的数量。3.情感目标:


How many green birds?Let’s count.one,two,three,four„eleven,twelve.5.教学难点:

用How many?询问物品的数量。6.教学用具:录音机、卡片、课件 教学过程:


1、Greeting with Ss.2.Play a game.(猫和老鼠)设计意图:激发学生学习兴趣



三、任务准备 1.学习课文

a、教师展示活动2的挂图或动画,问学生:“两位小朋友在做什么呢?”原来他们看到树上 有很多的小鸟感到很好奇,于是想数一数到底有多少

b、教师播放课文录音,请学生回答两个问题:how many birds can you see? How many green birds? c、再此播放录音请学生逐句跟读:注意模仿语音语调,当听到数字的时候学生可以边听边看图数数


a.完成活动三播放录音,请学生根据录音判断图片正误,教师核对答案 b.完成活动4教师播放歌曲录音,学生边听边数数,并跟着唱。

Module 4 Animal Body Unit 1 This is I my head.一 教学内容

新标准英语第二册Module4 Unit1 This is my head.二 教学目标

能听懂,会读,会说并能灵活运用单词 head ,face ,nose ,mouth ,ear ,eye。三 教学重点和难点

单词的教授,单词的发音以及单词的熟练运用。四 教具准备

课件,图片,单词卡片 五 教学过程

Step 1 Warming-up Greeting: T: Good morning, boys and girls!S: Good morning, Miss Ding!Step 2 Revision 播放课件

T: Now look at the screen, what can you see? What’s this? 课件中先快速闪烁几种职业的人:nurse, teacher, doctor, driver让学生猜并回答 S: She/he is a„

然后再快速闪烁几种有上面职业特征的物品: bus, dress, coat, bag让学生猜并回答 S: This is her/his„ 然后让学生把两句话连起来说.Step 3 Presentation ⑴T: OK, very good!What’s this? S: It's a flower(在一个学生头上贴上一朵小花)T:(问其他学生)Where's the flower? S: 在某某某头上 引出head(Show a picture)Read the word “head” after the teacher.Teacher must emphasize the pronunciation.Use team work or group work to practice.让学生边说边touch their head.⑵T:(Take out a star)What's this? Unit 2 These are your eyes。教学目的:


运用“This is my „these are „”介绍自己的身体部位 教学准备:图片,录音机,小星星 教学过程:

一、热身活动 师生互相问候,二、复习


2.教师课前准备蜘蛛的挂图或简笔画在黑板上画一只小蜘蛛,然后问:“How many legs?”








老师与学生共同回顾今天所学习的内容,要求学生能够掌握并且正确认识身体的各个部位的名称。五 家庭作业


Module5 UNIT1 They're cows 教学目标:

1.知识技能目标:学会farm、cow、pig、chicken、egg等单词,以及句型 What are they? They’re „.2.运用能力目标:学会用句型What are they ?来询问多个物体的名称,并会相应地用句型They’re „ 来描述多个物品的名称。3.素质教育目标:感受英语课堂的趣味性。教学任务:

1.学习任务:What are they ? They’re cows.And look at these.What are they? They’re pigs.2.运用任务:1.SB Unit 1 活动3 2.记忆游戏。3.转圈游戏。

4.AB Unit 1 练习1和练习2。5.画画说说。教学重点:

单词farm、cow、pig、chicken、egg以及句型 What are they ?They’re „是本课的教学重点。教学难点:

区分句型What’s this ?This is „以及句型What’re they ? They are „的用法是本课的教学难点。教学用具: 多媒体课件;



1.教师热情地和学生打招呼,然后带领学生演唱上一个模块的歌曲《Heads Shoulders》;2.展示上一个单元的课后作业。请学生将自己画的手和脚的图片贴到黑板上,并引导他们用英语表达These are my hands.These are my feet.二、任务呈现 UNIT2 It's thin 【教学内容】

1.学习单词thin,fat,baby,little,big。2.学习句子It’s fat/thin/little/big.【教学目标】 技能目标:

1.会读、会说thin, fat, baby, little, big ,pink.等单词。.2.听懂句子It’s thin.It’s fat.They’re black and white.They’re little.They’re pink.3.能使用形容词描述动物的特征。运用能力目标:





thin, fat, baby, little, big 2.能听懂、会说、会读以下句子: It’s thin.It’s fat.They’re black and white.They’re little.They’re pink.【教学难点】




Step 1.Warming-up 1.教师与学生热情问候,并带领大家一起TPR前面模块学习的英文童谣《Heads,Shoulers》。

Module6 UNIT1 These snakes are short.【教学内容】

1.学习snake long short zoo tall big 等单词。2.学习句型These are„.【教学目标】




1.能听懂、会说、会读以下句子: These snakes are long /short, The giraffes are tall.And I’m short.And look at the elephant!They are very big.2.能正确使用所学句型和单词,正确对动物或其他物品的特征进行描述。




Step 1.Warming-up 1.教师和学生热情打招呼问好,并一起演唱上一单元的英文歌曲 2.一起说唱上节课老师和学生一起自编的英语童谣,并配上一定的动作。Fat fat I am fat Thin thin I am thin Little little I am little Big big I am big.Step 2.Presentation 教师向学生出示two dogs, two cats, two birds, two snakes的图片。T:What are they? S: They are_______ T:What color are they? S: Green and yellow

UNIT2 they‘re little and cute 【教学内容】

1.学习单词thin,fat,baby,little,big。2.学习句子It’s fat/thin/little/big.【教学目标】 技能目标:

1.会读、会说thin, fat, baby, little, big ,pink.等单词。.2.听懂句子It’s thin.It’s fat.They’re black and white.They’re little.They’re pink.3.能使用形容词描述动物的特征。运用能力目标:





thin, fat, baby, little, big 2.能听懂、会说、会读以下句子: It’s thin.It’s fat.They’re black and white.They’re little.They’re pink.【教学难点】




Step 1.Warming-up 1.教师与学生热情问候,并带领大家一起TPR前面模块学习的英文童谣《Heads,Shoulers》。

Module7 Unit l There is a cat in the tree.【教学目标】

1.学习语句: There is a cat in the tree.2.单词:animal ,can ,hepe 3.能口头运用“there be ”造句。

【学习任务】.There is a cat in the tree 【语言功能】 使用“there be”造句。

【教具准备】 录音机, 磁带, 教学挂图, 活动图片, 中国地图等。





3、教师指着韵句的插图问学生:“How many animals can you see?”学生或许还不能回答问题由此导入活动1,二、课文导入:

教师告诉学生:“今天我们要观察图片,用There Be。。描述图片内容,开始之前,我们先来学习课文,看看如何使用这一机构。


1.展示活动2的挂图,请学生观察理解图片内内容,2.教师播放活动2的录音,请学生圈出“There is ”。3.再放录音,请学生边听边看书边跟读 4.请学生分角色模仿课文对话





Unit2 there ara three brown monkeys.【教学目标】: 1.学习语句: there ara three brown monkeys.2.能口头运用“there be ”造句。

【学习任务】:there ara three brown monkeys.【语言功能】:使用“there be”造句。

【教具准备】: 录音机,磁带,教学挂图,动物单词卡片等。【教学环节】:



2、请学生一起ishuoSbUnit1活动1的语句,巩固对“there be”结构的理解。






3.再听一遍录音。请学生逐句跟读。这里的重点是:“there are„”结构 4最后播放录音,请学生模仿语音语调跟读



2、选择完成活动 4,练习歌曲。




Module 8 Unit1 There’s a pair of shorts under that duck.教学目标:

1、Knowledge of the language(语言知识与能力目标)a.There’s a pair of shorts under that duck.b.a pair of, shorts,shirt.2、Emotion attitude(情感目标)

了解体育锻炼的好处,培养良好的习惯。教学重点难点: There’s a pair of shorts under that duck.教学过程设计: A、Warming up.(热身)a.Greeting—Sing the song b.展示活动1的挂图,问学生小狗在干什么?

B.Presentation and Practice(新知呈现与操练)教师告诉学生:“今天我们每个人都要介绍自己喜欢的动物图片,并且要在自己的小组内评选出本组最喜欢的图片,然后向全班展示和介绍。不过在开展这个活动之前,我们先来学习课文吧。课文学习

1.展示活动2的挂图,先请学生看图,看是否能尝试用“There be ”描述图片内容。


3.再次播放动画或录音,请学生逐句跟读。要引导学生注意到指示牌“Beach Pool”,即海滩泳池,教师要给学生解释:“这里是允许游泳的海滩,因为这里有安全措施。

4.这里的“a pair of,over there“都只能要求学生理解。5.最后播放录音,请学生完整跟读。训练巩固





UNIT2 There are two footballs under my desk.【教学内容】

1.学习单词football,basketball,ping-pong 2.学习句子There are two footballs under my desk.【教学目标】 技能目标:

1.会读、会说football,basketball,ping-pong等单词。.2.听懂句子There are two footballs under my desk.运用能力目标:



1.熟练掌握下列单词:football,basketball,ping-pong 2.能听懂、会说、会读以下句子:There are two footballs under my desk.【教学难点】




Step 1.Warming-up 1.教师与学生热情问候


Step 2.Presentation 1.教师告诉学生:“今天我们要从大家带来的动物图片中选出若干张大家最喜爱的图片,贴到教室的专栏里进行展览,不过在这之前,我们要先来学习课文Step3.课文学习


Module9 UNIT1 I like football.Teaching contents: ①新单词we和like ②I like „We like„.They like„三个句型并能在创设情景中运用

Teaching keys: 新单词we和like并围绕“运动”这一主题掌握运用I like „We like„.They like„三个句型

Teaching difficulty: 让学生了解掌握I like „We like„.They like„三句话的含义,并运用于不同的情景中。

Teaching preparation: 单词卡片、小红花、录音机、磁带、尺子

Step 1 Warm-up

1、Greeting T: Good morning, boys and girls.Ss: Good morning, miss 温.2、(课件、录音)Let’s chant Football, ↗(升调)football, ↘(降调)let’s play football.Basketball, ↗basketball, ↘let’s play basketball.Swimming, ↗ swimming, ↘let’s go swimming.Ping-pong, ↗ping-pong, ↘let’s play ping-pong.T: Just now, the chant is about sports, 这首歌谣是关于运动的,ok, today, let’s talk about sports.3、(单词卡片sport)老师教读、升降调读、拼读,解意、用手书空,开火车读,小老师教读、分小组比赛

4、(教师相机拿出单词卡片 like,做上手势)T:I like sport.Do you know this word?(师教单词like): 老师教读,升降调读、解意、拼读,用手书空,开火车读,小老师教读、分小组比赛

Step 2 Presentation

1、(做出踢球的动作)T:So many people like sports.OK!Look!Do you know this sport? Ss:足球。T:(师拿出like)I like football.我喜欢足球。

师教句子:I like football.(I :双手放在胸前;like:左手做good状,右手在上打圈;football:作脚踢足球状,)

(教完I like football.后,依次出现打篮球、游泳、打乒乓球的图片,并教I like basketball, I like swimming, I like ping-pong)

3、(师指一学生)T:I like football.Do you like football? 生:YesNo.师:(对说Yes的学生,拍拍学生的肩)We like football.Do you know this word “we”?(师教授新单词we,并板书,教读、解意、升降调读、拼读,书空,开火车读,小老师教读、分小组比赛)

4、用同法练习We like basketball.We like swimming.We like ping-pong.5、Let’s play a game.S1: I like footballbasketballswimmingping-pong.S2(拍同桌肩):We like footballbasketballswimmingping-pong 此时,教师引出:They like footballbasketballswimming Ping-pong.(师拿出卡片复习they,板书,解意、升降调读、老师教读,书空,开火车、分小组比赛)

7、分小组练习:I like „We like„.They like„ Step 3 Learn the text T: You know so many sports.Panpan and his friends are talking about the sports, too.Let’s have a look.1、翻书31页2题,听音,了解大意,标号



4、完成书31页第3题,看图说话 Step 4 Extension 录音)Let’s chant I like football and swimming.I like running ,how about you? I like ping-pong I like basketball, how about you? We like football and swimming.We like running, how about you? We like basketball, how about you?

3、师:我们这首chant还没有学完,请小朋友们帮忙用they来创编这首歌谣,看看谁最能干? 第2 / 3页


Module 8 Unit1 I like football.I football.We(四线三格)like(四线三格)basketball.They swimming.ping-pong.Unit 2 whats your favourite sport?

一、准备阶段: Ⅰ 教学目标: 情感目标:培养学生学习英语的兴趣。

知识目标:运用She’s„及单词driver ,policeman,pupil.能力目标:运用She’s„He’s„介绍他人职业.Ⅱ 教学重点:


掌握单词:driver ,policeman,pupil, Ⅲ 教学难点: 部分学生能初步运用: driver ,policeman,pupil, Ⅳ 辅助资源:


二、教学过程: I.Warming up 请学生演唱他们喜欢的英文歌曲.II.Revision: 教师请几位学生展示上节课的课后作业,用”This is my fathermother..”来介绍自己制作的”Family Tree”.教师可以将制作精美的图片收集起来进行展览.III.Presentation: 1.教师播放Unit2活动1的录音或动画,请学生看动画或挂图.教师引导学生理解语境:Amy到Lingling 家做客,Lingling 兴奋地拿出一张登有她爸爸照片的报纸给Amy 看,并介绍她爸爸的职业.2.再次播放录音或动画,请学生跟读.”driver”是新单词,教师可展示多张司机的照片图片或卡通片,带领学生说:”He’s a driver.She’s a driver.” 3.呈现课文:

教师向学生介绍自己家人的职业,学生可能听不太懂.教师告诉学生:”今天我们要学习如何介绍家人的职业.IV.Practice: 1教师播放活动2的录音,请学生看图或者动画,引导学生理解课文语境:Amy到Daming 家做客,Daming拿出影集给Amy看,并介绍他的家人.2.教师再次播放录音,学生逐句跟读.3.男女生对话,或者分组练习对话.4.进行看图说句子的游戏.Module10 UNIT1 Let's play football!教学目标:

1、知识技能目标:学会新单词football, basketball, ping-pong, swimming

2、运用能力目标:能够运用“Let’s play.../ Let’s go swimming.”去邀请他人参加体育活动。

3、情感能力目标:让学生感受英语课堂的活跃性,让学生在日常生活中能运用所学语言。教学重点: 1.熟练掌握本单元的重点单词。

2.能听懂、会说、会读以下句子:Let’s play./ Let’s go swimming 3.邀请他人参加体育活动。

教学用具:卡片、录音机、磁带、ping – pong等。教学过程:

一、Greetings 1.Say hello to all the students.2.A free talk.(from one to another)

二、Presentation 1.T:Today we are going to learn Module7 Unit 1Let’s play football.First show the picture.What’ s this?- football(粘图片在黑板上)。Teach the word “football”.Read the word.2.T: Look at me, children.What am I doing? S1: Basketball.T: Yes, I am playing basketball.Do you like basketball? S2: Yes, I do.T: Let’s play basketball.(教授单词:basketball)3.拿出实物乒乓球问 Is it a football?Teach the word ping-pong.4.T: Oh, I’m so hot.Are you hot? Ss: Yes.T: Let’s go swimming!Come on kids!Ss: Yes.Let’s go!

三、Practise 1.Play a game “What’s missing?”

2.Let two students come to the front and do some actions.Let the students guess.football----I like football.Let’s play football.basketball---I like basketball.Let’s play basketball.ping-pong----I like ping-pong.Let’s play ping-pong.四、Text

1、Listen to the tape and read the text.2、Role play.五、Homework

1、Listen to the tape and read the words and sentences


Module7 Unit1 Let’s play football.Let’s play football.basketball ping-pong Let’s go swimming.Unit 2 lets sing 教学目标:

We have Christmas in England.We sing songs.We have a Christmas tree.We give presents.We eat peanuts and sweets.功能:


教学用具:a recorder, word cards, pictures 教学程序:



2)请学生展示收集到的关于其他节日的图画,并在全班进行汇报交流。学生可以说:“At...we say...We have...”


1)老师播放SB Unit2活动4的圣诞歌曲,请学生欣赏。老师也可以在教室里挂一些圣诞小饰物来烘托气氛。欣赏歌曲过后,老师询问学生:“What festival is it?”引导学生回答:“Christmas.”老师教授新单词“Christmas”。



1)老师把本课的挂图贴在黑板上,播放录音,呈现SB Unit2活动1的内容。请学生边听录音边指出相应的图画。放第二遍录音前,老师提出一些问题,例如:“What are they? What do they say on Christmas Day? What do they do on Christmas Day?”请学生带着问题继续听录音,试着找到具体的答案。听第三遍录音时,请学生打开书,边听边跟读,同时画出新单词与难点。老师讲解新单词与难点,帮助学生理解并掌握课文内容。


3)最后请学生以小组为单位分角色表演课文,并在全班展示。4)完成SB Unit2活动3。把全班学生分成若干个三人小组。老师告诉学生他们将就节日庆祝展开讨论。每组对话都要和一种节日有关。

4、课文学习1)学习SB Unit2活动4的歌曲。老师出示圣诞节的图片营造出节日的气氛。

2)学习SB Unit2活动6的字母。






Unit1 Where is your pen pal from?


Countries, nationalities, and languages


Talk about countries, nationalities and languages Ask and tell about where people live


Where's/Where're...from? Where does/do...from? What questions----What language does/do...speak?

Target language:

Where is she from? She is from....Where does she live? She lives in....What language does she speak? She speaks....Vocabulary:

words about countries, languages

Teaching design:

The whole unit needs 5 periods, 4 for new lessons and 1 for test

Period 1(1a----Grammar Focus)Key points:

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Where is your/John's pen pal from? He/She is from...Where does he/she live? He/She lives in....(Homework for preview)Pre-task: Let the Ss give themselves pen pals and they should write down their pen pals' information, such as their names, countries and cities they live even the language they speak.T can give the Ss an example meanwhile T gives the different countries which can be used by the Ss.T gives the Ss Chinese words for the countries, they are following: 加拿大,法国,日本,美国,澳大利亚,新加坡,英国,中国(The Ss can look them up in the dictionary if they are new for them)The example is following: Name: Curry Muray Age: 75 From(Nationality): the United States City: New York Language: English Teaching Steps: Key points:

Where is your/John's pen pal from? He/She is from...Where does he/she live? He/She lives in....(Homework for preview)Pre-task: Let the Ss give themselves pen pals and they should write down their pen pals' information, such as their names, countries and cities they live even the language they speak T can give the Ss an example meanwhile T gives the different countries which can be used by the Ss.T gives the Ss Chinese words for the countries, they are following: 加拿大,法国,日本,美国,澳大利亚,新加坡,英国,中国(The Ss can look them up in the dictionary if they are new for them)梦幻网络(http://www.xiexiebang.com)——最大的免费教育资源网站 梦幻网络(http://www.xiexiebang.com)数百万免费课件下载,试题下载,教案下载,论文范文,计划总结

The example is following: Name: Curry Muray Age: 75 From(Nationality): the United States City: New York Language: English

Teaching Steps:

Step 1 Leading-inThe information of the teacher's own pen pal's information.“I have a pen pal.His name is Curry Muray.He is from the United States.Do you have a pen pal? Where is your pen pal from? What's your pen pal's name?” Different students say the information about their own pen pals.T should choose the different countries.T writes the different countries on the Bb(both Chinese and English)

Step 2 Learning

Section A 1a Learn the new words on the Bb.The new words are: pen pal;Canada;France;Japan;the United States(the US/the USA/America);Australia;Singapore;the United Kingdom(the U.K./Great Britain/England)

Pay attention to the pronuciation of the new words.Step 3 Listening

1b Listen and circle the countries in 1a they learned

Step 4 Competition Two groups of students to write the new words to see which group does better.First write down the Chinese words with looking at the 梦幻网络(http://www.xiexiebang.com)——最大的免费教育资源网站 梦幻网络(http://www.xiexiebang.com)数百万免费课件下载,试题下载,教案下载,论文范文,计划总结

English meanings, then write down the English words with looking at the Chinese meanings.(This step is a memory game.It can help the Ss consolidate the new words they learned)

Step 5 Pairwork 1c Practise the following conversation:---Do you have a pen pal?---Yes, I do.---Where's your pen pal's from?----He/She is from....(Write it down on the Bb)First T has a conversation with one student as an example then let the Ss practise in pairs.At last let several pairs do it again in class.Step 6 Leading-in

Revise the countries names with looking at the Bb.Then T writes down the city names on the Bb.Let the Ss try to find out which countries the cities are in.The city names are following: Toronto;Paris;Tokyo;New York;Sydney;Singapore;London;

Step 7 Learning

2a Learn the city names together with the whole class just like Step 2 2b Listen and circle the cities and countries 2c Listen and complete the chart Have a similar competition to consolidate the new words in this part.Step 8 Pairwork

T has a conversation with one student like the following:---Do you have a pen pal?---Yes, I do.---What's your pen pal's name?---His/Her name is....---Where is your pen pal from?---He/She is from...梦幻网络(http://www.xiexiebang.com)——最大的免费教育资源网站 梦幻网络(http://www.xiexiebang.com)数百万免费课件下载,试题下载,教案下载,论文范文,计划总结

---Where does he/she live?---He/She lives in....(Write it down on the Bb)Let the Ss practise after the T's example in pairs then several pairs do it in class.Step 9 Exercise

My pen pal is from Australia.(划线提问)John's pen pal is from Japan.(划线提问)He lives in Paris.(划线提问)


Read and copy the new words.Copy the sentences in Grammar Focus Make up the questions about Jodie in 2c The questions are: Does Jodie have a pen pal? Where is Jodie's pen pal from? Where does he/she live? What's his/her name?(This one can be chosen by themselves)

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Unit 2 Where's the post office?

Language goal This unit students leam to ask for and give directions(方向)on the street.New language Is there a bank near here? Yes, there's a bank on Center Street, Where's the supermarket? It's next to the library.Is there a pay phone in the neighbhood?Yes, it's on Bridge Street on the right.locations in the neighborhood such as post office, hotel,video arcade.Descriptive words such as new, old, dirty, clean.Descriptions of location such as across from, next to,Between

Recycled language What are you doing? Do you want to...?

Section A

Ask two rows of three students each to stand facing each other in the front of the classroom.Point to students standing in front and ask the class to repeat the questions and answers.Example 1 Teacher: Where'sYang Li?(Point to two students standing beside each other.)Yang Li is next to Li Peng.Example 2 Teacher: Where's Zheng Wen?(Point to two students in different lines facing each other.)Zheng Wen is across from Sheng Lin.Example 3 Teacher: Where's Lin Jiahui?(Point to one student standing between 梦幻网络(http://www.xiexiebang.com)——最大的免费教育资源网站 梦幻网络(http://www.xiexiebang.com)数百万免费课件下载,试题下载,教案下载,论文范文,计划总结

two other students.)Lin Jiahui is between Sheng Lin and Li Dai.la

This activity introduces the key vocabulary.Focus attention on the picture.Ask students to name as many of the places they see in the picture as they can.Then name all the places and ask students to repeat.Point out the numbered list of words.Say each one and ask students to repeat.Then ask students to match each word or phrase on the list with one of the pictures.Say, Write the letter of each place in the picture next to the correct word or words on the list.Point out the sample answer f.Check the answers.1b This activity gives students practice listening to and understanding the target language.Point out the buildings and other locations in the picture.Say the name of each one to the class.Say, Now I will play recordings of three conversations.Listen carefully and circle the picture of each place you hear on the tape..Play the recording the first time.Students only listen.Play the recording a second time.This tine ask students to listen and circle the items they hear on the picture.Correct the answers.These items should be circle:video arcade, post office, supermarket.Tapescript(录音稿)Convernation 1 A: Is there a video arcade on Fifth Avenue? B: Yes, there is.Conversation 2 梦幻网络(http://www.xiexiebang.com)——最大的免费教育资源网站 梦幻网络(http://www.xiexiebang.com)数百万免费课件下载,试题下载,教案下载,论文范文,计划总结

A: Is there a post office near here? B: Yes, there is.There's one on Bridge Street.Conversation 3 A: Is there a supermarket on Center Street? B: No, there isn't.1C

This activity provides guided oral practice using the target language.Point to the different locations shown in the picture.Ask different students to name each one.If necessary,say the name and ask the student to repeat.Point to the question and answer In the example conversation and ask a pair of students to read the conversation to the class.Ask other pairs of students to repeat the activity if you wish.Ask students to work in pairs.Say, First one person asks a question and then the other person takes a turn.Demonstrate(示范)the activity.Point to the picture and ask.Is there a post office near here? Then choose a student to answer.Guide the student to say, Yes,there's a post office on Bridge Street.As students work, move around the room and check progress(进展情况).Help students understand how to locate things on the map, if necessary.Ask several students to say some of their questions and answers for the class.教学后记:


教了这么多年的英语,总幻想有一种方法,能让学生轻轻松松把英语学好。哪怕自己多浪费点时间。有时想来,自己的教学效率实在是太低了,每天不分上课上自习,都是一个样。也就是梦幻网络(http://www.xiexiebang.com)——最大的免费教育资源网站 梦幻网络(http://www.xiexiebang.com)数百万免费课件下载,试题下载,教案下载,论文范文,计划总结






This activity introduces the terms across from, next to, between, and on.Focus attention on the pictures.Ask students to talk about the pictures, naming as many places as they can.Then name all the places in the pictures and ask students to repeat.Point out the four sentences.Say each one and ask students to rcpeat.Then ask students to match each sentence with one of the pictures.Say, Eacb sentence talks about one of the pictures.Write the number of the sentence in the box on the picture that it is talking about.Point out the sample answer 1.Check ihc answers.2b This activity gives students practice listening to and understanding the target language.梦幻网络(http://www.xiexiebang.com)——最大的免费教育资源网站 梦幻网络(http://www.xiexiebang.com)数百万免费课件下载,试题下载,教案下载,论文范文,计划总结

Point out the buildings and street names in la.Say each one and ask students to repeat.Call attention to the four sentences in 2b.Read them to the class saying blank each time you come to a blank line.Say.Now I will play recordings of three conversations.Listen carefully and write a word from the box on each blank line.Point out the sample answer.Play the recording the first time.Students only listen.Play the recording a second time.This time ask students to fill in the blanks by listening to the items on the tape.Correct the answers.Tapescript(录音稿)Conwaraation 1 A: Excuse me.Is there a library around here? B: Yes.It's between the video arcade and the supermarket.Conversation 2 A: Where's the park? B: The park? Oh, it's across from the bank.Conversation 3 A: Excuse me.Is there a supermarket around here? B;Yes, it'son Fifth Avenue.Conversation 4 A: Where's the pay phone? B: It's next to the post office.2c

This activity provides guided oral practice using the target language.Point to the list of buildings in la.Ask a student to read the list aloud.Point to the question and answer in the speech bubbles(泡沫)in 2c and ask a pair of students to read the conversation to the class.Ask 梦幻网络(http://www.xiexiebang.com)——最大的免费教育资源网站 梦幻网络(http://www.xiexiebang.com)数百万免费课件下载,试题下载,教案下载,论文范文,计划总结

other pairs of students to repeat the activity if you wish.Ask students to work in pairs.Say, First one person asks a question and then the other person takes a turn.Ask about the buildings in 1a.Demonstrate(示范)the activity.Point to the map and ask,Where's the park? Then choose a student to answer.Guide the student to say, It's across from the bank.As students work, move around the room and check progress.(进度)

Ask several students to say some of their questions and answers for the class.Grammar focus Review the grammar box.Ask students to say the questions and answers.Ask students to circle these words in the grammar focus section of their books: on, across from, next to, and between.Ask, Which words talk about two different buildings?(across/row, next to, and between)Ask, Which one talks about one building all alone!'(on)

Culture note

Many visitors to the United States believe that Americans don't like to answer questions or give directions(方向)to tourists(旅行者)and other visitors.This is not necessarily true.The pace of life is fast in the United States, especially(特别)in big cities.Most people walk quickly, talk quickly, and are in a hurry to get wherever they are going.Also, most Americans speak only one language and aren't used to talking with speakers of other languages.However, when a visitor asks a question,many people are pleased to be able to share their knowledge of their city or their neighborhood.A pleasant smile and a short, direct question will almost always get you the information you 梦幻网络(http://www.xiexiebang.com)——最大的免费教育资源网站 梦幻网络(http://www.xiexiebang.com)数百万免费课件下载,试题下载,教案下载,论文范文,计划总结

need.3a This activity provides target-oriented reading practice using the language items taught in this unit.Draw attention to the conversation in the box.Ask students to read it out loud.Ask a student to point out the place that Paul wants to get to.Guide the student to point to the book and say,Here's the hotel.Here's Bridge Street.Point to the two arrows.(箭头)Ask students to repeat left and right.Then ask them to hold up their left hands and then their right hands.Ask students to read the conversation again.Then ask them to find Paul and Nancy in the picture.Answer Paul and Nancy are the two figures outside the entrance to the park.3b

This activity provides guided writing practice using the target language.Call attention to the three pictures.Explain that the three pairs in these pictures correspond to three pairs in the large picture above.Ask students to find the pairs in the big picture.Point to the questions below each picture and ask a student to read them aloud.Point to the three write-on lines in the speech bubbles.Say, Write the answers to the questions here.Ask students to complete the writing individually.(个别的)Correct the answers.1.Yes, there is.Go straight down New Street and turn right.There's a pay phone on the right.2.Go straight down New Street and turn right.Turn left at Bridge 梦幻网络(http://www.xiexiebang.com)——最大的免费教育资源网站 梦幻网络(http://www.xiexiebang.com)数百万免费课件下载,试题下载,教案下载,论文范文,计划总结

Street.The bank is across the street.3.Yes, there is.Turn right, then go straight down Bridge Street.The post office is on the left.It's across from the video arcade, next to the super-market.4

This activity provides guided oral practice using the target language, Call attention to the picture in la.Ask students to name all the buildings in the picture.Point out the conversation In the picture in 4.Ask different students to read each line.Have the students work In groups.One person chooses a building in the la picture but doesn't tell anyone which building it is.The others ask questions like those in the activity 4 picture until they guess which building it is.Several students can take turns choosing the building for the others to guess.Section B


This activity introduces the key vocabulary.Focus attention on the pictures.Ask different students to name the places shown in the pictures.They will probably not include words such as old, new, busy, quiet, big, small, dirty, and clean in their statements.Point to and name all the places in the pictures again without the describing words and have students repeat.Now point to each half of each picture and ask about the difference between the halves.For example, you might say;This is a park.Is it a clean park or a dirty park? Clarify(澄清)the meaning of the words clean and dirty by pointing out details in the pictures.梦幻网络(http://www.xiexiebang.com)——最大的免费教育资源网站 梦幻网络(http://www.xiexiebang.com)数百万免费课件下载,试题下载,教案下载,论文范文,计划总结

Point out the pairs of words or phrases.Say each one and ask students to repeat, Then ask students to match each word or phrase on the list with one of the pictures.Point out the sampl answer.Check the answers.b

This activity provides guided oral practice using the target language.Call attention to the conversation in the picture.Ask a pair of students to read it aloud.Then ask several different students the same question.Ask them to tell the truth.Point out the list of phrases in 1a.Ask students to work in pairs They take turns asking each other questions about the things on this list.Ask them to tell each other the truth.As students work together, move around the room checking on their progress.Ask several students to present some questions and answers to the class.2a

This activity gives students practice listening to and understanding the target language.Point out the list of places in la.Say die name of each one to the class.Say, Now I will play a recording of a conversation.Listen carefully and circle the words in 1a that tell about Michael's street.Play the recording the first time.Students only listen.Play the recording a second time.This time ask students to listen and circle the places they hear.Correct the answers.梦幻网络(http://www.xiexiebang.com)——最大的免费教育资源网站 梦幻网络(http://www.xiexiebang.com)数百万免费课件下载,试题下载,教案下载,论文范文,计划总结


This activity gives students practice listening to and understanding the target language.Call attention to the street map in the box.Say, Now I will play the conversation again.Listen to if and draw the places in Michael's neighborhood on the street map.Play the recording.Students only listen.Demonstrate the activity by saying.What are the three places on the tape?(a hotel, a supermarket, Michael's house).Answer any questions students may have.Play the recording again.Students draw maps of Michael's neighborhood.Move around the room, offering assistance(提供协助)if needed.Have some students show their completed drawings to the class.2c

This activity provides guided oral practice using the target language.Say, Now let's work in pairs.The first person makes some statements about the picture in 2b.The seconds person says “true” if the statement is true and “false if the statement is false.The second person also changes each false statement into a true one.Call attention to the conversation in the picture in 2c.Ask a pair of students to read it aloud.Demonstrate(示范)the activity with a student.Have the student close the book.Then say one true thing and one false thing about the picture.Guide the student to answer ”true“ for the true statement and to say ”false“ for the false statement and change it into a true one.Ask students to practice in pairs and to take both roles.Move around the room helping students get started| and answering any questions they may havc.梦幻网络(http://www.xiexiebang.com)——最大的免费教育资源网站 梦幻网络(http://www.xiexiebang.com)数百万免费课件下载,试题下载,教案下载,论文范文,计划总结

Ask several pairs of students to present some statements and responses(回答)to the class.Ask students to correct any mistakes they hear.3a

This activity provides reading practice using the target language.Ask a student to read the paragraph to the class or read it yourself.Answer any questions students may have.Read the Instructions(指示)aloud.Point out the sample of the circled description word(busy), and make sure students understand what they have to do.Correct the answers.3b

This activity provides guided reading and writing practice using the target language.Point out the guide and the blank spaces in it.Read it aloud saying blank each time you come to a blank line.Say, Now please write one word in each blank space in the guide.Look at the picture/or the answers.Point out the sample answer in the blank.Correct the answers.3c

This activity provides guided writing practice using the target language.Ask students to work on their own.Point out the description in 3b and say.Now write about your own neighborhood.Use sentences like these.This activity provides open-ended oral practice using the target language.Call attention to what the person In the picture is saying.Ask a student to read the statement to the class.Say,Now you can talk with your partner about your own 梦幻网络(http://www.xiexiebang.com)——最大的免费教育资源网站 梦幻网络(http://www.xiexiebang.com)数百万免费课件下载,试题下载,教案下载,论文范文,计划总结

neighborhood.Tell about the streets and buildings.Your partner will draw a picture of the neighborhood Demonstrate the activity with a student.Have him or her make some statements and draw on the board what you hear.For example, you might draw a small supermarket across from a post office.As students work, move around the room offering assistance and answering questions.Ask some students to share(参与)the completed drawings and to make some statements to accompany(陪伴)them.Self check

This activity provides a comprehensive review of all key vocabulary presented in this unit.Ask students to check all the words they know.You may wish to have them circle any words that they don't know.Ask students to find out the meanings of any words they don't know.They can do this by reviewing the unit.asking you, asking their classmates or using a learner's dictionary or bilingual dictionary.This activity helps build vocabulary by providing a specific time and place for students to record new words.Ask students to enter five new words in their Vocab-builder on page 108.After students have recorded their new words, ask them to share their lists with other students.This can be done with the whole class or informally, in pairs or small groups.This activity provides reading practice focusing on the gmmmatical structures used to ask and say where things are.梦幻网络(http://www.xiexiebang.com)——最大的免费教育资源网站 梦幻网络(http://www.xiexiebang.com)数百万免费课件下载,试题下载,教案下载,论文范文,计划总结

Ask students to read the letter and draw the route on the map.Answer any questions students may have.Check the answers.(You may want to draw a simple copy of the map on the board, and then have one student come and draw the route on it.)





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Unit 3: Why do you like koalas ?

Language goals

In this unit students learn to describe animals and express preferences and give reasons,New language

Why do you like koala bears?.Because they're cute,They're pretty interesting, They're kind of shy, They're very big.names of animals such as tiger, elephant, koala bear, dolphin description words such as smart, cute, intelligent names of countries: Australia, South Africa,Recycled language between, across from He's/She's from...He's / She's five years old.name of countries;China, Japan, Brazil

Section A

Additional materials to bring to class: coins or other markers for the Bingo game in 4.Ask students to name as many animals as they can in English.Write the list on the board, Ask students to describe each animal in some way.They may tell its color or tell if it is big or small.Say, Today we are going to learn the names of some more animals.Well also leam how to say which ones we like and tell why we like them.梦幻网络(http://www.xiexiebang.com)——最大的免费教育资源网站 梦幻网络(http://www.xiexiebang.com)数百万免费课件下载,试题下载,教案下载,论文范文,计划总结


This activity introduces the key vocabulary.Focus attention on the map of the zoo showing pictures of animals.Ask students to point to and name any animals they can.Point to the animals one by one and say the name of each.Ask students to repeal.Point out the numbered list of words.Say each one and ask students to repeat.Then ask students to match each word with one of the pictures.Say, Write the letter of each animal in the blank by that animal's name.Point out the sample answer.Check the answers.b

This activity gives students practice in understanding the target language in spoken conversation.Point to the animals in 1a-Ask students to point to and name the animals.Say, I'm going to play recordings of three conversations.Listen carefully as you look at the words in la.Put a checkmark in front of the name of each animal you hear.Play the recording the first time.Students only listen.Play the recording a second time.This time students check each animal name they hear.Correct the answers.c

This activity provides guided oral practice using the target language.Call attention to the example conversation in the picture.Ask two students to read it to the class.Answer any questions they may have.Point out the four description words.Ask a student to read them 梦幻网络(http://www.xiexiebang.com)——最大的免费教育资源网站 梦幻网络(http://www.xiexiebang.com)数百万免费课件下载,试题下载,教案下载,论文范文,计划总结

aloud.Review the meaning of each word.Say, Now you can make conversations about animals.Your conversations can be like the example.Use these description words.Ask students to work in pairs.Have them take turns saying both parts.If students need help getting started, demonstrate another conversation with a student.For example: Teacher: let's see the elephant.Student: Why do you want to see the elephant? Teacher: Because it's very smart.Ask some students to present their conversations to the class.2a

This activity provides listening practice using the target language.Call attention to the two blank lines on the left.Say,You will hear a recording of a conversation.Listen carefully.Then write the names of the two animals you hear on these lines.Play the recording the first time.Students only listen.Play the recording a second time.This time students write in the names of the animals.Check the answers.Point out the adjectives listed on the right.Ask a student to say the words.Say, Now I will play the recording again.This time draw a line between each animal and the adjective you hear.Play the recording and have students match each animal with an adjective.Correct the answers.2b

This activity provides listening and writing practice using the 梦幻网络(http://www.xiexiebang.com)——最大的免费教育资源网站 梦幻网络(http://www.xiexiebang.com)数百万免费课件下载,试题下载,教案下载,论文范文,计划总结

target language.Call attention to the conversation and the blank lines in it Say, You will hear the recording again.This time please write a word from the box on each blank line.Some words can be used more than one time.Ask a student to read the words in the box.Play the recording.Check to see that students are writing a word from the box on each line of the conversation.Go over the answers.2c

This activity provides guided oral practice using the target language.Call attention to the conversation in the picture.Ask two students to read it to the class.Say, Now you can have conversations like this one.Use the words in Box 1, Box 2, and Box 3 in your conversations.Demonstrate a conversation with a student.For example:

Student: Do you like penguins? Teacher: Yes, I do.Student: Why? Teacher: Because they're very cute.3a

This activity provides reading practice using the target language.Point to and say the names of the three countries on the maps and ask students to repeat Point to the three animals and ask a student to name them.Say, Now draw a line between each animal and the country it comes from.Correct the answers.梦幻网络(http://www.xiexiebang.com)——最大的免费教育资源网站 梦幻网络(http://www.xiexiebang.com)数百万免费课件下载,试题下载,教案下载,论文范文,计划总结


This activity provides guided oral practice using the target language.Point to the conversation in the picture.Ask a pair of students to read it to the class.Ask students to work in pairs.Say, Now you can talk about where animals come from.Point to the map and animals students matched up in 3a-Say, Work with a partner.Take turns asking and answering questions about the countries and animals in 3a.After a few minutes, ask several pairs to say the conversation for the class.Section B

Additional materials to bring to class: Pictures of household pets and zoo animals cut out of magazines for Follow-up activity 1.This activity introduces more key vocabulary, Call attention to the animals in the picture and ask a student to say the name of each one.Point out the list of eight numbered adjectives at the top.Say, Now please match the adjectives at the top with the animals in the picture.Write the letter of the animal on the line after the adjective.Point out the sample answer.As students work, move around the room offering to answer questions as needed.Correct the answers-


This activity provides listening practice with the target 梦幻网络(http://www.xiexiebang.com)——最大的免费教育资源网站 梦幻网络(http://www.xiexiebang.com)数百万免费课件下载,试题下载,教案下载,论文范文,计划总结

language.Say, Now I will play a recording of a conversation between Tony and Maria.This time circle the adjectives you bear on the list for la.Play the recording again.Students circle the adjectives they hear.Correct the answers.2b

This activity provides listening and writing practice using the target language.Call attention to the three headings.Animal, Maria's Words and Tony's Words, and the write-on lines under each.Say, Now I will play the recording again.This time please write the name of the animals each person talks about and the words they say.Play the first four lines of recording and stop the tape.Ask, What animal are they talking about?(the elephant)What words does Maria use to describe the elephant?(interesting, intelligent)

Point out the write-on lines where students can write these words.Play the whole recording and have students write the words they hear on the chart.Check the answers.This activity provides guided oral practice using the target language.Call attention to the dialogue next to the picture.Ask two students to read it to the class.Say, Work in pairs.Use sentences like these to say what you think about different animals.Demonstrate the activity with one or two students.For example, say, I like dolphins.They're intelligent.梦幻网络(http://www.xiexiebang.com)——最大的免费教育资源网站 梦幻网络(http://www.xiexiebang.com)数百万免费课件下载,试题下载,教案下载,论文范文,计划总结

Ask students to work in pairs.As they work, move around the room checking on progress.Ask some pairs to present their conversations to the class.3a

This activity provides reading practice using the target language.Point out the three descriptions of animals.Ask students to take turns reading one aloud.Then draw attention to the pictures of animals below.Say, Write the letter of the animal in the blank lines above its description.There is one animal that is not described.Check the answers.3b

This activity introduces some new vocabulary words and provides reading and writing practice using the target vocabulary.Call attention to the pictures of animals in 3a, and draw attention to the grass, leaves, and meat.Ask a student to explain each word or use it in a sentence to show he or she understands what it means.Teach the expression sleeps.Point out the description in 3b with blank lines where some words are missing.Read it to the class saying blank each time you come to a blank line.Point out the six words in the box.Say, You can write these words in the blanks.Use each word only once.As students work, move around the room checking progress and offering language support as needed.Check the answers.3c

This activity provides reading and writing practice using the target language, Say, Now you can write a description like the one in 3b.You can 梦幻网络(http://www.xiexiebang.com)——最大的免费教育资源网站 梦幻网络(http://www.xiexiebang.com)数百万免费课件下载,试题下载,教案下载,论文范文,计划总结

use some of the same words.Write about any animal you like.You may wish to do a sample description with the class.Choose an animal's name and write it on the board.Then ask students to make statements about the animal.Repeat each statement and then write on the board.You can ask leading questions such as.Is it big? Is it lazy? Does it eat grass? Ask students to write their own descriptions.You may wish to have less fluent students work with a more fluent partner, Ask students to share their writing with others in the class.After you have reviewed the students' work, you may wish to have some students recopy their work so that you can post it on the classroom bulletin hoard.梦幻网络(http://www.xiexiebang.com)——最大的免费教育资源网站 梦幻网络(http://www.xiexiebang.com)数百万免费课件下载,试题下载,教案下载,论文范文,计划总结

Unit 4: I want to be an actor.Language goal

In this unit, students learn to talk about jobs.New language What do you do? I'm a reporter What does he do.' He's a student.What do you want to be? I want to be an actor.What does she want to be? She wants to be a police officer names of jobs and professions

Section A

Brainstorm with students a list of jobs that friends or relatives do.(”Brainstorming“ is an activity in which you set a topic and students say whatever words they can think of relating to that topic.)Write the word jobs on the board and list all the jobs students mention.Point to the jobs one by one and ask students to say what ever they can about these jobs.Accept single word answers or simple sentences such as, It's fun.It's a good job.la

This activity introduces the key vocabulary.Focus attention on the art.Ask students to tell what they see in each scene.Ask students to name as many of the jobs shown as they can.Then point to a scene, name the job, and ask students to repeat.Point to the numbered list of words.Say each one and ask students to repeat.Then ask students to match each word wllfa one of the scenes.Say, 梦幻网络(http://www.xiexiebang.com)——最大的免费教育资源网站 梦幻网络(http://www.xiexiebang.com)数百万免费课件下载,试题下载,教案下载,论文范文,计划总结

Write the letter of each scene next to one of the ivords.Point to the sample answer.b

This activity gives students practice in understanding the target language in spoken conversation.Point to the different people shown in the picture.Ask various students to tell what they do as you point to each one, Say, Now you will hear three conversations.The conversations are about three of the people in this picture.Play the recording the first time.Students only listen.Play the recording a second time.This time ask students to write a number 1 next to the person being talked about in conversation 1.Have students put a 2 and 3 next to the people being talked about in conversations 2 and 3.Correct the answers.1 c

This activity provides guided oral practice using the target language-Ask a student to read the example conversation with you.Hold up the book and point to the doctor in the picture.Say, Now work with your partner.Make your own conversations about the picture.You can use sentences like the ones in activity 1b.Say a dialogue with a student.Point to a picture of one of the people.Guide the student to answer using one of the words in activity 1a.As students work in pairs, move around the room monitoring their work.Oner language or pronunciation support as needed.2a

This activity gives students practice in understanding the target language in spoken conversation.Ask students to look at the three pictures.Ask different students to tell you what they sec in each picture.What are the people doing? 梦幻网络(http://www.xiexiebang.com)——最大的免费教育资源网站 梦幻网络(http://www.xiexiebang.com)数百万免费课件下载,试题下载,教案下载,论文范文,计划总结

What jobs do they have? Play the recording the first time.Students only listen.Say, You will hear conversations about the people in these pictures.Play the recording a second time.Say, Write the number of each conversation below the picture of the person being talked about.Correct the answers.2b

This activity gives students practice in understanding the target language in spoken conversation.Point to the three headings in the chart and read the headings to the class.Ask students, What does ”wants to be“ mean?(It is not the Job the person lias now.It is the job the person wants in the future.)Play the recording the first time.Students only listen.Say, You wiU hear about the people in these pictures.You will hear the job they haw now and the job they want in the future.Play the recording a second time.This time ask students to fill in the blanks with the jobs the people have now and the ones they want in the future.Point out the sample 2c

This activity provides guided oral practice using the target language.Point out the pictures in activity 2a.Ask who each person is.(They are Susan's brother.Anna's mother, and Tony's father.)Say, Now work with your partner.Ask and answer questions about the pictures.Ask, ”What does he or she do?“ Then ask, ”What does he or she want to be?“ Say a dialogue with a student.Point to Anna's mother and then to the example in the speech balloons.Practice the dialogue with a student.As students work In pairs, move around the room monitoring their work.Offer language support as needed.梦幻网络(http://www.xiexiebang.com)——最大的免费教育资源网站 梦幻网络(http://www.xiexiebang.com)数百万免费课件下载,试题下载,教案下载,论文范文,计划总结


This activity introduces the names for the places where people work, and gives reading practice using the target language.Call attention to the pictures.Ask students to read the name for each place.As they name each place, write the word on the board and-ask the class to repeat it.Point out the list of jobs with the numbers next to each.Then call attention to the people in the pictures and the speech bubbles.Point out the sample answer and have a student read out the speech bubble.Ask students to work alone.Say, Write the number of each job in the square next to each workplace.Check the answers.3b

This activity provides guided oral practice using the target language.Point out the pictures in activity 3a.Ask students to name the workplace shown In each picture.Then point out the conversation in the speech bubbles.Ask two students to read It to the class.Say, Wow work with a partner.First practice the conversation in the picture.Then make new conversations.Use jobs and places from activity 3a.Say a dialogue with a student.Point to the word waiter in activity 3a and then to the picture of the restaurant.Ask a student.Where does he work? Guide the student to answer using the correct place: He works in a restaurant.Then ask.What does he do? and guide the student to answer, He's a waiter.As students work in pairs, move around the room monitoring their work.Offer language support as needed.4

This activity provides listening and speaking practice using the target language.Call attention to the pictures in the book showing how to play the 梦幻网络(http://www.xiexiebang.com)——最大的免费教育资源网站 梦幻网络(http://www.xiexiebang.com)数百万免费课件下载,试题下载,教案下载,论文范文,计划总结

game.Say, You will draw a picture of someone working.Other students will ask questions about the kind of job you are drawing.After two questions someone can try to guess the job.Demonstrate by drawing a picture on the board of a stick figure reporter.Add details(microphone, notebook,etc.)until students guess what job it is.Ask a student to go to the board.Say, Draw a picture of a person working.If necessary, help the student add details that show the job the person is doing.He or she can add a bank interior to show that the person is a bank clerk.A student could also use an eye chart on the wall to show that the place is a doctor's office and the person is a doctor.Ask two different students to ask questions about the Job, and then ask a third student to guess what job it is.Play the game using drawings by several different students.Alternative: If you do not want students to move from their seats, then you can ask them to do this activity sitting down in groups of four.They will need pieces of paper on which to draw their pictures.They will also need pencils.Section B

New language Words that describe jobs, such as exciting, dangerous,boring, difficult, busy, fun

Additional materials to bring to class: help wanted ads from an English-language newspaper a

This activity introduces the key vocabulary.Focus attention on the six pictures.Ask, What job does the person have? Where does the person ivnrk? 梦幻网络(http://www.xiexiebang.com)——最大的免费教育资源网站 梦幻网络(http://www.xiexiebang.com)数百万免费课件下载,试题下载,教案下载,论文范文,计划总结

Point out the numbered list of words.Say each one and ask students to repeat.Then use simple explanations and short sample sentences to help students understand what each word means.For example, Exciting means very interesting and very fast-moving.A police officer has an exciting job.The job is always changing.Something is always happening.For dangerous you might say, Dangerous means not safe.You might be hurt or killed in a dangerous job.Then ask students to match each word with one of the pictures.Say, Write the letter of each picture next to one of the words.Point out the sample answer.Check the answers.1 b

This activity provides guided oral practice using the target language.Call attention to the picture In this activity and ask a student to read the statement to the class.Then point to the picture of the police officer and say.It's an exciting job.Ask the class to repeat.Then say, What else can you say about being a police officer? Someone may answer, It's a dangerous job.Ask the class to repeat each correct answer.Then ask students to work in pairs.Suggest that they each point to the pictures of the workers and make statements about them.As students practice, move around the classroom monitoring their work.1 c This activity provides an opportunity for oral practice.Say, Name some of the jobs from this unit.Write this list of jobs on the board.Say, Can you name some other jobs? Add any new jobs to the list.Ask some students to make statements about Jobs on the list using the words in activity la.You may wish to write some of the sentences on the board so that students can copy the sentences into 梦幻网络(http://www.xiexiebang.com)——最大的免费教育资源网站 梦幻网络(http://www.xiexiebang.com)数百万免费课件下载,试题下载,教案下载,论文范文,计划总结

their notebooks.2a

This activity provides listening and writing practice with the target language.Call attention to the two headings and ask a student to read die headings to the class.Point out the blank lines where students will write the name of a job(under the words wants to be).Play Ihe recording the first time.Students only listen.Say, Now I will play the tape again.This time write the name of a job under the words ”wants to be.“ 2b

This activity provides listening and writing practice with the target language, Call attention to the second heading and ask a student to read it to the class.Say, This time you will unite why each person wants the job.Play the recording again.Students only listen.Then say, Now I will play the tape again.This time write the reason the person wants the job under the word ”Why?“ Play the recording.Students write their answers.Check the answers.2C

This activity provides open-ended oral practice using the target language.Say, What do you want to be? What words describe each job? Help the class make up a list of jobs they might like to do.As students suggest possible jobs, ask the class to suggest words to describe them.Use a bilingual dictionary, if necessary, to find the names of jobs and words to describe each one.Then ask students to work in small groups.They tell each other what they want to do and why.Encourage students to use dictionaries if necessary.Move from group to group offering assistance as needed.梦幻网络(http://www.xiexiebang.com)——最大的免费教育资源网站 梦幻网络(http://www.xiexiebang.com)数百万免费课件下载,试题下载,教案下载,论文范文,计划总结

Ask individual students to tell the class about what they want to be and why.3a

This activity provides reading and writing practice using the target language.Call attention to the three newspaper ads and read these ads to the class.Say blank each time you come to a blank line.Then read each ad again separately, pausing to allow students to ask questions about anything they don't understand.For example, in the first ad, students may not know that working late means ”working at night.“ To work hard means to use a lot of energy to do the job.Ask students to fill In(he blanks in the ads using the words actor, reporter, and waiter.Check the answers.3b

This activity provides reading and writing practice using the target language.Call attention to the newspaper ad and ask a student to read it, saying blank for each blank line.Ask students to fill in the blanks using words from This section.Say,Look at the pictures next to each blank line.The pictures will help you guess the correct word.Suggest that they look at the names of jobs and the words that describe jobs in the first part of Section B.Check the answers, 3c

This activity provides writing practice using the target language.Point out the blank strip of newspaper where students can write their own ads.Ask one or two students, What are you going to write about? Repeat each of the students' sentences and ask the class to repeat the sentences after you.For example: Do ^OM want an interesting 梦幻网络(http://www.xiexiebang.com)——最大的免费教育资源网站 梦幻网络(http://www.xiexiebang.com)数百万免费课件下载,试题下载,教案下载,论文范文,计划总结

but dangerous job? Do you want to meet new people? We need a police officer.Call the Smithtown Police Station at 555-2323.Ask students to read their ads to a partner.Ask the pairs to correct each other's work.4

This activity provides guided oral practice using the target language.Ask two students to read the conversation in the speech bubbles.Answer any questions students may have about it.Then say, New please work in groups.Ask efuestions to find out what jobs each person wrote about.You can use sentences like the ones we just read.As students ask questions, move from group to group.Rephrase any incomplete or incorrect questions.Also rephrase any inaccurate answers.梦幻网络(http://www.xiexiebang.com)——最大的免费教育资源网站 梦幻网络(http://www.xiexiebang.com)数百万免费课件下载,试题下载,教案下载,论文范文,计划总结

Unit5 I'm watching TV.Language Goal:

Talk about what people are doing.Teaching Aims:

The present Progressive(结构式: Be + V-ing)

Key Points:

---What’s he doing ?

---He’s reading.Difficult points:

现在进行时的用法和动词V-ing 形式的构成。

Teaching Methods:


Teaching Aids:


Teaching Procedures:

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Step1.Warming – up

A.Duty report

Teacher: How are you, boys and girls?

S s : Fine, thank you.Teacher: OK, who’s on duty today?

(the student who is on duty starts to make a duty report)

B.Ask and answer

(The teacher asks some Ss to answer questions and writes down the verbs in the sentences on the blackboard.)

T: Usually, what time do you go to school?

S1: ……

T: When does your father watch TV in the evening?

S2: ……

T: Do you do your homework in the evening?

S3: ……

T: When do you play soccer? 梦幻网络(http://www.xiexiebang.com)——最大的免费教育资源网站 梦幻网络(http://www.xiexiebang.com)数百万免费课件下载,试题下载,教案下载,论文范文,计划总结

S4: ……

T: what time do you usually eat dinner?

S5: ……

(The teacher should encourage the students after questions.)

The teacher ask the students to read these five verbs for several times.Step 2.Presentation

A.Match the words and the activities.Ask the students to turn to page 83, and look at the pictures in 1a.Then,the teacher ask questions:

----What’s he doing?

(Picture 1)

----He’s making a telephone call.(Help the students answer the question with body language.)

Ask and answer just like that, and finish 1a.(Ss can guess the meaning of doing homework, watching TV, cleaning, eating dinner 梦幻网络(http://www.xiexiebang.com)——最大的免费教育资源网站 梦幻网络(http://www.xiexiebang.com)数百万免费课件下载,试题下载,教案下载,论文范文,计划总结

and reading.)

The Ss read these V-ing words after the teacher.B.Play the video.To make the Ss clear what they are learning in this class.Mr.Gong’s words do give the teacher a big hand.(Write down the title of Unit 14 I’m watching TV on the blackboard and ask the Ss to read it.)

C.Teach the Present Progressive.1.Introduction

Tell the Ss what the Present Progressive is.(现在进行时表示现在正在进行或发生的动作, 它的表现形式为Be Verbs + V-ing----这也即为它的结构式.)

2.Tell the difference

Write down the V-ing forms by another lines of go, watch, do, play and eat on the blackboard.Ask the Ss to have a look and find the difference between them.For example: go and going, watch and watching, do and doing, etc.Then, ask the Ss to read them again.3.Listen to the tape.梦幻网络(http://www.xiexiebang.com)——最大的免费教育资源网站 梦幻网络(http://www.xiexiebang.com)数百万免费课件下载,试题下载,教案下载,论文范文,计划总结

Let the Ss get ready to listen to the tape(paper and ball-point pen).Check the answer: 2

4.Activities.The teacher acts several actions and say :”What am I doing?”, help Ss answer: ”I’m opening the door.”

(The other actions: look at someone, clean the window)

Write down the three sentences on the blackboard, and ask the Ss to pay attention to the important words underlined:


What am I doing?


I’m opening the door.n

What am I doing?


I’m looking at him.n

What am I doing?


I’m cleaning the window.5.Pairwork.梦幻网络(http://www.xiexiebang.com)——最大的免费教育资源网站 梦幻网络(http://www.xiexiebang.com)数百万免费课件下载,试题下载,教案下载,论文范文,计划总结

Ask and answer questions about what people are doing in the picture.u

What’s he doing?


He’s reading.The Ss can practice different sentences upon the verbs on the blackboard.6.Guessing game.The teacher prepare several pieces of paper and there are different actions on it.Ask a pair of Ss to act it out.(Each pair of Ss choose two pieces of paper and act.)

(The Ss must like to do it, so the teacher can ask many pairs to do this game and, the Ss can be familiar with the Present Progressive step by step.They can have fun in the classroom during this class, it’s the most important.)

7.Self-assessment.The teacher prepare for the Ss some listening exercises, and play the cassette, let them finish these exercises at once.Then, check the answer.The Ss can understand whether they have learned about the Present Progressive.8.Do the exercises.梦幻网络(http://www.xiexiebang.com)——最大的免费教育资源网站 梦幻网络(http://www.xiexiebang.com)数百万免费课件下载,试题下载,教案下载,论文范文,计划总结

The teacher have the Ss some exercises, and ask the Ss to do at once.<1>--What’s Li Lei doing?


<2>--What’s his mother doing?


<3>--What are they doing?

--They_____________.(play soccer)

<4>--What are David and Mary doing?

--They_____________.(have dinner)

<5>--What’s Jenny doing?


(In fact, the Ss don’t have enough time to finish the exercises, so they can go on and finish these exercises after class.Step 3.Homework

1.Finish the exercises in the class.2.Make a conversation and act it out with your partner.梦幻网络(http://www.xiexiebang.com)——最大的免费教育资源网站 梦幻网络(http://www.xiexiebang.com)数百万免费课件下载,试题下载,教案下载,论文范文,计划总结

Step 4.The end

T: You are very good today, boys and girls!And thank you for listening.Bye.梦幻网络(http://www.xiexiebang.com)——最大的免费教育资源网站


Language goals In this unit students learn to talk about the weather and talk about what people are doing.New language What are you doing? I'm watching TV What's he doing? He's playing basketball.What's she doing? She's cooking.What are they doing? They're studying.How's the weather? It's raining.Section A

Write the question.What are you doing? on the board.Read the question and ask the class to repeat it.Then act out an activity students are already familiar with, point to the question and have students repeat it.Answer the question using the target language.For example, you might pretend to be reading a book,playing soccer, playing the guitar or writing your name.When the class asks, What are you doing?, you answer,I'm reading a book, and so forth.1 a

This activity introduces the key vocabulary.Focus attention on the cities in the picture.Ask, What s the weather like here? If they can't answer, supply theword and ask the class to repeat it.Say a sentence or two about each kind of weather.For example, It's raining.Is it raining here today? Point out the numbered list of words.Say each one and ask students to repeat the words again.Then ask students to match each word with one of the cities in the picture.Say, Write the letter of each city next to one of the ivords.Point out the sample answer.Check the answers.1 b

This activity gives students practice in understanding the target language in spoken conversation.Play the recording the first time.Students only listen.Say, You will hear four different conversations.Each one is about the weather in a different city.Point to each city in the picture as it comes up on the tape.Play the recording a second time.Ask students to write the name of the city in the picture of its weather.Say, The first one has been 梦幻网络(http://www.xiexiebang.com)——最大的免费教育资源网站

Unit 6: It's raining!梦幻网络(http://www.xiexiebang.com)数百万免费课件下载,试题下载,教案下载,论文范文,计划总结

done for you.Beijing is written in the picture of sunny weather.It is sunny in Beijing.Correct the answers.1 c

This activity provides guided oral practice using the target language.Point out the example conversation.Ask two students to read the dialogue to the class.Say, Now work with a partner.Make your own conversations about the weather in these five places.As the pairs talk, move around the room monitoring their work.Offer language or pronunciation support as needed.Ask several pairs to present their conversations to the class.2a

This activity gives students practice in understanding the target language in spoken conversation.Point to the four pictures.Ask students to tell what each person is doing in each picture.For example, This boy is talking on the phone.This man is playing basketball.Supply vocabulary words as needed.Play the recording the first time.Students only listen.Play the recording a second time.This time, ask students to listen to the recording and number the pictures 1 through 4 to show what each person is doing.Correct the answers.2b

This activity provides listening practice using the target language.Point out the list of names and the list of activities.Ask a different student to read each list to the class.Say, Now I will play the recording again.This time,please match each name with an activity.Write the letter of an activity in front of each name.Point out the sample answer for number 1.Play the recording and have students fill in the rest of the answers., Correct the answers.2c

This activity provides guided oral practice using the target language.Call attention to the four people in the picture in activity 2a.Ask students to say something about each person.Guide students to use the words and phrases playing basketball, cooking, ivatching TV, and playing computer games.Point out the sample conversation in the speech bubbles and have a pair of students read it to the class.梦幻网络(http://www.xiexiebang.com)——最大的免费教育资源网站 梦幻网络(http://www.xiexiebang.com)数百万免费课件下载,试题下载,教案下载,论文范文,计划总结

Say, Now please work with a partner.Make conversations like this one.Talk about the people in the I pictures.As students work in pairs, move around the room monitoring progress and offering assistance, if needed.Ask some pairs to present their conversations to the class.3a

This activity introduces more key vocabulary.Call attention to the faces.Ask students to point to and describe each face using whatever vocabulary they can.Help students to identify how each person is feeling.For example, ask a student.Look at this face.Is it happy? Is it unhappy? Then point to the four words.Say the words and ask students to repeat each one.Use your tone of voice and facial expressions to reinforce the meaning of each.Add your own simple explanations of what each one means.For example: Not bad.This means something is not very good, but it's also not very bad.It's in the middle.After that, ask students to match each numbered phrase with a face by writing the letter of each face in the blank in front of the correct phrase.As students work, move around the room answering questions as needed.Check the answers.3b

This activity provides oral practice using the target language.Point out the conversation in the large picture and ask two students to read it to the class.Ask students to explain what How's it going? means.(It is similar to How are you? or How is everything?)Ask students to practice the conversation in pairs.Move around the room monitoring their progress.Then call attention to the example in the small speech bubbles.Have two students read it to the class.Say, Now we'll change some of the words and make our own conversations.We can use our own names.We can give true answers or we can make up answers.Ask pairs of students to make up their own conversations.Move around the room offering language support as needed.Ask some pairs to present their conversations to the class.4.This game provides oral practice using the target language.Say,Now let's work in pairs again.One student looks at the picture on page 85 and the other looks at the picture on page 87.Please don't look at your part ner's picture.梦幻网络(http://www.xiexiebang.com)——最大的免费教育资源网站 梦幻网络(http://www.xiexiebang.com)数百万免费课件下载,试题下载,教案下载,论文范文,计划总结

Say, Each picture has the same people in it, but they are doing different things.Take turns talking about what the people are doing in your picture.If I am student A, I will say.In my picture it is sunny.Guide one of the students Bs to respond.In my picture it is raining.As students work, move around the room, monitoring progress and offering assistance as needed.Section B

New language More words used to describe weather:cold, hot, cool, warm, humid Additional materials to bring to class: weather map from an English language newspaper 1 a

This activity introduces more key vocabulary.Focus attention on the five pictures.Ask students to tell what the weather is like in each place, if they can.If not, supply the word and ask the class to repeat it.Say a sentence or two about each kind of weather.It's cold in this picture.Is it cold here today? Point out the numbered list of words.Say each one and ask students to repeat the words again.Then ask students to match each word with one of the pictures.Say, Write the letter of each picture next to one of the words.Point out the sample answer.Check the answers.1 b

This activity provides oral practice using the target language.Call attention to the example in the speech bubbles.Read the conversation with a student.Ask students to work in pairs.Have students ask and answer questions about the weather in the pictures in activity la.2a

This activity provides listening and writing practice using the target language.Read the headings on the chart to the class.Point out the answer blanks.Say, Listen to this conversation between Sam and Maria.Listen carefully to their questions and answers.Play the tape the first time.Students only listen.Play the tape again and have students write their answers.Play the tape again and have students write their answers.Say, This time, please write the answers Maria and Sam give to the 梦幻网络(http://www.xiexiebang.com)——最大的免费教育资源网站 梦幻网络(http://www.xiexiebang.com)数百万免费课件下载,试题下载,教案下载,论文范文,计划总结

question ”How's it going?“You may wish to play the tape more than once at this point.Correct the answers.2b

This activity provides more listening and writing practice using the target language.Point to and read the second two headings on the chart: What are you doing? How's the weather? Ask students to listen to the recording again and write the answers to these two questions in the blanks in the chart.Play the recording.Students fill in the blanks.Correct the answers.2c

This activity provides guided listening and speaking I practice using the target language.Point out the example in the speech bubbles.Ask two students to read it to the class.Point out the three questions in 2a.Ask individual students each question and repeat their answers.Accept any reasonable answers.Say, Now work with a partner.Make your own conversations.Student A is Maria.Student B is Sam.Athey talk, move around the room monitoring their work.Offer language support as needed.3a This activity provides reading practice using the target language.Call attention to the speech bubble and the picture.Ask students to say where the reporter is.Ask them to tell what they know about Egypt.Read the speech bubble to the class, or ask a student to do so.Answer any questions students may have.Use drawings on the board and/or translation to clarify the meanings of any new vocabulary words.Ask students to work alone.Say, Underline the words in the speech bubble that say what people are doing.Then circle the words that describe the weather.Two examples are done for you.3b

This activity provides reading and writing practice using the target language.Draw attention to the pictures of France and the description below.Read the description to the class or ask a student to do so.Say the word blank each time you come to a blank line.Answer any questions students may have about the new words.Use drawings on the board and/or translation to clarify the meanings of any new vocabulary words.Ask students to work alone.Have students fill in the blanks.Point out the sample answer and read that sentence.梦幻网络(http://www.xiexiebang.com)——最大的免费教育资源网站 梦幻网络(http://www.xiexiebang.com)数百万免费课件下载,试题下载,教案下载,论文范文,计划总结

Correct the answers.3c

This activity provides writing practice using the target language.Ask one or two students to describe the weather in their home town, and to say what outdoor activities people there like to do(e.g.playing football, flying kites, fishing).Ask students to work alone.As they work, move around the class monitoring progress and offering help as necessary.Provide the students with any new vocabulary theyneed(e.g.for describing activities), or encourage them to use a dictionary.Ask several students to read their reports to the class.4

This survey provides listening, speaking, and writing practice using the target language.Call attention to the dialogue in the speech bubbles.Ask two students to read it to the class.Ask other students,What do you do when it's raining? Substitute another type of weather for ”raining" and ask other students what they do.Accept all reasonable answers and write each one on the board.Introduce the use of present tense in both halves of answers such as, When it's sunny, I go to the beach.(See grammar note.)Now ask students to interview their classmates.Ask each student to choose one type of weather and ask as many classmates as possible what they do in that kind of weather.Remind students to write down the answers.Ask several students to read their questions and answers to the class.Write any new vocabulary items on the board and discuss these words.Students may wish to copy some of the words onto their notebooks.Alternative: If you do not want students to get up and walk around the classroom, then ask them to do this activity in groups of four.梦幻网络(http://www.xiexiebang.com)——最大的免费教育资源网站


Unit 9 Health Care

Teaching aims: 1.Goals:

Learn about health care

⑴Practise expressing opinions and making decisions

⑵ Review the Subjunctive Mood(2)

⑶ Write a letter

2.Special focus:

A.Improve reading skills and Enlarge vocabulary.a.Direct Ss to read the 3 passages on the text book;

b.Guide Ss to learn to use the following words and expressions:

medical insurance, poverty, unemployment, AIDS, housing, income, economic development, essential, desperate, fundamental, statistics, pressure, constant, allowance, re-employment, sacrifice, aggressive, intelligence, sense of responsibility, sympathy, willingness, observation, resident, laid-off, vow, mould, etc.B.Reading A Helping Hand(p75)Teaching procedures: Step 1 Lead in

1.Can you think of the situations where people need help?

Serious illness, jobless, accidents, wars, disasters…

2.While one is in such situations, which organization can help besides the people around him or her?

The WHO together with the government.Step 2 Listen and answer:

1.Was Wanglin cured or not?

2.How much was spent on the poor people by 2003?

3.What is another big challenge for the government? Step 3 Scanning

Read the passage and try to come up with the general idea of each paragraph.Then ask students to fill in the chart to see if they have got a general understanding of the whole passage.Main Ideas of each paragraphs:

Paragraph A

A man suffering from a serious disease was unable to pay for treatment.Paragraph B

With a health care project’s help, Wang Lin’s disease was cured.Paragraph C

A new health project is aimed at exploring and developing a new health care model for China.Paragraph D Many urban Chinese are living on money given by the government.Paragraph E Millions of Chinese people in urban areas cannot afford proper health care.Paragraph F Health care project is very important in our country’s efforts to fight poverty.Paragraph G The Chinese government is taking measures to prevent the spread of AIDS.Paragraph H People must help each other if society is to develop and prosper.Paragraph I Our country is working hard to fight poverty and improve health care.The main idea of the passage:

The Passage gives a brief introduction to the health care condition in our country, and it emphasizes on the efforts that our government is making to fight poverty and improve health care by giving examples of Wang

Lin.Step 4 Careful-reading

1.In what way is Wang Lin’s situation similar to that of other low-income families?

They all can only make ends meet on their low income, and if someone in their families becomes seriously ill, the family is forced into poverty, and has to ask for help from the government.2.Why is medical insurance so important to low-income families?

Because medical insurance can provide easy access to hospitals and clinics for low-income families.3.What is the government doing about AIDS in China?

Chinese government has vowed to provide free AIDS tests for the general public as well as free treatment for those who cannot afford the treatment fees.And we learn from news that our government has decided to control the number within 1.5 million before 2010.4.What can we do to care for the weakest members of our society?

Our country decided to move forward without leaving anyone behind.Now we are taking measures, such as reducing poverty, helping sick people get treated properly and providing medical insurance for the poor.And we all know that the famous programme “Developing the West”, it is an important measure to put an end to poverty.Only by helping each other, can our country develop and prosper.Step 5 Comprehension

Unemployment—poverty--bad housing condition/ no healthy diet/ cannot afford to purchase medical insurance/ no good education—AIDS/ accidents--government programmes Step 6.Post-reading

A.Choose the best answers:

1.Thanks to______,Wang Lin was able to receive a treatment in time to prevent the disease from ruining his health.答案:C

A.his son in college B.the insurance for his family

C.the health care project D.the kindness of his family and neighbors

2.According to the text, if Wang Lin had had______, the sickness wouldn’t have caused such a big problem.答案:C

A.a good job B.a high income C.insurance D.a good doctor to consult 3.What’s the aim of new health care project? 答案:D

A.Helping people get rid of poverty.B.Exploring and developing a new health care model for China.C.Letting sick people treated properly.D.Providing medical insurance for the poor.4.According to the United Nations AIDS agency’s report,how many people will be infected by AIDS in China by 2002 unless more is done to prevent the spread of the disease? 答案:B

A.9 million.B.10 million.C.11 million.D.12 million.5.The text“A Helping Hand”is mainly about______.答案:C

A.millions of Chinese people in urban areas can’t afford proper health care

B.the Chinese government is taking measures to prevent the spread of AIDS

C.a new health care project is being explored and developed in China

D.people must help each other if society is to develop and prosper B.Read the passage and fill in the blanks with one to three words.The poverty and the poor health care of low-income families The government’s efforts to fight poverty

and poor health care

Low-income families cannot afford to pay for 1________, that is to say, they cannot afford to 2 _____a doctor or 3______medicine.① The government encourages health care form and reduces poverty by designing a health care project which provides poor patients with treatment at 7____or less to help them get treated properly.② The Chinese government is working with other countries and international organizations to explore and develop a new 8_______ for China.③ The government encourages people to 9_________ in order that other measures to fight poverty will work.④ The government has vowed to stop the spread of AIDS by providing free 10_______ Low-income families cannot provide 4___ for their children.Many low-income families cannot afford to 5_______.Low-income families live on allowance 6____________.Keys: 1.medical treatment 2.consult 3.purchase/buy 4.a healthy diet 5.purchase medical insurance.6.given by the government 7.half the cost 8.health care model 9.purchase medical insurance 10.tests and treatment C.Answering the questions on P77.Step 7 Homework

Finish all the exercises on Word Study and Grammar on p77-79.Integrating Reading Skills

The Little Mould That Could(P79)Step 1.Scan the passage

A.The main ideas of each paragraph: Paragraph 1 Health care in the past was often dangerous and risky.Paragraph 2 Alexander Fleming invented many ways to treat the wounded during the First World War.Paragraph 3 Fleming discovered a mould that can kill bacteria by accident.Paragraph 4 Fleming was excited about his discovery, which he called Penicillin, but other scientists showed no interest.Paragraph 5 Penicillin played a very important role during the World War II and at present as well.B.answer after scanning the passage as quickly as possible.1.What could the little mould do?

The little mould that could treat/cure/fight infection.2.who discovered it? When was it discovered?

In 1928, Sir Alexander Fleming discovered it

3.What is its name?

It is called penicillin(In 1928, Sir Alexander Fleming discovered penicillin that could treat/cure/fight infection.)

Step 2 Careful reading Choose the best answers:

1.Who discovered penicillin? 答案:B

A.Howard Walter Florey.B.Alexander Fleming.C.Paul Ehrlich.D.Earnst Boris Chain.2.It was not until_____that the importance of Fleming’s discovery was fully recognized? 答案:B

A.World WarⅠ

B.World WarⅡ



3.When did Fleming receive the Nobel Prize with the two other scientists? 答案:D

A.In 1914.B.In 1928.C.In 1929.D.In 1945.4.From Paragraph 4 of the text“The Little Mould That Could”we can see that Fleming was all the following except______.答案:D




D.kind and warm-hearted

Step 3.Read the passage again and finish the exercises on the page 78.And retell the life experience of Fleming and how he discovered penicillin.Alexander Fleming was a young doctor in the early 1900s when a German chemist developed a chemical treatment to cure an incurable disease.Fleming began using it in his clinic.Then in 1914, he had to go to the battlefield to treat wounded soldiers during World WarⅠ, when he invented many ways to treat the wounded.After returning from the war, he went on with the search for the chemical because he believed it could treat infections.One day, he found a mould was growing in some old glass containers.To his surprise, the bacteria he had been growing had died.He believed that it was the mould, which later he called penicillin that killed the bacteria.Penicillin was a great discovery.It played a very important role during World War Ⅱ and as well as at present time.Fleming was awarded Nobel Prize for his great discovery in 1945.Alexander Fleming discovered Penicillin Phrases:

1.take measures to do sth.2.a laid-off worker

3.have an income of

4.to make matters worse

5.take a bank loan

6.put extra pressure on the family

7.keep a healthy diet

8.live in poverty

9.make ends meet

10.look forward to

11.ready-made clothes

12.cure many diseases

13.a story of hard work

14.search for

15.clean up 16.in a good mood

17.set a goal

18.be effective in

Reading on P213

Florence Nightingale

She is remembered as a pioneer of nursing and a reformer of hospital sanitation methods.For most of her ninety years, Nightingale pushed for the reform of the British military health-care system.Main ideas of each paragraph:

Para.1(Para1): Fear had gripped the nation when SARS broke out.Parts2(Para2-7): Thanks to the quick and forceful action the country took and the sacrifices the health care staff made, SARS ended in he summer of 2003.Part 3(Para 8): We will never forget the “Angels in White”.Step 5 Language points

1.suffer deadly infections as a result of operations(Para.1)

2.cure, curable, incurable, treat

3.It was not until after the war that he made his most important discovery.(Para2)

It was not until World War Two that the importance of Fleming’s discovery was fully recognized.(the last para.)

4.clean up(Para.3), clear up

The workwomen cleaned up(the mess)before they left.(除去垃圾等)

Clean up a room for a party.(打扫干净)He clean up a small fortune.(挣得,赢得)I hope it clears up this afternoon(天气转晴)

Has your rash cleared up?(你的皮疹痊愈了吗?)

Please clear up the mess in here before you go.(使整洁,清理)5.be excited about(Para.4)6.belong to(Para.4)

7.Despite their lack of interest, Fleming kept trying to develop the chemical so that it would be safe and effective.(Para.4)

8.Explain the last sentence of the whole passage.Step 6 Homework

1.Write a composition about penicillin in the exercise book(Page 81)2.Do the exercises about vocabulary on Pages 211~212.The Third Period Contents: practice Teaching Steps:

Step 1 Explain the usages of the following key words: 1.abuse vt.1.)滥用,妄用

He abused his power while in office.他在职时滥用权力。


You are always abusing and offending people.你总是出言不逊得罪人。


Those captives were physically abused.那些俘虏遭受了肉体上的摧残。


There is no freedom that is not open to abuse.任何自由都可能被滥用。


She greeted me with a stream of abuse.她一见我就吐出一连串的污言秽语。


Child abuse is widespread in this country.这个国家虐待孩子的情况很普遍。

2.insurance n.1.)保险;保险契约[U] 保险业[U]

I found a job selling insurance.我找到一份推销保险的工作。

She works in insurance.她从事保险业。


He has $100,000 life insurance, which his wife will receive if he dies first.他有十万美元的人寿保险,如果他先去世,他的妻子将得到这笔钱。


I bought some new locks as an additional insurance against burglary.我买了一些新锁具以进一步防止盗窃。


The insurance on my house is very high.我的房屋保险费很高。

3.allowance n.1.)津贴,补贴;零用钱[C]

The child has a weekly allowance of five dollars.这孩子每星期有五元零用钱。


His allowance for food is $100.他拨出一百美元用于购买食物。


the allowance of a claim 对要求权的允准


the allowance of segregation 对种族隔离的容忍

4.pressure n.1.)压;按;挤;榨[U]

The small box was flattened by the pressure of the heavy book on it.小盒子被这本厚厚的书压扁了。


He works well under pressure.他在有压力的情况下工作很出色。


These old people are unaccustomed to the pressure of modern life.这些老人不习惯现代生活的紧张压力。

5.significance n.1.)重要性, 重要[U]

The proposals they put forward at the meeting were of little significance.他们在会上提出的建议无足轻重。

2.)意义, 含义;意思[U][S]

He did not understand the significance of my wink.他没有领会我眨眼的意思。

6.devotion n.1.)献身;奉献[U][(+to)]

We appreciated his devotion of time and money to the project.我们感谢他为这一项目花费的时间和金钱。

His devotion to science is well known.他对科学的献身精神为人熟知。

2.)忠诚;挚爱,热爱[U][(+to/for)] devotion to music 热爱音乐



Starter Unit 1 Getting to know you 逐渐认识你

一 Greetings问候

★重点词汇Hello 喂 nice 令人愉快的 meet 遇见 goodbye 再见 this 这 thank 谢谢

★语法聚焦1.一般现在时的用法;2.系动词am, is的用法;3.副词too的用法。


Look and say

Hello, I'm Ben. 你好,我是本。

Hi, I'm Mark. 你好,我是马克。

Nice to meet you. 见到你很高兴。

Nice to meet you, too. 我也是。

This is Kitty.She is my sister. 这是基蒂。她是我的妹妹。

Hi, Mark. 你好,马克。

Hi, Kitty. 你好,基蒂。

Goodbye, Mark. 再见,马克。

Bye, Kitty.Bye Ben. 再见基蒂。再见,本。

Read and Act 读一读,演一演。

Alice: Good morning, Kitty.艾丽斯:早上好,基蒂。

Kitty: Good morning, Alice.基蒂:早上好,艾丽斯。

This is Mark .He's my friend.这是马克。他是我的朋友。

Alice: How are you,Mark? 艾丽斯:你好吗,马克?

Mark: Fine, thank you .And you? 马克:很好,谢谢。你好吗?

Kitty: I'm fine, too.基蒂:我也很好。


1.Hello, rm Ben,你好,我是本。


【注〕熟人之间,在说了声“Hi,” “Hello”之后,还会关心地补上一句:“How are you?”(你身体好吗?)对方马上回答说:“Fine/Not bad/Very well, thank youhhanks!And you?”(很好/不坏/非常好,谢谢。你呢?),以示给对方的回敬。而陌生人之间,在说了声:“Hello”之后,再补上一句“How do you do?”对方跟着重复一句:“How do you do?”

2.Nice to meet you.见到你很高兴。

▲双方初次见面经介绍后常说的一句话,这是陌生人初次见面的客套话。这句话也可用于双方好久未见,偶然相逢时的场合,表示一种高兴的心情。回答时一般说Nice to meet you, too.too意为“也”,放在句末。

3.This is Kitty.这是基蒂。

▲在第三者给双方作介绍时,通常用This is+姓名这一句型。在这种场合通常不说He is...或She is...。如:

Ii Lei: Mum, this is my teacher, Miss Wang.李雷:妈妈,这是我的老师,王老师。MisLi: Nice to meet you, Miss Wang.李夫人:见到你很高兴,王老师。

Miss Wang: Nice to meet you, too, Mrs.Li 王老师:见到你也很高兴,李夫人。

二 Meeting each other互相见面

★重点词汇Friend 朋友 how 如何 teacher 老师 Mr 先生 Miss小姐 Excuse 原谅

★语法聚焦1.陈述句的否定:be + not;2.一般疑问句的回答Yes/No;3.句型Are you...? 课文英汉对照

Look and say

Mum, this is Kitty and this is Ben.妈妈,这是基蒂,这是本

They are my friends.他们是我的朋友。

Hello, Mrs Wang.你好,王夫人。

Hi,Ben .Hi, Kitty.你好,本,你好,基蒂。

Good afternoon, Miss Li. 下午好,李老师。

This is my mum.这是我的妈妈。

Mum, this is my teacher, Miss Li. 妈妈,这是我的老师,李老师。

How do you do? 您好!

How do you dc? 您好!

Read and act

Alice: Excuse me, sir.艾丽斯:打扰了先生。

Are you Mr Smith? 您是史密斯先生吗?

Mr Brown:No, I'm not.布朗先生:不,我不是。

I'm Jack Brown. 我是杰克•布朗。

Alice: Sorry, Mr Brown.艾丽斯:对不起.布朗先生

三 Meeting my classmates见我的同学们

★重点词汇name 名字 ;How old 多大;What 什么;everyone 大家,每个人;one , two , three hundred 一、二、三••一百

★语法聚焦 问姓名What is your name?的用法;问年龄How old are you?的用法。


Look and say 看一看,说一说

Hello, I'm Miss Li.What are your names? 你们好,我是李老师。你们叫什么名字?

Hello, my name is Alice.Hi, everyone.I'm Eddie.你们好,我叫艾丽斯。大家好。我是埃迪。

How old are you,Alice?I'm 11. 艾丽斯你多大? 我11岁。

What about you,Eddie? Are you 11,too?No, I'm 12.埃迪你呢?你也11岁吗? 不,我12岁。

Ask and answer 问一问,答一答

S1:What's your name? S2:My name is„/I'm...Sl:你叫什么名字?S2:我叫„„/我是„„

S1:How old are you? S2: I'm...Sl:你多大? S2:我„„


1.What are your names?你们叫什么名字?

▲初次见面一般可以询问对方的姓名,英语中常用What's your二?对方可回答My name is„或I'm...2.How old are you, Alice?艾丽斯你多大了?

▲询问对方年龄用“How old + be+人称代词?’’这一句型。how是疑问副词,how old意为“多大年龄”,“几岁”。由how开头的疑问句属于特殊疑问句,用降调读。其回答用主语+be十数字+(years old),如:

-How old,you?-I'm ten years old.-你多大?-我十岁。


3.Are you 11, too?你也十一岁吗?


①My mother is coming, too.我母亲也要来了。

We, too,are going away.我们也要走了。

4.What about you, Eddie?埃迪,你呢?

▲ What about„?表示“„„怎么样?”或“„„好吗?”,常用在征求同意、提出请求或询问看法的问句中。如:1)What about your bag? 你的包怎么办呢?)What about seeing a film this evening?今天晚上去看电影怎么样?

四 Meeting my family见我的家人

★重点词汇this is这是 grandfather 爷爷 father父亲 brother 哥哥;弟弟 Are you„? 你是„„吗? mother母亲 sister姐姐;妹妹 grandmother奶奶

★语法聚焦1.一般现在时的用法;2.介绍某人This is...;3.Nice to meet you.的用法及回答。


Look and say

Simon, this is my mother.西蒙,这是我的妈妈。

Mum, this is my friend, Simon.妈妈,这是我的朋友西蒙。

Hello, Simon.Nice to meet you.你好,西蒙。很高兴见到你。

Nice to meet you too, Mrs U. 我也很高兴见到您,李夫人。

Simon, this is my father.西蒙,这是我的父亲。

Hello, Mr Li 您好,李先生。

Hello, Simon. 你好,西蒙。

Look and learn

mother brother sister


Say and act

Introduce your family,like this:像这样介绍你的家人:

Sl:This is my grandfather/grandmother/father/ mother/brother/sister.(a family member),this is my friend,(S3's name).S1:这是我的爷爷l奶奶/父亲l母亲l兄弟/姐妹。(一个家庭成员),这是我的朋友,(学生3的名字)。

S2: Hello,(S3's name).Nice to meet you.S2:你好,(学生3的名字)。很高兴见到你。

S3:Nice to meet you too.S3:我也是。


1.Simon, this is my mother.西蒙,这是我的母亲。


第一人称单数 my我的; 第二人称单数 your你的; 第三人称单数 his他的 her她的 its它的

第一人称复数 our我们的 第二人称复数 your你们的 第三人称复数 their他们的▲在词组或句子中,形容词性物主代词不能单独使用,后面必须加名词才能构成一个完整的意思。例如:This is my father.如果句中没有father,那么这个句子的意思就表达不清了。


▲ mother是正式场合向别人介绍母亲时或书面语所用的,相当于汉语的“母亲”,mum主要用于口语中,称呼自己的母亲时所用,相当于汉语的“妈妈”。此外dad的书面语是father;grandma的书面语是 grandmother;grandpa的书面语是grandfather.Starter Unit 2 Things around us 我们身边的物品Things in the classroom教室中的物品

★重点词汇Blackboard黑板 chair椅子 glue胶水 rubber橡皮 crayon蜡笔 scissors剪刀 bag 书包 paper 纸 knife 小刀 book 书 ruler尺 pair一对,一双bottle瓶子 pencil铅笔 piece张;件;片 desk课桌

★语法聚焦1.Is this/that...?Are these/those...?句型;2.不定冠词a的用法;3.名词的复数。


Look and say

Hi , David.Is this a rubber ? 你好戴维。这是橡皮吗?

Yes, it is.是的,它是。

Is that a rubber, too? 那也是块橡皮吗?

No, it isn't.不,它不是。

What is it? 它是什么?

It's a sweet.它是一块糖。




1-What's this?-It's a book.---这是什么?---是一本书。

2-What are these?-They are pens.---这些是什么?---是钢笔。



▲a和an都是不定冠词,意思是“一(个,只,支,本)”,但不强调“一”这个数量,强调的是类别。在实际使用中,a限用于辅音音素(即读音为辅音)开头的单数可数名词之前。如:a book(一本书),a bike(一辆自行车),a cup(一只杯子)等。

an限用于元音音素(即读音为元音)开头的单数可数名词之前。如:an apple(一个苹果),an orange(一个橘子),an egg(一个鸡蛋)。如果该名词前有个修饰语,那么用a还是an,则以该修饰语的第一个音素是辅音还是元音而定。如:a desk一张课桌,an old desk一张旧课桌; an apple一个苹果; a nice apple一个好吃的苹果;

a Chinese car一辆中国造的车,an English car一辆英国造的车

【注】音素指读音,而不是字母。有的词虽然是以元音字母开头,但第一个音素不一定是元音,而有的词虽然以辅音字母开头,但它的第一个音素可能是元音。如:an “x”一个x a “u”,一个u


▲a.英语的名词分为可数名词和不可数名词。可数名词有其复数形式,名词复数形式的构成,有以下几种情况:1)一般在词尾加-s。如:map-maps tree-trees toy-toys girl—girls 2)以s, sh, ch, x等结尾的词加es。如:bus-buses class-classes watch-watches box-boxes brush-brushes 3)以辅音字母+y结尾的词,变y为i,再加-es。如:baby-babies family—families story-stories 【注】toy, boy, key等不属于这一范畴,由于y前是元音字母,所以它们的复数是直接加-s, 以f或fe结尾的名词,变成复数须将f或fe改为ve,然后再加s。Eg :knife-knives(小刀)thief-thieves(小偷),英语中还有为数不多的名词的复数是不规则的。如:man--men woman-women child-children

▲b.名词复数的词尾读音规则有下面几种情况:如果-s前是清辅音如[p] [t] [k]等,则-s也跟着发清辅音[s]。如:books [ buks ] cats [ k ts ] cups [ k ps ] ;如果s前是浊辅音[b] [d] [g] [1] [rn] [n] 或者是元音,则-s也跟着发浊辅音[z],beds [bedz] bags [b gz] apples ['eplz] planes [pleinz] days [deiz] cars [ka:z]; 以辅音字母+y结尾的词变为复数形式后,词尾读〔z〕。如: babies [beibiz] families ['f miliz],加-es构成的复数形式及以[s] [z] [ ] [ts]结尾加一s构成的复数形式,读[iz]。如:buses [b siz ] boxes [b ksiz] watches ['w tsiz] 【注】house [ haus]这个词的复数houses的发音很特别,词尾es读〔iz〕,前面本来发清辅音〔s〕的字母。也要改发浊辅音[z],houses要读作['hauziz]

【注】[ ts]和[dz]的发音不能像〔ks〕 [ps] [gz] [bz]等那样读成两个辅音,[ts]和[dz]实际上都分别读成一个音,前者是清辅音,后者是浊辅音。

2.Clothes 衣服

★重点词汇 dress连衣裙 T-shirt T恤衫 shirt男衬衫 coat大衣 shoes鞋 in在„„里面under在„„下面

★语法聚焦 1.以where引导的特殊疑问句;2.介词in, on, under的用法及含义。


Look and say

Ben, it's cold today.本,今天很冷。

Here's your coat.这是你的大衣。

Thanks, Mum.谢谢妈妈。

Where's my hat, Ben? 我的帽子在哪,本?

Is it red? 它是红色的吗?

Yes, it is.是的,它是。

Here it is.它在这里。


Where are my gloves? 我的手套在哪?

They aren't in the drawer.他们不在抽屉里。

Here they are.他们在这儿。

These aren't my gloves.这不是我的手套。

My glove are blue.我的手套是蓝色的。

Look and lean a dress 一条连衣裙,a T-shirt一件T恤衫,a blouse一件女衬衫,a shirt一件男衬衫,socks袜子,shoes鞋


Ask and answer

Sl: Where is/ are the...?


S2: It is/They are in/on/under...S2:它/他们在„„里面l上/下面。

Sl : Oh, here it is/they are.Thank you.Sl:哦,它/他们在这里。谢谢。

S2: That's all right.S2:不用谢。


1.如果询问某物或某人在哪里,可用Where be...?这一句型。如

①--Where is your pen?你的钢笔在哪里?

--It's here.它在这里。

②--Where are the books?书在哪里?

--Here they are.他们在这里。

Where is可缩写为Where's,答语用It is...Where are不能缩写,答语用They„


2.in表示“在„„里面”,如:in the box在盒子里;in my吨在我书包里

on表示“在„„上面”,如:on the wall在墙上;on the desk在课桌上

under表示“在„„下面”,如:under the tree在树下;under the chair在椅子下Food and drink 食品和饮料


★语法聚焦 1.how much引导的特殊疑问句询问价钱,如:How much is the book?这本书多少钱?

2.不可数名词前加容器表示量的大小:a bottle of, a packet of 课文英汉对照

Look and read

Mum, do you want some flour? 妈妈,你要些面粉吗?

Yes, please.是的,要。

What have you got, Kitty? 你(筐里)都有什么,基蒂?

I've got some bread, some butter, some jam,some sugar, some fruit,some water, some milk,some chocolate and some coffee.我(这)有一些面包,一些黄油,一些果普,一些糖,一些水果,一些水,一些牛奶,一些巧克力和一些咖啡。

Wok and learn Yum Yum Superntarket啧啧超市 Special offer特别推荐

big ¥12大的12元 big¥8 大的8元 big ¥5 大的5元

small ¥6小的6元 small¥4 小的4元 small¥3 小的3元

a packet of sweets一包糖果 a cake一块蛋糕 an ice-cream一个冰淇淋

big ¥7 大的7元 big¥2大的2元 big¥13 大的13元

small¥5 小的5元 small¥1小的1元 small ¥8 小的8元 a packet of biscuits一包饼干. a bottle of water一瓶水

a bottle of juice -瓶果汁

Say and act

A small packet of sweets and two big bottles of water, please.一小包糖果和两大瓶水。

Here you are.给你。How much are they?他们多少钱? Ten yuan, please.10元钱。


1.What have you got,Kitty?你(筐里)都有什么,基蒂?

▲have got表示“有”。这是口语的习惯用法,相当于have.如:

-Have you got sweets?一你有糖吗?

-Yes, I have.一是的,我有。

2.Here you are.给你。


①当你购物或向别人借东西时,对方说Here you are,意为“给你”。

②当给对方物品时说Here you are.意为“给你”。

③帮别人寻物,发现时常说Here you are.意为“给你”。

④当你乘车到站时,司机会说Here you.意为“你到站了”。

⑤几个人乘车到站了,自己常说Here we are.意为“我们到了”。

3.How nmch are they?他们多少钱?

▲How much is/are...?„„多少钱?

How much后的连系动词用is还是are依后面主语的单复数而定。如:How much is the bread?面包多少钱?Fruit水果

★重点词汇 pineapple菠萝rough粗糙的smooth平滑的 smell闻taste品尝

★语法聚焦 1.Have you got any...?句型及回答。

-Have you got any juice?你有果汁吗?-Yes, I've got some juice.是的,我有一些。

-No, I haven't got any juice.不,我没有。

2.祈使句的用法: Smell it.请闻闻。Taste it.请品尝。


Look and say

Have you got any pineapples? 请问有菠萝吗?

Sorry, I haven't got any pineapples 对不起,我这没有菠萝。

Have you got any apples? 请问有苹果吗?

Yes, I've got some apples.是的,我这有苹果。

Red ones or green ones? 要红的还是绿的?

Red ones, please.要红的。


1.Have you got any pineapples?你有一些菠萝吗?

▲any表示“一些”,只能用于疑问句和否定句中,1)They are some books.他们是一些书。

2)They are not any books.他们不是一些书。3)Are they any books?他们是一些书吗?

2.Smell it.请品尝它。

▲ 以动词开头而且无主语这样的句子属于祈使句,最前面加Don't,如:

①Don't taste it.不要品尝它。②Sit down, please.请坐。

Starter Unit 3 Places and activities 地点与活动in the park在公园

★重点词汇 eat吃run跑步rubbish垃圾pick摘,捡play玩,游戏ball球 walk走,散步 grass草地 bicycle自行车football足球bring带来 dog 狗

★语法聚焦1.祈使句的用法: Look at the sign.看这个标记; 2.祈使句的否定:Don't...Don't swim here.不要在这里游泳;3.时间的表达法;4.现在进行时be + doing的用法。


Look and say

At four o'clock, 4点钟,Eddie and Danny,in the park.埃迪和丹妮在公园里。

A boy is riding his bicycle in the park. 一个男孩正在公园里骑自行车。

Don't ride your bicycle here.不要在这里骑车。

Why not? 为什么不让?

Look at the sign 看这个标志!


(1)先说几点,再说几分,如seven twenty 7点20分

(2)半小时以内的时间是“几分+past+几点”,如ten past six 6点10分

(3)过了半个小时的时间是,“(60一原分钟数)+ to十(原钟点数+1)”,如five to二8点55分

[注] 时间前如需要加介词可加at,对时间提问用What time is it?或What is the time? 2.Don't ride your bicycle here.不要在这里骑车。


①Don't close the door.不要关门。

②Don't eat.不要吃。

3.A boy is riding his bicycle in the park一个男孩正在公园里骑车。

▲ be+动词的ing形式构成现在进行时。be随人称的变化而变化,即(1)用am,(You)用are,(He, She, It)用is,复数人称用are.动词现在分词的构成方法:

①一般在动词末尾加ing,如:eat-eating drink--drinking go-going ②以不发音的字母e结尾的动词,先去e再加ing,如:come-caming close-closing make-making ③以重读闭音节结尾的动词,中间只有一个元音字母,词尾只有一个辅音字母,应先双写这个辅音字母再加ing,如:put-putting sit-sitting run-running

4.Don't bring your dog here.不要把狗带到这里来。

▲bring表示带某人或拿某物到说话人处。如:Please bring some water tome.请给我拿点水来。

Please bring your guest here.请把你的客人来。After school 放学后

★重点词汇 sing唱歌swim游泳paint画画;涂料 cook做饭run跑步write写dive跳水Jump跳draw画

read阅读table-tennis乒乓球volleyball排球tennis网球 ★语法聚焦 1.情态动词can(表示掌握某技能)的用法;Can you swim?你会游泳吗?‘

2.but连接两个表示转折关系的句子。I can swim but I can't dive.我会游泳但不会跳水。


Look and say

Kitty, can you swim? 基蒂,你会游泳吗?

Yes, I can. 是的,我会。

Danny, can you draw? 丹妮,你会画画(描细边)吗?

No, I can't. 不,我不会。

What can you do? 你会做什么?

I can paint. 我会画画(用扁笔直接画)。Can I do this 我能做这个吗?

★重点词汇 classroom hall noise now library office let playground toilet cross

★语法聚焦1.情态动词can(表示被允许)的用法: You can sit down.你可以坐下。

2.祈使句Let's的用法; Let's go.让我们出发吧。3.There be句型表示某地有某物。There is a car.有一辆桥车。


Look and say At home在家

Can I go out, Mum?我可以出去吗,妈妈?

No, you can't.It's raining.不,你不可以。正下雨呢。

Can we watch television?我们可以看电视吗?

Yes, you can.是的,你们可以。

At school在学校

You can't make a noise in the library.你不可以在图书馆发出噪音。

I'm sorry, Miss Li.对不起,李老师。

You can't play ball games in the classroom你不可以在教室里玩球。

I'm sorry, Miss Li.对不起,李老师。

In the street在马路上

Look!There's the red man.看!红灯亮了。Lpok!There's the green man.Let's cross the mad now.重点难点解析

l.Can I go out, Mum?我可以出去吗,妈妈?


2.Let's cross the road now.让我们现在过马路。

▲let's是let us的缩写形式,但是他们有区别;let’s指包括说话者在内的“我们”,let us指不包括说话者在内的“我们”。

▲let被称作使役动词,其后要求跟动词原形,即let sb do sth让某人做某事,如:

1)The teacher lets us read English every morning.老师让我们每天早上读英语。

2)Let him go at once.让他马上去。

3)There's the red man.有红灯。

▲There be句型表示“有•一,”be随其后面的第一个名词而变化,如:

1)There is a book and two pens.有一本书和两个钢笔。

2)There are two pens and a book..有两个钢笔和一本书。how do you go to„? 你如何去„„?

★重点词汇bus公共汽车car小汽车school bus校车bicycle自行车taxi出租车swimming pool游泳池

★语法聚焦1.特殊疑问句How do you go to...?的用法;2.介词by表示乘交通工具。


Look and say

How do you go to the swimming pool? 你如何去游泳池?

I go to the swimming pool by bus. 我乘公共汽车去游泳池。

I go by bicycle. 我骑车去。

Kitty goes to the swimming pool by bus.基蒂乘公共汽泳池。

Danny goes by bicycle. 丹妮骑车去。

How do you go to the park? 你如何去公园?

I go to the park by car.我乘小汽车去公园。

I go by taxi. 我乘出租车去。

Peter goes to the park by car.彼得乘小汽车去公园。

Alice goes by taxi. 艾丽斯乘出租车去。

How do you come to school?

I come to school by school bus.我乘校车来学校。

I walk.我步行。

Eddie comes to school by school bus,埃迪束校车来学校。

Kally walks to school.凯利步行来学校。

Do a survey做一个调查

How do students in your class come to school 你班的学生如何来学校?

Write a report.写一个报告。


1.How do you go to the park?你如何去公园?

▲ how是一个特殊疑问词,引导特殊疑问句,表示“如何”,“怎样”的含义。如:-How do you go to school?

-By bus.一你怎样上学?一乘公共汽车。

2.I go by taxi.我乘出租车去。

▲by是“乘坐”的意思,后面可加交通工具,如:by ship乘船 by plane乘飞机

Starter Unit 4 Family and friends 家人和朋友My family

★重点词汇 tall short old young photo doctor

★语法聚焦 1.特殊疑问句How many„?的用法;2.形容词的比较级


Read and act

Kitty: How many people are there in your family? Alice: Mm…seven.Kitty: Your mother,your father, your grandfather,… Alice: That’s right.I also have two older brothers and one younger sister.Kitty: There are only five people in my family.Your family is bigger than mine.Alice: That’s right.Your family is smaller than mine.重点难点解析

1.How many people are there in your family? 你家里有多少人?

▲这是由how many 构成的特殊疑问句,主要对数词进行提问,后接可数名词复数。如:

1)How many books do you have?你有多少本书?

2)How many students are there in your class?你们班有多少学生?

2.I also have two older brothers and one younger sister。我也有两个哥哥和一个妹妹。

▲elder 和older 辨析


1)My elder sister is three years older than I。我的姐姐比我大三岁。2)I have an elder brother。我有一个哥哥(仅有一个哥哥)3)I have an older brother。我有一个年龄更大的哥哥。(不止一个哥哥)

3.Your family is bigger than mine。你家人比我家人多。


1)He is taller than I(am tall)他比我高。2)He runs faster than I(run)。他比我跑的快。Relatives亲戚


★语法聚焦1 .How many...have you got ?句型 2.名词的所有格。如:Alice’s 爱丽斯的


Look and learn

This is Alice's family tree.这是艾丽斯的家谱。

Look and say

I've got two aunts.我有两个婶婶。

How many aunts have you got? 你有几个婶婶?

I've got two aunts too.你有几个婶婶?

I've got two uncles.我也有两个。

How many uncles have you got? 你有几个叔叔?

I've only got one uncle.我只有一个叔叔。


1.How many aunts have you got? 你有几个婶婶?

▲have got表示“有”,此句是how many引导的特殊疑问句,询问数量,后接可数名词复数,回答用数字,如:-How many apples have you got?你有几个苹果?-Three.三个


▲a.名词如要表示与后面名词的所有关系,用名词所有格的形式。表示人的名词的所有格形式常有以下几种情况:1)单数名词所有格在词尾直接加“'s“。如:Mary's schoolbag Mary的书包my sister's cat我妹妹的猫

his father's coat他父亲的外套2)词尾为s的复数名词的所有格只在词尾加“’”。如:the students' books学生们的书the boys' game男孩们的游戏the teachers' chair老师们的椅子3)不规则名词复数的所有格形式是在词尾加“'s”。如:Women's Day妇女节men's coats男式外套4)用and连接的两个名词的所有格形式。只在后一个名词的词尾加“'s“。如:Tom and Mike's sister Tom和Mike的姐姐(是他们两个人的姐姐)

Jack and John's room Jack和John的房间(这个房间是两人共同的)

b.动物和表示无生命事物的名词的所有格一般不在词尾加's’构成,而常常用介词of短语,放在被修饰名词的后面,表示所有关系。如:a map of China一幅中国地图a picture of my school我学校的一张照片the name of her cat她的猫的名字 the door of the,房间的门Good friends 好朋友

★重点词汇happy快乐的 angry生气的 helpful有帮助的 both两者都 block大楼 together一起 kind和蔼的share分享

★语法聚焦1.表示频率的副词usually, always, often等词的用法;2.动词不定式to do的用法。


Look and learn.

Kitty has a good friend.基蒂有一个好朋友。

Her name is Alice.她的名字叫艾丽斯。

They,both eleven years old.他们都11岁。

They live in the same housing estate,他们住在同一个住宅区,but in different blocks.但在不同的单元。

Kitty lives in Block 1 and Alice lives in Block 3.基蒂住在1号楼,艾丽斯住在3号楼。

Kitty and Alice usually go to school together.基蒂和艾丽斯经常一起上学。

Sometimes they like to eat thei:有时他们喜欢一起

lunch together and share their food.吃午饭并分享食物。

They always play together after school.他们放学后总是一起玩。

They are happy to be together,他们在一ilk高兴。

Answer true/false判断正/误 Alice and Kitty are good friends.1.艾丽斯和基蒂是好朋友。Alice and Kitty are both twelve years old.2.艾丽斯和基蒂都是12岁。Alice and Kitty live in the same block.3.艾丽I棒基蒂住在同一个大楼里。

Alice is my good friend 艾丽斯是我的好朋友。

She is always helpful.她总是爱帮助人。

She is never angry.她从来不生气。

Kitty is my good friend.墓蒂是我的好朋友。

She is always kind to others.她总是善待他人。

She always shares her snacks with me.她总是和我分享她的小吃。

Who is your good friend? 你的好朋友是谁?

Write some sentences about him/her.写一些关于他/她的句子。

重点难点解析 1.They are both eleven years old.他们都是11岁。


1)They both like music.他们都喜欢音乐。

2)They are both very happy.他们都很开心。

2.They are happy to be together.他们在一起很快乐。


1)We live a happy life.我们过着幸福的生活。

2)I'm very happy to see you.见到你我非常高兴。

3)I am so happy that you could visit us.你能来看我们,我真是太高兴了。


▲never从来不sometunes有时often经常usually通常 always总是 Grandma's birthday奶奶的生日



★语法聚焦1.when引导的特殊疑问句询问时间; 2.序数词的变化规律;3.形容词性物主代词。


Look and say

When is our grandma's birthday? 我们奶奶的生日是什么时候?

It's on the fifteenth of April.在四月十五日。

Read and act

Mum: It's an important day tomorrow.妈妈:明天是个重要的日子。

Ben: Is it Dragon Boat Festival? 本:是龙舟节吗?

Mum: No, Ben, it's April.Dragon Boat Festival is always in May or June.妈妈:不,本,现在是四月。龙舟节总是在五月或六月。

Kitty: Is it Grandma's birthday? 基蒂:是奶奶的生日吗?

Mum: You're right, Kitty.妈妈:是的,基蒂。

Ben: Oh, yes.Now I remember.本:哦,是的。现在我想起来了。

Mum: Let's go to the supermarket to some food for grandma's birthday party.妈妈:为了奶奶的生日聚会,让我们去超市买些吃的。

Ben and Kitty: Hooray!Let's go!本和基蒂:好呀!我们走!

Do a survey做个调查

In groups, find out your classmates' birthdays.分组,找出你同学们的生日。

Sl : When is your birthday? S1:你的生日是什么时候?

S2: My birthday is on the...of...S2:我的生日是在„„


1.When is our grandma's birthday?我们奶奶的生日是什么时候?


-When do you go to school?你什么时候上学?

-At 7.在七点钟。2.序数词:序数词是表示数目顺序的词。


first(第一),second(第二),third(第三),fifth(第五),eighth(第八),ninth(第九),twelfth(第十二),twentieth(第二十)等。twenty-first(第二十一),thirty-second(第三十二),sixty-fifth(第六十五),eighty-ninth(第八十九),a hundred and fifty-second(第一百五十二)其他情况都在基数词上加一th构成:thirty-sixth(第三十六),ninety-seventh(第九十七),two hundred and thirty-sixth(第二百三十六),first, second等词常缩写为1st, 2nd, 3nd, 20th, 21st等。序数词表示日期:June 23rd六月二十三日October 1 st十月一日February 2nd二月二日August 31st八月三十一日;日期的读法:May 23(rd)读作May(the)twenty-third或the twenty-third of May,July 1读作July(the)first或the first of July。

Starter Unit 5 My neighbourhood 我的邻居 People's jobs 人们的工作

★重点词汇doctor医生make使成为(变成);做;制造sick people病人better更好的n。护士waiter服务员。tress女服务员bring带来postman邮递员letter信shop assistant店员sell卖fireman消防员fire火.put out熄灭(火)job工作

★语法聚焦1.用What do you do?询问工作;2.Why...?与Because„句型的用法。


Look and say

Mark's father visits Rose Garden School.马克的父亲参观玫瑰花园学校。

He talks to the students.他与学生们交谈。

What job do you do?你是做什么工作的?

I'm a fireman.我是消防员。

What do you usually do?你经常做什么?

I put out fires.我灭火。

Do you like your job?你喜欢你的工作吗?

Yes.I do.是的。我喜欢。


Because I like to help people.因为我爱帮助人。

Answer true/false判断正误 Mark's father is a farther.1.马克的父亲是一个农场主。Mark's father puts out fire.2.马克的父亲灭火。He likes to help people.3.他喜欢帮助人。

Look and learn

doctor/makes sick people better医生/使病人的病情好转

nurse/makes sick people better护士/使病人的病情好转

waiter/waitress/brings food to people男/女服务员/给人们送食物

cook/cooks food for people厨师/为人们烹饪食物

postman/brings letters to people邮递员/把信带给人们

shop assistant/sells things to people店员/卖给人们东西

Do a survey 做个调查

In pairs, find out about your parents' jobs.两人一组,找出你们父母的工作。

SI: What job does your father/mother do? Sl:你父亲/母亲是做什么的? S2: He/She is a/an...S2:他/她是一个„„

Sl: What does he/she usually do? S1:他/她经常做什么?

S2: He/She...S2:他/她„„

S1: Does he/she like his/her job? Sl:他/她喜欢他/她的工作吗?

S2: Yes/No.S2:是的/不是。

重点难点解析.What job do you do?你是做什么工作的?

▲询问对方的工作还可以有以下表达法:What are you? What do you do? What do you work? 2.Why? Because I like to help people.为什么?因为我喜欢帮助人。


①”Why do you like P.E.?“ ”Because it's fun.““你为什么喜欢体育?”“因为体育有趣。”

②”Why are you so angry?“ ”Because I didn't pass the maths test.““你为什么这么生气?”“因为我数学考试没及格。”

b.What...for?问句强调什么目的或用途,回答时不用because,而要用表示目的的不定式、for介词短语或其他形式。如:①”What do you buy that for?“ ”To make pumpkin pie for Thanksgiving dinner.”


②“What do you come back for?” “I'm back for my textbook.”“你回来干吗?’’“我回来拿课本。”

【注】反过来说,如果对句中表示目的的不定式或介词短语进行提问时,应该用what...for?问句,而不用Why问句。如对I'm going to her home for Thanksgiving dinner.一句中的介词for短语进行提问,则应说成What are you going to her home for?

▲(2)a.because从句通常用来说明一个直接的原因,引导一个原因状语从句,这时主从句可改成由so连接的并列句。如:1)I can't go with you today because I'm too busy.=I'm too husy today, so I can’t go with you.今天我不能跟你一块去,因为我太忙了。

2)We all like the little girl because she's very beautiful and clever.=The little girl is very beautiful and clever, so we all like her.我们都喜欢那个小女孩,因为她非常漂亮,聪明。

【注】汉语中可以说“因为„„所以„„”,但英语中如用了because就不能再用so,用了so就不能再用because。用一个句子作状语叫做状语从句,because引导的是原因状语从句,when引导的是时间状语从句,山朋引导的是比较状语从句。b.because从句常用来回答why引导的特殊疑问句。如: “Why are you late today?”“Because the traffic is too bad.”“你们今天为什么迟到?’’“因为交通阻塞。”Our housing estate我们的住宅区

★重点词汇playground操场kindergarten幼儿园block大楼shop商店fountain喷泉,garden花园tennis court网球场swimming pool游泳池school学校floor层

★语法聚焦1.特殊疑问句Where do/does sb live?句型;2.表示方位的介词:in front of在„„前面

behind在„„后面 on the right of在„„右面 on the left of在„„左面


Look and read Ben and Kitty live in a housing estate.本和基蒂住在一个住宅区里。

'they live in Block 1.他们住在1号楼。

It has thirty floors.那是个30层的大楼。

They live on the ninth floor.他们住在第9层。

Eddie lives in Block 2.埃迪住在2号楼。

It is in front of Block 1.它在1号楼的前面。

It has twenty floors.它有20层。

He lives on the eighteenth floor.他住在第18层。

Alice lives in Block 3.艾丽斯住在3号楼。It is behind the garden.它在花园的后面。

It has ten floors.它有10层。

Alice lives on the tenth floor.艾丽斯住在第10层。

It is the top floor.它是顶楼。

There is“supennarket.有一个超市。

It is on the right of the garden.它在花园的右面。

There is also a shop,在这个住宅区里也有一个商店,a school, a kindergarten, a playground,一个学校,一个幼儿园,一个操场,a swmrnng pool and tennis owrts in the housing estate一个游泳池和网球场。


1.Where does Ed&e live?埃迪住在哪?

▲表示“某人住在哪儿?”使用句型“Where do/does sb live?”,其答语是“He/She/They lives十介词短语。如:

-Where do you live?你住在哪?-1 live in Shanghai.我住在上海。

-Where does your uncle live?你叔叔在哪住?-He lives near the school.他在学校附近住。

2.in front of与in the front of的区别

▲in front of意为“在„„的前面”,表示某个范围之外的前面。而in the front of则表示在某个范围之内的前部。如:①There is a tree in front of the house.房子前面有棵树。(树在房子外面)

② Li Ming sits in the front of the classroom.李明坐在教室的前面。(李明在教室里)

3.Alice lives on the tenth floor.艾丽斯住在第十层。▲关于“楼层”,英美说法不同,美国和中国相同:

英国 美国 中国

the top floor the top floor 顶楼

the second floor the third floor 三楼

the first floor the second floor 二楼

the ground floor the first floor 一楼

the basement the basement 地下室 On the way to school 在上学的路上

★重点词汇bus stop车站crossing十字路口,人行横道traffic lights交通灯 rubbish bin垃圾箱lamp路灯leave离开get on上车get off下车

★语法聚焦1.特殊疑问句What time...?的用法:What time do you leave home?你几点离开家?

2.时间表达法:at half past six在6点半at twenty to eight在7点40分at five twenty在5点20分


Look and learn

a bus stop一个汽车站a crossing一个十字路口traffic lights交通灯a rubbish bin垃圾箱 a lamp一个路灯

Look and read

I always leave home at seven o'clock,我经常七点离开家,and walk to the bus stop.然后走到公共汽车站。

Then I get on a bus at about然后我大约七点十五上另

a quarter past seven.一辆公共汽车。

The bus goes along Yuhua Road.公共汽车延着玉华路行驶,Then I get off at the bus stop at Rose Garden Road.然后我在玫瑰园路车站下车。

I cross the road at the crossing to my school.我穿过人行横道到达学校。

I usually get there at twenty to eight.我经常七点四十到那儿。

Think and answer What time does Peter leave home? 1.彼得几点离开家?How does Peter go to the bus stop? 2.彼得怎么去公共汽车站?When does Peter get on a bus? 3.彼得什么时候上车?Where does Peter get off the bus? 4.彼得在哪里下车?

About you 关于你

How do you go to school?你怎样上学?

Draw a map to show your route,画一张地图指出你的路线,then tell your classmates about your journey.然后把你的旅程告诉你的同学们。

重点难点解析 .What time does Peter leave home?彼得几点离开家?

▲what time通常可以对钟点进行提问,而when则可以就年、月、日、上下午、中午、早晚及钟点进行提问。如:

①-What time/When do you get up?你几点起床?-At seven o'clock.七点。

②-When is your birthday?你的生日是什么时候?-October 2.十月二日。

2.1 always leave home at seven o'clock.我经常七点离开家。

▲o'clock是副词,不是名词,须与数词搭配,不可用作复数形式。如:I can't get there before four o'clock.4点以前我到不了那里。在现代英语中,o'clock只表示整点钟,而不与分钟连用,其前须用介词at,而不用on。如:

Wake me at three o'clock.在三点钟叫醒我。Out and about 外出

★重点词汇park公园cinema电影院bank银行post office 邮局near在„„附近far远quite十分,非常minute分钟take需要,拿;乘(车,船等)hour小时

★语法聚焦1.How long does it take sb to do sth?句型;2.介词near, faraway from的用法。


Look and read

Kitty, Alice and Eddie live near school。基蒂,艾丽斯和埃迪住在学校附近。

It takes them only five minutes to get to school.他们到学校仅用5分钟。Danny lives not too far away from school.丹妮住在离学校不是很远的地方。

It takes him about fifteen minutes to get to school.她用大约15分钟到达学校。

Kally lives quite far away from school.凯利住的离学校很远。

It takes her about half an hour to get to school.她用半一个小时到学校。

Do a survey

In groups, find out how much time it takes分成小组,找出你同学去

your classmates to go to the above places.上述地点需要多长时间。

Sl: How long does it take you to...? S1:你去„„要多长时间?

S2: It takes me only about...to get/walk there.S2:我用大约仅仅..„到那/走到那。


1.How long does it take you to get to school?你去学校要多长时间?

▲How long does it take sb to do sth?句型用于询问某人做某事要用多长时间,意思是“某人用多长时间做某事?”如:How long does it take you to do your homework?你做作业要花多长时间?

2.It takes them only five minutes to get to school.他们仅用五分钟到学校。

▲lt takes sb some time to do sth.句型表示某人用多长时间做某事,如:

It takes me three days to finish the job.我用三天时间完成这个工作。I

Starter Unit 6 The world around us我们周围的世界The weather 天气


spring春季autumn秋季kite风筝beach海边umbrella一雨伞summer夏季scarf围巾winter冬季weather report天气预报temperature温度day天山to日期weather天气

★语法聚焦1.询问天气What's the weather like?句型;2.天气的表达法It's sunny/rainy/warn...课文英汉对照

Look and learn

What's the weather like today? It's..,今天天气怎么样?今天„„


Read and match

a It is warn.The flowers and trees are growing.a 天气暖和。花繁叶茂。

Birds are making their nests.It is spring.鸟儿在筑菜。现在是春天。

b It is cool and勿.b 天气凉爽干燥。

The children go to the country park。孩子们去了国家公园。

Ben is flying a kite.It is autumn.本正在放风筝。现在是秋天。

c It is very hot and sunny.c天气很热并且阳光充足。

The children go to the beach.孩子们去了海边。

Kitty is lying under an umbrella.基蒂正躺在伞下。

Ben is swimming.It is summer.本正在游泳。现在是夏天。

d It is cold and win衡 .d天气很冷并且多风。

The children wear wann clothes,孩子们穿上保暖的衣服

scarves and gloves.并戴上了围巾和手套。They are riding their bicycles。他们正在骑自行车。

It is winter.现在是冬天。

Read and write

The weather report天气预报

Here is the weather report for Friday,这是6月14日,the fourteenth of June.星期五的天气预报。

It's hot and sunny.天气很热,阳光充足。

The temperature is twenty-five degrees.气A是25摄氏度。

Fill in the form below about the weather report.续下面关于天气预报的表格。

Day:星期: Date:日期: Weather:天气: Temperature:气温:

重点难点解析 .What's the weather like today?今天天气怎么样?

▲what...like二how表示“怎样”,此句话还表达为:How is the weather?天气怎么样?

2.Kitty is lying under an umbrella.基蒂正躺在伞下。


3.It is warm.天气暖和。

▲it指“天气”,通常我们习惯用it描述天气,而不经常用weather。如:It's cold today.(常用)

The weather is cold today.(很少用)

4.The children wear warm clothes, scarves and gloves.孩子们穿上保暖的衣服并戴上了围巾和手套。

scarves是scarf的复数形式,表示围巾。.Here is the weather report for Friday,„这是星期五的天气预报„„

▲here的用法如下:a.here表示地点。如:Put the bottle here.把瓶子放在这儿。

b.here是副词,用作定语时,须后置。如:The children here enjoy a happy life,这里的孩子们过着幸福的生活。


1)Here is where I want to stay.这正是我要呆的地方。

2)Behind here is a garden.这儿后面是座花园。

d.here用于句首,主语是名词时,主谓倒装;主语是代词时,主谓不倒装。如:1)Here are some stamps.这儿是几张邮票。2)Here comes the bus.公共汽车来了!3)Here it is.它在这。Water水

★重点词汇cloud云wind风blow吹land陆地sea大海rain雨river河流through通过reservior水库special特别的factory工厂wide宽的pipe管子rice大米put out扑灭grow种植vegetable蔬莱make制造

★语法聚焦1.使役动词make的用法;What makes you happy?什么使你高兴?



Look and learn Water comes from the sea.1水来自海洋。The water makes clouds.2水变成云。3 The wind blows the clouds to the land.3风把云吹向陆地。It rains.4天下雨。

Read and answer

Water in our city我们城市的水

Every day, people in our city use a lot of water,每天,我们城市中的人们用大量的水,but there are no big rivers in our city. 但是我们城市没有大河。

Most of the water we use comes from other cities. 我们用的大多数的水来自于其他城市

First, it comes through very long,wide pipes.Next,首先,它通过长长的、宽宽的管道运输。其次,it goes into reservoirs in our city. 水流入我们城市的水库。

Then a special factory makes the water clean.Finally,然后,一个特别的工厂使水净化。最后,it goes through smaller pipes to our homes. 水通过更小的管道进到每家每户。Are there big rivers in our city? 1在我们城市里有大河吗?How does water come to our city? 2水是如何来到我们城市的?Where does the water go next? 3水后来到哪里去了呢?What makes the water clean? 4什么使水净化?

Ask and answer

At home在家里clean the flat打扫房间cook rice做米饭make drinks做饮料At work在工作中

put out fires灭火grow vegetables种植蔬菜make things in factories在工厂里制造产品

Sl : How do people use water at home/work? Sl:人们如何在家/工作中用水?

S2: People use water to...S2:人们用水来•一

重点难点解析.Then a special factory makes the water clean.然后一个特别的工厂使水净化。

▲make sth十形容词表示使某物怎样,如:① Who makes them so happy?谁使他们这么开心?

②'Ihe meal made her ill.这顿饭使她得病了。

2.People use water to„人们用水来„„

▲use sth to do sth用某物做某事,如:We use pens to write.我们用钢笔写字。Fire 火

★重点词汇fire火raw生的cooked熟的meat肉chicken wing鸡翅taste品尝charcoal木炭gas煤气barbecue烧烤electricity电wood木头

★语法聚焦1.形容词的比较级:better than比„„更好;2.感观动词后用形容词来修饰。

It smells good.闻起来很好。The beef tastes nice.牛肉味道很好。


Look and learn


Look and say

Here you are, Kitty.Have a chicken wing.给你,基蒂。吃个鸡翅。

Thanks, Ben.It smells nice.谢谢,本。闻起来很好。

How does it taste?味道怎么样?

It isn't nice.Look, it's raw.不是很好,看,它没熟。Let's cook your chicken wing some more.让我们把你的鸡翅再做一会。

Thanks, Ben.谢谢,本。

Read and write

I like charcoal better than gas.比起天然气我更喜欢木炭。

The food tastes nicer.食物吃起来更好吃。

Ben likes barbecues.本喜欢烧烤。

He likes to cook with.他喜欢用做饭。

I like wood better than gas.比起天然气我更喜欢木头。


1.Have a chicken wing.吃一个鸡翅。

▲Have 表示“吃”的意思,如:What do you have for breakfast?你早饭吃什么?

2.How does it taste?它吃起来味道怎么样?


1)The rice smells bad.米饭闻起来坏了。

2)The fish tastes delicious.鱼尝起来很好。

3.I like wood better than gas.比起天然气我更喜欢木头。

▲like„better than„比起„更喜欢„

4.What do your friends like to cook with?你的朋友喜欢用什么做饭?

▲with表示“用”,通常后跟表示工具的词语。如:1)She opened the car with a key。她用钥匙打开汽车。

2)You must not write your name with a pencil.你不得用铅笔写上你的名字。Air 空气

★重点词汇traffic交通smoke烟factory工厂dust灰尘constrction site建筑工地power station发电站eye眼睛


★语法聚焦1.介词from表来自于„„;2.Where...come from?的用法及含义。


Look and read

Ben and Kitty are shopping in Garden City.本和基蒂在花园城购物。

Ben: What's the matter, Kitty?本:怎么了,基蒂?

Kitty:My eyes hurt.It's the smoke from the traffic.基蒂:我眼睛痛。是因为汽车的尾气。

Ben: There's also a construction site.Look at the dust.本:还有建筑工地。看这些灰尘。

Kitty: The workers are burning rubbish there. Look at the smoke from the fire.


Ben: The air in Garden City is very dirty.本:花园城的空气很脏。

Kitty: There's a lot of air pollution.基蒂:空气污染很严重。

Look and learn

traffic/smoke交通/烟factories/smoke and dust工厂/烟和灰尘construciton sites/dust建筑工地/灰尘

power stations/smoke and dust发电站/烟和灰尘

Ask and answer In pairs,两人一组,Talk about air pollution in your city,like this:像这样讨论你们城市的空气污染: SI : The air in our city is very dirty.Sl:我们城市的空气很脏。

S2: That's air pollution.S2:那是空气污染。

Sl : Where does air pollution come from? Sl:空气污染来源于哪里?

S2: It comes from...S2:它来源于„„

重点难点解析.What's the matter, Kitty?怎么了,基蒂?

▲What's the matter? = What's wrong?询问对方发生了什么事。

2.Where does air pollution cane from?空气污染来源于哪里?a.from为介词“从„„,自„„”的意思。如:

1)I get a book from my teacher.我从老师那儿得到一本书。

2)May I borrow the pen from you?我能借你的钢笔用一下吗?

b.与fmm有关的词组be from“从„„来,来自„„”,例如:

1)I am firm America.我从美国来。

2)Are you from London?你来自伦敦吗?

come from“从„„来,来自”,与be from同义,但是句型转换时须借助助动词do, does。如:

1)Where do you,from?你从哪儿来?

2)I don't come from Japan.I come from Korea.我不是从日本来的,我是从韩国来的。


1)I go to school from Monday to Friday.我从星期一到星期五都上学。

2)Spring is from March to May.春天从三月到五月。

Module 1 Change

Unit 1 What will I be? 我将会是什么样?

★重点词汇good-looking(外貌)好看的model模特儿note评论reporter 记者



Read and match

Kally goes to the shopping centre.She wants to use the Magic Camera.She wants to know what she will be like when she is 25.凯丽去购物中心。她想使用魔法相机。她想知道当她25岁时,她会是什么样子


(1)First, put your photograph into the` IN' box. 首先,把你的照片放到标有“IN”的箱子里。

(2)Next, put in Y 10 when the red light is on.接着,当红灯亮起时放入10元钱。

(3)Then press the `START' button.然后按“开始”按妞。

(4)Finally, take your new photograph and read the note on the back.See what you will be like.最后,拿起你的新照片,读背面的评论,看一看你将会是什么样子。

Read, draw and write.This is me!1.这是我!

When you're 25„ 当你25岁时„„

“ you will be 15 centimetres taller.你将长高15厘米。

” you will be five kilogrammes heavier.你的体重将增加5公斤。

“ you will have long hair.你将有一头长发。

” you will be more beautiful.你将更美丽。

2.What will we be like? 我们将会是什么样? I'm very excited.Let's take a photograph now. 我很激动。让我们现在照张相吧。

Make a photograph for both Dannyand Kitty.Write a note on the back of each photograph.Work in pairs.


Read, think and say

Peter likes helping people. 彼德喜欢帮助别人。

In 13 years' time, Peter will be tall and strong.13年后,彼德将会又高又壮。

He will be 180 centimetres tall and 他将会身高180厘米,he will weigh 65 kilogranunes. 体重65公斤。

He will not need to wear glasses. 他将不需要戴眼镜。

He will be good at sports. 他将擅长体育。


Danny loves eating cakes and pizzas.In 13 years' time, Danny will be strong, but he will not be very tall. He will be good at cooking.丹尼喜爱吃蛋糕和比萨饼。13年后,丹尼会很强壮,但他不会太高。他将擅长烹饪。


Eddie loves driving.In 13 years' time,Eddie will be strong, but he will not be very tall.He will be good at English and Chinese.He will also be good at taking photographs.埃迪喜欢开车。13年后,埃迪将会强壮,但不会太高。他将擅长英语和汉语。他也会擅长摄影。


Kally loves dressing up.In 13 years' time, Kally will be tall and slim.She will be 170 centimetres tall and she will be weigh 55 kilogrammes.She will be good-looking.She will also be good at singing.凯丽喜爱打扮。13年后,她将又高又苗条。她将身高170厘米体重55公斤。她长得好看,擅长唱歌。

Peter will possibly be a policeman.彼德可能会成为一名警察。

Yes.I agree. 是的,我同意。

No, I don't agree. 不,我不同意。

I think he'll possibly be a fireman. 我认为他会成为一名消防队员。

Look and read

I'll possibly be a policeman or a fireman.However, I'd like to be a doctor 我可能会成为警察或消防队员。然而,我却想成为一名医生。

I'm poor at English and Chinese.我英语和汉语很差。

I need to study hard.我需要努力学习。

I have to practise English and Chinese more.我必须多多练习英语和汉语。

I have to learn to make sick people better.我必须学习使病人好起来。


1.Kally goes to the shopping centre..凯丽去购物中心。


1)He goes to school at seven every day.他每天七点钟上学。

2)Mary likes English.玛丽喜欢英语。

2.She wants to know what she will be like when she is 25.她想知道当她二十五岁时,她会是什么样子。


1)We'll meet at the airport.我们将在机场见面。2)I'll go home this aftemoon.今天下午我要回家。

▲what是引导宾语从句的疑问词,尽管该从句由疑问词开头,具有疑问含意,但从句的语序需用陈述语序,而不用疑问语序。如:Please tell me where I can get such a book.这一句不能说成Please tell me where can I get such a book.再如:I've no idea where we can find him.我真不知道该到哪儿去找他。


1)John was having his dinner when I saw him.当我看到约翰的时候,他正在吃饭。

2)I’ll do it when I've finished writing the letter.写完信后我就去做。

3.He will be good at cooking,他将擅长烹任。

▲be good at的意思是“擅长于„„”常用来表示某人在某个方面有特长。其中的介词at之后一般接名词或动词的一ing形式。be good at在意义和用法上都相当于do well in。如:

1)She is good at singing.=She does well in singing.她擅长唱歌。

2)I am very good at English.= I do well in English.我的英语很好。

4.Kally loves dressing up凯丽喜爱打扮。

▲dress up,如同dress一样,既可用作及物动词,又可用作不及物动词。但它的词义与dress不同,它表示“(使)盛装打扮”、“(使)打扮成”。如:We dressed up for the wedding.我们为参加婚礼而盛装打扮。

5.However, I'd like to be a doctor.然而,我却想成为一名医生。


① They are late.However, they come.他们是迟到了,然而他们来了。

②I did ask them to stay longer.However, they left at last.我的确让他们多住些日子,不过他们最终还是走了。

6.I have to learn to make sick people better.我必须学习使病人好起来。

▲better是good, well的比较级,意思是“更好的”。英语中在表示“比较„„”和“最••„”时,形容词要用特别的形式,称为比较级和最高级,与之相对,原来的形容词称为原级。

Unit 2 Seasonal changes 季节转换

★重点词汇 blazer运动茄克 canteen(工厂、学校的)食堂 chart图表 difference不同 footprint脚印 lolly硬糖

puddle水坑 ribbon丝带 sleeve袖子 trousers裤子

★语法聚焦1.情态动词must等的用法; 2.形容词early,late等的用法;

3.介词:until,before,after等的用法。4.限定词more,not many的用法。


Read and write

Rose Garden School 玫瑰花园学校

To all new student 通知全体新生

(A)Uniforms 校服

In summer 在夏季

All students must wear summer uniforms in September,early October,late April,May,June and July.在九月、十月初、四月末,五月、六月、七月全体学生必须穿夏季校服。


You must wear white shirts with short sleeves,grey shorts and short white socks.男生必须穿短袖白衬衫,灰色短裤,白色短袜。

Girls You must wear white blouses with short sleeves, grey skirts and short white socks.女生必须穿短袖白衬衫,灰色短裙,白色短袜。

Help Miss Guo finish the notice.Write about when students must wear winter uniforms and what they must wear:


Look and write

Let's look at this chart.让我们看这张表。

What are the differences?有什么不同?

Look, read and match

Write 's' for summer and 'w' for winter.‘s’代表夏季 ‘w’代表冬季。

a The days are longer.(s)a白天长了。

b The days are shorter.(w)b白天短了。

c The nights are longer.(w)c夜长了。

d The nights are shorter.(s)d夜短了。

e It gets dark early in the evening.(w)e晚上天黑的早了。

f It gets dark late in the evening.(s)f晚上天黑的晚了。

g It will not be dark until half past six.(s)g直到六点半天才黑。

h The days start before six o'clock.(s)h六点前天亮了。

i The nights start after half past five.(w)i五点半以后天黑了。

Look and read

You are the reporters for the school magazine.Take some potographs about our school life in summer.你们是校-f11的记者。拍一些夏季学校生活的照片

In the school garden在学校花园

In summer, there are more flowers in the garden.You can see plenty of butterflies and bees flying in the garden.夏天,花园中有更多花。你能看见许多蝴蝶和蜜蜂在花园中飞舞。

In the playground在操场

In summer, the sun shines and shines.Not many students like playing football in the playground because it is very hot.夏天,阳光灿烂。因为太热,很少有学生喜欢在操场上踢足球。

In the library在图书馆

In summer, more students like staying in the library because it is air-conditioned.


In the canteen在食堂

In summer, more students like having salad for lunch.More students like having ice-cream,ice lollies and soft drinks after school.夏天,多数学生午饭喜欢吃色拉。大多数学生课后爱吃冰淇淋,冰棍和软饮料。


Read Alice and Eddie's notes.Help them write about their school life in winter.读一读艾丽斯和埃迪的笔记。帮他们写一写学校的冬季生活。

重点难点解析.All students must wear stunner uniforms„ „„全体学生必须穿夏季校服。


1)We must get to school early.我们必须很早到校。2)You mustn't play on the road.你不能在路上玩。▲wear, ▲put on, dress辨析

wear表示“穿着”“戴着”、这样的持续状态。如:1}The workers all wear thick clothes and glasses over their eyes.

工人们都穿着厚衣服,戴着眼镜。2)What's Jim wearing?吉姆穿(着)什么衣服?

▲put on是指“穿上”、“戴上”的动作,即由没穿(戴)到穿上(戴上)的过程,而不表示持续状态。如:

1)Put it on, please, Lily.莉莉请把它穿上。

2)Don't be late-Oh, and put on your old clothes.不要迟到—呢,穿上旧衣服。

▲dress既可表示“穿衣服” 这个动作(put on clothes),又可表达“穿着衣服”这个状态(wear clothes)如:

1)Dress yourself more neatly.穿得整洁一点儿。

2)She was dressed in red.她穿着红色上衣。

3.You can see plenty of butterflies and bees flying in the garden.你能看见许多蝴蝶和蜜蜂在花园中飞舞。

▲plenty of的意思是“许多的”“大量的”,既可与可数名词连用,又可与不可数名词连用。

如:①I have plenty of time.我有很多时间。

②There are plenty of students in the room.屋里有许多学生。

4.It will not be dark until half past six.直到六点半天才黑。

▲until 在否定句中,通常与瞬间动词连用,表示“直到„„才„„”,适用于直到某一时刻,或时间状语从句中谓语动词动作结束,主句谓动词动作才开始的情况。如:

1)The children didn't leave school until five o'clock.=The children left school at five o'clock.五点钟孩子们才离校。

2)Kate didn't go to bed until her mother came back.=Kate went to bed after her mother came back.


Unit 3 Travelling in Garden City 花园城市的交通

★重点词汇air-conditioner空调conductor售票员double-decker双层fare-box投币箱 flyover立交桥 park停车场


★语法聚焦1.限定词none of等的用法; 2.副词nowadays, perhaps等的用法;

3.一般将来时的用法; 4.形容词比较级fewer等的用法。


Look and read Buses

In the past, many people liked travelling by bus.All passengers had to buy tickets.There was a bus-conductor in each bus.He collected money from the passengers and put the money in a bag.Passengers do not buy tickets now.They put their money in a fare-box instead.In the past, there were only single-decker buses.None of them was a double-decker bus.In the past, travelling by bus was not very comfortable.There were no air-conditioners in the buses.Nowadays, most buses have air-conditioners.Most of the bus-drivers are men, but some of them are women.However, in the past, none of the bus-drivers were women.All of them were women.过去, 多数人喜欢乘公交车出行。所有乘客必须买票。每辆车上有一名售票员。他从乘客手中收钱,然后放入包中。现在乘客不必买票了。取而代之的是他们把钱放进投币箱中。过去只有单层公交车。没有一个是双层的。在过去乘公交车旅行不太舒服。车内没有空调。现在,多数公交车有空调。大多数公交车司机是男的,但也有一些是女的。然而,过去没有一名公交车司机是女的。他们都是男的。

Answer true or false.Nowadays, none of the buses are double-decker buses.1.现在,没有双层公交车。

2.Nowadays, some of the bus-drivers are women.2.现在,一些公交车司机是女的。.In the past, all of the buses had a fare-box.3.在过去,所有的公交车都有投币箱。

4.In the past, some of the buses were air-conditioned.4.在过去,一些公交车带空调。

Look and say

What will travelling in our city be like in 10 years' time? Perhaps there wilI be more roads.Perhaps there will be fewer traffic jams.Perhaps we won’t travel by ferry any longer.Perhaps more people will travel by taxi.Think about what travelling in your city will be like in 10 years’ time.Look at the tables below, and then discuss with your classmates.十年后我们城市的交通将会是什么样? 也许会有更多的路.也许交通堵塞会很少.也许我们不再乘渡船了.也许更多的人乘出租车出行.想一想十年后你们城市交通将是什么样? 看下表,和你的同学讨论一下.S1: What will travelling in our city be like in 10 years’ time? S1: 十年后我们城市的交通将是什么样?

S2: Perhaps we won’t travel by any longer./ Perhaps more people will travel by./ Perhaps there will be more/fewer„也许我们不再乘 出行了/也许将有更多的人乘 出行/也许会有更多/更少„

重点难点解析.All passengers had to buy tickets.所有乘客必须买票。


在表示“必须”这个意思时,must和have to很接近。只是must强调主观看法,have to强调客观需要,若用来指现在,两者可以换用。不过用have to的场合较多,尤其是在口语中,have to有时可说成have got to.另外,have to能用于多种时态,而must只能用于一般现在时。如:

①I have to get home to do my work..我得回家干活。(可能时间或客观情况不允许我再呆下去。)

② We must clean our room every day.我们必须每天打扫房间。(作为一种义务,无论干净不干净。)

用于否定句时,mustn't表示“决不可”“千万不能”,而don't have to表示“不必”,相当于needn't.mustn、和don't have to在意义上有很大的不同。如:

1)We mustn't tell her about it.这件事我们决不能告诉她。

2)We don't have to tell her about it.这件事情我们不必告诉她。

3)You mustn't be late again next time.你下次千万不能再迟到了。(不能用don't have to)2.They put their money in a fare-box instead.取而代之的是他们把钱放进投币箱中。

▲ instead与instead of辨析

instead是个副词,它后面不能跟名词、代词或动名词,而只能作动词的状语或句子的状语,而instead of是复合介词,其后应跟名词、代词、动名词或介词短语。如:

1)If you don't want to go, I'll go instead.你要是不打算去,我就替你去好了。

2)I will go instead of you.我将代替你去。

3.None of them was a double-bus。它们中没有一个是双层巴士。

▲none of之后除可接可数名词之外,也可以接不可数名词。如: 1)None of the milk can be used.这牛奶一点也不能用。

2)None of the rooms are ready.没有一个房间准备好。

4.Perhaps we won’t travel by ferry any longer.也许我们不再乘渡船了.▲no longer 与 not any longer

no longer 与 not any longer的词义是相同的, 它们的区别主要表现在词序上.no longer常位于实义动词之前,连系动词、助动词和情态动词之后, 而any longer在否定句中总是放在句尾.如:

① He’s no longer at school.他不再上学了.② I can’t wait any longer.我不能再等了.Unit 4 Making a model 做模型


quilt被子 reel 卷轴 straw吸管size大小,尺寸 tape 胶带 wallpaper墙纸tool工具 wardrobe 衣柜

★语法聚焦1.形容词比较级的用法;2.时间副词then, finally用法;3.祈使句的用法。


Look and learn

cardboard boxes 纸壳箱

a cotton reel 线轴

matchboxes 火柴盒

pieces of cloth 布料

wallpaper 墙纸

straws 吸管

Read,think and write

This is Kitty and Ben's model house.It is very small.They made it two years ago.They are going to make a new one.这是基蒂和本的房子模型。房子非常小。是两年前做的。他们打算做一个新的。

Making a model house 做个房子模型

We will possibly need: 我们可能需要:

.some brushes •一些刷子

.a bottle of glue •一瓶胶水

.some tape •一些胶带

.a pair of scissors •一把剪刀

.some paint •一些颜料

.a matchbox •一个火柴盒

.a ruler •一把尺子

.a pencil •一支铅笔

.a rubber •一块橡皮

.some paper •一些纸

Let's start collecting things.Wait.Let me think what we'll possibly need„


Look and learn curtains 窗帘

quilts 被子 wardrobes 衣柜

Think and match

What do we use these cotton reels for? 我们用这些线轴干什么?

We use them for making tables. 我们用它们做桌子。

Tools and materials 工具和材料

a pair of scissors 剪刀

b glue and tape 胶水和胶带

c paint and brushes 涂料和刷子

d matchboxes 火柴盒

e cardboard boxes 纸壳盒

f straws 吸管

g cotton reels 线轴

h pieces of cloth 布料

i wallpaper 墙纸


.making the cupboards and wardrobes(d)做碗柜和衣柜

.sticking things together(b)粘东西

.making lamps(f)做电灯

.making tables(g)做桌子

.cutting things(a)剪东西

.painting the walls of the model house(c)刷墙

.decorating the walls of the model house(i)装饰墙壁

.making the model house(e)做房子模型

.making curtains, rugs,sofas and quilts(h)做窗帘、小地毯、沙发和被子

Look, read and write

This is Kitty and Ben's old model house.This is their new model house.What are the differences? • size of the model houses

• size of the rooms/number of rooms • colour of the outside/inside of the model houses

• things/furniture in the rooms • number of windows

• number of floors

The new model house and the old model house

The new model house is bigger than the old one.However, the rooms in the new model house are smaller.There are four rooms in the new one .There are four windows in the new one.The outside of the old model house is blue.The outside of the new model house is brown.


Make and play

Let us show you how to make a model house.让我们向你们展示一下怎样做房子模型。.First, use some glue to stick the cardboard boxes together.首先,用胶水把纸壳盒粘起来。

2.Next,cut a piece of cardboard to make a roof for your model house.接着,剪下一块纸板为你的房子做屋顶。3 .Then make some windows,and paint the outside of your model house.

然后,做几扇窗户,为房子的外面刷上涂料。.Finally, stick wallpaper onto the walls of the rooms.最后,把墙纸粘到房间的墙上。


1.They are going to make a new one.他们打算做一个新的。

▲对于将要发生的事,或打算,计划,决定要做的事情,都以be going to十动词原形的句型来表示,其中be动词是否用am, is,are决定于主语。如:1)He is going to be back soon.他不久将回来。

2)I am going to buy a new bike.我要买一辆新自行车。

▲此处one用作不定代词,它可指代刚提到的人或可数的物,也可泛指人们或一个人,但不可指代不可数名词。如:1)I have a red pen, and he has a blue one。我有支红钢笔,他有支蓝钢笔。

2)One could see that he was very happy.人们能看得出他非常高兴。

2.Let's start collecting things.让我们开始收集东西吧。


a.let用于祈使句,表示“请让” “做„„吧”。如:

1)0K, let me try!好,让我试一试吧!(省略了主语you的祈使句)

2)Let me have a look.请让我看一看。(省略了主语you的祈使句)

3)Let's do it together.咱们一起做吧。(祈使句)

4)Let's begin our class.我们开始上课吧。(祈使句)


1)Let him think about it for a minute.让他考虑一会吧。

2)Let them feel it场hand.让他们用手摸一摸。


1)After my explanation, she let her da回lter go with her classmates.在我解释过后,她允许女儿和同学们一起去了。

2)The father let his son have a rest before moving to Lesson Nine.那位爸爸让儿子在进行第九课之前休息休息。.First,„Next, Then...Finally,„首先,„„接着,„„然后„„最后,„„

▲在汉语中,我们常用“某人先做了某事,然后作了某事,最后做了某事”来表示某个人做事情的先后顺序。在英语中,我们也可以在句子前加一些表示先后顺序的词语来表示动作的先后顺序。常用的词语有first...then„,finally/in the end...。如:

1)Let's first get everything ready.Then we will read the directions.Finally/In the end, we must do it very carelly.我们先把一切准备好。然后我们来看说明书。最后,我们一定要非常小心地去做。

2)What a shame!First he gave me the book as a present.Then he got it back from me.And finally/in the end, now, he said he would give it to me again.I will never take his things, never.真丢人,他先是把这本书作为礼物送给我。然后,他又把它要了回去。最后,就是现在,他又要把这本书送给我。我永远也不会要他的东西,永远不会。

More Practice

The four season四个季节

Spring春天 Spring is an exciting time of the year.The weather starts getting warm.The wind blows gently.It always rains, so it is wet everywhere.Plants start growing.Leaves start growing on the trees.The animals which sleep in winter start waking up.Easter is in spring.It is nice to celebrate this festival by giving each other chocolate eggs.



Summer is full of fun.The weather starts getting hot.There are a lot of flowers.The sun shines brightly.It is nice to have an ice-cream in summer.Many people love going to the beach.They swim happily in the sea.The children build sandcastles on the beach.Sometimes it rains heavily.Sometimes there are typhoons.The wind blowes a lot.It is dangerous to go outside in this weather.夏天充满欢乐。天开始变热了。有许多花。阳光明媚。在夏天吃一支冰激凌真的很好。



Autumn makes the countryside look very different.Leaves start falling from the trees.Some leaves become brown, red or yellow.There are dry leaves everywhere.The weather starts getting cooler.The wind becomes a little stronger.Some birds start flying to warmer places.Some animals start eating more food in autumn because they will not eat anything in winter.They will just go to sleep in winter.Many people love going on picnic in autumn because the weather is warm and dry.It is nice to have a barbecue, too.Children like flying kites on windy days.秋天使乡村看起来不同。树叶开始落下来。一些树叶变成棕色、红色或黄色。到处都有干树叶。天开始变凉了。风变的更猛烈了。一些鸟开始飞到暖和的地方。在秋天一些动物开始吃更多的食物,以便它们在冬天不吃任何东西。在冬天它们只是睡觉。



In winter, the weather starts getting cold and dry.Some animals go to sleep.They will not wake up until spring comes.People put on thick coats,scarves and boots.Christmas is in winter in many places of the world.People buy Christmas presents to give to other people.Children start thinking about their Christmas presents, It is fun to have Christmas parties with our friends.冬天天气变得寒冷和干燥。一些动物去睡觉。它们直到春天来临才醒来。人们穿厚衣服,围围巾,穿靴子。


Module 2 Relationships关系

Unit 1 Visiting relatives 拜访亲戚

★重点词汇agent代理人assistant助手 the Forbidden City紫禁城 the Summer Palace颐和园 travel旅行

north-east东北 Tian'anmen Square天安门广场 ★语法聚焦1.情态动词would等的用法;2.以How引起的特殊疑问句:How long„?How much




Mr Li:Look,Kitty.I've had a letter from my brother, Weiming.He lives in Beijing .He has invited us to stay with his family in August.

Kitty:How exciting!I've never seen my cousins in Beijing.Mr Li:Your uncle has sent a photo.There he is with your Aunt Betty,and your cousins, Simon and Lucy.

Kitty: How old are my cousins?

Mr Li : They are the same age as you and Ben, twelve and fourteen.

Kitty: Great!Are we going to visit Beijing?

Mr Li : I don't know yet.The air tickets are very expensive.Kitty: We can go by train.It will be cheaper and more interesting.

Mr Li : That's a good idea.Let's talk to Mum and Ben about it.










At the travel agent's office 在旅行社的办公室.Good morning.Can I help you?

Yes.We'd like to travel to Beijing.We want to leave on the eleventh of August, and we want to come back at the end of August.How long does the train take to travel from Garden City to Beijing?



2.Let's look at this train brochure.It takes about„


Mr Li: Oh,dear!20 hours.That's too slow.

Assistant:It's a bit slow, but it's cheap.

Mr Li: How much does it cost? Assistant:549 yuan each.

Mr Li: That's cheap.

Mr Li: How long does the plane take to travel from Garden City to Beijing? Assistant:It takes about 2.5 hours.

Mr Li: How much does it cost? Assistant:1,500 yuan each.

Mr Li: 1,500 yuan each? That's expensive.We'll think about it.Thanks.











Read and say.Are we going to visit Beijing?

Yes,we'll go on 11 August.Have you written to our uncle yet,Mum? No,not yet.


是的,我们将于八月十一日动身。妈妈,你给我叔叔写信了吗?不,还没呢。.How long will we stay? We'll stay until the end of August.


The Summer Palace 颐和园

•Old houses 古代房屋

•Temples 寺庙

•Beautiful Kunming Lake 美丽的昆明湖

•12 kilometres north-east of Beijing 北京东北12公里

Tian'anmen Square 天安门广场

•A huge square holds 1 million people 一个容纳一百万人的巨型广场

•Near the Forbidden City in the centre of Beijing 在北京市中心紫禁城附近

The Great Wall 长城

•An ancient, long wall with towers 古代带塔楼的长墙

•110 kilometres north-east of Beijing 北京东北110公里

The Forbidden City 紫禁城

•Ancient buildings 古代建筑

•Palace Museum 故宫博物院

•in the centre of Beijing 在北京中心


1.I've had a letter from my brother, Wei ming.我收到了一封我兄弟魏明的来信。

▲have a letter from sb.意为“收到某人的来信”。同义句型还有receive a letter from sb./get a letter from sb./hear from sb.如:1)I still haven't heard from her.我还是没有收到她的信。

2)I've just got a letter from my father.我刚收到我爸爸的来信。.He has invited us to stay with his family in August.他邀请我们八月份到他家住几天。

▲invite sb.to.sp.意为“邀请某人去某地”如:My teacher invited me to her home yesterday.


invite sb.to do sth.意为“邀请某人做某事”。如:She invited us to see a film with her.

她邀请我们同她一道去看电影。3.They are the same as you and Ben, twelve and fourteen.他们跟你和本同岁,(一个)+二岁,(一个)十四岁。

▲the same as意为“与„„相同/一样”。如:1)He is the same height as his brother.他和他哥哥的身高相同。

2)This book is not the same size as that one.这本书与那本书的尺寸不一样。

4.1 don't know yet.我还不知道呢。


1)Have you finished the work yet?你把那件工作做完了吗?

2)“Are you ready?” “No, not yet.”“你准备好了吗?”“不,还没准备好呢。”

5.How long does the train take to travel from Garden City to Beijing?从花园城市到北京坐火车需要多长时间?

▲how long, how soon与how often辨析

how long用于询问时间的延续长度。在这种问句里需要使用持续性动词,可用现在时,将来时,过去时等。在答句里要使用表示时段的词语,如,for two weeks, since 2004等。

1)How long will she stay here?她将在这里呆多久?

2)How long have you been a teacher?你当老师多久了?

how soon用于询问某个事件要在多久以后发生。

1)-How soon can you be ready?你多久能准备好?

2)-How soon will they come back?-In two weeks.


how often是询问事件发生的频率,意为“多久一次”。

1)How often do you visit her?你多长时间去探望她一次?

2)“How often do you go there?” “Once。month.”


6.Let's look at this train brochure.让我们衡一看列车时刻表。

▲let sb do sth.意为“让某人做某事”。使役动词(let, make等)的宾语补足语只能是动词原形。如:

① Let me help you.让我帮你吧。

② Let's go for。walk.我们去散散步。

7.It takes about 2.5 hours.大约招要2.5小时。


动词spend只能用指人的词语做主语。而take既可以用指物的词语做主语,也可以用指人的词语做主语。常用句型为:It takes/took +(间接宾语)十直接宾语+to-v.如:

1)I spent a week in Shanghai this summer.今年夏天我在上海过了一个星期。

2)It takes me an hour to do my homework every day.我每天用一个小时做作业。

8.A huge square holds 1 million people一个能容纳一百万人的巨型广场

▲huge, big, large辨析


Canada is a huge country.加拿大是一个幅员辽阔的国家。


This pair of shoes is too big for me.这双鞋我穿太大了。


A large family needs a large house,大家庭需要大房子。9.We had another good journey!我们又度过了一次愉快的旅行!


1)Would you like another cup of coffee?你要再来一杯咖啡吗?

2)She is going to have another baby.她又快有孩子了。

10.We really enjoyed our holiday.我们真的过了一个愉快的假期。

▲enjoy sth.或enjoy doing sth.是指“喜欢”、“从„„之中得到乐趣”、“享受„„之乐”。

1)Did you enjoy your holiday?你假期过得愉快吗?

2)I want to travel because I enjoy meeting people and seeing new places.


unit 2 Our animal friends 我们的动物朋友

★重点词汇 accident事故 blanket 毛毯 booklet 小册子 care 关心 clinic 诊所 cruelty 残忍,残酷

example 例子 kennel 狗房,狗窝 kitten 小猫 prevention 防止,阻止 problem 问题 questionnaire 问卷调查表

robber 强盗 towel 毛巾 vet 兽医

★语法聚焦 1.情态动词must等的用法;2.What/Why/Where等引起的特殊疑问句;3.How引起的特殊疑问句。


Read and write

Sam's story 萨姆的故事

1.I love Sam.He's a good pet.He's fun and he's a good friend.Do you remember when we first saw him? Yes.We went to speak to the SPCA inspector at the SPCA kennels.Sam was in a big, clean cage with his mother and her puppies.我喜爱萨姆。他是一个不错的宠物。他很有趣,是一个好朋友。你还记得我们第一次看见他是在什么时候吗?


2.We rescued this dog and her puppies from a farm in the New Town.They had no food or drind., so they were very hungry and thirsty.Nobody looked after them.我们从新城的一个农场救了这条狗和她的小狗。他们没有吃的没有喝的,所以他们又饥又渴。没有人照顾他们。

3.Which one would you like? I prefer the black one.I like the brown one best.I prefer the light brown one.I like the black and white one best.你喜欢哪一个?我更喜欢黑色的那个。我最喜欢棕色的那个。我更喜欢浅棕色的那个。我最喜欢黑白相间的那个。

4.The black and white one likes you!Yes!We want the black and white puppy.Let’s call him Sam.Now, you must look after him well.You must bring him to our clinic if he is sick.Here is a booklet.It tells you how to look after your new puppy.黑白相间的那个喜欢你们!是的!我们想要黑白相间的那只小狗。让我们叫他萨姆。现在,你们必须好好照看他。如果他生病了

A visit to the SPCA

Kitty’s class is going to visit the SPCA.In groups, talk about the SPCA.What do you want to know? Think of some more questions.基蒂的班级要去参观禁止虐待动物协会。小组练习,谈一谈禁止虐待动物协会。你们想知道什么?再多想一些问题。

1.What does SPCA mean? What does the SPCA do? SPCA是什么意思?是做什么的?

What do you want to know about the SPCA?

.Why are some animals in danger? 为什么一些动物处于危险之中?

.What do the SPCA inspectors do? SPCA检查员是做什么的?

.How does the SPCA help animals to find new homes? SPCA怎样帮助动物找到新家?

.What must people do when they choose a new pet? 选择新宠物时人们必须做什么?

• How does the SPCA look after sick animals? SPCA怎样照看生病的动物?

.How can we become junior members of the SPCA? 我们怎样能成为SPCA的小会员?

Good morning, children .Thank you for coming to visit the SPCA.This morning, I am going to tell you about the SPCA.What does SPCA mean? It means the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals.It means we try to keep animals from danger.We protect them from some people and from accidents.


Read and write

The SPCA cares for animals in many countries.SPCA inspectors rescue hundreds of animals in danger every year.Sometimes people do not look after animals.Sometimes people are cruel to animals.People should be kind to animals.

These dogs would drown if SPCA inspectors did not rescue them .This cat would die if SPCA inspectors did not rescue it.The SPCA helps animals to find new homes.People can come to the SPCA and choose a pet.They must promise to look after their new dog or cat well.All pets need a lot of love and care.

This dog needs a new home.

An SPCA inspector found this cat and her kittens in the street .They need a new home,too.

The SPCA has special clinics for sick animals.A vet(a special doctor for animals)takes care of sick animals.

You can be a junior member of the SPCA.

First,complete this questionnaire.









Garden City Junior –member 花园城小会员

Name: Address: 姓名: 地址: Age:__ 年龄:

Do you have a pet?_ 你有宠物吗?_

What pet do you have?_ 你有什么宠物?_

Where did you get your pet from?_ 你从哪得到的宠物?

Why do you keep a pet?— 你为什么养宠物?_

Do you know how to look after your pet? 你知道怎样照顾你的宠物吗?

Junior members can help the SPCA by: 小会员可以帮助SPCA通过:

口looking after their own pet well

口asking other people to care for animals well

口doing things to raise money for the SPCA for example,collecting old newspapers 口being kind to all animals

口collecting old towels and blankets for the SPCA kennels 口照看好自己的宠物





Look, read and match Dogs are our best friends

a Today,dogs help people in many ways.They help the police to catch robbers and find lost people.

b Dogs helped Early men to hunt animals for food.The dogs ate the meat,too.

c They help blind people .They show the blind person where he can walk safely.They stop at crossings,and show the blind person when it is safe to cross the road.

d People have kept dogs for millions of years.Dogs lived with Early men in their cave.They guarded the cave and kept the family from danger.

e They can guard our homes .We are kind to them .We love dogs and dogs love us!

f They help Tarmeis on their fanns.They can bring other animals,like sheep,to the farmer.







重点难点解析 .Nobody looked after them.没有人照看他们。

▲nobody和no one意思相同,表示“没有人”,作主语时,谓语动词用单数。如:

1)Nobody is at home.没有人在家。

2)-Who's in the room?谁在房间里?-Nobody./No one.没人。

2.Which one would you like?你想要哪一只?

▲ would like意为“想要”,后接名词或带to的不定式。如:

1)I would like a cup of coffee.我想喝杯咖啡。

2)She'd like to go home.她想回家。3.I prefer the light brown one.我喜欢那只淡棕色的。


Which do you prefer, tea or coffee?你更喜欢哪种,茶还是咖啡?


1)I prefer apples to pears.比起梨来,我更喜欢苹果。

2)I prefer walking to cycling.我愿意步行,不愿骑自行车。

prefer to do sth rather than do/doing sth.意为“宁愿„„而不愿„„”。如:

① They preferred to walk there rather than go by bus.他们宁愿走着去那儿,也不愿坐公共汽车。

② I would prefer to spend the weekend at home rather than drive/driving all the way to your mother's•


4.Thank you for coming to visit the SPCA.谢谢你们来参观禁止虐待动物协会。

▲Thank you for sth.意为“为某事而感谢你”。如:Thank you for your help.感谢你的帮助。

Thank you for doing sth.意为“感谢你做了„„”。如:Thank you for helping me.感谢你帮助了我。

5.It means we try to keep animals from danger.它意味着我们尽力使动物免遭危险。

▲ try to do sth.意为“设法做某事”。如:

l)He tried to get you on the phone.他设法打电话找你。

2)We tried to stop him smoking in bed but he would do it.我们大家试图阻止他在床上吸烟,但他就是不听。

try doing sth.意为“试着做某事。如:

1)She tried writing a letter.她试着写信。

2)Let's try knocking at the back door.咱们敲敲后门试试。

keep...from sth./doing sth,意为“使„„不做„„”。如:

1)I mustn't keep you from your work.我不该打扰你的工作。

2)The heavy rain kept us from going out.大雨使我们无法外出。

6.We protect them from some people and from accidents.我们保护它们免遭人们和事故的伤害。


1)We should protect children from harm.我们应该保护儿童免受伤害。

2)Protect the baby's eyes from the sun.保护婴儿的眼睛不要让太阳照射。

7.They must promise to look after their new dog or cat well.他们必须承诺好好照顾他们的新狗或猫。

▲ promise意为“(向某人)许诺;答应(某人)给予某物,做或不做某事”。如:

I can't promise, but I'll try my best,我不能保证做到,但我一定尽力。

promise to do sth.意为“答应做某事”。如:

1)My father promised to buy a new bike for me.我爸爸答应给我买一辆新自行车。

2)He has promised me to come.他答应我(他)要来的。

8.They help the police to catch robbers and find lost people.它们帮助警察抓强盗,寻找失踪人员。

▲ help sb.do/to do sth.意为“帮助某人做某事”。如:

1)I often help my mother wash clothes.我经常帮助我妈妈洗衣服。2)You can help me do the shopping。你能帮我购物。

help sb.with„意为“在某方面帮助某人”。如:

1)He often helps me with my En薛sh.他经常帮助我学英语。

2)They helped us with the work.他们帮助我们做这工作。

9.They stop at crossings, and show the blind person when it is safe to cross山e road.


▲lt is safe to cross the road.此句中it作形式主语,不定式to cross the road作真正的主语。

句型结构为:It + be + adj.+for sb.to do sth.如:

1)It's useful for you to learn how to use the computer.学习使用计算机对你有益处。

2)It's dangerous to swim in the river.在河里游泳很危险。

10.They can bring other animals, like sheep, to the farmer.它们能把其它的,像羊这样的动物带给农民。


①I like fnut, like apples, pears, grapes etc.我喜欢水果,像苹果、梨、葡萄等。

②I wish I could swim like a fish.我要是能像鱼那样游泳多好啊。

Unit 3 Friends from other countrie 异国朋友

★重点词汇American美国人Australian澳大利亚人British英国人Canadian加拿大人 female 女性 Filipino菲律宾人Hong Kong香港 India 印度 interest兴趣Indian印度人 Japanese日本人 language语言male男性 nationality国籍pen-friend笔友sex 性别 Thai 泰国 the philipines菲律宾wish 希望

★语法聚焦1.介词over, from等的用法;2.What, Which等引起的特殊疑问句3.现在完成时的用法。


Look and read

Hong Kong is an international city.Many people visit it every year.It is a very crowded city in the south of China.Over 6 million people live in Hong Kong.Most of the people living in Hong Kong are Chinese .We call people from China, Chinese.This is their nationality.Many people from other countries also live in Hong Kong.Many people in Hong Kong are from the Philippines.We call people from the Philippines,Filipinos.Over one hundred and twenty thousand Filipinos live and work there.香港是一座国际化大城市。每年有许多人到那参观、旅行。它也是中国南部一座拥挤的城市。在香港有六百多万人口。住在香港的大多数人是中国人。我们把来自中国的人叫中国人。这是他们的国籍。一些来自其它国家的人也住在香港。在香港的一些人来自菲律宾。我们把来自菲律宾的人叫菲律宾人。超过十二万菲律宾人居住和工作在那。

Look at this chart.What do we call people from America? We call them Americans.How many Americans live and work in Hong Kong? Over twenty-eight thousand.


Read,ask and answer

Ben and his classmates look in their books to read this table about people in Hong Kong.Ask and answer their questions,like this:本和他的同学查看课本来阅读这个关于香港人口的表格。象这样问答练习。

Country Nationality Number the Philippines Filipino(s)121,000 Canada Canadian(s)28,940

America American(s)28,700 Britain British(-)25,500 India Indian(s)20,950 Australia Australian(a)20,210 Japan Japanese(-)19,010

Thailand Thai(-)15,900 Read

People nowadays are very lucky.We can visit other countries near China, and we can visit countries far away from China.Which countries have you visited or read about in magazines or newspapers?



Now label the world map with the names of he countries you and your classmates have visited or read about.



1.It is a very crowded city in the south of China.它是中国南部的一个非常拥挤的城市。

▲in, on与to辨析

在in(on, to)the east(west, north, south)这类介词短语中,介词仍然保持其基本含义。A is in the south of B.是指A位于B的领地范围之内,即A位于B的南部地区,而A is to the south of B.则指A在B以南,即A不在B的领地范围之内,当A位于B之南,并且相接壤时,则可以说A is on the south of B.当然也可以说A is to the south of B.如:

①Canada lies to/on the north of the United States,加拿大位于美国之北。

② Shanghai is in the east of China.上海位于中国的东部。.Most of the people living in Hong Kong are Chinese.住在香港的大多数人是中国人。

▲在most of+名词结构里,名词是“有定的”(说话人和听话人能够确认所指)。它必定带有定冠词或物主代词等限定词。如:

① Most of the boys in our class are interested in PE.我们班的大部分男生对体育感兴趣。

② Most of my friends are over thirty.我的朋友大多数是30岁以上的人。

▲在most+名词结构里,名词都是“不确定的”(说话人和听话人尚不能共同确认所指),因此不能说most the students或most my students。如:

1)Most doctors don't smoke.大多数医生不吸烟。

2)Most shops were closed,大多数商店都关门了。

3.We can visit other countries near China,我们可以参观中国附近的其他国家。


1)She often visits her friends.她经常去拜访她的朋友。

2)I am going to visit Beijing.我打算去北京参观。


They are visiting in Shanghai.他们正在上海访问。


He is on a visit to English.他正在访问英国。4.It's far away from here,它离这儿很远。

▲be far(away)from意为“离•一远”。如:Shenyang is far from Guangzhou.沈阳离广州很远。.Look at my family photo.看我的全家福。

▲look, look at, see辨析

look意为“看”,是不及物动词。如:Look, some boys are playing games.看,一些男孩在做游戏。

look at意为“看„„,是及物动词短语,强调看的过程。如:Let me look at your new watch.让我看看你的新表。see意为“看见”,强调看的结果。如:Did you see my watch? I can't find it.你看见我的手表了吗?我找不到它了。

6.Yours sincerely你真诚的

▲Yours sincerely主要用于熟人之间,它给人以亲切感。这是书信结尾的客套用语,常见的有yours faithfully, yours holy, yours sincerely, yours respectfully和yours ever,它们的区别在于:

Yours faithfully(你忠实的)主要用于商业书信。

yours truly(你真诚的)不像Yours faithfully那么正式,常常用于相识的人之间,而不大用于商业信函。

Yours respectfully(敬上)只有下级给上级写信时才使用这一结尾词。

Yours ever(你的亲爱的)只在非常亲密的朋友之间使用。

Unit 4 Friends together 朋友在一起

★重点词汇activity活动 cold感冒 fever发烧 film电影 headache头痛 housework家务 revision复习stomach-ache胃疼 throat喉咙 toothache牙痛

★语法聚焦1.以why引导的特殊疑问句;2.连词because等的用法;3.以How often等引导的特殊疑问句;



Think and say

Eddie and some other people are not feeling well.They go to see Doctor Chen.

埃迪和其它一些人身体不舒服。他们去看陈医生。.Why do I always have a headache? 为什么我总头痛?

You always have a headache because you watch too much television.你患头痛是因为你看太多的电视。

2.Why do I always have a stomach-ache? 为什么我总胃疼?

Why do I always have toothache? 为什么我总牙疼?

Why do I always have a cold and a fever? 为什么我总感冒发烧?

Why do I always have a sore throat? 为什么我总咽喉痛?

Do you have enough exercise? 你锻练的够吗?

Have you eaten too many sweets and chocolates? 你吃了太多的糖和巧克力吗?

Do you always forget to have lunch? 你总是忘记吃午饭吗?

Have you eaten too much spicy food? 你吃了太多的辛辣食物吗?

A survey

What's your favourite indoor/outdoor activity?你最喜欢的室内/户外活动是什么?

My favourite indoor/outdoor activity is.我最喜欢的室内/户外活动是„„

In groups,find out your classmates’ favourite indoor and outdoor activities.

小组练习,找出你的同学最喜爱的室内和户外活动。Read and say

Danny's timetable 丹尼的时间表

•Do some revision once a month 每月复习一次

•Watch television three times a day 一天看三次电视

•Practise swimming twice a year 一年两次练习游泳

•Help do the housework never 从来不帮着做家务

S1:How often does Danny do some revision? 丹尼多久复习一次?

S2:He does some revision once a month 他一个月复习一次。

S1:How often does Danny„? 丹尼多久••?

Think and write

Danny's timetable is not very good.Think of a good timetable for yourself.丹尼的时间表不太好。为你自己想一个更好的时间表。


1.Why do I always have a headache?为什么我总头疼?


1)He always stays up very late into the night.他总是熬到深夜。

2)We should always bepolite to others.无论何时,我们都应该礼貌待人。

常见的频度副词还有usually(通常),often(通常),sometimes(有时),hardly ever(很少,偶尔)never(从不)等。

2.Do you have enough exercise?你进行足够的锻炼吗?


1)The question is easy enough.这个问题很容易。(不说enough easy)2)Tom didn't do his lessons carefully enough.汤姆做功课不够认真。

3)There is enough food(food enough)for everybody in the dining hall.餐厅有足够的食物供大家吃。

4)It is light enough to play basketball.要打篮球这样的光线还是够亮的。

3.Do you always forget to have lunch?你总是忘了吃午饭吗?

▲ forget的反义词是remember,在forget和,ember等动词后面,既可以接一ing动词,也可以接不定式,但意义完全不同。在forget和remember十动词一ing结构中,动名词所表示的动作发生在forget和remember这个心理过程之前,即记得过去曾经做过某事(做事在先,记住在后)。而在forget和remember+动词不定式结构中,动词不定式所表达的动作发生在forget和remember这个心理过程之后,即记着(不忘记)去做某事(记住在先,做事在后)。如:

1)She remembered posting(having posted)the letter at the post-office.他记得在邮局寄了那封信。(已经寄了)

2)She remembered to post the letter at the post-office.他记得要在邮局寄那封信。(将要去寄)

3)I forgot to ask him his email address.我忘了问他要他的电子邮件地址。

4)I forgot asking him his email address.我忘了曾问他要过他的电子邮件地址。

4.Have you eaten too much spicy food?你是否吃了太多的辛辣食物?

▲too much可修饰不可数名词,在句中作定语,也可单独使用,相当于一个代词,在句中可作表语或宾语,还可作副词,修饰动词,在句中作状语,表示“过于”“太多”(=more than enough)。如: 1)I drank too much beer last night.昨天晚上我啤酒喝得太多了。(作定语)

2)He has too much trouble in his life.他生活中的麻烦太多了。(作定语)

3)The work is too much for me.这工作我干不了。(作表语)

4)I don't enjoy reading too much.我不是非常喜欢看书。

5)She talks too much.她说的话简直太多了。(作状语)

【注】too much一般不能单独用在be动词之后。我们可以说There was too much noise.但是我们不能说The noise was too much

【注】作定语时,如果要修饰可数名词,可用too many。如:There are far too many people here.这里的人太多了。5.How often does Danny do some revision?丹尼多久复习一次?

▲how often意为“多久一次”,指动作发生的频率,与一般现在时或一般过去时连用,回答一般是用表示频率的副词,如:once, twice, three times...sometimes, often,咖to often, never等。如:

①”How often do you watch TV?“ ”Three times a week.” “你们多长时间看一次电视?” “一星期三次。”

②“How often do you want us to visit you?” “Twice a month is OK.”

“你希望我们多长时间看你一次?” “一个月两次就行了。”

③”How often do they have a dancing party?“ ”Usually, once every other week.”

“他们多长时间举办一次舞会?” “通常每两周举办一次。”

④“How often does Li Ming make his diary?” "Sometimes once a week.’

“李明多长时间写一次日记?” “有时候一个星期一次。”

More practice

Exploring Asia--International Cities探索亚洲—国际化都市


Beijing is the capital of China.It is in North China.You can find museums,palaces and parks there.Many tourists go sightseeing in those places.They always visit the Great Wall.There are more than 12 million people.in Beijing .They like riding bicycles.北京是中国的首都。位于华北地区。那有很多博物馆,宫殿和公园。许多旅游者去那些地方观光游览。他们总是要到长城去游览。北京有一千二百多万人口。他们爱骑自行车。

Tokyo 东京

Tokyo is the capital of Japan.It is east of Beijing.You can see a lot of tall buildings,huge department stores and famous hotels there.Tourists usually go shopping in Tokyo.There are about 12 million people in this city.They love eating sushi.东京是日本的首都。位于北京的东面。在那你能看见许多高楼大厦,巨型百货商店和著名的旅馆。旅游者通常在东京购物。在这个城市中大约有一千二百万人。他们喜欢吃寿司。

Bangkok 曼谷

Bangkok is the capital of Thailand.It is south-west of Beijing.There are plenty of temples and beaches in Thailand.A lot of tourists enjoy swimming in the sea at these beautiful beaches.There are about five million people in Bangkok .The people in Thailand love eating fruit.They also love eating spicy food.曼谷是泰国首都。它位于北京西南。在泰国有许多寺庙和海滩。大量游客喜欢在这些美丽的海滩边的海水中游泳。曼谷大约有五百万人口。泰国人爱吃水果。他们也喜欢吃辛辣食品。

1.Where do tourists always visit in Beijing? They always visit the Great Wall in Beijing.在北京,旅游者总要去哪参观?旅游者总要去长城参观。.What do people in Tokyo love eating? They love eating sushi. 在东京人们喜欢吃什么?他们喜欢吃寿司。

3.What do tourists enjoy doing in Bangkok? They enjoy swimming in the sea at these beautiful beaches.旅游者喜欢在曼谷做什么? 他们喜欢在这些美丽的海滩边的海水中游泳。.How far is it from Beijing to Tokyo? It's about 2100 kilometres.

北京到东京有多远?大约2100千米。.How long does it take to travel from Beijing to Bangkok by air? It's about four and a half hours.


Ask and answer

Your friends will come to visit you soon.What have you planned for them? 你的朋友们很快就会来你处游览。你计划为他们做什么?

In pairs,take turns to ask and answer the questions below.


Where will you take your friends to? When will you take them there? Where is the place?

How far is it from your home? How are you going to get there? How long does it take by„?









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