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5.循私舞弊,以权谋私,有“偏向性”追 求特权破坏学生会声誉者。

二 干事储备制度



三 签到签退制度







学校全称:北京师范大学珠海分校 办学类型:独立学院











三、学历学位 修满所学专业教学计划规定的全部学分且成绩合格者,颁发北京师范大学珠海分校毕业证书。符合《北京师范大学珠海分校学士学位授予条例》规定者,可申请获得北京师范大学珠海分校颁发的学士学位证书。




3、学校设有 各种奖、助政策,详情可登录http://xsc.bnuep.com/zizhu查阅。


传真:0756-6126780 学校网址:www.xiexiebang.com




第一章 总则



第二章 学校概况

第三条 院校名称:北京师范大学珠海分校

第四条 院校国标代码:13177 第五条 学校地址:广东省珠海市唐家湾金凤路;邮政编码:519087 第六条 办学层次:本科

第七条 办学性质:独立学院

第八条 办学类型:全日制

第九条 主办单位:北京师范大学,珠海市人民政府 业务主管部门:广东省教育厅

第十条 毕业颁证:按国家招生管理规定录取并取得我校正式学籍的学生,在允许的修业期限内获得规定的学分,达到毕业要求,准予毕业并颁发北京师范大学珠海分校毕业证书。对符合学士学位授予条件的本科毕业生,授予北京师范大学珠海分校学士学位并颁发学位证书。

第三章 组织机构及职责



第十三条 学校设立由学校领导和纪检监察部门组成的招生监督小组,对招生工作实施监督。在录取期间成立信访组,安排专人负责考生的信访、申诉、投诉处理工作。

第四章 招生计划



第五章 录取规则

第十六条 执行教育部规定的“学校负责、省招办监督”的录取体制,招生录取严格遵守教育部、省招生办公室的有关政策和规定,以考生高考成绩为基本依据,本着公平、公正、公开的原则,综合衡量德智体美,择优录取。

第十七条 在省招生委员会划定的录取最低控制分数线上,制定具体录取标准,按照文科类、理科类、体育类、音乐类、美术类分类录取。

第十八条 根据生源情况确定投档比例,投档比例一般控制在招生计划的100%-120%以内,学校视生源情况在此比例内作适当调整。在广东省文科类、理科类本科招生实行平行志愿,投档比例不高于105%。

第十九条 在思想政治品德考核和身体健康状况检查合格、统考成绩达到同批录取控制分数线、符合我校投档要求的情况下,依据考生志愿,从高分到低分的顺序择优录取。

第二十条 专业录取遵循“分数优先”原则。根据考生高考总分从高到低录取,先安排高分考生的第一专业志愿,若该专业额满,再逐一查看该生的后续专业志愿。总分相同时,依次按以下规则录取:排位前者优先录取,如无排位,则高考原始成绩分数(不含政策加分)高者优先录取,如高考原始成绩相同,则外语成绩高者优先录取。第二十一条 考生所有专业志愿都未被录取时,若服从专业调剂,则根据考生投档成绩并兼顾单科成绩,调剂到招生计划有空额的专业录取,如不服从专业调剂,作退档处理。第二十二条 外语语种及相关科目成绩要求如下:


第二十三条 表演专业(节目主持方向)、舞蹈学专业、艺术教育专业、视觉传达设计专业、产品设计专业、服装与服饰设计专业、动画专业、休闲体育专业按文化分、专业分权重各占50%计算总分,按总分从高到低择优录取。

第二十四条 对省招生办公示通过的当《普通高等学校照顾加分考生资格》中的加分予以认可。

第二十五条 在广东省第二批本科:报考我校文科类、理科类本科层次的广东省高中毕业生,三门学业水平考试均须获得等级成绩,且至少有两门达到C级及其以上等级;报考我校音乐类、美术类、体育类的考生,三门学业水平考试并均获得等级成绩,且至少有两门达到D级及其以上等级。

第六章 录取体检标准

第二十六条 学校录取考生的体检标准按照教育部、卫生部、中国残疾人联合会颁布的《普通高等学校招生体检工作指导意见》和《教育部办公厅卫生部办公厅关于普通高等学校招生学生入学身体检查取消乙肝项目检测有关问题的通知》(教学厅〔2010〕2号)的有关规定执行。对残障的考生,若其生活能够自理、符合所报专业要求,且高考成绩达到录取标准,则予正常录取。

第二十七条 新生入学后,学校以教育部、卫生部、中国残疾人联合会制定的《普通高等学校招生体检工作指导意见》、《教育部办公厅卫生部办公厅关于普通高等学校招生学生入学身体检查取消乙肝项目检测有关问题的通知》为依据,对新生进行身体健康状况复查,对经复查不符合体检要求或不宜就读已录取专业者,按有关学籍管理规定办理,予以转专业或取消入学资格处理。

第七章 收费标准

第二十八条 学生学费、住宿费的收费标准按照广东省教育厅、广东省物价局有关文件执行。

学费收费标准:我校学费为18000元/学年-23000元/学年,详见《北京师范大学珠海分校2013年普通本科招生信息表》(http://zsb.bnuz.edu.cn)。住宿费收费标准:1200元/学年-2800元/学年,详情可登录http://www.xiexiebang.com 第三十一条 招生咨询及联系方式

咨询电话:0756-6126773,6126787 传真:0756-6126869 电子邮箱:zhzsb@bnuz.edu.cn 学校网址:http://www.xiexiebang.com

第十章 附则

第三十二条 本章程由北京师范大学珠海分校于2013年 月 日由校长办公会讨论审查通过,适用于北京师范大学珠海分校2013年本科招生工作,自公布之日起施行。

第三十三条 本章程由北京师范大学珠海分校授权北京师范大学珠海分校招生办公室解释。本章程若与国家和省的规定不一致,以国家和省的规定为准。


Case one Issue---Was the ambulance center liable for Rose’s injury in car crash and delay of treatment? Rules—

1.Negligence liability(1)The duty of care.[Barnett v Packer(1940)][Stennett v Hancock(1939)](2)The defendant failed to perform that duty(3)As a result, the claimant suffered damage.2.Omissions to act: “false omissions” in situation with duty of care between parties.(1)Act is part of chain of events.(2)The claimant in a dependent relationship with defendant.3.Public authorities and statutory discretion: Public service providers operate in the context of statutory duties and powers.Such duties are mandatory but often widely drafted, leaving a large element of discretion to the authority about how it is implemented.4.Nervous shock(1)Primary victim(2)Secondary victim Applications---In daily life, emergency personnel have state immunity for ambulance accidents like happened in the case.But, when they have negligence in their duties, they are liable.In the case, when the ambulance center’ employees arrived at Rose’s home, they hand a duty of care.And definitely, they had a close relationship that now.However ambulance center’ employees performed their duties negligently that after.(1)The medical employees didn’t secure Rose to the portable bed;

(2)And failed to fasten the portable bed to the emergency straps in the ambulance;For those two points, both are duties that employees should have done which may prevent the damages.In some distance, for their omissions Rose had a suffering.On the other hand, after the car crash, medical equipment fell from the ambulance hitting Rose in the head causing a severe injury.In the high speed driving, it’s normal to have a brake.So, for ambulance center, they should have a sense of fastening equipment in the car.In this case, obviously, they breach their duty.For the crash happened, Rose had to be transported by another ambulance to a hospital causing a delay in treatment which may lead a nervous shock to Rose for a primary victim, and should be considered in the case.All above may not only the medical employees liable, but the Ambulance Service might also be liable for failing to properly supervise and train their employees.Also, there may be a liability of another driver failed to observe the right of way of an emergency vehicle and thereby caused the ambulance wreck in the first place.Conclusion---1.The ambulance center is liable for Rose’s injury in car crash

2.Third-party(another car in the accident)is liable for Rose’s delay of treatment.Case two Issue---Could Jenny successfully claim all losses including price of Barbie doll, other property damages and medical cost from Supertoy Company? Rules---1.The Consumer Protection Act 1987(1)Strict liability: only prove causal link between the defendant’s tortious behavior and the damage suffered.(2)Potential claimant: any person hurt, or suffered damage from defective goods.(3)Methods of supply: including gift.(4)Potential defendants a.The producer b.The supplier(5)Defective means dangerous: a.The packaging and any warnings or instructions b.The normal uses of the product c.The time when the product was issued 2.Negligence(1)The duty of care.[Barnett v Packer(1940)][Stennett v Hancock(1939)](2)The defendant failed to perform that duty(3)As a result, the claimant suffered damage.(4)The scope and influence of Lord Atkin¡¯s judgment a.Manufacturer b.Product c.The ultimate consumer 3.Pure economic loss & Consequential economic loss Applications---

In the case, the gift was playing in according to the packaging directions, however, still caused damages.And persons generally expect that Barbie dolls are safe to sleep with.So, the manufacture---Supertory Company has a strict liability in CPA.The connector in the back of the doll ignited and the doll caught fire, which also ignited a portion of Maggie’s pajamas Maggie’s arm was burned also.For the death/personal injury in CPA, Supertory Company is totally liable.However, claims are limited to those over £275, and pure economic loss(Barbie doll)is never recoverable.So, if other damages was less than £275, we take the consideration of negligence.Act as a manufacture of baby’s doll, Supertory Company should have a foreseeability of children would sleep with doll, and reasonable to prove the quality of doll in that case.Because of it’s negligence, Jenny had a suffer.In this circumstance, Jenny can claim losses including property damages and medical cost.Still the price of Barbie doll cannot be recovered.Because the lack of quality in goods does not in itself give rise to negligence liability.Conclusion---Jenny can successfully claim losses including property damages and medical cost from Supertoy Company, except price of Barbie doll.Case three Issue---Should British Assurance Company pay any money to Mr.Murphy?

Rules---1.Corporate A corporation is a legal entity separate from the individual shareholders and employees that contribute to it.2.Contract(1)Consideration---consideration must move from the promise.(2)Privity of contract 3.The veil of incorporation Once registration has been successfully completed, a new legal person is created.Its legal liabilities are entirely separate from those of its members.Applications---In the case, Irish Sawmills Company is a legal entity, it separates from the individual shareholders and employees that contribute to it.The total asset belongs to corporate instead of its shareholders.Mr.Murphy had a contract with British Assurance Company in his own name which is a nature person.The timber which was damaged by fire did not belong to Mr.Murphy, but to the company.If Mr.Murphy claims that he represents the company for the only shareholder, then British Assurance Company can lifting the veil of incorporation that Mr.Murphy was directly prejudiced by the paucity of the company’s assets, not by the fire.Conclusion--British Assurance Company should not pay any money to Mr.Murphy

Case four Issue---Was Mr.White personally liable for his company’s current business against Smart Motors?

Rules---1.Contract Once the contract has been made, the both party of the contract has liability to perform the contract.2.Duty of director(1)Promote the success of the company(2)Avoid conflict of interest 3.Legal entity A corporation is a legal entity separate from the individual shareholders and employees that contribute to it.4.The veil of incorporation Once registration has been successfully completed, a new legal person is created.Its legal liabilities are entirely separate from those of its members.Applications---In this case, Mr.White has a written employment contract with Smart Motors stating that he would not solicit any customer for his own benefits or purposes either when he was managing director or after he left Smart Motors, it his duty to perform the contract.Acting as a managing director, Mr.White should take the interest of the company in the first place, and must be honestly for the benefit of the business.However, for his own benefit, Mr.White subsequently left Smart Motors, and started a new company to supply spare parts for Smart Motors’ customer at a very undercutting price.Even though, the company which is newly registered by Mr.White is a legal entity, the purpose of creating the company was to avoid performing the contract, which is a fraud.Mr.White was personally liable and must perform the contract.The veil of incorporation did not protect him.Conclusion---Mr.White was personally liable for his company’s current business against Smart Motors

Case five Issue---Who will be liable for the payment of design fees?

Rules---1.The creation of agency(1)By implication – implied by conduct.(2)Express agreement – either verbally or in writing(3)By ratification – if Agent exceeds his authority or duty.[Kelner v Baxter(1866)(retrospective authority)](4)By necessity-operation of law(automatically)2.Agency by estoppel

In many situations, principal authorizes another person(agent)to act on his or her behalf, a third party may presume that person has the authority of an agent and enforce a resulting contract against the principal.3.Apparent authority Apparent authority is a term used in the law of agency to describe a situation in which a principal leads a third party to believe that an agent has authority to bind the principal, even where the agent lacks the actual authority to bind the principal.4.The duty of agency(1)Performance(2)Reasonable skill

Applications---In this case, The Top One Real Estate Company has never given authority to Mr.Smith to sign any contract.However, because Mr.Smith who, with the knowledge of the board of director, the development of the land(the company’s business)left to him.So, he always acts as managing director.That we can see, the relationship of agency between The Top One Real Estate company with Mr.Smith is existing by implication.The third party(design firm)believes that Mr.Smith is the agent of Top One Real Estate Company, and had a contract with The Top One Real Estate Company is reasonable, Where the company is estopped from denying that the relationship exists.In fact, we can see, Mr.Smith made the contract is for the benefit of the company in his knowledge not for his interest, which did not go against the duty of the agency.Conclusion---the company was bound to pay design firm for their design fee.

第五篇:精品二搞 - 北师大珠海分校



















五、品牌专业建设的条件支持 1.每个项目资助80-100万元人民币,由学校和学院各承担一半,分提供,专款专用。主要用于引进人才、专业负责人岗位津贴、学术研究、教材建设和教学设备等开支。









八、时间安排 1、4月8日--5月8日(第6-10周),学校“品牌专业”建设工作新闻发布,有意申请“品牌专业”建设项目的单位,成立“品牌专业”建设小组,完成本单位“品牌专业”建设规划,做好“品牌专业”的申报工作。2、5月8日--5月25日(第10-13周),学校教学指导委员会评审各申报单位的申报材料,确定进入校“品牌专业”的立项名单。3、5月25日--6月5日(第13-14周),报送校长审批。

教学指导委员会 二00五年三月三十日通过



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