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摘 要:C语言是计算机语言基础课,使C语言在多媒体网络教学中不再是单向灌输、被动接受。多媒体网络平台教学不仅能够给学生提供丰富的网络资源、便捷的学习环境,还可以让学生实现自主学习、合作学习,理论与实践相结合,利用网络平台相互交流,培养团结合作的精神。


中图分类号:G642.0 文献标识码:A







students interest in learning,guide self-directed



在教学过程中,充分利用教学课件,多媒体。制定适合学生的教学计划,突出重点难点。每次上课前布置相关预习内容,精心准备好上课的主题。为学生制定一定的问题情境,调动学生学习的欲望,他们所爆发出来的学习潜能是难以估量的。当学生真正进入角色后,通过具体的练习,讲解操作的方法和注意点,然后再适实地布置一些练习的操作任务。C语言中有许多实例,比如,猜数字游戏、汉诺塔游戏、fibonacci数列等,在教学过程中尽量运用有趣味性的、简单实用的教学内容,巧妙设计。这样才能调动学生们学习的主动性、积极性。通过网络平台提交、评阅、点评学生的作业。一些好的作品还可以实现网络共享。这样,师生能和谐地融为一体,进而循序渐进地完成学习任务。发挥学生能动性,鼓励深度探究(Our students

initiative to encourage deep exploration)



程序分析过程中教师提出的问题要有连续性、渐进性和层次性,是历程承前启后,由简到繁。要鼓励学生勇于质疑,大胆发表自己独特的见解。要给学生留有探究、思考和自我开拓的余地,要善于把教学内容本身的矛盾与学生已有的知识、经验间的矛盾作为突破口,使学生的思维活跃起来,启发学生去探究,去思考,以培养学生在编程中的求异思维,而不是死记硬背,墨守成规。采用模块化设计,培养团结协作(Using modular

design,develop solidarity and collaboration)


实现理论实践相结合(The combination of theory



传统教学中,学生的上课和上机是分开设置的,而且上机课时偏少,教科书或实验指导丛书等作为学生上机的参考学习资料发挥的作用也是有限的,根本满足不了实际需要[2]。很多学生由于问题得不到及时解决,而完不成上机任务。在网络环境下上机贯穿于上课过程中,在每一环节的学习结束以后,可进入上机训练。教师可以根据学生已有的知识水平和认知水平选择适当的练习任务。对所学的每一部分知识都应该要求学生完成一定数量的实验内容。每部分的上机习题必须精心挑选,做到循序渐进,既要有基础题目,又要有一些具有挑战性题目。基础题目实行每个人独立完成后组内交流讨论,难度较高的程序一个人思考可能存在一定的困难,就实行组内先讨论然后共同完成。网络教学评价(Network teaching evaluation)





[1] 陈莲君,朱晴婷.培养能力为主线的C语言程序设计教学研究 [J].计算机教育,2011,7(14):102-105.[2] 丁海燕,邱莎.C语言实验教学体系及改革措施[J].实验技术与 管理,2011,11(11):179-181.作者简介:




































关键词: 多媒体网络





Abstract The new request for the senior high school English writing in accordance with the new curriculum standard values more and more the abilities of students’ independence, cooperation, innovation and application of a multi-media network to carry on communicating study and searching information.What makes us happy is that the multi-media network technology just can satisfy all the above aspects of the requests of the new curriculum standard at the right moment.Comparing the multi-media network writing teaching with traditional teaching, the former has more advantages than the latter.During teaching, the teacher can provide various stimulating materials, and the students can make use of a network platform for independent search for and processing of materials.They can also communicate and discuss the topics and evaluate works with each other.However,the multi-media network writing teaching also has shortages of itself, so it needs us to make great effort to overcome them.Only in this way can we get a good teaching effect.Key words: multi-media;network;writing teaching;information cultivation;communication



1.New Request to the Senior High School English Writing..................................1 2.Comparison of Writing Teaching between Two Modes.....................................2

2.1 The definitions of the two concepts.............................................................................2 2.2 The advantages of the teaching under the multi-media network.............................2

2.2.1 The comparison of teaching means......................................................................2

2.2.2 The comparison of teaching content.....................................................................3

2.2.3 The comparison of teaching effect.......................................................................4

2.2.4 The comparison of teaching roles.........................................................................5

3.Writing Teaching under Multi-media Network Environment.........................6

3.1 Preparation before class...............................................................................................6 3.2 The classroom writing teaching...................................................................................6 3.3 Writing communication on network platform after class.........................................8 3.4 Students’ and teachers’ work before presenting the works......................................8 3.5 Evaluation of the students learning............................................................................9

4.Solutions in Multi-media Network Environment Writing Teaching.............9

4.1 Problems........................................................................................................................9

iii 4.1.1 The poor ability of teachers’ educational technique.............................................9

4.1.2 The low level of students’ information literacy..................................................10

4.1.3 The disorder and overflow network resources....................................................10

4.1.4 Using multimedia too much...............................................................................11 4.2 Solutions......................................................................................................................11

4.2.1 Improving teachers’ ability of using multi-media network................................11

4.2.2 Paying attentions to the development of the information literacy of students...11

4.2.3 Raising the discrimination and inspection ability of information......................12

4.2.4 Combining the multi-media and traditional teachings together.........................12 5.Conclusion........................................................................................................................12 References Acknowledgements iv

Senior High School English Writing Teaching under the Multi-media Network Environment

1.New Request to the Senior High School English Writing The request of new curriculum standard promulgated in 2003 for senior high school student’s writing skill has exaltation on the foundation of original English syllabus in Senior High School.This new request mainly focuses at: if students can independently draft a simple report;if they can write a brief story according to the pictures;if they have the ability to reorganize the text as short play;if they can write memos, simple letters and greeting cards with the fitting language;if they can describe persons or affairs and express their own views;if they can fill in forms relating to personal circumstance;if they can write a short composition which has coherent language meaning and complete structures.What’s more, the writing skill’s request to graduate students in the senior high school also becomes higher and more concrete than before.For example:(1)students can write summary, report, notice, and official business letter in English and so on;(2)they can describe scenario, attitude and feelings in English more detailed and vividly;(3)they can elaborate their own standpoints and comment the standpoint of others with proper literary style and accurate phrases;(4)they can fill in various forms and write resumes or applications;(5)they can make not-professional translations and so on.Curriculum standard not only emphasizes the request to the students’ ability of writing, which trains students to have the ability of expressing fact, standpoint, emotion and communicating information;cultivates student’s writing habit of norm;trains students to have the ability of problem analysis, problem-solving, and developing their judgment thinking, but also emphasizes to raise students’ own attainment which needs to take students as corpus and make students the center;to develop students the ability of independent learning and cooperative learning;to cultivate students the ability of using comprehensive language;to make students foster English cultural consciousness;to train students’ ability of obtaining information and processing information.However, teaching under multi-media network environment just can well meet the new request of new curriculum standard, and it also matches the teaching views of constructivism and humanism which are helpful for raising students’ ability of using synthesize language completely, and developing the student’s English writing skill in the environment of the good multi-media network adequately.2.Comparison of Writing Teaching between Two Modes

2.1 The definitions of the two concepts Multi-media network English teaching mode: it carries out English teaching with computer and network, mutually combined with the control centre, which including the video present, projecting apparatus, DVD, recorder and acoustic equipments for the multi-media platform.It can get support from the comprehensive usage of various media in English cultural background teaching.Many techniques and methods are used for the teaching of English, for example, the computer supporting facilities, broadcasting, television, movie, and electronics publication etc., which concretely includes songs, brief strokes, slides, videos, video frequency CDs, animations etc.This mode really makes teachers, instructional media and teaching effect truly attain three-in-one.Traditional English teaching mode: it takes teachers as the center.Teachers explain knowledge in detail, with various simple media as teaching means and methods introducing knowledge to students.In this mode, students passively accept knowledge that the teacher teaches.In a word, teachers teach on their own initiative, and students are the passive receivers of the external world incitement of knowledge, and the teaching materials are the contents that the teachers instill towards the students, and simple instructional media are the mainly methods and means that the teachers instill towards the students.Teacher, student, teaching materials, which have their respective clear functions, and the relation between each other is explicit.It becomes a kind of stable structure form of teaching activity progress, and namely teaching mode.2.2 The advantages of the teaching under the multi-media network 2.2.1 The comparison of teaching means For the writing teaching in traditional senior high schools, teachers are the whole center of teaching, and students are just the passive receivers.In class, teachers explain vocabularies of writing in detail, analysis sentence structures, provide excellent examples on the blackboard for students, and let all students carry on writing around a given topic.After class, teachers correct the students’ compositions in a very slow speed, so what the students have to do during the time is to wait patiently for the results that the teacher will give them.We can obviously get that this kind of mode is impossible to arouse students’ strong interests in writing, and the articles all the students write will be likely to be monotonous.It may not agree with the tunnel expression method in English, and students can’t have innovation and creation, either.The multi-media network teaching is a kind of mode which gathers various teaching media, such as texts, pictures, animations, voices and so on.It can provide students with the incitements of various senses which will be helpful for students to obtain and keep knowledge, and also largely stir up students’ enthusiasm in studies.What’s more, it can encourage students to participate actively in classroom, and then raise the teaching efficiency.Teachers make use of the multimedia to change the writings on the blackboard into vivid pictures or animations of image, and pleasing music is regarded as the tools of teaching.In this way, it not only saves time of writing and painting on blackboard, but also it extends the capacity of teaching, and makes the important and difficult points of knowledge outstanding.Multi-media and provides a comfortable writing environment for students more easily to comprehend and master the knowledge and technique of English writing.After class, with network platforms like BBS,E-mails, teachers can organize students to carry on discussions for exchanging views, evaluating and correcting the compositions for each other, and it not only can help save a lot of time for teacher’s correction of compositions, but also can it make students know the shortages of standpoints in their own compositions in a short time, so they can correct the mistakes in time.2.2.2 The comparison of teaching content The content of teaching in the traditional teaching is usually from teaching materials.Teachers select a suitable writing topic according to the contents of teaching materials.Some teachers may also give students some excellent texts that they collected, provide some thinking ways of writing.Comparing with the traditional teaching, the multi-media network teaching has advantages of abundant resources in this aspect.Firstly, the teaching content of courses not only come from teaching materials or some excellent examples, teachers can also collect related background information, pictures, animations on the network according to the students’ circumstance.After collecting something like social current trend of events, the general knowledge of daily life, then teachers can create these materials into elegant PPT and provide vivid writing scene for students.Secondly, students can surf the Internet to look for various resources in different websites and collect materials which they are interested in and put them onto the internet forums of their own class.They can share them with other students or e-mail them to the teachers which can provide good writing topics as a certain reference for teachers’ writing teaching.The content made in this way is not only easier to help stir up the students’ interest in writing and help develop their ability of imagination and innovation which is advantageous to a student to write a good work in a different angle or standpoint, but also it can help broaden students’ visual fields, and help develop the ability of collecting information resources and acquiring knowledge independently.For example: students can use the websites of English countries to look for rich write materials, which not only can make them understand foreign culture better, but also help the students be able to create tunnel English compositions.2.2.3 The comparison of teaching effect In traditional writing teaching mode, teachers are the only organizers and governors of teaching process.Content of course is monotonous and the way of teaching is tedious.Students are just placed in one passive position and obedient to whatever the teachers say, so they are not easy to take actively part in the process of writing teaching.What’s more, students can hardly write an tunnel article naturally, and usually all the articles are monotonous and have much grammar and expression mistakes, lacking innovation.In multi-media network teaching mode, the blending of texts, graphics and audio-visual courseware can active classroom’s atmosphere;and it also can make the abstract texts changed into pictures and animations which is a good way for students more easily to accept knowledge.Teachers’ establishment of writing environment with meticulous care is advantageous to produce out works of creation in special viewpoints.Teachers can organize students to form groups and carry on discussions for exchanging thoughts and which can largely improve students’ language organizational skill, also it is advantageous to the development of their ability of cooperation learning, and forming well-knited writing thought.Students also can make use of campus network or Internet to collect writing materials and look for excellent writing examples, which are advantageous to cultivating their information literacy.And on the network platform, the students can evaluate and correct their works with each other, which can promote the exchanges and cooperation of each other.The teachers carry on the process of correcting students’ work online and make feedback more quick.And, teachers can make use of the multi-media network according to different students’ study levels and characteristics to design all kinds of writing practices for them.This is very advantageous to carry on individual teaching and to teach according to students’ abilities.So the use of multi-media network teaching can make the teaching effect a very great exaltation.2.2.4 The comparison of teaching roles In traditional writing teaching process, teachers are the main roles in teaching stage, however, students are just some audiences.While having a class, teachers only stand on the platform with blackboards, teaching materials, and the oral communication language to provide knowledge for students.In the same time, students just listen to the teacher’s arrangement and passively accept knowledge, have no chance to express the views of them.So this kind of mode is not a good way for students’ creation and improvement in writing.The multi-media network teaching brakes this kind of mode which takes teachers as the center of teaching process, and it pays attention to the characteristics of activity, interaction and cooperation, independence of teaching and treats students as the corpus of teaching, with teachers as the participants of language activity, the promoters of information, the instructors, governors of classroom activities, the inspirations of teaching activity and examiners of students information feedback.When having a class, the teacher can provide some writing materials and organize students to form several groups to carry on discussions according to the students’ different characteristics.In this process, teachers should not interrupt the students’ discussion, but they can provide some suggestions and guidance to students which can help students discuss in a correct direction.Students can make use of network resources to choose writing topics which they are interested in.What’s more, they can also become members of writing evaluation, and carrying on an evaluation to the works of others is a good way for students to know the shortages of themselves.The conversion of teaching roles makes students more active in writing class, and they also can form the ability of independent study.By evaluation and correction works with each other, students’ abilities of analysis, dealing with writing information will raise a lot.3.Writing Teaching under Multi-media Network Environment In the process of writing teaching, teachers can make use of multi-media network to establish vivid writing environment.They can also adopt the teaching method of task-driving, which is a multi-layer and multi-angles teaching strategies, to guide students how to take a participation of thought.What’s more, they can make use of the network to establish a communication platform for cooperation learning, correcting and evaluating works with each other to raise students’ abilities of evaluation and cooperation study.3.1 Preparation before class Teachers can make use of some Internet indexes to look for materials which has something to do with the composition topic of this lesson.For example: the background materials of writing topics, relevant pictures, videos, audios and so on.And teachers also must prepare the new vocabularies, sentence structures that may use during the class, and they should change these materials into elegant multi-media courseware for a full use in class.Teachers can go to some special subjective websites on writing to look for and make references to some excellent writing courseware, then form their own well-waving teaching courseware according to the students’ characteristics and need of teaching.3.2 The classroom writing teaching We should establish various environments of writing teaching for the students.Firstly, you can use the real objects to make environment for writing.For example: if you want to write an article about the statue of Liberty in America, teachers can present the pictures of the statue on the multimedia, then he may also enlarge some details of the pictures, so the students can easily describe the characteristics of the statue of Liberty through observe the pictures carefully.Secondly, it is a good way to represent some cases when you make environment.If there is an article concerning history affairs, how can teachers let students feel its social background and the statement of the people’ thought a lot of years ago.Then the function of multi-media can be highlighted at this time.We can make use of multimedia to project a video concerning this history affairs, so students can not only feel the social atmosphere personally on the scene, but also can easily stir up their inspirations of writing.Thirdly, using story to make writing environment For example: teachers can display a few story pictures for students firstly, then let students discuss and imagine the story and development of the plots in the pictures.Then students weave their own stories and performance the stories in front of the class.Teachers should remind students of noticing the beginning, development of the story, and paying attention to the design of suspense.Finally, students can finish a well-knitted article in a good way which can train a student to obtain and handle information effectively, it can also help students raise the ability of analyzing and processing problems according to the information that students has got, and it makes the students get initial understand of the English manuscripts.Fourthly, you can make use of the network to establish write environment.Teachers make use of a forum on the network, such as BBS, e-mail, wiki and so on, and then they can imitate the daily life scenes of foreign countries which speak English to establish a scene communicating in English.Such a good environment is helpful for students’ English writing, and it can raise the ability of a student to communicate and express his own opinion.Teachers can provide digital sharing resources, like foreign culture, politics, customs etc.and this is helpful to cultivate students English cultural literacy, because the biggest problem students facing in the past is that they always write English articles with Chinese language, which does not agree with cultural habits of English nation.Organizing group cooperative communication is also an important thing.When teachers have established writing scene and have provided writing materials for students, they can organize students to form groups for cooperation learning and exchanging views.Because different students’ Cognitive level, experiences are different, making students communicate their own standpoints with each other, is helpful for mobilizing the enthusiasm of the classmates, and it also help students find out the shortages of themselves, then they can correct the mistakes in the way of thinking in time.After students can mutually communicate the standpoints of the materials provided by teachers, students can discuss the way of write thinking with each other, and generalize the approximate frame of a work;finally they should display the achievement in front of all classmates.As a group,students must understand the meaning of what has been presented, and how the multi-media to do the work well for conveying their topic of interest.The students should choose a leader in their groups and organize different tasks with their members.3.3 Writing communication on network platform after class Because of Internet and the establishment of campus network, the interaction between the teachers and students extends from the classroom to outside, from solid time to any time.This gives teachers and students opportunity of mutual communicating during class or after class.Students can use network, like e-mail, BBS, forum, communicate with each other and discuss something about writing together.Teachers can take advantage of forum to send out writing topics, then students can discuss their own standpoints with each other directly.What’s more, if students have any questions, they can ask teachers for help by e-mails, and teachers will have a man-to-man solution patiently.Students’ can correct and evaluate compositions with each other on the network.For example: whether the contents is complete;whether there is some spelling mistakes in the compositions;whether the usage of phrases and vocabularies is correct;whether it is logically organized;whether article structure is tightly packed and so on.They can also share their own collects of excellent resources with each other.Because resources on the network are very abundant, the students can make use of index tools to collect writing-related materials, and go to some special subject websites of writing to read the excellent examples of article, they can also make use of the excellent resources that classmates have already collected and shared in the network forum.For example: students want to write an article on the topic of “The nation that I like most”, they can form their own writing ways of thinking after searching electronic resources on the network, or landing on some websites to seek some related materials, then tiding these materials up.3.4 Students’ and teachers’ work before presenting the works After teachers’ guidance, students’ correction and evaluation with each other and classmates themselves’ modification, a complete composition is finished.Then students can make use of e-mails to hand over the composition to teachers for a further correction.After correcting the compositions, the teacher can feedback the results to students by e-mails in time, so students can rectify the given mistakes in the works in a very short time, then finally they will finish a perfect work.At last, students can put the final works on the presentation platform in the network of their own class, sharing them with other classmates or they can make use these works themselves later.Also they can put the works on their own blog, as their own diaries of study growth.3.5 Evaluation of the students learning Because of the use of the multimedia and network, students should be evaluated by what they have done in class after finishing a writing work.For example: their attitudes towards the works, the students’ problem-solving skills,collaborative efforts and teamwork, the information they have shared with others.This kind of method can evaluate the students completely, and it can also avoid evaluating them only by the finally works they have done.4.Solutions in Multi-media Network Environment Writing Teaching

4.1 Problems Although the multi-media network teaching has all kinds of advantages, however it also inevitably exists some problems during the actual process of teaching.4.1.1 The poor ability of teachers’ educational technique Some teachers can not design good courseware very well, so they get to the Internet to download good ones of other teachers.However, different teachers have different ways of thinking for teaching, and students’ characteristics are also not in the same level, so this will neglect their own special features of teaching, at the same time, the teaching effect also can’t be very good.Some teachers also make courseware themselves, but the courseware’ quality is not good because their technique is bad or some other objective reasons, and there is no logic in the courseware.Teachers can not control multimedia expertly, so using the multimedia can not obtain good teaching effect, and it may also mislead the students.Firstly, while designing a courseware, teachers only pay attention to make it good-looking and interesting, not according to the demand of the teaching material and the characteristics of the students, neglecting the design of courseware’ contents, so it may lead to a result that students just join a crowd for fun, and they have interests in the class, but they can not get anything useful.Secondly, teachers may only make use of multimedia for teaching and hardly write anything on blackboards or they never carry on any other teaching activities in the class.However, multimedia always can display contents of the teaching materials in a very high speed, and the capacity of course is very big, so students can easily have a tired sense in vision, and they take a quick glance of knowledge and then forgot most of them.Thirdly, teachers’ information literacy is low, and they do not acquaint with the multi-media techniques.This is a serious blemish in teaching.If a teacher can not expertly operate a multimedia in class, then they may feel flurried when a sudden circumstance take places, so it will seriously influence class progress.Some teachers can not collect, handle and deliver teaching the information very well, and they can not organize contents of teaching and communicate with students in class with the network multimedia masterly.4.1.2 The low level of students’ information literacy The multi-media network teaching requests that the students should have high information literacy.But because of the individual and regional differences, some students can not make use of the network to search, handle and deliver information very well, and they even can not communicate freely with other classmates and teachers on the network.These all seriously influence the effect of carrying on a teaching by making use of multi-media network.4.1.3 The disorder and overflow network resources

The resources on the network are very abundant, if you want to get some resources, you can just put the key words on the internet, then there will be all kinds of resources presenting to you immediately, which will make you hard to make proper choice, and students have to take a great deal of time to choose the best quality ones in various resources, but this isn’t a very easy thing.Some information contents on the internet are harmful to students’ mental healthy, so this demands the students should have a very strong ability of identifying information and protecting themselves from harmful information.4.1.4 Using multimedia too much Because the multi-media network has advantages like image and vivid in teaching, some teachers display all their teaching content completely through multimedia, and they excessively depend on the multimedia, so it may lead to getting the opposite teaching effect in the end.What’ more, a great deal of rapid shifting teaching information makes students hard to completely absorb it, and it also easily arouse student’s tired sense in vision, mind and body.4.2 Solutions For well developing the advantages of multi-media network in teaching, we should seek all kinds of ways to solve the problems.4.2.1 Improving teachers’ ability of making use of multi-media network To raise teachers’ ability of making use of the multi-media network for teaching, we should do several things.Firstly, we should change the attitude that teachers towards multi-media network, thoroughly exterminate them the thought of making use of multi-media teaching just following and imitating others.Secondly, schools should set up some education technique training classes and encourage the teachers to take part in.In the class, they were given lecturers and tutorials to train their basic skills in multimedia application development, which can help teachers learn to make courseware, search network resources more availably, acquaint with the operation of multi-media network equipments, and control various platforms of the network freely, such as the environments of communication: E-MAIL, BBS, teachers and the students’ forum and so on.4.2.2 Paying attentions to the development of the information literacy of students School should put importance on setting up information technique lessons, so that students can have the ability of seeking information that they need, and they can organize sort, exploit and deliver information availably.Such as: training students to masterly use the various inspectional tools and handling tools of information;making them to expertly visit a website, search materials and check e-books and so on to obtain the method of getting information;letting students be good at using thinking of creation, inspiration and dissipation, through analysis of comparison and relation, looking for an information point to find and create new information.4.2.3 Raising the discrimination and inspection ability of information

The resources on the network is various and complicated, while searching information online, students should choose a suitable data index tool, such as Google, baidu, then import key words of the information, finally select the information that they need among the numerous information sea.Also it is a important thing to collect some relevant methods of searching information anywhere or anytime, only in this way can you cultivate the ability of searching information accurately, quickly.4.2.4 Combining the multi-media and traditional teachings together During the teaching, if teachers just use multimedia monotonously to present contents of lesson, it may not get a good effect.Because the courseware of teaching presents lessons in a very fast speed, and students can not consider the content clearly sometimes when content just passes by.So we should notice to combine multi-media and traditional teaching together.Teachers can not only present the teaching information of vivid image on the multimedia, but also they can make writings on the blackboard to present course outline, important and difficult points.5.Conclusion Multimedia network technology is becoming increasingly popular in education as a means to motivate students in their learning.It can provide them many ways to express their ideas and display their information.It also allows teachers to present their curriculum in an innovative manner.Students were able to study in a environment that was meaningful to them,and they also can develop skills such as teamwork,collaboration,cooperation,critical thinking skills, which would be important to them in their future career.The multi-media network teaching also can nicely adapt to all sides of the requests of the new curriculum standard in the senior high school.It not only help raise the students’ interest in English writing, develop students’ cooperative and communicating ability of study, also it can stir up their imaginative and creative ability, and make them collect, handle information independently.finally, it can raise the comprehensive ability of students in language.Although it may exist some problems in the applying process, as long as we make good strategies to deal with them, and try our best to overcome its blemish in the process of carrying on teaching, then the multi-media network will definitely make a more and more important function in the teaching of English writing and become the essential developing trend of English teaching.References Loudi.(2008).Multimedia and Network in Interactive Comprehensive English Teaching[J].China Science and Technology Information.Wanglin.The Effectiveness of Video Instruction in Different Modes ofLearning[J].Read and Write periodical.Cuiling.(2004).A perspective of students’ role in learning English in the multimedia

projectored classroom[J].Foreign Language World.丛春红.新课标下的高中英语写作教学策略[J].英语教育周刊电子版.汪明.(2008).大学英语教学模式的比较研究[J].海南广播电视大学学报.赵丽.网络环境下英语写作教学的优势[J].北京联合大学旅游学院英语旅游文化系.黄云霞.网络及多媒体在高中英语教学中的作用[J].江西新余市第六中学.周玉梅.(2009).浅谈新课标下如何培养学生的英语写作能力[J].延边教育学院学报.刘文艳.(2009).基于多媒体网络环境下的英语写作观点构建[J].兰州学刊.Acknowledgements Four years’ time of college will go by quickly.Reminding of these years, I have done many things, such as: reading, textual research, graduation thesis design and so on.It seems that all goes naturally.Graduation thesis is our last word that we say goodbye to the life of university, so we need to be serious, and get a perfect end.After months of hard work, with the enthusiastic help of guiding teacher and other students, I complete the report finally.Firstly, I want to say thanks to my essay supervisor *** who has guided me patiently to finish this paper, without her help, I couldn’t have completed this paper design;Secondly, I should give my thanks to the English majors, because they have help me do the questionnaires with responsibility.All in all, I will give thanks to everyone who has helped me.




一、利用网络教学,培养学生的学习兴趣、增浓学习氛围。当前,中职学生的课堂学习风气极为淡薄。上课的铃已经响了好几分钟,总有不少学生在路上悠闲地向教室踱步而行。进了课堂后懒懒散散,神思恍惚,注意力不集中。这些学生在初中阶段大多数人学习就已经非常吃力,由于学习成绩的原因,长期遭受同学老师的歧视、父母的不满和谴责、亲戚朋友的白眼, 自信心已经受到很大挫伤。他们中的很多人破罐子破摔,对一些刺激性的语言早已经麻木了。更有甚者通过漠视学校的各项规章制度来获得自我的一种心理平衡。

浓厚的学习氛围是保证学习质量的首要前提,利用网络教学,发挥网络优势,开阔学生的视野,培养学生学习语文的兴趣,培养自主学习能力。听说的训练和考查都可以多样化,利用网络和多媒体可以组织学生进行看图讲话,情景对话,观察讲解,操作介绍等。以毛泽东的 《沁园春•长沙》为例,在进行这首诗的意境鉴赏时,我让学生在网上查阅了毛主席不同时期所作的诗作,以及相关的鉴赏文章。学生从网络中感受到了伟人的宽广的胸怀、雄浑的气魄、深厚的底蕴以及他独到的人生体验,结合自己的生活经历,深层次的解读了文本。对毛泽东意象表现有了深刻地认识,学生主体的情感得到了强化。这样课程教学本身有了新意,富有了思维含量,网络资源达到了带动学生个性化阅读的目的。

为了促进学生对所学知识内容的意义驱动,笔者更加注重真实环境的创设和模拟,并把情境创设作为教学设计的重要内容。但是,如果教师只是简单地利用多媒体设备给学生展示图片、影像或声音资料,比如,学习《春江花月夜》这篇课文时,先来听一段古筝曲以扩展联想;讲解李清照的词的时候,插几幅优美的图片来渲染意境,这些做法在给学生以形象的启发的同时,也限制了他们的想象空间,其教学效果与过去的传统语文教学方式并无多大区别。纽曼.韦拉格(Newmann& Wehlage)认为,真正的(authentic)教学应具有以下特征:高水平思维、与现实的联系、大量的交流以及为学生进步提供社会性支持等。参与创设真实教学情境,对于学生来说一方面调动了学生的COS和参与,又是一个学习如何完成整合任务,提高综合能力的过程。在以学生为主体的教学中,尝试由学生自主去完成真实情境的创设和模拟,教师只是起从旁协助处理。实现了情感培养的实际意义,达到了引起学生积极的心理反应从而达到学习效果的目的。以《林教头风雪山神庙》为例,第一步:建议学生自由组合,以3~4人为一个学习小组,从图书馆、电子图书馆或网络中寻找学习资源,通读《水浒传》原著,了解作者施耐庵生平;第二步:每个小组定出学习目标及重点:“林教头风雪山神庙”是情节的聚集点,学生通过交流剖析:第一次偷听,有什么作用?如果第一次就把陆虞侯的阴谋听得听得清清楚楚,那么又会怎样?通过情节整理探讨林冲思想性格的发展变化,探究作者的写作倾向;第三步:每个小组根据读后感自行设计若干问题,并自行找出解决方案,解决方案可以是自行制作的多媒体课件,也可以是情境模拟,或者是自导自演的小品表演,形式不限;第四步:课堂教学内容以学生课件展示、情境模拟、问答、商讨、表演等形式为主。以上教学过程主要在多媒体教室或网络教室展开。









































杨荷花 巩营乡中心小学






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