摘 要 词汇是语言学习的必要因素之一。在日常交流和外语学习中词汇扮演着非常重要的角色。教材中的词汇练习对于学生的词汇学习有着非常积极地促进作用。本文通过采用P.Nation对词的学习活动的分类,对《普通高中课程标准实验教科书 英语》(New Senior English For China)1―5册教材中的词汇练习设计进行分析,通过分析发现,该套教材的词汇练习设计很好的涵盖了P.Nation关于词的学习活动的三个方面,即词的意义、词的形式以及词的使用。其中关于词的意义方面的练习模块最多,分布最广,对于高中阶段学生词汇量的扩大具有重要意义。但同时,也存在一些不足,例如:词的使用方面的练习分布较散,对词的使用较少。
关键词 教材 词汇练习设计 解析
中图分类号:G424 文献标识码:A DOI:10.16400/j.cnki.kjdks.2015.05.062
PEP High School English Textbook Vocabulary Exercises Design
QI Jing
(Jiangxi Normal University,Nanchang,Jiangxi 330022)
Abstract Vocabulary is one of the essential factors in language learning.In daily communication and foreign language vocabulary learning plays a very important role.Textbooks for the students to practice vocabulary vocabulary learning has a very active role in promoting.Through the use of P.Nation on word learning activities classification of “high school curriculum standard textbook English”(New Senior English For China)1-5 in the textbook vocabulary exercises designed to analyze,through the analysis found that the sets textbook vocabulary exercises well-designed covers three aspects P.Nation on word learning activities,that the meaning of the word,in the form of words and the use of the word.About the meaning of the word respect in which exercises module up to the most widely distributed,high school students to expand vocabulary is important.But at the same time,there are also some disadvantages,such as: the distribution of practice in the use of the word is more scattered,less use of the word.Key words textbook;vocabulary exercise design;analysis
0 引言
词汇在语言中的作用是极为重要的,正如著名语言学家D.A.Wilkins所言:“没有语法人们可以表达的事物寥寥无几,而没有词汇,人们则无法表达任何事物。” Ellis(2002)也认为沟通意义是语言的功能,而意义由词构成。P.Nation(2003:401)认为词汇学习可以归纳为三个活动:学习词的形式;学习词的意义;学习词的使用。其中学习词的形式包含学习词的发音、词的拼写及词的构成;学习词的意义包含学习词的概念意义、指称意义、词的联想意义及词的语法意义;学习词的使用包含学习词的搭配、词的使用限制、词的使用语域及词的使用频率。
当前国内许多研究者基于语料库方法对英语教材词汇进行了系统研究。针对中小学英语教材或者初级和中级英语教材,研究初、中级英语学习者应优先掌握的词汇,即高频词。Coniam(1996)将香港小学英语教材及小学和初中配套英语读物与大型语料库 BoE(Bank of English)的词频进行对比,发现其中低频词所占比例较高。张伟和马广惠(2007)运用Range词汇分析软件,将教材与该软件自带的三个词汇表进行对比,发现教材呈现的高频词和非高频词数量均很大,因而推断习得该教材中的词汇可以达到甚至超过新课程标准要求的词汇量。谢家成(2008)对国内初中和高中新课标英语教材从整体上进行了广度分析和深度分析,深度分析包括了词汇的常用语义、常用范式和典型搭配等多个维度,研究发现不少“基本词”的常用语义、常用范式和搭配在教材中未呈现或呈现不足,尤其是其中的多词性词汇和在教材中出现频数较低的词汇。对于教材中词汇练习设计的研究,陈海员(2010)对《大学英语》(全新版)第一至四册课本的词汇练习设计进行了研究,发现该套教材对词的使用方面设计了很多模块,能够很好的指引学生注意学习词的使用。目前国内对于高中英语教材词汇练习设计的研究不多。
本文应用P.Nation(2003)对有意识的词汇学习活动的分类来分析《普通高中课程标准实验教科书 英语》(New Senior English For China)必修1~5册上的词汇练习设计,帮助我们更加深入的了解教材,为词汇学习和词汇教学提供帮助。词汇练习设计分析
《普通高中课程标准实验教科书 英语》(New Senior English For China)是目前大多数地区正在使用的教材。这本教科书的每一个单元的词汇量都很多,每个单元单词都在五十个以上,有的甚至多达七八十个。如此多的单词,对于学习者来说,掌握起来很困难。仅仅让学生重复的记忆和背诵单词并不是有效的词汇学习方法。所以在教材的每一个单元编者都设计了内容丰富的词汇练习。包含了词的形式方面的练习、词的使用方面的练习以及词的意义方面的练习来帮助学习者掌握这些词汇。本文将该套教材的词汇练习归为以下八大模块:
图1是根据P.Nation关于词的学习活动分类的理论对《普通高中课程标准实验教科书 英语》(New Senior English For China)必修1~5册共25 单元词汇练习设计所做的分析。
笔者将五本书共25个单元后的词汇练习八大模块与P.Nation对词的学习活动分类进行了匹配。结果如图1所示。图1对匹配结果进行了直观展示:词的形式由模块四构成,分布在11个单元。词的意义这类练习由四大模块组成即模块一、二、三、五,模块一、二、三在25个单元都有分布,模块五分布在12个单元。词的使用这类练习由三大模块组成即模块六、七、八,其中模块八分布在25个单元,模块六分布在5个单元,模块七也分布在5个单元。从以上分析来看,本套教材的词汇练习在此的意义方面设计的模块最多,且分布最广。如一、二、三模块分布在25个单元,每个单元都非常重视词的意义练习,这些模块都放在词汇练习的前几道题,也就是说学生要先了解词的意义。词汇学习对于高中阶段的学生有着重要意义,所以本教材在词汇练习设计上对于词汇意义的练习非常侧重。且从词汇练习可以看出,词汇练习所涉及到的单词都是本单元需要识记的重点词汇,是需要学生掌握的与本单元主题相关的词汇。例如:必修一第四单元的主题是Earthquake,其中词汇练习中就有一题是从阅读短文中找出与earthquake相关的单词。如:damage、destroy、ruin、rescue work 等等,都是本单元需要掌握的重点词汇。在词的形式和词的使用方面,本套教材也设计了较多练习,构词法方面的练习分布在11个单元(包括写出单词的动词、名词、形容词形式,给单词加前后缀)。构词法的掌握对学生英语词汇学习效率有很大作用,能够有效地扩大学生词汇量。词的使用也安排了较多活动,安排了三个模块让学生使用词汇。包括词的搭配(动词短语搭配、介词短语搭配)、用所给的词或短语造句,并进行对话、用所给的词或词组进行汉译英练习。该套教材对于词汇教学的目标是要使学生掌握词义,词的搭配和用法,从对教材的词汇练习分析可以看出,各单元词汇练习设计首先是词的意义方面的练习,其次词的形式方面的练习,最后是词的使用方面的练习。也就是说,该套教材的词汇练习设计包含了P.Nation的词的学习活动的三个方面,词的意义,词的形式以及词的使用,同时,通过分析结果也可以看出该套教材在词的意义方面的练习模块最多,分布最广。对于高中阶段的学生来说,多识词是非常有意义的。只有先了解了词的意义,才能有效地使用这些词汇。
总体来说,虽然对词的使用设计的模块较多,但是分布的较散,对词的使用还是较少。在词汇学习中,学生不仅要掌握词汇的意义,也要掌握词汇的使用。词汇使用是学生掌握单词的有效方法。让学生在一定情境下使用单词,才能内化单词。笔者认为,在有关词汇使用的三大模块中,模块七的用所给的词或短语造句并进行对话是很好的词汇习得方法。所以教师在使用此套教材上的词汇练习时,可以适当的增加模块七的词汇练习活动。例如:必修三第二单元讲到Healthy eating,那么教师就可以以健康饮食为话题让学生进行对话,对话中必须包括所学的新单词,让学生在实际使用中内化单词。而模块六词的用法(动词短语搭配、介词短语搭配等)的练习,即以词块为主的词汇教学。词块教学是提高英语表达能力的一种教学方式,能提高英语的流利程度。教师可以通过让学生分析课文中的词块来提高他们的语块意识。比如教师可以让学生找出和课文主题相关的有用的词块或搭配。例如:必修三第一单元的主题是Festivals around the world,教师可以让学生找出与各个节日有关的词组,如与春节有关的词组,New Year’s Eve dinner、watch the Spring Festival Gala、visit relatives、paste couplets等。通过对该套教材的词汇练习设计进行分析,教师能够全面了解教材词汇练习设计的特点,引导学生进行有效地词汇学习。
词汇练习是教材不可缺少的一部分,词汇练习的过程也是学生巩固单词的过程。通过分析《普通高中课程标准实验教科书 英语》(New Senior English For China)(下转第179页)(上接第129页)必修1~5册的词汇练习设计,发现该套教材的词汇练习包含了P.Nation词的学习活动的三个方面。该套教材在词的意义方面的练习设计了很多模块,分布最广,对于处于高中阶段的学生来说,词的意义的学习是非常重要的,词汇量的扩大能很好的为进一步的英语学习打下基础。但同时,分析结果也显示其存在一些不足,例如:构词法练习设计不到位,缺乏配套的相关练习,词的使用方面的练习分布较散,对词的使用不够这些问题。对于该套教材词汇练习设计的特点及不足,若是教师能够有比较全面的了解,充分把握和利用其优点,在实际教学过程中补充其不足,对于教师在教学过程中的词汇教学以及学生的词汇学习是大有益处的。
[1] Coniam,D.1996.A lexical view of the language needed by primary students in Hong Kong: an examination of word frequency in English language primary material [J].CUHK Journal of Primary Education,5(1):75-84.[2] Ellis,Nick Vocabulary acquisition: word structure,collocation,word-class,and meaning [A].Vocabulary: Description,Acquisition and Pedagogy.Eds.Norbert & Michael.Shanghai foreign language education press,2002.[3] Grant,N.Making the most of you r Text book [M].New York: Longman Inc.,1987.[4] Nation,I.S.P.Materials for Teaching Vocabulary [A].In B.Tomlinson(ed.).Developing Materials for Language Teaching[C].London/New York: Comtinuum,2003.[5] Nation I.S.P.,Teaching and Learning Vocabulary [M].Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press,2004.[6] 陈海员.英语教材词汇练习设计解析[J].江西广播电视大学学报,2010.[7] 谢家成.中学英语教材词汇语料库调查[J].中小学外语教学,2008.[8] 张伟,马广惠.《英语(新课标)》教材词汇分析[J].中小学外语教学,2007.
第二篇:人教英语 八年级下册词汇总结练习
1.Which hobby do you think _______ _____ the least space? 你认为哪种爱好占用最少的地方?
2.I’ll _______ _____ the table and chairs.我会整理桌子和椅子。3.I listened to music ______ ______ _______.我总是在听音乐。
4.What made you so __________ ______ music? 是什么使你对音乐感兴趣?
5.Many students have hobbies, _______ ______ reading, painting, growing vegetables in their gardens.很多学生有爱好,例如读书,画画,在他们的花园种蔬菜。
6.______ ________ ______ the usual activities, such as sailing, climbing and mountain biking, there was a writing workshop with a professional writer.除了通常的活动,象航海,爬山和山地自行车运动,还有一个有一个专业作家的写作训练班。
7.In senior high school David wrote a story about teenage life, and it _______ _______ as a book in 2003.在高中,大卫写了一个有关青少年生活的故事,它在2003年作为一本书出版了。
8.Many teenagers love his book, ____ ____ _________, David has become a successful young writer.很多青少年喜欢他的书,因此,大卫成了一名成功的年轻作家。
9.It was the early autumn of my first year at a junior high school, and my old school was _____ ________.这是我在一所初中第一年的初秋,我原来的学校离我很遥远。
10.I was very lonely, and afraid to _______ __________ _______ anyone.我很孤独,而且害怕跟任何人交朋友。
11.What does it _______ _______? 它感觉如何?
12.Sorry.He isn’t here _______ ________.对不起,他现在不再这儿。13.I didn’t want my parents to _________ _________ me.我不想让我的父母让我担心。
14.____ ________, I’m studying Chinese.事实上,我正在学中文。
15.I was a bit lonely _____ ________, but people here are friendly, so I am never alone any more.开始我有点感觉有点孤独,但是这儿的人很友好,所以我再也不孤单了。
16._______ _______ ________, please.请等一下。17.I asked your secretary ________ she could come ____ ______.我问你的秘书她是否能来。
18.Our last public concert will be here on Starsearch in ____ _________
_____ months.我们的最后一次公开音乐会将在几个月后在明星搜索栏目上播出。
19._____ ______ _______, why don’t you bring all your friends for a visit
to Radio Beijing? 顺便说一下,你为什么不把你所有的朋友带来参观北京广播电台?
20.I _____ very lonely, and ________ ____ make friends with anyone.我很
21._____ _______ __________, a boy entered the classroom.在那时,一
22.______ _____ _______, I became closer to everyone in my class.一天
23.Now, I want to answer your questions, but remember to _______ _____
______ the red light … 现在,我要回答你的问题,但是记得注意红灯。
24.At the age of nine, I ______ ______ _______ in small radio stations.在九岁的时候,我在一个小的电台找工作。
25.“How old are you?” the radio studio manager at WXBN _______
________ at me.“你多大了?”WXBN电台的经理俯视着我。26.______ ___________ ______.不客气。
27.If the red light doesn’t _______ _____, wait for thirty seconds.如果红
28.If you want to _______ _____ the recorder, press the blue button.如果
29.If you don’t like the programme, ______ the TV ____.如果你不喜欢
30.It may _______ _______ ________.这可能会挽救你的生命。31._________ _____!We’ll be late!快点!我们要迟到了!
32.But you shouldn’t use your ________ __________—after all, your
parents gave you that money.但是你不该使用你的零花钱,毕竟那是你的父母给的钱。
33.We copied it onto the computer and when we finished, we ______ it
_____ the computer.我们把它复制到电脑上,当我们完成时,我们卸载了它。
34.If you tell him the truth, he’ll be angry with you, but ____ ________ you’ll prove how honest you are.如果你告诉他真相,他会对你生气,但至少你能证明你是诚实的。
35._____ you ________ ____ speak French? 你能讲法语吗?
36.Well, we play some music _____ ___________.好的,我们会一起演奏音乐的。
37.And then one of us plays a solo of some Irish dance music _____ _____ _______ ______ the starseach concert.然后,在明星搜索音乐会的末尾,我们中的一个人会独奏一支爱尔兰舞曲。
38.If you offer to do some jobs around the home, or maybe _____ him _____ his work, he will realize that you’re truly sorry.如果你主动做一些家务,或者也许帮忙做他的工作,他会意识到你真的很抱歉。39.There’s _________ ____ food and drink, so no one is hungry.有足够的食物和饮料,所以没有人会饿。
40.Then they come ______ ______ ________ with some terrible man.然后他们面对面遇到一些可怕的人。
41.It’s an enjoyable film, although ____ _______ ___________ there’s too much fighting.这是一个令人愉快的电影,尽管在我看来有太多的打斗。
42.I _______ ______ Lingling and her uncle, and I asked them what the noise was.我叫醒玲玲和她叔叔,问他们噪声是设么。
43.People ______ _______ the world celebrate the new year.全世界的人们都庆祝新年。
44.Just before 12 o’clock, everyone _________ __________ from 10: 10, 9, 8… 就在12点之前,每个人从10倒数:10,9,8……
45.It can ________ _____ the seasons, the moon or the sun.这依据季节,月亮和太阳。
46.Some families _____ ___________ for special meal with grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins.一些家庭和祖父母,叔叔婶婶,表兄弟姐妹聚集在一起吃一顿特殊的饭。
47.They write down ____ ______ _____ things, such as “I will help out more at home….” 他们写下一系列事情,例如“我会在家里多帮
48.When September comes, it starts to get cooler, so after ________ _______ we start classes.当九月到来,天气开始变得凉爽,所以劳动节后我们开始上课。
49.We also go back to school _____ _______ ______ the May Day holiday is over.五一节一结束我们也就回到学校。
50.But the last piece is __________ _____.但是最后一支曲子就要开始了。
51.She missed the final practice _____ ________ Kylie could play this piece of music _____ ______ ______.她错过了最后的练习,为了凯莉能够独自演奏这支曲子。
52.He ______ ______ ________ to helping the Chinese people.他把生命献给了帮助中国人民。
53._____ _____ _______, he died because he did not stop to _____ _______ _____ his hand.最后,他死了,因为他没有停下来取照料他的手。
54.Could you tell him I’d like to _____ ______ ________ _____ him? 你能告诉他我想要跟他说句话吗?
55.For most teenagers it would ______ be a holiday _____ ______.对大部分青少年来说这根本不会是个假期。
56.You go to the airport and _____ them ______.你去机场送别他们。57.You could go by boat or by train, although it would take _____ long _____ you’d need to come back immediately.你能坐船或火车去,尽管这会花这如此长的时间以至于你将需要立刻返回。
58.They don’t learn any life skills until they _____ ____ _________.他们不会学到任何生活技能直到他们上大学。59.Revision B
60.It __________ _____ Caption Flint.它属于弗林特船长。
Module 1
there was a writing workshop with a professional writer.a book in 2003.writer.Module 2
It was the early autumn of my first year at a junior high school, and my old
Sorry.He isn’t here I didn’t want my parents to
more.Module 3
Now, I want to answer your questions, but remember to the red light …
“How old are you?” the radio studio manager at WXBNModule 4
If the red light doesn’t If you don’t like the programme, Module 5
But you shouldn’t use your —after all, your parents gave you that money.We copied it onto the computer and when we finished, we it the computer.If you tell him the truth, he’ll be angry with you, but you’ll prove how honest you are.And then one of us plays a solo of some Irish dance music starseach concert.he will realize that you’re truly sorry.Module 6
There’sIt’s an enjoyable film, although there’s too much fighting.Module 7
Module 8
Just before 12 o’clock, everyone from 10: 10, 9, 8…
cousins.They write down a list of things, such as “I will more at home….”When September comes, it starts to get cooler, so after we start classes.things, such as… Module 9
own.Could you tell him I’Module 10
you’d need to come back immediately.They don’t learn any life skills until they Revision B
Step I lead—in
Skill one: the diversion of words’ part of speech
Greet with a typical tongue-twister,一则英语绕口令和绕口令竞赛活跃课堂气氛
Lead-in tongue twister: 1.Greet with a tongue twister to the students and then let the students practice some tongue twisters.2.Arrange a competition among the students.1、I wish to wish the wish you wish to wish, but if you wish the wish the witch wishes, I won't wish the wish you wish to wish.2、How many cookies could a good cook cook? If a good cook could cook cookies? A good cook could cook as much cookies as a good cook who could cook cookies.Step II While—teaching
Skill two: meaning--guessing Provide some examples to give more skill instruction in the skill of meaning—guessing and then practice it.在学生课堂练习里设计融入各种词义猜测技巧:同义词,反义 词,定义猜测,标点符号,具体例子,利用上下文提示猜词义等。Skill 3: Trunks词块学习法
1.List some trunks for the students to discuss, complete and find out the meaning.2.Put the trunks in use in a short passage related to the central event talked ahead.3.Work together with the students to list more trunks(uncompleted ones)related to this event.4.Pair work: find the meaning of the trunks.Skill 4: affix
1.Give an example to show the way word—forming.2.Help to make the students familiar with the skill.高中阶段使用频率很高的词汇学习和积累法--词缀法,包括通过前后缀的变化,改变词性和词义。
Skill 5: Essay appreciation 1.Present an essay to the students audiovisual for appreciation.2.Emphases new words and phrases contained.1.一篇优美的散文,学生在欣赏过程中体会到语言的优美。
2.解释出现的生词和词组,归纳最后一种方法--阅读法。引导学 生优化手头的阅读材料,运用精读或泛读积累词汇。
Step III.Summary
1.Students recall all the skills displayed in the process and make a summary.2.Write down the skills on the blackboard.Step V.Assignment
Teacher has some exercise delivered to the students to discuss and finish after class.词汇教学方法
篇一:人教版必修三unit1词汇课教学设计 teaching design of vocabulary lesson unit 1 of the obligatory book three in pep edition “festivals around the world” gushi high school, shanglin yang ⅰ.course analysis the content of this class is the vocabulary in this unit;there are about eighty words in all.so i divided them into three parts---difficult words, key words and ordinary words.for difficult words, students should be able to read, write and use them in sentences;for key words, they should be capable of pronouncing them, writing them, understanding their meaning, and using them correctly;for ordinary words, they just need to be able to read them and know what their meaning is.ⅱ.student analysis ⅲ.learning method analysis ⅳ.learning aims after this class, the students should be able to 1.knowledge aims 2.ability aims plete sentences using the difficult words and key words correctly by themselves.3.emotion and value aims grasp all the words related to festivals around the world, and know about what the important festivals in the world are, trying to think of more and work out how do they go on.ⅴ.teaching process:
1、lead-in t: what’s the topic of this unit? ss: festivals around the world.t: what can you think of about “festivals”? ss: celebration, custom, gather, ancestor, religious, feast, in memory of, look forward to„
t: well done.this class we’ll learn a pile of words related to festivals around the world.let’s begin.4.key phrases.(guess the meaning and make familiar sentences)t: look at the following sentences and try to guess the meaning of the underlined phrases.b: look at lubing he(a student in our class), it looks he were enjoying himself.5.key words(try translating)day;you can’’s too clever for that;’ve lost.adj: religious belief;independent nation;energetic children;a worldwide festival.5.anomalistic verbs: a: weep-wept-wept;b: forgive-forgave-forgiven.6.n to adj+ous eg: religion-religious v to n +tion eg: relate-relation you can refer to the exercise one on page 4.7.remember the above words in limited time and have word games.a: racing to be the first one to answer questions.t gives chinese;ss race to tell what the word is.then t gives a star to the group he belongs to.b: name one student of every group to write all the words he can think of related to festivals onto the blackboard.the more right words, the more stars.8.homework exercise 2 and exercise 3 on page 4.ⅵ.post-course reflections in this class, the students learned the vocabulary actively.however, in the next class, i found that they have forgotten most of the words that they got in the last class.why? it is because that they didn’t strengthen the knowledge after class.so next time, i would leave them some proper homework to finish and do a dictation before a new lesson.篇二:一堂词汇课的教学设计
译林版牛津高中英语模块一unit 1 school life word power
„„among other things, and unless you recognize when an idiom is being used,you can easily misunderstand„„
六、教学过程: step1: lead in(2)ask the students to find more words about the mid-autumn day:(引导学生说出moon, mooncake, fullmoon等一系列单词)moon(月亮)+cake(蛋糕)=月饼
(通过熟悉的单词,让学生初步了解英语词汇的记忆法之一:联想法,并引起学生对今天所学内容的兴趣与注意力)(3)ask students to answer this question: how many kinds of school facilities do you know in our school?(开放性的问题可以很好地活跃课堂气氛并且引入本次课的主题:new words about the school facilities)step 2 individual presentation(1)share some pictures about school facilities and ask students to say them in english one by one teaching building school field dormitory car park canteen library school hall store(2)get the students to know more about school facilities: classroom medicalcentre lecture hall gym art room/ dancing room garden science laboratory office swimming pool golf course(告诉学生这些单词的英文意思的同时,带学生读一遍,以加深学生的印象,并纠正某些错音;然后让学生站起来一个一个地读)step 3 group discussion ask students the following two questions first and then conclude ways of asking the ways:(1)do you have any difficulty of finding your way on the first day you came to this school?(2)if you don’t know your way, how can you ask the way?(给学生几分钟的时间回顾一下初中已经学过的几种问路方式,并且通过小组竞赛的方式,调动学生学习和主动思考的积极性。最后教师负责在黑板上归纳总结)
(3)ways of asking the way: excuse me, can you tell me the way to„? which is the nearest way to„? how can i get to/arrive at/reach„? where is the nearest..? is there a„ near here? step 4 how to read wei hua’s thoughts(1)give the students about three minutes to read the short passage(wei hua’s thoughts)and then ask them to answer the question: which route will she take? the red one or blue one?(2)ask students to read the sentences one by one and then translate them and then conclude some expressions of describing directions and positions on the blackboard: here i’m at„
walk towards/past„ go/walk between turn left/right„ go/walk past„ go straight„
take the first/second/third„ turning on the right.turn left/right at the second turning.(在黑板上板书,一边问,一边答,为学生的整理好上课思路,明确本次课的重难点)step 5 consolidation and practice draw some pictures about the layout plan of the school, and give students several minutes to think about how to describe the route from one place to the other.then ask them to write down on their paper and ask several students to present their answers in groups.(锻炼学生的写作能力和口语表达能力,要求学生灵活运用以上词汇和句型描述位置,以期达到学习与运用相结合的目的)step 6 homework(2)ask students to conclude more words about “school life”
七、教学设计反思: 1.课堂导入从日常生活中截取,贴近生活,使课堂富有亲和力。从中秋节的词汇联想过渡到本次课所学习的词汇记忆方法,与课文的衔接比较自然、合理,较好地激发了学生的兴趣。2.课堂教学实行多样化的教学组织形式,既有小组展示,又有个体展示,调动了课堂气氛。3.本节课的讲授以学生为主体,教学生学会学习,并且在学习中学会思考,以充分调动其学习余思考的积极性。在听、说、读、写四个方面都对学生进行了训练,重点对学生进行了写作与口头交际能力的指导。
中图分类号:g632.0 文献标识码:a 文章编号:1992-7711(2013)19-0027
英语新课标的总体目标是培养学生的综合语言应用能力。而词汇量的大小直接影响学生的综合语言应用能力。在新人教版高中英语教材中,每单元的40-70个生词主要出现在阅读材料中。因此,词汇教学与阅读教学理应相辅相成。然而,目前在阅读课的词汇教学上却存在以下几个问题: 1.读前预教生词
在《Travel journal》这篇文章中,作者以开门见山的方式道出本文的主要写作内容,也这是人教版高中英语教材中写作训练开头最为普遍的方式。“My name is Wang Kun.Ever since middle school,my sister Wang Wei and I have dreamed about taking a great bike trip.” 用最直接的方式道出本文将要讨论一次旅游的经历,直点主题。这一开头对文章之后的内容进行了交代,能够吸引学生的注意力,让有兴趣的学生继续读下去。结合这样的写作训练内容以及课本中所提到了文体结构模版,学生就能够运用自己所学的知识去写作,提高自身作文结构的清晰度。
第二,丰富写作前训练活动的教学设计。写作前的活动,对于学生写作思维的激发有着重要的影响。高中英语教师在实施写作教学时,应当结合具体的写作主题与内容,鼓励学生进行口语交际或者听力训练,创设一个与写作主题、内容相关的情境,促进写作氛围的开放化。如在写“My life”这样的主题时,教师可以给学生放一段听力,让他们了解外国人的日常生活,再组织学生口语交际,就自己的日常生活交换意见。在写作之前用有效的活动激活学生的写作思维,促进学生收集与获取写作素材,有利于写作训练难度的降低,促进学生积极参与。
[1] 周亚云.高中英语要在实际应用中活化教学[J].中学生英语,2015(14).[2] 刘梦琦.如何科学合理地使用新课标高中英语教材[J].英语画刊(高级版),2013(11).(作者单位:江西省大余县梅关中学)