Module 1
Life in the Future 1.李康家住河北省
Likang lives in Hebei province.2.我们来至于不同的城市。
We are/come from different cities.3.预测未来是很困难的。
It is difficult to make prediction about the future.4.我们将大量的使用回收材料。
We will use lots of recycled materials.5.在2025年的时候他们将要管理一个拥有5万人口的城市。
They will run a city of 50,000 people in the year 2025.6.我出生时体重为三公斤。
I weighed three kilos at birth.7.医生每天都要给病人做手术。
Doctor carries out operations for patients every day.8.他经常帮助残疾人。
He often helps the people with disabilities.9.什么都不能阻止他每天写日记。
Nothing would prevent him from keeping a diary.10.让我惊讶的是,他能同时抓两条鱼。
To my surprise, he can catch two fish at the same time.11.多么浪费纸啊!
What a waste of paper.She wastes lots of money on clothes.12.我来买票
I will pay for the tickets.13.她曾经暗恋了他好多年。
She had loved him at/from a distance for years.14.他们下午三点出了一个事故。
They had an accident at 3 p.m.15.我们家房子有很多房间
My house has a number of rooms.16.快点穿上衣服。
Hurry up and get dressed.17.我们一起去沙滩上沐浴阳光吧!
Let’s sunbath on the/a beach 18.医院到处都是病人。
There are sick people everywhere in the hospital.19.我毕业后要去旅行。
When I finish school I will have a trip.20.我将在18岁上大学。
I will go to university at the age of 18 21.Lily15岁上的高中。
Lily went to the senior school at the age of 15.22.John 13岁上的初中。
John went to the junior school at the age of 13.23.Tom 开开心心的去上小学了。
Tom goes to the primary school happily.24.Tom 和Lily 将在星期六结婚。
Tom and Lily will get married on Saturday.25.我很喜欢名胜古迹。
I’m very interested in places of interest.26.不是所有的梦想都能实现。
Not all dreams could come true.27.电脑是20世纪的产物。
Computer is invited in the twentieth century.Module2
Traffic Jam
It’s a bus used for long distances.2.我被堵在路上了。
I am/get stuck in a traffic jam.3.消息很快传开了。News soon gets around.4.酒店24小时营业。
Hotels open 24 hours a day.5.我们很快就要毕业了。
We will finish school in no time.6.警察不得不驱散人群。
Police had to break up the crowd.7.食堂拥挤不堪。
Dinning hall is very crowded.8.我们学校的体育馆正在建设之中。
Our school gym is under construction.9.避开高峰期出门是一个不错的想法。
It’s a good idea to avoid going out in the rush hour.10.我喜欢做出租车上学。
I like going to school by taxi.11.全国人民都沉浸在喜悦之中。The entire nation is in a good mood.12.食堂在宿舍的中间。
Dinning hall is in the middle of dormitory.13.教学楼走到操场要花5分钟。
It takes 5 minutes to reach the playground from teaching building.14.幸运的是李明及时赶到了考场。
Luckily, Liming arrived at the exam room in time.15.没等绿灯他们就穿过了马路。
They don’t wait for the green light to pass.16.为什么不早点上床睡觉呢?
Why not go to bed/sleep earlier.17.老师给了我很多很好的建议。
Teacher gave me much great advice/suggestions.18.最终,我们班上每个人都被大学录取了。
As a result, all students in our class are admitted by the university.19.中国是一个发展中国家,美国则是发达国家。
China is a developing country, while America is a developed country.20.大河中学因优异的教学成绩而出名。
Dahe middle school is famous for its good teaching quality.21.手机成为我们日常生活的一部分已经很久了。
Mobile phone has been part of our daily life for a long time.22.更重要的是,他需要马上看医生。
What’s more, she needs to see a doctor at once.23.最终,你还是得自己拿主意。
At the end of the day, you ‘ll still have to make his own decision.24.猫头鹰只在晚上出来。Owl only come out at night.Module 3 Body Language and Non-Verbal Communication 1.你能告诉我怎么到寝室吗?
Can you show me the way to the dormitory.2.如今,年轻人总是忙于工作,忽视家人。
Nowadays, the young are always busy with their work and ignore their family.3.他看了看我,笑了。
She looked at me and smiled.4.用刀把他切开。
Cut it with a knife.5.当我第一次见到你的时候我就爱上了你。
When i met you for the first time, i fell in love with you.6.我能喝10瓶啤酒。
I can drink 10 bottles of beer 7.我提议为新郎新娘干杯
I’d like to make a toast to the bride and groom.8.抿一下就行!Just take a sip!9.玩得开心点。
Have a great time.10.我一个人在家是总觉得孤单。
I always feel lonely when i stay at home alone.11..他对我非常粗鲁。
He is very rude to me.12.我总是遇到有趣的人。
I always meet interesting people.13.他向我问好。
She says hello to me.14.你能帮我个忙吗?
Can i ask you a favour.15.最近怎么样?
How are you doing? 16.我还能说什么呢? What on earth can i talk about? 17.他的声音使他露馅了
His voice gave her away.18.我与公司在加班问题上达成了一项协议。
I made a deal with my company on overtime.19.他承受住了压力。
She’s holding up well under the pressure.20.你上课不准迟到。
You mustn’t arrive late for class.Module 4
Great Scientists 1.他正在做一个关于所有活的生物的研究。
He is making a study of all living things.2.大自然的力量的人类无法控制的。
Human being cannot control the natural forces.3.我们都出生在21世纪。
We are born in the twentieth century.4.他抚养了5个孩子。
He brings up five children.5.从他小时候开始就对植物很有兴趣。
From an early age he was interested in plants.6.养活人口的关键是种更多的大米。
The key to feeding people is to plant more rice.7.大河中学占地2平方米.Dahe Middle School covers an area of 20,000 square kilometers.8.他由于种种原因退学了。
He dropped out for a variety of reasons.9.老年人都喜欢在自家花园里种菜。
The old like to grow vegetables in their garden.10.如果你努力学习你就能得到一个号成绩。
You can get a good grade if you study hard.11.他被授予了今年的最佳学生奖。
He was awarded the best student award of this year.12.你帮了这么大的忙,理因受到奖励。
You deserve a reward for being so helpful.我们的耐心最终得到了回报。
Our patience was finally rewarded.13.中国是最古老的国度之一。
China is one of the oldest countries.14.我们将在2017年高中毕业。
We will graduate from Senior School at 2017.15.攀枝花的煤炭是无意中发现的。
The coal in Pan zhihua was found by accident.Module 5
A Trip Along the Three Gorges 1.河边有一只马在喝水。
There is a horse drinking water at the edge of the river.2.我们每天要花八个小时来学习。
We spend 8 hours studying every day.3.国庆节我们放7天假。
We will have 7 days off at the National Day.4.我们他们决定坐船去日本。
They decided to take a boat to Japan.5.太阳明媚的照耀着大地。
The sun is shining brightly.6.太阳从东方升起,西方落下。
The sun rises in the east and sets in the west.7.女孩子不可以在外待到很晚。
Girls are not allowed to stay out late.8.真正的爱情需要我们表现出信任与忠诚。
True love requires us to show trust and loyalty 9.空气中弥漫着浓郁的花香。
The air is heavy with the scent of flowers.10.她至少应该有40岁了。
She must be at least 40.Module 6 Unexplained Mysteries of the Natural World 1.时近午夜。
It is/gets close to midnight.2.这主意咋一看不错,但肯定存在问题。
It seems like a good idea on the surface but there are sure to be problems.3.太远了。
It is too far away.4.环境和天气有关。
Environment is related to the weather.5.这不可能是他的真实成绩。
It is unlikely to be his true grade.6.怪兽很久以前就存在了。
The monster existed a long time ago.7.他早早到场,好找个好位置。
He arrived early in order to get a good seat.8.所有这些变化都是在一段时间内发生的。
All these changes happened over a period of time.9.乌云使天空变黑了。
The dust cloud made the sky dark.10.鸽子是和平的象征。
The dove is a symbol of peace.11.他的成功很大程度上取决于他的努力。
His success is largely due to his efforts.12.老鼠怕猫。
The mouse is afraid of the cat.
加强词块教学 提高学生英语学习效率
摘要:英语教学以培养学生的英语综合应用能力为目标, 这意味着不仅要使学生知道如何生成语法规范的句子, 还要使学生熟练地运用语言。词块是构成语言的基础,词块的使用可以大大提高语言输出的流利性、准确性和得体性。笔者认为在平时的英语课堂上英语教师应加强词块教学,培养学生的词块意识,以提高学生的综合运用能力。
词块(lexical chunks)又被称做lexical phrases、pre-fabricated speech,通常指同现频率较高、形式和意义较固定的大于单词的结构。这种结构同时兼有词汇和语法特征(杨玉晨1999)。Nattinger和DeCarrioco(2000)把词块大致分以下4种情况:1)多词词汇(polywords),如 in a word,on the contrary.2)约定俗成的表达(institutionalized expressions)包括谚语、警句、社交公式语。如How do you do? 3)限制性结构短语(phrasal constraints)如as far as I know…, as well as.4)句子框架和引语(sentence builders)not only….but also….,I think that....I’m a great believer in X。
桂诗春通过研究发现:词汇搭配错误是中国学习者最常见的错误(屈典宁 邓军 2010)。李红叶(2004)也指出词块通常作为一个统一的整体进入人们的记忆,有助于提高语言的准确性和流利度。具体的讲主要有一下几方面的作用: 4.1 有利于记忆和储存语言知识
生进行的实验研究证明:词块记忆法可以提高学生的记忆效果。4.2 有利于提高语言输出的的流利性,准确性和地道性
第二语言习得研究表明,人们在言语交际中使用两种编码方式:一是以语法为基础的规则型的(rule-based);一种是以词汇短语为基础范例型的(instance-based)。前者可以使句子更有创造性和灵活性但需要大量的时间。而后者在输出时不必临时组合就可以整体快速提取使用,具有极强的可及性(accessibility)和提取效应优势,减轻了大脑的语言编码压力,确保大脑的迅速反应,从而极大地提高语言的流利性。Nattinger & DeCarrico认为,人们使用语言的流利程度不取决于学习者大脑中存储了多少生成语法规则,而在于存储了多少词块。如果语言产出过程中没有现成的、预制的词块,流利性的概念便无从谈起。同时在交际中多用词块也避免了因文化差异而带来的语用失误,可以使学习者所说的句子更地道。4.3 有利于提高听力的理解效率
[1]Cook V.Second language Learning and Language Teaching [M].London: Routle,1991.40 [2]Lewis M.Implementing the Lexical Approach [M].England;Language Teaching Publications, 1997,212 [3]Nattinger J R &DeCarrico J S.Lexical Phrases and Language Teaching[M].Oxford, Oxford University Press 1992 [4]陈伟平.增强学生词块意识,提高学生写作能力[J]外语界,2008(3):48-50 [5桂诗春.心理语言学[M].长沙:湖南教育出版社,2002 [6李红叶.词汇练习要注意词块的产出训练[J].国外外语教学,2004,(3):56-57 [7屈典宁,邓军.基于语料库的语块习得模式研究[J] 外语界,2010(1):47 [8杨玉晨.英语词汇的“板块”性及其对英语教学的启示[J] 外语界,1999,(4):24 [9]于秀莲.语块教学法与提高英语应用能力的实验研究[J]外语界,2008(3):54-60 [10]张玉英.二语学习者预制语块能力与二语水平关联性研究[J]外语界,2008(3):66
Practice Correct the following sentences.1.Painting the room involve in moving out the piano.2.They are deeply involved with debt.3.Don’t involve other people to your mistakes.4.She was involved working out a puzzle.Key for reference 1.去掉 in.involve是及物动词,后面直接加宾语 v-ing 形式。
2.with 改为 in.? be/become/get involved in sth./ with sb.与某事 /某人有牵连 3.to 改为 in.? 你犯了错误不要牵连别人。in 表示在某一 方面.4.involved 之 后 加 in.involve 用 于 被 动 结 构 be involved in sth/doing sth.意为“专心于”、“埋头于”。4.conscious adj.有意识的;清醒的;感觉到的;常用短语:be conscious of 认识到;察觉到(某事 e.g.The patient remained fully conscious after the local anesthetic was administered.病人在施以局部麻醉之后仍能保持完全清醒。
I was increasingly conscious of being stared at on the street.=I was increasingly conscious that many people were staring at me.我逐渐注意到路人对自己的注意。
The old lad spoke to us in her conscious moments.那 位老妇人神智清醒时给我们说过话。
构词解析: conscious adj.有意识的;感觉到的;清醒的 conscience? n.[C] 良心;道德心;consciousness? n.[U] 知觉;感 觉;意识;观念 lose/recover one’s consciousness 失 去 /恢复知觉
Practice Translate the following sentences into Chinese: 1.He was very conscious of his shortcomings._________________________________________.2.He was badly hurt, but he still remained conscious._________________________________________.3.He lost his consciousness in the traffic accident._________________________________________.Key for reference 1.他对自己的缺点十分清楚。2.他伤得很重,但还没有失去知觉。3.他在这次交通事故中失去了知觉。5.bend ?(1.vt.vi.(使弯曲;弯腰;屈服;转向 e.g.You must use fire or heat to bend metal.你必须使用火或高温弯曲金属。
He is bent with age.他因年老而弯腰曲背。
The teacher bends a piece of iron into a horseshoe.这位教师把一块铁弯曲成马蹄形。
He bent his mind to the job.他专心于他的工作。
It is possible to bend nature to human will? 有可能 让大自然服从人类的意志吗 ? The stream bends to the west.这条小河折向西流。She bent(over to pick up a book from the floor.她 弯腰从地板上捡起一本书。
The young trees bent in the wind.树苗在风中弯下了腰。(2.n.转弯;弯曲 ?? e.g.There is a bend in the road.这条路有个弯。构词解析: bend vt.& vi.(使 弯曲;弯腰;转向 n.弯曲;转弯;bended adj.弯曲的;
设计意图:借助节日图片,讨论相关话题,引出、学习一类词,因为有图片的直观呈现,学生能很快的掌握词义。并让学生在复述图片和谈论话题的过程中巩固新词汇,帮助学生降低词汇记忆和运用的难度,有效激活学生已有的知识储备。如在猜测狂欢节的图片中,就出现了“People love to dress up in costumes and wear masks for this festival.”其中,“dress up”,“costumes”和“masks”都是新单词,图片的视觉冲击既激发了学生的兴趣,吸引了他们的注意力,又为学生呈现了直观的词义概念,强化了其对词汇的理解和记忆,从而让导入环节不再单纯地为阅读服务。
1.Read the new words.2.Practice: Put the words into the sentences in their proper forms.memory revive extend magic
pretend wander book hide
1.As time passed,however,the carnival period was _________ from one day to five days.2.Look at the little boy ______ about � perhaps he can’t find his mother.3.Dalian is a city full of _____,and attracts many tourists all over the country.设计意图:此部分只是读前的词汇处理,目的是帮助学生掌握课文大意,因此不可占用过多时间,影响阅读课其它环节的安排。
Read the passage and check the topics it mentions.1.Different carnivals
2.The origins of carnival
3.Special food
4.Carnival in Venice
设计意图: 培养学生归纳和概括的能力,为下一步确定阅读的框架作好铺垫。学生在快速读一篇文章时,要善于发现“提示词”以及与“提示词”有联系的关键词,这其实也是学习词汇的过程。因为在查找关键信息求其大意时,学生可以根据提示词猜出一些单词近似原文的词义,如“revive”一词,上一段结束时学生根据“memory”得知狂欢节停止了,可接下来一段开头作者给出了“but” 一词,学生一定可以猜出“revive”的大概含义。这一环节让学生在自觉或不自觉间又学到了一些新的词汇,为进一步仔细阅读创造了条件。步骤4:仔细阅读(10分钟)
1.When and how did people in Europe celebrate carnival?
It was celebrated between Christmas and Easter.People ate,drank and dressed up.2.What was carnival in Venice like at the beginning?
It lasted for just one day.People ate,drank and wore masks.3.What did different people do at carnival?
Ordinary people could pretend to be rich and important.Famous people could have romantic adventures in secret.Crimes went unpunished.4.What changes happened to the tradition of wearing masks?
At the beginning-wearing masks was allowed.In the 14th century-wearing masks was limited.At the end of the 18th century-wearing masks was banned.In the late 1970s-wearing masks was revived.Today-wearing masks is the key.5.Who played the most important role in reviving the carnival?
The students and the town council.(They realized that carnival was good for business.)
6.What makes carnival in Venice different?
(The mystery of the masks.)
设计意图: 让学生在课堂上通读课文,并进行课堂讨论,找出文中的关键词语进行回答。这样既能把学生的思路引到文章的脉络上,使学生对整篇文章的内容有总体的了解,又能为他们学习新单词提供具体的语境,有助于学生全面领会新词的含义。
The following words may help you:
The most famous carnival…
At the beginning…last
As time passed…extend
The 14th century-the 18th century … limit/ban
In the late 1970s …revive
Today …celebrate
Sample dialogue:
Guide: Hello,everyone.Welcome to Venice!Here we see crowds of people wandering around wearing masks on their heads.Tourist A: They are also wearing costumes instead of their ordinary clothes!
Guide: Yes!They are celebrating the most famous carnival in Europe.Tourist B: How long did it last?
Guide: It lasted only one day at the beginning,but over time,it extended to weeks after Christmas.Though it was banned by the government in the 18th century,it was revived by students in the 1970s.Tourist C: Why do people wear masks?
Guide: With costumes,people can pretend to be anyone else.With costumes,they hide their faces as well as their ideas.That’s the magic of masks!Come on and join us.You can’t afford to miss it!
If you are given a chance to design a festival,what do you want it to be like?
It will be celebrated on… / It will last …
Will people dress up in costumes?
By celebrating it,people may feel…
文档资料:外研版高中英语必修五模块四阅读课教学设计 完整下载 完整阅读 全文下载 全文阅读 免费阅读及下载
阅读相关文档:新课标下合作学习在高中英语语汇教学中的运用 英语语言运用中的一致原则 以语感训练推动初中英语教学之我见 人教版高中英语必修一第四册第一单元听说课教学设计 让“错误”成为数学课的教育契机 高中起始年级学生英语思维方式与观念的转换 高效课堂模式下单元复习课教学案例分析与反思 新课改如何使文言文教学富有情趣 石家庄市高中新课程实施中高中英语教师专业化发展情况抽样调查报告 让语文课堂闪耀着生命之光 浅谈高中学生英语学习兴趣培养方法 信息化背景下中职英语教学初探 提高中学英语听力教学有效性的策略漫谈 新时期群众文化的特点及其创新发展策略 小学英语课堂表演问题诊断及改进策略 感谢你的阅读和下载
第五篇:外研版必修1 module 1教学设计
Module 1 My First Day at Senior High
Period 1 Introduction
一、目标点击: A级目标
(1)复习和学科有关的单词:biology, chemistry, history,English, Japanese, geography, Russian, IT, Chinese, mathematics, physics, PE(2)掌握并记忆本课的重点词汇和短语:
academic, enthusiastic, amazing, information, attitude, behavior, comprehension, handwriting, instruction, method, photograph, spelling, textbook(3).词组:be similar to, one’s attitude to/towards B级目标: 1.复习和学科有关的单词:biology, chemistry, history,English, Japanese, geography, Russian, IT, Chinese, mathematics, physics, PE 2.会读新单词
Step1.检查学生的预习情况老师先叫个别学生来读新单词,学生读的时候进行纠正,在带读两遍。然后学生小组合作,你读给我听,我读给你听。利用这种形式,让学生的单词过关。Step2.课堂导入 Ask a question ― What is your first impression of our school?‖
设计意图:交际法。利用这个题目导进新课。同时老师与学生之间进行了对学校第一印象和看法的交流。既起到了课堂热身的作用、导进了新课,又加强了师生和生生之间的交流。Step 3.教学过程 Step4.Self-introduction(I)(some drills need to be written on the black board)My name is „„ I am a „„
I was born on/in „„ I graduated from „„
In my spare time, I like/ am good at / am fond of „„21·世纪*教育网 I hope/ think/ want „„ „„
(II)Get the students to introduce themselves to their partners in groups of four, and then ask some volunteers to introduce their new friends to all the other students in English.Step5.Vocabulary and speaking(I)Vocabulary Ask the students to tell you what subjects they learned in Junior High school and what other subjects they will learn in Senior High school, ask the students to express them in English as possible as they can, then write the words on the Bb, teach the students to pronounce the words they don’t know.eg : Chinese English Mathematics Physics Chemistry Biology Politics History Geography Arts Music IT(Information Technology)PE(Physical Education)GT(General Technology)Japanese Russian Frenchwww.xiexiebang.com(II)Dialogue(pair-work)I like_________ because___________ I think_________is important because _________ I would like to study/learn_________ because __________ In my opinion_________ is _________so I ____________ Step6.完成课本第二页的5个问题 1.学生先读这5个句子 2.学生把中文意思翻译出来。
3.小组讨论怎样用英语来回答这五个问题,并把答案写在黑板上,Step7.Summary 小结本课内容,并让学生当堂背诵今天所学的新单词。
五、个体特需 :有些学生基础较差,只要求他们把学科名字学会。Period 2Reading Comprehension
1.记住本课的重点词汇和短语:website, brilliant, bored, embarrassed, previous, description, amazed, embarrassing, technology, impress 2.词组:far from, nothing like, have fun, in other words, hard-working, look forward to 3.培养学生的阅读能力,训练学生阅读速度,查读的阅读技巧;训练学生学会找主题句,归纳文章主
旨,运用想象,联想,学会用英语思考的能力 4.熟读课文,知道课文的中文意思
结合自己高中开学第一天的情景,对课本的内容加以理解。Step1.检查学生复习和预习情况。Step 2.Pre-reading Ask the Ss to discuss the questions in Activity 1 on page 2 in pairs and show their answers.Then get them to practice Activity 2.Check the answers with the whole class.Step 3 prediction(对课文内容的猜测)教学时间:2m According to the title of the text :My First Day at Senior High‖, have Ss predict what the text talks about, and check the answer after fast reading.设计意图:根据标题培养学生阅读技能即对文章内容的猜测。通过这一活动帮助学生利用已经把握的知识和手段,预先推知和判定文章的内容。然后通过阅读找出作者所写的内容,由学生自己思考、检查与对比,看文章的内容与学生所给出的之间的异同点,并分析其原因。这样既可促进学生的想象,也可促进学生的阅读。Step4.Fast reading(泛读)教学时间:10m 1.Read the passage quickly and match the main idea with each paragraph。Paragraph 1 A: The English class is really interesting.Paragraph 2 B: Self-introduction Paragraph 3 C: What we do in our English class Paragraph 4 D: The students in our class Paragraph 5 E: The students’ attitude to Ms Shen Paragraph 6 F: Something about my school 任务1:先独自快速限时(3minutes)阅读,把阅读课文作为整体来处理,检查学生对课文中的事实的表层理解,让学生对文章有一个了解。然后通过小组活动,交流合作。本环节难度不高,即便学困生也能在其小组成员的帮助下完成此任务。成功给人以最大的满足,产生自豪感,增强学习毅力。更重要的是总结出他们在阅读中所用的方法——略读Step5.Careful reading(精读)27m 1.read the text carefully and choose the best answers.1.Li Kang mentions the following about Ms Shen EXCEPT that____ A.her class is interesting.B.she is very enthusiastic.C.she is liked by students.D.she wants to improve her own spelling.2.How many boys are there in Li Kang's class? A.16.B.28.C.49 D.65.3.Which of the following is NOT the reason that makes Li Kang think his new school is good? A.There is a computer in every classroom.B.The teachers are enthusiastic.C.They can study online.D.The computer has a big cinema screen in every classroom.4.How do the teachers teach in the school? A.They teach in the same way as the teachers do in primary schools.B.The websites teach the students instead of teachers.C.They use computers to help them teach in class.D.They teach the students with the help of films.5.The sentence ―They are brilliant‖ means ______ A.The teacher are all great.B.The new students are all clever.C.All the amazing things are wonderful.D.The computers are good.2.read the text again and fill in the blanks 2.Careful reading(17m)Mind Mapping After doing this, can you try to retell the text? 任务1:任务型和活动型教学法。在快速阅读环节对课文表层理解的基础上,进行段落内容的理解和划分,帮助学生在脑中形成MIND-MAP来熟悉文章的结构,理清文章的总体内容和结构特点并锻炼了学生对细节信息寻找和概括的能力,此处对学生是有挑战性的。然后同组的学生互相讨论,分工合作,交流意见,得出结果。
任务2:任务型教学法。通过表格的填充,对文章有一个更为深进的了解。完成相对信息的细节处理。学生只需对照课文就可轻松填写表格,由于此任务较轻易此处不再做小组活动。回答题目采用抢答的方法。而且任务2之后时间答应的情况下尝试让学生已看着任务2的图示复述课文的主要内容,让学生能够感觉到这种学习策略的实效性.Step6.Post-reading Choose the answers with the same meaning as the sentences from the text(Part 4 P3)1.Lines 21-24: Ms Shen`s method of teaching is nothing like that of the teachers at my Junior High school.a.My previous teachers’ method of teaching is better than that of Ms Shen.b.My previous teachers’ method of teaching is different from that of Ms Shen.2.Lines 27-28: I don`t think I`ll be bored in Ms Shen`s class!a.I will find the class interesting!b.I will find the class difficult!3.Lines 31-32: Some students were embarrassed at first „ a.The students stopped being shy eventually.b.The students couldn’t do the activity.4.Lines 33-35: Ms.Shen gave us instructions and then we worked by ourselves.a.We did everything by ourselves.b.We listened to Ms Shen`s explanation and then worked with each other.Step7课堂小结 :Decide which is the better summary.a.Li Kang `s new school is very different from his old school.There is new technology and they speak a lot in the English class.Everyone in the class works hard.b.Li Kang is very impressed with the teachers and the technology in his new school.The English teacher’s method is very different from that in his old school and very interesting.The class is bigger and the students work hard.c.The most important thing about the new school is the technology in the classroom.There are more girls than boys in the class.Li Kang`s first homework is a description of the street where he lives.设计意图:任务2 让学生在了解每一段意之后自己尝试给这篇文章进行一个简短的总结和概括,锻炼了学生提炼信息和筛选信息的能力。总结之后再看以上哪两个是针对这篇课文更好的概述,假如学生有分歧,让学生找出课文中的句子或片断来证实自己的观点。学生在这种独立思考和题目争论中锻炼了提出题目和解决的能力。
七、个体特需 :个别学生可了解文章的意思即可
Period3 Important Language Points
1.掌握单词enthusiastic, amazed, amazing,called,bored,boring,impress的用法 2.掌握短语nothing like,look forward,in other word的用法
3.掌握句型I don’t think 否定前移的用法,同位语的用法,倍数的表达法 二:重点难点 教学重点: 让学生掌握本课的重点单词,词组和句型。教学难点: 怎样让学生灵活使用词汇、短语和句型来做题。三:拓展链接
例1.I live in Shijiazhuang, a city not far from Beijing a city 作Shijiazhuang的同位语
2.The teachers are very enthusiastic and friendly and the classrooms are amazing.enthusiastic adj.热情的,热心的,热烈的,满腔热忱的 词汇拓展:
(1)enthusiasm u.n.狂热;热心;积极性 enthusiast c.n.狂热者;爱好者
be enthusiastic(doing)对......热心(2)amazing adj.使人惊奇的 amazed adj.感到惊奇的 amazement n.惊讶 固定搭配 It is amazing that be amazed 对.......吃惊 be amazed 因做某事而感到吃惊 to one’s 令某人吃惊的是 in 惊讶地 练习: 1.他热心于科学研究。2.我的新同学热心帮助别人 3)He told us the news in an voice.4)The expression on her face suggested she was when she heard the news.5), the little girl was able to recite the whole poem.5)I’m(收到......来信很惊讶)my school teacher again.例3.The teacher is a very enthusiastic woman called Ms.Shen.called Ms.Shen.非谓语动词短语作后置定语 练习: 这座湖叫东湖。他住在一个四面环山的房子里.例4.Ms.Shen`s method of teaching is nothing like that of the teachers at my Junior High school.(1).nothing like 完全不,根本没有;完全不像,根本不像 There is nothing like what I wanted.It looks nothing like a horse.There is nothing like swimming as a means of keeping fit.【链接】 something like 有点像,用于肯定句
anything like 大约,有点像,用于疑问句或否定句 练习: 1)这门课程一点也不像我期望的那样。2)她看上去有点像你妹妹。
(2).辨析that, it, one it 表同类同物 that 表同类异物,具体 one 表同类异物,泛指 练习: Many parents said there were differences in their approach to educating their children compared with _______ of their parents.A.those B.one C.both D.that 例5.I don’t think I will be bored in Ms.Shen’s class!(1)否定前移 我相信他不知道这个秘密。
________________________________ 我想我不会再来了。
_______________________________(2)bored adj.感到厌倦的 boring adj.令人厌烦的 搭配: be bored 对......厌倦 be tired 对......厌烦 be tired 因....而疲劳 练习: 1).I don’t consider him a nice man to work with.I’m getting bored his empty talk.2).What do you think of the talk?----to tell the truth, it was(bore)3).Many of us were soon(tire)of it and began to do something else.4).The boy(令人厌烦的)story because he has read it several times.6.In other words, there are three times as many girls as boys.(1)In other words 换句话说in a/one word 总而言之 keep one’s word 遵守诺言 break one’s word 不遵守诺言,食言 have a word with sb.和......谈一谈 练习: 1).You didn’t perform as well as the other competitors,______, you failed.A.in other words B.after all C.in the end D.at the same time 2).My head teacher(跟我谈了谈)about the grades last week.(2)倍数表达法
1).倍数+as adj.As 2).倍数+比较级
3).倍数+size/length/with/height/depth 练习:
1).Ten years ago the population of our village was ________that of theirs.A.as twice large as B.twice as large as C.twice as much as D.as twice much as 2)After milk was found containing chemical melamine(三聚氰胺)the price of them is discounted ________ it was before.A.half as many as B.as half as many C.as half much as D.half as much as 7.I am looking forward to doing it.look forward to 期盼,盼望(to 为介词后接n.或doing)练习:
Mr.Brown expressed his hope that he would look forward to ____ the city and ______ the people there once more.A.visiting;seeing B.visit;see C.visiting;to see D.visit;seeing 8.Li Kang is very impressed with the teachers and the technology in his new school.impress vt.使印象深刻 搭配:
be impressed by/with 对......留下印象
impress sb.with sth.某物给某人留下印象 impress sth.on sb.某物给某人留下印象 练习: 1).His father _______ on him his mother’s words.A.learned B.studied C.knew D.Impressed 完成句子:
He impressed me his honesty when we met for the first time.His speech(给某人留下了深刻的印象)。课堂练习: 翻译: 1.她对新的教学方法很热心。
____________________________________ 2.在那儿,我们看见一所四周都是树的房子。______________________________________ 3.她看上去有点像个新的电影明星。______________________________________ 4.我想他不会通过考试的。________________________________ 选择题: 1.The cost of renting a house in central Xi’an is higher than _____ in any other area of the city.A.that B.this C.it D.one 2.How men first learned to invent words is unknown, ______, the origin of language is a mystery.A.in a word B.on the contrary C.on the other hand D.in other words 3.We have two ears and one mouth so that we can listen______we speak.A.as twice much as B.as much as twice C.twice as much as D.as much twice as 4.What a table!I’ve never seen such a thing before.It is _________it is long.A.half not as wide as B.wide not as half as C.not half as wide as D.as wide as not half 5.We are looking forward to ________ a chance_______ the opening ceremony of the London 2012 Olympic Games.A.being given;watching B.be given;watch C.being given;to watch D.giving;to watch 6.We are much _____ with the standard of the children’s work on the exhibition.A.moved B.touched C.surprised D.impressed 7.---What ________ did the country leave on you after a year of your staying there?---Well, I think what ________ me most was the friendliness of the people there.A.impression;impressed B.impressed;impressed C.impression;impressing D.impressive;was impressed
五、个体特需 :个别学生只需掌握:
be enthusiastic about, be bored with, be impressed with, nothing like, in other words, far from 等词语的意思 Period4 Grammar
让学生单人或者双人练习参与课堂 一般现在时
(二)课堂讲授 Step I:一般现在时态
1)I live in Shijiazhuang, a city not far from Beijing.2)I leave home for school at 7 every morning.3)Four plus two is six.4)The earth moves around the sun.5)The sports meeting will be put off if it rains tomorrow.6)The train for Beijing leaves at 12:00.我的发现:
1)表示习惯性、经常性出现的动作、状态。关键词,时间状语often、usually、always、sometimes、never,every day、on Sunday / Monday I usually ______(go)to school at seven.She never_______(play)computer games.2)表示目前的状态。
They _______(like)swimming.He _______(look)like his father.3)表示客观事实或普遍真理。The earth _____(go)round the sun.Winter ______(be)colder than summer.4)在时间,条件,让步状语从句和时刻表?(节目单等)中,用一般现在时表示将要发生的动作或状态。
If it _____(be)fine tomorrow, we shall visit the Great Wall.School ________(begin)on February 5.设计意图:教师和学生一起归纳总结一般现在时以及加强练习,加深学生的印象。达标训练 任务用所给词的适当形式填空
1)I__________(be)a student.My sister______(be)a student, too.2)The train ________(leave)at 10:00.3)We always ________(clean)our classroom after school.4)Our teacher told us that the sun ________(rise)in the east.5)Sometimes he______(play)football after school.He really_____(enjoy)himself.6)They ___(go)to Guangzhou every week.8)He will call me if he ___(come)here.设计意图:让学生加强巩固掌握一般现在时态的用法。Step II 现在进行时态 探究发现:现在进行时 1)We are using a new textbook.2)I’m writing down my thoughts about it.3)How many of you are coming to the party tonight? 我的发现
1)表示现在或者目前一段时间内正在进行的动作,常见的标志性词有now, look, listen.We _________(study)at Shangao Middle School.2)现在进行时与always, all the time 等连用时表示“赞扬,惊讶,讨厌”感情色彩,带有较强的交际性功能。
He is always _________(make)mistakes.3)现在进行时表示将来时态。有些动词如go,come,leave, arrive, start, finish 等表示起止,位移得动词的现在进行时,可以表示即将发生的动作,做表示与将来的时间状语连用。
It’s time for dinner.----I am _________(come).设计意图:教师和学生一起总结现在进行时态的用法以及加强该语法的用法。达标训练 任务A:.用所给动词的适当形式填空.1.Look!The cat____________(run)up the tree.2.He is always _________(ask)his parents for money.4.Tom_______________(play)the piano in the room.Please ask him to come here.5.Listen!They_______________(sing)in the classroom.6.I(ride)my bike now.7.She _________________(leave)for Japan tomorrow.8.Amy and Sam(do)their homework now.任务B.汉译英
1.我们正在看电视.______________.2.他们正在打扫教室.___________.3.汤姆正在吃早饭.____________.设计意图:根据学生的不同情况,设计不同的练习让学生深刻掌握现在进行时态。Step: III 以-ing 和-ed 结尾的形容词 探究发现:以-ing 和-ed 结尾的形容词 找出课文中含有-ing和-ed结尾的形容词的4个句子并且翻译该形容词的意思。(P2-3)我的发现:1)–ing 结尾的形容词,通常译为__________________.2)–ed 结尾的形容词,通常译为___________________.设计意图:让学生自主探究课文中关于以-ing 和-ed 结尾的形容词的意思,为下面的探究做铺垫。语法点击:以-ing 和-ed 结尾的形容词的用法
1)–ing 结尾的形容词,通常被称作现在分词形容词,表示中心词或主语的性质和特征,通常译‖令人感到„的。2)–ed 结尾的形容词,通常被称作过去分词形容词,表示衷心词或主语的感受,通常译为‖‖感到„„‖
3)这些形容词在句子中作定语,表语,宾语补足语等。a.Hainan is an amazing place.____________.b.Everyone is excited by the news of holiday._____________.c.I find the book so interesting that I keep on reading it until midnight._______.设计意图:通过探究,教师和学生一起探究以-ing 和-ed 结尾的形容词的用法。A任务用括号内所给词的适当形式填空。
1.Without dreams, even a rich man would find his life___________(bore)2._____________(disappoint), she asked me to take her the train station.3.He was ________(please)with their warm welcome.4.He may arrive on time if he is ________(interest)in the match.5.The children were ____after the trip.(tire)
6.Her ________ face make us ______________(surprise).7.The ____trip lasted a whole day.(tire)
8.There is a _________(amaze)look on his face.9.Tom`s parents are ____ at his ____ results of the exams.(disappoint)11.The mistake he made makes him ______________(embarrass).课后巩固: 一,完成课本第67页第一题。
1)Seeing the _________(satisfy)make on his paper, her burst into a ____________(satisfy)laughter.2)After a _______(relax)holiday, the _______(relax)students returned home, full of energy.3)On hearing ________(move)story, she couldn’t control her _________(move)tears.4)The __________(puzzle)look on his face showed that he didn’t catch what I had said.5)He spoke in such a _______(frighten)voice that all the listener’s face turned pale.设计意图:巩固学生对一般现在时,现在进行时和以-ing 和-ed 结尾的形容词的用法。
五、个体特需 :翻译一些常见的以-ing 和-ed 结尾的形容词的意思。
Period5 Listening and Cultural Corner
一、目标点击 1.掌握词汇:correction, encouragement, enjoyment, explanation, fluency, misunderstanding, progress, pronunciation, system, cover, diploma, semester 2.掌握词组:be fluent in, make progress, at the beginning, at the end of, be divided into, take part in 3.掌握句型:The school year is divided into two semesters, the first of which is September through December.4.了解名词后缀:-tion,-ment,-ing,-y 5.理解美国高中与中国高中的文化差异。1.掌握词汇:correction, encouragement, enjoyment, explanation, fluency, misunderstanding, progress, pronunciation, system, cover, diploma, semester 2.掌握词组:be fluent in, make progress, at the beginning, at the end of, be divided into, take part in 3.理解文章大意。
二、重点难点 :单词的背诵和句型的掌握
三、拓展衔接 :学生已经学习了中国高中的阅读文,老师带他们去了解美国中学的不同点。
Step3.T asks Ss “What about the Senior High School in America?”,引导学生来快速阅读文化角的文章,并回答问题。
Step4:Language Points 1.secondary school 2.cover seven years 占七年 ,写出下列cover 的其他意思。
1)The story covers only three days and is very interesting._________ 2)How far can we cover a day? ____________ 3)Will 10,000 dollars cover the bill? ____________ 4)I’m covering a traffic accident.____________ 3.at the end of +时间/地点:在„.结束的时候,在„的尽头
in the end ____________ by the end of ______________, 如果后面跟过去的时间,通常与____________ 时态;和将来的时间连用,通常与__________________时态连用 练习:(1).The school is situated _____________ the street.(2).We'll have an exam in English ___________January.(3).I'm sure everything will be fine_______________.(4).__________ last month they had planted 10,000 trees.4.The school year is divided into two semesters, the first of which is September through December„ be divided into_______________分辨 divide___________________ separate____________(1)Please _________ the apples from the bad ones.(2)Please _________ the apple into halves.the first of which is„ 引导的是非限制性定语从句。
这是由“名词/代词+of+关系代词”引导的定语从句。这种形式可以用于指人,也可以用于指物。指人时关系代词用whom,指物时用which。Her sons, both of _______ work abroad, ring her up every week.4.I take part in all kinds of after-school activities.take part in_________ join_______________ join in ________ attend________________(1)My uncle_______ the Party in 1978.(2)Will you ________playing basketball?(3)Did you _______ his last lecture?(4)The teacher ____________ our discussion yesterday.(5)Step5.Summary
五、个体特需 :写出下列单词的中文意思:
correction___________ encouragement___________ enjoyment___________ explanation___________ fluency___________ misunderstanding___________ progress___________ pronunciation___________ system___________ disappear ___________ teenager___________ move___________ cover___________ diploma___________ semester___________
Period 6 Writing
一、点击目标: To learn to write an e-mail.假设你是李华,最近收到你的澳大利亚笔友Jack的电子邮件,询问你的学校的基本情况以及你的高中生活。请根据以下提示,给他回一封电子邮件,内容包括: ●百年名校,有教学班48个,教师220人,学生3000人; ●老师教学认真,对学生有耐心;
●学习情况:最喜欢的科目是数学和电脑,英语学习有困难; ●课余生活:听流行音乐,和同学打篮球。
参考词汇:教学认真take teaching seriously; 耐心patient Dear Jack,二、导学预习
写邮件的目的:①_________________ ②____________________简单介绍学校:①__________________ ②___________________________ ③__________________ 讲述学习和生活状况:①________________ ②_________________③________________ ④____________ ⑤______________ 第三步:依提纲,准翻译 要点一:我很高兴收到你的来信。
写邮件的目的:①________________ ②__________________ 简单介绍学校:①_______________②_______________ ③____________________ 讲述学习和生活状况:①_____________ ②_________________ ③______________ ④________________ ⑤_______________ 第三步:依提纲,准翻译 要点一:我很高兴收到你的来信。
句式升级三:把要点三和四用with构成的介词短语合并成一句话 第五步:巧衔接,顺成文