外研版必修2 四到六单元知识点总结

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第一篇:外研版必修2 四到六单元知识点总结


4Fine Arts-Western, Chinese and Pop Arts



1.like n.爱好;嗜好→ dislike


2.delightful adj.令人愉快的→delight n.高兴,愉快 v.使人高兴 → delighted adj.感到高兴的

3.scene n.景色,风景;场景 → scenery n.(自然)风景 4.traditional adj.传统的,习俗的→tradition n.传统,惯例 5.imitate v.临摹,仿造,模仿→imitation n.模仿,仿制,仿制品

6.reality n.真实,现实 → realis(z)e vt.认识,领悟;实现 →realistic adj.现实主义的→ realism n.现实主义

7.adopt v.采纳,采用;收养→ adoption n.采用;收养 8.Exhibition n.展览→ exhibit vt.显示(出);展出(览), 陈列 9.expression n.表示,表达;表情;词语→ express vt.表示,表达

10.destroy n.破坏,毁坏→ destruction n.破坏,毁坏












aim to(do)

follow the traditional Chinese style be/get tired of be crazy about be fond of

develop an interest in tell by put off

succeed in/be successful in… take turns


1.Do you like traditional Chinese art

__________________? 你喜欢用毛笔和墨水画的传统中国画吗?

2.This is painted by the Spanish artist, Pablo Picasso, ______________ the greatest western artist of the twentieth century.这幅画是西班牙画家毕加索画的,他被认为是二十世纪西方最伟大的画家。3.There is ______________.有一个展览正在展出。using brush and ink considered to be an exhibition on │ 单词点睛 observe v.(to see and notice;to watch carefully)观察;(to celebrate)庆祝;(to obey)遵守

observation n.观察

observe sb.do/doing sth.注意到某人做/正在做某事



(1)His neighbor observed a stranger ______________his house.他的邻居察觉到一个陌生人进入他家。

(2)It’s our duty _______________________.遵守交通法则是我们的义务。

go/going into to observe the traffic rules 2 alive adj.(still living and not dead)活着的;(full of energy, happiness, activity etc.)有活力的,活跃的 come alive


bring sth.alive

keep sth.alive


使继续活着,使继续存在 【易混辨析】

alive, living, live和lively(1)alive 表语形容词,表示“活着”时,强调“虽有死的可能,但仍活着”。常作表语、补语以及后置定语,不能作前置定 语。如:

(2)living “活的,健在的;现存的,还在使用的”。如:living things 生物,living languages 现用语言。作表 语或前置定语。(3)live “活的”(只作定语,只修饰物,不修饰人);“现场 直播的(地)/实况的(地)”。

(4)lively“活泼的;热烈的;生动的,逼真的”。可修饰人 或物,如:a lively boy 活泼的男孩,a lively discussion 热烈的讨论。


用alive, lively, living或live 填空

(1)It is really fun to watch a _____ performance.(2)It was a really bad accident—they’re lucky to be _____.(3)Xu Beihong is famous for his _____ paintings of horses.(4)He’s one of the greatest _______ composers.(5)We should try to keep the traditions _____.3 stand vi.&vt.站立,(使)直立;忍受,忍耐n.看台;货摊 stand for We caught a bear alive.我们活捉了一头熊。


stand out

突出;卓越 stand by


can’t stand sth./(sb.)doing sth.不能忍受某事/(某人)做某事


(1)I can’t stand seeing good food wasted.我不忍心看到好好的食物被浪费。

His height makes him stand out in the crowd.(2)他身材高大,因此在人群中很突出。

(3)How can you stand by and see him accused of something he didn’t do? 你怎么能眼睁睁看着他遭人诬陷而袖手旁观?

(4)The letters PLA stand for the People’s Liberation Army.PLA这几个字母代表中国人民解放军。adopt vt.收养;采纳,采用

adoption n.收养;采纳,采用


adopt和adapt是极易混淆的两个动词,adapt意为“适应”,常用于搭配adapt(oneself)to sth.。


(1)The schools must ______ new methods of teaching foreign languages.学校应采用新的外语教学法。

(2)Paul’s mother had him ________ because she couldn’t look after him herself.保罗的母亲因为自己无力抚养他,便将他送给别人收养了。

(3)He found it hard to ________his new school.他发现很难适应他的新学校。

aim n.目标,对准

v.对准目标;(to try or intend to achieve something)打算


(1)We _______________________ our production.我们的目标是将生产增加一倍。(1)aim at(doing)sth.=aim to do sth.力争,努力做某事(2)aim sth.at

be aimed at

把……瞄准;把……对准 旨在,针对,目的是 瞄准,把目标对准(3)take aim at

(2)My remarks were not ________ you.我的话并非针对你说的。

(3)The program __________ improving children’s interest in science.这个节目旨在提高孩子们对科学的兴趣。

aim at doubling/to double aimed at is aimed at │ 短语储存be/get tired of


厌烦;厌倦 筋疲力尽 be sick of/be bored with be tired out tell by… 从……看出;从……判断出

(1)tell from…

从……看出;从……判断出(2)tell A from B

辨别A和B;区分A和B tell the difference between A and B





tell 当“区别;辨别”讲时,其前常用can或could。【活学活用】

(1)I could ___________ the look on her face that something terrible had happened.我一看她的脸色就知道出了大事了。

(2)Now it is harder _____ good films _____ bad ones.现在很难把好的影片和差的影片区别开来。

(3)The twins are so alike that we can’t _____________.这两个双胞胎长得太像了,我们很难区分开来。3 make…of…


make it

(口语)做成;成功;到达 make for… 朝……前进 make… ____


make ___

听出,看出,辨认出;理解,明白 make __



What do you make of…? 你认为……怎么样? 【相关拓展】


How do you find/like…?

What do you think of…? What’s your opinion of…?


(1)How many players can ________ a football team? 几个球员可以组成一个足球队?

(2)Don’t lose heart!You ___________ some day.别灰心,总有一天你会成功的。

(3)I can hardly ________ his writing.我几乎认不出他的笔迹。be crazy about… 为……发狂/痴迷(1)be addicted to =be mad/wild about 对……狂热(2)like crazy


drive sb.mad/crazy



It is crazy of sb.to do… 某人竟做……真是疯狂。


(1)My cousin Tom ___________ detective novels.我表弟汤姆对侦探小说很入迷。

(2)_____________________ the car at such a high price.居然花那么高的价钱去买这辆车,你真是疯了。

第10讲 │ 句型透视



(1)动词-ing形式在句中可直接作主语,也可用it作形式主语。Learning to paint well takes a long time.学会画画要花费很长时间。

常用句型:It is no use(good)/not any use(good)+doing sth.│ 句型透视

(2)There is no +v.-ing 结构。如:There is no telling/knowing…不可能知道…… 【易错警示】



5Newspapers and Magazines



1._________ n.经济→ economic adj.经济上的,经济学的→ __________ adj.节约的,经济的,节省的 2.sailor n.船员;水手→ ____v.航行 n.帆

3.____________ n.祝贺→congratulate v.祝贺,庆祝

4.______ adv.在船(飞机、火车)上→ board n.木板;甲板v.登机,上船等;住校

5.___________ n.成就;功业;伟绩→ achieve v.实现,完成;


6._________ adj.高兴的→delight n.高兴 v.使高兴 → _________adj.令人愉快的

7._________ n.男演员 →

______ n.女演员

→act v.行动;表演 n.行为


_________ n.不信仰,怀疑,不信→ believe v.相信; 认为; 信任→

_________ adj.可以相信的→

____________ adj.难以相信的 9.cultural adj.文化的→ ______n.文化

10._________v.创作,生产→ produce n.(尤指)农产品→ _________ n.生产;产量 → product n.产品,产物

│ 基础梳理








7.信任;信仰,相信……的存在 8.快点,加油;得了吧

9.把注意力放在 │ 基础梳理 Ⅲ.佳句再现

1.The Beijing Space Control Centre said the flight was __________________.北京航天控制中心报道说这次航天飞行“获得了完全成功”。

2.Yang is the 31st person _____________________________ astronauts from 32 countries.包括来自32个国家的宇航员在内,杨利伟是第31个来太空旅行的人。

a complete success to travel in space, including 3.Amateur astronomer David Bates was looking at the moon _______ his telescope last night _____ he got ____________.业余天文爱好者大卫·贝茨昨晚正在通过望远镜看月球,猛然他大吃了一惊。

4.________ I have made this first visit, I hope I can come _________________.既然我已经进行了这第一次访问,我希望我能再多来几次。

│ 基础梳理

5.—But there’s some interesting evidence.There are probably aliens _______ here on earth.—Oh, _______.I can’t believe you said that.“但是有一些有趣的证据,地球上可能有外星人。” “得了吧!我不相信你说的那套。”

│ 单词点睛congratulation n.祝贺

(1)congratulate v.祝贺(2)congratulations __ sth.congratulate sb.on sth.祝贺某事

祝贺某人某事(1)congratulate 指对某人所取得的成就或喜庆之事表示“祝贺”,后接人作宾语,祝贺的原因则由介词on引出。celebrate 指对某一节日、生日、胜利和成功等的“庆祝”,其宾语是物。如:

He congratulated us on getting married.他祝贺我们结婚大喜。

Christmas is celebrated on December twenty-fifth.过圣诞节是在12月25日。

(2)表示具体的祝贺时,congratulation常用复数。而celebration 意为“庆祝”或“庆祝会”,是普通的可数名词。【活学活用】

(1)_________________ your winning the game.祝贺你们赢得了这场比赛。

(2)About ten thousand people attended the __________ of National Day in Tian’anmen Square.大约一万人参加了天安门广场的国庆庆祝活动。aboard prep.&adv.在(船、飞机、车)上;上船等(1)board v. 登机,上船等;住校



(2)on board= aboard


go on board

登上船/飞机/火车 All aboard!

(口)请大家都上船(飞机、火车)!【易错警示】 学生容易混淆aboard 与abroad。abroad为副词,意为“在国外;到国外”。


(1)The passengers _____________________________ at 9 am.旅客们上午九点登上飞机。

(2)The students _____ during the week and go home on weekends.学生们平日住在学校里,周末才回家。

(3)The plane crashed killing all 200 people ________________.飞机失事,机上200人全部遇难。

delighted adj.(very pleased and happy)愉快的,高兴的(1)delight n.




delightfuladj.(2)__ one’s delight


take delight in sth./doing sth.以做某事为乐


(1)We had a ___________ evening.我们度过了一个愉快的夜晚。

(2)He _______________proving others wrong.他以证实别人错了为一大乐事。

(3)_________________, the day turned out fine.使我们感到高兴的是天转晴了。(4)I was ___________that you could stay.你能留下来我很高兴。

part n.部分,零件,角色 v.分开,分手


adv.部分地(2)play a part __

起作用;扮演角色 扮演……的角色 参加,参与 play the part of…

take part(in sth.)


(1)Health education will ______________________ people’s life. 健康教育将在人们的生活中起着重要作用。

(2)She wanted to _________ but she was too ill. 她想参加,但是她身体太虚弱了。

 His attractiveness is _______ due to his self-confidence.


短语储存 take off 起飞;脱下;(to suddenly start being successful)


take a day off 休一天假 take ____

take ____





(1)The plane is due to _______ at 7:50 from the airport.(2)I would like to _______ next Thursday.(3)Her singing _______ after her TV appearance.believe in 信任,信仰,相信(……的存在), 相信……的 值

believe it or not

信不信由你 It is believed that …


价【易混辨析】 believe 和believe in

believe 表示“相信,信以为真”,接人作宾语时表示“相信某人的话”。

believe in接人作宾语时则指“信任、信赖某人”。接宗教、鬼魂等词时表示“相信……的存在”,另外后接其他类名词尤其动名词时常表示“相信……的价值,相信……是对的”。

I don’t believe you, for I don’t believe in you.我不相信你的话,因为我并不信任你。I don’t believe in aliens.我不相信有外星人。我认为锻炼身体有好处。I believe in taking exercise.【活学活用】(1)None of us ________Tom, for he is always telling lies.我们没人相信汤姆,因为他总是说谎。

(2)_______________ the house was built in 1735.人们认为这房子建于1735年。

(3)_____________, he is not a person to be depended on.信不信由你,他不是一个可靠的人。more than 多于,超过;不仅仅; 非常(+形容词)

more than…can/could 不能;难以 more…than… no more than

与其……不如……(强调前者)仅仅,只不过 至多,不超过 not more than

what’s more




(1)She was more embarrassed than excited.与其…不如

(2)Modern science is more than a large amount of information.不仅仅

(3)The store is more than happy to deliver goods to your home.非常

(4)The beauty of this city is more than I can describe.让我无法形容(5)It’s no more than a misunderstanding.When Yang took off from Jiuquan in northwest China at 9 am yesterday, China became the third nation to send a man into space.当杨利伟于昨天上午九点从中国西北部的酒泉起飞时,中国成为世界上第三个把人送入太空的国家。

句型公式 仅仅,只不过

the first to do第一个或第一批做(某事)“the+first/second etc.(+名词)+to do ”表示“第几个做……”。


(1)The British became ___________________ the land.英国人成了第一批踏上这片土地的人。

(2)She will be the last _____________ with him.她绝不会爱上他。Amateur astronomer David Bates was looking at the moon through his telescope last night when he got a big surprise.业余天文爱好者大卫·贝茨昨晚正在通过 望远镜看月球,猛然他大吃了一惊。

be doing…when…



be about to do…when… 正要做某事,突然…… had just done…when…



这几个句型中的when等于and at this/that time, 不可以被while代替。


(1)The Browns _____________________ a gang of rascals broke in.布朗一家正在看电视,就在这时闯进来一伙流氓。

(2)The manager had just stepped out of the lift ____________________________.经理刚走出电梯就发生了地震。


1.It took

___________ building supplies to construct these energy-saving houses.It took brains, too.【解析】 B 考查有关than的短语辨析。该句的意思是:要建A.other than

B.more than

C.rather than

D.less than

造这些节省能源的房子需要的不仅仅是建筑材料,还需要智慧。more than不仅仅,符合题意。other than除了;rather than 而不是;less than 不足。│ 跟踪训练

2.The new magazine has really ________.A.taken up

B.taken off

C.taken over

D.taken down 【解析】 B take off开始成功,开始走红。take up从事,占据;take over接管;take down写下,记下。跟踪训练

3.—Do you need any help, Lucy?

【解析】 B 考查含 than的几个短语辨析。答句句意:这个工—Yes.The job is ________ I could do myself.A.less than

B.more than

C.no more than

D.not more than 作不是我能干得了的。more than sb.can/could“不是某人能干得了的”,即“因此需要帮助”,符合语境。less than不足;no more than仅仅;not more than不多于,不超过。

│ 跟踪训练

4.—The last one ________ pays the meal.【解析】 C 当名词前有last,only,序数词或最高级等词修饰—Agreed!A.arrived


C.to arrive

D.arriving 时,通常用不定式作定语。


5.There is a force containing ________ over 50, 000 soldiers and 500 tanks.【解析】 A 考查介词短语辨析。in total总数达,总计;in other A.in total

C.as well

B.in other words D.as a result words换句话说;as well也;as a result结果。由题意知选A。│ 跟踪训练

6.I was thinking about what to eat for the night ________ my husband called, suggesting that we go out for Chinese food.【解析】 D be doing sth.when… 表示:正在做某事,这时…… A.while


D.when C.after


7.It’s so nice to hear from her.________ , we last met more than 30 years ago.A.What’s more

B.That is to say C.In other words

D.Believe it or not 【解析】 D 考查常用表达的辨析。句意:收到她的来信真高兴。信不信由你,我们上次见面是在30年以前。what’s more而且; that is to say也就是说;in other words换句话说;believe it or not信不信由你。跟踪训练

8.He hugged me tightly to ________ me success.【解析】 A wish sb.success祝某人成功,wish后面可以加双宾A.wish



D.express 语,其他词都不可以。


9.—Hi, Mike, I have just got an A in the exam.【解析】 C 本题考查交际用语。从语境看,应该向对方表示“祝— ________

A.Can you be ready?

B.Celebrate you.C.Congratulations!



10.As the train was to pull out, her husband came running along and climbed ________.A.abroad



D.board 【解析】 C aboard 上车;abroad在国外,到国外;broad宽的;board木板。根据句意选C。

Module 6

Films and TV Programmes



1.thriller n.惊险读物、电影、戏剧→ _______ v.使感到兴奋或激动n.兴奋,激动→ ________ adj.令人兴奋或激动的

2._________ n.性格,特性;人物,角色→ characteristic adj.特有的,典型的 n.(与众不同的)特征

3.________ adj.女性的,雌性的→ male adj.男的,雄的 4.________ adj.优美的,优雅的→grace n.优美,雅致,优雅 5.interest n.兴趣,利息,利益 vt.使感兴趣→ __________ adj.有趣的→ ________ adj.感兴趣的

6.________ adj.令人感动的→ ________ adj.感动的→move vt.移动,感动,触动

7._____________ adv.有时候,偶尔→ ________ adj.偶然的,偶尔的→ occasion n.场合,时机,机会

8.________ v.争论,辩论 →argument n.争论,辩论 9.drama n.戏剧→ ________ adj.戏剧性的→ __________ adv.戏剧性地

10.___________ adj.令人愉快的,有趣的→ ________ vt.娱乐,招待→entertainment n.款待,娱乐,娱乐表演 Ⅱ.短语检测











come out

fall in love with sb.to one’s surprise in surprise care about tell of

every now and then

a short space of time good for you have no interest in



1.___ in the old wuxia stories, characters leap ________ the air __________________, with beautiful, graceful movements, while audiences shout _________.正如在古代武侠小说中那样,人物不断窜入空中,做出各种漂亮而优雅的动作,而此时,观众吃惊地大喊大叫。

2.Unusually, it is the female characters _________________.不同寻常的是,女性人物使我们最感兴趣。

3.____________________, Xiulian is the character we ______________.勇敢、善良、坚强的秀莲是我们最关注的角色。

4.However, in the last fifteen years, some of his films _____________________.然而在最近的十五年里,他的一些电影不那么成功。


Adverbs of frequency and place;Adverbs and adverbial phrases

have been less successful

单词点睛 interest vt.使感兴趣n.[U]兴趣;[C]爱好;[C]利益(通常用复数);[U]利息


be/become interested in

对……感兴趣 a place of interest

in the interest(s)of


为了……的利益(1)interesting adj.有趣的 interested adj.感兴趣的

(2)show/lose interest in


take/have(an)interest in

对……有兴趣 arouse interest



interest表示“兴趣”时是不可数名词,但前面却经常加不定冠词an, 此时an也可以省略,但如果有形容词修饰,则不能省略不定冠词。如: She takes(an)interest/a great interest in politics.她对政治感兴趣。【活学活用】

(1)______________ the tourists most are the famous_____ ______________ in Xi’an.最使游客感兴趣的是西安的名胜。

(2)Babies soon begin to ________________ the world around them.婴儿很快就对周围的世界产生兴趣。

(3)We work for our ________________.我们为共同的利益而工作。argue v.(to express an opposite opinion often in an angry way)辩论,争辩;(to give reasons for or against sth., esp with the aim of persuading sb.)

(1)argument n. 辩论,争论;论据,理由,论点(2)argue with sb.over/about sth.与某人争论某事

argue for/against



argue sb.into/out of(doing)sth.说服某人做/不做某事


(1)We argued her ____________.我们说服她加入了我们。

(2)They _________ the right to strike.他们据理力争罢工权利。

短语储存come out(太阳等)出来;开花;出版;显出;结果是;宣布

come ______ 发生 come ______


come up with sth.找到或提出(答案、办法等)come on



when it comes to sth./doing sth.当涉及……,当谈到…… How did it come about that…?……怎么发生的? How come(+句子)? [口]为什么? 怎么会这样?



(1)Her best qualities _________ in a crisis.(2)When the news _________, everyone was shocked.(3)I don’t know how this confusion has ___________.(4)__________ you are late again?(5)________________ management, I am just a new hand.good for sb.(used to say that you approve of something that someone has done)干得好,真棒

be good ___


be good/kind to

对……很好 do sb.good

for good

be good at


永远;永久 擅长


It is no good doing sth.…即使做……也是没用的。【活学活用】

(1)The nurse is always _________ the patients and she _________ telling stories.这位护士对病人总是很好,而且她很擅长讲故事。

(2)It is no good ________ the issue between the nations by means of war.用战争解决国家之间的问题是没有益处的。

(3)Eating more fruit will ___________________________.多吃水果会对你有好处。care about 关心,关注;在乎,在意

care for

喜欢,照顾;想要 take care of sb./sth.take care



【易混辨析】 care about和care for 同学们容易把care about和care for混淆,通过这两个词组的英语解释,我们可以找到这两个词的细微差别。

(1)care about: to feel that sth.is important and worth worrying about;to like or love sb.and worry about what happens to them关心,关注,在乎,在意 │ 短语储存

如:He cares about his employees.他很关心他的员工。

(2)care for:

① to look after sb.who is sick, very old, very young, etc.照顾 ② to love or like sb.or sth.very much喜欢

③ “Would you care for sth.?”used to ask sb.politely if they would like sth.想要

如:I don’t care much for opera.我不太喜欢歌剧。


用care for,care about或take care(of)的适当形式填空

(1)Don’t you __________ our country’s future?(2)________!See you next week!(3)She moved back home to __________________ her elderly parents.(4)Would you _______ another drink? 4 to one’s surprise 使某人惊讶的是 much to one’s surprise/to one’s great surprise 使某人非常惊讶的

give sb.a surprise

使某人大吃一惊 get a surprise

in surprise




(1)______________, the boy won the prize.使我们惊奇的是这个男孩获奖了。

(2)He gave me ________ by arriving early.他的早到使我大吃一惊。

(3)“How did you come here?” she said __________.“你怎么到这儿来的?”她惊讶地说。every now and then 偶尔,有时,不时


always/at all times

总是,一直 often/frequently/regularly




(every)now and then/now and again/occasionally/once in a while/from time to time/at times


every few days/every other day

每隔几天/每隔一天 once a week


很少,不常 seldom/rarely


从不 【活学活用】


The flower needs watering _________________.这花需要每隔一天浇一次水。

2.单项填空 To improve your spoken English, you’d better listen to the tape


B.Fluently C.frequently D.gradually 【解析】 C 句意:要想提高你的英语口语,你最好经常听磁带。generally通常地;fluently流利地;frequently频繁地;gradually逐渐地。

│ 句型透视

Brave, good and strong, Xiulian is the character we care about most.勇敢、善良、坚强的秀莲是我们最关注的角色。【句式点拨】

句中的brave, good and strong是形容词在句中作伴随状语,表示主语的特征。形容词(短语)可以在句中作状语表示原因、伴随等,往往是补充或说明主语所处的状态。可放于句首或句末,常由逗号与句子分开。如:

To our relief, the plane landed, safe.使我们欣慰的是,飞机安全着陆了。The old man died, happy and satisfied.老人幸福、满足地去了。【活学活用】

(1)The lost children returned home, ___________________.失踪的孩子回到了家,又累又饿。

(2)The old woman lay in bed, quite _______.Ⅲ.单项填空

1.[2010·安徽卷] ___________,she is the sort of woman to spread sunshine to people through her smile.A.Shy and cautious

B.Sensitive and thoughtful C.Honest and confident

D.Light-hearted and optimistic

【解析】 D 形容词短语作状语,表示原因,相当于Since/As she 老妇人躺在床上,非常清醒。

is light-hearted and optimistic。句意:她心胸豁达、乐观,总是通过微笑把阳光传给人们。形容词短语可以在句中作状语,表示原因,放在句首;表示伴随情况,放在句后。


2.Hiking by oneself can be fun and good for health.It may also be good for

_______ building.A.respect



D.character 【解析】 D 句意:独自远足可能是一件有趣、对身体有益的事,也对性格培养有好处。character building性格培养/养成,符合题意。respect尊重;friendship友谊;reputation名声。


3.As he works in a remote area, he visits his parents only ________.【解析】 A 考查副词辨析。句意:因为他在偏远地区工作,所A.occasionally



D.urgently 以他只能偶尔来看望父母。occasionally偶尔,有时;anxiously焦急地;practically实际地;urgently紧急地。从句意来看,只有occasionally合适。


4.Tom sounds very much ________ in the job, but I’m not sure whether he can manage it.A.interested

B.interesting C.interestingly

D.interestedly 【解析】 A 句意:汤姆听起来对这项工作很感兴趣,但我不能确定他是否能把它做好。指某人对某事感兴趣,要用interested。


1.attitude to/towards


2.take/adopt/have a


3.previous adj.4.cover. covered with/by.... 6.enthusiastic adj.(about)

7.enthusiasm n. 8.amazing adj.9.amazed adj.(to

do)(at/by)10.amaze v

11.amazement n. 12.to one’s amazement 13.in amazement 14.information n. 15.inform sb.of sth.16.instruction n. 17.instruct v. 18.bored adj.(with)19.boring adj.20.bore v.

21.embarrassed adj.22.embarrassing adj.23.embarrass v.

24.embarrassment n. 25.behavior n.(U)26.behave oneself 27.description n. 28.describe v. 29.impressive adj.30.impress sb with...=sb

be impressed with/by. 31.impress sth on sb/on

one's memory32.leave/make an

impression on sb 33.encouragement n. 34.encourage sb.to do sth.35.discourage sb.from

doing sth.36.disappointed adj.37.disappointing adj.38.disappoint v. 39.disappointment n.40.disappear from sight 41.appear vi.42.(Link-v.)appear

adj./n./to be..43.It appears that从句 44.appearance n.45.be similar to sb.in sth.46.far from 47.nothing like 48.in other words 49.in a/one word 50.in words

51.keep/break one's


52.have a word with sb 53.have words with sb 54.word come that....55.leave word with sb.56.=leave a message to sb.57.look forward to

(doing)sth.58.pay attention to

(doing)sth.59.be/get used to

(doing)sth.60.get down to(doing)sth.61.stick to(doing)sth.62.devote...to(doing)sth..63.lead to(doing)sth.64.at the start of 65.at the end of 66.go to college 67.be divided into



69.divide....in half/in

two/into halves

70.separate...from/by.....71.took an active part in...72.take part in 73.join 74.join in 75.attend

76.attend to...1.2.77.I don't

think/believe/imagine/suppose/expect that.....78.This room is three times

as big as that one.=This room is three times bigger than that one.=This room is three times the size of that one.79.Tom has made rapid

progress recently.—Oh,so he has and so have you.80.①So+系动词/助动词/

情态动词+主语②neither/nor+系动词/助动词/情态动词+主语③So it is with.../It is the same with...




not far from 离„„不远 information from websites 网上的消息 write down my thoughts about it 写下„„的想法

have fun 玩的高兴 give instructions 给出指示 in a fun way 以一种有趣的方式 write a desciption of 写下„„的描述 in other words 换句话说 have / make an impression on /upon sb.给某人留下印象 take place 发生 take part in 参加 by oneself 独自

at first / the end of / the start of 起先/ 在„„结束时/ 在„„开始时 nothing like 与„„不同;没有„„能比得上

be different from 与„„不同 be impressed with/ by 被„„所吸引

differences beween/ among „„ 的差异 introduce...to...把„„介绍„„ look foward to doing sth./ sth.期望做„„/ 期望„„

impress sb.with sth.= impress sth.on /upon sb.使某人铭记某事 be simliar to 与„„相似 be divided into 被分成„„

be separated from 被和„„分开 mind doing sth.介意做„„


1.In other words, there are three times as many girls as boys.2.倍数表达法:

① A + be / V.+ 倍数 + as +adj./ adv.原级 + as + B ② A + be / V.+ 倍数 + adj./ adv.比较级 +than + B ③ A+be / V.+ 倍数 + the(size,weight,height,width,depth,lengh)+ of + B 2.Would you mind if I did...? 介意我做......? 3.The teacher is a very enthusiastic woman called Ms.Shen.called Ms.Shen 是过去分词作短语定语,修饰woman.与修饰词之间是被动关系。相当与定语从句: who is called Ms.Shen.通常在分词修饰名词时,若是单个分词,则放在名词之前,若是分词短语则放在名词之后;

4.I don't think I will be bored in Ms.Shen's class.当主句为 I / We think(suppose, believe, expect,guess, imagine)+ that 从句时,如果从句中带有否定意义,通常把否定词 not 转移到主句的动词前。变反义疑问句时,主句的主语为第一人称时,疑问句应与从句的主语和谓语相一致。否则就与主句的主语和谓语一致。e.g.I don't think she will come, will she? You don't think she will come, do you? 5.Oh, really? So have I.① so + 助动词 / 情态动词 / 系动词be + 主语 表示“(另一事物)也„„” ② so + 主语 +助动词 / 情态动词 / 系动词be 表示对上面情况的肯定。③ so it is/was with...或者so it's /was the same with...表示当前面的句子是两个分句,或前一句含有两个或两个以上不同类 别的谓语动词,或者既含有肯定句又含有否定句时,情况也适用于后者。

④ neither/ nor + 助动词 / 情态动词 / 系动词be + 主语 表示......也不......语法要求: 一 时态


A 构成(动词的变化)

主语是第一,二或者复数的时候用 动词的原形。

主语为单数第三人称的时候,动词加s 或者es(以原音结尾)。辅音+y时 把y变成I 再es.B 用法 4种 描述经常性、习惯性的动作或存在的状态。常与usually, often, always, every day, sometimes, once a month, never, on Mondays等时间状语连用。2 描述普遍真理和客观存在的事实。描述现在时刻发生的动作或存在的状态。描述计划、安排好的将来动作。常用于转移动词:go, come, arrive ,leave, start, begin 等 2)现在进行时。现在进行时常和时间状语连用;now, right now, at this moment, at present 等。a 构成: be+现在分词 即: am/is/are+doing b 用法 4种 表示说话时正在进行的动作或存在的状态。表示现阶段某动作正在进行,但说话时未必正在进行。表示将要发生的动作,常和动词go, come, leave, start, arrive等连用。表示抱怨、厌倦、赞叹等感情色彩。与always, constantly, continually, forever, usually 等副词连用。


Module 2


on time 按时 make sure 确保,保证 fall a sleep 睡觉 make progress 取得进步 at present 目前 do well in 擅长

take a look 看一看 do one's best 尽力 make notes 做笔记 in fact 事实上 be true of 对„„适用 as a result 结果

wave one's hands about / around 挥手 result in 导致,造成 result from 源于„„ first impression 第一印象 avoid doing sth.避免做某事 hate doing sth.讨厌做某事

admint doing sth.承认做某事 practise doing sth.练习做某事 enjoy doing sth.喜欢做某事 imagine doing 想像做某事 have problem / trouble / difficulty(in)doing sth.做某事有困难 have problem / trouble / difficulty with sth.在某事上有困难 appreciate doing sth.感激做某事

I would appreciate it if....我很感激如果„„

be patient with sb.对某人有耐心 be patient of sth.对某事有耐心 consider doing sth.考虑做某事 consider...as / to be 把„„看作„„

prefer sth.喜欢某事 prefer to do sth.喜欢做某事 prefer A to B 喜欢A胜过B prefer to do A rather than do B喜欢做„„而不喜欢做„„ would rather do A rather do B 喜欢做„„而不喜欢做„„ Would do A rather than do B 喜欢做„„而不喜欢做„„ would rather sb.did/ had done 宁愿某人去做„„


1.Physics will never be my favourite lesson, but I think I'll do well in the exam with Mrs Chen teaching me.◎with Mrs Chen teaching me 通常被称为 with 的复合结构。在句子中多做状语。with 的复合结构:

① with + 宾语 + V-ing(宾语与动词是主动关系)With the old man leading the way, I can easily find his house.② with + 宾语 + V-ed(宾语与动词是被动关系)With the work finished, I can now watch TV.③ with + 宾语 + to do(动作还未发生)With a lot of work to do, I have to stay up tonight.2.She is kind and patient, and she explains English grammar so clearly taht even I can understand it.形容词+a/an+名词(可数名词数名词So+many/few+名词词(可数名词复数 +that

much/little+名词词(不可数名词表示 “如此„„以致于”

a / an + 形容词 + 名词(可数名词单数)

Such + 形容词 + 名词(可数名词复数)+ that 形容词 + 名词(不可数名词)


1、有些动词后面只能跟动词的ing形式。如hate, admit, appreciate, avoid, enjoy, imagine, consider, practise.


Module 1 Europe

1.Phrases: because ofbe covered by/with be known for/as/to make A out of B on the coast work on of all time

on the left/right at the moment 2.Sentence patterns:

①表示位置: A is/lies in/on/to/off the+方向+of B

A is located/situated in/on/to/off the+方向+of B ②位置+距离: A is(about)+距离+(to the)+方向+of B ③倍数表达:倍数+as…as倍数+more…than

倍数+the size/area/height/length/width +of… 3.Grammar: passive voice

现在时:am/is/are done过去时:was/were done 完成时:has/have done;过去完成时:had done 将来时:will be done过去将来时:would be done



agree to do something make efforts to do sth.be important to(be)close to in the middle ofas a result

in/during the last ten years receive a good education be willing to do sth.2.sentence patterns: ①with+宾语+宾补 ②This is because… ③be + adj.+ to do sth.3.grammar: link word

并列连词:and, not only…but also…, neither…nor…,both…and…,as well as, or, either…or…, otherwise, but.still, however, yet, while, when, for, therefore, thus… 从属连词

make comparisons be connected with at the top ofat the bottom of practice doing sth.live with one or two weeks up to make progress

make sure of/about/that be similar to

encourage sb to do sthtake measures to do sthbe crowded with

in exchange forachieve one’s goallife expectancy

have…in common refer to

in different ways have control over/of have a population of little by little next to know about on the other hand

in the 1300s in one’s thirties compared withbelong to increase to/by sign the agreement in terms of be faced with ever since


1.phrases: a column of air pick up at sea put down take off on average natural disaster catch fire

2.sentence patterns:

①By the time…did…, sb.had done sth.By the time…do/does…, sb.will have done sth.②There was the possibility of…It is possible that… 3.Grammar: indirect speech


pour down set fire to

manage to do sth.put out report on fall down from side to side in all

end up in/with turn over lose one’s life according to take place a total of

it occur to sb that

Module 4

1.Phrases cut down dig up be caught in … walk up to plan to do

in a week’s time

take in give out I have no idea have an effect on … one after another look through

do one’s best in a nutshell solve problem

be / feel concerned about / for …

think seriously about …

sweep away be part of …prevent/stop…(from)doingsolve problem2.sentence patterns ①adj.+ enough to do ②do nothing but do sth ③can’t(help)but do sth.④I couldn’t agree withyou more / it couldn’t be worse ⑤if possible

3.Grammar: to do 不定式 一般式:to do/to be done

进行式:to be doing

完成式:to have done /to have been done 主和ing 区别 宾

表主语内容/ 计划 / 义务 定序数词 / 最高级 / 逻辑关系

状目的:in order to /so as to/ 原因 :喜怒哀乐词后 / 结果:adj.enough to do too … to …

only to …


Module 5

1.phrases: be kind to live a(n)… life be related to follow / take one’s advice be equal to a sense of responsibility human being for the first time be born + adj./n in conclusion

tell the time make contribution to … bring up

be proud of… be at war with

if so

2.Sentence patterns The reason why … is that… If …,then …

Not only … ,but also … No more … than 3.Grammar Attributive clause

Module 6


provide sth.for sb./sb.with make sense sth.of all time date from /back to … dream of hold back think of work out hear from come true now that..global warming live a(n.)… life be equal to

make a note /notes used to

bring an end to …

2.Sentence patterns It takes sb.Time to do sth.be of + n.= be + adj.by doing sth.3.Grammar

Non – defining attributive clauses

be similar to as a result in someways

stress the importance of… be influenced by… be similar to … /in …

a large amount of … on the spot work out be on a visit to … be pleased with in fact

crash into

under construction






1.It is obvious(to sb.)that 从句

对某人来说,……是显然的2.confuse A with/and B 把A和B相混淆

3.be confused by sth.被…….搞糊涂了

4.in confusion 困惑的;困窘地


6.compare...to 把……比作

7.comepared to/with 和……相比(作状语)

8.variety of=varieties of 各种各样的9.differ from sb./sth.与某人或某物有区别,相异

10.differ in...在某方面不同

11.have sth.in common(with sb./sth.)


12.have a lot/much/a great deal in common with...与……有很多共同之处

13.have nothing/little in common with...与……没有/很少有共同之处

14.in common with sb./sth.和……一样

15.make a difference 有关系;有重要性;

16.make some difference to...对……有些关系

17.make much difference to...关系重大;有重大影响

18.make no difference to...对……没有关系

19.be similar to 与……相似

20.be similar in 在……方面相似

21.have some/much difficulty(in)doing sth.做某事有些/很多困难

22.have some/much difficulty with sth.做某事有一些/很多困难

23.with difficulty 困(艰)难地

24.lead to sb.doing sth.使得某人做某事

25.lead sb.to do sth.使得某人去做某事

26.announce sth.to sb.向某人宣布某事

=announce to sb.sth 向某人宣布某事


28.add to 增加

29.add up...合计;加起来

30.add up to...总计

31.make an announcement 发表声明,通知

32.at present 现在;目前

33.make an attempt to do sth.试图做某事

34.make an attempt at doing sth.试图(尝试)做某事

35.at one’s first attempt 第一次尝试

36.attempt at(doing)sth.尝试(做)某事

37.in favour of 同意,支持,拥护

38.do sb.a favour 帮某人一个忙

39.ask sb.a favour =ask a favour of sb 请求某人帮忙

40.in sb.’s favour 有助于某人

41.refer to...as...称……为……

42.refer to 参考

43.make(a)reference(s)to 提及,论及

44.now(that)+ 句子 由于;既然



把A和B比较compare A with B把A比作/比喻为Bcompare A to B

比起…,与…相比(作状语)compared with /to比得上compare with

无与伦比beyond comparison与…比较in comparison相比之下by comparison


在…方面不同differin= be differentin区分…和…Tell the difference between…and..不同于differfrom= be differentfrom和某人在…方面differ with sb.on sth.有影响,使不同make adifference

对…有影响have an effect on=have an influence on =affect =influence

Itmakes a big differenceto your lifewhetheryou take an optimisticattitudeor not.你是否采取乐观的态度对你的人生有很大的影响。


有很多/有一些/几乎没有/没有共同点havemuch(a lot)/everything/ nothing(little)incommon和…一样in common with


lead to+doing/n通往,通向;导致,招致leadsbtosp.带领某人到某地

leadsbto dosth.使某人做某事,领某人干某事

命题方向:1).lead to +doing/ being done

2).leading to作定语或状语。


短语lead to中,to为介词,总结一下“动词+介词to”的常用短语

pay attention to注意devote… to…献身于stick to坚持be used to习惯于

belong to属于object to反对get down to开始认真做..contribute to为..做贡献

pay a visit to参观;拜访


have some/much/no difficulty(in)doing做某事有一些/没有困难

There is some/no difficulty(in)doing sth.There is some/no difficulty with sth.(注意:difficulty为不可数名词)

have some/much/no difficulty(in)doing做某事有一些/没有困难

There is some/no difficulty(in)doing sth.There is some/no difficulty with sth.(注意:difficulty为不可数名词)


attempt to do/ attempt at doing.试图做…;尝试做…

make an/no attempt to do(没有)试图/打算做…

at one’s first attempt(to do)第一次尝试做…


add…to…把…加到…上add to增加

add…up把…加起来add up to总计


Module 2


1.to one’s satisfaction 使某人感到满意的是

2.offer one’s hand 伸出手

3.offer sb.sth.=offer sth.to sb.为某人提供某物

4.show/have respect for sb.=respect sb.尊敬某人

5.give/send my respects to sb.请代我向某人问好/致意

6.in all respects 无论从哪方面来看

7.pass by 经过;从……旁经过

8.pass away 去世;(时间等)消磨掉,过去

9.pass down 把……一代传一代;流传

10.pass on 传递

11.take...for granted 认为…...理所当然

12.take it/things easy 轻松,放松

13.take one’s time 慢慢来,不着急

14.in particular 尤其,特别地

15.be particular about/over...对……讲究/挑剔

16.have an effect on...对……有影响

17.take up 站好位置以备……


(1)Sb.was about to do sth.when...=Sb.was on the point of doing sth.when...某人正要干某事时,这时…….(2)Sb.was doing sth.when...某人正在干某事时,这时……

(3)Sb.had(just)done sth.when...某人刚干完某事时,这时……

19.apply(to sb.)for sth.(向某人)申请某物

20.apply sth.to sth.把……应用于……

21.apply to...适用于……

22.apply onesely to...致力于……

23.sth.require doing/to be done


24.require sb.to do sth.要求某人做某事

25.require that...(should)do sth.要求做某事

26.in great demand 需求很大

27.meet/satisfy one’s demang(s)满足某人的需要

28.demang to do sth.要求做某事

29.demand that...(should)do sth.要求某人做某事

30.in response to 作为……的回应

31.make/give a response to 对…...做出反应

32.make/give no response to 对…不予回答/理解


offer n/v



offer/provide /supply


offer sb sth//offer sth to sb

provide sb with sth/ provide sth for sb

supply sb with sth/ supply sth to sb

主动提出做某事:offer to do

apply v

①apply sth to应用

New technology isapplied toalmost everyindustrial process.(工业流程)

②apply oneself to致力于;专心于

If only heappliedhimself to study, he would do better in it.③apply for申请

Beforeapplyingfor the post, you have to fill in theapplication form.【拓展】applicant n.申请人


belost/ buried /involved/ absorbed/ occupied…in

concentrate/ focus/ fix….on

bedevoted / addicted/ abandonedto(沉迷于)

demand n.①(非常/很)受欢迎的in(good)demand

②需要,需求(尤指顾客)demand for sth./ sb.③对某人做某事的要求demand for sb.to do sth.demand可加n./Pro./To do/that从句作宾语。

注意:不能说:demand sb to do sth


Module 3


1.on account of 因为

2.on no account 决不,在任何条件下都不

3.take sth.into account=take account of sth.把某事考虑在内

4.account for 做出解释,提出理由


Lay – laid –laid – laying 放置;产卵

6.The boy lying on the ground lied that his cocklaid an egg.躺在地上的小男孩说他的公鸡下了一只蛋。

7.get into(a)panic 陷入恐慌状态

8.be at/in a panic 在恐慌中

9.be curious about 对……好奇,感兴趣

10.out of curiosity 出于好奇

11.satisfy one’s curiosity 满足某人的好奇心

12.have connection with 与…有联系/有关联

13.have a direct/close/strong connection with


14.have sth./nothing to do with 与…有关/与…无关

15.be related to 与…有关

16.to one’s astonishment 令某人吃惊的是

17.to one’s surprise 令某人吃惊的是

18.to one’s excitement 令某人激动的是

19.to one’s disappointment 令人失望的是

20.to one’s sorrow 令人难过的是

21.to one’s joy 令人高兴的是

22.to one’s satisfaction 令人满意的是

23.warn sb.about/of sth.警告某人某事

24.warn sb.Not to do sth.=warn against doing sth 警告某人不要做某事

25.be determined to do sth.决心做某事

26.force sb.to do sth.=force sb.into doing sth


27.force sth.on/upon sb.把…强加于某人

28.play a trick on sb.拿某人开玩笑,捉弄某人

29.make fun of sb.嘲笑某人;取笑某人

30.make up 编造;组成;和解;化妆;弥补…

31.be/feel in the mood for(doing)sth

=be/feel in the mood to do sth.有心情做某事

32.in a bad/good mood 情绪不好/很好

33.be set in 以…为背景

34.set off 出发;引爆,使爆炸

35.set out to do sth.开始做某事

36.set about doing sth.开始/着手做某事

37.set sth.aside 把某物放在一边;省出;

38.set up 建立;设立;创立

39.resemble … in… 在…方面像…


account v./n.on account of由于Takeinto account烤鱼On no account绝不accounted for解释

bank account银行账户

as if

as if引导的从句作表语。

as if = as though好像,似乎,主要用于引导状语从句和

表语从句。当前面有系动词look, seem, taste, smell, keep, sound



as if从句用虚拟语气的情况:


You look as if you did not care.(实际上关心)


He talked about Paris as if he had been there before.(实际上以前没去过)


It looks as if it might snow.(实际上不会下雪)



He is the man giving you the money.(= who gave you…)

He is the man stopped by the car.(= who was stopped by…)




有时为使分词短语与主句关系更清楚,可在分词前加连词。如:when,while,if though,after, before,as.但分词的主语和主句的主语必须为同一个

⑷分词作补语 通常在感官动词和使役动词和like, want, wish, order等表示“希望”“要求”等意义的动词之后



generally speaking一般说来

strictly speaking严格的说

judging from从…判断

all things considered从整体来看

taking all things into consideration全面看来



2)先于主动词(not)having done…






1.hide sth.from sb.隐藏某物不让人发现;对某人隐瞒某事

2.come to an end 完结

3.put an end to 结束,终止

4.bring...to an end 使…结束

5.in the end 终于;最后

6.date back to=date from 追溯到,开始于

7.dress up 装扮;打扮

8.dress up as...装扮成…

9.dress up in red 穿上红色的衣服

10.dress sb.(oneself)给某人穿衣

11.be dress in white 穿着白色衣服



14.consist of 由…组成;由…构成15.give up 放弃

16.give away 赠送

17.give back 归还;恢复健康

18.give in to向… 让步,屈服于

19.give off 发出,放出(气体,气味等)

20.give out 分发(试卷等),筋疲力尽

21.take in 收留

22.take off 脱掉(衣服);飞机(起飞)

23.take on 显现;承担(工作,责任等)

24.take place 发生

25.take up 开始从事;继续,接下去

26.There is/was no need for sb.to do


27.There is no possibility that...… 不可能…

28.There is no doubt that...毫无疑问…

29.There is no point in doing sth.做某事没有意义



pretend +that … 假装… pretend to do sth.假装要做某事

pretend to be doing sth.假装正在做某事 pretend to have done sth.假装已经做过某事


happen to do sth.碰巧做某事 happen to be doing 碰巧正在做某事

appear to be… 似乎是 consider sth.to be/as 把…当作


book 意为预定(票,位子等)

order 意为订货,定购常用作及物动词,还可以意为点菜(饭,酒,饮料)既可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。


dress的用法: dress sb./ oneself==(sb).be dressed in



put on 的用法:强调动作(穿上)----反义词 take off




1.retire from 从…退休,从…退役

2.perform one’s promise 履行承诺

3.perform an operation on sb.给某人做手术

4.have an advantage over 比…有优势

5.have an advantage in 在…方面占优势

6.take advantage of 利用

7.to sb’s advantage 对某人有利

8.have the advantage of 有…的优势

9.give sb.a guarantee 给某人保证/承诺

10.under guarantee 在保修期内

11.on the increase 正在增加

12.together with 加之,连用;和,与

13.increase by 增加了(表示增加的比率)



15.by chance 偶然的,意外的,碰巧

16.take a chance/chances 碰运气/冒险

17.protest against/about/at 反对…,抗议…

18.declare sth.(to be)sth.宣布某物是…,断言…为…

19.declare war on/against sb.对…宣战

20.declare against 表示反对…

21.declare for 表示赞同

22.declare that...声明,郑重地说

23.So what?(非正式)那又怎样呢?结果怎样?

24.rise to one’s feet 站起身

25.pick up 把…扶起来;接某人;收听;好转

26.That’s not the point那不是关键;没有说到点子上

27.to the point 很得要领的;中肯的28.off the point 离题的29.There’s no point in...干…没有用;干…没有意义



win vt.&vi.其宾语不是竞争对手而是war, game, prize, match, battle,competition等名词。



⑴ have an advantage over sb./sth 比某人有优势

⑵take advantage of 利用①机会等;②某人的处境、弱点等

⑶to one’s advantage =to the advantage of sb.对某人有利


(the)chances are(that)…./ The chance is that …..很可能….(It is likely / probable / possible that…)

There is no chance that ….不可能…

There is a chance that …/of … 有可能…

seize /grasp a chance 抓住机会

take a chance /take chances 冒险,碰运气

by chance /by accident 碰巧


(1).倍数表达法: 倍数+ as....as...This room is four times as big as that one.这个房间是哪个房间的四倍大。

The road is twice as long as that one.这条路是那条路的2倍长。


倍数 + adj./adv.的比较级+ than...倍数+ the + 名词(size,length, height,width...)+ of...This room is twice bigger than mine.这个房间是我房间的2倍大。

= This room is twice the size of mine.状语从句


其连词有:when, before, after, as soon as, as, while, hardly had…when, scarcelyhad …when, no sooner had … than, till / until, since, the moment, by the time等,⑵条件状语从句

引导条件状语从句的连词有:if, unless,(if not), on condition that , as long as。


Give him an inch and he’ll take a mile.(= If you give him an inch, he’lltake a mile.)

但:当表示否定的条件时,可用连词or 或otherwise,如:

Start at once, or / otherwise you’ll miss the train.(= If you don’t startat once, …)


①引导让步状语从句的连词有:though/although, even if/ even though, no matter who/ what/when / where/ which / how(whoever, whatever, whenever, wherever, whichever,however)

②whoever, whatever, whichever还可引导名词从句。而no matter who/ what/ which只能引导让步状语从句

?He didn’t want to be disturbed, no matter who wanted to see him.= He didn’t want to be disturbed, whoever wanted to see him.?I’ll give the books to whoever needs them


ⅠTired as he was, he still went on with his work

ⅡMuch as he likes the bike, he doesn’t want to buy it

ⅢTry as he might, he didn’t pass the exam.⑷ 原因状语从句

①引导原因状语从句的连词有 because, since, as , now that

?because: 语气最强,回答why时用because

Why are you late? Because there is a traffic jam.?since: “既然…..” 表对方已知的事实或理由,常放在句首。

Since you have got enough money with you now, you can come and buy it nexttime.?as: “由于….” 语气较弱,较口语化,表明显的原因或已知的事实,常放在句首。

As he had been ready for the worst, he was not disappointed at theresult.?for是一个等立连词,连接的是两个并列的分句,其他三个引导的是状语从句;for不能放在句首。It must have rained lastnight, for the ground is wet.⑸比较状语从句

①比较状语从句主要用在形容词、副词的原级、比较级、最高级的句子中。原级 as …as … not so / as …as 比较级: 比较级+than … 最高级: 最高级+in / of / among …

②no more than 和 not more than

?His education added up to no more than one year.?They finished the project in not more than one year

③两者中 “较….的一个用the + 比较级

The younger of the twin sisters is more consideration

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