案例一:一节英语课上,整节课我都在熟练地操作着电脑,一步步地给学生下指令,学生也在紧跟着我的思路走。这是新标准Family Tree的内容,我设计了Tony 一家的家谱作为模板,展示Family Tree的画面也相当精致美观。其中有一个活动是:说出自己的最爱,用I love my mother/father/brother/sister造句。可是一位叫王大力(化名)的男同学并没有从这几个词中选择,偏偏就说:I love you.而且[ai]发音不是很准确。我没有理会,只是手握着鼠标,点击着mother/father/brother/sister,执意引导学生说出其中的一个选项,王大力终于结结巴巴地说出了I love my mother.读音依然很怪,但是我轻轻一点,早就设置好的图片给了学生一个Big Smile(笑脸),似乎这个事件就圆满地处理过去了,可是刚一下课,其他学生马上过来学王大力,还说:“读音都不准,还好意思说爱老师?老师不可能喜欢你的!” 王大力也马上回应:“不喜欢我?我还不
课下,我认真琢磨这个问题,这节课是打磨了好几遍了,课件也早就设定好了,怎么改会出现这样的情况呢?这种打磨出来的课,一切程序都在预设之中,执教者把学生一步步引入“埋伏圈”,甚至于每个题目的标准答案都设置好了。若有差错,教师不纠正或搪塞,唯恐打乱设计而完不成任务。这实际上就是师生全被放到了一个被动的位置上,绕过了师生之间心灵沟通的界面,只是在按照规定的路线在磨时间。这种看似热闹非凡,标本似的完美的课,实则是把学生问题意识的火花给掐灭了,所谓的没有问题就是最大的问题。教学资源还有一种不可预测性,课堂随时有教学资源产生,就看教师是否会过滤,会利用了。课堂上学生一个创造性地思考,一个不可预料的错误,都是不可多得的教学资源。为什么我们就不能收下学生送给我们的“大礼”说一声“I think you are a clever boy.Thank you!”呢?也不妨学学李阳,疯狂一把,用体态语言诠释英语音标。把手从眼前划过,在空中划个半圆,再猛然提起来,手一握,脚一踏地,发出那个优美而又饱满的音[ai]。当带动着全体学生为自己[I]而骄傲的同时,不仅是纠正了学生的发音,也培养了学生学习英语的兴趣和热情。
案例二:另一节英语课上,我教授的是有关颜色和图形的内容。我设计了大量的练习,在让学生到黑板上绘制出彩色几何图形时,我问学生:Are those beautiful? 马上就有的学生说不漂亮,还说在黑板上用粉笔画当然不如电脑上画得好。我从没有接触过画图,心想这回可坏了,还真让学生给难住了。我略一思考,问: “Who will come to the front and have a try? 哪位同学想到前面来试试,画出这些图形?”好几位学生跃跃欲试,平时他们在课间早就使用过很多次了,这下可有机会展示一下了。于是一位平时上课不很积极的学生到讲台上使用绘图功能画出了漂亮的几何图形。我连连说了好几遍:Thank you!学生更是得意非凡。
[1] 朱小英,英语课堂,因“生成”而更精彩[J],中小学英语教学与研究,2010年第2期。
[2] 龚海平,小学英语与生成性动态教学资源的利用[J],中小学英语教学与研究,2011年第3期。
[3]沈 倩,激活课堂教学中的动态生成资源 [J],上海教学研究,2010年第9期。
【关键词】 小学英语,有效课堂,轻负高质
“轻负”其实包括两个方面。一方面是学生要减轻负担,学得轻松;另一方面是教师也要减负,教师要教得轻松,教得舒心。“高质”也是两个方面,一是学生要学得有效,学得高质;另一方面是教师要教得得法,教得有效,教出高质。因此,轻负担”不仅仅是指学生的心理负担和课业负担轻,还包括我们教师的精神负担和工作负担的轻。当然,“轻负担”并不是没有负担,而应该是一种符合青少年身心发展规律和教育规律的学生能够承受的适度学业负担; “高质量”更不是仅指“高成绩”,更主要的是指教育教学高效率带来的实施素质教育的高质量。“轻负担” “高质量”是一对矛盾的统一体,是相辅相成的。“轻负担”是“高质量”的前提,是实现“高质量”的阶梯;“高质量”是“轻负担”的目标,是实施“轻负担”的保证,两者必须协调兼顾、共存发展。
解读了“轻负高质”之后,我们还要寻找和分析现在的小学英语教学中存在的问题。小学英语是学生英语学习的启蒙阶段,这一阶段的学习主要是培养学生对学习英语的兴趣。然而,现在有相当一部分的小学生,英语成绩差,对学习英语不感兴趣,甚至讨厌,憎恨,觉得学习英语是一个很重的负担。而作为小学英语教师,有时候也感觉教得“力不从心 ”,自己教得幸苦,学生学得也累,也没有什么教学效果。究其原因主要有以下两个方面:
主观原因:学习目的不明确,缺乏学习动力,怕苦,怕累或贪玩,学习不努力,学习不得法等。客观原因:学习条件不好,环境条件不好,尤其是农村或偏远农村的小孩,还有身体素质不好 或受其他学科负担的影响等等。
主观原因:教师教学不得法,缺乏针对性,没有采取有效的教学方法和手段,或教学设计粗糙 从而导致课堂教学的低效,学生学起来吃力,乏味。
客观原因: 现在的统考和考核体制在一定程度上影响了小学英语实行“素质教育”,也导致学 生不能“轻松地”习得英语这门外语。小学英语教学也开始有了语数才有的“题海战术”,也开始进行大量所谓的”测试”。因此,孩子的学习任务加大,作业量也随之加大,负担当然也更加重了。
(一)备教材 认真研读教材,包括教学目标和教学重难点。明确每节课的教学目标和重难点,是教师设计一节课的前提。
(二)备教学方法 1.创设有效的情境
苏霍姆林斯基说:“小学生记忆力的强弱在很大程度上、也可说在决定性程度上,取决于孩子在早期童年时代进入到意识中的语言的鲜明度和情感色彩程度。孩子接受这些印象的同时也就锻炼了记忆力。”北京师范大学心理学教授刘力说:“在心理学中,存在对第一事物的‘印刻’现象。人类对任何堪称第一的事物都具有天生的兴趣并有着极强的记忆能力。如果学生能在学习新知的第一时间轻松掌握了需要掌握的知识,那就很容易一步到位,印象深刻,否则就会带给学生本不该有的课外负担。”因此一节设计好的课,应该是一节让学生印象深刻的课,这样,学生对所学知识的记忆力会自然的增强,而且学得有效有质。而一节创设有效情境教学的课自然会给学生留下深刻的印象。比如Pep小学英语三年级下册My Family教学father, mother, sister, brother这几个单词时,教师可以利用《家有儿女》这一部小孩子们都很熟悉和喜欢的家庭情景剧的主要人物。利用刘星来介绍自己的家人,从而一个一个来呈现单词。在教学新单词的同时,也用上新授的句子。She is my„/He is my„这样学生在自己熟悉的情景当中习得家庭成员的新单词,也运用新学的句型。这样既学得有趣,又学得深刻。
A套餐是基础型家庭作业,如听录音朗读课文,抄单词,抄句子; B套餐是练习型家庭作业,如英语作业本;
如pep小学英语五年级下册My favourite season在教学完四个季节,句型What’s your favourite season?Which season do you like best,以及在不同的季节做不同的事情之后,教师设计让学生写一封e-mail给自己的朋友,先介绍自己喜欢的季节然后问朋友他们喜欢什么季节。但是该作业教师可以先给学生一个写作的格式。让学生模仿着来写。
(二)教师在课堂当中要多关注那些 “后进生”。
参加教学活动,提高自己的教学水平。多阅读一些教学书籍,增长自己的教学知识,提升自 的教学素质。
参考文献: 1.《小学英语新课程标准》,外语教学与研究出版社, 2008 2.《小学生心理学》,人民教育出版社, 2007 3.苏霍姆林斯基,《给教师的一百条建议》,华东师范大学出版社 , 2005
小学英语教师课堂教学常用语Let’s get ready for class.准备上课。2I’m sorry.I’m late./Excuse me for coming late.对不起,我迟到了。3 Please come earlier next time.下次请早点到。4 Class begins.上课。5 Who’s on duty today? 今天谁值日?6 Is everyone here? 都到齐了吗?7 Who’s absent today? 今天谁没来?8 What day is today? 今天是星期几?9 What’s the date today? 今天是几号?10 Li Hong, have you collected all the exercise-books?李红,作业本都收齐了吗?11 Here are your exercise-books.Please hand them out.这是练习本,请发下去。12 Monitor, would you please fetch some chalk for me?班长能帮我去拿些粉笔来吗?13 Open your books, please.请翻开书。14 Please turn to Page 12.请翻开书本十二页15 Please take out your notebooks/exercise books.请拿出笔记本/练习本。16 No more talking, please.请安静。17 Attention, please.请注意。18 Let’s have a dictation.让我们来听写。19 We’re going to have a new lesson today.今天我们要上新课。20 First let’s have a revision.首先我们复习一下。21 Who can answer this question? 谁能回答这个问题?22 Do you have any questions? 你们有问题吗?24 Let me see.让我看看/想想。25 Put up your hands if you have any questions.如果有问题请举手。26 Raise your hands, please.请举手。27 Hands down.把手放下。28 Repeat after me/Follow me.跟我读。29 Listen to me, please.请听我说。30 Look at the blackboard/screen, please.请看黑板/屏幕。31 All eyes on me, please.请都看着我。32 Can you solve this problem? 能做出这道题吗?33 Let’s read it together.Ready, go!大家齐声朗读,预备,起。34 Read slowly and clearly.读慢一点,清楚一点。35 Who wants to try? 谁想试一试?36 Who wants to do it on the blackboard? 谁愿意到黑板上来做?37Are you through? 做完了吗?38Have you finished? 做完了吗?39 You did a very good job.做得不错。40 Very good./Good try./ Well done!完成得不错。41 Terrific!/ Wonderful!/ Excellent!很棒!42 Please give him(her)a big hand.请给他/她一些掌声。43 Can you follow me? 能跟上吗?44 Do you understand? 你听懂了吗?45 Don’t be nervous.不要紧张。46 Any one can help him/ her? 谁来帮他/她一下?47 Any volunteers? 谁自愿回答?48 I beg your pardon? 对不起,能再说一遍吗?49 Take it easy.请放心/别紧张。50 Be brave / active, please.请勇敢/主动些。51 Who wants to try? 谁来试试?52 Come up to the front, please.请到前面来。53 Go back to your seat, please.请回座位。54 Come on.You can do it.来吧!你能做到的。55 Come on, you’re almost there.来吧!你快(做/答)对了。56 I’ll give you a clue(hint).我给你一些提示。57 You can do it this way.你可以这样来做。58 Let’s play a game.让我们玩个游戏。59 Are you tired? Let’s take a break.累了吗?休息一下。60 Look up the word in
1the dictionary.在字典里查这个词。61 Take notes, please.请作笔记。62 Are you clear ? 明白了吗?63 Is that right /correct? 那个正确吗?64 Can you find the mistakes? 你能找出错误吗?65 Do you know how to correct the mistakes?你知道怎么改错吗?66 Are you ready? 准备好了吗?67 Can you guess it? 能猜猜吗?68 Yes.You’re right.对,你对了。69 I’m sorry.Can you say that again? 对不起,能再说一遍吗?70 Take your time.慢慢来。71 Use your head.动动脑筋。72 Good idea!That makes sense.好主意。有道理。73 Whose turn is it? 轮到谁了?74 Now you’re going to read one by one.现在你们依次朗读。75 Who’s next? 接下来是谁?76 You’re next.接下来是你。77 It’s your turn.轮到你了。78 Just hands.No voices.不要说,请举手。79 Do it on your own.自己做。80 From the very beginning.从头开始。81 Please read it to the end.请读到结尾。82 Stop here, please.请停下来。83 Hands up before you answer.回答问题前,请举手。84 Here’s your homework for today.这是今天的家庭作业。85 Hand in your homework tomorrow.家庭作业明天交。86 Please pass the exercise books to the front.请将练习本递到前面来。87 Who wants to come to the front? 谁愿意到前面来?88 Come to my office after class.下课后到办公室找我。89 Come and see me after class.课后找我。90 Watch me and I'll show you.看着我,我来演示。91 I want all of you to answer this question.我请大家一齐来回答这个问题。92 That’s all for the new lesson/ revision.新课/复习就到这儿。93 I want you to work in pairs/groups.请大家做对子/小组练习。94 I’m sorry to have kept you so long.对不起耽搁大家了。95 That’s all for today.今天就到这96 We stop here for today.今天就到这。97 Let’s call it a day.今天就到这。98 Don’t copy others’ work.不要抄别人的作业。99 Class is over.Thank you, class.下课。谢谢!100 Good-bye./ See you tomorrow.再见/明天表扬用语:Vell done!Not bad!Fine!Excellent!Good job.(You really did a good job)Fantasty!Pretty good!Wonderful!Gorgeous!Brilliant!(Brill)Stunning!you did a good job.(你干得非常好。)we're so proud of you.(我们十分为你骄傲。)nice going!.(干得好!)you're so smart.(你非常聪明。)Do not worry.Try againTry you best.Excellent 优秀的Good 好的Outstanding 杰出的Super 极好的Beautiful 美极了Great 伟大的Remarkable 非凡的Fantastic 太奇妙了Bravo 好啊!妙!Well done 做得好How nice 多好啊Good job 干得出色You’re improving 你在进步You can do it 你能做到的You’re on your way 你在前进中You’re catching on 你是有吸引力的---------------问候Good morning, class.同学们早上好!Hello, everyone!大家好!课程开始及休息It's time for class.上课的时间到了。Let's begin our class.开始上课。Let's start.开始。Shall we begin? Yes, let's begin.我们开始吧?好,我们开始。Please look at me.请看我。Let's have a break.我们休息一下。Let's have a rest.我们休息一下。Break time.休息时间。Time is up.时间到。结束课程That's all for today!今天就到这儿。We stop here.我们到此结束。Let's call it a day.今天就到这儿。Class is
over.下课。Goodbye everyone!大家再见。See you next time.下次见。See you later.回头见Goodbye./ Bye-bye.再见。Give me a hug.拥抱一下。Let's sing the “goodbye” song together.我们一起来唱“再见歌”。点名Is everyone here?每个人都在吗?When teacher calls your name, please stand up and say “Here.”老师叫到你的名字,请站起来说“到”。Do you remember your name?还记得你们的名字吗?Is ______ here?______在吗?Here!到!Who is not here?谁没有到呢?______ is not here._______没到。Why do you late?为什么迟到?What's the matter?发生了什么事情?Come in, please.请进。游戏及活动用语-1Let's play a game.我们玩游戏吧。Let's begin./start.我们开始。Are you ready?准备好了吗?One, two, three, go!一、二、三,开始!Who is the first one?谁是第一名?I'm the first one.我是第一 名。Who is winner?谁赢了。We are the winners!我们赢了。Who wants to try?谁愿意来试一试?It's your turn.轮到你了。Please follow me.请跟我学。Watch me!看我!I will divide you into two teams.我要把你们分成两组。You are the APPLE team.你们是“苹果”组。You are the BANANA team.你们是“香蕉”组。Really?真的吗?Are you sure?肯定吗?Teacher, me!(学生语)老师,叫我!When I say your name, please stand up.当我说到你的名字,请站起来。Let's count.“one, two, three~~”我们一起数:一、二、三Louder, please.请大声点。Let's form a line.我们排成一排。Let's make a circle.我们围个圈。Try again!再试一次!游戏及活动用语-2Better luck next time.下次好运。Don't feel bad.You will win next time.别难过,你下次会赢的。Quickly!快!Hurry up!赶快!Take it easy!慢慢来!Be careful!小心!Come on!加油!Let's jump.我们一起跳。That's it!Keep going!就是这样!继续!Let's run.我们一起跑。Let's hop.我们一起单腿跳。Let's walk.我们一起走。Let's hold hands.我们一起手拉手。Let's stop.我们停。Clap your hands.拍手。Stamp your feet.跺脚。Raise your hands.举手。Wave your arms.摆臂。Show me your left hand.让我看看你的左手。游戏及活动用语-3Stretch your legs.伸伸腿。Stretch your arms.伸伸胳膊。Nod your head.点点头。Shake your head.摇摇头。Close your eyes.闭上眼睛。Open your eyes.睁开眼睛。Read after me, please.请跟我读。Open your books and turn to page___.打开书,翻到第____页。All together please.请一起来。Let's read a chant.我们一起来念儿歌。Can you read it?你们会读吗?Let's sing a song.我们来唱首歌。Let's sing a song with actions.我们带着动作唱首歌。Yes or no?好不好?Do you like it?你们喜欢吗?Let's listen to the music.我们一起听音乐。Come here.来这。Go there.去那儿。游戏及活动用语-4Stand up.站起来。Sit down.坐下。Turn around.转个圈。Hands up.手举起来。Hands down.手放下去。Put up your hand.举起手。Put down your hand.放下手。Pick up the cards.拿起卡片。Point to the cards.指着卡片。Who can tell me?谁能告诉我?Who can answer my question?谁能回答我的问题?What else?还有呢?Let's watch TV.我们看电视。Do you understand?明白了吗?Please say in English.请用英语说。Line up.排好队。Please say it one by one.请一个一个地说。Paper, scissors, rock.石头、剪刀、布!(猜拳游戏)
课堂规则Please stop talking.请不要讲话。Listen carefully.注意听。Please be quiet.请安静。Please keep quiet.请保持安静。Don't push others.不要推其他人。Please pay attention.请注意。You are too noisy, please stop.你太吵了,请停止。Please don't make noise.不要吵。Return to your seat.回到你的座位上去。表扬及鼓励用语-1Good!好!Pretty good!非常好!Very good!非常好!Good job!干的不错!Good boy/girl!好孩子!Good idea.好主意。Excellent!真棒!Supper!超级棒!Amazing!太神奇了!You are amazing!你真是太神奇了!Well done!干的好!Very nice!非常好!Nice try!不错的尝试!Nice job!干的好!Wonderful!真棒!Wonderful job!干得真棒!You are wonderful!你太棒了!表扬及鼓励用语-2Beautiful!真漂亮!Lovely!真可爱!Pretty!真漂亮!You look so lovely/pretty/nice today.你今天看起来真可爱/漂亮/棒!Not bad!不错!You can do it.你能行!Brilliant!真精彩!Brilliant job!干的太精彩了!Brilliant idea!精彩的点子!You are smart!你真聪明!Great!太棒了!You are great!你太棒了!It looks great!看起来太棒了!Cool!真酷!You are so cool.!你真酷!I agree.我同意。I agree with you.我同意你说的话。Really? Wow!真的!太棒了。Fantastic!太棒了!生活常规-1It's time for lunch.午饭的时间到了。Good night!晚安!Put on your clothes!穿上衣服。Don't grab my hair!别抓我的头发!Put away your toys!把玩具放好!Don't play with scissors, please.不要玩剪刀!Oh, dear!噢,天那!Don't litter!不要乱扔垃圾!What a mess!真是乱啊!Clean it up!打扫干净!Where are you?你在哪儿!There you are.你在这儿。Your sleeves are wet.你的袖子湿了!生活常规-2Who started this?谁先起头的?I want to know everything.我想知道所有的情况!I saw you hit him.Say“Sorry!”我看到你先打的他,说“对不起”!Stop fighting.别打了!Take turns.轮流来!Play nicely together, OK?好好一起玩,好吗?Share your toys, OK?跟大家分享你的玩具,好吗?Are you OK?你还好吗?Don't cry!别哭!Look out!注意了!Good catch!(球)接得好!Let's go outside!我们到外面去!Peek!Peek!Peekaboo!藏!藏!藏猫猫!Peek!Peek!I see you!藏!藏!我看到你了!Let's play hide-and-seek!我们玩捉迷藏吧小学英语教师常用课堂用语之二2009-3-21 20:48:18 文章来源:软件开发部 作者:系统管理员(阅读次数:215)26 Raise your hands, please.请举手。27 Hands down.把手放下。28 Repeat after me/Follow me.跟我读。29 Listen to me, please.请听我说。30 Look at the blackboard/screen, please.请看黑板/屏幕。31 All eyes on me, please.请都看着我。32 Can you solve this problem? 能做出这道题吗?33 Let’s read it together.Ready, go!大家齐声朗读,预备,起。34 Read slowly and clearly.读慢一点,清楚一点。35 Who wants to try? 谁想试一试?36 Who wants to do it on the blackboard? 谁愿意到黑板上来做?37 Are you through? 做完了吗?38 Have you finished? 做完了吗?39 You did a very good job.做得不错。40 Very good./Good try./ Well done!完成得不错。41 Terrific!/ Wonderful!/ Excellent!很棒!42 Please give him(her)a big hand.请给他/她一些掌声。43 Can you follow me? 能跟上吗?44 Do you understand? 你听懂了吗?45 Don’t be nervous.不要紧张。46 Any one can help him/
her? 谁来帮他/她一下?47 Any volunteers? 谁自愿回答?48 I beg your pardon? 对不起,能再说一遍吗?49 Take it easy.请放心/别紧张。50 Be brave / active, please.请勇敢/主动些。小学英语教师课堂教学常用语(1)一.上课(Beginning a class)1Let's start now./ Let's begin our class / lesson.2Stand up, please.3Sit down, please.二.问候(Greetings)4Hello, boys and girls / children.5Good morning, class / everyone / everybody / children / boys and girls.6Good afternoon, class / everyone / everybody / children / boys and girls.7How are you today?三.考勤(Checking attendance)8Who's on duty today? Who's helping this morning / today?9Is everyone / everybody here / present?10Is anyone away? / Is anybody away?11Is anyone / anybody absent ?12Who's absent? / Who's away?13Where is he / she?14Try to be on time./ Don't be late next time.15Go back to your seat, please.16What day is it today?17What's the date today?18What's the weather like today?19What's it like outside?四.宣布(Announcing)20Let's start working./ Let's begin / start a(our)new lesson.21First, let's review / do some revision.22What did we learn in the last lesson?23Who can tell / remember what we did in the last lesson / yesterday?24Now we're going to do something new / different. / Now let's learn something new.25We have some new words / sentences.五.提起注意(Directing attention)26Ready / Are you ready?27Did you get there? / Do you understand?28Is that clear?29Any volunteers?30Do you know what to do?31Be quiet, please./ Quiet, please.32Listen, please.33Listen carefully, please.34Listen to the tape recorder / the recording.35Look carefully, please.36Look over here.37Watch carefully.38Are you watching?39Please look at the blackboard / picture / map....40Pay attention to your spelling / pronunciation.六.课堂活动(Classroom activities)41Start!/ Start now.42Everybody together. / All together.43Practise in a group / in groups, please.44Get into groups of three / four....45Everybody find a partner / friend.46In pairs, please.47One at a time. / Let's do it one by one.48Now you, please. / Your turn(student's name).49Next, please.Now you do the same, please.50Let's act. / Let's act out / do the dialogue.51Who wants to be A?52Practise the dialogue, please.53Now Tom will be A, and the other half will be B.54Please take(play)the part of....55Whose turn is it?56It's your turn.57Wait your turn, please.58Stand in line. / Line up.59Turn round.60One by one. / One at a time, please.61In twos. / In pairs
小学英语教师课堂教学常用语 Let’s get ready for class.准备上课。
Are you through? 做完了吗? 4 Class begins.上课。Is everyone here? 都到齐了吗? 7 Who’s absent today? 今天谁没来? 8 What day is today? 今天是星期几? 9 What’s the date today? 今天是几号? Monitor, would you please fetch some chalk for me?班长能帮我去拿些粉笔来吗? 13 Open your books, please.请翻开书。14 Please turn to Page 12.请翻开书本十二页 15 Please take out your notebooks/exercise books.请拿出笔记本/练习本。16 No more talking, please.请安静。Attention, please.请注意。今天我们要上新课。20 First let’s have a revision.首先我们复习一下。21 Who can answer this question? 谁能回答这个问题? Do you have any questions? 你们有问题吗?24 Let me see.让我看看/想想。Put up your hands if you have any questions.如果有问题请举手。Raise your hands, please.请举手。27 Hands down.把手放下。Repeat after me/Follow me.跟我读。29 Listen to me, please.请听我说。Look at the blackboard/screen, please.请看黑板/屏幕。
All eyes on me, please.请都看着我。32 Can you solve this problem? 能做出这道题吗?
Let’s read it together.Ready, go!大家齐声朗读,预备,起。
Read slowly and clearly.读慢一点,清楚一点。35 Who wants to try? 谁想试一试?
Have you finished? 做完了吗? 39 You did a very good job.做得不错。
Very good./Good try./ Well done!完成得不错。41 Terrific!/ Wonderful!/ Excellent!很棒!42 Please give him(her)a big hand.请给他/她一些掌声。
Can you follow me? 能跟上吗? 44 Do you understand? 你听懂了吗? 45 Don’t be nervous.不要紧张。
Any one can help him/ her? 谁来帮他/她一下?
Any volunteers? 谁自愿回答?
I beg your pardon? 对不起,能再说一遍吗? 49 Take it easy.请放心/别紧张。
Be brave / active, please.请勇敢/主动些。51 Who wants to try? 谁来试试?
Come up to the front, please.请到前面来。53 Go back to your seat, please.请回座位。54 Come on.You can do it.来吧!你能做到的。55 Come on, you’re almost there.来吧!你快(做/答)对了。
I’ll give you a clue(hint).我给你一些提示。57 You can do it this way.你可以这样来做。58 Let’s play a game.让我们玩个游戏。60 Look up the word in the dictionary.在字典里查这个词。
Take notes, please.请作笔记。62 Are you clear ? 明白了吗? 63 Is that right /correct? 那个正确吗?
Can you find the mistakes? 你能找出错误吗?65 Do you know how to correct the mistakes?你知道怎么改错吗?
Are you ready? 准备好了吗? 67 Can you guess it? 能猜猜吗? 68 Yes.You’re right.对,你对了。
I’m sorry.Can you say that again? 对不起,能再说一遍吗? 70 Take your time.慢慢来。71 Use your head.动动脑筋。
Good idea!That makes sense.好主意。有道理。
Whose turn is it? 轮到谁了?
Now you’re going to read one by one.现在你们依次朗读。
Who’s next? 接下来是谁? 76 You’re next.接下来是你。77 It’s your turn.轮到你了。
Just hands.No voices.不要说,请举手。79 Do it on your own.自己做。80 From the very beginning.从头开始。81 Please read it to the end.请读到结尾。82 Stop here, please.请停下来。
Hands up before you answer.回答问题前,请举手。
Here’s your homework for today.这是今天的家庭作业。
Hand in your homework tomorrow.家庭作业明天交。
Please pass the exercise books to the front.请将练习本递到前面来。
Who wants to come to the front? 谁愿意到前面来?
Come and see me after class.课后找我。90 Watch me and I'll show you.看着我,我来演示。
I want all of you to answer this question.我请大家一齐来回答这个问题。
That’s all for the new lesson/ revision.新课/复习就到这儿。
I want you to work in pairs/groups.请大家做对子/小组练习。
。95 That’s all for today.今天就到这 96 We stop here for today.今天就到这。97 Let’s call it a day.今天就到这。
Don’t copy others’ work.不要抄别人的作业。99 Class is over.Thank you, class.下课。谢谢!100 Good-bye./ See you tomorrow.再见/明天表扬用语:Vell done!Not bad!Fine!Excellent!Good job.(You really did a good job)Fantasty!Pretty good/Wonderful!Gorgeous!Brilliant!(Brill)Stunning!you did a good job.(你干得非常好。)we're so proud of you.(我们十分为你骄傲。)nice going!.(干得好!)you're so smart.(你非常聪明。)Do not worry.Try againTry you best.Excellent 优秀的Good 好的Outstanding 杰出的Super 极好的Beautiful 美极了Great 伟大的Remarkable 非凡的Fantastic 太奇妙了Bravo 好啊!妙!Well done 做得好How nice 多好啊Good job 干得出色You’re improving 你在进步You can do it 你能做到的You’re on your way 你在前进中You’re catching on 你是有吸引力的---问候
Good morning, class.同学们早上好!Hello, everyone!大家好!课程开始及休息 It's time for class.上课的时间到了。Let's begin our class.开始上课。Let's start.开始。
Shall we begin? Yes, let's begin.我们开始吧?好,我们开始。
Please look at me.请看我。Let's have a break.我们休息一下。Let's have a rest.我们休息一下。Break time.休息时间。
Time is up.时间到。结束课程
That's all for today!今天就到这儿。We stop here.我们到此结束。Let's call it a day.今天就到这儿。Class is over.下课。
Goodbye everyone!大家再见。
See you next time.下次见。See you later.回头见Goodbye./ Bye-bye.再见。Give me a hug.拥抱一下。
Let's sing the “goodbye” song together.我们一起来唱“再见歌”。
点名Is everyone here?每个人都在吗?When teacher calls your name, please stand up and say “Here.”老师叫到你的名字,请站起来说“到”。Do you remember your name?还记得你们的名字吗?Is ______ here?______在吗?Here!到!Who is not here?谁没有到呢?______ is not here._______没到。Why do you late?为什么迟到?What's the matter?发生了什么事情?Come in, please.请进。游戏及活动用语
-1Let's play a game.我们玩游戏吧。Let's begin./start.我们开始。Are you ready?准备好了吗?
One, two, three, go!一、二、三,开始!Who is the first one?谁是第一名? I'm the first one.我是第一 名。Who is winner?谁赢了。We are the winners!我们赢了。Who wants to try?谁愿意来试一试? It's your turn.轮到你了。
Please follow me.请跟我学。Watch me!看我!I will divide you into two teams.我要把你们分成两
组。You are the APPLE team.你们是“苹果”组。You are the BANANA team.你们是“香蕉”组。Really?真的吗?Are you sure?肯定吗? Teacher, me!(学生语)老师,叫我!
When I say your name, please stand up.当我说到你的名字,请站起来。
Let's count.“one, two, three~~”我们一起数:一、二、三
Louder, please.请大声点。Let's form a line.我们排成一排。Let's make a circle.我们围个圈。Try again!再试一次!游戏及活动用语-2Better luck next time.下次好运。
Don't feel bad.You will win next time.别难过,你下次会赢的。
Quickly!快!Hurry up!赶快!Take it easy!慢慢来!Be careful!小心!Come on!加油!Let's jump.我们一起跳。
That's it!Keep going!就是这样!继续!Let's run.我们一起跑。Let's hop.我们一起单腿跳。Let's walk.我们一起走。
Let's hold hands.我们一起手拉手。Let's stop.我们停。Clap your hands.拍手。Stamp your feet.跺脚。Raise your hands.举手。Wave your arms.摆臂。
Show me your left hand.让我看看你的左手。游戏及活动用语-
3Stretch your legs.伸伸腿。Stretch your arms.伸伸胳膊。Nod your head.点点头。Shake your head.摇摇头。Close your eyes.闭上眼睛。Open your eyes.睁开眼睛。
Read after me, please.请跟我读。Open your books and turn to page___.打开书,翻到第____页。All together please.请一起来。Let's read a chant.我们一起来念儿歌。Can you read it?你们会读吗? Let's sing a song.我们来唱首歌。
Let's sing a song with actions.我们带着动作唱首歌。Yes or no?好不好? Do you like it?你们喜欢吗?
Let's listen to the music.我们一起听音乐。Come here.来这。Go there.去那儿。游戏及活动用语
-4Stand up.站起来。Sit down.坐下。Turn around.转个圈。Hands up.手举起来。Hands down.手放下去。Put up your hand.举起手。Put down your hand.放下手。Pick up the cards.拿起卡片。Point to the cards.指着卡片。Who can tell me?谁能告诉我?
Who can answer my question?谁能回答我的问题?
What else?还有呢? Let's watch TV.我们看电视。Do you understand?明白了吗? Please say in English.请用英语说。Line up.排好队。
Please say it one by one.请一个一个地说。Paper, scissors, rock.石头、剪刀、布!(猜拳游戏)课堂规则
Please stop talking.请不要讲话。
Listen carefully.注意听。Please be quiet.请安静。Please keep quiet.请保持安静。Don't push others.不要推其他人。Please pay attention.请注意。
You are too noisy, please stop.你太吵了,请停止。Please don't make noise.不要吵。Return to your seat.回到你的座位上去。
-1Good!好!Pretty good!非常好!Very good!非常好!Good job!干的不错!Good boy/girl!好孩子!Good idea.好主意。Excellent!真棒!Supper!超级棒!Amazing!太神奇了!You are amazing!你真是太神奇了!Well done!干的好!Very nice!非常好!Nice try!不错的尝试!Nice job!干的好!Wonderful!真棒!Wonderful job!干得真棒!You are wonderful!你太棒了!表扬及鼓励用语-2Beautiful!真漂亮!Lovely!真可爱!Pretty!真漂亮!You look so lovely/pretty/nice today.你今天看起来真可爱/漂亮/棒!Not bad!不错!You can do it.你能行!Brilliant!真精彩!Brilliant job!干的太精彩了!Brilliant idea!精彩的点子!You are smart!你真聪明!Great!太棒了!You are great!你太棒了!It looks great!看起来太棒了!Cool!真酷!You are so cool.!你真酷!I agree.我同意。I agree with you.我同意你说的话。Really? Wow!真的!太棒了。Fantastic!太棒了!生活常规
-1It's time for lunch.午饭的时间到了。Good night!晚安!Put on your clothes!穿上衣服。Don't grab my hair!别抓我的头发!
Put away your toys!把玩具放好!Don't play with scissors, please.不要玩剪刀!Oh, dear!噢,天那!Don't litter!不要乱扔垃圾!What a mess!真是乱啊!Clean it up!打扫干净!Where are you?你在哪儿!There you are.你在这儿。Your sleeves are wet.你的袖子湿了!生活常规-2Who started this?谁先起头的?I want to know everything.我想知道所有的情况!I saw you hit him.Say“Sorry!”我看到你先打的他,说“对不起”!Stop fighting.别打了!Take turns.轮流来!Play nicely together, OK?好好一起玩,好吗?Share your toys, OK?跟大家分享你的玩具,好吗?Are you OK?你还好吗?Don't cry!别哭!Look out!注意了!Good catch!(球)接得好!Let's go outside!我们到外面去!Peek!Peek!Peekaboo!藏!藏!藏猫猫!Peek!Peek!I see you!藏!藏!我看到你了!Let's play hide-and-seek!我们玩捉迷藏吧 Raise your hands, please.请举手。27 Hands down.把手放下。Repeat after me/Follow me.跟我读。29 Listen to me, please.请听我说。Look at the blackboard/screen, please.请看黑板/屏幕。
All eyes on me, please.请都看着我。32 Can you solve this problem? 能做出这道题吗?
Let’s read it together.Ready, go!大家齐声朗读,预备,起。
Read slowly and clearly.读慢一点,清楚一点。35 Who wants to try? 谁想试一试?
Who wants to do it on the blackboard? 谁愿意到黑板上来做?
Are you through? 做完了吗? 38 Have you finished? 做完了吗? 39 You did a very good job.做得不错。
Very good./Good try./ Well done!完成得不错。41 Terrific!/ Wonderful!/ Excellent!很棒!42 Please give him(her)a big hand.请给他/她一些掌声。
Can you follow me? 能跟上吗? 44 Do you understand? 你听懂了吗? 45 Don’t be nervous.不要紧张。
Any one can help him? 谁来帮他/她一下? 47 Any volunteers? 谁自愿回答?
I beg your pardon? 对不起,能再说一遍吗? 49 Take it easy.请放心/别紧张。
Be brave / active, please.请勇敢/主动些。
一.上课(Beginning a class)1Let's start now./ Let's begin our class / lesson.2Stand up, please.3Sit down, please.
二.问候(Greetings)4Hello, boys and girls / children.5Good morning, class / everyone / everybody / children / boys and girls.6Good
afternoon, class / everyone / everybody / children / boys and girls.7How are you today?
三.考勤(Checking attendance)8Who's on duty today? Who's helping this morning / today?9Is everyone / everybody here / present?10Is anyone away? / Is anybody away?11Is anyone / anybody absent ?12Who's absent? / Who's away?13Where is he / she?14Try to be on time./ Don't be late next time.15Go back to your seat, please.16What day is it today?17What's the date today?18What's the weather like today?19What's it like outside?
四.宣布(Announcing)20Let's start working./ Let's begin / start a(our)new lesson.21First, let's review / do some revision.22What did we learn in the last lesson?23Who can tell / remember what we did in the last lesson / yesterday?24Now we're going to do something new / different. / Now let's learn something new.25We have some new words / sentences. 五.提起注意(Directing attention)26Ready / Are you ready?27Did you get there? / Do you understand?28Is that clear?29Any volunteers?30Do you know what to do?31Be quiet, please./ Quiet, please.32Listen, please.33Listen carefully, please.34Listen to the tape recorder / the recording.35Look carefully, please.36Look over here.37
Watch carefully.38Are you watching?39Please look at the blackboard / picture / map....40Pay attention to your spelling / pronunciation.
六.课堂活动(Classroom activities)41Start!/ Start now.42Everybody together. / All together.43Practise in a group / in groups, please.44Get into groups of three / four....45Everybody find a partner / friend.46In pairs, please.47One at a time. / Let's do it one by one.48Now you, please. / Your turn(student's name).49Next, please.Now you do the same, please.50Let's act. / Let's act out / do the dialogue.51Who wants to be A?52Practise the dialogue, please.53Now Tom will be A, and the other half will be B.54Please take(play)the part of....55Whose turn is it?56It's your turn.57Wait your turn, please.58Stand in line. / Line up.59Turn round.60One by one. / One at a time, please.61In twos. / In pairs
I want you to work in pairs/groups.请大家做对子/小组练习。94 I’m sorry to have kept you so long.对不起耽搁大家了。95 That’s all for today.今天就到这96 We stop here for today.今天就到这。97 Let’s call it a day.今天就到这。98 Don’t copy others’ work.不要抄别人的作业。99 Class is over.Thank you, class.下课。谢谢!100 Good-bye./ See you tomorrow.再见/明天表扬用语:Vell done!Not bad!Fine!Excellent!Good job.(You really did a good job)Fantasty!Pretty good!Wonderful!Gorgeous!Brilliant!(Brill)Stunning!you did a good job.(你干得非常好。)we're so proud of you.(我们十分为你骄傲。)nice going!.(干得好!)you're so smart.(你非常聪明。)Do not worry.Try againTry you best.Excellent 优秀的Good 好的Outstanding 杰出的Super 极好的Beautiful 美极了Great 伟大的Remarkable 非凡的Fantastic 太奇妙了Bravo 好啊!妙!Well done 做得好How nice 多好啊Good job 干得出色You’re improving 你在进步You can do it 你能做到的You’re on your way 你在前进中You’re catching on 你是有吸引力的---------------问候Good morning, class.同学们早上好!Hello, everyone!大家好!课程开始及休息It's time for class.上课的时间到了。Let's begin our class.开始上课。Let's start.开始。Shall we begin? Yes, let's begin.我们开始吧?好,我们开始。Please look at me.请看我。Let's have a break.我们休息一下。Let's have a rest.我们休息一下。Break time.休息时间。Time is up.时间到。结束课程That's all for today!今天就到这儿。We stop here.我们到此结束。Let's call it a day.今天就到这儿。Class is over.下课。Goodbye everyone!大家再见。See you next time.下次见。See you later.回头见Goodbye./ Bye-bye.再见。Give me a hug.拥抱一下。Let's sing the “goodbye” song together.我们一起来唱“再见歌”。点名Is everyone here?每个人都在吗?When teacher calls your name, please stand up and say “Here.”老师叫到你的名字,请站起来说“到”。Do you remember your name?还记得你们的名字吗?Is ______ here?______在吗?Here!到!Who is not here?谁没有到呢?______ is not here._______没到。Why do you late?为什么迟到?What's the matter?发生了什么事情?Come in, please.请进。游戏及活动用语-1Let's play a game.我们玩游戏吧。Let's begin./start.我们开始。Are you ready?准备好了吗?One, two, three, go!一、二、三,开始!Who is the first one?谁是第一名?I'm the first one.我是第一 名。Who is winner?谁赢了。We are the winners!我们赢了。Who wants to try?谁愿意来试一试?It's your turn.轮到你了。Please follow me.请跟我学。Watch me!看我!I will divide you into two teams.我要把你们分成两组。You are the APPLE team.你们是“苹果”组。You are the BANANA team.你们是“香蕉”组。Really?真的吗?Are you sure?肯定吗?Teacher, me!(学生语)老师,叫我!When I say your name, please stand up.当我说到你的名字,请站起来。Let's count.“one, two, three~~”我们一起数:一、二、三Louder, please.请大声点。Let's form a line.我们排成一排。Let's make a circle.我们围个圈。Try again!再试一次!游戏及活动用语-2Better luck next time.下次好运。Don't feel bad.You will win next time.别难过,你下次会赢的。Quickly!快!Hurry up!赶快!Take it easy!慢慢来!Be careful!小心!Come on!加油!Let's jump.我们一起跳。That's it!Keep going!就是这样!继续!Let's run.我们一起跑。Let's hop.我们一起单腿跳。Let's walk.我们一起走。Let's hold hands.我们一起手拉手。Let's stop.我们停。Clap your hands.拍手。Stamp your feet.跺脚。Raise your hands.举手。Wave your arms.摆臂。Show me your left hand.让我看看你的左手。游戏及活动用语-3Stretch your legs.伸伸腿。Stretch your arms.伸伸胳膊。Nod your head.点点头。Shake your head.摇摇头。Close your eyes.闭上眼睛。Open your eyes.睁开眼睛。Read after me, please.请跟我读。Open your books and turn to page___.打开书,翻到第____页。All together please.请一起来。Let's read a chant.我们一起来念儿歌。Can you read it?你们会读吗?Let's sing a song.我们来唱首歌。Let's sing a song with actions.我们带着动作唱首歌。Yes or no?好不好?Do you like it?你们喜欢吗?Let's listen to the music.我们一起听音乐。Come here.来这。Go there.去那儿。游戏及活动用语-4Stand up.站起来。Sit down.坐下。Turn around.转个圈。Hands up.手举起来。Hands down.手放下去。Put up your hand.举起手。Put down your hand.放下手。Pick up the cards.拿起卡片。Point to the cards.指着卡片。Who can tell me?谁能告诉我?Who can answer my question?谁能回答我的问题?What else?还有呢?Let's watch TV.我们看电视。Do you understand?明白了吗?Please say in English.请用英语说。Line up.排好队。Please say it one by one.请一个一个地说。Paper, scissors, rock.石头、剪刀、布!(猜拳游戏)课堂规则Please stop talking.请不要讲话。Listen carefully.注意听。Please be quiet.请安静。Please keep quiet.请保持安静。Don't push others.不要推其他人。Please pay attention.请注意。You are too noisy, please stop.你太吵了,请停止。Please don't make noise.不要吵。Return to your seat.回到你的座位上去。表扬及鼓励用语-1Good!好!Pretty good!非常好!Very good!非常好!Good job!干的不错!Good boy/girl!好孩子!Good idea.好主意。Excellent!真棒!Supper!超级棒!Amazing!太神奇了!You are amazing!你真是太神奇了!Well done!干的好!Very nice!非常好!Nice try!不错的尝试!Nice job!干的好!Wonderful!真棒!Wonderful job!干得真棒!You are wonderful!你太棒了!表扬及鼓励用语-2Beautiful!真漂亮!Lovely!真可爱!Pretty!真漂亮!You look so lovely/pretty/nice today.你今天看起来真可爱/漂亮/棒!Not bad!不错!You can do it.你能行!Brilliant!真精彩!Brilliant job!干的太精彩了!Brilliant idea!精彩的点子!You are smart!你真聪明!Great!太棒了!You are great!你太棒了!It looks great!看起来太棒了!Cool!真酷!You are so cool.!你真酷!I agree.我同意。I agree with you.我同意你说的话。Really? Wow!真的!太棒了。Fantastic!太棒了!生活常规-1It's time for lunch.午饭的时间到了。Good night!晚安!Put on your clothes!穿上衣服。Don't grab my hair!别抓我的头发!Put away your toys!把玩具放好!Don't play with scissors, please.不要玩剪刀!Oh, dear!噢,天那!Don't litter!不要乱扔垃圾!What a mess!真是乱啊!Clean it up!打扫干净!Where are you?你在哪儿!There you are.你在这儿。Your sleeves are wet.你的袖子湿了!生活常规-2Who started this?谁先起头的?I want to know everything.我想知道所有的情况!I saw you hit him.Say“Sorry!”我看到你先打的他,说“对不起”!Stop fighting.别打了!Take turns.轮流来!Play nicely together, OK?好好一起玩,好吗?Share your toys, OK?跟大家分享你的玩具,好吗?Are you OK?你还好吗?Don't cry!别哭!Look out!注意了!Good catch!(球)接得好!Let's go outside!我们到外面去!Peek!Peek!Peekaboo!藏!藏!藏猫猫!Peek!Peek!I see you!藏!藏!我看到你了!Let's play hide-and-seek!我们玩捉迷藏吧小学英语教师常用课堂用语之二2009-3-21 20:48:18 文章来源:软件开发部 作者:系统管理员(阅读次数:215)26 Raise your hands, please.请举手。27 Hands down.把手放下。28 Repeat after me/Follow me.跟我 2 读。29 Listen to me, please.请听我说。30 Look at the blackboard/screen, please.请看黑板/屏幕。31 All eyes on me, please.请都看着我。32 Can you solve this problem? 能做出这道题吗?33 Let’s read it together.Ready, go!大家齐声朗读,预备,起。34 Read slowly and clearly.读慢一点,清楚一点。35 Who wants to try? 谁想试一试?36 Who wants to do it on the blackboard? 谁愿意到黑板上来做?37 Are you through? 做完了吗?38 Have you finished? 做完了吗?39 You did a very good job.做得不错。40 Very good./Good try./ Well done!完成得不错。41 Terrific!/ Wonderful!/ Excellent!很棒!42 Please give him(her)a big hand.请给他/她一些掌声。43 Can you follow me? 能跟上吗?44 Do you understand? 你听懂了吗?45 Don’t be nervous.不要紧张。46 Any one can help him/ her? 谁来帮他/她一下?47 Any volunteers? 谁自愿回答?48 I beg your pardon? 对不起,能再说一遍吗?49 Take it easy.请放心/别紧张。50 Be brave / active, please.请勇敢/主动些。小学英语教师课堂教学常用语(1)一.上课(Beginning a class)1Let's start now./ Let's begin our class / lesson.2Stand up, please.3Sit down, please.二.问候(Greetings)4Hello, boys and girls / children.5Good morning, class / everyone / everybody / children / boys and girls.6Good afternoon, class / everyone / everybody / children / boys and girls.7How are you today?三.考勤(Checking attendance)8Who's on duty today? Who's helping this morning / today?9Is everyone / everybody here / present?10Is anyone away? / Is anybody away?11Is anyone / anybody absent ?12Who's absent? / Who's away?13Where is he / she?14Try to be on time./ Don't be late next time.15Go back to your seat, please.16What day is it today?17What's the date today?18What's the weather like today?19What's it like outside?四.宣布(Announcing)20Let's start working./ Let's begin / start a(our)new lesson.21First, let's review / do some revision.22What did we learn in the last lesson?23Who can tell / remember what we did in the last lesson / yesterday?24Now we're going to do something new / different. / Now let's learn something new.25We have some new words / sentences.五.提起注意(Directing attention)26Ready / Are you ready?27Did you get there? / Do you understand?28Is that clear?29Any volunteers?30Do you know what to do?31Be quiet, please./ Quiet, please.32Listen, please.33Listen carefully, please.34Listen to the tape recorder / the recording.35Look carefully, please.36Look over here.37
Watch carefully.38Are you watching?39Please look at the blackboard / picture / map....40Pay attention to your spelling / pronunciation.六.课堂活动(Classroom activities)41Start!/ Start now.42Everybody together. / All together.43Practise in a group / in groups, please.44Get into groups of three / four....45Everybody find a partner / friend.46In pairs, please.47One at a time. / Let's do it one by one.48Now you, please. / Your turn(student's name).49Next, please.Now you do the same, please.50Let's act. / Let's act out / do the dialogue.51Who wants to be A?52Practise the dialogue, please.53Now Tom will be A, and the other half will be B.54Please take(play)the part of....55Whose turn is it?56It's your turn.57Wait your turn, please.58Stand in line. / Line up.59Turn round.60One by one. / One at a time, please.61In twos. / In pairs