英文作文 是否应该帮助陌生人

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第一篇:英文作文 是否应该帮助陌生人

It is known to us that assisting others is always considered to be a traditional virtue of the Chinese.However more and more people doubt whether we should help the strangers nowadays.Should we help strangers? This question has given rise to heated controversy in society.A large number of people still insist that helping strangers is a kind of noble character which should be carried forward.They believe that a man will find happiness himself when he gives other people a hand.At the same time, some other people hold the opinion that helping strangers will bring us endless troubles and dangers.We cannot judge the stranger is a victim or a liar the first time we meet him.Thus we cannot trust a stranger completely and help him sincerely.From where I stand, it is no doubt that we should help those disadvantaged groups who are in need.Showing mercy to victims doesn’t need any conditions.What I want to stress is choosing proper strategies is of vital importance.Therefore we could help others without doing harm to ourselves.

第二篇:我们是否应该帮助陌生人—— 大学英语作文

Should we help strangers Recently,accroding to the report that is a child to help a older man who fall down.unfortunely,the older man is a bad cheater,he pretented.The report pays a lot of people attention.There are different opinions among people as to ' should we help strangers',some people suggest that is a virtue.As we all know a words said that help others is help yourself.Another thinks that it likely would take trouble to their life.It's very dangerous.They rather than accept social critizise.As far as I am concerned,I agree with first opinion.I believe that someone should be help with me.Whatever the social change,I still do that I think right things and never change.We help strangers,on the same time,we would potect ourself.


Write an essay(of about 250 words)about a memorable experience in which you helped a stranger or were helped by him or her.A wonderful experience We could meet all kinds of men in our life, and someone can bring us some precious experiences.Therefore I believe everyone has a warm heart, which is willing to help others.On a summer afternoon, everywhere was extremely hot, as the sun was stronger than ever.I hurried to go to school so that I have an appointment with my intimate friends, so I hadn't no sunshades and caps.Thanks to my anxiety, suddenly I felt dizzy.After I took several steps, I fell on the floor and closed my eyes.The heat made me faint.After half an hour, I opened my eyes.I took sight of an old man beside me.He told me that I was suffering from heatstroke.When he saw me, he took me to the shade and purchased some ice-cold water to feed me in order to cool down.And then he always accompanied me.Therefore I was grateful to him, and asked his name to thanks him, however he didn't accept my requirement.This wonderful experience which a stranger gave a hand to me moved me.I believe we are kind to everyone, we could gain happiness.Therefore I have a warm and grateful heart to others all the time.










第五篇:帮助陌生人 英语作文


1. What do you think of the examples? 2. How can we prevent this indifference? 3. How to make yourself different? 4. How do your family members think of the declining social morality? Answers: In these given examples, many people pass by someone who need help, while didn’t give them a hand.And these examples are not single, but happened almost everywhere.The problem may not because people do not have sympathy, but worry about get into trouble.Before they give the strangers help the may fist think” if the strangers will do harm to me? There are always many cheaters” but not “the people need help, I should give him a hand”.They always think about themselves first.Now many of us have recognized the problem and given their own advances.Most of the advances are about legislating a law to punish those who don’t give others help.But I think this is not the best way.On the one hand, it's too sorrowful to see that we should depend on legislation to solve the problem about morality.This is the degeneration of humanity.On the other hand, a law can’t solve the problem totally because it can’t change people’s mind.We shouldn’t try to punish someone but to rebuild a environment to help each other.For example, the parents should teach their children to help people who need help, but not to teach them get away from troubles.As to myself, I think I can also do some useful things.Such as help others actively, and tell other people to give help, so as not to feel helpless when we need others help.And what about my family members think about the decline of morality? They all agree with my opinion that we should learn from these examples and give others help.My mother said she would help that injured girl since she is a doctor, and she is also a mother, she know how worried her mother will be.My father said that more parents should let their children know the important to help others.Everyone should contribute to rebuild a warm society.While, there will be a long way for us to go.

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