英语 作文 ---关于(精神文明建设,建立和谐社会

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第一篇:英语 作文 ---关于(精神文明建设,建立和谐社会

英语 作文---关于(精神文明建设,建立和谐社会

I hope that the Chinese system of education needs reforming.(题外话,此人现处于



One day after school,I was on my way home.(一天放学,我走在回家的路上。翻译的对不?我觉得好象有点问题)I saw a man threw waste in public。I put waste into the waste box then ,and tell him:“Don't throw waste in public”.The man is aware of his action and apologized for this action to me.I felt very happy.(我看见一个人在公共场所乱仍垃圾,于是我把垃圾仍进了垃圾箱,并且对他说 不要乱仍垃圾。这人意识到了他的行为,并为此行为向我道歉,我感到很高兴。)写的对吗?



最后,谁有关于写 “关于精神文明,构建和谐社会”的英语文章的?

最好是适合初中生水平阅读的!~~ 对了 “精神文明,构建和谐社会”英语怎么写啊!~~对的

Not only the spiritual civilization instills into to the people is one responsibility consciousness, is one kind of civilized manifesti The construction socialism harmonious society, is the Central Party Committee a significant strategic mission which proposed to the entire party entire society, is setting up and a realization science development view significant action, indicated the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics the overall layout, already explicitly by the development socialist market economy, socialist democracy politics and the socialism culture Trinity, developed for the socialist economy construction, the political construction, the cultural reconstruction, the harmonious society constructs the quaternity, closely held and uses the strategic opportunity time for us, to achieve the comprehensive construction well-off society's grand goal to provide the important thought instruction;The construction socialism harmonious society with the construction socialist spiritual civilization is the organic unification;Constructs through the harmonious society for the socialist spiritual civilization creation advantageous society condition, comes through the development socialism advanced culture for the construction socialism harmonious society to provide the powerful thought guarantee, the formidable spiritual support, the solid moral foundation, the good cultural condition.„„

第二篇:英语 作文 ---关于(精神文明建设,建立和谐社会

英语 作文---关于(精神文明建设,建立和谐社会

I hope that the Chinese system of education needs reforming.(题外话,此人现处于



One day after school,I was on my way home.(一天放学,我走在回家的路上。翻译的对不?我觉得好象有点问题)I saw a man threw waste in public。I put waste into the waste box then ,and tell him:“Don't throw waste in public”.The man is aware of his action

and apologized for this action to me.I felt very happy.(我看见一个人在公共场所乱仍垃圾,于是我把垃圾仍进了垃圾箱,并且对他说 不要乱仍垃




最后,谁有关于写 “关于精神文明,构建和谐社会”的英语文章的?


对了 “精神文明,构建和谐社会”英语怎么写啊!~~对的Not only the spiritual civilization instills into to the people is one responsibility

consciousness, is one kind of civilized manifesti

The construction socialism harmonious society, is the Central Party Committee a significant strategic mission which proposed to the entire party entire society, is setting up and a realization science development view significant action, indicated the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics the overall layout, already explicitly by the development socialist market economy, socialist democracy politics and the socialism culture Trinity, developed for the socialist economy construction, the political construction, the cultural reconstruction, the harmonious society constructs the quaternity, closely held and uses the strategic opportunity time for us, to achieve the comprehensive construction well-off society's grand goal to provide the important thought instruction;The construction socialism harmonious society with the construction socialist spiritual civilization is the organic unification;Constructs through the harmonious society for the socialist spiritual civilization creation advantageous society condition, comes through the development socialism advanced culture for the construction socialism harmonious society to provide the powerful thought guarantee, the formidable spiritual support, the solid moral foundation, the good cultural condition.„„


建立和谐社会运用工商行政管理职能 黄建/花都分校 10春行政管理

党的十六届四中全会提出 :构建社会主义和谐社会是我们党全面建设小康杜 会, 开创中国特色社会主义事业新局面的一项重大任务。工商行政管理机关作为 市场监管和行政执法机关, 承担着市场准人、市场交易和竞争行为监管、消费者 权益保护等重要监管职能。如何为构建社会主义和谐社会不断发挥有效功能作 用, 有力促进社会生产力发展和社会的稳定, 正是工商行政管理机关当前巫待研 究的重要课题。


“和谐” 作为一个重要的哲学范畴, 反映的是事物在其发展过程中表现出来 的协调、完整和合乎规律的存在状态上, 就是各种关系和矛盾配合、协调, 使之 相生相长。当事物的矛盾和关系配合适当、匀称、协调时, 就会达到共同发展的 境界或发生质变, 生出新的更高级的事物。随着时代的飞速发展, 市场主体监管 理论、法律、监管体制、手段和方法等跟不上市场快速发展要求, 尚存在市场不 和谐因素。

(一 监管规则滞后。

从本质上讲,法律是对现实社会生活的确认。监管规则滞后,一是市场经济 条件下, 一些迫切需要法律法规迟迟不能出台, 致使政府无法实施监管活动。二 是一些法律法规规定不符合市场竞争要求, 赋予政府管理部门政策制定者、企业 所有者、行业监管者多重身份, 客观上难以保证这些行业的充分竞争。如 :烟草、盐业、供电、信息产业等等。三是法律法规确定市场监管机构承担的职责与其赋 予的权力不相适应,致使监管职能难以到位。如 :工商行政管理机关作为市场监 管和行政执法部门, 法律未授权其对涉嫌违法主体的人身、财产、场所等采取必 要的强制措施的权力, 致使难以及时收集当事人的违法证据, 查明违法事实, 放 纵了违法行为。

(二 监管权力分散。

我国工商、质监、卫生、农业、经贸、公安等几乎所有政府涉及经济管理的 部门都有市场监管的职能。这种体制具体有两个特点 :一是职能的交叉性,即对 同一市场行为设定不同的部门进行监管,人为造成工作中有利就争,有弊就推, 互相扯皮的现象;二是职权的层级性,即对同一违法行为根据社会危害程度设定 相关部门不同的执法权。如 :生产不合格种子违法行为轻微的,农业部门可以吊 销其《生产经营许可证;违法行为严重的要提请工商行政管理部门才能吊销其 《营业执照》;需要追究刑事责任的,要将案件移送公安机关处理。工作中往往 认识各异,难以协调,很难形成合力,实现预期的监管目的。

(三 抗干预能力弱。

尽管党中央国务院对工商部门实行省以下垂直管理, 但由于法律法规赋予权 力不足以保证其依法独立履行职责, 市场监管活动很大程度上必须依靠地方党委 政府和相关部门的支持配合。这种职能上的依附性决定了市场监管活动的开展必 然受制于地方党委、政府。因此, 对明显损害经济秩序, 但涉及地方经济利益的 违法行为, 市场监管部门往往只能屈从于地方党委、政府的意愿, 很难进行有效 的抵制。

(四 执法保障不足。

市场监管活动是一项实践性很强的社会活动, 具有监管内容的专业性, 监管 方式的对抗性和经济支出的不可预见性等特点。市场监管部门尚未建立起相关业 务的技术监测体系,其监管职责的履行完全依赖当事人的举报和执法人员的经 验、知识进行判断。


和谐是一种状态, 是事物组成部分之间的有机融合, 它表现为一种良好的秩 序。社会和谐就是社会各个组成部分之间的良性互动, 是一种有序的状态。和谐

社会要求构建和谐市场。和谐市场是全社会共同的事业。应针对市场经济多元化, 市场主体结构复杂化, 市场行为多样化, 监管职能交叉化等特点现状, 探讨研究 与社会发展要求相适应的理论、法律、观念、机制等行之有效的监管体系。实现

五对关系的和谐,即 :市场主体之间关系的和谐;消费者与市场主体关系的和谐;监管机关与市场主体关系的和谐;监管机关与消费者关系和谐;经济秩序与整个 社会关系的和谐,从而达到社会经济发展和稳定。

(一 强化市场监管理论创新,完善法律法规

市场监管随市场经济发展而来,成长期短,没有相应学科支撑,理论基础薄 弱,缺乏完整、系统的市场监管理论体系。法律法规不够完善,出台滞后,实用 性不强,操作不便。必须加速理论研究创新,法律、法规修改,形成独立学科体 系,指导实践,完善法律法规,依法行政,促进和谐监管。法律是规范市场经济 秩序的基础, 法规是依法行政的依据。必须随着形势变化, 市场发展要求不断完 善法律, 修改法规。在条款内容上, 注重适用性和可操作性;在时间上快捷提速, 缩短周期;在受权上,防止交叉性和重复性,为构建和谐监管,提供法律保障。

(二 强化效率优先,完善市场监管机制。

中共中央总书记胡锦涛同志在(中纪委第五次全会》 讲话中强调 :执政能力问 题与效能问题密切相关, 效能高低反映执政能力高低。行政效率是行政效能的重 要方面, 也是衡量行政效能的重要尺度。市场监管运行机制思维定位, 机构设置 合理性, 部门职责划分直接决定着市场监管效能。因此, 必须遵循市场发展的客 观规律, 完善监管机制, 理清部门职责, 实现职能到位, 使市场监管机制更好地 得到有效发挥,提高市场和谐监管效能。

一是要以创新为动力, 大胆抛弃传统的市场监管理念和方法。针对现行存在 职能交叉,多头监管,重复劳动,效率低的弊端,创新市场监管理念,改革监管 体制。二是要以机构改革为先导。按照精统一和效能的原则, 将职能相同或近似 的部门进行整合重组, 实现机构、职责和人员的优化以及市场监管权力的相对集 中统一。三是要以建立相关的技术体系为依托, 增强市场监管机构工作的科技信 息含量, 提高市场监管的科学性和权威性。四是要以权力的合理配置为重点, 切

实改变市场监管机构有责无权, 权责失衡的现状, 赋予市场监管机构及时对市场 违法犯罪行为进行查处的权力。五是建立职责、权力相对统一,技术体系完善, 权力配置到位的类似于经济警察的市场监管机构, 提高行政效能, 和谐市场监管 运行机制。

(三 强化科学监管,提高行政效率。

坚持科学发展观就是要树立科学发展的思维理念和行为方式,运用科技成 果,提升监管效能。以最小成本获得最大的监管效果。

一是通过开展网上审批和网上办照等, 减少审批环节, 提高市场准人速度和 透明度, 为辖区经济发展提供更多、更合格、健康的市场主体, 实现市场准人的 科学化。二是通过网上年检和动态 “经济户口” 的建立, 对企业和个体工商户实 施分类监管, 提高市场巡查的实效性, 促进社会信用体系的建立, 实现市场监管 的科学化。三是通过与相关职能部门的联机联网, 最大限度地利用社会信息资源 及时查处那些已经消亡却又不依法办理注销手续或利用破产倒闭等手段恶性逃 避债务,损害国家、集体和债权人的利益的违法行为,实现市场退出的科学化。四是通过整合资源, 扩大功能, 在 123巧消费者申诉、举报网络的基础上, 对现 在分散的专项执法网络进行资源整合, 逐步建立一个统一高效, 信息共享的集消 费者咨询、申诉、举报、消费安全预警、查办案件、行政执法于一体的综合网络, 提高维权服务效能, 实现依法行政科学化, 促进监管效能全面提升, 为投资者营 造零的障碍,达到低成本、高诚信效果。


构建社会主义和谐社会的一个重要前提就是发展经济,稳定社会。“仓察实 而知礼节”。发展的和谐是社会和谐的根本之道、物质之基。而工商行政管理机 关是党的方针政策的直接实践者、落实者, 其服务效应直接关系到社会经济的健 康运行和发展。因此,工商行政管理机关在工作中,遵循监管与服务相统一;依 法行政与发展相统一的客观规律, 提升服务质量, 促进市场发展。提高行政效率, 促进社会稳定。确保社会主义市场经济秩序健康有序运行。

(一 优化市场主体准入环境,发挥服务效应作用。

市场主体准人, 投资者注册登记是工商行政管理机关最基本职能, 也是构建 社会主义和谐社会的重要窗口, 其效应体现在优化主观服务中。因此, 在工作中 把面向群众,服务投资者作为工商永不变的宗旨;促进改革,发展经济作为工商 永恒追求;规范投资者行为,有效监管作为工商目标主题,提高工作效率,为优 化窗口服务, 创造了良好发展环境, 制定了切实可行的有效措施, 从而促进区域 经济发展。

一是窗口对外, 推行公开服务。即公开服务人员;公开服务事项;公开服务内 容;公开服务方式;公开服务时限;公开服务指南(即明白卡;公开投诉电话, 使服 务对象一看便知,一问便明,一查便懂,一办便成。

二是依法准人,指导服务。对引进辖区落户企业,提供法律法规咨询,耐心 解答。宣传取消不合理前置审批条件政策;对重点企业遇到难题,事先预约,送 法上门,跟踪服务;对困难企业正确引导,调整产业结构,完善内部运行机制, 发挥内在动力,尽快脱困。

三是提供高效、快捷服务。设定政务中心,实行一站式办证窗口,一次性告 知,一审一核制,互联审批,网上登记,减少周转环节,缩短办照时间,提高办 证效率。

四是立足发展, 创新服务。对支柱产业、高科技企业、利税大户建立联系点, 跟踪服务, 积极鼓励企业上规模、上档次, 以达到壮大重点企业, 带动相关产业, 繁荣区域经济的目的。

五是心系下岗人员,帮扶服务。开辟绿色通道,设窗口,提供“一站式”办 公,优先办证。在符合条件情况下, “手续从简,速度从快”。并实行“一免二 减”优惠政策,促进了社会稳定。监管体现于服务之中,服务促进监管。实现事 前宣传政策法规,正确引导;事中跟踪服务,帮助投资者建章建制,完善内部运 行机制;事后规范投资者行为,实行有效监管,为投资者和企业营造零的障碍, 从而达到高诚信优服务的创业和发展环境。

(二强化依法行政,发挥监管职能作用。强化依法行政,发挥监管职能作用。和谐社会一定是有序社会,有序社会应该是依法治理社会。工商行政管理机 关是履行监管和行政执法的重要职能部门,在构建社会主义和谐过程中,既遵循 市场规则,确认市场主体资格,规范企业和经营者行为,谋求产业发展,又坚持 依法监管,严厉打击违法行为,依法维护市场秩序,确保市场经济有效运行。一是强化科学性,实现全面监管。以“经济户口”为基础,及时反映和掌握 辖区各类经济组织状况;以巡查动态监管为核心,对重点区域实行跟踪监管;以 12315 举报投诉为线索,追根溯源,挖源头,查处违规违法的大案、要案,形成 “点、面、线”三者有机结合、融为一体的监管体系。二是强化指导性,实现预警监管。通过“经济户口”、动态巡查、“12315” 三点一线提供和反映企业轻微违章违规行为,实行预警制:先告示,指明违规事 项;再给予警示,下达限期整改通知书;引导企业建立内部信用管理机制,达到自 律、自纠的目的。三是强化突击性,实现重点监管。在加强全面监管职能的同时,突出重点监 管。紧紧围绕直接危害人民切身利益的,社会反映强烈,群众关注的热点和季节 市场的特点;与人民群众生活密切相关的农副产品、食品、药品;“黄金周”假日 旅行市场以及夏季饮料市场等集中整治和重点监管,达到以点带面。四是强化规范监管,实现从严执法。坚决取缔无照经营;捣毁制假售假窝点;整治网吧,净化校园周边环境;查封违法经营场所,打击各种传销和变相传销活 动;查处食品、药品商标侵权;查办大案、要案等,以此促进流通领域经济运行形 式,保护驰名商标,维护市场经济秩序,为经济发展起到保驾护航作用。网络功能作用。(三强化消费者维权服务,发挥“123 巧”网络功能作用。强化消费者维权服务,发挥“ 完善消费维权机制,强化消费者自我保护意识,提升市场监管效能,改善消 费环境,促进和谐健康社会是工商行政管理机关实践“三个代表”重要思想,落

实党的“执政为民”要求的具体体现。因此,运用“123 巧”网络,开辟解决消 费纠纷渠道,有效地保护消费者合法权益。一是构建以工商分局 “12315” 为中心,以工商所 “22315” 为依托,“12315” 以 联络站(点为基层的三级联动咨询投诉、举报体系,形成集中受理,网上分转,快速处理的运作机制,实现了对市场秩序的有效控制。二是认真受理,依法履行“12315”咨询、投诉举报的消费纠纷,快速回

复,及时处理,协调解决,化解消费纠纷,为消费者挽回经济损失。三是建立社会监督网络,推进“12315”进社区。建立学校联络站,依靠社 会力量,宣传消费者权益保护法律法规,提高辨别真假商品能力,规避消费陷阱,提高自我防范,依法维权意识。四是强化依法经营,发挥行业自律作用。不断规范经营者行为,增强行业自 律意识,端正生产经营作风,树立为消费者服务的理念和良好的职业道德观,提 高商品质量,共同维护消费者合法利益。五是依法行政,严厉打击违法行为。在受理解决消费者投诉时,善于从涉假 投诉中发现制假售假线索,追根溯源,深挖窝点,扩大案源,严惩违法分子。从 源头加强对市场主体监管,为社会主义经济持续协调发展,提供有力保障。依法是和谐市场监管的依据,人是和谐市场监管的关键。工商行政管理机关 必须提高五种能力,即:以促进经济社会全面协调可持续发展为中心,提高服务 发展能力;以依法规范,便民快捷,公开透明,服务优质为目的,提高行政许可 的能力;以反应灵敏,指挥协调查处效力为核心,提高市场监管的能力;以畅通渠 道化解纠纷,打击侵权为重点,提高依法维权的能力;以忠于职守,勇于负责,清正廉洁,执法如山为标准,提高队伍建设的能力,为维护市场经济秩序,促进 发展,构建和谐社会,充分发挥职能作用,再立新功,再创辉煌 姓名:黄建

性别:男 民族:汉族 出生年月:1970 年 2 月 19 日 工作单位:广州市花都区赤坭镇城管中队 职务:管理员 地址:广州市花都区赤坭镇城管中队 邮编:510800 电话、***


coming to the yale campus, with its distinctive(distinctive有特色的,特殊的 distinctive features 特点 soldiers often have distinctive insignias on their lapels.士兵的翻领上常佩有特殊的军阶识别符号。)academic flavor, and looking at the eager young faces in the audience, i cannot but recall my great experience studying at qinghua university in beijing 40 years ago.indeed, what happens during one s school year will influence his whole life.i still benefit greatly from the instruction and my interaction with other students.yale is renowned for its long history, unique way of teaching and excellence in academic pursuit.if time could go back several decades, i would really like to be a student of yale just like you.yale s motto “light and truth,” which is a calling for human progress, represents the aspiration of every motivated young man and woman.over the past three centuries, yale has produced a galaxy of outstanding figures, including 20 nobel laureates and five american presidents.the words of nathan hale, an american hero and yale alumnus(alumnus kk: [] dj: [] n 1.【主美】男校友;男女合校之男女校友), “i only regret that i have but one life to lose for my country,” have also inspired me and many other chinese.i sincerely hope that yale will produce more talent and contribute further to the social and economic development of the united states and the cause of human progress.ladies and gentlemen, dear friends.the chinese and americans have always had an intense(intensekk: [] dj: [] a.1.强烈的,剧烈的;极度的 the fracture caused him intense pain.骨折给他造成了剧烈的疼痛。2.热情的;热切的 the candidate has many intense supporters.这位候选人有许多热烈的支持者

intensive kk: [] dj: []a.1.加强的;密集的 an intensive bombardment密集轰炸2.精深的;透彻的an intensive course in english英语精读课程3.特别护理的intensive care in hospitals is given to the seriously ill.医院对危重病人作特别护理。4.集约栽培的;精耕细作的intensive farming集约农业 1.characterized by a high degree or intensity;often used as a combining form2.tending to give force or emphasis3.of agriculture;intended to increase productivity of a fixed area by expending more capital and labor。

intense: very great;very strong especially in quality or feeling;extreme.强烈的intensive:giving a lot of attention or action to a small amount of sth.like many couples, they have enjoyed a drop in prices for a variety of items they have bought in recent weeks--thanks to a slow economy and intense competition.和其他夫妇一样,近几个星期他们俩购买了许多价格低廉的物品, 这应该感谢市场的疲软和竞争的激烈。intense pain can mean serious damage.有剧痛说明伤得很重。i cannot stand the intense heat here.我受不了这里的酷热。比较:intense 和 intensive 的意思在相当程度上是交叉的,但是它们经常有细微的差别。当用来描述人的感情或活动时,intense 通常指由内在倾向而来的力量或专心,它特别适于用来描写感情状态:intense pleasure, dislike, loyalty, and so forth.intensive极度的快乐,极为厌恶,非常忠诚等等。intensive更常用于指行为的强度和程度是由外部强加的:intensive bombing, training, marketing.强烈的爆炸,强烈的训练,紧张的营销。因此mark's intense study of german 指马克自己对集中的行为负责,而mark's intensive study of german 意味着马克的学习计划是打算在短时间内涉猎大量内容)interest in and cared deeply about each other.the chinese admire the pioneering and enterprising(enterprising 1.有事业心的;富进取心的;有魄力的 it's very enterprising of them to start up a business like that.他们那样去开创生意是很有魄力的。phil is an enterprising cook.菲尔是个有进取心的厨师)spirit of the americans and their proud achievement in national development.as china develops rapidly and steady headway is made in china-u.s.cooperation, more and more americans are following with great interest china s progress and development.between 1978 and XX, china s gdp grew from $147.3 billion to $2.2257 trillion.its import and export volume went up from $20.6 billion to $1.4221 trillion and its foreign exchange reserve soared from $167 million to $818.9 billion.during this period, the number of its poor rural population dropped from 250 million to 23 million.the above review of the profound changes in these 160 years shows one thing, namely, by carrying out persistent and hard struggle, the chinese people have both changed their own destiny and advanced the cause of human progress.on the other hand, i need to point out that, despite the success in its development, china remains the world s largest developing country, with per capita gdp ranking behind the 100th place.the chinese people are yet to live a well-off life and china still faces daunting([ d?:nti? ] a.令人畏惧的 the prospect of meeting the president is quite daunting.一想到要会见总统就足以令人心悸.their guide deserted them, but nothing daunted, they pressed on into the jungle.向导离他们而去,但是他们毫不气馁,仍向森林进发。)challenges in its development endeavor.therefore it requires sustained and unremitting efforts to transform the country and make life better for its people.in the next 15 years, we will strive to make new progress in building a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way that will benefit china s one billion and more population.we aim to raise china s gdp to $4 trillion by 2020, averaging $3,000 per person.by then, china s economy will be better developed and its democracy will be further enhanced.more progress will be made in science and education.its culture will be further enriched, the society will become more harmonious and the people will lead a better life.to realize these goals, china has adopted a new concept of development in line with its national conditions and the requirement of the times.that is, to pursue a scientific outlook on development that makes economic and social development people-oriented, comprehensive, balanced and sustainable.we will work to strike a proper balance between urban and rural development, development among regions, economic and social development, development of man and nature, and domestic development and opening wider to the outside world.greater emphasis will be put on addressing issues affecting people s livelihood, overcoming imbalances in development and resolving key problems that have occurred in the course of development.we will pursue a new path to industrialization featuring high technology, good economic returns, low resource-consumption, low environment pollution and full use of human resources.we will bring about coordinated economic, political, cultural and social development.and we will endeavor to ensure sustainable development by boosting production, improving people s life and protecting the environment.the chinese civilization has always given prominence to social harmony, unity and mutual assistance.back in the early days of the chinese nation, the chinese already advocated that “harmony is most valuable.” they strove for harmony between man and nature, among people and between man s body and soul, and yearned for an ideal society where “everyone loves everyone else, everyone is equal and the whole world is one community.”

today, china is endeavoring to build a harmonious society.it is a society of democracy and rule of law, fairness and justice, integrity, fraternity(fraternity: [ fr?'t?:niti ] n.友爱,互助会,兄弟会 he is a member of the medical fraternity.他在医务界工作。a person who has been accepted for membership in a fraternity or similar organization and has promised to join but has not yet been initiated.立誓入会的人已经被兄弟会或类似的组织接受为会员而且立誓加入,但仍尚未入会的人), vitality(vitality: [ vai'tæliti ]n.活力,生命力名词复数:vitalities 1.the vitality of the movement is threatened.这个运动的生命力岌岌可危。2.the ballet sparkled with vitality.那场芭蕾舞演得生动活泼。3.she is full of youth and vitality.她充满了青春和活力.), stability, order and harmony between man and nature.it is a society where there is unity between the material and the spirit, democracy and rule of law, fairness and efficiency, and vitality and order.the chinese people takes [sic] the maintenance of ethnic unity and harmony as their bounden duty and the defense of the country s sovereignty(sovereignty: [ 's?vrinti ]n.主权,独立国 名词复数:sovereignties 1.the sovereignty of these islands is in dispute.这些岛屿的主权有争执。2.an australian-administered island in the eastern indian ocean south of java.it was annexed by great britain in1888 and came under australian sovereignty in1958.圣诞岛爪哇岛南部印度洋东部的一座岛屿,由澳大利亚管辖。在1888年由英国吞并,1958年主权归澳大利亚 3.the position, authority, or jurisdiction of a prince;sovereignty.主权,统治权王子或王侯的地位、权力或司法权;主权 4.the territory, jurisdiction, sovereignty, rank, or estate of a prince.小国君主的权位王子(或诸侯、亲王、小国君主)的领地、管辖权、权位、地位或财产)and territorial integrity their sacred mission.any act that promoted ethnic harmony and national unity will receive the warm welcome and support of the chinese people.on the other hand, any act that undermines china s ethnic harmony and national unity will meet their strong opposition and resistance.


Harmonious society

The Chinese civilization has given prominence to harmonious ocean, unity and mutual cooperation.Back in the early days of the Chinese nation, the Chinese already advocated that “harmony is most valuable.” They strove for harmony between man and nature, among countries and between man's body and soul, and yearned for a peace world.Today, China is endeavoring to build a harmonious society.It is a society of democracy and rule of law, fairness and justice, integrity, vitality, stability, order and harmony between man and nature.It is a society where there is unity between the material and the spirit, democracy and rule of law, fairness and efficiency, and vitality and order.Love is so important;it is not only the needs of human beings to each other, but the foundation for a harmonious society, as song sings: As long as everyone contributes a little love, the world will become better.On the harmony and love, we feel the most when we donate money and goods, when we donate blood with the expression of calm......As an ordinary student, as a member of naval university of engineering, a member of love in here with a new interpretation: it is a considerate look or smile to each other, it is a helping hand when someone falls down, it is a reminder before going out, it is the heart of caring of friends, down to earth and self-dedication to serve our motherland.

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