
时间:2019-05-15 14:21:28下载本文作者:会员上传


I know much more about the differences between Americans and Chinese after listening to the lecture.What’s more, I surf on the Internet after class.As a result, I draw a conclusion, and here are the main points below.Firstly, we greet others in different ways.In America, people often employ the following expressions to greet each other: “Good morning/evening/afternoon.”“Fine day, isn’t it? ”” How is everything going?” and so on.Meanwhile in Chinese, we always say” Have you eaten yet?””What are you going to do?” or “Where have you been?”to show our greetings.Secondly, as we all know, both American and Chinese people have two kinds of personal names---a surname and a given name.But the order and the use of these names in the two languages are somewhat different.In Chinese, the surname comes first and then the given name while Americans names are written and spoken with the given name first and the family name last.Thirdly, Chinese prefer getting up and going to bed early.We usually go home early and cook meals, then we eat and watch TV, at last, we go to bed.We often work during the holidays , children often go to different spare schools to study.We like save money and when we have enough money, we then go and buy what we want.But in America, people live in a easy and happy live.They get up and go to work late , they go to pubs to have a rest after they finish their work and they enjoy their holidays.Thus, they seldom go to work during the weekend.Lastly, we eat food which is greatly different from Americans.We like cooking a lot of delicious dishes though Americans like eating hamburgers, chips, pizza, pasta as their main course.In short, we should know the differences well in that we can get along well with foreigners


With the rapidly growing popularity of science and technology, the process of globalization made great achievements.We have more chances to communicate with foreigners.Intercultural communicator has increasingly become a popular central issue of the public.To discuss this issue from cognitive perspective, western culture is based on individualism rather than on collectivism.For instance, in the US, you always talk about individual rights.This is clearly different in China where a country is placed above your own self.From the affect point of view, Chinese emotional expression is subtle but not directly.On the contrary, westerners express more enthusiastic.Furthermore, the Chinese people do not say yes or no, they are more accustomed to tactfully convey his meaning.No doubt, the Westerners would like to directly deliver how they think and what they want.In behavior, many behavioral differences are due to the impact of many aspects which cover environmental, cultural, historical and other factors.Do not ask for the age and income is a case in point.We should respect others.Respect for their privacy, their national culture, and religious beliefs.Second, we want to maintain friendly, and convey information clearly passed on through language or body language.Moreover, we just express ourselves in all sincerity and with warmth.Finally, the misunderstanding of cultural differences, we should learn to accommodate.


Difference betweenChinese and Western cultures Undoubtedlythereare so many differences between Chinese and Western culture, such as manners, language and so many others.Maybe history is one of the major cause of it.Chinese culture is older than 5000 years, and Chinese people have developed their own music, musical instruments, painting techniques, traditional Chinese medicine, and not to forget, cooking methods as wellwhich is completely different and unique when compared to Western culture.So this time I’m going to pick some aspects and talk about it.Like what mentioned above, cooking methods of China is totally different from the westerns’.Not like west people, we have so many ways to deal with foods.It is said that there are more than fifty ways for a Chinesecook to choose every time he dealing withthe same kind offood.No wander to be a great cook in china you have to start training from young child.ComparedwithChinese, westerns seems to be more casual when they are cooking.They usually cook food by frying or stewing.Because they would like to put emphasis on food’s nutrition not the taste of it.When it comes to the aspect of men’s behavior, there is a vast difference in the rules of behavior between Chinese and Westerns.Westerns are more willing to change the environment rather than adapting themselves to it, which is opposite to Chinese people.Affected by the ancient philosophies of China, we believe in that we must get ourselves into one certain environment.For example, once we come into a new group, we are always told to follow others so that we can become one of it.But westerners would like to make them change and teach them to work in his way.Besides the behavior of people from two distinct culture, the realization of self-worth is different for Chinese and westerns.Affected by the Confucius’s philosophy from the ancient time.We believed that we should put our countryahead of our own interests.One can be respected only by making contribution for his country, like some war heroes.But westerns do respect those who succeed in his own lives.They believe that man who achieve goals of happiness and success by working hard is worth others’ respecting.Maybe that can explains why so many millionaire inChina can’t have the equal reputation compared to those westerns’.Anyway, Westerners usuallyfind the Chinese culture complex, and hard to understand, as the Chinese culture has its own values, background and belief system.



As the world is developing faster and faster, there are more communications between countries, so more and more people want to minimize the misunderstanding between eastern and western countries in order to avoid embarrassement when they meet.Some of the differences are listed as follows.First of all, we all have ideas about what kinds of food are good to eat.The French eat snails but not locusts.The Jews eat fish but not pork.The Hindus eat pork but not beef.The Russians eat beef but not snake.While Chinese people eat more vegetables and fruit.Then, the way of communication.There are some language problems, such as direct, indirect, expansive, and so on.Both Chinese and English communication reflect people’s pshchology for good will, saftey and fortune and pleasantness.The Chinese and English people restrict their words and deeds through baboos, trying to keep a harmonious relationship between human and nature.The most important different way is the family structure, family values and family education between the east and west, among which the first in the biggest difference.In the eastChildren repay their parents’ sacrifices by being successful and supporting them in old ages.Of couse, there are many other aspects.The more people understand them, the better they will understand eacho other.



浏览次数:1548次悬赏分:0 | 提问时间:2008-5-15 15:29 | 提问者:米饭团子86

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沃尔玛属于美国典型企业~~ 无论是到世界各地的任何一间沃尔玛连锁店中,你都会感受到一种强烈的与众不同。这是长期以来形成的企业文化,是沃尔玛精神——勤恳、节俭、活跃、创新。正因为此,每一位公司同仁都热爱着沃尔玛,默默地为服务顾客的事业而奉献。





































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