
时间:2019-05-15 14:16:16下载本文作者:会员上传


Hello ,everyone.The title of my represention is a respresentative of South Korea’s superstars.He is both a singer and a actor.The name of him is Kim Hyun Joong.When kim was just 19 years old ,he signed a contract with DSP and entered the entertainment circle.Today ,many teenagers in Korea ,China ,Thai ,even all around the word ,are influenced by him by South Korea’s culture ,including its TV series and movies.Kim Hyun Joong became famous in Asia because of his TV series called Boys over Flowers.He played the second role in this TV series named Yin Zhi hou who was the grandson of South Korea’s president.He found that he did love the girl ,but it as too late for him to chase her.Kim successfully acted the role of this melancholic boy.And then.In 2010 ,he agreed to act the male leading role of a popular work called Tinged Kiss.Nowadays , Kim has been one of the 10 most popular superstars both at home and abroad.Let’s see some pictures of his TV series.In 2005, Kim Hyun Joong entered the music world as the leader of the band SS501.After several years, SS501 became very famous in Asia for their music.The TV series “Boys over flowers” theme song was performed by SS501.And it made the band much more famous.They had a lot of popular songs, including, “ Your Man” ”.Unfortunately, the SS501 disbanded in 2010 as its members ended their contract.They signed with other companies and developed by themselves.Kim signed with new company named Keyeast.By the way, Kim Hyun Joong will make a new solo album in May of this year.I believe that his career will only get better and better.Since 2010 ,Kim left his company to another company and then released several albums and mini solos.This is his first mini album break down and became the champion of Music Charts.Kiss Kiss and Lucky Guy also gain good grades.That’s all.Thank you.












Regain Confidence

By Li Jun(李军青岛海洋大学)



I received a devastating blow to my self-confidence in the first interview of my college years.I applied to be a host in our Student Acting Troupe and felt confident that I would be accepted.But one of the panel members told me: “You seem inadequate and you are a little vertically-challenged.” My life has never been the same since.I used bigger heels to complement my height and psychological maneuvers and tricks to hide my lack of confidence.But no matter how hard I tried to look the part, there was still something missing.As president of English Club, I organized the rehearsal of Snow White for an English party.Unfortunately, we could not find an actor to be the last dwarf.It had to be someone who was humorous by nature and fluent in English.Suddenly, all eyes turned to me, and I knew I would have to be the dwarf.To my great surprise and delight, once on stage, I was totally absorbed in the performance and my humorous nature was put to full use.As the dwarf, I was a big hit.Yes, each of us is only one among millions of others, but each of us is an individual and each of us is unique.Cultivating our individuality will transform our lives, making of them a kaleidoscope of new colors and textures.A world deprived of diversity would be a bland and boring place.The real tragedy is not being short or shy or ugly, but having your identity lost in a world in which everyone is a clone of a model cool boy or a flawless charming girl.Given a choice, I would rather be ugly than live in such a world.I'd rather be a genuine dwarf accompanying a Snow White than be a Snow White among nothing but Snow Whites.I would rather be myself.I would contribute my individual and unique colors to create a more diverse universe.please, be yourself.译文:我重树信心









Unit 1:

1.The group(elected)one of its members to be their spokesperson.该团队推选了一位成员当发言人。

2.Wage increases are being kept to a(minimum)in many companies because of the economic depression.由于经济的萧条,许多公司将工资增幅控制在最低点。

3.The engineering profession now has many(distinct)branches.现在工程业有很多不同的分支。

4.Now that you’re 13you should have more sense of(responsibility).既然你已经13岁了,就应该有更强的责任感。

5.Students usually(pursue)one or more of the subjects, which they have studied ay “A” level, such as Art, Drama, English, Music, etc.学生们通常会继续学习一门或几门他们已经达到“A”级水平的课程,如艺术、喜剧、英语、音乐等。

6.We need to make sure that we(exploit)our resources as fully as possible.我们要确保充分利用我们的资源。

7.Congress is considering measures to(restrict)the sale of possible.国会正考虑采取措施限制香烟的销售。

8.College courses should be designed to(equip)students with knowledge and skills to help them survive in modern society.大学课程的设计应能使学生们获得有助于他们在现代社会生存的知识和技能。

9.The local government(granted)$1.1 million so that the old theatre could be taken down and rebuilt.当地政府不宽110万美元,这样这座老剧院就可以拆掉重建了。

10.For his achievement in the medical field, the Mayor(awarded)him a medsl of merit.为了表彰他在医学领域所取得的成就,市长给他颁发了荣誉奖章。

Unit 2:

1.I’m absolutely sure that this dress is a cheaper(version)of the one saw in that department store.我完全可以肯定这条裙子和我们在那件百货商店看到的那条一模一样,只是价格更便宜些。

2.The bookshelves were crowded with books and scientific(publication).书架上摆满了各种图书和科技出版物。

3.If you want to open a fire,(click)twice on the icon for it.如果你想打开一个文件夹,请双击该文件夹的图标。

4.To their disappointment, the thieves were(spotted)by the police at the moment they were entering the bank.让小偷们感到失望的是,他们一进银行就被警察发现了。

5.During World War II, many(refuses)fled to the United States.二战时期,许多难民逃到了美国。

6.They’ve updated a lot of(entries)in the most recent edition of the dictionary.在最新版的字典中他们更新了许多词条。

7.Despite(financial)difficulties, they did not find the life in London unpleased.尽管有经济上的困难,他们并没有觉得在伦敦生活有什么不如人意。

8.After a lot of part-time job, John finally got a(full-time)position.做过许多兼职后,约翰终于找到了一份全职工作。

9.In your report, you should give a(detailed)description of the whole incident.在报告中你应对整个事件做出详细描述。

10.Companies publish(annual)reports to inform the public about the previous year’s activities.公司发表报告向大家通报公司过去一年的情况。

Unit 3:

1.Company loyalty made him turn down many(attractive)job offers.对公司的忠诚使他拒绝了很多诱人的工作。

2.Miller’s(fascination)with medieval art dates from her childhood.米勒对中世纪艺术的着迷源于童年。

3.His(statement)that he had nothing to do with the affair was greeted with some suspicion.他说自己与此事无关的辩解遭到了怀疑。

4.There are good novelists,(despite)the terrible flood of bad novels and poor work.虽然有很多粗制滥造的小说和作品,但还是有很多优秀的小说家。

5.The shops are well stocked with food, clothing and other consumer(items).商店里满是食物、服装和其他商品。

6.Something is worrying me, but I con’t(define)exactly what it is.我隐隐有些担心,但又不知道担心的是什么。

7.She had a clear(image)of how she would look in twenty years’ time.她很清楚20年后自己会是什么模样。

8.The agency is more(concerned)with making arty ads than understanding its clients.该代理公司更注重做一些矫揉造作的广告,而不是真正理解自己的客户。

9.The dead soldier was identified only by his uniform and personal(belongings).只能根据支付和个人物品来确定该阵亡士兵的身份。

10.Food and clothing are the bare(necessities)of life.食物和衣服是最基本的生活用品。

Unit 4:

1.The driver gave a(signal)that he was going to turn right.司机发出了向右拐的信号。

2.It was reported that 41people were killed in a place(crash)in the Himalayas last week.据报道,上周的喜马拉雅山空难中有41人丧生。

3.The ship’s captain radioed that it was in(distress).船长通过无线电报告轮船上遇上了险情。

4.The skaters moved over the ice with a smooth, effortless(grace).滑冰运动员做轻松、流畅,姿势优雅地在冰面上滑行。

5.The bomb was taken away and the soldiers(exploded)it at a safe distance from the houses.炸弹被转移,并且战士在远离民宅处安全引爆。

6.They were on their way to the Shropshire Union Canal when their car was involved in a(collision)with a truck.在前往希罗普郡联合运河的途中,他们的叉子与一辆卡车相撞。

7.The Central Bank(lowered)interest rates by 2 percent.中央银行将利率下调了2%。

8.He(beamed)a cheerful welcome as he opened the door for the distinguished guest.他为贵宾打开门时,脸带微笑地表示热烈欢迎。

9.He used to(scatter)his toys all over the floor and I had to pick them up.他过去常常把玩具丢得满地都是,还得我一一收拾

10.The(destruction)of the world’s forests concerns everyone in some way.全球森林遭到破坏,在某种意义上,这关系到每一个人。

Unit 5:

1.The economy in that country(was sinking)deeper and deeper into crisis.那个国家的经济正陷入越来越深的危机中。

2.My father was a historian and his(specialty)was the history of Germany.我父亲是历史学家,专长是德国历史。

3.They decided to close the museum(purely)and simply because it cost too much to run.他们决定关闭博物馆纯粹是因为经营费用太高。

4.The local government has decided on new measures to(discourage)car use in favour of public transportation.当地政府已经决定采取新措施限制小汽车的使用以利于公共运输。

5.It’s pretty(unlikely)that they’ll turn up now – it’s nearly ten o’clock.都快10点钟了,他们很可能不来了。

6.The interchange of ideas aids an understanding of group(dynamics).相互交流思想有助于理解群体的动力。

7.She says it’s a good film and recommends it to all her friends, though she hasn’t(actually)seen it.她说这部电影不错,并推荐给她的所有朋友,尽管事实上她并没有看过。

8.Stop shouting and let’s discuss this(reasonably).别在大喊了,让我们理智地讨论一下。

9.People now(have perceived)that green issues are important to our future.人们现在已经认识到环保问题对我们未来的重要性。

10.Kathy and Eric run this small hotel as an “(extended)home”, which should give you a good idea of the atmosphere of warmth and hospitality there.凯西和埃里克把这家小旅馆当做一个“大家庭”来经营,这让你体会到那里温馨好客的气氛。

Unit 6:

1.The audience cheered and(clapped)enthusiastically as the curtain came down.落幕时,观众报以热烈的掌声。

2.Torrence expects to(defend)her title successfully in the next Olympics.托伦斯希望在下一届奥运会上卫冕成功。

3.Would you(quit)your job if you inherited lots of money from your parents?


4.Jack has spent years in the development and(perfection)of his wine – making techniques.杰克花了数年的时间来完善她的制酒工艺。

5.As an advanced journalist, she has(interviewed)celebrities and political leaders on her radio program for over 25years.作为一名高级记者,她在其电台节目中采访名人和政客已超过25年。

6.According to a(survey)of 1000city residents, garbage collection is the city service people like most.一项1000名市民的调查显示,人们最喜欢的市政服务时垃圾回收。

7.The reporter managed to get an(exclusive)interview with the Prime Minister.这名记者设法对首相进行独家采访。

8.We’ve had to build some cupboards to give us more(storage)space.我们得做几个碗橱一边多一点储藏空间。

9.“I’ve always found German cars very reliable,” he(observed)in the newspaper column.“我一直觉得德国车可靠,”他在报刊专栏上如是说。

10.A team of sports journalists was sent to Germany to(cover)the 2006 World Cup.大批的体育记者被派往德国追踪报道2006年世界杯。

Unit 7:

1.You have to be a burn(optimist)to be able to do this hard job and not despair.你得是个天生的乐观主义者才能做这项艰巨的工作而不绝望。

2.Economic(reconstruction)in the country must begin with the recovering of agricultural production.这个国家的经济重建必须从恢复农业生产开始。

3.Her speech failed to(sway)her colleagues into supporting the plan.她的发言没能说服他的同事支持这一计划。

4.Jack never allowed himself to be bullied into doing anything that went against his(principles).杰克从来不屈服于他人的威逼而去做违背自己原则的事情。

5.I felt disgusted and wondered how I could ever have been so(gross).我觉得恶心,我怎么会做出那么不雅的事情。

6.The director insisted that the conditions of the contract should be(fulfilled)exactly.主管坚持必须不折不扣地履行合同中的条款。

7.Trade Union representatives are chosen by(election);All the members have a vote.工会代表由选举产生,每名成员有一次投票机会。

8.The doctor who performed the(surgery)gave Aikman an 85% chance of full recovery by September.给艾克曼做手术的一声使他有85%的机会到9月份完全康复。

9.Mother was a(pillar)of strength to us when our situation seemed hopeless.当我们身处似乎绝望的境地时,母亲使我们力量的支柱。

10.The students complained about the(rigid)rules and regulations at the school.学生抱怨学校的规章制度太死板。

C – E翻译:

Unit 1:

1.任何年满18岁的人都有资格投票。(be eligible to)

2.每学期开学前,这些奖学金的申请表格就会有学校发给每一个学生。(apply for, scholarship)

3.遵照医生的建议,我决定戒烟。(on the advice of)

4.公园位于县城的正中央。(be located in)


Unit 2:

1.警察们正忙着填写关于这场事故的何种表格。(fill out)

2.我想在还车之前把油箱(fuel yank)加满。(fill up)

3.如果你要投诉,最好遵循正确的程序。(follow the procedure)


5.暴风雨之后,岸边的人们交际地搜索湖面以期发现小船的踪迹。(scan for)

Unit 3:


2.电费上涨增加了我们的负担。(add to)

3.你应该自己判断行事,别总是跟在你哥哥的后面。(follow the lead)

4.那种发型今年很流行,但是我想明年就会过时。(in fashion)

5.在追求真理的过程中,我们注定(fate to)要遭受失败的痛苦。(in one’s quest for)

Unit 4:

1.她在公交车站一直等到末班车进站。(come in)



4.虽然她的新书没有上一本好,但是我还是很喜欢它。(not quite as)

5.我从未遇到过如此善良的人。(never before)

Unit 5:

1.我们得把感情放在一边,从专业的(professional)角度来对待这件事。(from a„standpoint)

2.这部戏非常精彩,我很快就沉浸于激动人性的剧情中。(lose oneself in)




Unit 6:

1.那件工作很难做,不过我想试试看。(have a shot)

2.这本书关于上午时间而非理论的书。(as opposed to)

3.社会活动从未耽误她的学习,(in the way)

4.知道1911年人们才发现第一种维生素。(It is not until„that)


Unit 7:

1.他并不后悔说过的话,只是觉得他完全可以不用这种方式表达。(could have done)

2.我们最好等到12月14日。那是大为已考完试,就能和我们一起去度假了。(will have done)

3.他正在做一个新项目,年底前必须完成。(work on)

4.他们让我们使用他们的实验室,作为回报,我们则让他们一项研究成果。(in return)

5.诸如打电话,听电话一类的事情占用了这位秘书的大部分时间。(take up)


Introduction: There is not one single Chinese language, but many different versions or dialects including Wu, Cantonese and Taiwanese.Northern Chinese, also known as Mandarin, is the mother tongue of about 70% of Chinese speakers and is the accepted written language for all Chinese.Belonging to two different language families, English and Chinese have many significant differences.This makes learning English a serious challenge for Chinese native speakers.Alphabet: Chinese does not have an alphabet but uses a logographic system for its written language.In logographic systems symbols represent the words themselvesVerb/Tense: In English much information is carried by the use of auxiliaries and by verb inflections: is/are/were, eat/eats/ate/eaten, etc.Chinese, on the other hand, is an uninflected language and conveys meaning through word order, adverbials or shared understanding of the context.The concept of time in Chinese is not handled through the use of different tenses and verb forms, as it is in English.For all these

reasons it is not surprising that Chinese learners have trouble with the complexities of the English verb system.Here are some typical verb/tense mistakes:

 What do you do?(i.e.What are you doing?)(wrong tense)I will call you as soon as I will get there.(wrong tense)She has got married last Saturday.(wrong tense)She good teacher.(missing copula)How much you pay for your car?(missing auxiliary)I wish I am rich.(indicative instead of subjunctive)

English commonly expresses shades of meaning with modal verbs.Think for example of the increasing degree of politeness of the following instructions:

Open the window, please. Could you open the window, please?

 Would you mind opening the window, please?

Since Chinese modals do not convey such a wide range of meaning, Chinese learners may fail to use English modals sufficiently.This can result in them seeming peremptory when making requests, suggestions, etc.Grammar-Other: Chinese does not have articles, so difficulties with their correct use in English are very common.There are various differences in word order between Chinese and English.In Chinese, for example, questions are conveyed by intonation;the subject and verb are not inverted as in English.Nouns cannot be post-modified as in English;and adverbials usually precede verbs, unlike in English which has complex rules governing the position of such sentence elements.Interference from Chinese, then, leads to the following typical problems:

When you are going home?

 English is a very hard to learn language. Next week I will return to China.(More usual English: I will return

to China next week.)

Vocabulary: English has a number of short verbs that very commonly combine with particles(adverbs or prepositions)to form what are known as phrasal verbs;for example: take on, give in, make do with, look up to.This kind of lexical feature does not exist in Chinese.Chinese learners, therefore, may experience serious difficulty in comprehending texts containing such verbs and avoid attempting to use them themselves.一、英语重结构,汉语重语义我国著名语言学家王力先生曾经说过:“就句子的结构而论,西洋语言是法治的,中国语言是人治的。”

二、英语多长句,汉语多短句 由于英语是“法治”的语言,只要结构上没有出现错误,许多意思往往可以放在一个长句中表达;汉语则正好相反,由于是“人治”,语义通过字词直接表达,不同的意思往往通过不同的短句表达出来。正是由于这个原因,考研英译汉试题几乎百分之百都是长而复杂的句子,而翻译成中文经常就成了许多短小的句子。




六、英语多变化,汉语多重复熟悉英语的人都知道,英语表达相同的意思时往往变换表达方式。第一次说“我认为”可以用“I think”,第二次再用“Ithink”显然就很乏味,应该换成“I believe”或“Iimagine”之类的表达。相比之下,汉语对变换表达方式的要求没有英语那么高,很多英语中的变化表达译成重复表达就行了。


八、英语多引申,汉语多推理英语有两句俗话:一是You know a word by the

company itkeeps.(要知义如何,关键看词伙),二是Words do not have meaning, but people havemeaning forthem.(词本无义,义随人生)。这说明词典对词的定义和解释是死的,而实际运用中的语言是活的。从原文角度来说,这种活用是词义和用法的引申,翻译的时候要准确理解这种引申,译者就需要进行推理。做翻译的人经常会有这样一种感受:某个词明明认识,可就是不知道该怎样表达。这其实就是词的引申和推理在起作用。





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