
时间:2019-05-15 14:33:52下载本文作者:会员上传


Hello,this is Johnson Joe reporting from a newly built neighborhood.I’m now standing at the center road of this neighborhood.On my left, there are some beautiful houses.Each one different from the other.They are all clean,tidy and pretty.On my ringht ,there is a small swimming pool,which is just big enough for some children to swim in.Behind the weimming pool,there is an amusement park.Many children are playing there.Next to the swimming pool on the right side,thereis a football field.Some boys are playing football.The neighborhood road is very safe.Tt’s free from the buses and cars on Sundays.So the children of this neighborhood can play football,learn to ride bike,roller skate,walk a dog and enjoy the beautiful environment on Sundays.Right now they are busy preparing for a competition.They are going to compete with other neighbourhoods to win the title of “garden neighborhood”.Each family wants to have something special in the yard.They wish they could have some better suggestions from the visitors.Of course you are one of them.You are invited to give them some help.You can help each family by drawing something nice in their garden.So that it will match the garden.I’m sure you can do it.You can help them with your hands to win that great title.This is the end of today’s daily report.I’mJohnson Joe from BBS


Unit 10 Guess: What was happening at about 1:30 yesterday afternoon?



1通过学习本单元,学生能初步掌握过去进行时的用法 2学生能学会一些生活中应付紧急情况的措施 3能够用英语简单复述本单元的阅读材料 教学内容: 1能听懂、回所、会读和会拼写单词:wardrobe, window, mat, footprint, handprint, messy, untidy, toys, littler, stool, dress-up, policeman, 2能听懂、会说和会读单词:happen, smoke, sill, firemen, save, fire-engine, brave, worse, dangerous, hurt, broken, horrible, sad, terrible, nowhere, dwarf, queen, mirror, prince, Singapore, Malay, language, point 3能听懂、会读句型:

What was happening at about 1:30 yesterday afternoon? What will you do if there is a fire in the kitchen? What will you do if you cut your finger? What will you do if you have lost your book? What was he/she doing at 8 yesterday evening? 教学重点: 1能听懂、回所、会读和会拼写单词:wardrobe, window, mat, footprint, handprint, messy, untidy, toys, littler, stool, dress-up, policeman, 2能听懂、会读句型:

What was happening at about 1:30 yesterday afternoon? What will you do if there is a fire in the kitchen? What will you do if you cut your finger? What will you do if you have lost your book? What was he/she doing at 8 yesterday evening? 教具: 1有关警察调查事情的图片 2各种活动及运动的图片


教学过程: 一Warm up: 1

Free talk.2

Review Unit 9 ,and ask some questions.二Presentation and practice: T: Who can tell me what you were doing at 8 yesterday morning? S: T: What you were doing at 9 p.m.yesterday evening? S: T: What were you doing at 3 p.m.yesterday afternoon? S: T: What were you doing at 10 a.m.yesterday morning? 板书:

---What were you doing at 8 p.m.yesterday evening?---I was doing my homework at 8 p.m.yesterday evening.通过练习来巩固上面的句型。T: Now please open your books and turn to page 57.We have got two pictures for you.These pictures are taken in the same room.One was before 12:00 a.m.One was taken after 1:30 p.m.Can you guess what was happening at about 1:30 yesterday afternoon? T: Why is the policeman asking the man? Who, do you think, is the man?” S: T: Maybe.”

T: OK, I know you have many thoughts.Let’s listen to the tape and find out what was happening at about 1:30 yesterday afternoon.Please listen carefully.I’m sure you know what was happening at that time.T: Who can tell us what was happening at about 1:30 yesterday afternoon?” T:



window mat footprint








policeman T: follow me read all the words.S: 让学生分组来朗读。4 T: listen the tap again.三:Practice: T: Look at the picture, Let’s practice.T: What were they doing at six p.m.yesterday evening in picture 1? S: They had a party.T: You can practice this part.第二课时 一Warm up 1 Review the new words.2 Practice part 2 二Listen, colour, draw and write T: Listen to the tape then colour and draw it.S: T: Listen it again.S: T: Let’s check it S: 三Read, think and answer 1 T: Now read part 4 then tell me which word or sentence you understand.S: 板书:Singapore




T: Read after me.S:

T: Read together.S: 2 T: follow me read this part.多领学生多读几遍 3 分组朗读。4 请个别朗读。四:Practice 1 T: Now read this part then fill in the blanks S: T: Let’s check the answers.S: 板书答案:are, very, eat, live, bee, than, queen 2 T: Now follow read this part 3 请小组朗读这个部分。

第三课时 一:Look and talk 1 T: Look at the fire.It’s terrible.It’s horrible.I’m sure the family will be very sad.It is very dangerous now.But the firemen are very brave.They are putting out the fire.Look, you can see two people there on the window sill.One is the fireman, the other is a man.Maybe that’s his home.板书: put out the fire, firemen, smoke, fire-engines, brave, worse, sill, dangerous, hurt, broken, saved, horrible, sad, terrible, nowhere 2: T: follow me read these word.S: 请学生多读几遍这些单词,理解单词的意思。3 分小组来朗读单词。T: Look at all the pictures, guess what was happing at 6:00yesterday evening? Foe example: It was six o’clock early in the morning.A heavy smoke came out of a building..T: Look at the picture, can you say something? 老师可以引导学生说出一些简单的句子。T: I’m sure no one was hurt.But the man could go nowhere at the moment, because his house was broken.Thanks to the fireman, this man was saved.T: When you are in this place, don’t be afraid.Lower your body and let your body lie on the floor, and stay as closely as possible, because the smoke goes up and the fire goes up.At least you can save yourself for some time.Call 119 at once.Don’t waste any time.二:Practice 第八部分是回答练习。学生可以先分组讨论每一种情况,最后教师再组织大家一起讨论。讨论后,教师最好就每个题给学生一个简单的回答,这样容易记住。比如:

1)Call 119 if there is a fire in the kitchen.Don’t use water to put out the fire caused by oil.Turn off the gas quickly.2)Quickly press the wounded part and use a piece of clean cloth to tie it up or use a band-aid.3)Run quickly!4)Look for the book first.If you still can’t find it, buy a new one.5)Do nothing.Because the cat can’t give you the fish back.6)I will give him some.7)Tell the manager directly, but not in front of him or her.第四课时 一Warm up 1 Review the new words.2 Read part 4 二Listen, read and act.1 T: Listen to the tape and follow the tape read this story.S: 2 板书: kill fell asleep dwarf




T: Now follow me read these words.S: T: Read together.3 T: Follow the tape read the story again.4 分小组朗读故事。请学生扮演不同的角色来朗读这篇故事。6 集体再朗读一次 三 Homework 1 完成课文第五部分。

2将课文第一部分的新单词写10遍,课文标题写5遍。3 完成天天练Unit10单元


第三篇:剑桥国际少儿英语课文原文Unit 5 Our pets

Unit5 Our pets 重点语言

词汇: cat, dog, fish, horse, mouse, bird,(red)and(blue), long, short, big, small, clean, dirty, Penny penguin 句型: They’re….发音: /p/ My bird is blue.My cat is young.And my mouse is grey.Here are our pets, On pet show day.复习: 家庭,形容词,介词,玩具,教室物品,颜色,数字,人物和玩具的名字,课堂用语,What’s your favourite…? My favourite … is a …, Where’s …? Who …? What …?



Listen and point.Grandpa: Hello, children.It’s a lovely day for the pet show.Are they your pets? Suzy Star, Meera, Simon Star, Stella Star, Lenny: Yes.Suzy Star: This is my pet.It’s a black and white dog.Meera: This is my favorite fish.It’s orange.What’s your favourite pet, Simon? Simon Star: My mouse.It’s grey.Meera: Oh!That’s, er, nice.Stella Star: Look at my cat.It’s white.What’s your pet, Lenny? Lenny: It’s a beautiful bird.It’s red, blue and green.Where’s your pet, Mrs Star? Mrs Star: It’s there, next to my car.That’s my black horse.Listen and point.Toys in the toy box, Come alive.Walk and talk, On the count of five.One, two, three, four, five.Marie: Oh, look at the table.It’s dirty.The chairs are dirty too.Maskman: Yes, they are.But the toy box is clean.Marie: And wahere are the pencils? Monty: Here they are.They’re on these pictures.Here’s a picture of a big dog.Marie: Aahh!The brown pencil’s short.Maskman: Yes, it is, but the grey pencil’s long.Monty: And this is a picture of a small mouse.It’s beautiful.歌谣

Say the chant.My horse is beautiful.My dog is too.My fish is ugly.歌曲

Sing the song.Meera: My name’s Meera,Lenny: My name’s Lenny.And this is my fish.And this is my bird.It’s a long fish.It’s a happy bird.It’s a long fish.It’s a happy bird.Stella: My name’s Stella.Suzy: My name’s Suzy.And this is my car.And this is my dog.It’s a clean cat.It’s a big dog.It’s a clean cat.It’s a big dog.Mrs Star: My name’s Mrs Star.Simon: My name’s Simon.And this is my horse.And this is my mouse.It’s a beautiful horse.It’s a small mouse.It’s a beautiful horse.It’s a small mouse.Suzy: It’s an ugly mouse.Simon: No, it isn’t.Stella: It’s a dirty mouse.Meera: It’s a short mouse.Lenny: It’s a small mouse.Meera, Lenny, Stella, Suzy, Mrs Star: Yes, it’s a small mouse.Simon: Yes, it is.语音

Say it with Monty.Penny penguin Penny penguin

Pick up a pink pencil and point to a purple pet Pick up a pink pencil and point to a purple pet 故事

Listen to the story.Toys in the toy box, Come alive.Walk and talk, On the count of five, One, two, three, four, five.Maskman: Look, Marie.The pet show.Marie: Oh, yes.Maskman: What’s your favourite pet, Marie?

Marie: Cats are my favourite pets.They’re beautiful and

clean.Maskman: Yes, but they aren’t big.Big dogs are my

favourite pets.Marie: Hmm, but big dogs are ugly.Marie: Mice are good pets.Maskman: Yes, but they’re small and dirty.Monty: Pardon? Mice are small, but we aren’t dirty… and we’re happy.Maskman: Oops.Sorry, Monty.Maskman: Mice aren’t dirty and they’re good pets.But my favourite pets are big dogs.Monty: But they’re ugly and … Marie, Monty, Maskman: {Gasp} Marie: Look at the puppet!Monty:Oh, no!Maskman: Eek!Maskman: No, dogs aren’t my favourite pets.My favourite pets are fish.

第四篇:剑桥国际少儿英语课文原文Unit 7 Wild animals

Unit 7 Wild animals 重点语音

词汇:crocodile, elephant, hippo, giraffe, snake, tiger, animal, arm, leg, tail, foot/feet, hand, Cassandra cat 句型:They’ve got ….They haven’t got …

Have they got ….?

How many … have they got? 发音:、/k/ 复习:面部和身体,宠物,家庭,形容词,介词。玩具。教室物品,They’re crocodiles.They’re long and green and they’ve got big mouths and long tails.How many teeth have they got? They’ve got a lot of teeth.Have they got long legs?

No, they haven’t.they’ve got short legs and feet.Look at the snakes.They’ve got no legs and no feet.Look at the elephants.They’re big and grey.They’ve got very big ears, long noses and short tails.颜色,数字,人物和玩具的名字,课堂用语。Programme, funny, I don’t know, monkey 情景对话

Listen and point.Let’s play n animal game, Suzy!Ok, Simon.What’s this animal? It’s a big cat.It’s orange and black.That’s easy.It’s a tiger.Yes.Very good.What now? This animal is big and grey.It’s a hippo.No, it’s big and grey with a long nose.It’s an elephant.Ok.Ok.What’s brown and yellow with a small head? Is it a monkey? No, it isn’t.I know!It’s a giraffe.Yes, very good.Ok.What’s this? It’s long ang green and …Er, is it a snake? Hah!No, it isn’t.This animal is big, long, green and … I know!I know!It’s a crocodile.Yup!Now it’s my turn.What’s this? It’s small and white with red hair and a big mouth.Er, I don’t know.What animal’s that, Suzy!It’s a Simon!Ha!Ha!Ha!Very funny, Suzy.Thank you.Listen and point.Toys in the toy box, Come alive.Walk and walk, On the count of five.What have you got there, Trevor? I’ve got a book on animals.Look at these monkeys.They’re funny.Yes, they’ve got long arms and big hands.Ooohh.What are they?

Hmmm.Elephants.They’re my favourite animals.歌谣

Say the chant.Tiger, elephant, hippo, snake, Giraffe and crocodile.Tiger, elephant, hippo, snake, Giraffe and crocodile.歌曲

Sing the song.Animals, animals, big and small, Animals, animals, short and tall.Animals, animals, dirty and clean, Animals, animals, brown and green.Come on, children, sing along, Sing and move to the animal song.Let’s all do the hippo show, Let’s all do the hippo show, Let’s all do the hippo show, Move your hands and feet.Let’s all do the elephant dance, Let’s all do the elephant dance, Let’s all do the elephant dance, Move your arms and legs.Let’s all do the snake shake, Move your head and tail.Let’s all do the crocodile smile, Let’s all do the crocodile smile, Let’s all do the crocodile smile, Show your big white teeth.Let’s all do the giraffe laugh, Let’s all do the giraffe laugh, Let’s all do the giraffe laugh, Open your big clean mouth.语音

Say it with Monty.Cassandra cat Cassandra cat Car, computer, crocodile, cat Car, computer, crocodile, cat 故事

Listen to the story.Toys in the toy box, Come alive.Walk and walk, On the count of five.One, two, three, four, five.Animal animal, big and small.Animal animals, short and tall.Help!Help, Maskman!Look at these snakes.They’re long and ugly and they’ve got two long teeth.I’m here, Marie.I’ve got the snakes.Snakes have got two long teeth, but I’ve got two big arms.Ooohh, Maskman, thank you.You’re a superhero!Help!Help!Help!Maskman!Look at these crocodiles.They’ve got big mouths … and they’ve got a lot of teeth.I’m here, Trevor.I’ve got the crocodiles.Crocodiles have got big mouths and a lot of teeth, but I’ve got long legs and big hands.Ooohhh, Maskman, thank you.You’re a superhero.Help!Help!Look at these elephants!They’re very big..and they’ve got verybig feet.Aaagghh!I’m here, Maskman!Elephants are very big and they’ve got very big feet, but I’m a mouse … and I’m very small.Thank you, Monty.You’re a small mouse, but you’re a big hero.

第五篇:新目标英语七年级下册unit 1第5课时教案

Unit 1 Where is your pen pal from?

Period Five

Teaching aims:

1.Revise the whole unit.2.Learn how to introduce people(e.g.nationality, cities people live, languages,hobbies, etc.)

Key points:

Words: like, dislike

Teaching difficulty:

Use the expressions they learned to describe their friends in their life.Teaching steps:

Step 1 Warming-up

1.Share an English song.2.Greetings.Step 2 Revision

1.Revise the words in Part 1.2.Dictation for the useful expressions.3.Revise the countries and the cities.4.Revise the languages the people from different countries speak.Step 3 Words revision

Complete the words builder.(2)

(Some good students can express their vocabulary about countries and languages)Step 4 Practice

Give the Ss two tables, A and B.Work in pairs.Student A has Table A.Student B has Table B.Ask and answer to finish their own table.Step 5 Make an interview

Task: Work in groups in fours.Make an interview to Zhou Xingchi.Then ask some students to act it out in front of the class.Step 6 Writing

Part 3.First discuss and then complete the writing.Get some students to share their writings with the Ss in class.Step7 Debate

Divide Ss into two groups to have a debate.Topic “Having pen pals is good or not good.” A thinks it’s good.B thinks it isn’t good.Say the reasons.When the Ss discuss it, the teacher can give them help when they need.At last, T gives the group says the more reasons a medal.Step 8 Just for fun!

Ss read the humorous story and share their own ideas if they can.



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