
时间:2019-05-15 14:47:33下载本文作者:会员上传


1..while some first require data to be recorded on an input medium.Notes


虽然2.Tdegree emperature, for example may be measured to the nearest tenth of a 的十分之on 一的程the Celsius 度.scale.例如,温度可以被测量精确到摄氏温标3.The program of instructions is such 器里.a machine.程序的指令固化wired into 为还是永久储or permanently 存在这样的一stored in 台机5.Only a model 织需要 ,might not do anyone else any good.few might needed by one organization, and the specialized 而且专门的模型可能不适合于其他方只有面.少数可能被一些组 6.Yprocess a payroll one minute and a billing application the next.ou’ve seen that by using different instructions such a machine can 看到通过使用不同指令,这样的一台机器可以在1分钟内处理你可一个以工资单并接着开出账单.7.The input can be either speech, music , or data that is produced at one location faithful and transmitted efficiently over long distances, permitting在一个地方产生并通过远距离有效传送过来的有可 recovery of the original input.输入可以是语言能如实复现初.音乐,或者是始输入的数据.8.Normally a bimetallic strip that bends as its temperature is varied.常双金属片的弯曲程度随着温度变化.通9.This can be as simple as making the temperature in a room stay at 21a ℃accomplish spacecraftoras complex as manufacturing an integrated circuit or guiding toJupiter In general, all the elements necessary system.集成电路或将以艘太空飞船导航到木星一样复杂这可以the 像让一control 个房子 objective 的温度are 保持described 21°Cby 一样简the.总的来说单term ,或像control to,制造对于完成控制目标必要的所有元素都由术语-控制系统来描述.10,If the output flow rate is not exactly equal to the input flow rate , the tank 口流量不是恰好等于入口流量 will either empty if Qout>Qin , or overflow ,if QoutQin槽将变空,或者如果如果出Qout

human can bring the level to the set point value H and maintain it there by 通过持续增加阀门的开关度 continuous monitoring of the sight tube and adjustment of the valve.,人们可将液位控制到设定点H,并通过连续的监视液位指示管和调整阀门可将液位保持在那.12.This measurement performs the function of the human in evaluating the setting via an actuatorand providing an output signal u to change the valve 这个执行了人在评估测量值和通过向与阀门有机械 connected to the valve by a mechanical linkage.连接的执行机构提供一个输出信号u以改变阀门设定值活动中的功能.13.Around controllers 1960,digital around 1970,programmable logic controllers started replacing in continuous computers process started control replacing applications;and analog relay banks in discrete control applications.1960字计算机开始替换在连接过程控制中应用的模拟控制器,年左右,数1970应用的继电器组。年左右,可编程控制器开始替换在开关量信号控制中

14.A process-initiated interrupt is often triggered by abnormal operating must be taken promptly.conditions ,indicating that some corrective action 作条件触发,表示必须迅速采取一些正确的动作。一个程序初始化中断常常由异常操

15.Timer intervals, ranging from very low values(e.g.,100μs)to several initiated actions can be generated at regular time minutes, or they can be generated at distinct points in time.时器初始化动作可在规定的时间间隔中产生,范围从很低定的值(如100μs)到几分钟,或者它们可在非常严格的点上准时发生。16.A non-process-related action is called for in the program, such program-initiated event is when some as the printing or display of reports on a printer or monitor.个程序初始化事件指在程序中调用一些与过程不相关的一动作,诸如在打印机上打印或在监视器上显示报告。17.In generally process control, system process occupy a low level and of program-initiated priority compared events initiated events.interrupts, 及时间初始化事件相比,在过程控制中,commands 系统和初始化事件一般占用一个与过程中断、to the process, 向过程发指令and timer with 低的优先级。

20.An permits the execution of the current program to be suspended interrupt system is a computer control feature that to incoming signal indicating a higher priorty event.execute another program or subroutine in response 计算机控制的一个特性,它允许暂停(挂起)当前正在执中断系统是to an 行的程序,而执行其他程序或子程序以响应一个具有更高优先级的输入信号

21.This first-come,first-served means that overlapping hazardous consequences if an important process interrupt was basis,which interrupts could are have serviced potentially on a forced operator to wait its turn while a series of 套中断是基于先到先服务的服务策略,这样,如果一个重and system interrupts were serviced.这就意味着嵌less-important 要的过程中断在一系列次要的操作员中断和系统中断正在被响应时,被迫按顺序等待,那么这个服务策略会造成潜在的危险结果

22.Its primary brain large, to use if translating a bit of ―mental structure‖ from one common highly another similar, under surrounding circumstances in which each brain possesses 一般上下文服务的、大的、高度相似的环绕智力结context.它的基本用途是,在mental 每个大脑都structures 拥有可作为that serve as a 构的环境下,一个将一点―智力结构‖从一个大脑翻译到另一个大脑中。

18.Furthermore, allows each participant to knew that the other possesses this common part of these similar, contextual mental structures structure and that the other can and will perform certain process using it during 构部分允许每个参与者知道其他人也拥有这一般的communication ―acts‖.另外,这些相似的上下关结构,并且知联的智力结道其他人能够病可以在通讯动作过程中用它来执行某些处理 23.The opportunity evolution of language use has apparently exploited the resources condensed and streamlined messages: Aand for shared participants knowledge to use to their generate considerable and understand computational highly is sufficient.与者使用他们大量的计算资源和共享知识来概括和理解高浓缩语言应用的发展显然是为了参与 word to the wise from the wise 者开拓了机遇,它使参的、流线型的信息:从一个只能到另一个只能的一个字就足够了。24.Alanguage would seem, then, to require(no less than world a human)computer system capable of understanding a message in natural both inferences(the contextual knowledge and the processes for making assumed by the message generator.from this contextual knowledge the 的计算机系统看上去要有(不少于人类世界的)上那么一个能够and 理解自from the message)下文关联的知然语言信息识和根据信息制造者的假设(从信息和上下文知识中)形成推理的处理能力。

25.Even if the language-understanding problem is dodged by specifying some remains of how to deduce answers from stored facts.formal machine—understandable query language, the problem 题可由指定某种正式的机器理解询问语言来回避,即使但是如何从存语言理解问储的事实中演绎出答案这一问题仍然存在。

26.Not hypotheses, but demands intuitive skills such as guessing about which only does it require the ability to make deductions from lemmas should be proved that in order to help prove the main theorem.它不但要有从假设中形成演绎的能力,而且还要求有知觉技术,诸如为了有助于证明一个主要定理,要猜出先证明哪个推理。27.Alarge amount of specialized knowledge)to guess accurately about whichskilled mathematic uses what he might call judgment(based on a previously proven theorems in a subject area will be useful in the present proof and to break his main problem down into sub problems to work on 的特定知识)的技术来精确地推测,哪些以前在一independency.一个老练的数学家使用被称之为判断(基于个学科领域内大量证明了的定理可以用到当前的证明以及将他的主问题分解成可以独立证明的子问题。

28.It has been found that it is often much more efficient to produce an inexpensive, error solution to a programming or robot control problem and then modify it(to make it work correctly), than to insist on a first solution completely free of defects.题中产生一个便宜、错误的解决方案,然后再修改现已发现,先在编程或它(使它能正机械控制问确的工作)的方法,常常要比坚持第一个解决方案就是完全无懈可击的方法高效得多。

29.Routine attempts at solving these types of problems, soon generate a combinatorial explosion of possibilities that exhaust even the capacities of large computers.尽即使是大型计算机容程序试量的可图解决能性连这类的锁爆炸问题。不

久就产生了能够耗30.The point of the whole perception process is to produce a condensed representation to substitute for the unmanageably immense, raw input data.些无法管整个感知过程的关键点是产生一个精炼的表达,用以代替那理的、海量的原始输入数据。


1organized、A computer is a fast and accurate symbol manipulating system that is under explains why a computer is a system and how a computer system is the to direction accept, of store, a stored and process program data of and instructions, produce this out section results organized.接收、存计储、处算机是理数据并一种快速、在存储精确的符程序指号操作令指导系统下产生,这结果是有组,这织的部分解释了计算机系统和计算机系统组成的。

2plastic tapes or flexible or floppy plastic disks are popular.、Devices that read data magnetically recorded on specially 方式记录在专门涂粉塑料磁带或软盘上的数据的设备很常读取以coated 见的。磁化 3system: the primary storage section, the arithmetic、There are three main sections found in the CPU of a typical computer the control section.But these three sections aren’t unique to personal – logic section, and computer: they are found in CPUs of all sizes.统中央处理器(CPU)中发现有三个主要部分:在一:个典型主存储器部分、算的计算机系术-逻辑部件、控制部分。但这三个部分并非是个人电脑中独一无二的:他们被发现在各种规格的cpu中。

4called peripheral devices(or just peripherals).This terminology refers to、The input/output and secondary storage units shown are sometimes the fact that although these devices are not a part of the CPU, they are often located near it.设备(或只是周边设备输入)。这一术语指的是这样一个事实/输出和二次存储单元显示有时被称为:尽管这些外围设备并不CPU的一部分,但他们通常很靠近它。

5computers that do not computer directly with numbers.Rather, they deal、In contrast to digital processors, however, there are also analog with recorded to some predetermined degree of accuracyvariables that are measured analog a continuous 器对照,也存在模拟计算机不直接与数字计算机关联.然而scale ,。相反与数字and ,处理are 他们处理一些模拟连续的被测变量和记录下来的预定精确度的变量。6those with CPUs the size of a dime.Generally、Modern computers vary in physical size from those that fill rooms to greater is its processing speed, storage capacity, the larger the system, the system are better equipped to handle a greater number of more powerful , and cost.Also, the larger input and output devices.中央处理器(cpu)不同。一现般来说代计算,机在外系统越表尺寸大,其处上和那理速度些小容、存储量的容量和成本就越大。同时,系统越大,就越有更好的条件来装备更多的更强大的输入和输出设备。7the relatively weak signal obtained from the antenna , to filter or select、The functions of the receiver are to amplify or increase the strength of the desired radio frequency signal from the signals of all other broadcast stations , to recover the audio signal from the amplitude variations of the radio frequency signal , and to drive a loudspeaker with this audio signal.接收器的功能放大或增加从天线处获得的强度相对较弱信号,从其他所有的广播信号中过滤或者选择所需的射频信号,从振幅的变化的无线电频率信号中恢复音频信号,并用此音频信号驱动扬声器。8with locating and removing any small errors that might be added to the、In measurement system , therefore , one expects to be concerned signal at each step of the processing sequence.任何一项希望涉及定位和消除任何微小错误的程序因此,在测都可能被添加量控制系统,到处理程序的每一步

9the、In this case , the thermostat contains the input device for determining temperature is varied), a mechanism for setting the desired temperature room temperature(normally a bimetallic strip that bends as its(the set point dial), and mechanical switches, activated by the bimetallic strip, which control the furnace.室温的输入设备(通常随着温度变化而弯曲双金属片在这种情况下,自动调温),器设置所需温,包含确定度的机械设备(设定值刻度盘),和经控制炉双层金属片活化了的机械开关.10OFF、(if the furnace were on all the time)or drop to some minimum(if the , the temperature of the room would either rise to some maximum Suppose there were no mechanism for turning the furnace ON of furnace were off all the time).将上升到某一最大值(如果炉一直是开的设想炉上没有关)或下降到某一最小值闭的旋钮,房间的温度(如果炉一直是关的).11maintain、In fact, the same strategy is employed in living organisms to functions.This is natural process control.temperature, fluid flow rate, and 持生物温度、流体流量,以及一大堆其他事实上a host of other biological 的生物,相同的策功能。略是用这是自于保然的过程控制。

12regardless of external influences.、To regulate means to maintain that quantity at some desired value 保持在某一期望值。调节意味着不管外界的影响将数量13human can bring the level to the set point value H and maintain it there、By a succession of incremental opening and closing of the valve, the by continuous monitoring of the sight tube and adjustment of the value.The height is regulated.控制到设定点H,并通过通过持续增连续的加阀门监视液的开关位指示度,人管和调们可将整阀门液位可将液位保持在那。

14systems, but the dynamic differences between regulation and tracking、The strategy for servomechanisms is similar to process – control result in differences in design and operation of the control system.器与过程-控制系统相似,但是,调控和跟踪的动态差异导致了跟踪它在设计和控制系统操作方面的差别

15control , or both , there are certain basic requirements that tend to be、Whether the application involves continuous control , discrete common to nearly all process control applications.涉及连续控制,离散控制,或者两者都有,都有一些常见的对几乎所不论这些应用是否有的过程控制都应用的基本要求。16process.、The controller must be able to respond to incoming signals from the computer Depending on the relative importance of service interrupt is often triggered by abnormal operating conditions, indicating a may higher need priority to interrupt need of execution the process.of a A current the signals, process program the – initiated to that some corrective action must be taken promptly够回应从过程中引入的信号。根据信号的相对重要性.该控制器,计算机必须可能能经常需要中断一个当前的程序而去执行一个具有更高优先级的程序。一个过程启动中断经常是在不正常的工作条件下调用,表明一些校正动作必须及时执行。

17means that the continuous signal is substituted with a series of numerical、When the data consist of a continuous analog signal, sampling values that represent the continuous signal at discrete moments in time.当这些数据是由一个连续的模拟信号组成时,采样意味着连续信号被一系列在时间上离散的代表连续信号的数值取代。18of two or more devices and preventing one device from interfering with、An interlock is a safeguard mechanism for coordinating the activities the other(s).In process control, interlocks provide a means by which the controller is able to sequence the activities in a work cell, ensuring that the actions piece of equipment begins its activityof one piece of equipment are completed 够协调两个或两个以上设备的各项活动并且防止设.联动装置是一种保障机before the next 备受其他设备制,它能的干扰。在过程控制中,联锁装置提供了一种方式,利用它控制器能够使一个工作单元顺序动作,以确保设备的一个部件的动作完成后,下一个部件才开始动作。

19generating and ―understanding‖ even fragments of a natural、It has been very difficult to develop computer systems capable of such 言的碎片as English.,如英语开,是非发计算机常困难系统能的。够产生

和―理解‖甚至是自 language , 然语20computer science , and many techniques have been developed to enable、The design of database systems is an active subspecialty of the efficient representation , storage , and retrieval of large numbers of facts.多技术已经发展到使有效表示法、存储和检索大量数据库系统的设计是计算机科学的一个活跃的附属专业的事实成为可,许能。

21knowledge in many important fields is often imprecise , uncertain , or、This problem is made more difficult by the fact that the expert anecdotal(though human experts use such knowledge to arrive at useful conclusions)或有趣的(尽管人类专家使用这些知识得到有用的结论在许多重要领域的专家知识常常是不严密的、)这个事实不确定使问题变得更加困难.22problem is to find a minimum distance tour , starting at one of several、A classical example is the traveling salesman’s problem , where the cities , visiting each city precisely once , and returning to the starting city.The problem generalizes to one of finding a minimum cost path over the edges of a graph containing n nodes such that the path visits each of the n nodes precisely once.题是要找到一个最小距离的旅游旅行商的问题就是,从几个城市中的一个出发一个经典的例子,这,个问每一个城市都精确访问一次,并回到起始的城市。这个问题的概括了寻找在图的边包含n个节点的花费最少的路径,如此能使这个路径能一次性访问每一个节点.词汇

peripheral devices摸屏 flexible or floppy 外围设备plasticprocess speeddisks软磁盘处 理速度discretetouch screendata离散数据触 storage electromagnetic capacitythermometerwaves存储量电磁波 work stationaudio signal工作站音radio frequency射频 器 controlling variable温度计 ice bath控制量冰点槽 controlled variable digital display register频信号 thermocouple 被控量 set point数字显示设定值 reference value参数值 sight tube指示管 tracking control systemplc 跟踪控制系统 robot arm机械臂 external influences外部扰动连续控制programmabletimer initiated actionslogic controller采可编样周期程控制 real-time control器 continuous 实时control控制 priority level理 predicate logic优先级谓词逻limit switch辑 Tsp=travelling salesman’s problem限位开关deductive reasoning演绎推旅行商问题 Np_complete=nondeterministic polynomial_conplete Np完全问题 information retrieval 信息检索

Now Vthat 既然.Secondary storage unit.辅助modulation.ary…..from….to….不同的规模或差异 Models型号存.Amplitude 储单元Proportional to...调幅与 …Radio 成比例frequency A digital display register..射频 Ice bath.数字冰显示器点槽

Presuming that假定.Antennaincrease : Ascertain A Accurate:sevice ofcareful Audio: and the exact various Artificialspeeds : Amplifymade by : CPUhappening : the heart : to unite with Condense ConstituteComputer systems

: to set up : hardware Consequence Concurrent: a : Digitalto avoid : a way : to become DesktopConsult: the blank : to seek DistinctConjecture: readily : inferece logicalDodge:Errorsituation: mistake Deposit:Evaluate to lay

: to ascertain Emergency: a serious Frequency…

Gripper: a particularFilter: make sth.More clearly Input devices: a kind of tool

container ImplementInfluence:: Allowa Instruction:powera statement InstrumentIce bath: a going impossibleInferense: to put : Incorporatethe act Intuitive: to make : known Initiaie: a means Inevitable: to set Loudspeaker

: Microcomputer: turn electrical Multitask: personal computer

Modification: Organism: : one moreModerate: of mediuma small Programmeran individual

not : decidesthe fact,derivedPeripheralPeripheral: an : input/outputPrimitive: become Participant: sharing Puzzleauxiliary : condition devicePrecedencePerceive: to : RegulatePerceptionSupercomputer: to control : the process,Succession: a largeRetrievalStrip: narrow : the act

Tremendous: the acet piece Strategy: plan : extrenely large Sophisticated

: very complex…


1)the parameterization of the0controller0isC=X+MQ/Y-NQ。where N,M are right coprime factors of P,X,Y satisfy NX+MY=1,Q∈RH∞

2)According to the right coprime factorization of P, N=,M=,X=,Y=By the performance of the closed-loop system

N(0)[X(0)+M(0)Q(0)]=1 N(10j)[Y(10j)-N(10j)Q(10j)]=0,So take Q in the form Q(s)=x1+x2·1/s+1+x3·1/(x+


we can get the solution of Q。x1=,x2=,x3=,Q=Finally,the controller is C=

步骤:S=1-λ/λ代人 P(λ)=λ²/6λ²-5λ+1

X=-q2/r2 ,y=1+q1q2/r2 λ=1/s﹢1


M(s)=(s-1)(s-2)/(s+1)² X(s)=19s-11/s+1Y(s)=s+6/s+1


N(0)[X(0)+M(0)Q(0)]=1 N(10j)[Y(10j)-N(10j)Q(10j)]=0

Q(0)=6,Q(10j)=-94+70j Q(s)=x1+x2·1/s+1+x3·1/(x+


x1=-79 x2=-723 x3=808 Q(s)=(-79s²-881s+6)/(s+1)²C(s)=[-60s4-598s32


A control system is stable if the number of encirclements of the(-1,0)point by the GH plot is equal to the number of poles of GH with positive real parts.The direction of encirclement must be in a direction opposite to τs.GH is on open loop transfer function.τs is open right half of s-plane.一个控制系统是稳定的数量是否包围的(1,0)点的GH图的数量相等的两极与积极的真实部分GH。被包围的方向都必须在一个τs的相反方向。


二.The process of designing a control system generally involves many steps.A typical scenario is as follows:

1.Study the system to be controlled and decide what types of sensors and actuators will be used and where they will be placed.2.Model the resulting system to be controlled.3.Simplify the model if necessary so that it is tractable.4.Analyze the resulting model;determine its properties.5.Decide on performance specifications.6.Decide on the type of controller to be used.7.Design a controller to meet the specs, if possible;if not, modify the specs or generalize the type of controller sought.8.Simulate the resulting controlled system, either on a computer or in a pilot plant.9.Repeat from step 1 if necessary.10.Choose hardware and software and implement the controller.11.Tune the controller on-line if necessary.r.reference or command inputvsensor outputuactuating signal, plant inputdexternal disturbanceyplant output and measured signaln.sensor noise



1、纯电感电压由法拉第定律定义,法拉第定律指出:电感两端的电压正比于流过电感的电流随时间的变化率。因此可得到:ULdidt,式中didt电流变化率,安培秒; L感应系数,享利。

2、三相供电的机械和控制设备与相同额定容量的单相供电的设备相比: 体积小,重量轻,效率高。除了三相系统提供的上述优点,三相电的传输需要的铜线仅仅是同样功率大小单相电传输所需铜线的34。

3、第一个定律指出:在一般运算放大器电路中,可以假设输入 端间的电压为零,也就是说,UU。第二个定律

指出:在一般运算放大器电路中,两个输入电流可被假定为零:II0。第一个定律是因为内在增益A的值很大。例如,如果运算放大器的输出是1V,并且A=100,000, 那么U


4、简单地说,半导体是这样一种物质,它能够通过“掺杂”来产生多余的电子,又称自由电子(N型);或者产生“空穴”,又称正电荷(P型)。由N型掺杂和P型掺杂处理的锗或硅的单晶体可形成半导体二极管,它具有我们描述过的工作特性。晶体管以类似的方式形成,就象带有公共中间层、背靠背的两个二极管,公共中间层是以对等的方式向两个边缘层渗入而得,因此中间层比两个边缘层或边缘区要薄的多。PNP 或 NPN(图 1-2B-1)。这两种结构显然是可行的。PNP或NPN被用于描述晶体管的两个基本类型。因为晶体管包含两个不同极性的区域(例如“P”区和“N”区),所以晶体管被叫作双向器件,或双向晶体管。


6、二进制:1*2^5 + 0*2^4 + 1*2^3 + 0′*2^2 + 1*2^1 + 1*2^0 = 101011十进制: 32+0+8+0+2+1 =43。相反,在把十进制数43转换为二进制形式的过程中,可使其连续被2除。每一次除后所得余数0或1即是二进制数的位数。十进制数43的转化过程:等价于十进制数43的二进制数为101011。

7、十进制数24可被写为八进制数30(3*8^1 +0*8^0)。八进制数字的二进制译码仅需要BCD表中三个最小的有效位,八进制数30的二进制译码为011 000。因为十进制数24用纯二进制形式可写为11000,用八进制译码形式可写为011 000。








二、1、电路理论(Theory of Circuit)

2、模拟电子技术(Analog Electronics Technology)

3、数字电子技术(Digital Electronics Technology)

4、电力电子技术(Power Electronics Technology)

5、电磁场(Electromagnetic Field)

6、电机与拖动(Electric Motor and Electric Drive)

7、电力拖动自动控制系统(Electric Drive Automatic Control System)

8、自动控制理论(Automatic Control Theory)

9、现代控制理论(Modern Control Theory)

10、智能控制(Intelligent Control)

11、微机原理(Principal of Microcomputer)

12、计算机接口技术(Computer Interface Technology)

13、计算机控制技术(Computer Control Technology)

14、自动调节装置(Automatic Regulators)

15、过程控制系统(Process Control System)

16、过程检测及仪表(Process Measurement and Instrument)

17、单片机原理与应用(Principal and Application of Single-chip Computer)

18、可编程序控制器系统(Programmable Logical Controller System)

19、现场总线技术(Field-bus Technology)

20、嵌入式系统(Embedded System)

21、供电技术(Power Supplying Technology)

22、计算机仿真(Computer Simulation)

23、信号分析与处理(Signal Analyzing and Processing)

24、集散控制系统(Distributed Control System)

25、楼宇自动化(Building Automation)


三、45:four fifths

0.025:zero point zero two five

38.49:thirty-eight point four nine

2%:two per cent

52:the second power of five ;five to the power two

x:the square root of x

6107:six times the seventh power of ten

:plus; positive

:minus; negative

:Multiplied by; times

;/:divided by

:is equal to; equals

():round brackets; parentheses

i;j:imaginary unit

a!:factorial a

sinx:sine of x

arcsinx:arc sine of x

:the product of the terms indicated :the sum of the terms indicated

b':b prime

b'':b second prime

b2:b sub two

bm'':b second prime sub m

dydx:the first derivative of y with respect to x dydx:the second derivative of y with respect to x 22


a:Integral between limits a and b

x:x approaches to infinity

abc:a plus b is equal to c abc:a minus b equals c

svt:s equals v multiplied by t vst:v equals s divided by t

(abcd)ef :a plus b minus c multiplied byd , all divided by e equals f CRG(1GH):C over R equals G divided by the sum of one plus H times G



Ohm’s law states that the voltage across the resistor is equal to the current through the resistor multiplied by the value of the resistance.法拉第定律

Faraday’s states that the voltage across the inductor is proportional to the rate of change with time of the current through the inductor.基尔霍夫第一定律

Kirchhoff’s first law states that the algebraic sum of the voltages around a closed loop is 0,or,in any closed loop, sum of the voltage rises must equal the sum of voltage drops.运放

The first law states that in normal op-amp circuits we may assume that the voltage difference between the input terminals is zero, that is, U+=U-.The second law states that in normal op-amp circuits both of the input currents may be assumed to be zero: I+=I-电路理论 theory of circuit

模拟电子技术analog electronics technology

数字电子技术digital electronics technology

电力电子技术power electronics technology

电磁场electromagnetic field

电机与拖动electric motor and electric drive

电力拖动自动控制系统electric drive automatic control system 自动控制理论automatic control theory

现代控制理论modern control theory

智能控制intelligent control

微机原理principle of microcomputer

计算机接口技术computer interface technology

计算机控制技术computer control technology

自动调节装置automatic regulators

过程控制系统process control system

过程检测及仪表process measurement and instrument

单片机原理与应用principle and application of single-chip computer 可编程序控制器系统programmable logical controller system 现场总线技术fieldbus technology

嵌入式系统embedded system

供电技术power supplying technology

计算机仿真computer simulation

信号分析与处理signal analyzing and processing

集散控制系统distributed control system

楼宇自动化building automation


GTOgate turn-off thyristor门极可关断晶闸管 GJTbipolar junction transistor双极结型晶体管 SCR


PLC简称为可编程控制器PLC programmable controller for short

PLC开始应用于工业控制是在20世纪60年代PLC began to application in industrial control is in the 1960s

PLC的特点有PLC characteristic

编程简单,可以现场修改程序,易于掌握Simple programming and can spot modify the program and easy to catch

维护方便Maintenance convenient

可靠性高,抗干扰性强High reliability and anti-interference is strong

体积小,重量轻,功耗低Small volume, light weight, low power consumption

功能强,通用性好Strong function, excellent versatility

PLC可以分为以下几类PLC can be classified into the following categories

整体式PLC和模块式PLCIntegral PLC and module type PLC

PLC的作用PLC role

用于开关逻辑控制,定时、计数控制Switching logic control, timing, counting control

用于闭环过程控制,数据处理,数字控制Used in closed loop of process control, data processing, digital control

随着应用领域的日益扩大,PLC技术及其产品仍在继续扩展As the fields of application, PLC technology and its growing product still continues to expand

其机构不断改进,功能日益增强,其性价比越来越高Its institutions continue to improve, the function, the ratio of growing increasingly high

PLC的组成PLC composition

中央处理单元The central processing unit 存储器memory

输入、输出单元Input and output unit 单元电源Unit power

PLC programmable controller for short, Began to application in industrial control is in the 1960s.The characteristic of PLC, Simple programming and can spot modify the program and easy to catch, maintenance convenient.High reliability and anti-interference is strong.Small volume, light weight, low power consumption.PLC can be classified into the following categories.PLCIntegral PLC and module type PLC.PLC role, Switching logic control, timing, counting control.Used in closed loop of process control, data processing, digital control.As the fields of application, PLC technology and its growing product still continues to expand.Its institutions continue to improve, the function, the ratio of growing increasingly high.PLC composition, the central processing unit, memory,input and output unit, unit power.



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