
时间:2019-05-13 00:54:07下载本文作者:会员上传






A hereby appoints the B as the global Distributor for the distribution, sale and promotion of the Goods all over the world(“Territory”)upon the terms and conditions hereinafter contained.A现根据以下条件和条款委任B作为其全球分销商,并在全球为其配送,销售和推广产品.{跟着写一些相关的权利和义务(只是参考例子):}

A shall not sell or otherwise make available the Goods to anybody from or about whom

A knows or has reason to know that such person might sell those Goods to B’s customers.A不会销售或以其他方式提供此类货物给来自A,或A知道或有理由知道可能销售那些货物给B客户的任何人.2.B’s General Duties


B agrees and undertakes with the A that, for the duration of this Agreement the B shall punctually and faithfully observe the following:



It shall use its best endeavours to promote and extend the sale of the Goods

throughout the Territory.我们会尽最大努力在全球推广和扩大货品的销售

B shall not sell the Goods to A’s Customers, unless authorized in writing by A, for the duration of this Agreement.B不会销售货品给A的客户, 除非在协议有效期内得到A的书面授权.Except for otherwise expressly provided herein, any contracts for the sales of the Goods by B to its own Customers shall be exclusively concluded between B and its

Customers.B shall have the sole right to offer and/or accept terms and conditions of such contracts.除另有明文规定外, 任何B给自己客户的销售合同,应只由B与其客户独立签订.B应具有唯一权提供和/或接受这类合同的条件.Except for otherwise expressly provided herein, A shall have no right to receive from B’s Customers any payment for the Goods.除另有明文规定外, A没有权利收受来自B客户的任何货款.3.A’s Obligations


A shall in no manner whatsoever modify the price for the duration of this Agreement.A在该项协议的期限内不得以任何方式修改价格.A shall be obligated to timely respond to B’s letter, fax, notice, telephone and other inquiry.A应有义务及时回应B的信件,传真,通知,电话及其他需求.4.Intellectual Property


Except as expressly authorized by the Manufacturer, the Distributor shall have no

rights in respect of any trade names or trade marks used by the Manufacturer in relation to the Products of the goodwill associated therewith, and the Distributor hereby

acknowledges that, except as expressly provided in this Agreement, it shall not acquire any rights in respect thereof and that all such rights and goodwill are, and shall remain, vested in the Manufacturer.除非本协议另有制造商授权,分销商没有利用制造商产品的商品名称或商标以及与商誉相关联的权利。分销商在此承诺,除非本协议另有明确规定,分销商不应得到任何关于持续拥有及归附于制造商所有权和商誉的权利。Representation and Warranty声明和保证

Each Party hereby represents and warrants that neither the execution and delivery of this Agreement, nor the consummation of the transaction contemplated hereunder, nor compliance with any of the provisions of this Agreement, will conflict with, violate, result in a breach of, constitute a default(or an event that, with notice or lapse of time, or both, would constitute a default)under, or require any authorization, consent, approval,exemption or other action by or notice to any court or other governmental body or any other person under any of the terms, conditions or provisions of any contract or other agreement or to which such Party is bound.双方在此声明并保证,本协议的签署与交付、本协议项下交易的完成、遵守本协议的任何规定,不会与任何法庭或者其他政府机构给予或者接受的授权、同意、许可、免除或者其他行为,或者在任何合同或者其他协议的条款、条件或者规定下约束该方的其他人员、发生冲突、违反、或者构成违约(或者是随着通知或时间的流逝,构成违约).6.Term and Termination


The duration of this Agreementis One(2)years after the execution hereof


Either Party shall have the right to terminate this Agreement as of right and without judicial recourse, upon giving notice to the other Party, under any of the following






Neither Party shall have the right to assign the benefit of this Agreement(or any part of it), without the prior written approval of the other Party.没有另一方事先书面授权,任何一方无权转让本协议项下的利益(或其任何部分).8.Applicable Law


This Distribution Agreement shall be construed in all respects in accordance with the law of HongKong and the A hereto agrees to submit to the jurisdiction of the Court of the domicile of the B.这项分销协议应视为在所有方面均按照国家法律和A同意服从B所在辖区法院的权限。



The Appendices are the integral part of this Agreement.The Appendices and this Agreement have the same effect.甲方:Party A:(公司名)

乙方:Party B:公司英文名


Party A and B through friendly and voluntarily consulting on the basis of equality, honesty, and mutual benefit reached the following agreements on the market

promotion and sales of production of Party A in mainland of China.1.甲方授权乙方作为氦检,食品及包装工业的总代理,以气体种类N2/He,He/Air,CO2/N2,CO2/O2,O2/N2,O2/CO2/N2作为依据。

1.Party A authorized party B as China agency for helium inspection,food and

Packing Industry , and based on the category of the gas N2/He,He/Air,CO2/N2,CO2/O2,O2/N2,O2/CO2/N2.2.甲方授权期限为本协议签署日起至

2.The privileged time is from the date signed the contract to Dec.31st, 2013.3.乙方可以用“甲方授权总代理”的身份在中国大陆地区进行一切合法的商业活动,包括市场品牌的推广(展会、网络营销、媒体广告等)、战略合作伙伴的选择和确定、产品销售计划、价格策略的制订与实施以及工作范围内所有客户的售后服务(技术培训、备品备件供应、仪器设备维修等)

3.Party B can conduct all legal business as “ general agency of party A”in mainland of China, including promotion of market brand(trade show, online marketing, media ad.ect.), choosing

partners, product saling plan, formulating and implenting the pricing policies, and after-sale service for customers within work range(technical training, standby redundancy supply, equipment maintenance ect.).4.甲方有义务在乙方进行市场品牌推广宣传过程中提供支持。甲方应充分利用乙方提供的市场宣传资源配以适当投入,积极开展市场推广活动。甲方全资投入包括:主要专业媒体的合作专栏和国内专业大型展会1至2个等。

4.Party A has the obligation to provide support to party B for promotion of

market brand.Party B should make full use of the market promotion material source offered by party A ,and be active in promoting marketing.Party A should invest in cooperative column of professional media and1 or 2 domestic large-scale exhibition ect..授权书






We hereby authorize xx company the right in the territory distribution;product promotion;quotation;pricing agreements;competitive bidding and so on

Authorized person:XX CO.,LTD M/D/Y


Liner shipping 班轮运输,定期租船 Liner schedule 船期表 Transport service运输服务 Tariff 运价本

Tramp shipping 不定期船 Charter party 租船合同 General cargo vessel 杂货船

Roll on / roff off ship:Ro / Ro ship 滚装船 Refrigerated ship 冷藏船 Multi-propose shi p 多用途船 Dry bulk carrier 干散货船 Full container ship 全集装箱船 Coal carrier 运煤船

Bulk grain carrier 散粮船 Ore carrier 矿石船 Tanker 油轮

Liquified gas carrier 液化气船

Liquified natural gas carrier:LNG carrier 液化天然气船

Liquified petroleum gas carrier:LPG carrier 液化石油气船

Chemical tanker 液体化学品船 Packed cargo 包装货物

Unpacked cargo 或non-packed cargo 裸装货物 Unitized cargo 成组化货物

Containerized cargo 集装箱货物 General cargo 普通货物 Special cargo 特殊货物 Clean cargo 清洁货物 Fine cargo 精细货物

Fragile cargo 易碎品 Liquid cargo 液体货物 Rough cargo 粗劣货物 Smelly cargo 气味货物 Dangerous cargo 危险货物 Reefer cargo 冷藏货物 Perishable cargo 易腐货物 Valuable cargo 贵重货物

Livestock and plants 活的动植物

Bulky and lengthy cargo, heavy cargo 长大,笨重货物

M/T,metric ton 公吨

S.F,stowage factor 货物积载因素

TEU,twenty---foot equivalent unit 20ft集装箱 Dry cargo container 干货集装箱 Bulk container 散装集装箱

RF, reefer container 冷藏集装箱

OT, open---topo container 敞顶集装箱 Plat form based container 框架集装箱 Pen container 牲畜集装箱

TK, tank container 罐式集装箱 Car container 汽车集装箱 Chilled cargo 冷却货物 Frozen cargo 冷冻货物 Break bulk cargo 散件货物

FCL: full container(cargo)load 整箱货 LCL: Less Than Container Load 拼箱货 Ship’s rail or hook /tackle 船边或吊钩 CY:container yard 集装箱堆场

Empty container 空箱 Loaded container 重箱

CFS:container freight station 集装箱货运站 Door to door 门到门 Door to CY 门到场 Door to tackle 门到钩 CY to door 场到门 CY to CY 场到场 CY to CFS 场到站 CY to tackle 场到钩 CFS to door 站到门 CFS to CY 站到场 CFS to CFS 站到站 CFS to tackle 站到钩 tackle to door 钩到门 tackle to CY 钩到场 tackle to CFS 钩到站 tackle to tackle 钩到钩

Container lease agreement 租箱合同 ETC :early termination clause 提前终止条款 D.P.P:damage protection plan 损害修理条款 Ocean common carrier 远洋公共承运人

Non-vessel operating(common)carrier 无船承运人 Ocean freight forwarder 远洋货运代理人 S.C:service contact 服务合同 Shipper 托运人

liner schedule班轮船期表 Canvassion 揽货 Booking 订舱

Rail to rail 船舷至船舷 Tackle to tackle 钩至钩 Home booking 卸货地订舱 Buyer’s nominated cargo 指定货 mislanded 误卸 Overlanded 溢卸 Shortlanded 短卸 Cargo tracer 货物查询单 Duly endorsed Optional cargo 选港货 Port of discharge 卸货港 B/N: booking note 托运单 S/O: shipping order 装货单 M/R: mate’receipt 收货单 Closing date 装货单日 Chief mate 船上大副 Remark批注

Foul receipt 不清洁收货单

Clean receipt 清洁收货单 Loading list 装货清单 Additional cargo list 加载清单 Cancelled cargo list 取消载货清单 M/F: manifest 载货清单 Freight manifest 载货运费清单 Stowage plan 积载图

Dangerous cargo safe stowage certificate 危险货物安全装载书

Heavy and lengthy cargo list 重大件清单 Space report 剩余舱位报告

Stowage survey report 积载检验报告 Boat note 过驳清单

Overlanded & shortlanded cargo list 货物溢段单 Broken & damaged cargo list 货物残损单 D/O: delivery order 提货单,亦称小提单 Non-negotiable 禁止流通 D/R: dock receipt 场站收据 Shipping order 装货单

EIR:equipment interchange receipt 设备交接单 CLP: container load plan 集装箱装箱单 VOCC 远洋公共承运人 GRI 综合费率 Ocean B/L 海运提单

House B/L 仓至仓提单 MASTER B/L

NVOCC:Non-Vessel Operating Common Carrier 无船承运人 Consolidated cargo 集拼货物

AMS:automated manifest system 自动舱单系统 B/L: bill of lading 提单

Evidence of the contract of carriage 海上货物运输合同的证明

Receipt for the goods shipped 装船收据 Shipment contract 装运合同 Conclusive evidence 绝对证据 Document of title 物权凭证 Long form B/L 全式提单 Short form B/L简式提单

On board B/L,shipped B/L 已装船提单 Received for shipment B/L收货待运提单 Straight B/L 记名提单

Open B/L;blank B/L;bearer B/L 不记名提单 Order B/L 指示提单 To order 凭指示

To the order of ** 凭某人指示 Clean B/L清洁提单

Unclean B/L or foul B/L 不清洁提单 Direct B/L 直达提单

Transhipment B/L or through B/L 转船提单 Combined transport B/L;intermodal transport B/L;multimodal transport B/L多式联运 Liner B/L 班轮提单

P&I Club :protection and indemnity 保赔协会 NVOCC B/L 无船承运人所签发提单 Advanced B/L 预借提单 Anti-date B/L倒签提单 Post-date B/L 顺签提单 on deck B/L 舱面货提单 omnibus B/L 并提单 separate B/L 分提单 switch B/L交换提单 memo B/L 交接提单 stale B/L 过期提单 name of the vessel 船名 name of the carrier 承运人名称 name of the shipper 托运人名称 name of the consignee 收货人名称 name of the notified party 通知人名称 port of loading装货港 port of discharge卸货港 port of transhipment


description of goods 货物名称 marks &NO.标志

number of package or container 包装件数 gross weight 重量 measurement体积

payment of freight 运费的支付 place and date of issue 提单的签发日期 number of original B(s)/L 地点和份数 place of receipt 接收货物的地点 place of delivery 交付货物的地点 paramount clause 首要条款 definition 定义条款

carrier’s responsibility 承运人责任条款 limit of liability 承运人的赔偿责任限制条款 period of responsibility 承运人期间条款 deck cargo 舱面货

live animals and plants 活动物 dangerous goods危险货物 refrigerated goods冷藏货 timber木材 iron and steel 钢铁

heavy lifts and awkward cargo 重大件 sailing date 船舶开航之日 preliminary evidence 初步证据

Special drawing right :SDR特别提款权

sea way bill :SWB海运单 freigth rate 运价 freigth 运费 tariff 运价本

scale of commodity classification 商品分级表 scale of rates 等级费率表

commodity freigth rate tariff 商品运价表 base port 基本港口 basic freigth基本运费

basic freigth rate 基本运价

surcharge or additional附加运费

bunker adjustment factor,BAF;or bunker surcharge,BS燃油附加费

emergency bunker surcharge,EBS应急燃油附加费 currency adjustment factor;CAF货币贬值附加费 port additional港口附加费

port congestion surcharge港口拥挤附加费 transshipment additional转船附加费 long length additional超长附加费 heavy lift additional超重附加费 direct additional直航附加费 optional surcharge 选港附加费 cozening fee 洗舱附加费

alteration of discharging port additional变更卸货港附加费

deviation surcharge绕航附加费

peak season surcharge,PSS旺季附加费

additional for excess of liability超额责任附加费 war risk surcharge,WRS战争险附加费 general rate increase,GRI整体费率上调

time charter,period charter定期租船 chartering process;chartering process租船程destination delivery charges,DDC目的地交货费

equipment reposition charge,ERC空调调运费 terminal handling charge ,THC码头作业费 original receving charge,ORC原产地接货费 freigth basis计费标准

FT(freight ton ,)或;W/M(weight/measurement)运费吨

minimum rate/minimum freight起码运费 box rate 包厢费率

freigtht all kinds,FAK均一费率 all in freigtht包干费 all in rate,A.I.R全包价

carriage of goods by chartering租船运输 tramp shipping 不定期船运输 charterer 船舶承租人 shipowner船东 Ship broker航运经纪人 chartering broker 租船经纪人

the Owner's broker船舶出租人经纪人 the Charter's broker船舶承租人经纪人 both partiess'broker双方当事人经纪人 warranty clause 保证条款

intermediate clause,in nominate clause中间性条款

the more or less clause,MOL数量增减条款 preliminary voyage预备航次

voyage charter,trip chaster航次租船 bareboat charter,demise charter光船租船 contract of affreightment,COA包运租船 time charter on trip basis,TCT航次期租 single trip or single voyage charter单航次租船

return trip or return voyage charter往返航次租船

consecutive single voyage charter连续单航次租船

consecutive return voyage charter连续往返航次租船

customary quick despatch,CQD习惯尽速装卸 escalation clause自动递增条款

lease purchase光船租购

quantity contract/volume contract包运租船合同,运量合同 daily charter日租租船

order /inquiry/enquiry询盘 general inquiry一般询盘 special inquiry特别询盘 offer发盘

absolute offer绝对发盘" conditional firm offer条件发盘 counter offer还盘 acceptance受盘

conclusion of charter party 签约 Condition Clause条件条款 name of vessel船名 named vessel指定船名 substitute vessel代替船舶 nationality of vessel船籍 classification of vessel船级 tonnage of vessel船舶吨位




关键词:机电一体化技术 发展趋势




机电一体化的发展大体可以分为三个阶段:(1)20世纪60年代以前为第一阶段,这一阶段称为初级阶段。在这一时期,人们自觉不自觉地利用电子技术的初步成果来 1



3.1 智能化


3.2 模块化


3.3 网络化

由于网络的普及,基于网络的各种远程控制和监视技术方兴未艾,而远程控制的终端设备本身就是机电一体化产品。现场总线和局域网技术的应用使家用电器网络化已成大势,利用家庭网络(home net)将各种家用电器连接成以计算机为中心的计算机集成家电系统(computer integrated appliance system,CIAS),能使人们呆在家里就可分享各种高技术带来的便利与快乐。因此,机电一体化产品无疑将朝着网络化方向发展。

3.4 微型化


3.5 环保化


3.6 系统化













国、省、县道National,Provincial &County Highways国道National Highway

省道Provincial Highway

县道.County Road

市县出口路ExitRoadtotheCityorCounty 公路养护HighwayMaintenance








行业风彩Industry Image


Dear_____,I am writing this letter to express my apology that ______________.I feel terribly sorry about this.Once again, I am very sorry for any inconvenience caused.I will be really appreciated if you can accept my apologies and understand my situation.Yours Sincerely



我写这封信以表达我的道歉 ______________(道歉原因)。







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