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(2)每个声音强度增加十倍是一个额外的L0 dB.Thus表示,10分贝的声音是微弱的响音激烈L0倍。在一个安静的图书馆的声压级是微弱的响音激烈的约1000倍。因此,库中的声级10 10 10或30分贝。




life expectancy:耐用期限,平均寿命 poverty-stricken:贫穷的,贫困的,贫乏的smog-laden air:烟雾弥漫的天空global conditions :全球状况 haves and have-nots:

富人和穷人 underprivileged :社会地位低下的,相对贫困的,生活水平低下的,弱势的savanna:热带大草原,稀树草原 predator:食肉动物,捕食者 environmental disruptions:

环境破坏,环境失调 primary pollutant一次大气污染物 secondary pollutant 二次大气污

染物 Air nitrous oxide一氧化二氮(N2O)nitric oxide一氧化氮NOnitrogen dioxide

二氧化氮(NO2)soot煤烟 dust 灰尘smog烟雾 ozone 臭氧 herbicide 除草剂 pesticide杀虫剂 / 农药 VOC 挥发性有机化合物APC 大气污染控制 Regulatory program调整项目Financial support财政支持 Operating cost操作成本 Biodegradation capacity

生物降解能力Environmental media 环境介质 Biological生物学的 Technologies技术、工艺 Inorganic air pollutants无机大气污染物treatment facilities处理设备

per capita per day每人每天 municipality市政当局,自治市 population equivalent人口当量 basement flooding地下室浸水 runoff排水 domestic sewage生活

污水 type of terrain地形种类 land disposal掩埋处置 fecal coliform粪大肠菌群

stringent effluent requirement严格的废水排assimilation capacity同化能力

practical outlets可行的排出途径,现实出aquatic life水生生物 detrimental to human

health 对人体健康有endogenous phase内源〔生长〕期 flow monitoring流量监测

equipment age and reliability装备老化及其可靠性 mechanistic facilities机械设备

microbial activity微生物活性 activated sludge活性污泥 controlling respiration控制呼

吸 oxidation ditches氧化沟 on-line automation在线自动〔监测〕Precision and accuracy

精密度和准确度Bulk collection 大量收集Matrix material 原材料Analysis sequence 分析序

列Multivariate statistics 多元统计Interactive effect 相互影响

农药—pesticide化肥—chemical fertilizer有机废物—organic wastes 微生物

—microorganism / microbe衰减—attenuation阻滞的—retardant / blocking稀释—dilution添加剂—additive合成塑料—synthetic plastic再生--regeneration

出口outlet多管高效旋风分离器multitube high-efficiency cyclone 合成纤维 synthetic

fabric 捕集效率collection efficiency 机械洗涤mechanical scrubbing 压力降pressure

drop 焚化炉 incinerator 气体离子gas ion 捕集板collection surface 碳黑carbon

black 尾气off-gas 可应用性applicability工业规模full-scale 土壤床soil bed 生物

过滤biofilter 固定资本fixed capital易生物降解的 easily biodegraded手动控制operator

control/ manual control 最优化minimize the effects 微处理器microprocessor 统计分析

statistical analysis 质量衡算mass balance 动力学dynamics 氧化还原oxidation and

reduction /redox 停留时间residence time 模拟simulation 参数parameter 水解

hydrolysis 积分integral





1.The breadth and complexity of the environmental problems we face and the scientific, economic and social impediments to their solution emphasize how important it is that environmental scientists and engineers gain an appreciation for the processes and functioning of all environmental compartments — air, soil, water, and energy — and intentionally account for the long-term consequences and sustainability of the actions they propose, whether they be preventative or remedial.我们所面临的环境问题的广度和复杂程度以及对解决这个问题的科学的、经济的、社会的阻碍,都集中到了这样一个重要性:环境科学家与工程师们获得一个对多有环境因素诸如空气、石油、水、能量的流程和功能的判断,有意阐明所提议的行为的长期结果和可持续发展性,是否他们(环境问题)可以预防和补救。

2.As these next-generation technologies are considered, the selection of those for further development and implementation ought to consider a broadened definition of performance to include improved water quality and quantity as well as energy and materials consumption, ecosystem function at the source and sink, life-cycle impacts, and human-health outcomes.这些被认为是下一代技术,它们进一步开发和实现的选择应当考虑改善水质量和数量,以及能源和材料消耗, 在源和水槽,生命周期的影响、人类健康结果的影响的生态系统功能的定义。

3.The next step is to combine the exposure data with so-called exposure–response(or concentration–response)functions(the quantified relationship between health risk and exposure to air pollution)and data for the actual frequency in the given area of, for example, deaths and hospital admissions due to air-pollution-related diseases.考试过程中不得将试卷拆开

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4.Environmental engineers must seek to understand the nature and functioning of large and complex systems in order to protect whole ecosystems, produce new and sustainable technologies, prevent the outbreak of diseases across global scales, and protect the environment from damage resulting from the production of new chemicals.环境工程师必须去理解性质和功能大而复杂的系统,以保护整个生态系统产生新的、可持续的技术,防止疾病的疫情在全球范围传播,保护环境免受新化学物质的破坏。

5.With increased scientific knowledge derived from laboratory studies and environmental monitoring concerning the impacts of the residual constituents found in secondary effluent, it is anticipated that many of the methods now classified as advanced will become conventional within the next 5 to 10 years.随着实验室研究和环境监测有关发现二级污水中残留成分的影响,科学知识在急剧增加,预计,有许多现在列为先进的技术将在未来5至10年成为传统的方法。

6.Nonselective in their mode of attack and able to operate at normal temperature and pressures, hydroxyl radicals are capable of oxidizing almost all reduced materials present without restriction to specific classes or groups of compounds, as compared to other oxidants.相比其他氧化剂,它们能够在非选择性的攻击模式、在正常的温度和压力下,减少几乎所有材料的羟基自由基的氧化能力,然而现在它们没有被划分到具体的类或化合物组,7.International development organizations and human rights groups increasingly insist, however, that environmental problems that deprive vulnerable populations in developing countries of access to shelter, water, or food or that spread diseases, whatever the sources, are security issues.虽然环境问题剥夺了发展中国家的弱势群体获得庇护的权利, 但是, 国际发展组织和人权考试过程中不得将试卷拆开

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8.Encouraged by funds appropriated by governments that are motivated by public interest, researchers have turned their research to evaluate damage or potential damage to the “environment”

to humans, other species, or systems that need to be protected.出于公共利益,由政府拨款的鼓励基金支持研究人员用他们的研究来评估伤害或潜在伤害人类的“环境”, 需要保护的其他物种或系统,9.The North China Plain bounded by the Hai, Huai, and Yellow rivers has 33% of China’s population and generates the same national percentage of gross domestic product(GDP)and industrial output, yet only shares 7.7% of the national water resources.Conversely, 21.3% of the country’s water resources are in the southwest, but that region accounts for only 0.7% of the national GDP and industrial output.华北平原有东海,淮河和黄河,拥有中国33%的人口和相同比例的国内生产总值(GDP)和工业产出,但却只有7.7%的国家水资源。相反,我国21.3%的水资源在西南地区,但该地区仅占国家GDP和工业产值的0.7%。

10.The projection is based on a wide range of assumptions about the main forces driving future emissions(such as population growth and technological change)but does not reflect any efforts to control emissions due to concerns about climate change.这个投影是基于驱动未来的碳排放的主要因素(人口增长和技术变革等)一系列假设,但并不能反映由于人们对气候变化的担忧而控制排放的努力。

11.As developing nations industrialize, pollutant concentrations and the numbers of exposed individuals increase;as new chemicals are added to our environment we discover more complex and troubling impacts;as we more carefully monitor ecosystems, we become more alarmed at the threats our activities have on the very fabric of life on Earth.当发展中国家正在工业化时,污染物聚集程度以及暴露在这些化学品影响之下的人数都在考试过程中不得将试卷拆开

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12.Recognition of this interconnectedness has led the African Development Bank and other development organizations to agree that integrating adaptation responses into development planning, which includes improvements in water and sanitation, is an important way to address climate change impacts on the poor.识别的互联性导致了非洲开发银行和其他开发组织同意将适应反应集成到发展规划中,其中包括改善水和卫生设施这一个重要的方法来应对气候变化对穷人的影响

13.Research is ongoing to determine(1)the environmental effects of potential toxic and biologically active substances found in wastewater and(2)how these substances can be removed by both conventional and advanced wastewater-treatment processes.研究确定:(1)废水的环境具有潜在的毒性并可以对生物活性物质产生影响(2)如何利用传统和先进的污水处理工艺发现这些物质

14.For example, a qualitative test may involve the use of a reagent which develops a colour in the presence of the analyte.However, below a certain concentration or detection limit the colour will not be detectable.Thus, the qualitative test is quantitative also in the sense that it can only show that the analyte concentration does not exceed a certain detection limit.例如,定性试验可能涉及使用试剂开发分析物存在的色彩。然而,低于一定浓度或检测极限的颜色不会被检测到。因此,定性试验在某种意义上只能显示浓度不超过一定的检出限的分析物

15.Much of the environment damage caused by developments occurs during the construction phase, and a problem is that construction is usually contracted to a construction company who will not have participated in the EIA process, and over whom the developer may have little control.许多损害环境的事是发生在施工阶段,其中一个问题是,施工单位通常是一个不会参与环境考试过程中不得将试卷拆开

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16.Nevertheless, the general direction and boundaries of that trajectory can be established through a combination of knowledge of the damaged ecosystem’s pre-existing structure ,composition and functioning, studies on comparable intact ecosystems, information about regional environmental conditions, and analysis of other ecological, cultural and historical reference information.然而,总的方向和边界的轨迹可以通过知识的结合建立受损生态系统的预先存在的结构、组成和功能,比较完整的生态系统,研究区域环境条件、信息和分析其他生态、文化和历史的参考信息等

17.The story of MTBE provides another example of unintended consequences.MTBE was first added to gasoline in the early 1980s to replace the octane enhancer tetraethyllead and to help clean the air by reducing exhaust emissions.Inadvertent leakage from cars and storage tanks, however, has led to MTBE contamination of groundwater, including drinking water sources, in many parts of the United States.MTBE的故事提供了一个意想不到的后果。MTBE在1980年代初首次添加到汽油代替辛烷增强器四乙基铅,并通过减少废气排放帮助清洁空气。然而,却因不慎从汽车和储油罐泄漏,导致了MTBE污染美国许多地区包括饮用水来源的地下水.18.In the simplest circumstances, restoration consists of removing or modifying a specific disturbance, thereby allowing ecological processes to bring about an independent recovery.For example, removing a dam allows the return of an historical flooding regime.在最简单的情况下,去除或修改一个特定的干扰组分,从而为生态过程带来一个独立的复苏。例如,移除一个大坝使洪水可以发生.19.Because of the extensive research into the mechanisms of BNR, the advantages of its use, and the number of BNR systems that have been placed into operation, nutrient removal, for all practical purposes, has become a part of conventional wastewater treatment.考试过程中不得将试卷拆开

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因为对BNR机制进行了广泛的研究,BNR系统具有的优势使它已投入生产, 并且出于实用的目的营养物去除 ,已成为传统废水处理的一部分

20.The municipal wastewater treatment enterprise is composed of over 16,000 plants that are used to treat a total flow of about 1400 cubic meters per second(m3/s).Approximately 92 percent of the total existing flow is handled by plants having a capacity of 0.044 m3/s and larger.市政污水处理企业有16000多个设备用于治理总流量约1400立方米/秒(立方米/秒)的污水。大约 92%的总现有的流程是由具有 0.044 m3/s和更大能力的设备处理的。


1.Read one of the following reading materials, and write abstract about it(100 words)(1)Unit1, Reading Material A

(2)Unit13, Reading Material B Advanced oxidation processes are used to oxidize complex organic constituents found in wastewater that are difficult to degrade biologically into simpler end products.Included theory of advanced oxidation,technologies used to produce hydroxy radicals,(ozone/UV, hydrogen peroxide/UV).Besides, the reading material tell our oxidation of refractory organic compounds and operational problems.(3)Unit 7, Reading Material A

2.Choose one of the following topic, then write an article to express your opinion(150 words)What are the differences and relationships between the four terms, global warming, greenhouse effect, and climate change?

Global warming and the greenhouse effect is mainly due to the modern industrial 考试过程中不得将试卷拆开

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society burning too much coal, oil and natural gas release large amounts of carbon dioxide gas into the atmosphere.However, State of climate change is the average climate change with time, the state that climate average and deviation(analyzed)both in one or two there was statistically significant change together.We know that there are many common relationship between global warming, greenhouse effect, and climate change.Carbon dioxide emissions from excess greenhouse effect, at the same time can also cause global warming.The greenhouse effect and global warming lead to climate change.三、作业说明




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Environment Engineering of *** University,Nanjing(123456)Address: No.1 Xikang Road Nanjing E-mail:Mobile: +86-***-****-****

A related professional job(Environment Engineering)in your company.Can from the grass-roots work to start, hard work, and actively practice, improve and enrich technical and social experience. Sep , 2012June, 2012***University of Environment for Bachelor’s degree Majoring

in Environment Engineering. 2010 as an intern in the Wang Tong sewage treatment plant in **;

 2010 June ,in the JieNeng Environmental Protection Equipment Co.,Ltd.work as a salesman. 2011, Have internship experiences in *** solid waste treatment center, China Resources

Snow Breweries in **, and so on. Good command of both written English(CET Band 6)and fluent spoken ,fluent and

proficient communication in both spoken and written English.So can adapt quickly to work in a Sino-American joint venture. Sound knowledge with software such as Windows, Office Software, PhotoShop, CAD,master

the basic knowledge of C language , master in the internet, etc. Received a full range of university-based education by good professional training and ability,have a solid theoretical basis and practical experience in various fields of environmental pollution and its governance, strong ability in field practice and research analysis, Get the thesis first prize in University. In university acted as reporter and proofreader of the College publication.All the work can be

done very cautious.

 

In 2010,attended college students “Venture Challenge Cup” Design Competition.In 2011,attended The English Speaking Competition in university and got the third prize.Took participate in the Youth Essay Competition and won the excellent prize.Awarded excellent correspondent when participate the sports competition in university.


Environment is the physicsl and biotic habitat which surrounds us;that which we can see.hear, touch, smell, and taste.System.according to Wehster’ s dictionaryD , is defined as “a set or arrangement of things so related or connected as to form a unit or organic whole;as, a solar system, irrigation system, supply system, the world or universe”.•环境:是指我们周围的物理和生物生境,我们可以看到,听到,触到,闻到和感到这些事物。•系统:根据韦氏字典,系统为相关和相联的一组或一系列事情形成一个单元或有机体

Pollution can be defined as an undesirable change in the physical, chemical, or biological

characteristics of the air, water, or land that can harmfully affect the health, survival, or activities of humans or other living organisms.•污染:可以定义为空气、水或土壤的物理化学或生物特性发生恶化以至于对人类或生物有机体的健康、生存或活性造成了危害

When the goal of improving environmental quality is taken to be improving human

well-being.Theword“environment” broadens to include all kinds of social, economic, and cultural aspects.Such broadness is unworkable in many real situations and impractical in a textbook designed for a one-semester course.Our examination of environmental problems is therefore limited by our definition of “environment”.当改善环境质量的目的是用来改善人体健康时,环境这个词的含义就拓宽到包括各种社会、经济和文化方面,但这样的拓宽对许多实际情况不可行的,对为一学期时间设计的课程而言是不现实的。从而我们对环境问题调查时把环境的定义做了限制。

A number of different environmental problems are associated with water, air, or land systems.Many of these problems will apply only within one of these systems, justifying the breakdown into these categories.Such a classification is also useful for easier comprehension of related problems within one system.Moreover, it is sensible because, for managerial and administrative reasons® , such subfields as air pollution, water supply, wastewater diaposal, and solid waste disposal are often dealt with separately by governmental agencies.与水、大气或土地系统来说有一些不同的相关环境问题。而许多问题只是适用于其中的一个系统,正因为此这也说明了上述分类的合理性。如此的分类还有利于更容易对一个系统内相关问题的理解。并且从行政管理方面看也是合理的,因为政府机构经常把环境问题分为空气污染、供水、污水处理和固体废物处置几个方面来处理。

Unfortunately, many important environmental problems are not confined to an air, water, or land system, but involve interactions between systems.但有许多重要的环境问题并不局限于大气、水或土地系统中的某个单一系统,而是包含各系统之间的相互作用。

A current example is the acid rain problem stemming from the emission of sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide gases into the atmosphere from the stacks of generating stations®, smelters, and automobile exhausts.一个典型的例子是由于从许多发电站、冶炼厂和汽车排气向大气释放的二氧化硫和氮氧化物造成的酸雨问题。

These gases are then transported by air currents over wide regions, Rainfall “washes them out”, creating acid rain which is harmful to aquatic life, forests, and agricultural crops.Two examples of interaction between systems that cause major environmental disturbances are presented-the buildup of atmospheric carbon dioxide, a global problem.and the acid rain problem.normally of regional nature.这些气体被气流输送到更广的区域,然后经降雨的冲刷后形成了酸雨,这对水生生物、森林和农作物有危害。对各系统间的相互作用造成了较大的环境破坏这里给出了两个例子,一个是全球性问题即大气中二氧化碳的逐渐增加,另一个是酸雨问题,通常是区域性问题。

Many major improvements to our standard of living can be attributed to the application of science and technology.A few examples are noted here.Can you think of others?

• The production of more and better quality food

• The creation of housing as protection from extrcmcs from climates and as living apace

• The building of fast and reliable means of transportation

• The invention of various systems of communication*

*我们生活水平的许多大的改善可以归公于科学技术的应用这里给出几个例子。你能再举出其它的例子? ﹡更多并且质量更好食物的生产﹡快速并可靠的运输方式的创建﹡创造了可以保护我们免受极端气候并作为生活空间的房子﹡多种通信体系的发明

• The invention of machines to replace human or animal power• The supply of safe water and the disposal of wastes

• The elimination of many infectious diseases


• The elimination of most water-borne diseases in the developed world through improved water technology

• The availability of leisure time through greater productivity, providing the opportunity for cultural and recreational activities

• The protection from the worst effects of natural disasters such as floods, droughts, earthquakes, and volcanic eruptions.﹡在发达国家通过改进水工艺消除了大多数水传染病﹡通过更大的生产力使我们有空闲时间,增加了可以参加提供的文化活动及娱乐活动机会﹡保护我们不受例如洪水、干旱、地震和火山喷发等自然灾害的恶劣影响

With these improvements, however, have come disturbing side effects, such as lost arabic land, disappearing forests, environmental pollution, and new organisms resistant to

controls.尽管有这些改进,但这些改进有困扰我们的副作用,例如可耕地的丧失,森林的消失,环境污染和难以控制的新有机体。Many effects originally considered to be just nuisances are now recognized as potential threata to nature and to humana.这些作用中有许多一开始只被认为是公害,但现在已经被认识到对自然和人类有潜在的威胁。

In an agrarian society, people lived essentially in harmony with mature, raising food, gathering firewood, and making clothing and tools from the land.The wastes from animals and humans were returned to the soil as fertilizer.Few, if any, problems of water, land, or sir pollution occurred.在农业社会,人们基本上与自然和谐相处,在土地中种植粮食,收集木柴,并制作衣服和工具。人类和动物产生的废物以肥料的形式返回土壤中。即使产生了水体、土壤和大气污染,也很少。

The cities of ancient times, particularly those of the Roman Empire® had systems to supply water and to dispose of wastes.The aqueducts supplying the ancient city of Rome(population about 1 million)with safe water from the Cloaca Maxims©, the best known and one of the earliest sewers to be built, are examples of such systems.古代大城市,特别是罗马帝国时的那些城市,有供水和废物处置的体系。该体系一个例子如下:从古罗马的大排泄沟输水管道为有百万人口的罗马城市供应干净的水,这是最著名也是最早建造的排水管。The municipal technology of ancient cities seems to have been forgotten for many centuries by those who built cities throughout Europe.Water supply and waste disposal were neglected, resulting in many outbreaks of dysentery, cholera, typhoid.and other waterborne diseases.许多世纪以来,整个欧洲城市的建筑者们忘记了古代城市的市政工程。供水和废物处置的忽略造成了许多疾病的发作,例如痢疾、霍乱、伤寒和其它水传染疾病。Until the middle of the nineteenth century, it was not realized that improper wastes disposal polluted water supplies with disease-carrying organisms.直到19世纪中叶以前,人们没有意识到废物的不当处置会使给水受到带病有机体的污染。

The industrial revolution in nineteenth-century Britain, Europe, and North Americs aggravated the environmental problems since it brought increased urbanization with the industrialization.英国、欧洲和北美国家在19世纪的工业革命恶化了环境问题,这是因为随着工业化发展城市化加速造成的。Both phenomena, urbanization and industrialization, were and are fundamental causes of water and air pollution which the cities of that time were unable to handle.所有城市化和工业化现象,无论在过去还是现在都是造成在该时代不能处理的水体和大气污染的原因。Rapid advances in technology for the treatment of water and the partisl treatment of wastewster took place in the developed countries over the next few decades.This led to a drsmstic decrease in the incidence of waterborne diseases®.Note that all wastes discharge into the environment, and thus pollute our water, air, and land systems.接下来的几十年里,在发达国家对给水的处理和废水的部分处理方面的技术得到了快速发展。这样就大大减少了水传染病的发生率。我们应注意到排放到环境的所有废物污染了我们的水、大气和土壤系统。1排水工程sewerage engineering,wastewater engineering2排水系统sewer system3排水体制sewerage system4排水设施wastewater facilities5合流制combined system6分流制separate system 7城镇污水urban wastewater8城镇污水系统urban wastewater system9城镇污水污泥urban wastewater sludge10旱流污水dry weather flow,DWF11生活污水domestic sewage;sewage12综合生活污水comprehensive sewage13工业废水industrial wastewater 14入渗地下水infiltrated ground water15总变化系数peaking variation factor16径流系数runoff coefficient17暴雨强度: rainfallintensity18重现期recurrence interval19降雨历时duration of rainfall20汇水面积catchment area 21 地面集水时间inlet time,concentration time22截流倍数

interception ratio23排水泵站 drainagepumpingstation24污水泵站sewage pumping station25雨水泵站storm water pumping station 26合流污水泵站combinedsewage pumping station27一级处理

primary treatment28二级处理secondary treatment29活性污泥法activated sludge process,suspendedgrowth process30生物反应池biological reaction tank31活性污泥activated sludge32回流污泥returned sludge33格栅 bar screen34格栅除污机 bar screen machine35固定式格栅除污机 fixed raking machine36移动式格栅除污机mobile raking machine37 沉砂池 grit chamber38平流沉砂池 horizontal flow grit chamber39 曝气沉砂池 aerated grit chamber 40旋流沉砂池 vortex-type grit chamber41 沉淀 sedimentation, settling42 初次沉淀池 primary sedimentation tank43二次沉淀池secondary sedimentation tank

平流沉淀池 horizontal sedimentation tank45 竖流沉淀池 vertical flow sedimentation tank46辐流沉淀池radial vertical flow sedimentation tank 47 斜管(板)沉淀池 inclined tube(plate)sedimentation tank48 好氧 oxic,aerobic49 厌氧 anaerobic50 缺氧 anoxic51 生物硝化 bio-nitrification52 生物反硝化 bio-denitrification53 混合液回流 mixed liquid recycle54 生物除磷 biological phosphorus removal55缺氧/好氧脱氮工艺 anoxic/oxicprocess(ANO)56厌氧/好氧脱氮工anaerobic /oxic process(APO)57厌氧/缺氧/好氧脱氮除磷工艺 anaerobic/anoxic/oxicprocess(AAO,又称A2/O)58序批式活性污泥法sequencing batch reactor(SBR)59 充水比 fill ratio60 总凯氏氮 total Kjeldahl nitrogen61总氮totalnitrogen62 总磷 total phosphorus63 好氧泥龄 oxic sludge age64泥龄sludge ag65氧化沟oxidation ditch66 好氧区 oxic zone67 缺

氧区 anoxic zone68 厌氧区 anaerobic zone69 生物膜法 biofilm process,attached growth process70 生物接触氧化 bio-contact oxidation 71 曝气生物滤池 biological aerated filter(BAF)72 生物转盘rotating biological contactor(RBC)73 塔式生物滤池 biotower74 低负荷生物滤池 low-rate trickling filters75 高负荷生物滤池 high-rate biological filters76 五日生化需氧量容积负荷 BOD5-volumetric loading rate77 表面负荷 hydraulic loading rate78 固定布水器 fixed distributor79 旋转布水器 rotating distributor80 石料滤料 rock filtering media81 塑料填料 pastic media82 污水自然处理 natural treatment of wastewater83 土地处理 land treatment84 稳定塘 stabilization pond85 灌溉田 sewage farming86 人工湿地artifical wetland ,constructed wetland87 污水再生利用 wastewater reuse88 深度处理 advanced treatment89 再生水 renovated water,reclaimed water90 膜过滤 membrane filtration91 颗粒活性炭吸附池 granular activated carbon adsorption tank92 紫外线ultraviolet 93 紫外线剂量 ultraviolet dose94污泥处理sludge treatment95污泥处置sludge disposal96污泥浓缩sludge thickening 97污泥脱水sludged dewatering98污泥干化sludge drying 99污泥消化sludge digestion 100厌氧消化anaerobic digestion好氧消化aerobic digestion102中温消化mesophilic digestion 103高温消化thermophilic digestion104原污泥raw sludge 105 初沉污泥primary sludge 106二沉污泥secondary sludge 107 剩余污泥excess activated sludge108 消化污泥digested sludge109 消化池digester110 消化时间digest time111 挥发性固体volatile solids112 挥发性固体去除率removal percentage of volatile solid113 挥发性固体容积负荷cubage load of volatile solids114污泥气sludge gas污泥气燃烧器sludge gas burner116 回火防止器backfire preventer污泥热干化sludge heat drying118污泥焚烧sludge incineration污泥综合利用 sludge integrated application污泥土地利用 sludge land application污泥农用sludge farm application



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