
时间:2019-05-13 16:51:36下载本文作者:会员上传









(1)As our quotation is based on sea delivery,any extra charge for dispatch by parcel post should be borne by buyers.我们所报价格是以海运为基础的。所以,因货物以邮包方式寄发而产生的任何额外费用应由买户负责。

(2).Delivery by air parcel post calls for an extra charge about-% of the CIF value.以航空包裹方式发货所需额外费用大约相当于CIF金额的-%。

(3)We note that you want additional samples of 5 yards per colour way to be dispatched by air.This can be done provided that the cost,airfreight and insurance premium are for buyer's account.As we cannot ascertain now the airfreight,please remit us in advanve RMB¥2000.00,we shall charge you for or credit you with the difference based on the actual freight paid.获悉贵方另要求航寄色位各5码样品,这是可以的。但布价航邮费及保险费须由客


(4)The shipment time is Feb.or Mar.at our option and the goods will be shipped in one lot.装运期为二月或三月,由我决定,货物将一批装完。



(1)Owing to the delay in opening L/C,shipment can not be made as contracted and should be postponed to next month.由于开证迟缓,货不能按约装出,须推迟到下个月。

(2)Since your design assortment reached us late,it will be impossible to effect the shipment until Feb.2006.因您花样搭配来迟。货只能于2006年2月付运。

(3)Only after the manufactruer's approval,can the designs be arranged for production.Therefore,it is impossible for us to ship the goods within this month as contracted,and the delay in shipment is entirely due to your failure in sending us the designs in time.花样只有经过工厂同意后方能生产。因此,货已不可能按约于本月内装运,所以由此而产生的迟装全系贵方没有及时送来花样而致。

(4)We wish to advise you that the goods under S/C No.* went forward per steamer“*X” on Dec.19,2005 to be transhipped in * and expected to reach your port early Jan.2006.兹通知合约*项下货物业已于2005年12月19日装运“*X”轮,在*转船,估计于2006年1月初可抵达贵港。到底怎样学习外贸英语的装期语句最合理呢?对于这样的难题,那么以上的文章中就分析的较为具体了。同时也正是由于这些合理的分析,我们在未来学习英语的道路上才会更为的顺利和平坦,而此时这些重点语句也起到了关键的辅助作用。




A:Hello,Mr Dong.It’s a great pleasure to have another corporation with you.I believe you have seen our exhibits in the show room.What is it in particular you’re interested in?

B:I’m interested in your bicycles.I think it will find a ready market in America.I’d like to have your lowest quotation,CIF newyork.A:thank youyou're your inquiry.woud you tell me what quantity you require so what we can work out the offers? B;I will do that.Meanwhile,could you tell me an indication of the price?

A;Here are our FOB price.All the prices in the lists are subject to our confirmation.B.what about the commission?I usually get a 3 to 5 percent commission for my imports.It is the general practice.A.As a rule we do not allow any commission.B.You see,I do business on a commision basis.A commission on your prices would make it easier for me to promote sales.Even 2or 3percent would help.A..But if your order is a sizable one ,we will consider it

B.We will import about 2000 bikes.A.OK.here the ready for you.Let me see ,here it is.,2000bicycles,at USD1000 per neice.CIF Newyork..and I will give you 3 percent commission.The offer is valid for three days.B:Why,your price has soared!It is almost 25% higher than ever before.It would be impossible for us to push any sales at such a price.We hope you will take the initiative and bridge the gap.A:I’m surprised to hear you say that.You know very well the market for bicycles has gone up a great deal in recent months,The price we offer compares favourably with quotations you can get elsewhere.B.I am afraid I can not agree with you there.A.This is our rock-bottom price.We cannot make any further concessions.B.If that is the case.there is not much point in further discussion.We might as well call the whole deal off.A.what I mean is that we will never be able to come down to your price.The gap is too great.But you must takethe quality into consideration.Everyone in the trade knows that Chinas bicycles are of superior quality to those from other counties.Our price compares favourablywith what you might get elsewhere..B.I agree that yours are of better quality.But,still,there is keen competition in the bicycle market.A.To be frank with you, if it were not for the long-standing relationship between us,we wouldnot consider making you a firm offer at this price.Its price is in line with the international market.B.I think it unwise for either of us to insist on his own price..A.Well,to get the business done,we can consider making some concessions in ourprice.Since your order is large enough,we are ready to reduce our prices by 2 percent.B.When I say your price are much too high ,I don't mean they are higher merely by 2or 3 percent.A.How much do you mean then ?Can you give me a rough idea?

B.To conclude the deal,I would say a reduction of at least 10percent would help.A.Impossible.How can you expect us to make a reduction to that extent?

B:But your prise is still not workable.A.What is your proposal?

B: How about meet each other half way and each makes a further concession so that businee can be concluded ?Your unit price is 100dollars higher than we can accept.When I suggested we meet each other half way,I mean it literally.A.Do you mean to suggest that we have to make a further reduction of 50 dollars in our price?That is impossible!

B.What would you suggest?

A.The best we can do will be a reduction of another 30dollars.That will definitely be rock-bottom.B.That still leaves a gap of 20dollars to be covered.Let meet each other half way once more,then the gap will be closed and our business copleted.A.You certainly have a way of talking me into it.All right ,let us meet each other half way again.B:I am glad we have come to an agreement on price.What about the terms of payment?I wonder if you would accept D/P?

A:We usually accept L/C only.B:I see.But as you know ,the world market has been rather inactive recently.Furthermore,our exchange quota is not enough.As we are longstanding buyers,we would like to have special consideration.Can you use D/P or D/A in this transaction.A:I am sorry ,we cannot accept D/P.As you just pointed out ,we feel it necessary to do business on the basis of L/C.at least for the time being.B.Anyway in order toconclude the business.I hope we will meet each other half way.What abou 50% by L/C,and the balance by D/P.?

A.As I’ve said, we only accept payment by L/C.B:We have make a concession in the price.Cannot you do it?

A:Let me see.Okey,in order to encourage future business and as a gesture of friendship, we accept your requirement.B:Well.I am glad we have settled the terms of payment.Is it possible to effect shipment before July?

A:there is a little problem.The custons formalities are rather complicated.Besides, the flow through the marketing channnels and the red tape involved take at least a couple of weeks.B: It is important to us.,otherwise we wont be in time for the selling season.Could you do something to advance your time of shipment? Make a special effort,please.A timely delivery means a lot to us.A:Well, I will try to get the manufacturers round to step up producton so that you can receive the goods timely.B,Shall we go over the other terms and conditions of transaction to see if we agree on all the particulars?

A.All right.As a matter of fact,we always pack our bicycles in new strong wooden cases suitable for long-distance ocean transportation.B.The bicycles must be well protected against dampness ,moisture,rust,and be able to stand shock and rough handling.A.We will see to that.That can be done.Any question about the inspections and claims?

B.None whatsoever.The quality and performance of your bicycles must stand every possible test..Last,but not least ,the inspection is to be carried out by the Shanghai Commodity Inspection Bureau,which is final and binding on both parties..Through years of dealing with you ,we are convinced of your commercial integrity.A.Well.You can rest assured that we will do everything possible to prevent defective commodities from going abroad.However,if there should be any disputes,we wish to have them settled through friendly discussions.Then what aboutinsurance?

B.I think we`d better have insurance against All Risks.A.I agree with you.Well.it seems we have talked about everything.When can the contract be ready for signing?

B.How ahout Firday afternoon at 1:00pm.A:That’s fine.See you.B:See you.



English spoken language material artistic collection
















900 英语九百句






















We’ve received the sample which you sent us last Sunday.我们已经收到了上星期天你方寄来的样品。

We’ve got here our sales samples Type 1.and Type 2.这里是一号和二号样货。Our quality is based solely on our sales samples.我们的质量完全以货样为准。

We sell goods as per the sales sample, not the quality of any previous supplies.我们销售产品是以货样为标准,而不是凭过去任何一批货的质量。

You can see the difference between these grades.你可以看看这些等级的差别。these two grades are very much in demand.这两种等级(的货)目前需求甚殷。We are in urgent need of these two grades.我们现在急需这两种等级的货。

the colour of the shipment is much darker than that of your previous consignment.这批货的颜色比上批要暗许多。

No doubt you’ve received the outturn samples of the inferior quality goods.你们一定收到了质量低劣产品的到货抽样。

I must advise you of the specifications of the goods.我必须通知货物的规格。

Have you received the specifications as shown in our catalog?你们收到了按我方目录所列的产品规格了吗?

the quality is all right, but the style is a bit outdated.质量无问题,只是式样有点过时。We found the goods didn’t aGREe with the original patterns.我们发现货物与原式样不符。

the new varieties have very vivid designs and beautiful colors.那新产品图案新颖,色泽鲜艳。

We’re here to discuss the trade marks of your products.我们来谈谈贵产品的商标一事。

Please send me the detailed specification of the pipes you want.So I can send a accurate quote to you.



It was the last night of the year.It was snowing heavily and the ominous sky had grown dark.A poor little girl was walking bare-foot through the streets trying to find people to buy her matches.She had had slippers on when she left home.But they were too big.She had lost them when she crossed the wide and deep street.So then she continued walking along without her slippers.The sad girl looked as thin as the matches that she was selling.She had already been walking in the wind and snow for a whole day.No one had bought anything from her;no one had given her even a copper penny.She was shivering with cold, yet she did not dare to go home.If she did not bring money home, her father would beat her.Besides, her home was as cold as the street.As her legs could no longer carry her, she sat down at the corner of the street.How fine it would be if she had a little fire before her!She drew a match from the box and struck it against the wall.Oh, how it burned!The girl struck one match after another.It really seemed as if she was sitting by a great beautiful stove.When the little fire was burning, in her imagination she saw a lot of fine things: a Christmas tree, a goose, and so on.It also seemed to her that her long dead grandmother was standing by her.She was the only person who had been good to her.The next day the New Year’s sun was shinning upon the little body that was lying there with the pile of burned matches.The poor girl had gently frozen to death on the last day of the Old Year.绕口令

Betty bought a bit of butter, “But” said she “this butter is bitter.If I put it in my batter, it will make my batter bitter” So, She bought some better butter, better than the bitter butter, and it made her bitter batter better.



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