
时间:2019-05-13 02:07:30下载本文作者:会员上传


Meaning and Understanding in the History of Ideas

Historians of ideas focus on two types of meaning – literal and intended meaning.Quentin Skinner makes two key distinctions: between literal and intended meaning, and between text and contexts.These distinctions should be considere considered separately.A statement‘s intended meaning may differ from its literal meaning – ‗the sense and reference of the terms used to express it.Skinner‘s first example is irony.Taken literally, Defoe‘s The Shortest-Way With the Dissenters argues that dissenters should be executed.Taken ironically, as Defoe actually intended, the argument is for toleration, not persecution.To conclude that Defoe meant to defend persecution would be to confuse literal and intended meanings, to confuse what the words say and what Defoe meant by them.Irony is the ‗textbook case‘ of ‗a divergence between what a person says and what she means‘.Skinner‘s second example is ambiguity.We should look to intended meanings when literal meanings are unclear – when ‗the speaker fails to make clear how exactly the utterance is to be taken or understood‘.Ambiguity is ‗rampant‘ in natural

languages, and perhaps no statement is ever entirely unambiguous.Much more could be said about speech-act theory.The basic point is that intended and literal meanings diverge, and we usually prioritise intended meanings.This

view is standard for philosophers of language, although they differ from each other in many details.Of course, my brief account cannot fully justify this position.But three points are briefly worth emphasising.The value of textual analysis should be briefly highlighted.We do not need contextual analysis to reject obvious misreadings, like Geoffrey Hill‘s bizarre claim that Hobbes believed in intrinsic value.Indeed, the Cambridge school‘s huge contribution to intellectual history partly reflects high-quality textual analysis.Reading a text carefully is necessary – but not sufficient.Ultimately, the combination of textual and contextual analysis is crucial, as in Skinner‘s superlative analysis of Hobbes‘s changing account of liberty.In summary, for many intellectual historians the aim is to uncover intended meanings, and the means to that end are textual and/or contextual analysis, both of which may involve analysing literal meaning.斯金纳


The Historical Text as Literary Artifact

White applies theories of fiction to historical writing(ie historiography).His essay raises questions about the disciplinary boundaries between HISTORY and

LITERATURE.He coins the term ―meta-history ‖,stories about history.This theory attempts to blur the disciplinary

distinctions between Historiography and Literature.He argues strongly that historians employ the

― historical imagination ‖ when depicting the past.In other words the historian relies on the

narrative strategies of a literary writer.His idea is that HISTORY is narrative prose shaped by literary conventions and the historian‘s imagination.Perhaps historical

narrative even employs types of ―plots ‖ or ―emplotments ‖ of tragic, comic, romantic, satiric.Hayden White returns to age-old considerations;like Aristotle who in the

POETICS questioned the fundamental differences between ―history‖ and ‗poetry‘: ―Poetry tends to express the

universal, history the particular.‖ Notion of a truly scientific historical representation has its origins in the mid-19th century;postwar theory questions the objectivity of the historiography.海登•怀特


新历史主义(New Historicism)是诞生于80年代的英美文化界和文学界的―新‖的文学批评方法,一种对历史本文加以重新阐释和政治解读的―文化诗学‖。新历史主义对旧历史主义和形式主义文学批评方法加以批判,在张扬―主体‖、―历史‖和―意识形态‖中,使―本文的历史性‖与―历史的本文性‖成为文学批评的主要范畴。新历史主义的主将是格林布拉特(Stephen Greenblatt)和海登·怀特(Hayden White)。



他认为解决本文与历史的关系是新历史主义研究的关键,要解决好这一问题,主要应选择语言叙事理论,在文学本文研究中采用历史本文研究法,在历史本文研究中采用文学研究法,使文学本文与历史本文在元历史的理论框架中恢复叙述(return to narrative),使文史哲和社会科学的界限淡化并打通边界。这种重叙事结构、重意义想象、重语言阐释的―元历史‖,是获得意义之―真‖的唯一途径。因为,历史事实不是―真实‖,事实漂流在历史中并可以与任何观念结合,而历史―真实‖只能出现在追求真实的话语阐释和观念构造之中。因此,怀特所理解的新历史主义就必然是一种诗意直觉的、印象主义的、本文细读式而非理论式的,因为―新‖历史主义仍然是一种历史主义,仍受制于元历史的理论框架规约。

Questions raised:

• Can events ― value neutral‖ ? does the historian ―emplot ‖ historical events and to give them meaning?

• What are the possible modes of historical REPRESENTATION?

• Where lies the balance between factual reconstruction and imagination recreation? We often question the ―realism ‖ of literature;Hayden White inverts this old question and questions the ― fiction ‖ in history!Can we make use of this idea in our study of literary texts and histories dealing with the WWII-period in the Nordic/Baltic region.


The History

1、重点词汇(1)、remembrance:纪念品;提醒者;提示者;the ability to recall past occurrences;a recognition of meritorious service(2)、dwelt on:详述;细述(3)、freight: 运送;装货 使充满(v.)transport commercially as cargo;load with goods for transportation; 货运;运费;船货(n.)goods carried by a large vehicle;transporting goods commercially at rates cheaper than express rates;the charge for transporting something by common carrier

freighting: 海上运送契约

(4)、carry off: 夺去;获得;使丧命;


a sum of money paid in compensation for loss or injury;the act of restoring something to its original state;getting something back again(7)、seizure: 没收;夺取;捕获(n.)

a sudden occurrence(or recurrence)of a disease;the act of forcibly dispossessing an owner of property;the act of taking of a person by force;the taking possession of something by legal process(8)、sovereignty:主权;主权国家;君主;独立国

government free from external control;

royal authority;the dominion of a monarch; the authority of a state to govern another state(9)、endeavor:竭力做到,试图或力图(做某事)(v.)

attempt by employing effort(10)、perish:死亡;毁灭;腐烂;枯萎(v.)pass from physical life and lose all bodily attributes and functions necessary to sustain life(11)、prophecy:预言;预言书;预言能力

knowledge of the future(usually said to be obtained from a divine source); a prediction uttered under divine inspiration(12)、exploit:开发,开拓;剥削;开采(v.)use or manipulate to one's advantage;draw from;make good use of;work excessively hard

勋绩;功绩(n.)a notable achievement(13)、plunder:抢夺;战利品;掠夺品(n.)goods or money obtained illegally 掠夺;抢劫;侵吞(v.)take illegally;of intellectual property;plunder(a town)after capture;steal goods;take as spoils;destroy and strip of its possession(14)、despatch:派遣;发送;(n.v.)send away towards a designated goal(v.)an official report(usually sent in haste);killing a person or animal;the act of sending off something


(1)、Candaules was in love with his own wife;and not only so, but thought her the fairest woman in the whole world.This fancy had strange consequences.There was in his bodyguard a man whom he specially favoured Gyges, the son of Dascylus.All affairs of greatest moment were entrusted by Candaules to this person, and to him he was wont to extol the surpassing beauty of his wife.So matters went on for a while.At length, one day, Candaules, who was fated to end ill, thus addressed his follower: “I see thou dost not credit what I tell thee of my lady's loveliness;but come now, since men's ears are less credulous than their eyes, contrive some means whereby thou mayest behold her naked.” At this the other loudly exclaimed, saying, “What most unwise speech is this, master, which thou hast uttered? Wouldst thou have me behold my mistress when she is naked? Bethink thee that a woman, with her clothes, puts off her bashfulness.Our fathers, in time past, distinguished right and wrong plainly enough, and it is our wisdom to submit to be taught by them.There is an old saying, Let each look on his own.' I hold thy wife for the fairest of all women.Only, I beseech they, ask me not to do wickedly.”(2)、On the death of Alyattes, Croesus, his son, who was thirty-five years old, succeeded to the throne.Of the Greek cities, Ephesus was the first that he attacked.The Ephesians, when he laid siege to the place, made an offering of their city to Diana, by stretching a rope from the town wall to the temple of the goddess, which was distant from the ancient city, then besieged by Croesus, a space of seven furlongs.They were, as I said, the first Greeks whom he attacked.Afterwards, on some pretext or other, he made war in turn upon every Ionian and Aeolian state, bringing forward, where he could, a substantial ground of complaint;where such failed him, advancing some poor excuse.In this way he made himself master of all the Greek cities in Asia, and forced them to become his tributaries。(3)、At the end of this time the grief of Croesus was interrupted by intelligence from abroad.He learnt that Cyrus, the son of Cambyses, had destroyed the empire of Astyages, the son of Cyaxares;and that the Persians were becoming daily more powerful.This led him to consider with himself whether it were possible to check the growing power of that people before it came to a head.The messengers who were despatched to make trial of the oracles were given the following instructions: they were to keep count of the days from the time of their leaving Sardis, and, reckoning from that date, on the hundredth day they were to consult the oracles, and to inquire of them what Croesus the son of Alyattes, king of Lydia, was doing at that moment.The answers given them were to be taken down in writing, and brought back to him.None of the replies remain on record except that of the oracle at Delphi.There, the moment that the Lydians entered the sanctuary, and before they put their questions, the Pythoness thus answered them in hexameter verse:-

I can count the sands, and I can measure the ocean;

I have ears for the silent, and know what the dumb man meaneth;Lo!on my sense there striketh the smell of a shell-covered tortoise, Boiling now on a fire, with the flesh of a lamb, in a cauldron-Brass is the vessel below, and brass the cover above it





(2)、Lydia:ancient land of western Anatolia, extending east from the Aegean Sea and occupying the valleys of the Hermus and Cayster rivers.The Lydians were said to be the originators of gold and silver coins.During their brief hegemony over Asia Minor from the middle of the 7th to the middle of the 6th century bc, the Lydians profoundly influenced the Ionian Greeks to their west.Croesus:last king of Lydia,He conquered the Greeks of mainland Ionia(on the west coast of Anatolia)and was in turn subjugated by the Persians.After a battle with Persian at Pteria, Cyrus pursued him, caught him completely by surprise, and stormed the city.Herodotus claims that the King, condemned by Cyrus to be burned alive, was saved by the god Apollo and eventually accompanied Cyrus’ successor, Cambyses II, to Egypt.Candaules and Gyges: Candaules bragged of his wife's incredible beauty to his favorite bodyguard Gyges.Gyges had no choice but to obey.Candaules detailed a plan by which Gyges would hide behind a door in the royal bedroom to observe the Queen disrobing before bed.Gyges would then leave the room while the Queen's back was turned.However, the Queen saw Gyges as he left the room, recognized that she had been betrayed and shamed by her own husband.She silently swore to have her revenge.The next day, the Queen summoned Gyges to her chamber, she confronted him immediately with her knowledge of his misdeed and her husband's.“One of you must die,” she declared.Eventually Gyges chose to betray the King so that he should live.He killed the king in his sleep.Gyges married the Queen and became King, and father to the Mermnad Dynasty.4、感悟




 With the civilizations as units identified, he presented the history of each in terms of challenge-and-response.Civilizations arose in response to some set of challenges of extreme difficulty, when “creative minorities” devised solutions that reoriented their entire society. Challenges and responses were physical, as when the Sumerians exploited the intractable swamps of southern Iraq by organizing the Neolithic inhabitants into a society capable of carrying out large-scale irrigation projects;or social, as when the Catholic Church resolved the chaos of post-Roman Europe by enrolling the new Germanic kingdoms in a single religious community. When a civilization responds to challenges, it grows.Civilizations declined when their leaders stopped responding creatively, and the civilizations then sank owing to nationalism, militarism, and the tyranny of a despotic minority. Toynbee argued that “Civilizations die from suicide, not by murder.” For Toynbee, civilizations were not intangible or unalterable machines but a network of social relationships within the border and therefore subject to both wise and unwise decisions they made.Karl Jaspers and the Axial Age(轴心时代)Axial Age or Axial Period(Achsenzeit, “axis time”)is a term coined by German philosopher Karl Jaspers to describe the period from 800 to 200 BC, during which, according to Jaspers, similar revolutionary thinking appeared in Persia, India, China and the Occident.The period is also

sometimes referred to as the Axis Age.Jaspers, in his The Origin and Goal of History, identified a number of key Axial Age thinkers as having had a profound influence on future philosophies and religions, and identified characteristics common to each area from which those thinkers emerged.Jaspers saw in these developments in religion and philosophy a striking parallel without any obvious direct transmission of ideas from one region to the other, having found no recorded proof

of any extensive intercommunication between Ancient Greece, the Middle East, India, and China.Jaspers held up this age as unique, and one to which the rest of the history of human thought might be compared.Jaspers' approach to the culture of the middle of the first millennium BC has been adopted by other scholars and academics, and has become a point of discussion in the history of


















班级:10医美本 姓名:杨雪






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