Unit 2 总结

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第一篇:Unit 2 总结

Unit 2 总结























19、用钢笔写字 20、一件旧的衬衫
















第二篇:Unit 3知识点总结

Unit 3


1.被动语态的谓语动词形式: be的各种时态形式+v-ed 含情态动词的: can/may/must/should be + v-ed 2.get/have + n./pron.+ v-ed 叫/让/请别人做某事(即使谋事被做)例: I want to get my coat mended.我要缝衣服.3.allow sb to do sth 允许某人做… allow doing sth 允许做… 4.drive : ① 驾车,驾驶.② 驱赶,驱使.例: What drives them to rob the shop? 什么驱使他们去抢商店? • 5.stupid silly foolish 三个词都有“蠢”的意思.但略有不同.stupid 程度最强,指智力 理解力 学习能力差.silly 指头脑简单,傻头傻脑,使人觉得可笑,带有感情色彩.foolish 尤其在口语中广泛使用.• 例: He is stupid in learning math.他学习数学很笨.•

Stop asking such silly questions.别再问这样傻的问题了.•

You are foolish to throw away such a good chance.你真蠢,丢掉这样一个好机会.• 6.He doesn’t seem to have many friends.=It seems that he doesn’t have many friends.• =He seems not to have many friends.• 7.倒装句: So + be动词/助动词/情态动词+主语(前为肯定局)表示与前面所述事实一致.•

Neither/Nor + be动词/助动词/情态动词+主语(前为否定)表示与前面所述事实一致.• 例: He likes oranges.So do we.He doesn’t like oranges.Neither do we.• Tom can swim.So can John.Tom can’t swim.Neither can John.• So +主语+ be动词/助动词/情态动词

表示对前面事实的进一步确认.• 例: Henry is very tired.So he is.(的确是)•

He surfed Internet for two hours.So he did.(的确是)•

They will win the game.So they will.(他们会的)• 8.until 用于肯定句中,前面句子中的谓动必须是延续性的.• 9.clean(v.)打扫,清理

clean up 比较彻底地打扫,清理

clean out 打扫,清理地最彻底.• 10.fail a test = fail in a test 考试不及格

• 11.be strict with+人.be strict in+事物.• 例: The head teacher is strict with his students

He is strict in the work.• 12.the other day 前几天,不久前的一天.(用于过去时)• 13.concentrate on…


• 例: This company concentrates on China market.这家公司把重点放在中国市场上.• 14.more…than…①与其说…不如说…;比…更…

• 例: The man is more stupid than nervous.与其说那人紧张,倒不如说他愚蠢.• ②在这一结构中,more做adj.修饰名词,表示“比…多” • 例:I have more books than you.我的书比你的多.• 15.volunteer ① n.自愿者.② v.volunteer to do sth.自愿做…

• 例: We all volunteered to help in the old people’s home.我们都志愿到敬老院帮忙.•

16.chance 指侥幸的,偶尔的机会,还可表示“可能性” opportunity 指有利的时机,良机.二者有时可以互换.• Have an opportunity to do sth 有做…的机会.• Don’t be too frustrated.You’ll have another opportunity to go to college next year.别太沮丧了,你还有上大学的机会.• 17.experience : ①可数名词 “经历,体验”

例: Please tell us something about your experiences.②不可数名词 “经验”

例: He is a man of rich experience.• ③动词“经历”

例: She experienced lots of suffering.• 18.off 不工作,不上班,不上学,不值班.• 例: I think I’ll take the afternoon off.我想下午歇班.•

She is off today.她今天休息.•

I have three days off next week.下周我有三天假.• 1.be allowed to do sth 被允许干…

allow sb to do sth 允许某人干…

allow doing sth 允许干…

• 2.sixteen-year-olds = sixteen-year-old boys and girls 16岁的孩子 • 3.part-time jobs 兼职工作

• 4.a driver’s license 驾照

• 5.on weekends 在周末

• 6.at that age 在那个年龄段

• 7.on school nights 在上学期间的每个晚上 • 8.clean up(相当与及物动词)清扫

• 9.stay up熬夜

• 10.fail(in)a test 考试不及格

• 11.take the test 参加考试

• 12.the other day 前几天

• 13.all my classmates 我所有的同学 • 14.in groups 成群的,按组的

• 15 concentrate on 全神贯注于

• 16.be good for 对…有益

• 17.get noisy 吵闹(系表结构)

• 18.learn from 向某人学习

• 19.at present 目前,现在• 20.at least 至少

• 21.English-English dictionary 英英词典

• 22.have an opportunity to do sth 有做…的机会

• 23.eight hours’ sleep a night 每晚8小时的睡眠 • 24.an old people’s home 敬老院

• 25.take time to do sth 花费时间干… • • • • • • • 26.primary schools 小学

27.have…off 放假,休息

28.reply to 回答,答复

29.get in the way of 妨碍

30.a professional athlete 职业运动员

31.achieve one’s dreams 实现梦想 32.think about 思考,考虑

33.in the end 最后,终于

• 34.be serious about 对…热忠/极感兴趣

• 35.spend…on + n.spend …(in)+ v-ing 在…上花费时间/金钱 • 36.care about 关心,担心,在乎

• 37.agree with 同意… • 三.句子

• 1.I don’t think twelve-year-olds should be allowed to get their ears pierced.• 我认为不应该允许12岁的孩子穿耳孔.• 2.They talk instead of doing homework.他们聊天而不是做作业.• 3.He is allowed to stay up until 11:00 pm.允许他们熬到晚上11点.• 4.We should be allowed to take time to do things like that more often.• 我们应该被允许更加经常的花些时间多做这类事情.• 5.What school rules do you think should be changed? • 你认为学校的哪些制度应该改一改了? • 6.The two pairs of jeans both look good on me.这两条牛仔裤穿在我身上都适合.• 7.The classroom is a real mess.教室太脏了.• 8.Should I be allowed to make my own decisions? • 9.Only then will I have a chance of achieving my dream.只有这样我才能实现我的梦想

• 10.They should be allowed to practice their hobbies as much as they want.应该允许他们对业余爱好想练多长时间就练多长时间.• 11.We have nothing against running.我们没有理由反对他跑步

第三篇:Unit 11要点归纳与总结

Unit 11要点归纳与总结


1.go for a walk = take a walk去散步

2.go fishing去钓鱼 go swimming去游泳 go shopping去买东西 go skating去溜冰…

3.go on a school trip去学校郊游 go on a vacation去度假go on a visit去参观…

4.milk a cow挤牛奶5.ride a horse骑马6.feed chickens喂鸡

7.talk with与…谈话8.take photos拍照9.quite a lot相当多

10.show sb.sth.= show sth.to sb.把…给某人看show sb.around带领某人参观

11.learn from sb.向某人学习learn a lot about 对…了解甚多 learn to do sth.学着做…

12.grow strawberries种草莓 pick strawberries摘草莓

13.in the countryside在乡下 14.along the way沿途,一路上

15.at night在夜晚at noon在中午16.after that之后

17.all in all总的来说 not…at all根本不…/ 一点儿也不…

18.be interested in对…感兴趣19.come out出来

20.teach sb.sth.教某人…(使用宾格/名词,不用形物代)teach sb.to do教某人做…


1.How+ be…? = What + be+ like…?...怎么样?

How was the trip? = What was the trip like?

2.How do they feel about the trip?= What do they think of the trip?他们对这次旅行感觉如何?

3.teach sb.教某人怎样做某事teach sb.教某人做什么

4.too many +可数名词复数too much+不可数名词“太多的…”

5.quite a nice girl= a very nice girl相当漂亮的一位女孩

6.buy sb.sth.= buy sth.for sb.为某人买东西

7.形容词的用法 1)系动词+ adj.(作表语)It.It.2)adj.+ n.(作定语)3)句型It is + adj.for sb.+ to do.做某事对于某人来说是…的。

4)不定代词/不定副词 +adj.something cheapsomewhere warm

8.区分-ing与-ed的两类形容词:interesting/ interested, exciting/ excitedrelaxing/relaxed…


1.I was on the farm yesterday.(一般疑问句并作否定回答)

____ ____ on the farm yesterday?No, ____ ____.2.He ____(be)at the restaurant just now.He ____(be)in the museum right now.3.他昨天骑了马。He ____ a ____ yesterday.4.I saw some cows last weekend.(一般疑问句)____ you ____ ____ cows last weekend?

5.He _____(cut)down a number of trees last year.(用所给词的正确形式填空,并改为一般疑问句)_____ he ____ down a number of trees last year?

6.Bob did his homework yesterday.(否)

Bob _____ ____ his homework yesterday.

第四篇:Unit 1 Great Scientists反思总结

Unit 1 Great Scientists反思总结




本节课我将该单元中的Warming up与Pre-reading, Reading和 Comprehending 几个部分组合起来,设计成一节阅读课。Warming up部分设计了若干问题,让学生做竞猜游戏。这一活动使学生回想起不同领域的科学家及他们对人类的贡献。Pre-reading部分通过对若干问题的讨论,让学生将科学家的科研过程排序,使学生了解得出科学观点所需的过程。此部分为完成阅读奠定了基础。Reading部分介绍英国著名医生John Snow 是如何通过考察、分析、探究的科学方法发现并控制霍乱这种传染病的。Comprehending部分通过将主要信息排序、回答问题使学生重温文章内容,通过总结文章大意,培养学生的概括能力,使学生进一步掌握文章内容。


一开始我在Warming up部分组织学生进行竞猜游戏,调动了学生的学习热情。Pre-reading部分让学生交流自己做实验的经历,总结做实验的步骤,训练学生运用英语的能力。While-reading部分遵循“总 —分—总”原则,先让学生总结出科学实验的七个步骤,然后通过查读找出这七个步骤的细节,最后通过复述总结文章大意。Post-reading部分设计了记者采访科学家的活动,让学生谈论日本核泄漏对环境的影响,结合时事开展小组合作、探究,鼓励学生大胆开口说英语。课后安排学生将讨论的结果写一份报告,训练学生的写作能力。

这节课也有不足之处。因为课文比较长,内容有点多,留给学生朗读的时间不够充分。再者,在Discussion and roleplay环节中学生的反应不太理想,积极踊跃表演的小组有限,由此可见,学生的英语表达能力有待进一步提高。

第五篇:Unit 3 第三单元知识点总结

Unit 3 第三单元知识点

看着我!Look at me!这是我的脸。This is my face.(可以替换介绍其它身体部位)摸摸你的脸。Touch your face.睁开你的双眼。Open your eyes.闭上你的双眼。Close your eyes.张开你的嘴巴。Open your mouth.闭上你的嘴巴。Close your mouth.拍拍你的手。Clap your hands.挥挥你的胳膊。Wave your arms.摇动你的双腿。Shake your legs.摇晃你的身体。Shake your body.跺跺你的脚。Stamp your foot.咱们一起上学吧!Let's go to school!你好吗? How are you? 我很好。I'm fine.或者Fine.或者Very well.谢谢!Thank you!或者Thanks!咱们一起做个木偶吧!Let's make a puppet!好极了!Great!看我的鼻子!Look at my nose!一只胳膊。An arm.一条腿。A leg.双手 hands 双臂 arms 双腿 legs 掌握5个字母Ee,Ff,Gg,Hh,Ii的正确手写及发音规律。Ee, egg(鸡蛋),elephant(大象)Ff, face(脸),foot(脚)Gg, green(绿色),gift(礼物)Hh, hand(手),hi(你好)Ii, ice(冰),ice cream(冰激凌)

下载Unit 2 总结word格式文档
下载Unit 2 总结.doc


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