
时间:2019-05-13 03:57:09下载本文作者:会员上传





1.有很多给她的礼物___________________________ 2.让我来帮助你___________________________3.我们所有的好朋友___________________________4.想要给他买一些贴纸___________________________


9.为你的自行车找一个合适的地方___________________________ 10.二十个女警察___________________________



1.Miss Gao’s English class is very i___________, we all like her.2.My parents are b__________ teachers.3.Daniel is very h__________, he always helps me with my English.4.Can you lend me your c__________? I want to take some photos.5.She’s only eleven years old, she is the y__________ of all.B.用所给单词的适当形式填空:(5分)

1.How many __________ are there in a year?(month)

2.Mother is always the _________ to get up in the morning in my family.(one)3.—Lily, is this bike __________?(you)—Yes, it’s mine.4.Do you know when __________ Day is?(woman)

5.—_________ model plane is this?(who)—It’s Peter’s.四、单项选择:(20分)

()1.There is _____ “l” and _____ “u” in the word lucky.A.an;aB.an;anC.a;anD.a;a()2.There is _____ juice in the fridge, but there isn’t _____ milk.A.a lot;muchB.a lot of;much C.a lot;manyD.a lots of;many()3._____ his father, David Beckham _____ playing football.A.Like;likesB.Likes;likesC.Like;likeD.Likes;like()4.—Who _____ to borrow the bike?

—Amy _____.A.want;isB.want;doesC.wants;doesD.wants;is()5.Amy _____ walk _____ after school.She takes the bus every day.A./;homeB.doesn’t;to home C.don’t;home D.doesn’t;home()6.The shop _____ at eight every morning.Now, it is _____.A.opened;opened B.opens;openC.opens;opens D.opened;open()7.This pair of jeans _____ too long _____ me.A.is;forB.are;forC.is;toD.are;to()8.Daniel likes _____ basketball, but he _____ at home right now.A.plays;is sleeping B.playing;sleeps C.playing;sleep D.playing;is sleeping()9.May I drink _____ juice, Mom? Yes, but you shouldn’t drink _____.A.some;too manyB.some;too much C.any;too manyD.any;too much()10.—Would you like _____ to drink?

—Yes, I’d like _____ a cup of lemonade.A.anything;haveB.something;have

C.anything;to haveD.something;to have()11.Mary is from _____.She is _____.She can speak _____.A.England;English;EnglishB.English;England: English

C.England;England;EnglishD.English;English;England()12.—_____ is Mr.Green?—He’s _____.A.Who;a teacher B.What;a teacher C.What;fineD.How;good

()13.—What _____ in the locker?

—There _____ a book and some magazines.A.are;isB.is;areC.are;areD.is;is

()14._____ you often play _____ piano _____ Sunday?

A.Do;/;onB.Is;the;everyC.Do;the onD.Is;the;on

()15.I often talk _____ my online friends _____ the Internet.A.with;onB.with;inC.to;inD.to;by()16.They enjoyed _____ _____ the party last night.A.themselfs;atB.themselves;inC.themselves;atD.themself;in()17.One of my _____ _____ at home.A.cousin;staysB.cousins;stayC.cousin;stayD.cousins;stays()18.There _____ 300 _____ on the farm.A.are;sheepB.are;sheepsC.is;sheepD.is;sheeps()19.—_____ do you go to a club?—_____ a week.A.How soon, TwoB.How often, TwiceC.How many times, TwoD.How long, Twice()20.—_____ camera is this? Is this _____?— No, it isn’t.It’s _____.A.Who’s;his;mineB.Whose;yours;hisC.Whose;her;hisD.Who’s;his;hers


1.He does some housework on Sundays.(改为否定句)He _______ _______ _______ housework on Sundays.(对划线部分提问)_______ _______ he like Chinese food?

(对划线部分提问)_______ on your bed?

(对划线部分提问)_______ ______ milk _______ there in the bottle?

5.I am 145cm.He’s 145cm, too.(保持原意改写句子)I am _______ _______ _______ he.6.Mary is 13 years old.Lucy is 15 years old.(保持原意改写句子)Mary is _______ _______ _______ than Lucy.7.My friend Tom is American.(保持原意改写句子)My friend Tom _______ _______ ______.8.He has ten yuan in his pocket.(保持原意改写句子)_______ _______ ten yuan in his pocket.六、动词填空:(10分)

1.Here ________(be)some pictures of my family.2.Boys always enjoy ________(play)computer games.3.If you want ________(ask)the way, you’d better say “Excuse me, where is…”.4.The twins ________(be)born on a cold winter morning in 1997.5.________ Mr Smith ________(walk)his dog every day?

6.Sometimes Tommy ______(play)the piano before he goes to bed.7.The students usually have a lot of homework ________(do)every evening.8.—Would you like __________(go)to the zoo with tomorrow? —Yes, I’d like to.9.What about ________(chat)with me on the Internet this Sunday? 10.Peter ________(not go)fishing every weekend.七、完成句子:(10分)


He’s always ___________ ___________ others, so everyone ___________ him.2.玛丽这些天不开心,因为她妈妈病了。

Mary is ___________ these days because her mother’s __________.3.下次不要再迟到了。

___________ ___________ late ___________ next time.4.Peter在周末时总是很晚起床。

Peter ___________ ___________ up late at the ___________.5.今天她看起来多酷啊!

Today, how ___________ she ___________!6.这双鞋很不错,我能试一试吗?

This ___________ of shoes ___________ nice, can I try ___________ ___________?7.我和我的表妹合住一个房间。

I ___________ a bedroom ___________ my ___________.八、完形填空:(10分)

There is.She has black cats andcats and baby cats.So the childrento come to her house.They come to play with the cats.More and more cats come to the old woman’s house.Sooncats.The old woman can’.Then she has no idea.“The children love my cats.” She thinks.So she each child a cat.Then she is happy.And the children are happy.the cats are happy, too, because they each have a home.()1 A.aB.anC.theD./()2 A.isn’tB.don’tC.not likesD.doesn’t like()3 A.catB.catsC.a catsD.the cats()4 A.motherB.mothersC.mother’sD.mothers’

()5 A.likesB.is likeC.likeD.are like()6 A.theyB.thereC.theseD.the children()7 A.very muchB.too muchC.too manyD.very much()8 A.tooB.so manyC.at allD.like this()9 A.giveB.givesC.is givingD.does gives()10 A.ButB.AndC.OrD.Too


Paris is very nice city.Mrs Curie often goes to Paris and she has a good time there.Mrs Curie is old and very forgetful(健忘的), so she sometimes can’t find her way.Now she sees a man near a bus stop.“I can ask him the way,” she says.“Excuse me,” she says in French.“But can you tell me the way to Notre Dame de Paris(巴黎圣母院), please?”

But the man doesn’t answer her.He doesn’t know French.He is Australian!Then he puts his hand into his coat and takes out a small book.He opens it and finds a phrase(短语).He reads, “I’m sorry.I don’t speak French.”

()1.How does Mrs Curie like Paris?

A.She likes it a little.B.She likes it very much.C.She doesn’t like it at all.()2.Mrs Curie wants to go to __________.A.her mother’s home in Paris.B.a school in Paris.C.a great church(教堂)in Paris()3.Where is the man from?

A.He’s from England.B.He’s from Paris.C.He’s from Australia.()4.From the text we know __________.A.the man doesn’t tell Mrs Curie the way.B.the man is driver.C.the man is not friendly to Mrs Curie.()5.What language does the man speak?


第二篇:牛津Starter Unit1-6

牛津Starter Unit1-6


二、你能根据所给中文,用它的适当形式来填空吗?1.Are Tom’s 弟弟)happy today?

(图书馆)are there in your school?(他们的)teacher?4.Kate and Mary are(美国人).5.There aren’t(一些)houses in the picture.三、请你把下面的中文译成英文。



1.Han Ning, my, name, is, sister’s.2.right, hello, are, you, Tom3.name, what, is, please, your4.right, any, on, are, there, the, buildings5.classes, there, are, her, how, school, many, in


(this on the desk?A.amB.isC.areD.be(A.amB.isC.areD.be()3.Don’tsad again.A.amB.isC.areD.be

()4.There’s a doorthe wall.A.inB.onC.underD.behind(any cats over there(那里).A.isB.areC.isn’tD.aren’t

()6.That’s B.an, AnC.an, TheD.the, An()7.―Is there a car in front of the house?―.A.Yes, there isB.No, there isC.Yes, there isn’tD.There aren’t(a chair in the room?A.It’sB.It isC.There’sD.Is there(classroom is very nice.A.HeB.YouC.TheirD.They()10.―Where is Lucy’s coat?―.A.Yes, it’s on the deskB.They are on the bed

C.It’s in the roomD.They are in the room.()11.-under the tree?-There are two cats under it.A.What’sB.WhatC.Who’sD.Who’re

()12.―is your mother’s job? ―She’s a teacher.A.What’sB.WhereC.HowD.What

(are there on the ground? A.boiesB.boysC.boyD.boyes()14.―Where is the bird? ―It’s A.onB.inC.toD.of



1.We are teachers.(改为单数句2.Close the window, please.(改为否定句3.There are some desks in the classroom.(改为否定句对画线部分提问对画线部分提问


―Hello, Mary.―, Tom.―How are you?―I’m fine, ―teacher, Miss Li.―Good―Miss Li,is my friend,Tom.Tom, this is my(―Nice(B.Good afternoon.(()2.A.fineB.I fineC.Fine(()3.A.Thank)4.A.How)5.A.tooB.Are B.ThanksC.And C.thanks()6.A.heB.to B.itC.this C.two()7.A.too)8.A.tooB.to B.toC.two C.two


forty-seven students.Twenty-nine of us are boys.And the others are girls.There are twoMy name is Li Hua.I’m in No.10Middle School.I’m in Class 1, Grade 1.There’re English girls in my class.Their names are Lucy and Lily.(.A.a teacherB.twelve years oldC.a studentD.an English girl()2.How many girls are there? A.Forty-sevenB.Twenty-nineC.Twenty-eightD.Eighteen()3.Are all the boys Chinese?

A.Yes, there are.B.No, There aren’t.C.Yes, they are.D.No, they aren’t()4.Are all the girls Chinese?

A.Yes, there are.B.No, There aren’t.C.Yes, they are.D.No, they aren’t(A.EnglishmenB.English girlC.American boysD.American girls


1.I amn’t a student.2.I late again.4.They are Li Ping and he’





Unit 1

1.早上好。Good morning.2.下午好。Good afternoon.3.你好吗?我很好,谢谢。

How are you?I’m fine.Thank you 4.你叫什么名字?我叫米莉。

Unit 2

1.这是塞莉。她是我的姐姐。This is Sally.She is my sister.2.他是我的双胞胎兄弟。He is my twin brother.3.我的一张全家福 a photo of my family 4.她是我堂妹凯特。She is my cousin Kate.5.这个男人是谁?他是我的舅舅。Who is this man? He is my uncle.6.他是干什么的?他是一个警察。

Unit 3

1. 即高又强壮tall and strong 2. 既小又瘦small and thin 3. 既高又苗条tall and slim

4. 既矮小又可爱short and pretty

5. 既有礼貌又乐于助人polite and helpful 6. 来自于……come from/be from 7. 看一看have a look 8. 看look at

9. 你几岁?我十二岁。

How old are you? I am twelve.10. 你们是同班同学吗?是的Are you classmates? Yes, we are.Unit 4

1.开门open the door 2.关门close the door 3.起立stand up 4.坐下sit down

5.擦窗户clean the window 6.去上学go to school

7.上学/上课迟到be late for class/school 8.下次不要再迟到了。Don’t be late again.What’s your name? I’m Millie.5.你是尼克吗?不,我是彼德。You’re Nick, right? No, I’m Peter.6.再见。Good bye.7.香港 HK 8.身份证ID

What is he? He is a policeman.7.一个医生a doctor 8.一个老师a teacher 9.一个护士a nurse

10.我的婶婶是一个司机。My aunt is a driver.11.我的爷爷是一个工人。My grandfather is a worker.12.中国PRC 13.联合国UN 14.美国USA

11. 他伤心吗?不,他很开心。

Is he sad ? No, he isn’t.He is happy.12. 我有两个新朋友。

I have two new friends.13. 他来自于英国/美国。

He is from England/America.14. 他是英国/美国人。

He is English/ an American.15. 我们是好朋友。We are good friends.9.在一班in Class One 10.在墙上on the wall

11.在黑板上on the blackboard 12.在教室里in the classroom 13.在课桌上on the desk

14.在椅子后面behind the chairs 15.在讲台上on the teacher’s desk

16.欢迎来到美术室welcome to the art room 17.二十个学生twenty students

Unit 5

1.两百个学生two hundred students 8.足球场football field

2.一个漂亮的花园a beautiful garden 9.食堂dining hall

3.在第一层on the ground floor 10.家庭(单复数)family--families

4.在第二层on the first floor 11.男人(单复数)man--men

5.一个电脑教室a computer room 12.女人(单复数)woman--women

6.阅览室reading room 13.儿童(单复数)child--children

7.篮球场basketball court 14.照片(单复数)photo--photos

15.这是你的学校吗?是的。/不是。Is this your school? Yes, it is./No, it isn’t.16.你的学校有一个美术室吗?是的,有。不,没有。

Is there an art room in your school? Yes, there is./ No, there isn’t.17.你的学校有多少教室?有20个。

How many classrooms are there in your school? There are twenty.18.这层有两个厕所。There are two toilets on this floor.19.我的学校没有图书馆。There aren’t any libraries in my school.20.你学校有操场吗? 是的,当然。Are there any playgrounds in your school? Yes, of course.Unit 6

1.在山之间between the hills 10.在右边on the right

2.在商店旁边beside /near/next to the shop 11.在……的中间in the middle of

3.在椅子下面under the chair 12.不要摘花。Don’t pick the flowers.4.在大门前面in front of the gate 13.到这儿来。Come here.5.爬树climb the tree 14.多可爱啊!How lovely!

6.在湖里游泳swim in the lake 15.回答问题answer the question

7.喂鸟feed the birds 16.掷筛子throw the dice

8.在操场上on/in the playground 17.吃一个冰激凌have an ice cream

9.在…的左边on the left of … 18.错过一轮miss a turn

19.不要走在草地上。Don’t walk on the grass.20.鸟在哪里?它在树上。Where is the bird? It’s in the tree.21.学生在哪里?他们在操场上。Where are the students? They are on the playground.Unit7

1.他的棕色的帽子his brown cap 4.她的黄色的衬衫her yellow blouse

2.我的红色的体恤衫my red T-shirt 5.我们的粉红色的毛衣our pink sweaters

3.你的蓝色的牛仔裤your blue jeans 6.她们的灰白的裙子their grey skirts

7.你的帽子是什么颜色的?它是白色的。What colour is your hat? It’s white.8.爸爸的裤子是什么颜色的?它们是黑色的。What colour are Dad’s trousers? They are black.9.我的新鞋是什么颜色的?它们是绿色的。What colour are my new shoes? They are green.10.它是谁的玩具熊?它是我的。Whose teddy bear is it? It’s mine.11.盒子里有什么?是一件男衬衫。What’s in the box? It’s a shirt.12.这是你的风筝。Here is your kite.13.这些是你的袜子。Here are your socks.14.啊哈,他们在这儿呢。Aha!Here they are.15.她的裙子是黑白相间的。Her skirt is black and white.Unit 8

1.一本笔记本 a notebook 8.一个有锁的存物柜a locker

2.一个贴画a sticker 9.一些面包some bread

3.11个光盘eleven CDs 10.一副眼镜a pair of glasses

4.12块手表twelve watches 11.两双运动鞋two pairs of sports shoes

5.20个发夹twenty hair clips 12.三瓶水three bottles of water

6.一个模型飞机a model plane 13.30只小鸡thirty chickens

7.两个球拍two bats


Do you have a camera? Yes, I do./ No, I don’t.15.你有漫画书吗?是的,我有。/不,没有。

Do you have any comic books? Yes, I do./ No, I don’t.16.这个收音机是你的吗?是的。/ 不是。Is this radio yours? Yes, it is./No, it isn’t

17.这个球是谁的?它是他们的.Whose is this ball? It is theirs.18.这块手表是你的吗?不是,它不是我的。我的是白色的。

Is this watch yours? No, it’s not mine.Mine is white.19.这些发夹是她的吗?不是,他们是我们的。

Are these hair clips hers? No, they aren’t.They are ours.20.在存物柜里她有什么?她有一个玩具熊在里面。

What does she have in her locker? She has a teddy bear in it.Unit 9

1.看电视watch TV 13.等待wait for

2.听音乐listen to music 14.劳驾,对不起excuse me

3.放风筝fly kites 15.在超市in the supermarket

4.骑自行车ride a bike 16.看左边look left

5.使用手机use a mobile 17.停自行车park the bike

6.做家庭作业do homework 18.等绿灯wait for the green light

7.在书上写write in the book 19.寻找look for

8.把报纸带回家take the newspapers home 20.在商店前in front of the shop

9.把书带到学校来bring the book to school 21.在图书馆里喧哗shout in the library

10.把你的狗带到这儿来bring your dog here 22.在树下under the tree

11.看标志look at the sign 23.一个购物篮a shopping basket

12.穿过马路cross the road 24.适当的地方the right place

25.你可以在那儿踢足球。You can play football there.26.在网上查找资料look for things on the Internet

27.太好了。我们走吧。Great!Let’s go.28.你们不能在这儿打篮球。为什么不能。You can’t play basketball here.Why not?


Can I play computer games first? No, you can’t.You can play them later.Unit 10

1.起床get up

2.七点钟seven o’clock

3.十点二十ten twenty / twenty past ten 12.在星期五on Friday

4.八点半eight thirty / half past eight 13.一节语文课a Chinese lesson

5.快点儿hurry up 14.两节数学课two Maths lessons

6.吃早饭have breakfast 15.在午餐时间at lunchtime

7.吃午饭have lunch 16.互相交谈chat with each other

8.吃晚饭have dinner 17.半小时以后half an hour later

9.上学迟到be late for school 18.和我的同学玩play with my classmates

10.在星期一on Monday 19.打乒乓球play ping-pong

11.在星期二on Tuesday

20.几点了?What time is it?/ What’s the time?

21.告诉我关于你的学校的情况tell me about your school


What time do you get up? I get up at six o’clock in the morning.23.你每天上6节课吗?是的。/不是。Do you have six lessons every day? Yes, I do./ No, I don’t.24.你放学后打篮球吗?是的。/不,不打。

Do you play basketball after school? Yes, I do./ No, I don’t.25.你在学校开心吗?是的。Are you happy at school ? Yes, I am.Unit 11

1.打排球play volleyball 8.在周末at the weekend

2.去动物园go to the zoo 9.起床晚get up late

3.买东西do some shopping10.洗盘子wash the dishes

4.读报纸read newspapers 11.去钓鱼go fishing

5.打扫卫生do some cleaning 12.擦车clean the car

6.九点以后after nine o’clock 13.浇花water the flowers

7.晚饭以后after supper

14.帮助妈妈打扫屋子help Mum clean the house

15.给他的朋友写电子邮件write e-mails to his friends


Does your mum cook for you at the weekend? Yes, she does.But she doesn’t wash the dishes.17.你经常在星期天干什么?我通常浇花和听音乐。

What do you often do on Sunday? I often water the flowers and listen to music.18.告诉我们有关她周末的事情tell us about her weekends

19.在花园里in the garden

20.带着狗一起跑步run with the dog 21.大约半个小时about half an hour

22.看一看新书have a look at new books

23.在书店附近near the bookshop

24.乘公共汽车回家take a bus home

25.喜欢沿着街道散步like walking down the street

26.享受阳光enjoy the sunshine

27.打扫房子clean the house

28.拜访她的朋友visit her friends

29.做晚饭cook dinner

30.购物do some shopping

31.和我爸爸一起学习study with my father

Unit12马上就是我生日了。It’s my birthday soon.你来我的聚会吗?是的,当然可以。Would you come to my party? Yes,of course!你通常生日会得到什么?很多东西。What do you usually get for your birthday?Many things 今年你想要一个CD吗?是的,我想要一个。

Would you like a CD this year? Yes, I’d like one.5.明天是Millie的生日,对吗?是的。Tomorrow is Millie’s birthday,right? Yes, it is.6.我想要买给她一个礼物。I want to buy her a present.7.你想要买什么?我想要给她买一个玩具熊。

What do you want to buy? I’d like to buy her a teddy bear.8.在玩具店at the toy shop

9.你想要和我一起去吗?Would you like to go with me?

10.穿一件新的粉红色的T-恤衫wear a new pink T-shirt

11.看起来酷look cool

12.一条蓝色牛仔裤a pair of blue jeans

13.谈论有趣的电影talk about interesting films

14.坐在桌子旁边sit beside the table

15.享受美味的食物enjoy the nice food

16.坐在沙发上sit on the sofa

17.互相交谈talk with each other

18.最后at last

19.走向她walk to her

20.和她分享大蛋糕share a big cake with her

21.玩得开心have a good time

22.你的生日在什么时候?在四月八号。When is your birthday? It’s on 8th April.23.我的生日是一年中我最喜欢的日子。My birthday is my favourite day of the year.24.很快就是我生日了。It’s my birthday soon.25.我想要开一个生日聚会。I want to have a birthday party.26.你在哪儿开这个聚会啊?在家里。Where do you have the party? At home.27.你想来吗?是的。Would you like to come? Yes,I’d like to.



Units 1-6



1.Look at this photo of my f.There are five people in it.2.Ann, how many u________ do you have? Only one, my father has only one brother.3.My cousin Andy is a pboy.All his teachers like him.4.Our school is very big and there are thirty-two c_________ in our school.5.What’s Jill’s father? He is a p.He is tall and strong.(B)根据句意和汉语注释,写出单词的正确形式。

6.some happy ___________ are playing some games in the park.(孩子)

7.People often visit their friends and r__________ during Spring Festival.(亲戚)

8.How many ___________ are there in your city?(图书馆)

9.My new classmate Simon is ____________.He’s my good friend.(乐于助人的)

10.What is the weather like in your city in ___________?(秋天)


()1.()2.()3.()4.()5.()6.A: Is your name Marry?A.Yes, I am.B.No, I am.not A: Helen, what does your father do?A.He’s at home.C.He’s not here.B: ______________C.Yes, I am.D.No, I not.B: ______________ B.He’s a computer teacher.D.He’s Mr Hu.Peter’s new classroom is ________ the first floor in Building 2.A.inB.onC.behindD.beside The flowers in the garden ________ very beautiful.A.isB.amC.beD.are In the class, Millie is _______ Simon and Jill.A.betweenB.in front ofC.in the middle ofD.beside A: How old are you, Andy?B: _______________ A.I’m fine.Thank you.B.I’m twelve.C.He’s twelve.D.He’s fine, thanks.()7.A: Who’s the tall man in the photo, Sandy?B: ________________

A.He’s a teacher.B.She’s my mother.C.He’s my uncle.D.He’s a doctor.()8.A: Are Millie and Jane classmates?B: ________________

A.Yes, they are.B.No, they are.C.Yes, we are.()9.John, __________ the new watch, how nice!

A.lookB.have a lookC.see

()10.There are nineteen boys and ________ in our class.三、句型转换 改写句子,使句意保持基本不变。10%

1.Andy’s new friend Peter is American.D.No, we aren’t.D.look at A.twenty one girlB.twenty-one girlsC.twenty one girlsD.twenty-one girl

Andy’s new friend Peter __________ ___________ ____________.2.What is your name?

___________ ___________ ___________? 3.Millie is behind Tom and me.Tom and ____________ ____________ ___________ ___________ of Millie.4.The new building has five floors.___________ ___________ five floors ____________ the new building.5.John’s father is a teacher.John’s mother is a teacher, too.John’s _____________ ____________ ____________.6.The blue rubber on the desk is Ann’s.Ann’s ___________ ____________ ____________ ____________ the desk.四、动词填空 用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空。10% 1.I ____________ an English girl.My name is Millie.(be)2.Please ____________ the windows, boys and girls.(clean)3.Let me ____________ you close the door, Mr Zhang.(help)4.There ____________ a notebook on the teacher’s desk.(be)5.The boys in the playground ____________ very happy.(be)6.You can ____________ many boats on the lake in the park.(see)

7.Some boys and girls often _____________ basketball there after school.(play)8.Please don’t _____________ the flowers in the park.(pick)9.My new classmates ______________ all Chinese.(be)10.Do you _____________ ice cream, Millie?(like)

五、完成句子 按所给的汉语,用英语完成下列句子,每个空格只能填一个单词。10% 1.汤姆,这是我的新同学,约翰。

Tom, ____________ _____________ my new _____________, John.2.海伦,你叔叔是干什么的?他是医生吗?

Helen, ____________ ____________ your _____________? Is he ____________ ___________? 3.在这一层楼上有一个美术教室。

There ___________ ____________ ___________ room ____________ this floor.4.公园的中间有个湖。

There is a lake ____________ _____________ _____________ ____________ the park.5.你们学校有几个篮球场?

____________ ____________ _____________ ______________ are there in your school?

六、完形填空先通读下面的短文,掌握其大意, 然后从下面四个答案中选择可以填入相应空白处的最佳答案。10%I am Chinese.name is Yang Lin.I’m thirteen.I amschool.Look!This is my school.That is my classroom.I am in Class 3, Grade 7.At school, I have a good3.She’s a girl, too.4name is Mary Read.She is.She is twelve.She’s in my class, Her works in Shanghai now.She isn’t at school today, I think she is at My English is Miss Zhang.She is a very good teacher.Sheyoung.()()()()()()()()

C.I’mC.atC.fatherC.YourC.ChinaC.withC.fatherC.classroomD.She D.from D.uncle D.Her D.Japan D.so D.friends D.home

()9.A.teacher()10.A.lookC.classmateD.cousin C.looksD.sees



I am Bill Jones.I am an English teacher.My wife is Linda Jones.She is a nurse.We have a daughter and a son.Look!These are my friends.This is Mr Black.He’s a worker.He works in a shoe factory(工厂).He makes shoes.That’s Mrs Black.She works in a supermarket(超级市场).The girl is their daughter.She’s a student.She’s thirteen.The boy is their son.He is only seven years old.His name is Carl Black.We are good friends.()1.What is Bill Jones?

A.He’s Mr Black’s friend.C.He’s an English teacher.()2.What does Linda do?()3.()4.()5.B.He’s Linda’s husband.D.He’s a worker.A.She’s a nurse.B.She’s a teacher.C.She’s a cook.D.She’s a doctor.How many people are there in Bill’s family? A.Two.B.Three.C.Four.Where does Mr Black work? A.He works in a school.C.He works in a shop.Who is Carl?

A.He’s Bill’s son.C.He’s a worker.(B)

D.Five.B.He works in a shoe factory.D.He works at home.B.He’s Linda’s son.D.He’s Mrs Black’s son.My name is Jill.Now please look at this photo of my school.You can see many trees in the school.This is Building 1, and the classrooms of Grade 7 are in it.There are two art rooms and some teacher’s offices in it, too.My classroom is on the first floor, it is Class 2, Grade 7.On the left of Building 1 is Building 2.There are eight classrooms in it, they are for Grade 8.My cousin, Peter’s classroom is in that building.Now look at this white building, it is the school library.There are three reading rooms and twocomputer rooms in it.I often go to the reading room with my classmates.Behind the library there is a small garden.There are many different flowers in it.In the middle of our school is a football field.Some boys like playing football there after school.This is my school, do you like it?()6.What grade is Jill in?A.She’s in Grade 7.B.She’s in Grade 8.C.She’s in Grade 6.D.She’s in Grade 9.()7.Where is Jill’s classroom?A.It’s on the ground floor of Building 1.B.It’s on the ground floor of Building 2.C.It’s on the first floor of Building 1.D.It’s on the first floor of Building 2.()8.Where are the art rooms?A.They’re in the library.B.They’re in Building 1.C.They’re in Building 2.()9.Who often goes to the library?A.Only Jill.C.Only Peter.()10.Where is Building 1 in Jill’s school?

A.It’s on the right of Building 2.C.It’s behind Building 2.D.They’re behind the library.B.Jill and Peter.D.Jill and her classmates.B.It’s on the left of Building 2.D.It’s in the middle of the school.八、缺词填空先通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后根据短文内容和所给首字母,在空格内填入一个适当的词,使短文意思完整。所填单词在题后横线上必须完整写出。10%

Danny is my good f(1).He is from E(2).Now he is w(3)his parents in Xi’an.His(4)teaches English in a university(大学).His mother stays at(5).She doesn’t

work.Danny and I are s(6)at No.8 Middle School.We are in the same g(7), but we are

in different(8).We often(9)each other.He teaches me English and I teach himC(10).After school, we often play football.1.____________ 2.____________ 3.____________ 4.____________ 5.____________ 6.____________ 7.____________ 8.____________ 9.____________ 10.___________



1)朋友叫李明,12岁,个子高,懂礼貌,乐于助人; 2)他和我是同班同学,都在七年级一班;3)他的父亲是我们学校的数学老师,他母亲是护士;4)我们经常在放学后打篮球或踢足球,他还喜欢打电脑游戏;5)我们是好朋友。

___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________

Starter Units 1-6单元测试卷参考答案





二、1-5: CBBDA6-10: BCADB

三、1.is from America2.Who are you3.I are in front

4.There are, in5.parents are teachers6.blue rubber is on


五、1.this is;classmate2.what is, uncle, a doctor4.in the middle of5.How many basketball courts

六、1-5: ACBDA6-10: BCDAC

七、1-5: CACBD6-10: ACBDA


九、One possible version:

3.is an art, on,4.father5.home



My friend is Li Ming, he is twelve.He is tall.He is polite and helpful.He and I are classmates, and we are in Class 1, Grade 7.His father is a Maths teacher in our school.His mother is a nurse.We often play basketball or football after school.He likes to play computer games, too.We are good friends.(62 words)








第二题:单选。正确率较高。考察重要句型。其中有少部分学生在失分。如There_a hall in my school。学生错选are或am。90%的学生没有问题。


第四题:阅读。考察学生的综合能力。通过读句子,理解大意,判断正误。不仅考察了学生的理解能力,同时激发学生的英语运用能力以及分析能力。由于本题涉及生词较多而且篇幅较长。如sharp、cute、people、heavy.而且出现了好几种动物与人的关系以及各自特点。因此学生理解困难。如:The zoo is very crowded(拥挤的),答案为T很多学生选F.由于生词crowded及the zoo与短文中it,学生没理解清。Tigers are very cute animals由于生词cute及没有很好对照短文,错误率也很高。

















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