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12.4 If the Supplier is in default with the subsequent fulfilment of the

Contract, if he refuses subsequent fulfilment without justification, the subsequent fulfilment is unsuccessful or is unreasonable to SAF or where agreed upon in Clause 12.6, SAF can perform the subsequent fulfilment themselves or have is performed by third parties at the expense of the Supplier.如果供应商在默认情况下履行后续合同,如果他无理由拒绝,未能履行后续合同,或未按照SAF认为合理的方式或未按照已达成一致的条款12.6履行后续合同,则SAF可自行履行后续合同或委托第三方履行,费用由供应商承担。

The Supplier shall bear all the necessary costs for the subsequent fulfilment, in particular transport, travelling, labour and material costs.If the defects in the Contract Products are discovered only after their introduction into the manufacturing process at SAF or in the SAF customer’s works, the Supplier’s replacement obligation shall also include all the necessary resulting costs and expenses, in particular for removal and installation at SAF or, insofar as SAF is obliged towards the customer, at the customer’s works.供应商应承担后续履行的所有必要的费用,特别是交通费、差旅费、人工与材料成本。如果只是在引入SAF生产过程后或进入SAF客户工厂后,发现合同产品存在不合格品,供应商的更换责任应包括产生的所有必需成本和费用,特别是SAF内部或由SAF义务承担的客户工厂的拆除不合格品和安装更换产品发生的成本和费用。12.5

12.6 If defects in the Contract Products are discovered only after the handover of

the products manufactured by SAF using these Contract Products to the trailer user, SAF shall be entitled, notwithstanding further contractual or statutory rights, to repair such Contract Products themselves or to have them repaired by the network of workshops maintained by SAF(“SAF competence partners”)or outside Germany by the local national representatives or by the specialist workshops authorised by them(jointly referred to as “Service Partners”)or, where this is necessary or probably less expensive, to have these parts replaced.The same shall apply to the remedying of consequential damage caused by defects in the Contract Products to the products manufactured by SAF using these Contract Products.In this case the Supplier shall refund SAF for the purchase price of the necessary spare parts incurred by the Service Partner(whereby original spare parts shall be used as far as possible), for actual and necessary transport and labour costs and, where this has been agreed separately, and lump-sum handling charge per warranty claim.The level of the lump-sum handling charge and the labour costs to be refunded in the sense of this Clause shall be defined in a separate agreement.Alternatively, the normal local rates for a specialist

workshop at the point of repair shall be refundable.The costs refunded shall in each case include any value-added tax.The Supplier shall not be obliged to bear the costs for the remedying of consequential damage associated with the defects in the sense of this Clause if the Supplier is not responsible for the defects in the Contract Products or where faults by a third party, in particular by the trailer use, have contributed to the occurrence of the consequential damage.Where the remedying of consequential damage associated with a defect in the sense of this Clause results in an increase in the value of the products manufactured by SAF using these Contract Products, a deduction “new for old” shall be made.对SAF生产的、在合同中使用的产品,如果仅在移交给拖车用户后,发现存在不合格品,按照进一步的合同或法律权利,SAF应有权自行修复此类合同商品,或由SAF维护(“SAF”权限合作伙伴)的车间网络进行修复,或由其(共同被称为“服务合作伙伴”)授权的德国外的当地国家代表或专业车间进行修复,或者在必要或可能更为低廉的情况下,对这些零件进行更换。此种情况下,按照已另外达成一致的条款,由服务合作伙伴产生的采购必需备件的费用(应尽可能使用原备件)、实际和必要的运输以及人工费用,供应商应退还给SAF,并一次付清保修索赔手续费。此等标准的一次付清的退款手续费和人工成本,从本条款的意义上讲,应定义为附加书面协议。或者,应能够退还修复产品时发生的正常的当地专业车间费用。退还的费用中应包括每次产生的增值税。如果供应商对合同产品不负有责任或由第三方特别是拖车使用导致故障,供应商应不承担不合格品造成间接损害的修整费用。从本条款的意义上讲,不合格品造成间接损害的修整导致SAF生产的、在合同中使用的产品价值增加,应进行“新换旧”的扣除。

12.7 The rights of SAF under the statutory provisions to reduce the purchase

price or to withdraw from the contract and to claim damages or refund of expenses due to defects in the Contract Products shall not be prejudiced.不得损害法定条款下SAF对合同产品中的不合格品,进行从合同中撤销或减少采购费用,并要求进行赔偿损害或退还费用的权利。

Claims by SAF for defects shall become statute-barred 3 years after delivery of the Contract Products.合同产品交付3年后,就不合格品对SAF作出的赔偿将因时效而被废除。12.8



科学发展观 concept of scientific development

全民科学文化素质 scientific and cultural qualities of the entire people

发展科技 scientific and technological advancement

科教兴国 revitalize China through science and education

农业技术 agricultural technology


白色农业 white agriculture(microbiological agriculture and biological cell agriculture)

超级杂交水稻 super-hybrid rice

技术下乡spreading the application of science and technology in rural areas

节水农业 water-saving agriculture

立体农业 3-D agriculture

农产品加工及转化the processing and commercialization of agro-products


农作物良种seeds of high-quality crop

农作物新品种选育the selection and breeding of new crops

生态农业environmental-friendly agriculture

无土栽培 soil-less cultivation

BP机,传呼 beeper, pager

背投屏幕 rear projection screen

不明飞行物 unidentified flying object(UFO)

操作系统 operating system

产品科技含量technological element of a product

创新 innovation

电话会议 teleconference

电话留言机 answering machine

对讲机 talkie and walkie

多媒体 multimedia

二期the second phase

防抱死系统 ABS(anti-lock braking system)


高产优质 high yield and high quality

高技术产业化 apply high technology to production

高科技板块 high-tech sector

高科技园 high-tech park

个人数字助理 PDA(personal digital assistant)

工业园区industrial park

国家质量技术监督局 the State Bureau of Quality and Technical Supervision

国家重点实验室 national key laboratories

火炬计划Torch Program(a plan to develop new and high technology)

计算机中央处理器 central processing unit(CPU)

技术产权technology property right

技术交底 confide a technological secret to someone.技术密集产品technology-intensive product

交叉学科interdisciplinary branch of science

科技成果转化为生产力 transfer of scientific and technological achievements into productive forces

科技含量 technology content

科技基础设施science and technology infrastructure

科技是第一生产力 Science and technology constitute a primary productive force

科技体制改革reform of the science and technology management system

科技与经济脱节 science and technology are out of line from the economy

科教兴国rejuvenate the country through science and education

可持续发展战略strategy of sustainable development

纳米 nanometer

三峡水利枢纽工程the key water control project at the Three Gorges on the Yangtze River

物种起源 origin of species

新兴学科 new branch of science

研究成果 research results

在孵企业incubated enterprises

自动取款机 automatic teller machine(ATM)

自然科学与社会科学的交叉融合integration of natural and social sciences

IT 信息技术


信息港 info port

信息高地 information highland

信息高速公路information superhighway

信息革命information revolution

信息含量information content

信息化 informationization

信息技术处理ITAcentral processing unit

超文本传送协议 hypertext transfer protocol(HTTP)

界面 interface

金融电子化 computerized financial services

局域网 LANartificial intelligence 人机交互 humanliquid crystal display

逐行扫描 progressive scan(high-frequency mode)

视频点播 VOD-video on demand

搜索引擎(计算机)search engine

统一资源定位器 URL-uniform Resource Locator

下载 download

英特网 internet

万维网 WWWwireless application protocol

移动电话双向收费two-way charges for cell phones 能上网的手机 WAP phone 增强型短信服务 EMS(Enhanced Message Service)

程控电话 program-controlled telephone 生物技术bio-technology [扩展] 克隆cloning 生物芯片biochip 基因工程genetic engineering 基因突变genetic mutation 基因图谱genome 转基因动植物 genetically modified animals and plants 转基因生物genetically modified organisms(GMOs)

转基因食品GM food(genetically modified food)

B超 type-B ultrasonic 试管婴儿 test-tube baby 试管受精 in-vitro fertilization(IVF)

干细胞 stem cell 空间科学Space Science [扩展] 长征2号F运载火箭 Long March II F carrier rocket 多任务小卫星 small multi-mission satellite(SMMS)

登月舱 lunar module 发射成功 successful launch 风云二号气象卫星 Fengyun II meteorological satellite 神舟五号载人飞船 manned spacecraft Shenzhou V 同步卫星 geostationary satellite 全球定位系统 GPS(global positioning system)

首航 maiden voyage(of an aircraft or ship)

外层空间 outer space 外星人 extraterrestrial being(ET)

卫星导航 satellite navigation












道韫是太傅大哥谢无奕的女儿、左将军王凝之的妻子 译文


1.不 通否 古今相。


2.委 古意:通假、舍弃 今意:委屈、委托; 3.顾 古意:回头看 今意:照顾古意:。离。开 ;今意:往、到; 4.引 古意:拉 今意 :引导,带领;

5.期 古意:约会 今意 :期望。字通 语气词 表询问; 6.去古意:丢下。


浅谈最优化理论在实际生活中的应用 Application of The Optimization Theory in Actual Life 最优化理论The optimization theory





实际上,这种公文语惯用副同为数并不多,而已构词简单易记。常用的这类副词是由 here、there、where 等副词分别加上 after、by、in、of、on、to、under、upon、with 等副词,构成一体化形式的公文语副词。例如:

从此以后、今后:hereafter;here after the contract

此后、以后:thereafter;there after the contract

在其上:thereon hereupon;thereon hereupon

在其下:thereunder;thereunder the contract

对于这个:hereto;hereto the contract

对于那个:whereto= to which

在上文:hereinabove hereinbefore;

在下文:hereinafter herein below;herein after the contract

在上文中、在上一部分中:thereinbefore;therein before the contract

在下文中、在下一部分中:thereinafter.Therein after the contract


例 1:本合同自买方和建造方签署之日生效。

This Contract shall come into force from the date of execution hereof by the Buyer and the Builder.例 2:下述签署人同意在中国制造新产品,其品牌以此为合适。

The undersigned hereby agrees that the new products whereto this trade name is more appropriate are made in China.二、谨慎选用极易混淆的词语


2.1.shipping advice 与 shipping instructions

shipping advice 是“装运通知”,是由出口商(卖主)发给进口商(买主)的。然而 shipping instructions 则是“装运须知”,是进口商(买主)发给出口商(卖主)的。另外要注意区分 vendor(卖主)与 vendee(买主),consignor(发货人)与 consignee(收货人)。上述这三对词语在英译时、极易发生笔误。

2.2.abide by 与 comply with

abide by 与 comply with 都有“遵守”的意思.

但是当主语是“人”时,英译“遵守”须用 abide by。

当主语是非人称时,则用 comply with 英译“遵守”。

例 3:双方都应遵守/双方的一切活动都应遵守合同规定。

Both parties Shall abide by/All the activities of both parties shall comply with the contractual stipulations.2.3.change A to B 与 change A into B

英译“把 A 改为 B”用“change A to B”,英译“把 A 折合成/兑换成 B”用“change A into B”,两者不可混淆。

例 4:交货期改为 8 月并将美元折合成人民币。

Both parties agree that change the time of shipment to August and change US dollar into Renminbi.2.4.ex 与 per

源自拉丁语的介词 ex 与 per 有各自不同的含义。英译由某轮船“运来”的货物时用 ex,由某轮船“运走”的货物用 Per,而由某轮船“承运”用 by。

例 5:由“维多利亚”轮运走/运来/承运的最后一批货将于 10 月 1 日抵达伦敦。The last batch per/ex/by S.S.“Victoria” will arrive at London on October(S.S.= Steamship)

2.5.in 与 after

当英译“多少天之后”的时间时,往往是指“多少天之后”的确切的一天,所以必须用介词 in,而不能用 after,因为介词 after 指的是“多少天之后”的不确切的任何一天。例 6:该货于 11 月 10 日由“东风”轮运出,41 天后抵达鹿特丹港。

The good shall be shipped per M.V.“Dong Feng” on November 10 and are due to arrive at Rottedaml in 41 days.(M.V.= motor vessel

2.6.on/upon 与 after

当英译“„„到后,就„„”时,用介词 on/upon,而不用 after,因为 after 表示“之后”的时间不明确。

例 7:发票货值须货到付给。

The invoice value is to be paid on/upon arrival of the goods.2.7.by 与 before

当英译终止时间时,比如“在某月某日之前”,如果包括所写日期时,就用介词 by;如果不包括所写日期,即指到所写日期的前一天为止,就要用介词 before。

例 8:卖方须在 6 月 15 日前将货交给买方。

The vendor shall deliver the goods to the vendee by June 15.(or: before June 16,说明含 6 月 15 日在内。如果不含 6 月 15 日,就译为 by June 14 或者 before June 15。)





3.1.1 and/or

常用 and/or 英译合同中“甲和乙+甲或乙”的内容,这样就可避免漏译其中的一部分。例 9:如果上述货物对船舶和(或)船上其它货物造成任何损害,托运人应负全责。

The shipper shall be liable for all damage caused by such goods to the ship and/or cargo on buard.3.1.2 by and between

常用 by and between 强调合同是由“双方”签订的,因此双方必须严格履行合同所赋于的责任。

例 10:买卖双方同意按下述条款购买出售下列商品并签订本合同。Whereby the contract This Contract is made by and between the Buyer and the Seller, whereby the Buyer agrees to buy and the Seller agrees to sell the undermentioned commodity subject to the terms and conditions stipulated below.3.2.限定时间


3.2.1 双介词


例 11;自 9 月 2O 日起,甲方已无权接受任何定单或收据。

Party A shall be unauthorized to accept any orders or to collect any account on and after September 20.例 12:我公司的条件是,3 个月内,即不得晚于 5 月 1 日,支付现金。

Our terms are cash within three months, i.e.on or before May not(no)later than

用“not(no)later than +日期”英译“不迟于某月某日”。

例 13:本合同签字之日一个月内,即不迟于 12 月 15 日,你方须将货物装船。

Party B shall ship the goods within one month of the date of signing this Contract, i.e.not later than December include 的相应形式

常用 include 的相应形式:inclusive、including 和 included,来限定含当日在内的时间。例 14:本证在北京议付,有效期至 1 月 1 日。

This credit expires till January 1(inclusive)for negotiation in Beijing.(or:This credit expires till and including January 1 for negotiation in Beijing.)如果不包括 1 月 1 日在内,英译为 till and not including January 1。





例 16:聘方须每月付给受聘方美元 500 元整。

Party A shall pay Party B a monthly salary of US $ 500(SAY FIVE HUNDRED US DOLLARS ONLY).3.3.2.正确使用货币符号

英译金额必须注意区分和正确使用各种不同的货币名称符号。“$”既可代表“美元”,又可代表其他某些地方的货币;而“£”不仅代表“英镑”,又可代表其他某些地方的货币。必须注意:当金额用数字书写时,金额数字必须紧靠货币符号,例如:Can $891,568,不能写成:Can $ 891,568。另外,翻译的还要特别注意金额中是小数点(.)还是分节号(,),因为这两个符号极易引起笔误,稍有疏忽,其后果是不堪设想的。



时间:2006-11-02 07:00来源: 本网文字选择:大中小


We are writing to invite quotations for the supply of….b.请将定期供应„„之报价赐知。

Please let us have a quotation for the regular supply for….c.请将下列货品的最低价格赐知。

Kindly quote us your lowest prices for the goods listed below.



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